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Unit 4 done

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Unit Four
Warm-up. Pair/ Individual work.
“A data center is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such
as telecommunications and storage systems.”
(Source: Retrieved Jul. 14, 2017)
Data centres are classified according to their security levels, based on the assessment of the
location or terrain, employees’ qualification, facilities or infrastructures, neighbourhood, the staff’s
English competency, etc. Tier 4 is the most secure level. The picture below shows the inside of a
data centre.

And a secure data centre architecture would look like this:

Now, study the following images and decide what security level (Tiers 1- 4) it would be
if a data centre were set up in one of these locations.
Give reasons for your choice.

1. Peshawar city, on the Pakistani/Afghanistani border

2. Industrial Development Zone, New Orleans


3. Farmland, Ireland

4. North London Business Park
Comprehension Check
A business email circulating around the company

Rupert Wilson


All employees


Data Security

Dear all,
Unfortunately, there have been several instances recently of data falling into the wrong hands. I
have been a victim of ID theft and we have lost a few company laptops and memory sticks
containing sensitive trading information. The following rules around data and data security are
mandatory and failure to abide these will result in disciplinary action up to and including
dismissal. I am sorry for the stern tone but this is a very serious issue for us all.
Clear your desk. With immediate effect we will be running a Clear Desk Policy in the office. __________1
Shred. All unwanted printouts, photocopies, notes etc. must be put into the shredders that have
been installed in each office __________2
Use Passwords. All systems must be accessed using a password. __________ 3. This password is
secret to you and should not be shared with any other individuals.
Change Passwords. All passwords must now be changed on a monthly basis. If you think that
your password has been compromised, call the IT Helpdesk immediately.


Don’t download. All laptops are to be scanned on a monthly basis by IT specialists to check for
spyware or malware. Under no circumstances should any programs be downloaded from the
Internet onto company laptops. __________ 4.
Emails. Do not open email attachments unless you know the originator of the email personally
and you are expecting an attachment of that type and name.
Keep secure. All laptops taken out of the office either to client’s offices or to work from home
must be kept secure at all times. __________ 5.
Memory sticks. All memory sticks are now numbered. The IT Department will keep a list of
memory sticks and who is responsible for them.
Encrypt. All data stored on memory sticks must be encrypted. __________ 6.
And on a personal note, if anybody sees my wallet, could you please pop it into my office.
Rupert Wilson, CIO of London Investments
HP: 0207 xxx yyy


KEY WORDS AND PHRASES (appearing in the order of the text)
a victim of ID theft (nph): người mất thẻ căn cước/ chứng minh thư
failure to abide sth (nph): không tuân theo/ thực hiện
disciplinary action (nph): biện pháp/ án phạt kỷ luật
company-provided and approved (adjph): do công ty duyệt và trang bị/ cấp cho
found lying (vph): thấy để/ nằm bừa bãi, ngổn ngang
with immediate effect (nph): có hiệu lực/ được áp dụng ngay tập tức
under no circumstances (nph): không vì bất cứ lý do gì

a personal note (nph) : tin nhắn riêng/ cá nhân
Task 1. Read the first part of the email above and answer these questions.
1. Who is this email from (an employee, IT expert or a customer...)?
Rupert Wilson ( CIO of LI)
2. Who is the email to?
All employees
3. What is the major problem being discussed?
data security
4. What do you think the rest of the email will be about?
5. What kind of ideas might be in the rest of the email?

Task 2. Now read the second half of the email and complete the gaps 1-6 with the sentences a-f

Lý tưởng nhất là cái này nên chứa cả chữ cái và
a. Ideally this should contain both letters and numbers số
Chỉ phần mềm do công ty cung cấp và đã được
b. Only company-provided and approved software may be used. phê duyệt mới có thể được sử dụng.
c. At the end of each day, ensure that your desks are clear and all documentation or storage devices
are in locked drawers. Vào cuối mỗi ngày, hãy đảm bảo rằng bàn làm việc của bạn được thơng thống và tất cả
tài liệu hoặc thiết bị lưu trữ đều nằm trong ngăn kéo có khóa.
d. Do not leave them where they can be seen on the back seat of a car.
e. IT department will be running a webcast on how to do this next Tuesday 25th.

f. Any documentation found lying around after a trading day will be destroyed. You have been



2. f



4. b

5. d

6. e

Task 3. Fill in the summary below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS taken from the
There have been some losses of (1) ………………….
and IT devices at London Investments
Company recently. Rupert Wilson, the (2) ………………..
is very worried and has sent an email to all
of the employees. In the email, he has put forward several (3) …………….

and demanded that they
disciplinary action
must be strictly observed. Anyone who fails to abide shall bear (4) ……………………,
even dismissal.
a webcast
There will be (5) ……………… to show people how to encrypt the data.

dich email bai khoa,
task 1,2,3 cua cau dk. vaf dich sang TV.

Task 1. 9 Listen to Helmut talking about his data centre.
Decide if the following statements are True or False. Write T or F in each blank. You listen
1. _____ The centre is closed for four days a year.
2. _____ Security at the centre is extremely tight.
3. _____ Senior managers do not need to follow all the security rules.
4. _____ The centre always uses its own independent power supply.
5. _____ The data centre is connected to two different network POPs.
Task 2. 10 Helmut is talking about what would happen in case of power outage.
Listen TWICE and fill in the gaps with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
Well, we haven’t had an outage since we have been here. We monitor everything here 24/7 at our (1)
………………….......... which you can see over there. But if there was a comms outage we would
switch to the back-up service without you losing service. We have fully (2) …………………...
services into the site so we’d use these. We would contact the PTT, who we have a very strict
agreement with, to carry out fault finding and rectification. Our SLA with them is for a one-hour
break fix. If we lost power, our own (3) …………………................... would start and we wouldn’t
lose power at all. If there were a problem with the (4) …………………..., our managers would see
alarms about that before it affected the equipment. In the event of one of your servers going down,

our managers would see alarms (5) …………………... in the management centre and they would
isolate and change out your equipment straight away. Your downtime would be a matter of minutes.
Conditional types 1 and 2
1. Conditional type 1: Talking about real situations in the future
If + S1 + V1 ( present simple), S2 + will + V2
E.g. If you unplug the transmission line, connection will be interrupted.
Note: Sometimes, V1 can be used in Present Perfect Tense.
E.g. If you have received wrong things from the provider, you will have the right to claim an
exchange or a refund.
2. Conditional type 2: Talking about imaginary situations
If + S1 + V1 ( past simple), S2 + would + V2
E.g. If there was/were a communications outage, we would switch to the backup service.
If we lost power, our own backup power systems would start.
We can also use other structures to talk about imaginary situations.
In the event of + Noun/ Noun phrase, S + would + V
E.g. In the event of one of your servers going down, a serviceman would be called at once.
Supposing + S1 + V1 ( past simple), S2 + would + V2
E.g. Supposing there was an earthquake or you got hit by a plane, what would happen then?
If S1 + were to V(inf), S2 + would + V2
E.g. If that were to happen, you would switch over to the standby site.
Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form to make complete conditional type
1 sentences.
1. If there ________
(be) a problem with one of the servers, we will isolate it or change it straight
will switch (switch) to the mirror site in Switzerland.

2. If there is an earthquake, we ________

3. If you start children with computers too early in life, the computers ________
will control (control) them.
4. If you need help to translate any text, website, or document into another language, Google
support (support) you in over 50 different languages.
crashes (crash) 3 days after purchase, we will exchange it for a new one.
5. If your computer ________

Task 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form to make complete conditional type
2 sentences.

would be
1. If anyone unauthorized tried to gain access, he/ she ________
(be) stopped by security guards.

2. If one power feed failed, we ________
would use (use) the other power feed from the grid.
3. If both power feeds failed, the UPS system would
(kick) in or we would
(use) the

4. If one telecoms service ________(lose)
connectivity, we would use the other network POP.
5. If the air conditioning ________
(go) wrong, the temperature would go off.

Task 3. Build up conditional sentences from given words.
1. If /you/ want/ send/ 3-page A4 letter/ instaneously/ from one end/ the country/ the other/,
Teletex/do it/ you.
If you want to send a 3-page A4 letter instaneously from the one end the country the other/,
Teletex will do it you..
2. If/ there was/ fault, printed circuit board/ can/ taken out/ and replace/ by another in a few seconds.
If there was a fault, printed circuit board could be taken out and replace by another in a few
3. In this technology age, if people/ want/ contact you/, they/ pick up/ mobile telephone and dial your
In this technology age, if people want to contact you, they can pick up mobile telephone and dial your
4. If/ you/ use VoIP/, it/ reduce your phone costs/, especially for switches and infrastructure.
. If you use VoIP, it will reduce your phone costs, especially for switches and infrastructure.
5. It /would be dangerous/ open/ email/ if you/not know who/ send/ it.

It would be dangerous open an email if you didn't know who send it
Informal and formal letters
Study the table below to see how different the two forms of letter can be.
Note that informal letters normally sound more like speech.
gửi khách hàng
gửi ng thân quen


Informal letter

Formal letter

The letter you write to your
parents, your friends, your
classmates or your coworkers.

The letter you write to
strangers, your boss in the
workplace, or emails and letters
at work.


Contractions can be used in

informal letters.

Contractions can not be used in
formal letters. Full form must be

didn't, wouldn't, couldn't,
haven't, hasn't, can’t…

did not, would not, could not,
have not, has not, cannot…

Idioms can be used in informal

Idioms cannot be used in formal
letters. Words with literal
meaning must be used.

I've been very under the
weather lately.


I've been sick lately.

Phrasal verbs can be used in
informal letters.

Phrasal verbs cannot be used in
formal letters. Words with literal
meaning must be used.

find out, come up with …

discover, initiate…

Exclaimation mark can be used Exclaimation mark cannot be
in informal letters.
used in formal letters.
The storm arrived earlier than
I thought!

The storm arrived earlier than
we had expected.



Good/ Bad

Positive/ Negative

Very, really, totally


On top of all








Okay/ OK


I think

In my opinion,

In the end,


In short,

In conclusion,


As soon as possible…


Hi/ Dear + first name,

Dear + Sir/ Madam,

Dear Robert,

Dear Mr./ Ms. + surname,


Friendly greeting:

No greeting necessary:

I hope this letter finds you
well/ How’s things?...

I am writing to inform you about

the laptop I bought from your


I just want to let you know…

I am writing with regards to…

I just want you to tell me…


Using direct questions

Avoiding direct questions

Do you know/ do you

I would appreciate if you could
tell me…

Can you also find out…?

I would be grateful if you could

tell me…

Where have you been recently?

I would like to know if…

Hope to hear from you soon.


Call me if you need anything.

I look forward to hearing from

Tell me soon.

I await your prompt response.
Please do not hesitate to contact

Best regards/kind regards,
All the best,

Yours Sincerely, (If you know the
receipient’s name)

With lots of love,

Yours Faithfully, (If you do not

First name

know the recipient’s name)

Full name
Task 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct words given in the box to understand more about
expressions in formal letters.









1. Could you ___________
me know…?

inerested in knowing…
2. I would be ___________
3. I would appreciate
__________ if you could tell me…

4. I would be __________
if you could tell me…
5. I __________
like to know…
6. Another matter I need information
__________ on is…
7. I __________
your prompt response.
8. I greatly enjoyed
__________ your assistance.appreciate

9. I truly __________
your quick service.
Task 2. Read these two letters below and decide if they are formal or informal.
Letter 1. …………….

Hi Mary,
How’re things? Happy to know that you’ve just opened a website to sell books

online. That’s a good idea to do business as busy people can choose books without
leaving home.
I just want you to send me 3 books namely The Morning of the World by Graham
Cooper, In Search of Peace by Neil Richards and The Ape and You by Brian
Darwin as soon as possible. OK?
I sent £30.99 to your ANZ account on 1st August and I include the receipt in this
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
Letter 2. …………..
The Macmillan Co. of India Ltd.
21, Patullo Road
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing with regards to your online book advertisement in Express
I would appreciate if you could send me the following books at your earliest
1. The Morning of the World, by Graham Cooper
2. In Search of Peace, by Neil Richards
3. The Ape and You, by Brian Darwin
I would like to enclose the receipt of £30.99 dated August 1 st that I sent to your
account through ANZ bank.
I look forward to receiving your response.

Yours Sincerely,
John Mathews
Content Courtesy - Macmillan Co., India
Task 3. Write a letter to reply one of the letters above.
đóng vai là saler viết thu lại cho John Mathew
ơn đã quan tâm đén trang ưeb
tôi rất biết ơn
Ex: From
; datnhiều sách của chúng tôi
a sẽ mua
To: john
Subject : online book
Best wishes,
Your faithfully.

Task 1. Individual/ group work.
Answer the questions below, referring to the text.

co chua ma doc, chua virut, phan mem doc hai
1. Why can it be dangerous to open an email attachment if you don’t know who has sent it?
2. Why is it important to shred a document like a bank statement that contains personal information,
and not just throw it away? chua thong tin ca nhan, co the bij mat tien
3. How often should you scan a laptop or a desktop for spyware and malware? i scan my laptop tiwce a month
4. Why can it be harmful to download a program/ an app from the Internet and run it on your
computer? co the chua virut va dl co the roi vao tay ke xau
5. Why is it a good idea to change a password regularly even if there’s no evidence it has been
compromised? tranh bi hack pass tranh bi virus
6. What are the advantages of running a webcast as opposed to having training seminars? tk tg, tien bac, de
7. What should you do to protect your laptop/ desktop from viruses? tai pm diet virus va dang thuan tien. co
cai dat no. Ko nhan the xen lai dc
8. How should a strong password be? gom chu, so, kt dac biet
vao link ma ko biet ng gui
9. Is it necessary for a company to utilize the services offered by a data centre? Why? can. Giam bot chi phi neu
minh xay dung trung tam
10. If not, how could a company safeguard its database and all confidential information?
Task 2. Role play.
One student is a customer of an IT service and the other is an IT expert. It is impossible
to download some files on your laptop. So the IT expert comes to sort out the problem.
Make use of the hints in the language box below and role-play the situation. The
conversation would last 2-3 minutes, including the Hello and Goodbye.

Student A
- I just don’t know/ understand why …

Student B
+ What’s wrong with your laptop?

- I’d like it to be sorted out soon + Can I have a look at …?
because ….
+ I think the problem is…
- Do we have to buy new ones?
+ Why don’t you replace this/these…?
- How much does it cost?
+ It doesn’t cost much because we can ...
- How long is the guarantee for the
+ Our guarantee is … months.
+ Should I add it up to the bill?
- Can I pay by..?
Further guidance
Let’s imagine a real life situation. An IT expert comes to your home/ office to help. Either you, as
the host, or he, will start first.

In order to fix the problem, you both should ask and answer each other about the points suggested
- the problem
- how to fix it
- the fee
- how to pay

Finally, when things have been done, don’t fail to say Thank you and Goodbye to each other.
Task 1. Translate the following passage into Vietnamese.
Computer systems at energy firm RasGas have been taken offline by a computer virus only days
after a similar attack on oil giant Aramco. The attacks come as security experts warn of efforts by
malicious hackers to target the oil and energy industry. The attack forced the Qatar-based RasGas
firm to shut down its website and email systems.
RasGas, one of the world's largest producers of liquid petroleum gas, said production was not hit by
the attack. The company said it spotted the "unknown virus" earlier this week and took desktop
computers, email and web servers offline as it cleaned up. The report comes only days after Saudi
Arabia's Aramco revealed it had completed a clean-up operation after a virus knocked out 30,000 of
its computers. The cyber assault on Aramco also only hit desktop computers rather than operational
plants and machinery.
Task 2. Translate the following passage into English.
1. Bước đầu tiên trong công tác bảo vệ dữ liệu bí mật và dữ liệu riêng tư của một doanh nghiệp là
xác định các loại thông tin cần được bảo vệ.
2. Đồng thời cần xác định xem thông tin đó được phép tiết lộ nơi nào trong tổ chức của doanh

nghiệp đó.

3. Hồn tất việc kiểm tốn bằng cách xác định thông tin ưu tiên và mức độ nguy cơ mất dữ liệu.
4. Các bước tiếp theo bao gồm đánh giá các ứng dụng và chỉ ra những điểm yếu của ứng dụng mà có
thể bị tấn cơng từ bên ngồi.
5. Mua bản quyền các phần mềm diệt vi-rut như Kapersky hay Bkav cũng là một cách bảo vệ máy
tính khỏi bị truy cập bất hợp pháp.
1. Translate the following passage into English.
A data center (or datacenter) is a facility composed of networked computers and storage that
businesses or other organizations use to organize, process, store and disseminate large amounts of
data. A business typically relies heavily upon the applications, services and data contained within a
data center, making it a focal point and critical asset for everyday operations. Data centers are not a
single thing, but rather, a conglomeration of elements. At a minimum, data centers serve as the
principal repositories for all manners of IT equipment, including servers, storage subsystems,
networking switches, routers and firewalls, as well as the cabling and physical racks used to organize
and interconnect the IT equipment. A data center must also contain an adequate IT infrastructure,
such as power distribution and supplemental power subsystems, including electrical switching;
uninterruptable power supplies; backup generators and so on; ventilation and data center cooling

2. Write definitions for the words in italic.

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