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Project (7).Docx

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
Let me introduce myself; my name is …, member of group 1.
My group includes 5 members, who are Oanh, Uyen, Uyen, Tien and K.Anh
Today I am here to present to you about some activities that you can organise during the weekend.
My talk will be in 6 Parts, which are Propagating to protect the environment and conserving energy,
CYCLING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, Donating toys and clothes that you no longer uses, Opening a
second hand market, collecting recyclable materials, organizing a market to exchange old batteries
for a green tree.

Now, let’s get started with the first activity:
1. Propagating to protect the environment and conserving energy
 We will do this on Sunday afternoon
 This will take place in BATO park
 Everyone can do this activity
 We will gather together in the park. Prepare leaflets in advance and distribute them to
everyone about the issue to raise awareness. Besides, we use posters to send people
messages to protect the environment and save electricity.
 Reason: Nowadays many people don’t know how to protect the environment effectively
and properly. Some people don’t turn off the lights when they are not in use. They will
harm our lives and affect our quality of living.

Please note that this is only an illustration of this activity. You guys can see that some hashtags
and messages about protecting the environment like #BeingMoral #SocialAwareness
#Naturalenvironment. This is the good things that make our environment beautiful.
Simply handing out environmental protection propaganda papers to people like this.

Expected result: I hope It will increase public awareness of the issue and make people

more knowledgeable about environmental protection measures. By the way, we can
create some unique posters like this. and we will post the poster on facebook. The
poster with the highest number of interactions will receive a special gift.

According to a United Nations study, using bicycles to replace cars can reduce emissions into the
environment by up to 6 to 10 times. This helps reduce air pollution and protect human health.
 We will carry out this activity on Sunday morning at XUYEN MOC SQUARE
 Everyone can join this campaign.
 We will gather at the park and start the campaign: Cycling for the environment
 We will gather in the square. Listen to the launch of the program. After the launching
ceremony, the cycling association will parade around the square with the goal of

protecting the environment, changing awareness and taking action against bad habits
that impact the environment. After activity, each person will be given some special

Some examples of this activity.
Reason: Our environment is increasingly polluted due to the use of transportation that
emits a lot of smoke. Below are some pictures of dust and smoke from vehicles: [CHIẾU
Expected result: I hope this campaign will help people use bicycles and other ecofriendly vehicles to make the environment cleaner.
Next, I would like to invite ...to present your part: (tiếp theo, tui muốn mời bạn [tên gì?]
để thuyết trình phần của mình)

The next activity that i want to mention is:
3. Opening the second hand market
 We will do this on Saturday with the students at our school
 This will take place in XM HIGH SCHOOL.
 We will accept used shirts that are still very new but people no longer wear them. And start
trading it. But will sell at a discount of up to 60-80%. For people in particularly difficult
circumstances, we will give it a 90% discount or free so they can buy it. This is a non-profit
activity, so we will only open the second hand market for a certain period of time. All the money
we receive will partly support business projects, partly will be used for study promotion funds
and charity funds to help people in need.
 Reason: people need new clothes and their old ones are still good for others
 Expected result: This will reduce wastes that is harmful to the environment
 Finally, each person's awareness is the most important thing to make life greener.

The next part will be presented by [TÊN]
Let's move on to the last 2 activities:
4. -We will collect recyclable materials

FOR E.G. plastic bottles, glass jars, cardboard, and used paper, then turn them into new
products such as decorations, plant pots, school supplies, paper bags, etc.

-This activity will be carried out on Saturday afternoon at our school – Xuyen Moc high
school. The students should take part in this activity.
-Reason: Some alleys and roads are seriously polluted because people litter
indiscriminately, leading to plastic bottles, plastic wraps, or milk cartons lying all over the

-Expected result: the roads become cleaner and more recycled products will be created,
so the amount of waste released into the environment will be cut down on.

5. organizing a market to exchange old batteries for a green tree
-At every Saturday morning, this market will be held for anyone to get involved at the park.
In particular, people will collect and bring old batteries to this market. Then, they will receive the
small green tree from us and every 10 old batteries will change 1 green tree.
-reason: as you know batteries are very convenient and commonly used, but they also contain a lot of
toxic substances that we do not know how to handle after use, leading to a large amount of batteries
being buried in the ground. This causes soil, clean water and air to be significantly negatively
affected. Therefore, people are susceptible to health problems such as respiratory, cardiovascular and
fertility diseases
-expected result: Reduce the causes of environmental pollution and protect human health. In
addition, this activity also helps people love nature more by taking care of trees .

6. Donating toys and clothes that you no longer use
-Sharing makes this world more lovely and better. So pack up your unwanted items, clothes, and toys
and donate them to someone who needs them more. Let children choose their own clothes, books,
school supplies, and old toys and give them away. This action helps children understand that applications
they no longer use can be donated to reduce waste instead of throwing them away.
-That helps us save a large amount of money and we also don't need to throw away old items.
 Time and place: When we have free time like Saturday or Sunday, we can go to the place where poor
families need old items and donate them.
 With this activity, our group will divide it into two tasks. Oanh will prepare some items, supplies, etc.
Tien, Uyen, Uyen and K.Anh will be responsible for visiting, encouraging and giving them gifts.
 Reason: There are a lot of poor and difficult people. They don’t have enough money to buy supplies,
clothes, etc.
 expected result: People in need will be helped, our old things will be a part of making the world a better
place, and poor people won't need to think about the price of the things they need to buy anymore.

-----------------------------------------Phần kết thúc:
Okay, that ends the part of my talk.
I’d like to thank you for taking the time to listen to my presentation.
Thank you all for listening, it was a pleasure being here today.
Hỏi mn đặt câu hỏi/ý kiến:

Do Mrs.Viet and you guys here have any comments on our group's presentation to help the group
Do you have any questions?
That’s an interesting question. I don’t actually know off the top of my head, but I’ll try to get back to you
later with an answer. (Đó là một câu hỏi thú vị. Thực ra tôi không thể trả lời câu hỏi này ngay bây giờ,
nhưng tôi sẽ cố đưa ra câu trả lời cho câu hỏi này sau.)
Does anyone have any questions or comments? (có ai có bky câu hỏi/ ý kiến gì khơng)
If there are no further questions at this point, I’d like to invite the teacher to comment on my talk.

I’m afraid I’m unable to answer that at the
moment. Perhaps, I can get back to you later.

Tôi e rằng tôi chưa thể trả lời câu hỏi ngay
lúc này. Tôi sẽ phản hồi với bạn sau.

thanks for your compliment: cảm ơn lời khen của bạn

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