Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4979
Nguyen Van Hiep
Thu Dau Mot University, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh's educational philosophy is a system of educational perspectives drawn from the vibrant practical
activities of the Vietnamese revolution.From 2013 up to now, applying the educational philosophy of Ho Chi Minh the
Party and the State advocates a fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education, including innovating
university teaching methods towards study goes as a pair with practice, theory associated with practice; building an
open education system, promoting self-study; training and retraining of trainers; meeting the requirements of
sustainable development of the country in the context of world integration.
Keywords: Educational innovation, University, Teaching methods, Ho Chi Minh.
Introduction Ho Chi Minh's educational philosophy and the
application of innovative teaching methods
For Ho Chi Minh, in the process of finding have been interested in research by many
ways to save the country, pursuing the path of domestic and foreign scholars.
national independence, bringing freedom and X.Aphonin and E.Cobelep (Russia) in the book
happiness to the people, he hardly has the Comrade Ho Chi Minh - a political biography
opportunity to discuss deeply the teaching that reflects Ho Chi Minh as the embodiment
method innovation problem, especially the of the harmonious combination of methodology
innovation of university teaching methods. with practice, theory associated with practice.
However, scattered in his writings and talks, Japanese professor SingoSibata in Ho Chi
we will find that he mentioned many issues Minh, a thinker (BetomomutoShiromomodoj,
related to innovating teaching methods, such as Tokyo "AoreShoden", 1972) saw Ho Chi Minh
study goes as a pair with practice, the theory as a "discoverer", looking for the way to true
associated with practice; building an open socialism, at the same time education is
education system, promoting self-study; towards the integral human development.
training and retraining of trainers... The book Ho Chi Minh for national liberation
The study of Ho Chi Minh's educational and renewal (FurutaMotoo (1996) portrayed
philosophy must be placed in the whole of his the great Ho Chi Minh portrait of the 20th
legacies, with the interference between century, his legacy applied to the renovation of
economic, cultural, social, legal, and national the country in the construction of socialism,
aspirations. Just as he said, I only have one educational motto, educational philosophy in
desire, good desires, all people have food to the process of building a new society .In
eat, have clothes to wear, and can go to school. addition, many studies of foreign scholars on
According to Ho Chi Minh, independence and Ho Chi Minh such as Jean Lacouture - Ho Chi
freedom must be associated with well-being, Minh (Ed Seuil, Paris, 1967), CP.Ragiar - "Ho
happiness and everyone can learn. During his Chi Minh" (Ed. Presses universitaires, Paris,
revolutionary activities, he carried out specific 1970), David Hamberstam - Ho (Randoom
activities such as educating humanistic and House, New York, 1971), Daniel Hémery - Ho
moral ideas; training and retraining teachers in Chi Minh de l 'Indochine au Vietnam
the direction of theory associated with practice, (DecouvertesGallimard, Histoire, 1990),
promoting the self-study spirit... All of these Hypersion, New York, 2000; Sophie Quinn -
problems have value and meaning in the Judge - Ho Chi Minh, The Missing Years
application of innovative teaching methods (Horizon Books, Singapore, 2003)...
today Vietnam. Referring to innovative teaching methods, first
of all, Programmer for Internatonal Student
Literature Review Assessment - PISA, 2000 is a program of
survey, research, evaluation of teaching and
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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4979
learning in Germany. Research has shown Sciences (Methods, Methodology in Social
shortcomings of German education in general, Since the Central Committee of the Communist
Party of Vietnam issued Resolution 29-NQ/TW
and teaching humanities and social sciences in dated November 4, 2013, on “Fundamental,
comprehensive reform of education and
particular. And this study is likened to a "PISA training, to meet the demand for
industrialization and modernization in the
shock", which has become a boost to German context of a socialist-oriented market economy
and international integration” (Communist
education reform since 2000; and put a heavy Party of Vietnam, 2013). According to this
Resolution, for higher education, to focus on
burden on the social sciences and humanities in training highly qualified human resources,
fostering talents, developing the quality and
the teaching orientation "capacity building". capacity of self-study, enriching knowledge,
and creativity of learners. To perfect the
Nationnal Curriculum Framework defines the network of higher education institutions, the
professional structure and training
purpose of teaching social science is to qualifications suitable to the national human
resource development planning; in which,
improve learners' understanding about society, there are several schools and specializations
disciplines of regional and international level.
providing social, cultural, analytical skills to Diversifying training institutions to suit the
development needs of technologies, fields, and
adapt to a rapidly changed world, and occupations; requirements for national
construction, defense, and international
interdependently to solve problems in political, integration. In the field of continuing
education, ensuring opportunities for everyone,
economic and social practice. According to especially in rural and disadvantaged areas,
policy beneficiaries can learn to improve their
Nationnal Curriculum Framework, the teaching knowledge, qualifications, professional skills,
and life quality; create favorable conditions for
of Social Sciences includes three main content workers to change jobs; ensure sustainable
literacy eradication; complete the network of
circuits: History, Geography, Political Life and continuing education institutions and
diversified and flexible forms of learning and
Social (Social and Political Life). practice; attaching importance to self-study and
distance education. The resolution also outlines
Nationnal Curriculum Framework focuses on: a number of tasks and solutions in Vietnam's
education reform: Basically renovate the exam
1/Encourage learners to think and help them forms and methods, ensure honesty and
objectivity of testing and evaluating the results
develop problem solving skills - questioning of education and training; complete the national
education system towards an open education
high thinking skills (HOTs questions); 2/Life system, lifelong learning and building a
learning society; fundamentally renew the
skills: critical thinking, effective education and training management, ensuring
democracy and unity; increased autonomy and
communication, creativity, civic responsibility, social responsibility of education and training
institutions; attaching importance to quality
self-awareness, emotional restraint, management, developing the contingent of
teachers and administrators, meeting the
interpersonal relationships, empathy,
observation ; 3/Problem solving skills; 4/Ask
Value-based questions.
Besides, a number of other authors also
proposed the renewal of teaching methods, in
general, teaching the social sciences of
humanities at university level, in particular,
scattered in works: Charles C Bonwell and
James A. Eison - 1991, in Active Learning
project (Active Learning); David E. McNabb
(2009), Research Methods for Political Science
(Research Methods for Political Science);
Knottnerus, J. David; Guan, Jian (1997)
Analytical Strategies, Developments and
Assumptions (Analytical Strategy,
Development and Assumptions); Tobias
Andersson (2016), Rationality in educational
choice - A study on decision-making and risk-
taking in academic settings - A study on
decision-making and risk-taking in the
environment academic); David R. Shans,
Riachard J. Suney and John D. McCarthy
(2002), A retest of Probability and reasonable
choice, Journal of behavioral decision making;
Donatella della Porta, Michael Keat (2008),
Approaches and Methodologies in the Social
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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4979
requirements of education and training National Political Publishing House, Hanoi,
innovation, reforming policies, financial 2017;...
mechanisms, mobilizing the participation of the Thus, the study of Ho Chi Minh's educational
whole society; improve the efficiency of philosophy and the application of innovative
investment to develop education and training to university teaching methods in Vietnam is a
improve the quality and effectiveness of problem of many scholars, and the Government
science and technology research and of many countries is interested. Most of the
application, especially educational science and researches and teaching innovation programs at
management science, actively integrate and the tertiary level of the countries are aimed at
improve high efficiency of international training capable and dynamic individuals to
cooperation in education and training. contributes an important step to the
Pham Cong Nhat. (2014). The innovation of development of national and international
higher education towards international educational philosophies.
integration in our country today, presented the
inevitability and the content of the educational Materials and Methods
innovation method aimed at training human
resources for comprehensive development for Purpose: The article analyzesHo Chi Minh's
economic development, in the process of philosophy on education with its application in
international integration. The author Nguyen the innovation of university teaching methods
Minh Tri has analyzed the motto, content and in order to fundamentally and comprehensively
method in Ho Chi Minh's thought and its renovate education and training; “Strongly
application in the current fundamental and shifting the educational process from mainly
comprehensive renovation of education in equipping knowledge to developing
Vietnam. comprehensively students' competencies and
Related to this topic, can be mentioned by the qualities, theory associated with practice;
author: The work of Ho Chi Minh Thought the school education combined with family
process of formation and development of Vo education and social education... Development
Nguyen Giap, The truth Publishing House, of education and training must be associated
Hanoi, 1993; Basically the formation of Ho Chi with the needs of socio-economic development.
Minh thought by Professor. Tran Van Giau, Methodology: This research basically uses
National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, document analysis method. Analytical
1997; The work Understanding Ho Chi Minh's documents are published documents related to
thoughts on youth education by Van Tung, Ho Chi Minh philosophy on education and the
Youth Publishing House, Hanoi, 1999; Ho Chi innovation of university teaching methods of
Minh culture and innovation of Dinh Xuan countries around the world.
Lam and Bui DinhPhong, Labor Publishing Main Findings: Applying the educational
House, Hanoi, 2001 (second edition); Ho Chi philosophy of Ho Chi Minh The Party and the
Minh's thoughts on cultural and human State advocate a fundamental and
development of the authors Professor . Dang comprehensive innovation of education,
Xuan Ky, Professor. Vu Khieu and Hoang Chi including innovating the university teaching
Bao, National Political Publishing House, method towards "learning" with "practice",
Hanoi, 2005. Ho Chi Minh's thought on essay attached to practice; building an open
fostering a revolutionary generation for the education system, promoting self-study;
next generation of Tran Qui Nhon, Education training and retraining of trainers; meeting the
Publishing House, Hanoi, 2005; Ho Chi Minh's requirements of sustainable development of the
thought on youth education, author Doan Nam country in the context of world integration.
Dan, National Political Publishing House, Applications: Applying Ho Chi Minh's
Hanoi, 2008; Ho Chi Minh's ideology on educational philosophy to university
education with the issue of fundamental and governance and innovating university teaching
comprehensive renovation of Vietnam's methods is to give universities autonomy and
education today is by Ly Viet Quang (editor), fair, democratic and creative participation of all
stakeholders;; On the one hand, it must obey
the laws of the state, on the other hand, have to
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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4979
properly address the needs of the supply and revolutionary and scientific nature of that
demand market, mobilize the participation of doctrine, not copying the dry words. He
lecturers, scientists, learners, employees and affirmed: “You don't have to learn to memorize
other sectors in order to improve the quality, each words, and apply the experience of your
and expand opportunities for higher education fellow countries mechanically. But we must
to meet the requirements of sustainable learn Marxism - Leninism to analyze and solve
development of the country in the context of the specific problems of our revolution, to suit
world integration. our country's special conditions. When
Novelty/Originality: The study evaluated Ho applying, supplement and enrich reasoning
Chi Minh's philosophy analysis of education with new conclusions drawn from our
and the innovative application of modern revolutionary practice”. (Ho, 2011d: 95-96).
university teaching methods in Vietnam in Obviously, this is an important philosophy in
order to meet the requirements of international education and innovation of higher education
integration in the coming time. methods in Vietnam. It is teaching and learning
what is necessary for life, to meet social needs.
Results and Discussion Ho Chi Minh always appreciate self-study,
lifelong learning. "I am 71 years old this year, I
Ho Chi Minh's educational philosophy have to study every day... if I don't study, I
can't keep up, my work will leave me behind"
Ho Chi Minh's educational philosophy stems (Ho, 2011f: 273). Society is always developing,
from the selective inheritance of the nation's according to Ho Chi Minh, in order to catch up
traditions, the quintessence of Eastern and with the trend of the times, everyone must learn
Western culture, Marxism - Leninism, by themselves. Teachers must know how to
especially from the experience of rich in the guide self-study for students, students and
process of finding ways to save the country; themselves, teachers only have a way of self-
But the most important thing is that it stems study to improve their qualifications and update
from his independent, autonomous and creative their knowledge to constantly improve the
thinking. quality of teaching and training. He himself is a
In the late 19th and early 20th century, most of great example of self-study and self-training.
the patriotic movements of the Vietnamese He affirmed: “In order to wash away the evil
people against the oppression and exploitation traces of the old society, to practice
of the French colonialists took place very revolutionary morality, we must work hard to
actively, but all failed, such as Dong Du, Duy study, cultivate and self-reform to progress
Tan, Dong KinhNghiaThuc movements... forever. If you do not try to improve, it means
reflect the theoretical and ideological standoff regression, is backward. But regression and
of the anti-aggression movements. Ho Chi backwardness will be fired by the progressive
Minh realized that in order to save the country society. Not only at school, we can study,
and to save the people, one of the measures is cultivate, train and self-renovate. In all
to improve the people's knowledge. With his revolutionary activities, we can study and self-
independent, autonomous and creative mindset, reform” (Ho, 2011e: 602). According to Ho
Ho Chi Minh saw one of the causes of his Chi Minh, learning is never enough, it is vital
dehydration as a poor Vietnamese nation, "an to learn and have the spirit of passion for
ignorant nation is a weak one" (Ho, 2011a: 7). learning, determination and right methods to
Ho Chi Minh's independent, autonomous and study successfully.
creative thinking is also reflected in his In terms of teaching methods, Ho Chi Minh
receptive to the light of the Russian October does not focus on the origins but follow the
Revolution and his reception of Marxism - competencies and strengths of students and
Leninism. He said: "I have found the truth of staff: "Must foster, choose and use staff
Marxism - Lenin has gone from a progressive correctly" (Ho, 2011b: 280). At the same time,
patriot to a socialist soldier" (Ho, 2011e: 740).. after training and retraining will be completed
However, Ho Chi Minh absorbed Marxism - "based on the training results, capabilities,
Leninism with an independent, autonomous
and creative spirit; absorbing the soul, the
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strengths and weaknesses of each person to and practice. He wrote: "without reasoning, it is
arrange, use properly" (Duc, 2010: 538). as embarrassing as closing your eyes"
In June 1925, he founded a large mass "Reasoning as a guideline, it shows the
organization to gather young patriotic youths at direction" (Ho, 2011e: 273) for people in
home and abroad, taking the name of the practical work. He also determined: "In other
Vietnam Youth Revolution Association; regimes, education must be different... The
opened political training class, conducted purpose of education now is to serve the
educational activities, fostered, trained, built a people, serve the country, train the class of
contingent of cadres to serve as the core for the people, the class of new cadres" (Ho, 2011d:
Vietnamese revolutionary movement. He has 344); “Learn to serve whom? To serve the
successfully implemented philosophy that Fatherland, to serve the people, to make the
study goes as a pair with practice, theory people rich and to a strong country, that is to
associated with practice. Through the fulfill the role of the owner of the country”
sterilization movement, the members - patriotic (Ho, 2011d: 179).
youth - are forged in practical activities to Ho Chi Minh identified educational
become more mature and more stable. development as the cause of the entire
When the August Revolution (1945) was population: “Education is the cause of the
successful, the Democratic Republic of masses. It is necessary to bring into full play
Vietnam was born, President Ho Chi Minh socialist democracy, build good relationships,
issued the Constitution, affirming the right to close solidarity between teachers and teachers,
go to school. Article 15 of the 1946 teachers and students, students together, among
Constitution states: “A compulsory elementary officials at all levels, betweenschools and the
school background and no tuition fees. In local people to successfully complete that task” (Ho,
primary schools, ethnic minorities have the 2011g:508).
right to study in their own language. Poor He requested that the training and retraining of
students are supported by the Government. teachers always associate educational content
Private schools are open freely and must be with the Vietnamese revolutionary practice,
taught according to the State program” learning must go hand in hand with practice,
(National Assembly, 2020). This means that all reasoning must go with reality, learning must
Vietnamese can learn "Elementary education" - combine with labor. The school is associated
primary education - and the State is responsible with the society. He points to an obvious truth:
for building schools, programs, and arranging "The task of education is very important and
teachers. This is a very progressive policy. Ho glorious, for without teachers there is no
Chi Minh proposed "the right to go to school" education" (Ho, 2011d: 345). Therefore,
as a "product" with new value in accordance according to him, the most important method in
with the reality of Vietnam. At the same time, education is that teachers, and educators who
in order to serve education, he wrote a series of work in education must be fostered and well
works such as New Life (1947), Modifying the trained to combine with all three educational
way of working (1948), Revolutionary Ethics environments - family, school, and society. Ho
(1958)... expresses his educational philosophy Chi Minh proposed: "Teachers must find ways
vividly: “The young people's brains were as to teach. What to teach, how to teach students
pure as white silk. Dye green, it will be green. to understand quickly, remember long and
If you dye red, it will be red. Therefore, make rapid progress. Teaching and learning
learning at school has a great influence on the must follow the needs of the nation and the
future of the youth and the future of the youth, State” (Ho, 2011d: 290-291). Ho Chi Minh's
ie the future of the country.His educational educational philosophy reflects the
method: “The most important thing is to teach comprehensiveness of the content of education
students to love their country and love the and training. In teaching and learning activities,
peoples. Must teach them to be independent, attention must be paid to all aspects: ethics,
resilient, determined not to be inferior to culture, technology, labor and production. He
anyone, determined not to be slaves” (Ho, emphasized: “Knowledge must be easy to
2011d: 274). In teaching must combine theory understand, easy to remember and learn
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quickly. In addition to knowledge there must educational philosophy emphasizes practice,
be revolutionary morality. The teacher must be takes practice as standards, measures, and has
the role model for the children. To do so is to decisive significance.
fulfill the duty” (Ho, 2011d: 345). Implementing Ho Chi Minh's educational
In summary, Ho Chi Minh's educational philosophy "learning" in parallel with
philosophy is the philosophy of action and "practice", theory associated with practice
contains a noble, methodological spirit in contributes to improving the creative capacity
innovating the current university teaching of students, breaking old and conservative
methods. "beliefs" , overcoming imposing one-way
communication, memorizing machines,
Applying Ho Chi Minh's educational promoting the activeness, initiative and
philosophy to renovating the current creativity of learners.
Innovating university teaching methods in the
university teaching methods direction of "learning" in parallel with
"practice", theory associated with practice
Applying Ho Chi Minh's educational requires teachers in teaching to find ways to
philosophy to the innovation of university teach; what to teach, teach how to quickly
teaching methods, our Party clearly defined: understand, remember, make rapid progress, in
“Education and training are the top national a student-centered spirit. When teaching, it is
policies, the cause of the Party, the State and necessary to avoid indoctrination teaching, to
the entire people” and the policy of stick reasoning with practice, according to the
fundamental and comprehensive reform of principles of voluntary self-discipline,
education and training; “Strongly shifting the explanation, discussion, persuasion, not
educational process from mainly equipping constraint; shift from teacher reading, student
knowledge to developing comprehensively copy to how students must take self-study as
students' competencies and qualities. Learning the essence, in the direction of attaching
with practice; theory associated with practice; importance to the development of students'
school education combined with family qualities and capabilities; focus on teaching
education and social education ... Development methods, skills and self-study; teach how to
of education and training must be associated associate theory with practice, teach to be
with the needs of socio-economic development human... so that learners can adapt quickly to
and national defense; Renovate the educational the circumstances, responsibly with their
system in the direction of open, flexible, and family, society and the country.
interconnected education and training levels Implementing an open education system,
and modes. Standardize and modernize lifelong learning
education and training” (Communist Party of The educational philosophy of building an
Vietnam, 2013), . Regarding the innovation of open educational system, promoting self-study
teaching methods, our Party clearly states: spirit and lifelong self-learning awareness of
“Focus on teaching ways of learning, thinking, Ho Chi Minh is very meaningful in the context
encouraging self-study, creating a basis for of innovation and integration with the need to
learners to update themselves and renew their train human resources for career boost
knowledge, skills, and capacity development" industrialization and modernization of the
(Communist Party of Vietnam, 2013)... It is country, for a country with wealthy people,
also the return to Ho Chi Minh's educational strong country, democracy, justice and
philosophy in order to successfully implement civilization.
the strategy of planting people. Applying this viewpoint, our Party advocates
Study goes as a pair with practice, reasoning building a learning society, allowing everyone
associated with practice to learn according to programs and content
Ho Chi Minh's philosophy on education in suitable to each subject, associated with the
particular is a philosophy of action, mainly needs of socio-economic development to build
expressed through actions and jobs. The and defend the Fatherland. Innovating the
philosophy of his method of action is speaking method of university teaching towards lifelong
with doing, learning with practice, reasoning
associated with practice. Ho Chi Minh's
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learning to train young intellectuals with deep attention to the training and retraining of
expertise so that they can "stand firm" in the teachers, step by step building a comprehensive
changing labor market. education. Today, the Party and State need to
Implementing the philosophy of lifelong continue to improve regimes and policies to
learning - in the philosophy of education in Ho treat and honor teachers. The State needs to
Chi Minh City - will promote the students' support funding, scientific and technical
creative spirit highly, compatible with the facilities conditions to support teachers and
requirements of the life of the times - the era of teachers to renovate teaching methods to adapt
information explosion, social knowledge is to the development of science and technology
filled with many different dimensions, in the era of information and knowledge
sometimes contradictory, chaotic, confused. economy development; creating conditions for
Nowadays, fully equipping learners with the contingent of teachers and teachers to
knowledge is clearly impossible and exchange and exchange experiences and
unnecessary. With the philosophy of lifelong practice in educational development, teachers
learning, university teaching will become more in developed countries to expand their horizons
favorable in the responsibility of imparting to and thinking.
learners the method. On that basis, learners are Innovating in accordance with technology
independent in thinking, promoting the spirit of revolution 4.0
creativity, opening up the creative source of President Ho Chi Minh – who made a new
thinking, turning learning into a passion of education comprehensively, with the
discovery. expectation of "making the Vietnamese people
Training, retraining and using a team of a wise people", walking abreast to be well-
trainers matched with international friends. According
The study of Ho Chi Minh's educational to his viewpoint, "everyone can learn", "reform
philosophy shows that the teaching staff must old intellectuals", "train new intellectuals" go
be trained, fostered and used. Because this is hand in hand with the expansion of the school
the decisive factor for the quality of higher system to suit specific conditions; the program
education, it is the special production force that content includes culture, politics, science -
creates products as human resources, and at the technology, revolutionary ethics, etc ...; must
same time is the subject oriented to create the renew teaching and learning styles to suit the
sustainable development of society. Ho Chi needs of the country, and suit the national
Minh highly appreciated the duties of teachers development trend and the times. “The
and teachers. “Teacher deserves to be a teacher university needs to combine scientific
- is the most glorious person. Although their reasoning with practice, make an effort to study
names were not published in newspapers or the theory and advanced science of your
received medals, good teachers were unknown countries, combine with our country's practice,
heroes. This is a very glorious thing” (Ho, to practically help the construction of the
2011g: 402 – 403). “The ladies and gentlemen country” (Ho, 2011h: 186).
have a very important task: cultivating the Today, in the new context with the trend of
generation of citizens, the next generation will globalization and international integration, his
do well, the next generation will have a very views and instructions on education have
good influence. Failure to do well will have a always accompanied the construction and
negative effect on the next generation” (Ho, defense of the Socialist Vietnam Fatherland.
2011d: 344). Ho Chi Minh is very interested in Implementing the great thought of President
the task of training, retraining and using the Ho Chi Minh, the Party, the State, the
team of trainers. He asked the teacher to education sector has carried out fundamental
constantly study: Study at school, study at and comprehensive innovation towards
books, learn from each other and learn from proactive and active international integration to
people. develop education and training to meet the
Applying Ho Chi Minh's educational requirements of international integration for
philosophy, our Party has directed branches, national development. One of these
committees and authorities to pay more
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requirements is to innovate training methods in management, administration, order,
accordance with the technology revolution 4.0.
Technology revolution 4.0 with the foundation bureaucracy, subsidy and social life is very
is the internet connecting everything; The
combination of technology in the real world, difficult. According to this governance model,
the virtual world and the biological world
allows information, knowledge and knowledge the position and role of the university are very
of humanity to be regularly put on the "cloud"
for anyone to look up. Universities and small and limited to the mandate of the person
students around the world are connected.
Therefore, it is necessary to raise awareness who executes the top-down state administrative
and renew thinking about higher education
development in the overall development decisions. This is a governance model based on
strategy of the country; innovate teaching
methods, train high-level human resources and the state, but it is not a combination of the three
participate in labor market restructuring.
Training goals in the direction of creativity, powers of the state, the market and the
personal capacity development with high
interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature scientific community, which is a governance
and many training programs associated with
technology 4.0. There is a need to develop model based entirely on the state and the role
various programs to help personalize training;
It is necessary to clearly define the strengths of university governance, only focuses on the
and weaknesses of each learner to come up
with a suitable specific training program. field of professional activity "according to
Combining traditional methods (presentation,
conversation, practice...) with new methods regulations". Under this model, state
(problem solving, case teaching, action
oriented teaching...); applying methods management agencies directly perform the
associated with modern technologies such as
online teaching E-learning. functions of allocating the state budget and
Thus, Ho Chi Minh's educational philosophies
have methodological significance in innovating resources, and planning and organizing,
university teaching methods in line with the 4.0
technology revolution. directing, operating and supervising all
Conclusion activities of higher education, while the
Ho Chi Minh's educational philosophy is a universities become faculties, disciplines and
system of educational perspectives drawn from units under the managing ministries.
the vibrant practical activities of the From 2013 up to now, the radical and
Vietnamese revolution. Therefore, the comprehensive reform of education in Vietnam
innovation of university teaching methods and has set out requirements and tasks for renewing
the renewal of the education system has a teaching methods. This requirement becomes
dialectic relationship. especially urgent with the guiding point of
Innovating university teaching methods will fundamental innovation, comprehensive
"touch" the depths of the nature of educational
activities, altering the quality of the current education, which is to strongly shift the
education system. Because, the pre-reform
Vietnamese university governance model with educational process from mainly equipping
heavy "concentration, bureaucracy, subsidy" is
operated under the mechanism of centralized knowledge to developing comprehensively the
capacity and quality of learners. . The overall
goal of Vietnam's educational reform based on
Ho Chi Minh's educational philosophy is to
educate Vietnamese people to develop
comprehensively and bring into full play the
creative potentials and abilities of each
individual; love family, love Fatherland, love
people; live well and work effectively. This
radical and comprehensive innovation of
education requires a fundamental and
comprehensive renovation of Vietnamese
university teaching methods.
Applying Ho Chi Minh's educational
philosophy to university governance and
innovating university teaching methods is to
give universities autonomy and fair, democratic
and creative of stakeholders; On the one hand,
it must obey the laws of the state, on the other
hand, have to properly address the needs of the
supply and demand market and mobilize the
participation of lecturers, scientists, learners,
employees and all other sectors to improve the
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quality and expand opportunities for higher sustainable development of the country in the
education to meet the requirements of context of world integration.
1. Communist Party of Vietnam (2013), 10. National Assembly. (2020). Vietnamese
Resolution No. 29-NQ / TW, November Constitution over the periods
4th ,2013 (Constitutions in 1946, 1959, 1980, 1992,
2013). Hanoi: National Political Publishing
2. Ho, C. M. (2011a). Complete Works, House.
vol.4, Hanoi: National Political Publishing
House. 11. OECD. (2013). PISA 2012
ErgebnisseimFokus; Stanatu.a. PISA 2000:
3. Ho, C. M. (2011b). Complete Works, Die Student imUberblickGrundlagen,
vol.7, Hanoi: National Political Publishing Methoden und Ergebnise, 2002,
12. OECD (2005), The Definition and
4. Ho, C. M. (2011c). Complete Works, Selection of Key Competencies.
vol.8, Hanoi: National Political Publishing
House. 13. Pham, N. T. (2011).The way to save the
country of Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh
5. Ho, C. M. (2011d). Complete Works, City: Publishing House.
vol.10, Hanoi: National Political
Publishing House. 14. Tran Dan Tien. (1975). Stories about the
active life of President Ho Chi Minh. The
6. Ho, C. M. (2011e). Complete Works, Truth Publishing House.
vol.11, Hanoi: National Political
Publishing House. 15. United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization – UNESCO. (1990).
7. Ho, C. M. (2011f). Complete Works, Resolution of the United Nations
vol.13, Hanoi: National Political Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Publishing House. Organization (UNESCO) on the 100th
anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh's
8. Ho, C. M. (2011g). Complete Works, birth.
vol.14, Hanoi: National Political
Publishing House. 16. William J. D. (1995). What is to be Done?
Ho Chi Minh's Duong KachMenh. Essays
9. Ho, C. M. (2011h). Complete Works, into Vietnamese Parts. K. W. Taylor and
vol.15, Hanoi: National Political John K. Whitmore, eds. New York:
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Hanoi: National Political Publishing
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(2010 -2020)
Nguyen Van Hiep1 and Pham Ngoc Tram2*
1, 2 Thu Dau Mot University (TDMU), Binh Duong Province, Vietnam
Science and technology play an important role in transforming growth models, improving productivity, quality, efficiency and
competitiveness of the economy. This is a matter of vital significance to the existence and development of the country and is an
urgent requirement of the current industrialization, modernization and national integration in Vietnam. During more than 30
years of industrialization, modernization and international integration, science and technology in Vietnam, especially in the
last 10 years (2010-2020) have made important progress in all aspects, making a practical contribution to economic
development - society, improve the quality of people's life and consolidate national defense and security. However, science and
technology in Vietnam today still has many shortcomings as the level of science and technology of social production remains
low and backward compared to other countries in the region; low labor productivity; domestic businesses are still less
interested in investing in research and development (R&D); investment in science and technology activities is low, the
structure is not suitable, efficiency is low; the contingent of science and technology staff lacks quantity, is weak in quality and
the structure is not suitable. These shortcomings have been affecting the demand for reform of an economic growth model to
meet the requirements of rapid and sustainable development. Written focus on clarifying the role of science and technology
in innovation of growth model, thereby assessing the status of promoting the role of science and technology in
innovating economic growth model in Vietnam. Especially in the period 2010 - 2020. Thereby, the article proposes a
number of solutions to implement to promote the role of science and technology in innovation growth model in Vietnam.
Keywords: Science, Technology, Economic growth model, Vietnam.
Introduction the current situation and proposes many
In the early years of the twenty-first century, solutions to promote the role of science and
humanity witnessed and enjoyed many technology in our country's economic growth
achievements due to the brilliant development model in the coming time.
of science and technology, especially the
achievements of the industrial revolution 4.0 Related Works
have changed all areas of social life. Science More than 180 years ago, Karl Marx said that
and technology have become the direct science would become a direct production
production force, a major driving force behind force. In the Ministry of Capital, Karl Marx
the socio-economic development of many asserted: "The development of fixed capital is
countries around the world and more an indicator that popular social knowledge has
importantly, it opening up a new economy, a transformed to some degree into a direct
new civilization for all humanity: intellectual productive force" (Karl & Friedrich, 2015).
economy and intellectual civilization. Karl Marx also forecasts that, following the
Therefore, in today's era, any country that development of the great industry, the creation
perceives the role of science and technology to of real wealth becomes less dependent on labor
the socio-economy knows to focus on adequate time and the amount of labor cost that they
investment in science and technology depend on the general level of science and
development, that country will have conditions technical progress, or depends on its
to quickly spurt in socio-economic application in production.
development, soon join the ranks of countries “Tendances actually de la recherche
with highly developed economies in the world. Scientique” has analyzed and evaluated the
Science and technology are the keys scientific organization, the scientific research
transforming economic growth models from organization, the analyzed works contain the
breadth to depth. Over the years, a science and economic potential of science and the impact of
technology of Vietnam have shown this role science on the aspects of social life ( Pierre,
quite well, but there are still many problems 1961)
that need to be overcome. The paper analyzes Alvin Toffler's conception of the role of science
is the factor to diverge human history into
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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4979
different periods according to successive waves innovation of economic growth model is
considered as an economic development
of civilization created by scientific and strategy in the process of international
integration, aiming at fast and sustainable
technological achievements. Alvin Toffler development, reforming the growth model
towards knowledge economy development and
asserted that knowledge is the power, the green growth, improving growth quality and
competitiveness; science and technology,
power of the future, the thing that is never- knowledge, high-quality human resources and
information must be the driving force, creating
ending, uses never-ending and is the most added value of goods and services.
According to the Oxford dictionary: “Science is
democratic power. At the same time, he argues knowledge about the structure and behavior of
the natural and physical world, based on facts
that the current world's rapid changes are not that you can prove” and “Science is a system
for organizing the knowledge about a particular
chaotic and accidental, but a process of subject, especially one concerned with aspects
of human behavior or society”; The Economic
transformation from civilization to civilization. and Social Commission for Asia and the
Pacific (ESCAP) said: “Technology is
Human history follows three waves of systematic knowledge of processes and
techniques used to process materials and
agricultural, industrial and post-industrial process information. Technology includes the
knowledge, skills, equipment, methods and
civilization whose coordinates are attributed to systems used to create goods and deliver
science and technology (Alvin, 1991) Today, science and technology have become a
direct production force, spreading strongly to
Besides, it is possible to mention here that are all areas of social life, a key factor in
sustainable development like Karl Marx
some recent forecasts that have been forecasted observed: “As the growth of a great industry,
wealth creation becomes less dependent on
by the future related to the impact of science labor time and the amount of labor that has
been wasted rather than on the actors engaged
and technology. Author Konrad Seitz, through in motion during the time of labor and the
actors themselves, in turn (their enormous
"the race in the twenty-first century", he efficiencies), are incompatible with the direct
labor time required to produce them, rather,
affirmed the role of science and technology as they depend the general level of science and on
the progress of technology” (Karl & Friedrich,
the power of countries to advance in the 2015).
From the above point of view, science and
twentieth century. Author Claude Allgre technology is the keys to transform the
economic growth model from mainly based on
affirmed that the advances of science in the capital, labor and resources factors to mainly
based on total factor productivity (TFP). The
twenty-first century will be even greater than role of science and technology in innovating
the economic growth model can be pointed out
before, with the development of science as follows:
Firstly, science and technology are decisive
changing daily life, upsetting the understanding factors for economic growth in the long run.
There have been many studies by economists
and belief of people (Claude, 2013).
Science and technology contributing to
increased labor productivity, transforming
economic growth models, people in many
countries become rich, well-off, healthy and
live longer. However, all of them have side
effects, negative (Peter, 2013)
The role of science and technology is to
exercise the function of perception and
transformation of the world. The last part of the
work focuses on analyzing the role as the
foundation and driving force of science and
technology for the industrialization and
modernization in Vietnam as a decisive role for
equipping modern equipment for production,
having an important role in training and
promoting human resources, perfecting
mechanism, organizing production
management, contributing important to
realizing sustainable development goals (Pham,
Research Method
Renovating economic growth model is
understood as changing the mode of economic
growth towards modernization, applying
technology to production. In Vietnam, the
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on the role of science and technology in workers, labor complexity), helping to increase
economic growth. From the middle of the
nineteenth century, K.Marx predicted: to the labor productivity many times. With capital
industrial age, the creation of wealth did not
depend mainly on labor time, but on the resources: through the modernization of
technology of production. Robert Solow said
that all growth per capita in the long run is due financial intermediaries, communication
to technological progress. Kuznets asserted:
technology is the red thread throughout the systems, especially the digital revolution, have
process of sustainable economic growth.
Samuelson commented: About one-third of the made banking transactions fast, easy,
increase in output in the US is due to the
impact of capital and labor, the other two-thirds convenient, safe, accurate, promote production
are a balance that can be attributed to
education, innovation and economic efficiency and business activities. So science and
by scale, scientific progress and other factors.
The reason that science and technology is the technology are the keys to transforming a
decisive factor for economic growth in the long
run is that unlike inputs such as capital, labor growth model of breadth to depth.
and resources are limited, science and
technology resources seem without limits. Therefore, in the socio-economic development
Because when giving capital, labor and
resources to other individuals to use, the owner strategy in the process of international
cannot continue to use those resources
(limited). Whereas with science and technology integration, Vietnam has determined: “Strongly
resources, when given to others to use, the
owner still does not lose the right to use that develop science and technology as a driving
resource and the more people use it, the closer
to zero the cost of creating that resource. force to accelerate industrialization,
Therefore, it can be understood that the
resources of Science, Technology and modernization and development of knowledge
innovation are limitless. Science and
technology become the decisive factor for economy, contributing to a rapid increase in
economic growth in the long run, is the key to
overcome the state of rest, escape the middle- productivity, quality, efficiency,
income trap (but should not be understood as
absolute, because science and technology competitiveness of the economy, rapid and
resources are products of human brain activity,
in certain historical eras. sustainable development of the country;
Secondly, science and technology are the keys
to transforming the growth model from breadth increasing the contribution rate of the factor of
to depth. Science and technology are means to
improve the efficiency of using other resources. combined productivity and growth” (Tran,
With natural resources: science and technology
make discovering and exploiting easier, 2019).
increasing efficiency, finding many new
sources of energy to replace the traditional On the basis of the theoretical issues about the
energy sources that are gradually being
depleted. With labor resources: science and role of science and technology in growth model
technology fundamentally changed the working
method of humans, shifting from physical labor innovation, the paper's approach is based on the
(manual, simple) to intellectual labor (skilled
views of international and domestic scholars to
evaluate. The status of promoting the role of
science and technology in growth models in
Vietnam is assessed and described with the
help of objective data from the main published
Vietnamese statistical sources. At the same
time, the article also uses a combination of
specific research methods such as historical,
logical, comparison, analysis, synthesis,
inductive and interpretation, data synthesis... to
serve in research and article presentation.
Results and Discussion
Achievements promoting the role of science
and technology in reforming Vietnam's
economic growth model
Over the past years, Vietnam has implemented
many guidelines and policies to promote the
development of science and technology, so it
has made the significant progress in the ranking
of the global innovation index. According to
the World Intellectual Property Organization in
2019, Vietnam's global innovation index
ranking continued to improve to 42/129
economy, up three places compared to 2018, 17
levels compared to 2016 and 34 levels
compared to 2012. This result puts Vietnam
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ranked first in the group of low middle-income productivity growth rate of Vietnam is 3.45% /
countries, ranking 3rd in ASEAN (after year; to the period 2011-2015 increasing to
Singapore and Malaysia). In particular, there 4.35% / year and the period 2016-2019 to reach
are two indexes related to inputs and outputs of 5.75% / year. Generally, in the 10 years 2007-
science and technology that have made great 2016, labor productivity in terms of purchasing
leaps, namely: the total expenditure on research power equivalent in 2011 (PPP 2011) of
and development (R&D) increased by five Vietnam increased by an average of 4.2% /
places and the Index of Production products year, 1.5% higher than Singapore's average
based on knowledge and technology increased growth rate /year; Malaysia 1.9% / year;
eight places compared to 2018 (Communist Thailand 2.5% / year; Indonesia 3.5% / year;
Party of Vietnam, 2011) Philippines 2.8% / year (Nguyen, 2018). (ii)
The survey results of the Ministry of Science Improve the efficiency of capital use. In the
and Technology in 2018, Vietnam showed that period 2006-2010, ICOR of the economy was
about 30% of enterprises have technology 6.96 times; in the period 2011 – 2015, it
innovation activities and about 4,000 creative decreased to 6.25 times and in the period 2016
start-ups are operating (Vietnam Economic – 2019, it was 6.17 times (Vietnam Economic
Times, 2019). Particularly in the industry and Times, 2019). (iii) Improve the efficiency of
trade, the proportion of enterprises participating natural resource exploitation. In the 2010-2018
in technology innovation is increasingly high. period, the coal industry, thanks to research and
In 2017, 49.8% of the technology was renewed investment in technological innovation, has
compared to the enterprise's internal, 47.8% increased the average output by 9.4% / year.
compared to the market and 2.4% compared to The rate of mechanical exploitation increased
the world. In the field of technological dramatically, from 3.3% in 2010 to 13.1% in
innovation, more than 80% of large enterprises 2018. Especially through the State-level
participate in product or process innovation, Science and Technology Project: “Research and
nearly 50% expand the field of production - manufacture equipment and technology for the
business; for small and medium enterprises and construction of wells and vertical good loading
the corresponding figures are about 50% and shafts for Nui Beo coal mines”, for the first
17-18%. That proves that businesses are time, Vietnam has approached and mastered the
increasingly interested in R&D activities. A world's advanced technology, helping to
report by the World Bank in 2017 shows that increase proactivity, reduce consultancy and
Vietnamese businesses spend about 1.6% of design costs by about 30% compared to foreign
their annual revenue on R&D. Many hiring costs; contribute to localization of 2/3 of
corporations have set up an S&T development the value, reduce 17-20% of equipment import
fund to promote science and technology costs.
activities (Communist Party of Vietnam, 2011). Secondly, science and technology have
The number of international publications in promoted the transformation of the economic
Vietnam in the past five years has increased growth model towards increasing TFP based
rapidly (about 2.5 times), from 4,484 articles in growth, decreasing based on increasing capital
2015 to 11,061 articles in 2019, with an and labor. From 2011, the TFP growth rate of
increased rate of 25.5% per year. The number Vietnam is much higher than that of previous
of international articles published annually by years. On the contrary, the growth rate of
Scopus has also increased from 1,764 articles capital and labor decreased. Specifically: the
in 2009 to 8,243 articles in 2018. TFP growth rate in the period 2011-2018 was
The strong development of science and 2.06%, nearly four times higher than that of the
technology in Vietnam over the past years has 2006-2010 period, 0.54%; the growth rate of
had a positive impact on the innovation of capital decreased sharply from 13.3% in the
economic growth model, as shown through: 2006-2010 period to 7.97% in the 2011-2018
Firstly, science and technology have period and the labor growth rate decreased
contributed to improving the efficiency of using from 2.77% in the 2006-2010 period to 1.27%
other resources: (i) Improve the efficiency of in the 2011-2018 period.
labor use. In the 2006-2010 period, the labor The rapid growth of TFP in the period 2011-
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2018 prompted the growth model Thailand (40). This shows that the role of
transformation of Vietnam, gradually reducing science and technology, especially high
the dependence on capital and labor. In the technology, has not played a key role in
2001-2010 period, Vietnam's contribution of improving investment efficiency.
capital and labor growth to GDP growth was Secondly, labor productivity in Vietnam is low.
73.6%; in the period 2011-2015, it will be Comparing Vietnam's labor productivity with
reduced to 69.8%; the period 2016-2019 other countries in Southeast Asia, compared
continued to decrease 59.7%. The contribution with the least developed countries in Southeast
of the TFP increase factor to GDP growth is Asia (CLMV - a block of four countries
increasing. If in the period 2001-2010, this Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar), with
proportion was only 26.4%, in the period 2011- ASEAN + 6, ASEAN all see lagging.
2015, it increased to 33.6% and in the period According to the Asian Productivity
2016-2019, it was 44.5%, is quite far from the Organization, Vietnam's labor productivity is
set target of 30-35%. even lower than Laos, Myanmar and even
These actions bring into full play the strength lower than CLMV. In 2018, Vietnam's labor
of promoting, improving economic quality and productivity was only equal to 96% Myanmar,
growth, maintaining national defense and 88.7% Laos, 54.5% Philippines, 41%
securityimproving the quality of people's lives, Indonesia, 36% Thailand, 18% Malaysia,
creating a new position and force for Vietnam. 35.4% ASEAN + 6, 43.6 % ASEAN and only
Limitations on the promotion of the role of equivalent to 7.7% of Singapore.
science and technology in renewing Analyzing the changing trend of labor
Vietnam's economic growth model productivity in the period 1970 - 2016, if the
United States is taken as a standard, Vietnam's
Science and technology in Vietnam have labor productivity has increased, but the growth
made great progress in recent years, positively rate is quite slow, at the same time, labor
contributing to the innovation of economic productivity of Singapore, Hong Kong,
growth model. However, in order to realize the Malaysia, etc increased dramatically (the slope
2021-2030 period target, which is shifting to a of these countries is larger than that of
model of in-depth an economic growth, Vietnam), showing the absolute gap in average
Vietnam's science and technology are facing income between Vietnam and the number of
many difficulties and challenges: countries in the region are being expanded.
Firstly, the level of science and technology of Thirdly, domestic enterprises are still less
social production has been raised, but in interested in investing in research and
general, it is still low, even out of date and development (R&D). The ratio of R&D
slowly being reformed. Currently, most spending to GDP in Vietnam (including the
Vietnamese enterprises, especially private public and private sectors) is only about 0.44%,
enterprises, are using technology 2-3 much lower than the world average of 2.23% of
generations behind the world average, of which GDP. The linkage between enterprises and
76% of equipment, machinery and technology scientific research facilities to implement the
lines imported from abroad in the years 1960- process of technology transfer and innovation
1970; 75% of the equipment is fully is still very limited. According to FIRST-
depreciated; 50% of equipment is refurbished NASA's recent research on enterprise
(Nguyen, 2018). Knowledge Economic Index innovation, only nearly 14% of businesses have
(KEI) of Vietnam is 3.51, of which the coordinated with outside units to conduct
innovation index is 2.72, much lower than product innovation research; Technology
Singapore (8.44), Malaysia (6.07) and Thailand transfer activities from science and technology
(5.52). According to the World Intellectual organizations to enterprises are very low (just
Property Organization (WIPO), by 2018, the under 1%). It can be said that the link between
rate of Vietnamese patents and applications has enterprises (the demand side in the science and
improved significantly (ranked 51), higher than technology market) with institutes, schools,
the Philippines (ranked 55), Bangladesh (102nd scientists (the supply side) is still very limited.
place), but still much lower than Singapore A survey by the Ministry of Science and
(25th), Indonesia (35th), Malaysia (38th),
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Technology in 2018 shows that only about 30% lowest in the world. Meanwhile, this rate is
of businesses have innovative activities and 43% for Thailand, 48% for Malaysia and even
about 4,000 creative startups are operating. higher in developed countries (Tran, 2019)
Fourthly, investment in science and technology Sixthly, there is a lack of mechanisms and
is low, the structure is not suitable and the use policies to favor and stimulate creativity for
efficiency is low. The rate of investment in scientists and scientific establishments, so it
science and technology from the state budget has not created a driving force for the creation
has gradually decreased from 2000 to the and application of science and technology.
present. On average, the 2000-2010 period Besides, awareness of all levels, sectors and
reached 1.85%/year of the total state budget localities about the role of science, technology
expenditure. In the period 2011-2018, this rate and innovation is not comprehensive enough.
was the only 1.4%/year. At the same time, the The above limitations and shortcomings show
law requires that 2% of the state budget be that science and technology have not done well
spent on science and technology. The ratio of the role of "really the leading national policy";
R&D spending to GDP in Vietnam is very low "Is the key and most important driving force to
compared to the world average. Vietnam's total develop a modern production force, to
expenditure for both public and private sectors industrialize and modernize the country". The
for science and technology since 2010 has main reason is: 1- All levels, sectors,
reached only 0.44% of GDP, much lower than businesses and science and technology
the world average of 2.23% of GDP (Thailand organizations are not fully aware of the role
0.78%; Singapore 2.2%; Malaysia 1.3%, China and position of science and technology for the
2.1%) (Hai, 2020). The structure of investment rapid development and sustainable country in
capital in science and technology still has many the long term; 2- Vietnam develops in a broad-
shortcomings. In East Asian countries, the state based growth model on the basis of low-skilled
budget capital for this activity only accounts labor, low-cost, land and other resource-
for 20-30%, while that of the non-state sector is intensive, low technology, mainly
70-80%; In OECD countries, this structure is manufacturing raw products, processing and
close to 20% and above 80%. Meanwhile, the assembling for a long time; failing to create a
structure of Vietnam in the period 2001-2010 large "demand side" (firstly from enterprises)
was 70%/30%, the period 2011-2015 was to encourage and promote the development and
60%/40% and the period 2016-2019 was application of science and technology and
52%/48%. The efficiency in using funding for innovation; 3- Institutions for development and
science and technology activities is not good. application of science and technology and
Some localities have not used these funds for innovation still have many shortcomings and
the right purposes, such as spending on the inconsistencies. Lack of mechanisms suitable
operation of the non-business units under the to the specificity of intellectual activities to
Department of Information and create a strong driving force for the
Communications; project reciprocal spending; development and application of science -
expenses for wastewater treatment; expenses technology and innovation; 4- The country's
for construction of underground medium- scientific and technological potential (the
voltage lines, transformer stations... contingent of science and technology staff,
Fifthly, the contingent of science and intellectual property, financial resources,
technology staff is insufficient in quantity, scientific and technological facilities) has been
weak in quality and the structure is not suitable. increased but still very humble. These are also
The rate of R&D staff per capita in Vietnam is important issues to be overcome in order to
relatively low and has hardly increased since promote the role of science and technology in
2013; has barely increased, reaching about innovation of growth models in Vietnam in the
7.02% (only equal to 20% of the EU average, new period.
7.6% South Korea, 29, 8% Malaysia, 58% Some measures to be implemented to
compared with Thailand). The proportion of promote the role of science and technology
people of university age (18-29 years) in growth model innovation in Vietnam
attending university is 28.3%, among the The above analysis shows that, to promote the
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role of science and technology in growth model knowledge and train talents. To concentrate on
innovation in Vietnam in the coming time, the investment in education development.
Government of Vietnam needs: Accelerating training of scientific and technical
Firstly, to build a strong science and staff and skilled workers, managers, people in
technology development strategy as a basis for business, etc. Education and training, science
improving productivity, quality, efficiency and and technology should be considered the top
competitiveness of industries, sectors and the national policy, a breakthrough to meet the
whole economy, promote economic demand for high-quality human resources for
restructuring and economic growth model the knowledge economy. Create opportunities
innovation, promote R&D innovative start-ups, to improve skills, work learning opportunities
application combined with technology and lifelong learning for employees. Encourage
development, especially in new fields and enterprises to participate more in national
fields with potentials and strengths. human resource development, especially state-
Secondly, to develop national science and owned enterprises and multinational
technology in the direction of enterprise- corporations. To adopt policies to attract
centered, universities and research institutes as overseas Vietnamese and foreign experts to
healthy research subjects. They are developing participate in scientific and technological
and implementing science and technology activities in Vietnam.
programs to support research institutes, Fifthly, promote international cooperation and
universities and enterprises towards creating integration, promote joint research cooperation
research results for intellectual property rights to take advantage of resources and knowledge
protection, which increasing the use of of advanced countries and step by step raise the
intellectual property tools to develop key level of domestic research capacity and level to
industries and fields, products and services be able to participate in equal cooperation and
with competitive advantages, to create source mutual benefit in the long term. We are
technologies and core technologies. Continue strongly supporting regional and international
to implement the process of transforming S&T scientific exchanges and academic exchanges.
public institutions into enterprise models. Develop and improve the operational efficiency
Thirdly, to renew and perfect mechanisms and of the network of Vietnamese science and
policies to effectively mobilize, allocate and technology representatives in foreign countries,
use investment capital for science and especially in key areas. Attracting and
technology activities. Continuing to improve exploiting the strengths of the contingent of
the policy of State budget investment in science talented Vietnamese scientists abroad.
and technology activities in the direction of
avoiding overlapping and overlapping Conclusions
allocation, avoiding scattered investment and In today's era, when humanity is entering the
ensuring efficient use; enhancing the roles and knowledge economy, science and technology
responsibilities of organizations in the become direct production forces. Science and
management and use of state budget funds for technology with nature not only improve
science and technology, avoiding misuse, waste human knowledge, help people perceive and
and loss; strengthen the inspection and grasp the nature and laws of the world, but also
supervision of scientific and technological help people transform knowledge into technical
research results; to soon build a system of means, ways to improve the world, effectively
indicators to evaluate the completion and serving the socio-economic development of
quality of the assigned tasks of science and each country in general, to economic growth
technology units; to encourage enterprises to model in particular.
establish and scale-up science and technology In the process of international integration,
development funds, promote and encourage the science and technology in Vietnam play an
private sector and enterprises to invest heavily important role in strongly developing
in science and technology. production forces, reforming growth models,
Fourthly, to strongly develop educated an improving the quality of people's lives and
intellectual workforce, improve people's consolidating national defense and security.
However, the reality of scientific and
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technological development, Vietnam's have been harming a negative impact on the
innovation still has many limitations and reform of growth models in Vietnam today,
shortcomings, has not become the most requiring Vietnam It is necessary to
important driving force in the development synchronously implement the above solutions
process as science and technology of social to promote the role of science and technology
production remains low; the application of in growth model innovation in Vietnam,
science and technology to agricultural contributing to rapidly increasing productivity,
production has not been conducted quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the
synchronously; the proportion of businesses economy. Economy, rapid and sustainable
with R&D in all industries is still very low; low development of the country; increase the factor
investment in science and technology activities, contribution to aggregate productivity and
inadequate the structure, low efficiency, etc growth.
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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4979
PERIOD 1986 - 2020
Nguyen Van Hiep
Thu Dau Mot University, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam
Improving the quality of the contingent of lecturers at universities and colleges has always been concerned and focused
by countries around the world, considering this human resource "laying the foundation" for the construction, training
fostering and developing high-quality human resources to meet the international integration process in the context of
the industrial revolution 4.0 which has a strong impact on all areas of social life.This article provides an insight into
the current state of higher education development in Vietnam, especially the teaching staff of public universities. As one
of the developing countries, Vietnam has recently seen many social and political tensions created to make universities
more academically and financially autonomous to operate and compete equally with real private schools in the process
of training human resources for socio-economic development. On the basis of analyzing and evaluating the current
situation of the quantity, quality, proportion and structure of the teaching staff of public universities in Vietnam today,
the author gives some basic solutions to continue to develop. To develop the contingent of lecturers at public
universities in order to meet the current requirements of higher education reform in Vietnam. The methodology used in
this study is qualitative comparative analysis.
Keywords: Lecturer, Developing university lecturers, Higher education, Public schools
Introduction the development of a team of lecturers who are
dynamic, exploring, innovating, creative, with
Lecturers are the subject and factor determining good professional qualifications, with active
the quality of education, training and scientific teaching methods, well adapted to the tasks in
research, service and the development of the the new age is really urgent requirement
school. Lecturers at university establishments nowadays. This is also the content of the article
are "the special production force that creates
products as human resources", as well as the Literature Review
subjects that orient to create the sustainable
development of society. Developing teaching staff is a topic that
Improving the quality of teaching staff of educational scientists in countries around the
universities has always been concerned and world are interested in researching. Up to now,
focused by countries around the world, many works have been announced. According
considering this human resource to play a to the research results of OECD members
decisive role in building, fostering and (Organization for Economic Co-operation and
developing high quality human resources to Development), the quality of teachers includes
meet the international integration process. In the following contents: 1) Rich knowledge
the current context of Vietnam's education, about the scope of the curriculum and the
teaching effectiveness in educational content of the subject they teach teach; 2)
institutions, especially public schools, has Pedagogical skills, including the acquisition of
contributed to the implementation of Vietnam's a “store of knowledge” about teaching
educational reform agenda to establish an methods, of the ability to use those methods; 3)
advanced, responsible, modern education, Having a reflective mindset before each issue
meeting requirements of socio-economic and having self-criticism capacity, very specific
development and international integration. The characteristics of teaching profession; 4) Be
current mission of public higher education sympathetic and committed to respect the
institutions is to train and foster human dignity of others; 5) Having managerial
resources with professional qualifications, capacity, including management responsibility
skills, foreign languages, and information inside and outside the classroom.
technology to effectively adapt to the trend of According to Fielden J (1998), the
globalization. To carry out the above mission, development of lecturing staff is the
requirement of universities facing the
International Conference on Emotions and Multidisciplinary Approaches-ICEMA 2021- October 30-31, 2021 428
Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4979
challenges of the increasing learning needs of 3) Voluntarily improve yourself in your
the population, due to the requirements of profession; know how to apply career criteria
economic and social development in perfect and always update the latest achievements.
new scene, change of technology, new 4) Know the application of information
requirements of the labor market. The World technology knowledge to their subjects and
Conference on Higher Education with the disciplines.
theme "Higher Education in the twenty-first 5) Ability to perceive external "market" signals
century - Vision and Action" was held in Paris about the needs of employers for graduates.
in 0/1998. The conference noted: “A strong 6) Master new achievements in teaching and
policy on team development is an important learning, from face-to-face teaching to distance
factor for universities. Clear policies related to learning.
university teaching staff should be developed 7) Attention to the views and wishes of the
that update and improve their skills, encourage "customers", it can be known as different
improvement in curriculum, teaching and partners and students’ views and wishes.
learning methods, and appropriate financial and 8) Understand the effects of international and
professional status, to achieve high quality in multicultural factors on training programs.
research and teaching”(Tran, 2011). 9) Ability to teach different types of students,
As summarized by UNESCO, in modern belonging to different groups of age, socio-
education, the role of the teacher has changed economic environment, ethnicity... and know
in the following directions (UNESCO, 2005): how to work with more hours a day.
1) Take on more functions than before, have 10) Capable of ensuring formal lectures,
greater responsibility in selecting teaching and seminars and researchseminar or work in
educational content. workshops with a larger number of students.
2) Shift strongly from imparting knowledge to 11) Ability to understand the individual's career
organizing student learning, use knowledge “adaptive strategies”. Teachers can base on
resources in society. these requirements to choose some fields that
3) Attach importance to the individualization in are most necessary for them to go deep.
learning, changing the nature in the relationship 21-point recommendation about the
between teachers and students. 4) Require organization's modern educational development
wider modern teaching facilities, thus requirư strategyUNESCO points out: "Teachers must
additional necessary knowledge and skills. 5) be trained to be more educators than imparting
Require broader and closer cooperation with experts" (point 18) and, in particular, the
teachers at the same school, change the training program of teachers need to make full
structure in the relationship between lecturers. use of the equipment. new teaching methods
6) Require tightening relationships with and equipment ”(point 16) (Tran, 2014).
students' parents and community, contributing Daniel R. Beerens - author of the book
to improve quality of life. "Creating a culture of motivation and learning"
7) Require the instructor to participate in said that: Proactivity and innovation are the
activities widely outside the school. central criteria of today's teachers. He
8) Reduce and change the traditional reputation advocated creating a culture of motivating and
in relationships with students, especially for regularly learning of the teaching staff,
older students and with their parents. considering it the primary, new value of
For university teachers, the International teachers (Daniel, 2003).
Conference on "Higher Education in the 21st Michael Fullan and Andy Hargreaves identified
century - Vision and Action" (1998) raised the aspects of teaching staff development including
necessary competencies of an exemplary psychological development; professional
teacher as follows: development; career cycle development.
1) Have knowledge and understanding of According to Blackwell R, Blackmore P,
different scientific ways of the instructor. teaching staff development is part of university
2) Have the knowledge, competence, and strategy and there are a variety of team
attitude in terms of monitoring and evaluating development solutions such as building
teachers to help them progress. faculties into learning communities and
International Conference on Emotions and Multidisciplinary Approaches-ICEMA 2021- October 30-31, 2021 429
Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue) ISSN 2319-4979
training teaching staff; encouraging research- has clearly analyzed the issues surrounding the
based teaching; Incorporate information development of the teaching staff from the role
technology into staff training and facilitate of teaching staff and position in society.
teaching staff development (Blackwell & Especially, the author studies in-depth on
Blackmore 2003). training, and the use and building of quality
To improve the quality of teacher training, the teaching staff (Tran, 2006).
Government of Malaysia introduced many According to author Pham Minh Hac: Success
reforms from the selection, recruitment, content in teaching and educating students requires
of training programs, information technology, teachers to have an advanced worldview, noble
length, content and methods of training to the moral qualities, high skill levels and
approach (Lee, 2004). Each Education Institute professional skills. Knowledge, skills, and
has from 800 - 1000 students. These students skills are materials to create capacity. He said
will take one year to obtain a Postgraduate that pedagogical competencies are general
Diploma and five and a half years to obtain a competencies, including basic components,
Bachelor of Education. Teachers who are which are individual competencies divided into
working and wishing to improve their skills can groups: a) Personality competencies such as:
attend 2 - 3 day courses taught by lecturers Control capacity, self-control psychological
from many different disciplines. These courses control force; b) Teaching capacities: Scientific
last from a few days to weeks, months and capacity, language capacity; c) The capacity to
serve as supplementary courses (Lee, 2004). organize communication: pedagogical
Bernhard Muszynsky has stated the key observation, pedagogical ingenuity, attention
features of the development of the overall distribution capacity, organizational capacity,
quality system for the management of the communication capacity. These competencies
university for teaching staff; At the same time, are common capacities of teachers, while
the author also analyzes policies and limitations specialized competencies are associated with
as well as the duties of teachers in the new teaching in different subjects (Pham, 2001).
development period (Bemhard & Nguyen, In summary, since the end of the twentieth
2002). century, research on teaching staff development
The author Le Duc Ngoc said: There are two following professional standard trends has been
main reasons to pay attention to the conducted in many countries around the world.
development of university teaching staff, which The researches all affirm that the teaching staff
are:i) Qualifications of the contingent and the development of the teaching staff is one
determine the quality and ability of a school in of the basic conditions for ensuring the quality
teaching, researching and serving society in the and development of education; The teaching
commodity economy; ii) Salary and allowance staff's viewpoints and perceptions of the
cost for this team is the biggest expense of each position and role are more and more correct
university, it is closely related to the quality, and comprehensive. At the same time, the
effectiveness and efficiency of training (Le, studies also offer many different solutions to
2004). develop the teaching staff such as: building
The author Pham Thanh Nghi researched and professional standards, criteria, requirements,
assessed the current status of teaching staff testing methods, using technology, techniques.
through research investigations on education, modern.
human resource analysis, building solutions to
foster teaching staff, including: programs and Materials and Methods
organizational plans. Forms of training include
concentrated training, non-concentration Purpose:It is worthwhile to develop teaching
training, on-site training, and distance training. staff at public universities in Vietnam by
The author focuses on self-training and self- analyzing the current situation (achievements
training and sees it as a strategy for educational and shortcomings) in recent years. On that
development (Pham, 1993). basis, the article proposes a number of
Tran Ba Hoanh in the work "The Problem of recommendations and solutions to improve the
Teachers, Theoretical and Practical Studies" quality of lecturers at public universities in the
coming time.
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