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Unit 1. LOCAL ENVIRONMENT...............................................................................................................................4

Unit 2. CITY LIFE.......................................................................................................................................................23
Unit 3. TEEN STRESS AND PRESSURE..................................................................................................................41
REVIEW 1....................................................................................................................................................................65
Unit 4. LIFE IN THE PAST........................................................................................................................................81
Unit 5. WONDERS OF VIETNAM..........................................................................................................................100
Unit 6. VIETNAM: THEN AND NOW....................................................................................................................123
REVIEW 2..................................................................................................................................................................141




A. REVIEW Transcription Meaning Examples
I. Vocabulary /ˌɑːtɪˈzæn/ Thợ làm nghề thủ The hand-woven textiles were
Words công made by skilled local artisans.
artisan (n) /əˈtrækʃn/ Sự / sức/ điểm hấp City life holds little attraction for
attraction (n) dẫn me. /Buckingham Palace is a
major tourist attraction.
authenticity (n) /ˌɔːθenˈtɪsəti/ Tính xác thực The authenticity of the letter is
cast (v) beyond doubt.
craft (n) /kɑːst/ Đúc (đồng) The statue cast in bronze is heavy.
craftsman (n) /krɑːft/ Nghề thủ công Sheep shearing is a highly skilled
cross (v) /ˈkrɑːftsmən/ Thợ thủ công craft.
drumhead (n) It is clearly the work of a master
/krɒs/ Đan chéo craftsman.

embroider (v) The roads cross just outside the
frame (n) /drʌmhed/ Mặt trống town.
handicraft (n) A drumhead is a membrane
lacquer (n) /ɪmˈbrɔɪdə(r)/ Dệt stretched over one or both of the
layer (n) /freɪm/ Khung open ends of a drum.
mould (v) /ˈhændikrɑːft/ Sản phẩm thủ công The sleeves were embroidered in
preserve (v) /ˈlækə(r)/ Sơn mài Hold.
/ˈleɪə(r)/ Lớp (lá) I'm going to paint the door frame
/məʊld/ Đổ khuôn white.
/prɪˈzɜːv/ Bảo tồn, bảo vệ Her hobbies are music, reading
and handicraft.
Lacquer is a type of solvent-
based product.
A thin layer of dust covered
The figure had been moulded in
Efforts to preserve the peace have


remind (v) /rɪˈmaɪnd/ Gợi nhớ failed.
The building reminded me
sculpture (n) /ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ Điêu khắc, đồ điêu strongly of my old school
khắc She creates sculptures out of
set off (ph.v) /setˈ ɔːf/ Khởi hành scrap materials.
strip (n) /strɪp/ Mành, dải We set off for London just after
surface (n) /ˈsɜːfɪs/ Bề mặt ten.
team building (n) /tiːm bɪldɪŋ / Việc xây dựng đội a strip of paper, a strip of cloth
ngũ Teeth have a hard surface layer

thread (n) /θred/ Sợi chỉ called enamel.
treat (v) /triːt/ Xử lí (chất thải) The programme focuses on team
turn up (ph.v) /ˈtɜːn ʌp/ Xuất hiện, đến building.
weave (v) /wiːv/ Đan, dệt This is a robe embroidered with
workshop (n) /ˈwɜːkʃɒp/ Công xưởng gold thread.
Water is discharged from the
sewage works after being treated.
Don't worry about the letter— I'm
sure it'll turn up.
She is skilled at spinning and
The workshop employs 25 fulltime

II. Word formation

Words Related words Transcription Meaning
attract (v) attraction (n) /əˈtrækʃn/ Sự hút, sức hút
authentic (a) Chất hấp dẫn côn
attractant (n) /əˈtræktənt/ trùng
Hấp dẫn
attractive (a) /əˈtræktɪv/ Một cách hấp dẫn
attractively (adv) /əˈtrỉktɪvli / Sự hấp dẫn, sự lơi
attractiveness (n) /əˈtrỉktɪvnəs/ Tính xác thực
Đích thực, xác thực
authenticity (n) /ˌɔːθenˈtɪsəti/ Xác nhận
authentically (adv) /ɔːˈθentɪkli/ Sự xác nhận
authenticate (v) /ɔːˈθentɪkeɪt/
authentication (n) /ɔːˌθentɪˈkeɪʃn/


cast (v) inauthentic (a) /ˌɪnɔːˈθentɪk/ Không thật, giả
craftsman (n) inauthenticity (n) /ˌɪnɔːθenˈtɪsəti/ Tính khơng thật
embroider (v) caster (n) /ˈkɑːstə(r)/ Thợ đúc
casting (n) /ˈkɑːstɪŋ/ Sự đúc, vật đúc
craftsmen (n.pl) /ˈkrɑːftsmən/ Thợ thủ công
craftswoman (n) /ˈkrɑːftswʊmən/ Nữ thợ thủ công
crattswomen (n.pl) /ˈkrɑːftswɪmɪn/ Nữ thợ thủ công
embroiderer (n) /ɪmˈbrɔɪdə(r)/ Người dệt
Công việc thêu, đồ
embroidery (n) /ɪmˈbrɔɪdəri/ thêu

preserver (n) /prɪˈzɜːvə(r)/ Người bảo quản
preservation (n) /ˌprezəˈveɪʃn/ Sự bảo quản, sự giữ

preserve (v) preservationist (n) /ˌprezəˈveɪʃənɪst/ Người bảo thủ
preservative (a, n) /prɪˈzɜːvətɪv/ Bảo quản, chất bảo

remind (v) preservable (a) /prɪˈzɜːvətbl/ Có thể bảo quản
treat (v) reminder (n) /rɪˈmaɪndə(r)/ Điều gợi nhớ
treatment (n) /ˈtriːtmənt/ Việc đối xử, cách xử lí
weave(v) Có thể xử lí, có thể
III. Grammar treatable (a) /ˈtriːtəbl/ điều trị
Người giải quyết
treater (n) /ˈtriːtə(r)/ Hiệp ước, thỏa thuận
treaty (n) /ˈtriːti/ Thợ dệt

weaver (n) /ˈwiːvə(r)/ Công việc dệt
weaving (n) /ˈwiːvɪŋ/

1. Câu phức hợp
Câu phức hợp là câu gồm có một mệnh đề chính (Main clause) và một hoặc nhiều mệnh đề

phụ (Subordinate clauses). Mệnh đề phụ có chủ ngữ và vị ngữ riêng. Mệnh đề phụ là một bộ phận
của câu tương đương với một danh từ (mệnh đề phụ danh từ), tính từ (mệnh đề phụ tính từ/mệnh đề
quan hệ) hoặc phó từ (mệnh đề phụ trạng ngữ). Mệnh đề phụ kết nối với mệnh đề chính bởi liên từ


phụ thuộc trong mệnh đề phụ trạng ngữ, kết nối bằng đại từ quan hệ (which, who, whom, whose,
that) trong mệnh đề phụ tính từ/mệnh đề quan hệ, hoặc kết nối bằng that, if/whether, what, when,
where, how trong mệnh đề phụ danh từ


He's going to pass his test even if he doesn't study.

Mệnh đề chính Mệnh đề phụ
Even if he doesn't study, he's going to pass his test.
Mệnh đề chính
Mệnh đề phụ

Các liên từ phụ thuộc trong mệnh để phụ trạng ngữ bao gổm:

Nguyên Nhượng bộ Điều kiện Nơi chốn Mục đích Thời gian

As Although If Where In order that Before
Because Even though Unless Wherever So that As soon as
Since Even if On condition that For fear that Once
Though As long as Until
Whereas Provided that When
While Providing that Whenever

2. Cụm động từ (Phrasal verbs)
Cụm động từ là cụm từ có cấu trúc bao gồm một động từ đi với một hoặc hai tiểu từ (phó từ,

giới từ như: up, down, in, on...). Khi các tiểu từ kết hợp với động từ tạo thành cụm động từ có ý
nghĩa khác hồn tồn so với nghĩa động từ ban đầu.

- Cụm động từ có thể là nội động từ:
Please don't give up.
I hope that my idea came across well.
- Cụm động từ có thể là ngoại động từ:
He has been looking after his mother.


He has been looking after her.
He has been looking her after. (incorrect)
- Một số cụm động từ có thể đồng thời là nội động từ hoặc ngoại động từ, tuỳ thuộc vào nghĩa
thành ngữ được sử dụng:
The two friends made up after their bitter argument. (Nội động từ)
Please stop making up excuses. (Ngoại động từ)

Một số cụm động từ thường gặp.

Cụm động từ Nghĩa Ví dụ
be about to do st Định, sắp sửa làm gì Hi Johnny, I was about to call you.
be in Có mặt I will let you know as soon as the doctor
be into Rất thích is in.
Rất hào hứng I'm really into this band rigid now.
be over Kết thúc
The worst is over. He should start to
come across sb/st Tình cờ gặp ai/tìm thấy cái gì recover in a few days.
I came across that old watch of mine
come into Thừa kế (tiền, tài sản) when I was cleaning out the drawers.
come up with Tìm ra, nảy ra ý tưởng He must have come into a bit of money.
I'm finding it difficult to come up with
come down with Bị nhiễm bệnh new ideas.
I don't feel very well today. I think I've
get on (with sb) Có quan hệ tốt come down with the flu.
We're getting on much better now that
get out of Tránh khỏi we don’t live together.
get (a)round to Thu xếp thời gian để hoàn tất How can I get out of this mess I'm in.
st/doing st việc gì I still haven't gotten (a)round to fixing
get back Trở về the broken table.
get rid of Vứt bỏ What time did you get back last night?
give away st Hiến tặng I want to get rid of that old mattress.
He's a generous man. He gives away half
give out Phân phát of his salary to charity each month.
Can you give out these books to the rest


give up Từ bỏ of the class please?

look into Điều tra, xem xét, nghiên cứu The doctor has told me to give up
look up Tra cứu (từ điển) smoking.
look forward to Mong đợi, mong chờ The police are looking into reports of a
look after Trông nom, chăm sóc robbery last night.
look down on Khinh thường Can you look up John's phone number
look up to Coi trọng for me please?
break down Hư hỏng I am looking forward to seeing my family
again after six months of living abroad.
Can you look after my cat while I'm
My neighbours look down on us because
we have less money.
She really looks up to her boss. He has
taught her many things.
My car broke down on the highway




I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from those of the others.

1. A. surface B. attraction C. lacquerware D. artisan

2. A. layer B. artisan C. frame D. place

3. A. drum B. culture C. museum D. sculpture

4. A. weave B. treat C deal D. drumhead

5. A. although B. authenticity C. through D. tablecloth

II. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

1. A. communicate B. generation C. historical D. environment

2. A. handicraft B. department C. embroider D. opinion

3. A. transfer (v.) B. remind C. accept D. publish


4. A. handicraft B. lacquerware C. artisan D. pottery

5. A. architecture B. embroidery C. authority D. historical

6. A. prosperity B. experience C. complicated D. traditional
7. A. bamboo B. village C. workshop D. famous
8. A. business B. grandparents C. experience D. chocolate
9. A. pottery B. lantern C. sculpture D. repeat
10. A. formation B. memorable C. behaviour D. endangered


I. Circle the best option A, B, C, or D to complete each of the sentences.

1. _____________ for the fact that he was working abroad, he would willingly have helped with the

A. If it had been B. If it had not been C. Had it been D. Hadn't it been

2. Whenever he had an important decision to make, he _____________ a cigar, supposedly to calm
his nerves!

A. had it B. would have lit C. would light D. would be lighting

3. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become _____________

A. persistent B. insistent C. consistent D. resistant

4. He had repeatedly warned the children _____________ playing too near the canal.

A. of B. with C. about D. for

5. Good restaurants serving traditional English food are very hard to _____________.

A. come into B. come by C. come to D. come at

6. Secondary schools offer a wide _____________ of subjects.

A. field B. scope C. list D. range

7. If you don't know the language, you may have to use _____________ language.

A. hand B. gesture C. head D. signal

8. The government has recently _____________ the buildings in the old section of the city.

A. reformed B. adjusted C. restored D. modified


9. When she came _____________, she found herself in hospital.

A. round B. off C. over D. out

10. You'll have to go for an interview tomorrow, but don't worry. It's just a _____________.

A. form B. format C. formation D. formality

11. Since the _____________ of the motor car, road accidents have increased

A. approach B. inauguration C. initiation D. advert

12. I must have browsed through hundreds of _____________, but I have no idea where to go for
this year holiday.

A. booklets B. yellow pages C. brochures D. propaganda

13. It's possible to supplement one's _____________ by taking a part-time job.

A. income B. earning C. gaining D. attainment

14. I was _____________ in the book I was reading and didn't hear the phone.

A. engrossed B. submerge C. gripped D. distracted

15. He couldn't _____________ his father that he was telling the truth.

A. admit B. confide C. trust D. convince

II. Provide a fitting subordinator to fill the gaps in these sentences.
1. I'm going to the bank _____________ I need some money.
2. I made lunch _____________ I got home.
3. _____________ it's raining, she's going for a walk in the park.
4. _____________ she finishes her homework soon, she will fail the class.
5. He decided to trust Tim _____________ he was an honest man.
6. _____________ we went to school, she decided to investigate the situation.
7. Jennifer decided to leave Tom _____________ he was too worried about his job.
8. Dennis bought a new jacket _____________ he had received one as a gift last week.
9. Brandley claims that there will be trouble _____________ he doesn't complete the job.
10. Janice will have finished the report _____________ the time you receive the letter.

III. Supply the correct forms of the words given in bold to complete the sentences
1. Schools must try to make science more ……………… to youngsters. (ATTRACT)
2. The room is arranged very ……………………. (ATTRACT)


3. This type of trap uses no bait or other ……………… (ATTRACT)
4. The lette has been ……………… by hand writing experts. (AUTHENTIC)
5. These are novels that ……………… represent human experience. (AUTHENTIC)
6. It is clearly the work of a master ……………… (CRAFT)
7. The paintings were in an excellent state of ……………… (PRESERVE)

8. If an invoice is not paid within seven days, we automatically send out a ………………
9. He is receiving ……………… for shock. (TREAT)
10. A multilateral nuclear test ban ……………… was to be signed. (TREAT)


I. Circle the best option A, B, C, or D for each gap to complete the passage

Many visitors come to Tatter bridge to see the wonderful art (1) _____________ and museums,
the beautiful buildings and the fantastic parks. Few people go outside the city, and so they miss out
on (2) _____________ the scenery and the fascinating history of this beautiful area. This brochure
will tell you what you can see if you (3) _____________ a short bus ride out of the city.

The beautiful village of Tatter bridge was (4) _____________ to the children's writer Jane
Potter, whose stories of Benjamin Bear (5) _____________ loved by adults and children around the
world. Jane Potter's home is now a museum and tea shop, and is well (6) _____________ a visit just
for its wonderful gardens. It also has a gift shop where you can buy (7) _____________ and books.
Tatter bridge has a number of interesting shops (8) _____________ an excellent cake shop, and
'Wendy's Gift shop' where you can find lots of unusual gifts made (9) _____________ hand by local
artists. Lovers of Jane Potter's books should also walk to the Green Valley woods, which have not
changed since Jane Potter (10) _____________ her stories there one hundred years ago.

1. A. workshops B. stations C. restaurants D. galleries

2. A. experiencing B. questioning C. understanding D. welcoming

3. A. bring B. drive C. take D. sail

4. A. school B. home C. shop D. cottage

5. A. be B. have C. been D. are

6. A. worth B. value C. excited D. known

7. A. vegetables B. souvenirs C. costumes D. materials

8. A. preserving B. advertising C. including D. purchasing

9. A. at B. in C. with D. by

10. A. carved B. designed C. moulded D. wrote


II. Use words in the box to complete the passage.
When; paintings; craft; artisan; as; situated;
parts; villagers; and; engaged.

Recently, we made a trip to revisit Dong Ho Village with a desire to meet old artisan Nguyen
Huu Sam. Just when we arrived at the dyke in the village and talked with the villagers about the (1)
_____________, they intimately told us about him.

The old house owned by the artisan is (2)_____________ in a long alley of the village. On the
walls of the house there are many folk paintings in different genres, from daily life paintings to
landscape (2) _____________ shown in a set of "four seasons"

Mr. Sam told us about his past. (4) _____________ he was three years old, he was instructed in
the craft of making Dong Ho paintings by his father. At five, he could help his father apply the Dong
Ho paintings. At seven, he was able to draw with a pen (5)_____________ made the most difficult

samples. Years went by and the soul of Dong Ho folk paintings has kept seashell powder paint to the

In the 1940s this craft flourished. At that time, Nguyen Huu Sam was assigned by bis parents to
take the paintings to the market for sale. Mr. Sam said that 17 families in the village had been (6)
_____________ in making Dong Ho paintings.

Artisan Nguyen Huu Sam has always been devoted to the making of Dong Ho paintings and has
waited for opportunities to restore this traditional (7) _____________. In 1967, when the local
authorities assigned him to restore the traditional gen re of Dong Ho folk paintings, he gathered 50
(8) _____________ with professional skills and collected hundreds of woodblocks to establish the
Dong Ho Painting Cooperative, Thanks to his efforts, such famous paintings (9) _____________
"Rat's wedding", "Rooster", "Scene of jealousy" and "Writing verses about precious flowers" have
been revived. Dong Ho paintings have been available in many (10) _____________ of the world
such as Japan, France, Germany, Singapore and the United States.
III. Read the following passage, answer/ complete the questions/ statements below.

Eskimos live in the Polar areas between latitude 66° N and the North Pole. There are Eskimos in
Northern Canada, Greenland and Siberia. This means that they are the only people who have their
origins both in the Old World (Europe and Asia) and in the New World (America).

It is difticult to make an accurate estimate but there are probably about 50,000 Eskimos.
Eskimos are not usually tall but they have powerful legs and shoulders. They have a yellowish skin
and straight, black hair. Eskimos have a common language and can understand members of another
group although they may come from many thousands of miles away. The most important unit in
Eskimo society is the family. Marriage is by mutual consent: the Eskimos do not have a special
marriage ceremony.

In the Eskimo community, the most important people are the older men. They control the affairs
of the group, the economic system of the Eskimo communities' work like a commune: they share

almost everything. Eskimos live by hunting, fishing and trapping. When they go to hunt seals, they


sail in Kayaks (light boats made from skins) and when they hunt animals, they travel across the ice
in sleds pulled by teams of dogs. The Eskimo snow house (called an igloo) is very well known, but,
in fact, Eskimos usually live in houses made of wood and turf. When not hunting and working,
Eskimos like to carve: they use ivory and wood and they often make very beautiful objects.
1. There are about _____________ Eskimos in the world.
2. Eskimos usually live in ________________________
3. Eskimos are _____________ but have _____________
4. They hunt _______________________________________
5. They travel by _______________________________________
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. It took a long time for them to decide to get married.
 They _____________________________________________________________________
2. I'm more interested in the people than the job.
 It's not the _________________________________________________________________
3. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.
 The excuse ________________________________________________________________
4. Although Jack drives carefully on public roads, he is a terror on the racetrack.
 lack is a___________________________________________________________________
5. Our science correspondent sees this new invention as the answer to many of our problems.
 According to ______________________________________________________________

6. “It is, or is it not true that you have been misappropriating company funds?” the managing director
asked the accountant.
 Die managing director wanted ______________________________________________

7. If you want to save your eyesight, we must operate immediately.
 Only by ________________________________________________________________
8. It was his own fault that he lost his job. He was late for work every morning.
 If _____________________________________________________________________
9. Attendances at the exhibition have been down this year.


 The exhibition __________________________________________________________
10. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test.
 As long as _____________________________________________________________
II. Arrange the words and phrases given to make meaningful sentences.
1. For generations/ history, Vietnamese people/ gather in communal villages surrounded/ by the rice
fields. However, many farmers also/ leam/ produce useful handicrafts/ daily lives/ clay, bamboo,
and/ natural materials.
2. A number/ villages developed/ certain craft for the local market to bring/ local towns or capital
cities/ sale. This/ be the origin/ the Vietnamese handicraft trade villages.
3. These craft villages/ undergo periods of varying success/ failure throughout 20th century.
4. Some craft villages hall, the trade villages/ develop and preserved their best skills/ designs.

5. In the craft village hall, ihe trade villagers often worship and periodically pay their respects/ the
sacred craft master/ handicraft, who has exploits/ founding, teaching or preserving the particular
designs/ the villages produce.


6. Since Vietnam's current labour costs/ be lower/ compare/ other countries, it brings advantages/
medium and small handicraft manufacturers.
7. When Giang got the loans/ the project, he/ open/ a smallest enterprise/ ceramics.
8. Although Green Craft has a/ of difficulties. It continually/ work/ improve/ productivity,
designing/ sampling.
9. The government/ carry/ a job training program in rural areas/ young people/ find jobs in/ own
10. Some heads/ the businesses had problems/ find markets/ for/ they/ not been trained in



I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from those of the others.

1. A. natural B. disaster C. damage D. grandma

2. A. thunder B. result C. erupt D. volume

3. A. watched B. collapsed C. caused D. laughed

4. A. moon B. balloon C. foot D. food

5. A. pilot B. flying C. sighting D. mineral


II. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the sentences.

1. The crew have been living _____________ space for over three months.

A. in B. at C. on D. for

2. Many people _____________ that they had seen UFOs in the sky.

A. suggested B. claimed C. persuaded D. decided

3. If everyone _____________ trash onto the water, the water will not be polluted.

A. don't throw B. doesn't throw C. didn't throw D. haven't thrown

4. Isn't it time the children _____________ to bed?

A. go B. will go C. should go D. went

5. _____________ interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it.

A. If I am B. Should I C. I was D. Were I

6. Christians usually have a special dinner _____________ Christmas Day.

A. in B. for C. at D. on

7. _____________ he shouted, he couldn't make his voice heard.

A. Since B. When C. Although D. Because

8. Have you ever met the man _____________ over there?

A. stands B. standing C. is standing D. who stand

9. You'd better take your raincoat with you _____________ the weather changes.

A. although B. unless C. in case D. because

10. ‘Can I give you a cup of coffee?’ ‘_____________’

A. That would be nice B. Of course, you can

C. Well, I'd like to D. That's a good idea

11. ‘Congratulations to you on winning the first prize.’ ‘_____________’

A. You're welcome B. Thanks a lot C. It's doesn't matter D. It's my pleasure

12. ‘What a wonderful picture!’ ‘_____________’

A. I m glad to hear that B. It's nice of you to say so

C. You don't need to say so D. Of course, I think so

13. He's having a party in _____________ of his 84th birthday.


A. ceremony B. celebration C. anniversary D. memory

14. Family is always my father's top _____________. It is the most important to him.

A. speciality B. right C. priority D. privacy

15. You can look _____________ a word in a dictionary if you don't know what it means.

A. into B. for C. up D. over

16. For most households, lighting accounts _____________ 10 percent to 15 percent of the

electricity bill.

A. of B. to C. in D. for

17. We played very well. _____________, we lost the match.

A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Consequently

18. We leave early _____________ miss the last bus.

A. in order not B. so as not C. in order to D. in order not to

19. Crop are sprayed with _____________ to kill insects.

A. fertilizer B. manure C. dung D. pesticide

20. 'Should I begin typing these letters?' ‘I suggest _____________ the bookkeeping first.’

A. you finished B. you to finish C. you finish D. you will finish

III. Supply the correct forms of the words given in bold to complete the sentences.
1. I find her story about UFOs hardly _____________. (BELIEVE)
2. She is an _____________ teacher. She has great skill at teaching. (EXPERIENCE)
3. Environmental pollution has led to the _____________ of many species of plants and animals
from our planet. (APPEAR)
4. He treated them with _____________ and thoughtfulness. (GENEROUS)
5. She seemed _____________ with her preparations for Tet. (SATISFY)
6. There has been some _____________ in unemployment recently. (REDUCE)
7. Energy saving bulbs help _____________ save money. (COSTUME)
8. _____________ friendly energy sources include water and wind power. (ENVIRONMENT)

IV. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tenses to complete the sentences.
1. I (tidy) _____________ my desk, but it's in a mess again.
2. We (wait) _____________ over an hour and he (not phone) _____________ yet.


3. The doctor hardly (fall) _____________ asleep when the telephone (wake) _____________ him
up again.
4. I (never have) _____________ my car (break) _____________ down on a motorway before.
5. We hope that our project (complete) _____________ by 2020.
6. It's no use (try) _____________ (persuade) _____________ him. You won't succeed.
7. I would rather (walk) _____________ home. It's not worth (take) _____________ a taxi.

V. Fill ONE suitable preposition in each gap to complete the sentences.
1. He's just getting _____________ his severe illness.
2. We complained _____________ the landlord _____________ the condition of the house.
3. I don't know why John insists _____________ blaming me _____________ his failure.
4. Our football team lost _____________ three goals to nil.
5. He took me to the station _____________ his car.
6. We had to postpone the picnic _____________ account _____________ the bad weather.
7. The scientist is completely absorbed _____________ his research work.

VI. Circle the best option A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the passage.

Japan is one of the world's most earth quake-prone countries and (1) _____________ thousands
of minor tremors each year. But the Kobe earthquake was one of the (2) _____________ in the
country's history - 6,433 people died. Nearly 27,000 people (3) _____________, and more than
45,000 homes were (4) _____________. The total cost of repairing the damage was estimated (5)
_____________ more than $100 billion. Kobe struggled to (6) _____________ the huge impact of

the 1995 earthquake. New office blocks and malls were built to (7) _____________ back the 50,000
people (8) _____________ left after the quake.

Japanese scientists have since tried to improve (9) _____________ of quakes, but seismology is
an inexact science and it is extremely difficult to forecast when and where quakes will (10)

1. A. controls B. experiences C. causes D. strikes

2. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. badest

3. A. injured B. were injured C. wounded D. were wounded

4. A. destroyed B. struck C. swept D. tom

5. A. to B. in C. at D. for

6. A. study B. create C. avoid D. overcome

7. A. attract B. return C. appear D. help


8. A. who B. which C. where D. whose
9. A. predictor B. prediction C. predictive D. predictably
10. A. erupt B. come C. reach D. occur

VII. Use words in the box to complete the passage.

Been due to tourists of where

between pottery interested not only Since

Located in an area rich in clay, the village has advantage (1) _____________ ingredients to
create fine ceramics. Moreover, lying beside the Red river, (2) _____________ Thang Long and Pho
Hien, two ancient trade centres in the north of Vietnam during 15th - 17th century, Bat Trang's
ceramics were favourite products (3) _____________ in domestic market, but also foreign ones
thanks to Japan, Chinese and Western trading boats that passed by.
In the 18th and 19th century, (4) _____________ restricting foreign trade policy of Trinh,
Nguyen dynasty, it was difficult for pottery products in Vietnam to be exported to foreign countries,
and some famous (5) _____________ making villages like Bat Trang, or Chu Dau (Hai Duong
province) went through a hard time. (6) _____________ 1986, thanks to economic reforms and
development, more attention has (7) _____________ vested in the village and the world gets a
chance to know more about Vietnamese porcelain through many high quality exported Bat Trang's
ceramic products.
Visiting Bat Trang, (8)_____________ can take a walk or join a buffalo tour for sightseeing and
shopping. Besides many ceramic stores along the road in the village, tourists should visit Bat Trang
Porcelain and Pottery Market (9) _____________ they can directly make pottery products by
themselves. Many youngsters and foreign tourists are (10) _____________ in this pottery – making
experience, and spend a whole day in the market to make a gift for family or friends.

VIII. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to choose the sentence has the same meaning with the
given one.
1. I was very exhausted, but I didn't stop working.

A. I stopped working because I was exhausted.
B. Even though I was very exhausted, I didn't stop working.
C. I didn't stop working; therefore, I was very exhausted.
D. If I didn't stop working, I would be very exhausted.

2. My mother never allows me to stay up late.
A. I get my mother's permission to stay up late.
B. My mother never stays up late with me.


C. My mother never lets me stay up late.
D. My mother and I usually stay up late.
3. ‘Why don't you use energy saving- bulbs, Nam?' said Minh.
A. Minh reminded Nam to use energy saving bulbs.
B. Minh asked Nam not to use energy saving bulbs.
C. Minh suggested that Nam should use energy saving bulbs.
D. Minh had Nam replace energy saving bulbs.
4. You can't visit the United States unless you get a visa.
A. You can't visit the United States since you don't get a visa.
B. If you don't get a visa, you cannot visit the United States.
C. Although you get a visa, you can't visit the United states.
D. You can visit the United States even if you don't get a visa.
5. Study hard or you will fail the exam.
A. If you didn't study hard, you wouldn't fail the exam.
B. If you study harder, you won't pass the exam.
C. If you don't study hard, you will fail the exam.
D. If you studied hard, you will pass the exam.

IX. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the
word given in the brackets. Do not change the word given.
1. Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car. (SPITE)
 In ___________________________________________________________________________
2. He prefers golf to tennis. (THAN)
 He __________________________________________________________________________

3. We last visited Ho Chi Minh city 3 years ago. (FOR)
 We _________________________________________________________________________
4. The bookshelf was so high that the children couldn't reach it. (TOO)
 The bookshelf ________________________________________________________________
5. It takes three hours to drive from Haiphong to Hanoi. (DRIVE)
 It ___________________________________________________________________________

