RESEARCH Open Access
IDEA1: A validated SystemC-based system-level
design and simulation environment for wireless
sensor networks
Wan Du
, Fabien Mieyeville, David Navarro and Ian O Connor
This article presents IDEA1, a SystemC-based system-level design and simulation framework for WSNs. It allows the
performance evaluation (e.g., packet delivery rate, transmission latency and energy consumption) at high level, but
with elaborate models of the hardware and software of sensor nodes. Many hardware components are modeled
and the IEEE 802.15.4 standard is implemented. IDEA1 uses a clock-based synchronization mechanism to support
simulations with cycle accurate communication and approxima te time compu tation. The simulation results have
been validated by a testbed of 9 nodes. The average deviation between the IDEA1 simulations and experimental
measurements is 4.6%. The performances of IDEA1 have also been compared with NS-2. To provide a similar result
(deviation less than 5%) at the same abstraction level, the simulation of IDEA1 is 2 times faster than NS-2.
Moreover, with the hardware and software co-simulation feature, IDEA1 provides more detailed modeli ng of sensor
nodes. Finally, IDEA1 is used to study a real-time indust rial application in which a wireless sensor and actuator
network is deployed on a vehicle to measure and control vibrations. By the simulation, some preliminary designs
based on IEEE 802.15.4 protocols and two different hardware platforms are evaluated.
1 Introduction
In recent years, numerous applications of wireless sen-
sor networks (WSNs) have been developed. Different
applications have diverse requirements; for exam ple, a
real-time industrial application requires short packet
delivery latency, but a lifetime of weeks is often enough.
In contrast, a remote environment monitoring system
prefers a long lifetime of years with a low duty cycle. To
meet the di versity of these requirements, designers need
to consider a gr eat number of node-level design choices
(e.g., energy consumption of hardware components and
processing capability) and many protocol-level para-
meters (e.g., anti-collision algorithms and routing
approaches). Simulation is a cheap and quick way to
perform many experiments with different hardware pro-
totypes and network settings [1]; thus, a simulation tool
is needed to explore the huge design space at an early
stage before devoting too much time and resources.
The requirements of small size and low cost result in
limited energy supply on sensor nodes. In o rder to
extend the network lifetime, m any efforts have been
taken to reduce the energy consumptions of hardware,
software, communication protocols and applications.
Therefore, it is necessary to accurately predict the energy
consumption of WSN, which requires detailed models of
the hardware and software (HW/SW) of sensor nodes.
Many simulation tools for WSN have been developed
by using different methodologies such as general-pur-
pose network simulation, operating system (OS) emula-
tion, instruction set simulation and System-Level
Description Language (SLDL). However, most of them
are implemented in general programming languages
such as C++ and Java that do not support directly the
HW/SW co-simulation. Only a few simulators designed
in SLDLs provide native support to model concurrency,
pipelining, structural hierarchy, interrupts and synchro-
nization primitives of embedded systems [2].
As an SLDL, SystemC is a C++ class library for system
and hardware design [3]. It can model the embedded
sys tem at different abst ract ion level and allow designers
to focus on the system functionalities by hiding the
unnecessary details of communication and computation.
Four SystemC-based WSN simulators [4-7] have been
* Correspondence:
Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology, University of Lyon, Lyon, France
Du et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 2011:143
/>© 2011 Du et al; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under t he terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License ( 2.0), which permits unrestricted us e, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original wo rk is properly cited.
developed; however, none of them has been validated
with experimental measurements or evaluated compre-
hensively by comparing with other simulators.
To exceed this limitation, a n ovel SystemC-based
WSN simulator named IDEA1 (hIerarchical DEsign
plAtform for Wsn and Architectural Node exploration)
is developed. A testbed of 9 sensor nodes has been built
to validate the simulation results of IDEA1. The devia-
tion of IDEA1 simulations and the experimental mea-
surements is small enough to be acceptable by the
general system-level simulations. The performances of
IDEA1 have also been compared with NS-2 which is the
most used simulator in Mobile Ad hoc NETwork
(MANET) research [8]. With the HW/SW co-simulation
feature, IDEA1 provides more detailed information of
sensor node operations than NS-2, which can help
designers to better analyze the energy dissi pation of net-
works. Benefit ing from the efficient simulat ion kernel of
SystemC and our optimized model implementation, the
simulation speed of IDEA1 is much faster than NS-2.
IDEA1 allows rapid performance evaluation at system
level. The simulation results include packet delivery
rate, transmission latency and power consumptio n.
Many commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware com-
ponents, such as MICAz and MICA2, are mo deled. The
IEEE 802.15.4 standard [9] is implemented. It has been
widely utilized in WSN applications since it is designed
for low data rate, short distance and low-power-con-
sumption applications in conformity with the constraints
of WSN systems [10].
One important feature of IDEA1 is the accurate pre-
diction of energy consumption of each sensor node and
the whole network. It implements a clock-based syn-
chronization mechanism to provide performance evalua-
tion with cycle accurate communication and
model defined in [11]. The energy model implemented
in IDEA1 takes into account the power consumptions of
all operation modes of each hardware component and
transitions between different modes.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 sum-
marizes the related works and the position of IDEA1
with respect to other simulators. Section 3 i ntroduces
the design and architecture of IDEA1. Section 4 vali-
dates its simulation results by some testbed measure-
ments and evaluates its performance by comparing with
NS-2. Section 5 demonstrates its usability and design
flow by studying a real industrial application of WSN in
vibration control. Section 6 concludes this paper and
introduces the future work.
2 Related work
At present, WSN simulations mainly involve two parts:
node system modeling and network modeling. The node
system includes the hardware and software of a sensor
node; the network modeling handles the interconnec-
tions among nodes. According to the key techniques
the y adopt, the existing WSN simulator s can be divided
into 3 categories: network simulators, node emulators
and node simulators. Network simulators refer to the
general-purpose network simulators that have been
applied to WSN simulations. They emphasize on the
network modeling and are enhanced with WSN-specific
node models. Node emulators principally focus on the
modeling of embedded software execution. They include
the operating system emulators and instruction set
simulators (ISS) of the processing unit on sensor nodes .
Node simulators are generally developed in SLDLs
which can provide behavioral models of sensor nodes
and are compatible to the design flow of embedded
A more detailed analysis of the simulation and recent
simulators for WSN can be found in our previous work
[12]. In this paper, we focus on specify ing the distin-
guished features of IDEA1 while introducing many typi-
cal simulators in each category.
2.1 Network simulators
Many general-purpose network simulators, such as NS-2
[13] and OMNeT++ [14], have been utilized in WSN
simulations. NS-2 is a discrete event, object-oriented
NS-2 to WSN simulation, where an 802.11 network is
modeled with considerations of power models of hard-
ware components. However, it has the deficiency of
lacking a CPU model, and IEEE 802.11 is not widely
adopted in WSN applications because of the high power
consumption. An NS-2 IEEE 802.15.4 model is proposed
in [16], while an energy model is added in [17]. How-
ever, NS-2 does not scale well in terms of memory
usage and simulation time [18]. OMNeT++ adopts com-
ponent-based programming model. An OMNeT++ IEEE
802.15.4 model is implemented in [19]. The perfor-
mance of IEEE 802.15.4 standard in the context of
cyber-physical systems has been evaluated. PAWiS [20]
is an OMNeT++ based WSN simulator that features the
power consumption estimation.
Besides the extensions to general-purpose network
simulators, some WSN-specific network simulators have
also been developed. NetTopo [21] is an integrated
simulator that provides the simulation of virtual WSN
and the visualization of real testbeds. It also supports
the interaction between the simulated WSN and real
Generally, the network simulators specialize in net-
work modeling and support a complete protocol s tack.
They have the advantages of extensibility, heterogenei ty
support and easy to use. However, the simulation
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models implemented in these simulators are difficult to
be reused in system design or executed on real nodes;
moreover, the energy consumption estimation is usually
based on some simple assumptions of the sensor node
operations; for example, the processor and radio-fre-
quency (RF) transceiver have same o perating state, but
in fact the processor can be in sleep mode when the
transceiver is listening to channels. IDEA1 overcomes
these drawbacks by component-based hardware model-
ing of sensor nodes. Every hardware component is mod-
eled as an individual module which operates
independently. SystemC- based IDEA1 is not only a
simulator but also a system design environment for
WSN. Having a sensor node model, it is possible to
evaluate its network performance. Once the require-
ments of final system are met, the rea l implementation
of HW/SW components can start from this description.
2.2 Node emulators
TOSSIM [22] is an operating system emulator designed
for the execution of TinyOS applications. It offers a
controlled environment facilitating the development of
algorithms and the study of system behaviors. ATEMU
[23] is an instruction -level cycle accurate emulator writ-
ten in C which has an ISS of AVR processor as the
simulation kernel. It also supports other peripheral
devices on MICA2 mote like the radio. Avrora [24]
improves the performance of ATEMU in scalability.
Node emulators provide the highest behavioral and
timing accuracy of software execution. T he embedded
software developed for physical platforms can be exe-
cuted directly in the simulation framew ork with little or
no modifications. However, they are generally con-
strained to specific predefined hardware platforms or
operating systems. Due to the system-level abstraction,
IDEA1 can quickly model the behaviors of an applica-
tion based o n a certain hardware platform at different
timing-accurate levels, which accele rates the model
development and simulation speed.
2.3 Node simulators
Wireless sensor network simulator (WISENES) [25] is
developed in Specification and Description Language
(SDL) which is a high-level abstraction language widely
used in communication protocol design. The key feature
of WISENES is that its simulat ion models are reusab le
in system design. However, it only contributes to the
software implementation, but not the HW/SW co-
Kashif Virk et al. [5] have developed a SystemC-based
modeling framework for WSN. It models the applica-
tions, real-time operating systems, sensors, processor
and transceiver at node level and signal pro pagations at
network level. However, only a behavior waveform of
media access control (MAC) layer (states of the sending
and receiving ta sks) has been presented in [5]. The
SNOPS framework [7] is a transaction-level modeling
(TLM)-based WSN simulator. A sensor node transmits
or receives a data packet to or from an environment
model by transaction exchanges. In [7], it is proved that
the SNOPS framework requires 49.7% less simulation
time than PAWiS [20]. ATLeS-SN (Arizona Transac-
tion-Level Simulator for Sensor Network) [6] is another
TLM-based sensor network simulation environment
developed in SystemC. It models a sensor node in 3
components: application specification, network stack
implementation and sensor system. The physical chan-
nel is modeled as a component. ATLeS-SN demon-
strated the feasibility of using TLM for sensor network
application, but no standard networking protocol has
been implemented.
SystemC Network Simulation Library (SCNSL) [4] is a
networked embedded system simulator, writ ten in Sys-
temC and C++. It includes 3 modules: node (SystemC),
node-proxy (SystemC) and network (C++). During the
initialization stage, each node registers its infor mation
(e.g., location, TX power and RX sensitivity) at a net-
work class which maintains the network topology and
transmits packets to other nodes. The node-proxy is an
interface between the network and nodes. By using
node-proxy, nodes can be designed as pure SystemC
modules so as to exploit all advantages of SystemC in
HW/SW co-design and verification. SCNSL demon-
strates a great perspective for system-level simulation of
WSN system, but it still has some limitations such as
node-level simulation without any specific hardware
platform or energy model.
IDEA1 is based on the SCNSL library of alpha version.
The network model of IDEA1 is inherited from SCNSL;
however, many c ontributions have bee n developed,
which are summarized as follows.
- Emphasizing the modular design, but not like
ATLeS-SN, IDEA1 models a sensor node exactly
according to its h ardware architecture. Each ha rd-
ware component is model ed as an individual mod-
ule. By doing this, the behaviors of hardware
components can be accurately captured, which is the
basis of energy consumption estimation. Many
COTS processors and transceivers have been mod-
eled, including AT-MEL ATMega128, Microchip
PIC16LF88, TI CC2420, TI CC1000 and Microchip
MRF24J40. They are basic components of some
COTS motes (e.g., MICA2 and MICAz).
- The software, such as applications and protocols, is
implemented in separated modules which can con-
trol the operations of proc essor. Many applications
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protocols, the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, have been
- An energy model has been developed to enabl e the
accurate energy consumption prediction. It has been
calibrated by some experimental measurements.
- A graphica l user interface (GUI) has been devel-
oped to facilitate the system configuration, the
observation of network topology and the analysis of
simulation results.
- The simulation results of IDEA1 have been vali-
dated by a testbed consisting of 9 nodes.
- The performances of IDEA1 have also been com-
pared with NS-2.
3 Design and architecture of IDEA1
In this section, the design and architecture of IDEA1 are
presented, including the design framework, HW/SW
modeling, energy model and user interface.
3.1 Architecture of IDEA1
IDEA1 is a component-based simulation framework.
Every component is modeled as an individual SystemC
module communicating with each other via channels.
The architecture of IDEA1 is illustrated in Figure 1.
The node s ystem is a complex model comprising two
parts, hardware model and software model. The har d-
ware components o f a sensor node generally include a
processing unit, a transceiver , several sensors and a bat-
tery. The software model consists of protocol stack and
application implementations. All nodes are connected to
a same n etwork object via their proxies. At the initiali-
zation phase, every node registers its information at the
net work module. During simulation, the network object
calculates the distance between the source and its desti-
nation and forwards the packet according t o the radio
propagation models. If two packets arrive at a node
simultaneously, a collision occurs. The SystemC kernel
acts as the simulation engine. It schedules events and
updates the states of modules every simulation cycle. All
active processes a re invoked sequentially at the same
simulator time, which creates an illusion of concurrency.
A GUI based on Qt platform [26] is developed to inte-
grate all parts, which can facilitate the system configura-
tion, network topology visualization, simulation control
and result analysis.
as a stimuli generator that is an interface specifying how
the physical environmental parameters vary in spatial
and temporal terms. The processing unit converts the
Figure 1 Architecture of IDEA1.
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analog signal generated by the sensor module into digi-
tal format by a built-in a nalog to digital co nvertor
(ADC) and sends the data frame to the transceiver via a
serial peripheral interface (SPI) bus. The transceiver
emits packets into network by different media access
protocols. The transceiver reports the clea r channel
assessment (CCA) result and some interrupts (e.g.,
receipt of a packet) to the p rocessing unit. The proces-
sing unit and transceiver are modeled as finite state
machines (FSMs). During simulation, the state transition
traces of each component are recorded. Each state is
associated with a current consumption (CC) based on
either experimental measurements or values in data-
sheets. The duration and current consumption of each
transition between two states are also identified. Based
on this information, the battery module calculates the
energy consumption of each component and its residual
capacity according to particular b attery models during
3.2 Design framework of IDEA1
The design f ramework of IDEA1 is presented in Figure
2. The input parameters of IDEA1 are defined in an
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file, which is read
by the executable simulation program at the beginning
of simulation. Application parameters describe the net-
work compositions and application tasks. Network para-
meters define the impact of environment on radio
propagations. The protocol can be tuned by setting the
protocol parameters. Node, microcontroller and trans-
ceiver parameters specify the capabilities of sensor node
platforms and some behaviors of hardware components.
The output results include simulation log that displays
all important steps of network behaviors, a value change
dump (VCD) file that tracks the state transitions of
some selected modules, and the network topology. The
statistical results of network behaviors are provided at
the end of simulation log. Th ey can be divided into
three categories, i.e., packet delivery, latency and energy
3.3 Hardware and software modeling of microcontroller
Many COTS hardware components have been modeled
in IDEA1. To introduce the design process, as an exam-
ple, the node prototype used in this paper is a sensor
node developed in our laboratory, named as N@L
(Node@Lyon). It is mainly compo sed of a PIC16LF8 8
microcontroller and an MRF24J40 transceiver. Its key
feature is power efficient. The curre nt consumption o f
active operation mode of PIC16LF88 is only 0.93-1.2mA
[27]. Another feature is hardware support of IEEE
802.15.4 standard by MRF24J40.
The microcontroller communicate s with the transcei-
ver via a SPI bus. To send a packet, the microcontroller
needs to write the sensor data along with a MAC header
to MRF24J40, which will add a synchronization header,
PHY header and frame check sequence (FCS) and trans-
mit the packet by using IEEE 802.15.4 protocols. When
receiving, MRF24J40 verifies the cyclic redundancy
check (CRC) and sends an interrupt to the microcon-
troller to report a receipt of packet. If the packet
requires an acknowledgment (ACK), MRF24J40 will
send an ACK automatically. The microcontroller is
modeled as a finite state machine, as presented in Figure
In this model, the microcontroller is woken up peri-
odically by a built-in timer to perform the sensing
operation and try to transmit the data to its destination
(a coordinator). When in the SENSING state, it per-
forms the sensing operating which is modeled by data
generation in the sensor module and analog to digital
conversion in the microcontroller module. After conver-
sion, the microcontroller stores the sensor data in a buf-
fer. It will go to either SLEEP or IDLE state depending
on the application specifications if the data size is less
than a certain value (the payload field size of protocol-
defined packet); otherwise, it will go to TX state and
send the sensor data to the transceiver via SPI. It will
quit the TX state until the trans mission finishes. After a
transmission, the microcontroller may stay in TX state
and transmit another packet, or it w ill go to SLEEP or
IDLE state. When in IDLE state, if a packet is received,
it will be informed by an interrup t from transceiver and
go to RX state. If the packet is intended to other nodes,
the microcontroller needs to forward it to its
The FSM of microcontroller i s controlled by software
executions and interrupts generated by transceivers. The
embedded software is divided into different tasks, such
as data processing, ADC configuration and SP I commu-
nication. The exec ution time of each task is calculated
according to their assembly codes. For example, the
time taken by PIC16LF88 to complete an analog to digi-
tal conversion is 65.974 µs, including 54 µs computation
time (108 in structions with 8 MHz clock frequency) and
11.974 µs acquisition time (minimum required acquisi-
tion time [27]). The computation time includes the
hardware configuration and result reading.
3.4 RF transceiver modeling
MRF24J40 provides full hardware supports of the IEEE
802.15.4 standard. The three IEEE 802.15.4 media access
algorithms have been modeled, including u nslotted car-
rier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
(CSMA-CA), slotted CSMA-CA and g uaranteed time
slots (GTS). Three finite state machines of transceiver
are developed according to these MAC algorithms. Due
to the limit of space, only the model of the most
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complex algorithm, slotted CSMA-CA, is presented. In
this section, we first briefly introduce some important
conceptions of IEEE 802.15.4. Secondly, the design of
transceiver models is described.
IEEE 802.15.4 supports two operation modes: nonbea-
con-enabled and beacon-enabled. If nonbeacon mode is
enabled, nodes perform independe ntly and they transmit
data by using unslotted CSMA algorithm. With the bea-
con-enabled model, a coordina tor sends beacon packets
periodically to synchronize the attached nodes and
describe the superframe structure. One superframe
includes an active period and, optionally, an inactive
period. The active portion consists of two periods,
namely contention access period (CAP) and contention
free period (CFP). During CAP, nodes use the slotted
CSMA-CA algorithm to access the channel. During
CFP, m any GTSs (up to 7) can be allocated, which
allow the node to operate on a channel that is dedicated
exclusively to it. Beacon interval (BI) defines the super-
frame length and superframe duration (SD) presents the
length of active period. BI and SD are determined by
two parameters, respectively, beacon order (BO) and
superframe order (SO).
BI = aBaseSu
rameDuration · 2
SD = aBaseSu
rameDuration · 2
The minimum duration of a superframe (aBaseSuper-
frame Duration) i s 960 symbols corresponding to 15.36
ms if the data rate is 250 kbps.
The state transition of transceiver is triggered by three
events, i.e., the protocol algorithms, microcontroller
commands or network events. The model of MRF24J40
with slotted CSMA-CA algorithm is presented in Figure
If it is a coordinator, the BEACON ACQUIREMENT/
TRANSMISSION state is to broadcast a beacon packet;
for a device node, it is B EACON ACQUIREMENT. On
a successful receipt of beacon packet, the node may go
to RX state if it has no data to send, or it continue with
the transmission in the previous superframe. The
Figure 2 Design framework of IDEA1.
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process of slotted CMA-CA algorithm is similar to the
unslotted algorithm except the backoff period bound-
aries of every node should be aligned with the super-
frame slot boundaries and the MAC sublayer should
ensure that the PHY commences all of its transmissions
on the boundary of a backoff period. One backoff period
includes 20 symbols.
For the CSMA-CA algorithms, firstly, the number of
backoff (NB) is initialized to 0. Then, the algorithm
starts counting down a random number of backoff peri-
ods. When the timer of backoff expires, the algorithm
performs channel assessment. If the channel is idle, the
node starts transmitting; otherwise, NB is increased. If
NB does not reach the maximum number of backoff
( macMaxCSMABackoff), the algorithm backoffs again;
otherwise, the channel access operation fails.
3.5 Energy model
Each state of the main hardware components in a sen-
sor node is associated with a current load. The dura-
tion and current consumption of each transition
between two states are also identified. During the
simulation, the states of hardware components are
updated according to the software execution and net-
work events. The energy consumed by node i can b e
calculated as follows.
V · I
· t
V · I
· t
where E
presents the energy consumption of the kth
state of the jth component of node i,andE
the energy consumption of the lth state transition of the
jth component of node i. The node has N components
consuming energy. Each component has M states and O
transitions. During the simulation, the state transition
traces of each component are recorded; thus, the time
spent on different states and transitions, t
and t
known. Based on this information, the battery module
calculates the energy consumptions of each component
as well as the network lifetime.
3.6 Graphical user interface
A GUI is developed to visualize the network topology
and help users who are not familiar with SystemC to do
some experiments on IDEA1. It is designed as a plug-in
to the simulation environment so that the experienced
designers can also write SystemC code directly to config-
ure applications and control simulations. An example of
IDEA1 graphical user interface is presented in Figure 5.
Figure 3 Microcontroller model of PIC16LF88.
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The GUI illustrated in Figure 5 consists of three major
parts: system configuration table (top-left of the main
window) managing all the system parameters, network
topology widget (top-right) sho wing the relative posi-
tions of all nodes and the radio connections among
them, and a console (bottom) displaying the simulation
4 Evaluation
In this section, firstly, a testbed is built to validate the
simulation results of IDEA1. Secondly, the performances
of IDEA1 are compared to NS-2 in aspects of accuracy,
simulation time and power dissipation analysis. Four
metrics are used to evaluate the network performance.
They are defined as follows.
- Packet Delivery Rate (PDR):Itistheratioofthe
number of packets successfully received to th e num-
ber of packets generated by nodes.
- Average Latency (AL): Latency of a packet is the
duration from the generation of the last sensor data
in the packet to the receipt of this packet by coordi-
nator. AL is an average latency of all packets that
successfully received by coordinator.
Figure 4 Model of MRF24J40 in beacon-enabled mode with slotted CSMA-CA algorithm.
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- Energy Consumption per Packet (ECPkt): ECPkt is
the average energy consumed for successfully trans-
mitting one packet.
- Average Power Consumption (APC): APC is utilized
to measure the average power consumption per
4.1 Experimental validation
In this section, the energy model is first calibrated, and
then, the simulation results are validated by some
experimental measurements of a testbed.
4.1.1 Calibration of energy model
To calibrate the energy model, the current consump-
tions of every operation mode of hardware components
are measured. Our measurement setup is illustrated in
Figure 6.
One resistor of 1 Ω was placed series with the power
supply of a node (named as node0) in order to measure
the current consumption of node0. An instrumentation
amplifier [28] with a gain of 76 is utilized to amplify the
voltage across the resistor. A Tektronix MSO2012
mixed signal oscilloscope [29] is used to track current
trace with the highest possible resolution. Tektronix
MSO2012 provides a 1 GS/s sample rate. For the low
current consumption of sleep mode, we use a digital
multimeter that can capture extremely small current.
A set of micro-benchmarks have been developed to
isolate the hardware consumption of microcontroller
and transceiver in order to obtain the current consump-
tions of each operation mode. The current consump-
this table, PIC16LF88 is a power-efficient microcontrol-
ler. It only consumes 1.386mA in the active mode. Both
the microcontroller and transceiver need a period of
time to wake up from the sleep mode.
4.1.2 Validation of simulation results
To validate the simulation results of IDEA1, a testbed of
star topology is established. It consists of eight N@L
nodes and one coordinator. Nodes send sensor data (an
integer of one byte) to the coordinator periodically by
using the unslotted CSMA-CA algorithm. The para-
meters of this algorithm (e.g., macMinBE, macMaxCS-
MABackoffs and macMaxFrameRetries)aresetasthe
default values defined in IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The
TX power of transceiver is set to 0 dBm. The nodes go
to SLEEP mode after the transmission finishes. They are
Figure 5 Graphical user interface of IDEA1: a network with 100 nodes is modeled in this example.
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woken up by a b uilt-in timer. It is clocked by an exter-
nal oscillator in order to continue to run during the
sleep mode of microcontroller and generate an interrupt
on overflow. The frequency of sensing operation is pre-
sented as sample rate. To set the node to different duty
cycles, sample rate is set to 0.1, 1, 10, 100 and 1,000 Hz.
The ECPkt and APC are measured by the current con-
sumption trace of node0. AL and PDR can be observed
by the output trace of an I/O pin of coordinator, which
is also recorded by the oscilloscope. Once t he coordi na-
tor receives a packet from node0, it toggles one of its I/
O pins. The application performed by the testbed has
also been implemented in IDEA1 with the same config-
uration. The simulation and measurement results are
presented in Figure 7, 8, 9 and 10.
The average deviations between IDEA1 simulations
and testbed measurements are 5.2, 3.2, 6.5 and 3.4%,
respectively. Therefore, the average deviation for the
four metrics is 4.6% which can be accepted for general
With a small sample rate (0.1, 1, 10 and 31.25), the
system is light-loaded and every node can finish its
transmission before a new sensor data arrives; thus, the
PDRsandALs remain stable. Since the average n umber
of successful transmitted packets per sample interval is
almost the same for different sample intervals, a bigger
sample interval comprises longer period of sleep mode
and its ECPkt is larger . The power consu mption aug-
ments due to the decrease in sleep period. The largest
sample rate without transmission overlapping is 31.25
When the sample rates are 100 or 1,000 Hz, the
latency results of experimental measurements are not
available. The sample interval is too short that nodes
sometimes cannot finish one transmission before the
next s ensing operation. The nodes m ay start a new one
immediately after a transmission; thus, for a switch of
the I/O pin of coordinator, we cannot determine when
the sensor data are received by node0. The available
testbed and simulation results show that the PD Rs
decrease and the other three metrics augment due to
the increase in collisions and less number of packets
successfully received by the coordinator. However, the
latency is very small when the sample rate is 1,000. In
this case, the system is completely saturated, and many
new sensor dat a are read during one transmission.
Because the payload size of the packet frame is one,
only the latest read data can be sent for the next trans-
mission; thus, the latency is short.
4.2 Performance evaluation
In this section, the same application of Section 4.1 is
IDEA1 are evalu ated by comparing with NS-2. The NS-
2 model used in this paper is based on an existing IEEE
802.15.4 NS-2 model in release 2.34 [16]. The model
Figure 6 Hardware measurement configuration.
Table 1 Current consumptions of N@L motes (3
Microcontroller Transceiver
Active 1.386 mA sleep 17µA
Sleep 7µA RX 23.504 mA
Sleep->active 7µA/1.846ms TX(0 dBm) 23.961 mA
TX(-10 dBm) 22.901 mA
TX(-20 dBm) 22.631 mA
TX(-30 dBm) 22.409 mA
sleep-> RX 6.7 mA/720 µs
sleep-> TX 6.7 mA/720 µs
Du et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 2011:143
/>Page 10 of 20
has been modified significantly, since it was built com-
plying with an earlier standard edition (IEEE 802.15.4
draft D18), which has been replaced by the latest revised
release IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006. The extensions provided
in [17] have also been added, such as sleep mode and
symbol period CCA duration implementation.
NS-2 simulations are written in two languages, C++ and
OTcl (Object-oriented Tcl). In general, C++ is used to
implement protocol and OTcl is for simulation configura-
tion. Therefore, once the network system implementation
is complied as an executable file, many simulations of var-
ious configurations of system parameters can be executed
Figure 7 Measured and simulated results of packet delivery rate.
Figure 8 Measured and simulated results of average latency.
Du et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 2011:143
/>Page 11 of 20
by just modifying the OTcl script. However, this makes
NS-2 hard to learn for beginners. IDEA1 just uses one
programming language, C++. All the system parameters
are defined in an XML and read by the executable simula-
tion code without recompilation.
The hardware prototype used for this application is
N@L motes, and the energy model is calibrated accord-
ing to the testbed measurements presented in Section
4.1. The nodes use slotted IEEE 802.15.4 CSMA-CA
algorithm to access channel. Many cases with various
configurations of parameters (mainly BO, SO and sam-
ple rates) have been studied. To inves tigate the effect of
SO and BO, SO is fixed to 0 and BO is set to 0, 1 and 2,
which results in a constant active period of 15.36 ms
and a superframe of 15.36, 30.72 and 61.44 ms, respec-
tively. Other parameters are set to the values defined by
Figure 9 Measured and simulated results of energy consumption per packet.
Figure 10 Measured and simulated results of average power consumption.
Du et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 2011:143
/>Page 12 of 20
default in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Each simu lation
includes 10,000 samples, for example, when sample rate
is 0.1, the application lasts 27.8 h. Each case is simulated
100 times with different seeds for the generators of ran-
dom backoff slot numbers.
4.2.1 Simulation results of IDEA1 and NS-2
Three types of simulation results are compared, includ-
ing NS-2, IDEA1 with hardware implementations
(denoted as IDEA1_HW) and IDEA1 without hardware
info rmation (IDEA1_NOH W). In the last simulation, all
the timing parameters about the hardware operations
are set to 0, and thus, they do not consume any time or
energy. The simulation results are presented in Figure
11, 12, 13, and 14.
In this section, the phenomena illustrated in Figure 11,
12, 13 and 14 are briefly explained. In t he next section,
the deviation of the simulation results between IDEA1
and NS-2 will be explained. As the sample rate increases
from 0.1 to 1,000, the system goes through 3 different
stages, i.e., lightly loaded, transition to saturation and
When the sample rates are small, the system is lightly
loaded. During this stage, the sample interval is long
enough for every node to accomplish its transmission
before the next sensing operation, and the average num-
bers of transmitted packets during one sample interval
are same for different sample rates; thus, the PDRsand
ALs remain stabl e. The ECPktsdecreaseasthesample
interval becomes shorter. Fo r a fixed sample rate, the
smallest BO consumes the most energy since one sam-
ple interval includes more superframes and the nodes
have to wake up to track the beacon packet at the
beginning of each superframe. The AL of a bigger BO is
larger than that of a smaller BO. If some nodes cannot
transmit their sensor data in one active portion of a
superframe, they have to wait until the next superframe
to resume their transmissions. A bigger BO causes a
longer inactive portion.
As the sample rate increases, the number of sensor
data need to be sent per unit time augments and PDR
begins to decrease due to the increase in collisions. The
PDRs with bigger BO begin to decrease first, because SO
isthesameandabiggerBO means that one sample
interval includes less number of active portions. During
the period of transition to saturation, the AL increases.
Some nodes cannot complete their transmissions befor e
the next sample interval begins, and t he last one or two
nodes have to continue their old transmissions in the
new sample interval. Due to more fierce competition of
channel usages with other nodes, th ese transmissions
are longer than the cases with a small er sample rate and
AL will increase compared with the lightly loaded stage.
The smallest energy consumption occurs at the begin-
ning of the transition to saturation. In this case, every
node can accomplish its transmission before new sensor
data arrives, but the interval between the last node turns
to sleep and the next sensor data arrives is so short that
the nodes spend the least e nergy in sleep mode. As the
Figure 11 Packet delivery rate simulation results of NS-2 and IDEA1.
Du et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 2011:143
/>Page 13 of 20
sample rate continues to increase, the energy consump-
tion augments due to the increase in collisions.
When the system becomes completely saturated,
nodes always have several pending data need to be
sent. If a node read two new sensor data during one
transmission, only the last sensor data will be sent and
the first one will be discarded. The duration for the
last sensor data stayed in the buffer is smaller; there-
fore, AL decreases. The ECPkts remain constant for
the same BO because the number of successfully trans-
mitted packets per superframe is almost same. In addi-
tion, for a fixed sample rate, since one superframe
includes a longer inactive portion if BO is larger, its
ECPkt is bigger.
Figure 12 Average latency simulation results of NS-2 and IDEA1.
Figure 13 Energy consumption per packet simulation results of NS-2 and IDEA1.
Du et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 2011:143
/>Page 14 of 20
As the sample rate increases from 0.1 to 1,000, the
APCs augments, because more sensor data need to be
sent per unit time. For a same sample rate, the p ower
consumption of a smaller BO is larger than a b igger
BO,sinceasmallerBO means more number of bea-
con receiving and shorter inactive portion of a
4.2.2 Result deviations between IDEA1 and NS-2
The deviations of the simulat ion results between
IDEA1_HW and NS-2 of the four metrics are 2.7, 8.9,
49.3 and 45.8%, respectively. The ones between IDEA1_-
NOHW and NS-2 are 1.0, 2.6, 8.3 and 7.2%. Therefore,
the average deviation between IDEA1_HW and NS-2 is
26.7%, and the one between IDEA1_NOHW and NS-2
is 4.8%. The former is bigger since more detailed infor-
mation of HW/SW operations has been considered.
Especially when the sample rate is low, the deviations of
ECPkt and APC results between IDEA1 and NS-2 are
very large, because the SPI communications of micro-
controller and transceiver account for a very great pro-
portion of the power consumptions. For example, the
SPI communication takes 42.4% o f the power consump-
tion of microcontr oller when sample rate is 0.1. The
simulation results proved that IDEA1 provides more
accurate modeling of real WSN system. A more detailed
power consumption analysis will be provided in next
4.2.3 Detailed analysis of power consumptions
In the IEEE 802.15.4 NS-2 model, sensor node is mod-
eled as a whole module and there are no conceptions of
hardware components. However, IDEA1 provides more
information about the HW/SW operations. The power
consumptions of microcontroller and transceiver in dif-
ferent operating modes are presented in Figure 15, 16.
Figure 15 shows the average power consumption of
hardware components in different operation modes. The
transceiver consumes much more energy than the
microcontroller and the energy consumed in the sleep
mode is very little.
Besides the power consumptions of active and sleep
operating mode, we can also divide the power consump-
tion of microco ntroll er into more detailed parts, includ-
ing sleep, analog to digital conversion, SPI
communications between transceiver and microcontrol-
ler, as illustrated in Figure 16. The microcontroller
spend most of its energy for processing data and execut-
ing codes, a part of its energy for SPI communication
and a little energy for analog to digital conversion and
in sleep mode. The consumption of SPI communication
is too big to be ignored, especially when sample rate is
4.2.4 Simulation time
For the simulations presented in Section 4.2.1, the speed
of IDEA1 is about 2 times faster than NS-2. The simula-
tion time of NS-2 and IDEA1 for the application with
BO set to 2 is presented in Figure 17.
All the simulations are executed individually on a server
with an Intel 2.66 GHz Xeon X3230 processor and a 4.6
GB memory. For the application lasting 27.8 h with a sam-
ple rate of 0.1 Hz, the simulation times of IDEA1 and NS-
Figure 14 Average power consumption simulation results of NS-2 and IDEA1.
Du et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 2011:143
/>Page 15 of 20
2 are 7.35 and 24.0 min, respectively. The high-speed
simulation of IDEA1 profits mainly from the efficient
simulation kernel of SystemC and our optimized model
implementation. SystemC provides a wait mechanism
which can set relative processes to inactive s tate until an
interesting event occurs. In our model, this event interrupt
method is used in the while statement of FSM implemen-
tation. Instead of checking the states of microcontroller
Figure 15 Power consumption decomposition of node.
Figure 16 Power consumption decomposition of microcontroller.
Du et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 2011:143
/>Page 16 of 20
and transceiver every simulation cycle, their FSMs are
woken up only when an interesting event occurs, which
can reduce the simulation time significantly.
5 A case study
In previous sections, the simulation accuracy of IDEA1
has been validated by testbed measurements and its per-
formance has been evaluated by comparing with NS-2.
Now, IDEA1 is ready to be used in real projects. In t his
section, an industrial application of WSN in vibration
control is studied.
5.1 Industrial application
In Mechanic@Lyon (M@L) project, designers want to
identify and integrate new intelligent control technolo-
gies in vehicle systems. A wireless sensor a nd actuator
network is deployed on a vehicle to measure and control
vibrations, as shown in Figure 18.
The sensor network is composed of several nodes and
a coordinator. The nodes measure periodically the vibra-
tion of their given positions by a piezoelectric sensor
and transmit the data to a coordinator which collects
the sensor data of all nodes. The coordinator is con-
nected to a host that analyzes the collected data and
implements control algorithms by an actuator network.
The main challenges of designing this sensor network
The node should read the sensor data with 1 kHz sam-
ple rate and send the data to the coor dinator within a
short latency. At the early stage, some preliminary
designs based on the existing hardware platforms and
network protocols need to be evaluated.
At first, the eight nodes deployed on the vehicle roof
are modeled. The nodes and coordinator form a star
topology. All nodes can communicate with the coordi-
nator directly. The nodes store sensor data t emporarily
dinator if the data in buffer is m ore than a certain
value (the pay load field size of the protocol-defined
packet). A sample occupies one byte. Payload presents
rate is constant, a small payload results in more pack-
ets to be sent, causing more collisions and thus lower
PDR.Incontrast,alargepayload leads a longer time
for transmitting a packet, which increases the possibili-
ties of channel access failures and causes lower PDR
too. The best PDR, hence, occurs in the case with a
moderate payload. However, payload should be as
short as possible. A smaller payload means the first
sensor data in the packet need to wait a shorter time
to be sent.
The application has been tested on the MICAz and
N@L motes, respectively, in IDEA1. The goal is to
evaluate whether the IEEE 802.15.4 sensor network
based on these two platforms can successfully transmit
all the sensor data within a short time. The four
metrics presented in Section 4 are used to eva luate the
network performance: PDR, AL, ECPkt and APC.The
three MAC algorithms in IEEE 802.15.4 standard are
implemented. Because the maximum number of GTSs
Figure 17 Simulation time of NS-2 and IDEA1.
Du et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 2011:143
/>Page 17 of 20
defined in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard is 7, but the cur-
rent application consists of 8 nodes, a TDMA-based
GTS algorithm proposed in [30] is also implemented.
It is more suitable for industrial applications which
require low packet delivery latency. The contention
access period (CAP) is set to 0. The contention free
period (CFP) is divided into 8 equal parts, called node
slot, which are allocated to nodes off-line. During its
slot, the node wakes up if it has data to transmit.
Transmissions do not require ACKs since they happen
during GTSs without contention. This algorithm can
be implemented easily by software on the MICAz and
N@L platforms.
5.2 Simulation results
For each algorithm, many cases with different configura-
tions of parameters (e.g., payload, superframe length,
macMaxCSMABackoffs, and macMaxFrameRetries) have
been simulated. Here, only the best result with the high-
est PDR (or lowest AL if two or more cases achieve the
biggest PDRs) is presented. Each case includes 2500
samples and is simulated 100 times with random seeds.
The simulation results of MICAz and N@ L motes are
provided in Table 2.
5.2.1 Comparisons of MAC algorithms
The CSMA-CA algorithms are not appropriate fo r this
industrial application due to the low PDRs, which is
Figure 18 M@L wireless sensor and actuator network infrastructure.
Table 2 Simulation results of OF MICAz and N@L motes
Algorithms Unslotted CSMA-CA Slotted CSMA-CA IEEE802154 GTS TDMA-based GTS
Payload (byte) 30 30 30 30 30 15 10 19
BO n/a n/a 1 1 1 0 n/a n/a
BI(µs) n/a n/a 30,720 30,720 30,720 15,360 10,000 19,000
PDR(%) 36.5 54.4 39.7 67.4 97.4 97.4 100 100
AL(µs) 11,583 15,841 22,426 24,250 53,854 42,777 6,953 12,508
ECPkt(µJ/pkt) 3,811 1,924 3,784 1,576 1,283 1,001 425 408
APC(µW) 46,693 35,155 50,397 35,684 41,071 64,630 42,300 21,264
APC of microcontroller(µW) 29,916 4,576 29,916 4,576 29,915 4,448 29,928 4,573
APC of transceiver(µW) 16,777 30,579 20,481 31,108 11,157 60,182 12,371 16,691
Du et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 2011:143
/>Page 18 of 20
caused by the large number of collisions. The sample
rate is too high that the system is overloaded.
Due to the constraints of the maximum GTS slots
number of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, the number of
nodes in this simulation is set to 7. The original IEEE
802.15.4 GTS algorithm requires a minimum length of
CAP period that is 440 symbols (7.04 ms). Because the
packet is transmitted after the CAP portion, the AL is
high. During one superframe of 30.72 ms, 30.72 sensing
operations are performed, but only 30 sensor data can
be sent in one packet; the PDRs cannot therefore be
100%. This algorithm is implemented by software in
MICAz and by hardware in N@L. For MICAz mote,
aft er receivi ng a beacon packet, the microcontroller can
set the transceiver to sleep mode until its GTS slot;
however, for N@L mote, the transceiver performs auto-
matically and it keeps in active mode during the CAP
portion of a superframe. Therefore, the power consump-
tion of this algorithm based on N@L motes is much big-
ger than that of MICAz motes.
For the TDMA-based GTS algorithm, the PDRscan
attain 100%, which prove tha t the TDMA-based GTS
algorithm can reliably transmit the sensor data to the
coordinator. However, this IEEE 802.15.4 sensor net-
work fails to meet the real-time requirement of this
application. Although the average latency of packets can
attain 7.0 ms, Payload is 10 samples which mean that
by the coordinator. This latency of sensor data is too
high to generate a real-time control action.
5.2.2 Comparisons of hardware platforms
The PDRs of N@L are bigger than MICAz, because the
MAC algorithms are implemented in MRF24J40 by
hardware and the sensing operation in PIC16LF88 has
limited impact on the communication process.
The ALs of N@L are larger than MICAz, since the SPI
communication between PIC16LF88 and MRF24J40 is
slower than that between ATMEL ATMega128 and TI
CC2420. In order to transmit one packet of several
bytes from PIC16LF88 to MRF24J40, the address needs
to be sent before each byte. However, ATMega128 only
has to transmit one address for a whole packet.
Microchip PIC16LF88 is a power-efficient microcon-
troller. With an extra low-power-consumption micro-
controller, the APC s of N@L is smaller than MICAz,
although the power consumption of MRF24J40 is much
higher than CC2420.
6 Conclusion and future work
This paper presented IDEA1, a system-level simulator
for WSN. It enables the desi gn space exploration at an
early stage. It models the se nsor node in Syste mC,
which makes the simulation to be a part of the HW/SW
design of sensor nodes. It supports a modular design of
sensor nodes and WSN applications. Many COTS hard-
ware platforms have been modeled and the IEEE
802.15.4 standard has been implemented. Energy models
based on real experimenta l measurements have also
been developed. The average deviation between the
IDEA1 simulations and the experim ental measurements
is 4.6%. IDEA1 can provide more detailed m odeling of
sensor network than NS-2 but with less simulation time.
The simulation results proved that the hardware and
software operations of SPI communication cannot be
ignored.Byacasestudyofindustrial application, the
usability and design process of IDEA1 in real develop-
ment of WSN system s have been demonstrated. IDEA1
can help the system designers to evaluate some primary
designs with low timing and financial cost.
In the future, firstly, we are planning to provide
IDEA1 as an open-source tool. To enhance its capability
of modeling the real systems, some typical sensor chips
will be modeled b y SystemC and the interaction
between sensors and environment will be stu died. More
communication protocols, especially high-da ta-rate pro-
tocols, will be implemented.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Received: 15 May 2011 Accepted: 27 October 2011
Published: 27 October 2011
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Cite this article as: Du et al.: IDEA1: A validated SystemC-based system-
level design and simulation environment for wireless sensor networks.
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