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Lecture computer graphics and virtual reality slides lesson 11 hidden surface removal

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Lesson 11

Hidden surface

Trinh Thanh Trung School of ICT, HUST


1. Overview
2. Painter’s algorithm
3. Z-buffer
4. BSP tree
5. Portal culling
6. Additional techniques


Why hidden surface removal

■ A correct rendering requires correct visibility
■ When multiple opaque polygons cover the same
screen space, only the closest one is visible (remove
the other hidden surfaces)

wrong visibility correct visibility

Why hidden surface removal

■ We don’t want to waste computational
resources rendering primitives which don’t
contribute to the final image
■ Drawing polygonal faces on screen consumes
CPU cycles

□ e.g. Illumination

Hidden surface removal

■ Painter’s algorithm
■ Z-buffer
■ BSP tree
■ Portal culling
■ Additional techniques

□ Back face culling

Painter’s algorithm

Painter’s algorithm

■ Draw surfaces in back to front order – nearer
polygons “paint” over farther ones.
■ Need to decide the order to draw – far objects

Painter’s algorithm: Problem

■ Key issue is order
■ Doesn’t always work

□ see image at right

Painter’s algorithm: Problem

■ Another situation it
■ does not work
■ In both cases, we
need to segment the
triangles and make
them sortable

Z Buffer


■ An image-based method applied during the
rasterization stage
■ A standard approach implemented in most
graphics libraries
■ Easy to be implemented on hardware
■ By Wolfgang Straßer in 1974


■ Basic Z-buffer idea:

■ For every input polygon

□ For every pixel in the polygon interior, calculate its
corresponding z value (by interpolation)

□ Compare the depth value with the closest value
from a different polygon (largest z) so far

□ Paint the pixel with the color of the polygon if it is

Z-Buffer example

−1.0 −1.0 −1.0 −1.0
−1.0 −1.0 −1.0 −1.0
−1.0 −1.0 −1.0 −1.0
−1.0 −1.0 −1.0 −1.0

Step 1: Initialise the depth buffer

Step 2: Draw the blue polygon (order
does not affect the final result)

Step 2: Draw the yellow polygon

- If the depth value is greater than corresponding value in z-buffer,
that pixel is coloured and the value in z-buffer will be updated

Step 2: Draw the red polygon

- Similarly, if the depth value is greater than corresponding value
in z-buffer, that pixel is coloured and the value in z-buffer will be


■ Simple to implement in hardware.

□ Memory for z-buffer is now not expensive

■ Diversity of primitives – not just polygons.
■ Unlimited scene complexity
■ No need to sort the objects
■ No need to calculate object-object intersections


■ Waste time drawing hidden objects
■ Z-precision errors (aliasing problems)

■ See this example Too many polygons behind walls
