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Họ tên: Nguyễn Văn Giang
Mã sinh viên: 7052900528
Ngày sinh: 20/10/1993

Part 1. Write a short professional bio data about your profession,
responsibilities, education, interests, and current work (no more than 150
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My full name is Nguyen Van Giang. My profession is a doctor, my
responsibility is to take care of the health of children. I graduated from Hue
University of Medicine and Pharmacy in 2017 and received a certificate in
cardiovascular surgery in 2020. This comprehensive educational background
has equipped me with a solid foundation in pediatric cardiovascular surgery. In
addition to pursuing my profession, I am also passionate about sports. In
particular, I like table tennis very much. This sport helps me relieve stress in life
as well as give me good health. Currently, I am working at the Department of
General Surgery - Nghe An Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital. I am a
congenital heart surgeon. My daily job is to heal sick children's hearts. I believe
that with my own efforts, combined with passion in work, I will soon become
an excellent surgeon, contributing a part of my energy to contribute to society.
Part 2. Choose one of these questions which are given in the task and
answer it in a 300-words essay.

1. “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost has a universal theme for
all the people in the world. Can you use your understanding about
the theme to prove that? Have you ever stood at a crossroads and
hesitated to decide what road to take in your real life? How?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is a poem that resonates with people
across the globe due to its universal theme of choices and the uncertainty that

accompanies decision-making. Frost's exploration of this theme is relatable to
individuals from all walks of life, making it applicable to people worldwide.

One reason why the theme of the poem is universal is that it captures the
essence of human experience. Throughout life, individuals encounter numerous
crossroads, both literal and metaphorical, where they must make choices that
will shape their future. Frost's poem serves as a metaphor for these pivotal
moments, where the speaker reflects upon the road not taken and the impact it
may have had on their life.
The theme of choice and hesitation is something that nearly everyone can relate
to. Whether it's choosing a career path, pursuing a romantic relationship, or
making a major life decision, we have all stood at crossroads, uncertain about
which path to follow. In these moments, we often reflect on the road not taken
and wonder about the outcomes that could have been. The poem's universal
appeal lies in its ability to capture this internal struggle and the ongoing
contemplation of our choices.
Personally, I have also experienced standing at a crossroads in my life. There
have been instances where I had to make important decisions that would
significantly impact my future. In such moments, I felt the weight of uncertainty
and the fear of making the wrong choice. Reflecting on "The Road Not Taken,"
I found solace in knowing that hesitation and doubt are natural, and that the path
we choose, even if different from what others might have taken, can lead to
unique experiences and growth.
"The Road Not Taken" serves as a reminder that we are not alone in our choices
and the dilemmas they present. It speaks to the human condition and the shared
experiences we encounter on our individual journeys. By tapping into the
universal theme of choice and hesitation, Robert Frost's poem continues to
resonate with people worldwide, offering insights and guidance as we navigate
the complexities of life.

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