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Họ tên: Thái Hoàng Long
Mã sinh viên: 7052900470
Ngày sinh: 13/08/1989

Part 1. Write a short professional bio data about your profession,
responsibilities, education, interests, and current work (no more than 150
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am a doctor who has graduated with a Master's degree in Medicine from Hanoi
Medical University, currently pursuing a specialization in English language at
Hue University.
My interests include reading books and watching movies, which help me
maintain a balance in life.
Currently, I work at the Emergency Department of Nghệ An Cancer Hospital.
My responsibilities involve providing initial medical care to emergency patients
and ensuring they receive timely diagnosis and treatment. I adhere to
professional protocols and make quick decisions in critical situations.
I am passionate about healthcare and always strive to deliver the best possible
care to patients. I continuously seek to enhance my knowledge and professional
skills to ensure the provision of top-quality medical services for everyone.
Part 2. Choose one of these questions which are given in the task and
answer it in a 300-words essay.

2. “Love is full of sacrifice and helps people live meaningful life even
in difficulties. Do you agree with that opinion? Why or why not?
Can you also prove by your understanding of the story “The Gift
of the Magi” by O. Henry and “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel
Love is indeed full of sacrifice and has the power to enable individuals to live

meaningful lives even in the face of difficulties. I wholeheartedly agree with
this opinion. Love is not just a fleeting emotion; it encompasses empathy,

compassion, and a willingness to put others' needs before our own. It is through
sacrifice that love truly flourishes.
"The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry exemplifies this notion of sacrificial love.
The story revolves around Jim and Della, a young couple living in modest
circumstances. They each possess a prized possession: Della's long, flowing hair
and Jim's cherished pocket watch. In their desire to express their love, they
selflessly give up their most treasured possessions to buy meaningful gifts for
each other. Della sells her hair to purchase a chain for Jim's watch, while Jim
sells his watch to buy combs for Della's hair. This tale beautifully illustrates the
selflessness and sacrifice that love can inspire.
Similarly, in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter," the character Hester
Prynne embodies sacrificial love. Hester, a young woman living in Puritanical
society, bears the weight of societal condemnation and wears the scarlet letter
"A" as a symbol of her sin. Despite facing humiliation and isolation, Hester
remains steadfast in her love for her daughter and willingly accepts the
consequences of her actions. Her sacrifice and devotion demonstrate how love
can sustain an individual even in the harshest circumstances.
Love's power lies not only in its ability to bring joy and happiness but also in its
capacity to provide strength and meaning during challenging times. Sacrifice is
an inherent aspect of love, as it requires us to prioritize the well-being and
happiness of those we care for above our own desires. It requires us to make
choices and take actions that may be difficult or uncomfortable, but ultimately
contribute to the greater good of the relationship.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that love is synonymous with sacrifice and is a
catalyst for leading a meaningful life, even in the midst of difficulties. The
stories of "The Gift of the Magi" and "The Scarlet Letter" serve as poignant

examples of the transformative power of sacrificial love. It is through acts of
selflessness and sacrifice that love becomes enduring, resilient, and capable of
shaping lives in profound ways.

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