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Khoa Kinh Tế - Quản Trị


Giảng viên hướng dẫn: VÕ HOÀNG BẮC
Sinh viên thực hiện: VÕ NHƯ Ý
MSSV: 191A030049

TP. Hồ Chí Minh, 2022

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Họ và tên sinh viên: ………………………………………………………………….
MSSV: ………………………………………………………………….
Lớp: ………………………………………………………………….

Nhận xét chung:



Tp.HCM, ngày ....... tháng ....... năm 20....
Giảng viên hướng dẫn

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Mục lục

Câu 1: Design a basic CV (Resume)........................................................................................................................1
Câu 2: Write an application email for the sales position at ABC Travel which must include: subject
line, salutation, message, closing & signature block...............................................................................3
Câu 3: Which ways is the best way to find jobs in Viet Nam? Why? What should you do if you want to
change your job?.....................................................................................................................................4
1. Searching jobs on the recruiting websites....................................................................................4
2.Asking for help from family and friends to find a job in Vietnam as a foreigner..............................6
3. Looking at the local press for a job in Vietnam...............................................................................6
4. Working for a University in Vietnam...............................................................................................7
5. Doing unpaid job.............................................................................................................................7
6. Participating in job fairs..................................................................................................................7

7. Creating your own job.....................................................................................................................8
What should you do if you want to change your job?..........................................................................8
1. Understanding your strengths..................................................................................................8
2. Know your boundaries.............................................................................................................8
3. Manage and improve relationships..........................................................................................8
Câu 4: What is small talk? What should be a safe topic for a small talk in business conversation &
why? Give an example..........................................................................................................................10
What should be a safe topic for a small talk in business conversation?.............................................10

TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO......................................................................................................................................12

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Câu 1: Design a basic CV (Resume)


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Câu 2: Write an application email for the sales position at ABC Travel which must
include: subject line, salutation, message, closing & signature block

Subject line: Salewoman – Vo Nhu Y
Dear Human resources – ABC Travel
My name is Vo Nhu Y, I would like to apply for the position of sales staff according
to your company's recruitment information at website /> I am confident that I can meet the job requirements as well as have enough
potential to become an excellent employee that the company is looking for. I have
experience in real estate and banking. I have skills such as handling situations and
persuading customers.
Attached to this email is my resume.
I sincerely thank and look forward to hearing from you soon for this vacancy.
Best regards,
Vo Nhu Y
My email:
My phone number: 0388986928.

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Câu 3: Which ways is the best way to find jobs in Viet Nam? Why? What should you
do if you want to change your job?
1. Searching jobs on the recruiting websites

First of all, you can access social networking sites such as LinkedIn.com. This
move may not bring you a job right away, but it will definitely help you build a
network of potential friends for future jobs. You should be concerned about the
“friends” who have a role in the industry you are looking for to get back their support.

List of top recruiting websites in Vietnam
The recruiting website is the destination of many employers as well as employees
by its convenience, promptitude, and a wide range of approach.

If you are a foreigner looking for a job in Vietnam, surely just type in the job and
the salary you want, the most suitable job will appear for you to choose easily, then just
contact the recruiters or apply online, schedule an interview, if it is appropriate, you
will be able to work immediately.
Here are the top prestigious recruitment websites in Vietnam today.
- Vietnamworks
Vietnamworks.com is considered the most prestigious recruiting website today,
with daily traffic reaching hundreds of thousands, even millions of viewers.
The number of employers joining this site is very large, suitable for experienced
employees, especially with the recruitment of senior staff for large companies and groups
with a salary of up to thousands of dollars.
In addition, new graduates are also more likely to find suitable jobs here because
of the multidisciplinary workloads, qualifications, and wages that should be
appropriate for many subjects.
- CareerBuilder

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Most of the jobs on this hiring website are high paid because it is a multinational
website, requires a lot of work, level, and experience. So if you have the ability, this is
definitely the ideal environment for finding a job.

- Mywork
With over 400,000 employers and more than 200,000 active members, do you

think this is a good place to find a job?
- 1001vieclam
As a website developed by DBIZ Group, 1001vieclam.com has just appeared on

the market not long but also has 15,000 employers with over 200,000 different jobs.
This is a great place for both employers and employees to find the right partner.

- Vieclam 24h
As the “descendant” of the 24h.com website, this recruiting website currently has

the largest number of visitors as well as the number of jobs in Vietnam.
Every month, there are more than 25,000 jobs for employees, and hundreds of

daily visitors, making the website become the most prestigious website today.
- Careerlink

It’s not a new site, but it’s a job site for many different companies, with a large number
of recruiters and job seekers to help you find the right job at careelink.vn.

- Timviecnhanh
This is also one of the most familiar and interactive sites with many visitors. In

addition, the number of jobs, employers are extremely large.
- Itviec.com
You are good at IT skills, this is the ideal place for you to find your work because

itviec.com is a recruiting site dedicated to IT field, with a very impressive operation “IT

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Jobs for Top People. Little but high-quality” so the work here is very well-paid as well

as included many special requirements for workers.

- Vieclam.tuoitre.vn
The last name that we want to mention here is vieclam.tuoitre.vn, the brainchild

of Tuoi Tre newspaper is also the partner of Careerbuilder.
You can find very good jobs here because most employers posted in

vieeclam.tuoitre.vn are reputable companies who quality is very good.

2.Asking for help from family and friends to find a job in Vietnam as a foreigner
Relationships are always the most useful approach to employment, and employers

always have a lot of sympathy for those who have a relationship with their colleagues
in the company. This is also a cheap, simple and incredibly reliable way to find a job in
Vietnam as a foreign. Try to befriend someone who has good relationships in the field
you are aiming for.

Useful advice: You do not have to phone one for one. Just use every chat, meet to
send the “signal” to the opposite person, let them know you are looking for work A, in
field B. It is okay. Do not think that the people at home will not help you in your job
search? Actually, sometimes your friend with a certain acquaintance in a remote place,
like Vietnam where you are traveling, is looking for a babysitting, for example?

3. Looking at the local press for a job in Vietnam
Ignore the long list of available jobs. Just focus only on work within your local

area only. Once you have read their information, you should contact them directly. You
can even apply for positions they have not yet recruited!

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Useful advice: Sometimes you do not have to go too far to find a job. Among the
thousands of businesses out there, there will be several companies coming to the place
you are staying to post the recruitment, especially for those that need professional
expertise. Therefore, do not just look at the local newspaper, but also notice the
recruitment information anywhere.

4. Working for a University in Vietnam
The university itself also has hundreds of extra jobs within the campus, including
working at the school’s canteen, organizing events, or being a tour guide whenever
there are potential candidates. These jobs are usually well paid, the workplace is close
to home and you will also work in fixed hours so it is possible to be flexible in
traveling and resting.
Useful advice: The universities often recruit part-time jobs very early, either
before or at the beginning of the semester. If you are looking for a job in Vietnam as a
foreign, head on to the school’s website or even directly to other related departments to
take advantage of the opportunity.

5. Doing unpaid job
If you do not really need money, going to work for the companies you want to
join in the future is a good way. During this time, you will learn the necessary skills,
establish relationships and learn a lot in the professional work environment. If you do
well, they will surely keep an eye on you when the company needs to recruit in the

6. Participating in job fairs
This is an opportunity for you to meet and chat with prospective employers. So,

just join these fairs (usually free of charge) like this to consider and choose for
potential employers. Talking to them will definitely help you understand the conditions
needed for the position you need.

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7. Creating your own job
In times of economic crisis, self-employment is also a smart choice. Of course, to

be successful, this decision also depends on your ability and passion.
The founder of the “Save the Student” recognizes that it is also a result of the

desire for self-mastery. Of course, creating a job for yourself is a great idea, full of
adventure and completely capable of profit. More and more organizations and websites
are making it easier for young people to start their career. You can try Smarta.com or
Shell- LiveWire.com to find business tips and success stories from the pioneer.

What should you do if you want to change your job?
1. Understanding your strengths

Get to know yourself better. Identify what your key strengths are. What are you
really good at? What do you enjoy that you are also good at? What skills have you
learned? What are you naturally inclined to do and be better at? Make sure that you get
right to the core of it. The more you know yourself the more confident you will become
and the better you will be to identify the right role for you and projecting yourself in
order to get it.

2. Know your boundaries

Being clear about what works and what doesn’t work for you in order to be

happy can be groundbreaking. It sounds simple but so many of us do not actually take
the time to work it out. In each different work situation – we may have different
boundaries. By being clear about what they are and then communicating this clearly to
others and staying true to what is important – will make a huge difference. This impacts
work and your personal settings.

3. Manage and improve relationships
This is important in all aspects. If you learn to manage your relationships

effectively you will be able to control the process and transition. You will be able to

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manage your exit smoothly from your current or old role. Understanding where your

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boss is coming from and the impact you have on him/her – and how you interact could
really influence how you leave a job. How you get your next job and keep it may also
rely heavily on your ability to manage relationships well.

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Câu 4: What is small talk? What should be a safe topic for a small talk in business
conversation & why? Give an example.

Small talk is the common term for a conversation about light and unimportant

What should be a safe topic for a small talk in business conversation?
It’s a friendly dialogue about a common topic, such as the weather.
It's a way of conversing with someone you've only just met, are meeting for a
short amount of time – at a conference, for example – or don't know very well.
Small talk is vital for situations where silence would be awkward and
uncomfortable, but where in-depth and personal conversations would be inappropriate.
Why Are Small Talk Skills Essential?
Small talk allows people to communicate in a friendly way without inadvertently
offending anyone or getting too personal.
Having strong small talk skills can help you meet new people, form positive
business relationships and open new career opportunities.
Most businesses expect their employees to have the skills needed to engage
appropriately in small talk. Soft skills like these are often assessed at interview stage,
and failure to demonstrate them could result in the job being offered to someone else.
 The weather – It's a cliches but people are generally happy to talk about the
weather, even if it can seem rather mundane. Plus it's completely inoffensive
and allows everyone to have something to say. Leading with a question is ideal
as it naturally starts a conversation.
 Work – You could start by asking if they've been in their current position for
long or how they got into their line of work. Always show an interest in the

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person, ask questions rather than talking about yourself, and don't start with a
business request or a hard sell.
 Travel – People love to talk about their vacation plans, where they have been
and where they are planning to go . Show interest and the conversation should
 Celebrity trivia – Reference to the latest must-see drama or reality show is a
good way to start talking to people. These topics of conversation are sometimes
referred to as 'water-cooler topics', since they are what people tend to talk about
in the office while congregated around the water cooler.
 Nearby restaurants – Food is a fail-safe topic of conversation. Asking for
recommendations for nearby restaurants, bars or street food is a great way to break
the ice.
 Local news – Be aware of what's going on in your local neighbourhood – social
media community groups are a great way of staying informed. Try things like,
“What do you think about the schools closing because of the snow?” or “Did
you hear about the new out-of-town development?” An advantage of this
particular topic is that it makes you seem well informed and engaged in local
 Something that just happened – A recent event is always a good conversation-
starter, such as a talk you both recently attended. Remember to listen more than
you speak.

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- How to Find a Job in Vietnam as a Foreigner (Apr 20, 2021). Truy xuất từ:

- Top 10 Things to Do Before You Change Jobs. Truy xuất từ:
/> checklist/.

- The Best Ways to Make Business Small Talk (November 17, 2022). Truy xuất

từ: />

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