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1. The / in / bat / sky / the / flies.
2. A / long / has / neck / camel.
3. Claw / sharp / is / the.
4. The / lives / in / crocodile / water.
5. Ocean / the / in / swims / dolphin / the.
6. And / is / big / strong / elephant / the.
7. Soft / feather / the / is.
8. A / has / fish / fin.
9. Keeps / warm / fur / the / animal.

10. Long / neck / has / giraffe / a.
11. Likes / swim / the / hippo / water / in / to.
12. Fast / runs / horse / the.
13. High / jumps / kangaroo / the.
14. Jungle / king / lion / the / of / is.
15. Trees / climb / to / likes / monkey / the.
16. Bamboo / eats / panda / the.
17. Flies / penguin / but / cannot / swim / well.
18. Horn / has / big / rhino / a.
19. The / ocean / in / shark / lives / the.
20. Ground / on / slithers / snake / the.

21. Balance / helps / animal / tail / the.
22. Stripes / has / tiger / the.
23. Wings / bird / has / the.

24. Stripes / and / black / white / has / zebra / the.

Passage 1: At the Zoo

At the zoo, you can see many animals. There's a big elephant
with a long trunk and a giraffe with a very long neck. Look at
the lion with its golden mane and the tiger with orange and
black stripes. Can you find the animal with a hump on its back
called a camel? It's a tall animal with a funny-looking hump!

1. True/False: You can see many animals at the zoo.
2. True/False: The giraffe at the zoo has a short neck.
3. True/False: The lion has a golden mane.
4. True/False: The tiger at the zoo has purple and green
5. True/False: The camel is a short animal with no hump on
its back.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What is the animal with a long trunk at the zoo?

a) Lion
b) Elephant
c) Tiger

2. Which animal has a hump on its back?
a) Giraffe
b) Camel
c) Monkey

3. What color are the stripes on a tiger?
a) Orange and black
b) Brown and white
c) Gray and black


Passage 2: Under the Sea

Let's dive into the ocean and explore! Look at the dolphin
swimming gracefully with its fin sticking out of the water.
Watch out for the shark with sharp teeth, but don't worry, the
friendly turtle is nearby. Can you find the animal that is not a
fish but is called the "king of the sea"? It's a big reptile called a

1. True/False: The passage is about exploring the ocean.
2. True/False: The dolphin is described as swimming clumsily
in the water.
3. True/False: The shark mentioned has sharp teeth.
4. True/False: The turtle in the passage is described as
5. True/False: The crocodile is referred to as the "king of the

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which animal has sharp teeth and swims in the ocean?

a) Dolphin

b) Shark
c) Turtle

2. What is the "king of the sea" that is a reptile?
a) Dolphin
b) Turtle
c) Crocodile

3. What sticks out of the water when a dolphin swims?
a) Tail
b) Wing
c) Fin


Passage 3: In the Jungle

Deep in the jungle, there are many interesting animals. The
monkey swings from tree to tree using its long tail. The colorful

parrot has beautiful feathers, and the panda eats bamboo all
day long. Can you find the animal with a horn on its nose? It's a
big and strong creature called a rhino!

1. True/False: The passage is set in the jungle.
2. True/False: The monkey in the jungle swings from tree to
tree with its short tail.
3. True/False: The panda is mentioned as eating bamboo.
4. True/False: The parrot in the jungle has dull and plain

5. True/False: The rhino is described as a small and weak
creature in the passage.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What does the monkey use to swing from tree to tree?

a) Wing
b) Tail
c) Claw

2. What does the panda eat all day long?
a) Bamboo
b) Fish
c) Leaves

3. Which animal has a horn on its nose?
a) Rhino
b) Elephant
c) Zebra


1. superhero / you're / Pretend
2. like / monkey / Climb / a / tree / little
3. and / Dance / spin / in / circles / around
4. bunny / Do / gymnastics / like / a / playful

5. crayons / Draw / happy / a / face / with / your

6. drive / Pretend / beep-beep / car / a / to
7. bird / like / fly / Pretend / the / in / sky / a
8. bunny / like / Hop / a / around / the / room
9. Jump / over / rope / an / imaginary
10. fingers / with / messy / Paint / it's / fun
11. help / in / the / with / Flip / kitchen / pancakes
12. fork / Twirl / eat / pasta / your / around / and
13. drums / on / they're / Bang / pots / like
14. pretend / Strum / and / guitar / a / sing
15. musician / like / a / on / Tap / keyboard / a
16. pretend / big / Play / keys / piano / with / a
17. training / bike / wheels / Ride / with / a
18. like / in / fast / race / Run / you're
19. veggies / a / Eat / salad / with / colorful

20. loudly / Sing / song / your / favorite
21. tasty / Enjoy / a / of / warm / bowl / soup
22. rolls / Try / yummy / they're / spring

Passage 1: Fun Activities

Every day is filled with fun activities! You can dance to your
favorite music, climb a tree in the park, or even draw colorful
pictures. If you're feeling energetic, you can jump rope or hop

around like a bunny. What activity involves using colors and a
brush to create beautiful pictures?

1. True/False: The passage mentions activities that can be
done every day.
2. True/False: Climbing a tree in the park is not mentioned as
a fun activity.
3. True/False: The passage suggests dancing to your favorite
music as a fun activity.
4. True/False: Jumping rope and hopping like a bunny are
mentioned as energetic activities.
5. True/False: The passage asks about an activity that
involves using colors and a brush to create beautiful pictures.

Make 5 questions of true or false questions based on
the following passage:

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What activity involves moving to music?

a) Draw
b) Dance
c) Climb

2. What can you do with a rope for fun?
a) Climb a tree
b) Draw pictures
c) Jump rope

3. What do you need to use to create colorful pictures?
a) Dance moves
b) Colors and a brush
c) Climbing shoes


Passage 2: Food and Hobbies

Sometimes, we enjoy activities and delicious food. You can play
the guitar or piano, ride a bike in the park, or try making
pancakes for breakfast. If you love singing, you can also join a
choir. What can you do to create music with your fingers on
black and white keys?

1. True/False: The passage mentions enjoying activities and
delicious food.

2. True/False: Riding a bike in the park is not suggested as a
fun activity.
3. True/False: Trying to make pancakes for breakfast is
mentioned in the passage.
4. True/False: Joining a choir is suggested if you enjoy
5. True/False: The passage asks about creating music with
fingers on black and white keys.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What can you do in the park with two wheels?

a) Swim
b) Ride a bike
c) Jump rope

2. What can you make for breakfast that is round and delicious?
a) Salad
b) Pancakes
c) Pasta

3. How can you create music with your fingers on black and
white keys?

a) Play the guitar
b) Dance
c) Play the piano


Passage 3: Exercise and Play

It's important to stay active and healthy! You can run in the
garden, do gymnastics to stay fit, or even drive a toy car
around the house. If you're feeling hungry, you can have a
tasty soup or a plate of spring rolls. What can you do to move
your body and stay fit?

1. True/False: The passage emphasizes the importance of
staying active and healthy.

2. True/False: Running in the garden is not mentioned as a
way to stay active.
3. True/False: Driving a toy car around the house is
suggested as a way to stay fit.
4. True/False: The passage mentions having a plate of spring
rolls as a healthy option.
5. True/False: The passage asks about an activity to move
your body and stay fit.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What can you do to stay fit by moving your body?

a) Eat soup
b) Climb a tree
c) Do gymnastics

2. What can you enjoy eating that is filled with vegetables and
sometimes meat, all wrapped in rice paper?

a) Spring rolls
b) Salad
c) Pasta

3. What can you do in the garden to have fun and get exercise?
a) Fly a kite
b) Drive a car
c) Run


1. umbrella / it's / Bring / stormy / when
2. outside / The / is / hot / weather / today
3. it's / Put / on / cold / a / coat / when / outside
4. arts / and / crafts / Do / create / to / fun / things
5. skiing / Go / on / snowy / mountains
6. sunglasses / Wear / when / it's / sunny
7. cozy / up / with / blanket / Warm / a

8. kite / a / Fly / on / windy / day
9. days / strong / have / and / winds / Stormy / rain

10. warm / gloves / in / Bundle / freezing / up / it's
11. mist / in / have / Foggy / days / air / the
12. coat / rain / on / a / Put / it's / if / rainy
13. head / cap / your / Wear / warm / keep / to / a
14. outdoor / play / for / days / perfect / Sunny / are
15. today / is / The / cloudy / weather
16. fresh / for / Go / a / walk / air / the / enjoy / to
17. food / and / yummy / a / Have / outside / picnic / enjoy
18. it's / it / cool / in / so / Stay / shade / the / hot / outside
19. snowy / Make / a / when / it's / outside / snowman

Passage 1: Weather Adventures

Today, the sky is filled with big, fluffy clouds. It's not too hot,
but it's not cold either—it's just cool and comfortable. You can
wear your favorite cap and go for a walk in the park. What kind
of weather is described in the passage?

1. True/False: The passage describes a sky filled with small,
fluffy clouds.

2. True/False: The weather in the passage is described as
very hot.
3. True/False: Wearing a cap and going for a walk in the park
is suggested in the passage.
4. True/False: The passage mentions that the weather is too
cold to go outside.

5. True/False: The passage asks about the kind of weather
described in it.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What is in the sky that looks fluffy?

a) Snow
b) Clouds
c) Rain

2. What can you wear on your head to stay cool and

a) Coat
b) Cap
c) Gloves

3. What activity can you do in the park according to the

a) Fly a kite
b) Go skiing
c) Make a snowman


Passage 2: Outdoor Fun

When the weather is sunny and warm, it's the perfect time for
outdoor activities. You can wear your sunglasses, put on a sun
hat, and have a picnic in the garden. If you want to cool off, you
can go for a swim or make a snowman in the snowy weather.
What activity is suitable for a sunny and warm day?

1. True/False: The passage suggests that sunny and warm
weather is suitable for outdoor activities.
2. True/False: Wearing sunglasses and a sun hat is not
mentioned as part of enjoying sunny weather.
3. True/False: The passage suggests going for a swim to cool
off in snowy weather.
4. True/False: Making a snowman is mentioned as a suitable
activity for sunny and warm weather.
5. True/False: The passage asks about an activity suitable for
a sunny and warm day.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What can you wear on a sunny day to protect your eyes?

a) Raincoat
b) Sunglasses
c) Gloves

2. What can you do in the snowy weather?

a) Have a picnic
b) Make a snowman
c) Go for a walk

3. What is mentioned as a suitable accessory for a sunny day?
a) Umbrella
b) Sun hat
c) Raincoat


Passage 3: Seasonal Changes

As the seasons change, so does the weather. In the winter, it
gets freezing cold, and you might need gloves and a warm
coat. In the summer, it becomes hot and sunny, perfect for
going swimming or flying a kite. What is mentioned as an
essential item for winter weather?

1. True/False: The passage mentions that the weather
changes with the seasons.
2. True/False: Gloves and a warm coat are suggested as
necessary in hot summer weather.
3. True/False: The passage suggests going swimming or
flying a kite in the winter.
4. True/False: Winter is described as a season when it gets
freezing cold.
5. True/False: The passage asks about an essential item for
winter weather.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What might you need to wear in the winter to keep warm?

a) Sunglasses

b) Raincoat
c) Gloves

2. What is a fun activity mentioned for the summer season?
a) Making a snowman
b) Going skiing
c) Swimming

3. What type of weather is mentioned for summer in the

a) Freezing
b) Hot and sunny
c) Stormy


1. games / go / Let's / to / play / the / arcade / and
2. new / at / get / We / books / can / the / bookstore
3. a / puzzle / make / and / together / picture / Put
4. like / arts / is / cool / moves / Martial / superhero

5. and / cookies / popcorn / Snack / eat / Let's
6. interesting / of / The / books / has / lots / library
7. dance / Listen / around / music / and / happily / to
8. veggies / market / fruits / yummy / has / and / The
9. and / play / at / Swing / park / the / outside
10. play / together / games / Board / are / fun / to
11. thinking / Chess / with / pieces / game / a / is
12. ball / table / with / Play / a / small / tennis
13. friends / with / play / to / fun / are / Video / games

14. like / Comics / stories / read / picture / are / to
15. learn / Try / tricks / skating / and / fun
16. ball / soccer / the / Kick / field / at
17. people / The / sports / where / watch / is / stadium
18. beats / in / to / Dance / music / the / studio
19. around / Swim / and / splash / the / pool / in

20. fun / pictures / moments / Take / of
21. and / cartoons / TV / enjoy / Watch / shows / and
22. play / slides / has / and / Water / to / park / pools

Passage 1: Fun Places to Visit

Have you ever been to an arcade? It's a special place with lots
of games and machines that make fun sounds. You can play
video games, try to win prizes, and have a great time with your
friends. What kind of place is an arcade?

1. True/False: The passage describes an arcade as a place
with lots of games and fun sounds.
2. True/False: Playing video games and trying to win prizes
are not mentioned as activities in an arcade.
3. True/False: The passage suggests that you can have a
great time with your friends at an arcade.
4. True/False: An arcade is described as a place with no
games or machines.
5. True/False: The passage asks about the kind of place an
arcade is.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What kind of place has lots of games and machines?

a) Library

b) Arcade
c) Bookstore

2. What can you play at an arcade?
a) Soccer
b) Video games
c) Chess

3. What do you do at an arcade to have a great time?
a) Read books
b) Play games and win prizes
c) Listen to music


Passage 2: Enjoying Hobbies

Do you like reading books? A bookstore is a magical place filled
with stories waiting to be discovered. You can also do puzzles,
listen to music, or even practice martial arts at home. What can
you find at a bookstore?

1. True/False: The passage suggests that a bookstore is filled
with stories waiting to be discovered.
2. True/False: Doing puzzles and practicing martial arts at
home are mentioned as activities at a bookstore.
3. True/False: The passage asks if you like reading books.
4. True/False: A bookstore is described as a place with no
stories to discover.

5. True/False: The passage asks about what you can find at a

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What kind of place is filled with stories and books?

a) Market
b) Stadium
c) Bookstore

2. What activity can you do with pieces that fit together to
create an image?

a) Play chess
b) Skate

c) Do a puzzle

3. Where can you find and buy books?
a) Library
b) Bookstore
c) Arcade


Passage 3: Outdoor Fun

Let's go to the park! You can play soccer on the soccer field,
skate in the skate park, or take photos of the beautiful flowers.
If it's hot, you can cool off at the swimming pool or enjoy the

water park. What can you do in the park?

1. True/False: The passage suggests going to the park to play
soccer on the soccer field.
2. True/False: Skating in the skate park is not mentioned as
an activity in the park.
3. True/False: The passage asks about what you can do in the
4. True/False: Taking photos of beautiful flowers is not
suggested as an activity in the park.
5. True/False: The passage mentions enjoying the water park
to cool off in hot weather.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Where can you play soccer?

a) Stadium
b) Water park
c) Soccer field

2. What is a fun activity in the park involving a board and

a) Play table tennis
b) Play chess
c) Skate

3. Where can you cool off if it's hot in the park?
a) Library
b) Swimming pool

c) Arcade

1. behind / The / park / is / school.
2. the / Walk / over / bridge / to / river / see.
3. We / to / go / zoo / bus / the / by.
4. rides / work / Dad / a / to / motorbike.
5. Let's / subway / take / museum / the / to.
6. Call / a / quick / taxi / ride / for /.
7. by / station / big / park / The / is / the / train.
8. shop / cream / corner / ice / around / The / is.
9. "Don't / says, / enter." / sign / A.
10. Cross / to / bridge / side / the / the / other.
11. find / Go / to / straight / the / store.
12. in / The / is / front / playground / of / the / school.
13. house / grocery / near / our / is / The / store.

14. bakery / The / is / library / to / next / the.
15. No / by / parking / the / fire / hydrant.
16. around / Let's / walk / neighborhood / the /.
17. Turn / at / left / corner / for / the / school.
18. the / store / grocery / is / on / The / left.
19. the / on / bakery / is / The / right.

20. from / movies / across / The / the / store / toy / is.
21. stop / say / go / Traffic / lights / and.
22. corner / for / park / the / Turn / right / at / the.

Passage 1: Going to the Park

Let's go to the park! To get there, we can go over the bridge.
It's a big structure that goes over the river. We can walk on it
and enjoy the view of the water below. What do we go over to
reach the park?

1. True/False: The passage suggests going to the park.
2. True/False: To get to the park, you can go under the

3. True/False: The passage mentions a bridge as a structure
that goes over the river.
4. True/False: Walking on the bridge is not suggested as a
way to reach the park.
5. True/False: The passage asks about what you go over to
reach the park.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. How can we get to the park in the passage?

a) By subway
b) Over the bridge
c) By motorbike

2. What kind of structure do we walk over to reach the park?
a) Corner
b) Bridge
c) Traffic lights

3. What can we see below the bridge?
a) Cars
b) Water
c) Buildings


Passage 2: Going to School

It's time to go to school! You can walk there on foot or go by
bus. If you're running late, you might want to take a taxi.

Remember, when you see the traffic lights, you should stop and
wait for them to turn green. What are the options for going to
school in the passage?

1. True/False: The passage suggests going to school by
walking or taking the bus.
2. True/False: Taking a taxi is not mentioned as an option for
going to school.
3. True/False: The passage mentions that when you see the
traffic lights, you should keep going without stopping.
4. True/False: The passage asks about the options for going
to school.
5. True/False: Going to school on foot is not suggested in the

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. How can you go to school in the passage?

a) By train
b) On foot or by bus
c) By motorbike

2. What should you do when you see traffic lights?
a) Go straight
b) Stop and wait for them to turn green
c) Turn left

3. What is mentioned as an option if you're running late?
a) Take a taxi
b) Go over the bridge

c) Turn right


Passage 3: Exploring the City

Today, let's explore the city! We can visit the library, which is
near the park. To get there, we can go on foot or by subway.
When we reach the corner, we'll turn left, and the library will be

on our left side. What is the destination of our exploration in
the passage?

1. True/False: The passage suggests exploring the city today.
2. True/False: Going to the library is not mentioned as part of
the exploration.
3. True/False: The passage suggests reaching the library by
going on foot or by subway.
4. True/False: The passage mentions turning right when
reaching the corner.
5. True/False: The destination of the exploration in the
passage is the library.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Where can we visit in the city according to the passage?

a) Park
b) Library
c) Bridge

2. How can we get to the library?
a) By taxi
b) On foot or by subway
c) By bus

3. Where is the library located when we reach the corner?
a) On the right
b) Opposite
c) On the left


Daddy / big / beard / a / has.

Look / tree / the / big / at!

Hair / blond / and / is / pretty / her.

Teddy / hair / curly / has / cute.

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