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Giao an tieng anh 8 Global success hoc ky 1 cv5512

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- Date of preparing:…………..


- Date of teaching:...................

- Week:

Lesson 1: Getting started – I’m from the Tay ethnic group
I. OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- Gain an overview about the topic Ethnic groups of Viet Nam
- Gain vocabulary to talk about Ethnic groups of Viet Nam
1. Knowledge:
+ Vocabulary: ethnic(adj), post (n), overlook (v)……
+ Language: Reported speech (statements); Giving and responding to good news.
2. Attitude:
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Actively join in class activities
3. Competencies:
- Love our country and people, respect the diversity of our culture through knowledge
and understanding about ethnic groups of Viet Nam
- Grade 8 textbook, Unit 4, Getting started
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- hoclieu.vn

1. WARM-UP (5’)
* Aim:
- Introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language;
- Get students' attention at the beginning of the class by enjoyable and short activities as
well as to engage them in the follow-up steps.
* Content:
- Introduce the names of some ethnic groups
* Product:
- Ss have general ideas about the topic Ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Teacher asks Ss to work in 2 groups and think
of some ethnic groups in Viet Nam.
- Teacher
writes the name of one ethnic group as
Ethnic groups
a modelling activity.
- Ss (one by one) go to the board and write the
names of ethnic groups in Viet Nam that they
Suggested answers:
Tay, Nung, Dao, Kinh, Brau, Hani,
- Teacher checks Ss’ results.
Hmong, Bahnar, Bru, Muong, Koho,
- The group with more correct names of ethnic
Giay, …
groups in Viet Nam becomes the winner.


* Aims:
Ss know words about ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
* Content:
- Vocabulary pre-teaching
* Product:
Ss know how to pronounce the new words correctly and use them in appropriate
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Vocabulary pre-teaching
New words:
- Teacher introduces the vocabulary.
1. ethnic (adj) (group): (nhóm) dân
- Teacher explains the meaning of the new
vocabulary, using pictures and translation.
2. post (n): cột
- Teacher checks students’ understanding with
3. overlook (v): nhìn ra
the “Matching” technique.
4. stilt house (n): nhà sàn
- Teacher reveals that these words will appear in 5. costume (n): trang phục
the reading text and asks students to open their
6. terraced field (n) ruộng bậc thang
textbook to discover further.

Task 1: 8’
- To have Ss get specific information from the text.
- Students can develop their reading and listening skills.
- To develop Ss’ vocabulary related to the topic.
- Task 1: Listen and read.
* Product:
Students can read and get general and specific information about the Tay ethnic group to
complete the tasks
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Teacher asks Ss to look at the title and the Questions:
picture in the book then answer the questions.
- What do you think Lai and Tom are
- Ss answer the questions in pairs.
talking about?
- Teacher plays the recording twice. Ss listen and - Do you know anything about the
Tay ethnic group?
- Teacher asks some pairs of students to read the
conversation aloud.
Suggested answers:
- Teacher asks Ss if they would like to change or - They are talking about the Tay
add anything to their previous answers.
ethnic group/ an ethnic group/…
Task 2 Read the conversation again and circle the correct answers. 5’
* Aims:
- To help Ss read for specific information about the conversation.

* Content:
- Read the conversation again and circle the correct answer
* Product:
- Ss say the answer aloud.

d. Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Teacher tells Ss to read the conversation again
and work independently to find the answers.
- Ss work independently to find the best answers.
- Teacher has Ss compare the answers in pairs
before checking with the whole class.
- Teacher checks the answers as a class and gives
feedback.- Ss read out the statements and say if
the statements are true or false.
- Student’s talk
- Make sure they pronounce the words correctly.
- Check the answers as a class.

Answer key:
1. C
2. B
3. A

Task 3: Match the pictures with the word and phrases from the conversation 5’
* Aims:
- To help Ss learn phrases related to the topic
* Content:

- match the word and phrases with the pictures.
* Product:
- Know more new words
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Teacher asks Ss to look at the pictures and Answer key:
read the word and phrases.
1. c
- Ss work individually to match the word
2. a
and phrases with the pictures.
3. d
- Ss compare their answers with a partner. 4. b
- Teacher checks the answers as a class and
gives feedback.
Task 4: Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box 5’
* Aims:
- To help Ss use the vocabularies in 3 in the right context.
* Content:
- Complete the sentences, using the phrases in 3.
* Product:
- Know more new words
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Teacher asks Ss to read 5 sentences (with
Answer key:
gaps) carefully.
1. folk dance

- Ss work independently to fill in each
2. overlooks
blank with a suitable word or phrase from
3. musical instrument
the box.
4. traditional
- Teacher checks the answers as a class and 5. ethnic groups
gives feedback.

Task 5: Game “Where are they?” 7’
* Aims:
Ss can locate the living places of some large ethnic groups in Viet Nam.
* Content:
Task 5: Game: Where are they?.
* Product:
- Ss have a better understanding of ethnic groups in Viet Nam and can locate some of
their living places
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Teacher asks Ss to work individually, look at
Answer key:
the map and read the words carefully.
1. Hmong
- Teacher divides the class into 2 teams.
2. Nung
- Teacher asks Ss to play the game in 2 minutes. 3. Ede
- Ss from 2 teams (one by one) go to the board
4. Bahnar

and write one name for each number.
5. Khmer
- The team with more correct answers wins.
6. Cham

3. Consolidation (2’)
* Aim:To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson.
* Content: - Ask Ss what they have learnt in the lesson.
- Ss retell some new words they learnt.
* Products: Say aloud some words they remember from the lesson.
* Organization of implementation
4. Homework (1’)
* Aim: To revise the lesson and prepare for the next lesson.
* Content: Review the lesson and prepare for the next lesson and do exercises in the
* Products: Students’ textbook and workbook.
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
- T reminds Ss to do homework and prepare the new
- Learn by heart all the new
- Do exercises in the workbook.
- Think of activities students can
do at school
- Prepare lesson 2 ( A closer
look 1).
* Evaluation:


- Date of preparing:…………..

- Period:

- Date of teaching:...................

- Week:

Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- The lexical items related to the life of the ethnic people.
- Pronunciation: Correctly pronounce words that contain the sounds /k/ and /g/
1. Knowledge:
Use The lexical items related to the life of Ethnic groups of Viet Nam
+ Correctly pronounce sounds /k / and / g / .
+ Grammar:- Yes/ No and Wh- questions
2. Attitude:
- Love talking about Ethnic groups of Viet Nam
- Develop self-study skills.
3. Competencies:
- Students will be able to know more new words about Ethnic groups of Viet Nam
- Develop communication skills and cultural awareness.
- Be cooperative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Be actively join in class activities.
- Grade 8 textbook, workbook

- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV
- hoclieu.vn

1. WARM-UP (5’)
* Aims:
- To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To lead into the new lesson.
* Content:
To have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire
Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson.
* Product:
Having a chance to speak English. Students get some vocabulary from the lesson and
be ready for the lesson.
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
+ Game: Kim’s game
+ Game: Kim’s game
- Teacher asks Ss to work in 2 groups.
* Suggested answers:
- Teacher shows some pictures related to
ethnic groups in 2 minutes.
- Ss look at the pictures and remember (no
- As soon as teacher stops showing the

pictures, Ss work in groups and write the

words for the pictures they have seen
- The group with more correct answers
becomes the winner.
Lead into this lesson .
OR: Show some pictures of people,
costumes, and landscapes (for example:
wooden statue at the grave yard, terraced
fields, bamboo flute, Rong house...), and
ask if Ss know them.
(a) bamboo house, costume(s), five-colour
- Lead into this lesson which focuses on
words and phrases about the life of ethnic sticky rice, folk dance, musical
minority groups in Viet Nam and sounds / instrument(s), post(s), stilt house, terraced
k/ and /g/.
- Share with Ss the lesson objectives.
Write the objectives in a corner of the
board and leave them there till the end of
the lesson, or put them on a slide to show
* Aims:
To introduce visually some nouns/ noun phrases related to the life of ethnic people.
* Content:
- Write a word or phrase from the box under each picture;
* Product:
Knowing more new words. Ss know how to pronounce the new words correctly and use
them in appropriate situations.
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities

Task 1: Write a word or phrase from
the box under each picture.
+ Teacher uses different techniques to
1. communal house (n) nhà rông, nhà sinh
teach vocab (situation, realia, translation.) hoạt cộng đồng.
+ Teacher introduces the vocabulary by:
2. minority group (n) dân tộc thiểu số
- providing the pictures
3. livestock (n) gia súc
- eliciting the definition of the words
4. raise (v) chăn nuôi
+ Teacher do the checking “What and
5. gong (n) cái cồng, cái chiêng
** Teacher asks Ss to look at each picture *** Answer key:
and say the word or phrase describing it if 1. wooden statue
they know.
2. Rong house (Nhà Rông )
- Have Ss to read the words and phrases
3. weaving
and do the matching. Ss can start
4. bamboo flute
matching the phrases they can easily
5. gong

recognise like terraced fields, Rong house, 6. terraced fields
bamboo flute, wooden statue. The two

remaining words on the list (gong and
weaving) are different as one is an activity
(weaving) and the other is an object
- Teacher checks the answers as a class.
- Have Ss read the words or phrases aloud.
Correct their pronunciation if needed.
- T may ask Ss for the Vietnamese
equivalents of these words or phrases
Task 2. : Match the words and phrases with their meanings. (5’)
* Aims:
To help Ss understand more clearly the meaning of some words and phrases.
To help Ss use the words in specific contexts
* Content:
Match the words and phrases with their meanings.; Complete the sentences with the
words and phrases from the box.
* Product:
Know more new words and phrases. Know how to use the words/ phrases in context.
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Ask Ss to read the words and phrases
* Key:
that have been provided in the fist column 1. c
2. a
and meanings in the secondcolumn.
3. e
4. d
- Teacher guides Ss if needed: Two words 5. b

(gong, gardening) have appeared in the
previous tasks and lessons. Two are
similar (hourse- room, group- group)
-Ss can easilyfind the remaining items.
- Ss work individually, match suitable
words/ phrases with their meanings.
- Teacher checks the answers as a class.
Task 3. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. (5’)
* Aims:
To help Ss understand more clearly the meaning of some words and phrases.
To help Ss use the words in specific contexts
* Content:
- Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.
* Product:
- Knowing how to use learned words/phrases in context.
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Ss should have no difficullty completing

the sentences since the words and phrases * Answer key:
in the box have been taught in the
1. unique features
previous activities.
2. weave
- Teacher asks Ss to work individually,
3. raise
discuss and choose suitable words/
4. communal house

phrases to fill in the gaps.
5. minority group
- Ss go to the board and write their
6. livestock
- Teacher checks the answers as a class.
- Teacher checks the answers as a class
and gives feedback.
Task 4. (5’)
* Aims:
- To help students identify how to pronounce the sounds /k/ and /g/.
- To help students practise pronouncing these sounds correctly in words and in
* Content:
Listen and repeat the words. Pay attention to the sounds /k/ and /g/. Listen and repeat
the sentences. Pay attention to the underlined words.
* Product:
Students repeats the words correctly. Learn how to pronounce the words correctly. Ss
distinguish and pronounce the sound /k/ and /g/ correctly in their speaking.
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
+ Have Ss read the sentences, paying
- T_ Ss. Ss- Ss
attention to the underlined words /k/ and /
- Play the recording and ask them repeat
each sentence
- Teacher asks Ss to listen and pay
attention to the sounds /k/ and /g/.

- Ss repeat the words as a class, in groups
and individually.

- Call on some Ss to read the sentence

- Play the recording as many times as

* Teacher gives corrections and
feedbacks to students’ pronunciation .

Task 5. Listen and repeat the sentences. Pay attention to the underlined words.
* Aims:
Have Ss read the sentences, paying attention to the underlined words with the sounds
/k/ and /g/.
* Content:
- Listen and repeat the sentences. Pay the underlined words
* Product:
- Practise saying sentences with correct stress.
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Have Ss read the sentences, paying
* Answer:
attention to the underlined words with the
sounds /k/ and /g/.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to repeat

each sentence. Correct them if needed.
- Call on some Ss to read the sentences

- Teacher asks some students to read the
sentences individually.

** Teacher’s observation and feedback.
* Aims:
- To test students' imitation and memorizing the sounds /k/ and /g/.
* Content:
- To practice reading the sentences with the sounds /k/ and /g/.correctly; Listen and
* Product:
- Remember the sentences and repeat it correctly.
* Aim:To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson.
* Content: - Ask Ss what they have learnt in the lesson.
- Ss retell some new technologies they learnt.
* Products: Say aloud some words they remember from the lesson.
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
- Ask Ss to summarize what they have Words and phrases related to new
learnt in the lesson.
- Teacher asks students to retell words and
phrases related to new technologies and

new verb phrases that are used to talk
about inventions, discoveries, creation,
and development.
5. HOMEWORK (1’)
* Aim:To revise the lesson and prepare for the next lesson.
* Content: Review the lesson and prepare for the next lesson and do exersise in the
* Products: Students’ textbook and workbook
* Organization of implementation
- T reminds Ss to do homework and
- Learn by heart all the new words.
prepare the new lesson.
- Do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare lesson 3 ( A closer look 2).

- Date of preparing:…………..
- Date of teaching:...................
Lesson 3 : A CLOSER LOOK 2
+ Review and practice Yes/ No questions and WH-questions.
- The lexical items related to the life of the ethnic people.
+ Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the life of the ethnic people.

- Period:
- Week:

+ Grammar: + Yes / No and WH-questions.
+ Countable and uncountable nouns.
2. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing
3. Attitude: - Love talking about ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
- Develop self-study skills.
- Ss have the good attitude to work in groups, individual work, pairwork, cooperative
- Love talking about Ethnic groups of Viet Nam
- Develop students’ self-study skills.
4. Competences:
- Ss know how to use and form: Yes/ No questions and WH-questions.
- Be cooperative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Be actively join in class activities.
* Preparation:
1. Teacher: Text books , pictures, planning , …
- Grade 7 textbook, Unit 4, A closer look 2
- Smart TV/Pictures, computer
- sachmem.vn
2. Students: Text books, notebooks, posters, ….
1.Warm-up (5’)
* Aim: - To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- Lead in the new lesson
* Content: To have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to

inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson.
* Products: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson.
* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
+ Greeting
+ Game: Who is faster?
- Teacher divides Ss into 4 groups.
- Teacher gives each group a piece of paper.
- Teacher asks them to write as many words
(nouns) related to ethnic groups of Viet Nam
as possible.
- Each group chooses one secretary to write
the words that other members tell him/ her.
- Ss play the game in 3 minutes.
- Teacher asks each group to hand in their
papers and checks, the group with the most

+ Game: Who is faster?

* Suggested answers:
gong, communal house, wooden statue, folk
dance, musical instrument, bamboo house,
costume, five-colour sticky rice, stilt house,
terraced field,...

correct words is the winner. Teacher invites
- Open the book and write the tittle of the
the winner to read aloud their words.

- Teacher gives feedback.
- Ask Ss to look at A CLOSER LOOK 2 on
page 31.
+ Introduce the objectives of the lesson. Focus
on the objectives of the lesson.
2. Presentation (10’)
Yes/ No questions and WH- questions
* Aim:
To introduce new words related to the life of the ethnic people
To help students revise the form of Yes / No questions and the use of Wh-question words.
* Content: To review and practice grammar. Yes / No questions.;WH- questions.
- Change the sentences into Yes / No questions; Choose the correct question word for each
question below.
* Products: Ss know how to form and use: Yes / No questions and the use of Wh-question
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities

New words:

- Teacher introduces the vocabulary.

1. harvest (v) gặt hái, thu hoạch

- Teacher explains the meaning of the new
vocabulary, using pictures and translation.

2. crop (n)


vụ mùa, vụ trồng trọt

3. waterwheel (n) bánh xe nước,

- Teacher checks students’ understanding
with the “Rub out and remember”
3. Practice (20’)
Task 1: (5’)
* Aims: To help Ss understand more clearly and apply structures
- To help Ss use the words in drills.
* Content: Change the sentences into Yes / No questions.
Choose the correct question word for each question below.
* Products: Know how to use the words/ phrases in practice structures.
* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities

Task 1: Change the sentences into Yes / 1. Do women play an important role in a Jrai
No questions.
- Teacher asks Ss to work individually and
2. Is mua sap a popular folk dance of the Thai
do the exercise.
- Teacher asks Ss to compare their

3. Did you have boarding schools for minority
answers with their friends.
students in 1950?
- Ss discuss with their friends if there are
4. Did you attend the Ban Flower Festival in Dien
any differences between their answers.
Bien last year?
- Teacher checks students’ answers as a
5. Will you watch a documentary about the
- Teacher asks some Ss to read their
Task2: (5’)
* Aims: To help students use the Y/ N and W/H questions
* Content: Choose the correct question word for each question below
* Products: students’ correct answers on the board.
* Organization of implementation :
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
Task 2: Choose the correct question
word for each question below

Task 2: Choose the correct question word for
each question below

- Have Ss to do this exercises

* Answer key:

- Teacher asks them to read the sentences
carefully and decide which question word
correctly fits in.
- Teacher calls on some Ss to give and
explain their answers.
- Teacher checks and confirms the correct

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A

5. B

Task 3:(5’)
* Aims: To help students identify countable and uncountable nouns and revise how to use a
quantifier with a countable or uncountable noun.
* Content: Write C (countable) or U (uncountable) for the underlined words.

* Products: - Ss can identify countable and uncountable nouns and how to use a quantifier
with a countable or uncountable noun.
* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
Task 3: Write C (countable) or U
Answer key:
(uncountable) for the underlined words.

- Teacher has a small revision of countable - Countable nouns: 1,3,4,6
and uncountable nouns (what they are and
- Uncountable nouns: 2,5
how to identify them).
- Teacher gives some examples like
cooking oil, road, ball, air,… and asks Ss
which one they can count and which one
they cannot.
- Teacher refers to the use of quantifiers
that a countable or uncountable noun can
go with through examples.
Eg: This is a ball.
There is a little cooking oil in the
- Teacher asks Ss to work individually
and do the exercise.
- Teacher asks Ss to compare their
answers in pairs.
- Ss discuss their answers if there are any
- Teacher gets feedback and confirms the
correct answers..
Task 4:(7’)
* Aims: To help students identify countable and uncountable nouns and revise how to use a
quantifier with a countable or uncountable noun.
* Content: Fill in each blank with a, much, many, a little, or a few.
* Products: Ss can identify countable and uncountable nouns and how to use a quantifier
with a countable or uncountable noun.
* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities

Task 4: Fill in each blank with a, much,
many, a little, or a few

Answer key:

- Teacher asks Ss to work individually.

1. a

- Ss read each sentence carefully and
decide if the noun after the quantifier is
countable or uncountable and if the
sentence is affirmative, negative or
interrogative. Then choose a suitable
quantifier a, much, many, a little, or a few
for each sentence.

2. many
3. a few
4. a little
5. much

- Teacher asks Ss to compare their
answers with their partner.
- Teacher asks Ss to read their answers.
- Teacher confirms and checks answers.
4:Production (7’)
* Aims: To help students identify countable and uncountable nouns and revise how to use a

quantifier with a countable or uncountable noun.
* Content: Work in groups. Think of six nouns related to each of the topics below, in which
three nouns are countable and three nouns are uncountable
* Products: - Ss can identify countable and uncountable nouns and how to use a quantifier
with a countable or uncountable noun.
* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
Suggest words:
Task 5: Work in groups. Think of six
nouns related to each of the topics
below, in which three nouns are
countable and three nouns are
- Teacher asks Ss to work in groups and
choose one topic.
- Teacher allows Ss a certain amount of
time to discuss and come up with the six
words as required.
- Ss think of six nouns to the topic they
choose in which three nouns are countable

* Leisure time:
+ Countable nouns: film, game, sport,…
+ Uncountable nouns: music, gardening, reading,

* Living in the mountains:
+ Countable nouns: terraced field, stilt house,
communal house,….

+ Uncountable noun: five-colour sticky rice,
nature, …

and three nouns are uncountable.
- Teacher calls on three quickest groups to
read aloud their answers.
+ Leisure time
+ Living in the mountains
5. Consolidation (3’)
* Aim: To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson.
* Content:. Summarize the main content of the lesson
* Products: Students say what they have learnt in the lesson
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
Teacher asks students to talk about what
they have learnt in the lesson.


4. Homework (2’)
* Aim: To revise the knowledge that students have gained in this lesson.
* Content: Review the lesson and prepare for the next lesson and do exercise in the workbook
* Products: Students’ textbook and workbook
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
- T reminds Ss to do homework and
prepare the new lesson.

- Do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare lesson 4 ( communication)

* Evaluation:

- Date of preparing:…………..
- Date of teaching:...................

- Period:
- Week:

Lesson 4: Communication
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the life of the ethnic people.
1.Knowledge: - Give opinions about the lifestyle of ethnic minority groups.
- Ask and answer about the Jrai people.
* Vocab: - Vocabulary: recognize some lexical items related to the topic “customs”
and “tradition”
* Grammar: The simple present.
2. Skills: Speaking, reading and writing
3. Attitude: - Respect ethnic groups of Viet Nam and their culture

- Develop self-study skills
4. Competences :
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Actively join in class activities
* Preparation:
1. Teacher: Text books , pictures, planning , …
- Grade 7 textbook, Unit 4, communication
- Smart TV/Pictures, sets of word cards
- sachmem.vn
2. Students: Text books, notebooks, posters, ….

1.Warm-up (5’)
* Aim: - To provide Ss’ some background knowledge about the topic of the reading text.
* Content: - To provide Ss’ some background knowledge about the topic of the reading
* Products: Ss can identify the topic of the reading text.
* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
* Warm up
- Teacher divides Ss into 4 groups.
- Teacher gives each group a piece of paper.
- Teacher shows 8 pictures about ethnic groups
of Viet Nam in 2 minutes.
- Ss look at the pictures, guess the names of

ethnic groups (without writing).
- Ss work in their group and write the names of
ethnic groups in 2 minutes.

- Teacher asks 4 groups to exchange the posters.
- Teacher shows the answers and asks them to
- The group with the most correct words is the







2. Presentation (10’)
* Aim: - To introduce new words related to the life of the ethnic people.
- To introduce some ways to give opinions and allow Ss to practise.
* Content: Listen and read the conversation. Pay attention to the highlighted parts.
* Products: Ss can use phrases/structures to give opinions in English.

* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
- Teacher introduces the vocabulary.
- Teacher explains the meaning of the new
vocabulary, using pictures and translation.
- Teacher checks students’ understanding with
the “What and where?” technique.

New words:
1. weave (v): dệt . đan
2. hunt (v): săn, săn đuổi
3. role (n) :vai trò
4. statue (n):tượng

- Teacher asks Ss to listen and read along with
the conversation. Teacher asks Ss to pay
Structures to give opinions:
attention to the highlighted parts.
- I think …
- Ss work individually, listen to the audio file
- To my way of thinking …
and read along with the conversation.
- Teacher elicits the structures giving opinions.
- Teacher asks Ss to practise the conversation in
3. Practice (25’)

Task 2: (5’)
* Aims: - To introduce new words related to the life of the ethnic people.
- To introduce some ways to give opinions and allow Ss to practise.
* Content: Work in pairs. Make a similar conversation to ask and give opinions about these
* Products: - Ss can use phrases/structures to give opinions in English.
* Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
Task 2: Work in pairs. Make a similar
Suggested conversation:
conversation to ask and give opinions about
A: What do you think about playing
these topics.
traditional games?
- Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs to make
conversations, using structures for giving opinions. B: I think/ To my way of thinking it’s
- Ss use the structures given and make similar

conversations about the following topics:
+ Playing traditional games.
+ Living close to nature.
- Teacher asks some pairs to perform their
- Teacher comments on their performance.
Task3: (5’)
* Aims: To provide students with more knowledge about the lifestyle of ethnic minority
groups through a quiz.
- To give students some practice asking and answering about some information in the notes

of Jrai people
* Content: How much do you know about ethnic groups in Viet Nam?
* Products: - Ss can identify the lifestyle of some ethnic minority groups.
- Ss can ask and answer about Jrai people based on an information note.
* Organization of implementation
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
