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I. Vocabulary

Words Transcription Meaning Examples
chop (v) / tʃɒp/
chặt Feel the cucumber and chop it into
cube (n) /kju:b/
small cubes.
deep- fry (v) /ˌdiːp ˈfraɪ/
miếng hình lập A cube is a solid or hollow figure with
dip (v) /dɪp/
phương six equal square sides.
drain (v) /dreɪn/ rán ngập mỡ Today my mother is teaching me how to
garnish (v) /ˈɡɑːnɪʃ/
deep-fry fish.
grate (v) /greɪt/
grill (v) /grɪl/ nhúng She dipped her toe into the pool to see
Marinate (v) /ˈmærɪneɪt/
how cold it was.

làm ráo nước Leave the dishes to drain.

trang trí (thức ăn) Garnish the dish with almonds before


mài, xát (thànhAs you grate your potatoes, let them

bột); nạo (thức ăn) drop into a large bowl of ice water.

nướng I'll grill the bacon rather than fry it.

ướp I allways marinate the chicken in white

wine for a couple of hours before frying.

peel(v) /pi:l/ gọt vỏ, bóc vỏ We should peel potatoes before cooking.
puree (v) /ˈpjʊərei/ xay nhuyễn The first solid food she gave her baby
roast(v) /rəʊst/ quay was puréed carrot.
hành khô I roasted the vegetables with some olive
shallot (n) /ʃəˈlɒt/ oil
om Cooking with shallots means adding
simmer (v) /ˈsɪmə(r)/ their delicate flavour to many dishes in
your kitchen.

Leave the soup to simmer for 10 minutes
before serving it.

spread (v) /spred/ phết (bơ) She spread her toast with a thick layer

of butter.

Sprinkle (v) /ˈsprɪŋkl/ rắc (hương liệu) I sprinkled some sugar on top of the


slice (v) /slaɪs/ cắt lát Could you slice me a very thin piece of


staple (n) /'steɪpl/ lương thực chính The staple crop is rice.
starter (n) /ˈstɑːtə[r]/
món khai vị This dish can be served as a starter or a
steam (v) /sti:m/ main course.
hấp The best way to steam your food to is of
stew (n, v) /stju:/ course to have a steamer at home.
stir-fry (v) /ˈstɜː fraɪ/ (món) hầm I'm making a stew for lunch.
xào Stir-fry the chicken for one minute, then
tender (a) /'tendə(r) add the vegetables.
versatile /ˈvɜːsətaɪl/ mềm
đa dụng This meat is extremely tender.
(a) /wisk/ Eggs are easy to cook and are an
whisk (v) Đánh (trứng...) extremely versatile food.
He whisked the butter and eggs
together, wondering if this was the right
way to make an omelette.

II. Word formation

Word Related words Transcription Meaning
combine (v) combination (n) /ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃn/ sự kết hợp
/trəˈdɪʃənl/ truyền thống
tradition (n) traditional (a) /səkˈses/ sự thành công
/səkˈsesfl / thành công
succeed (v) success (n) / səkˈsesfəli/ một cách thành công
important (a) successful (a)
successfully / ɪmˈpɔːtns/ tầm quan trọng
/sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ quan trọng

importance (n)

signify (v) significant (a)

nutrition (n) significance (n) / sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəns / ý nghĩa
mix (v) signification (n) /ˌsɪɡnɪfɪˈkeɪʃn / sự báo hiệu
cook (v) nutritious (a) /njuˈtrɪʃəs/ bổ dưỡng
mixture (n) /ˈmɪkstʃə(r)/ sự pha trộn
arrange (v) overcook (n) /ˌəʊvəˈkʊk/ nấu quá lửa
add (v) undercook (n) /ˌʌndəˈkʊk/ Nấu thiếu lửa
arrangement (n) /əˈreɪndʒmənt/ sự sắp xếp
character addition (n) /əˈdɪʃn/ sự thêm vào
(n) additional (a) /əˈdɪʃənl/ cộng thêm, thêm
characteristic (n) /ˌkỉrəktəˈrɪstɪk/ đặc tính
health (n) characterise (v) /ˈkærəktəraɪz/ mô tả
healthy (a) /ˈhelθi/i/ khỏe mạnh
healthily (adv) /ˈhelθi/ɪli/ một cách khỏe mạnh
unhealthy (a) /ʌnˈhelθi/i/ không khỏe

III. Grammar
1. Some/any
- Both some and any are used to say unidentified amount of something when it is impossible or
not necessary to say the exact amount.
1.1. Some: Một ít, một vài
- Some is often used in affirmative sentences before countable nouns in plural forms or
uncountable nouns.
I want some milk.
I need some eggs.

- Sometimes some is used in interrogative sentences when expecting the answer is Yes, or is used
in sentences for requesting, inviting and offering
Did you buy some oranges?
Would you like some more coffee?
May I go out for some drink?

1.2. Any: Một ít, một vài
- Any is often used before countable nouns in plural form or uncountable nouns in negative or
interrogative sentences.
Do you want any sugar?
She didn't see any boys in her class.
- Any is used before uncountable nouns and countable nouns in singular form in affirmative
clauses with negative meaning or after words having negative meaning like never, hardly,
scarcely, without...
I'm free all day. Come and see me any time you like.
He's lazy. He never does any work
If there are any letters for me, can you send them on to this address?
If you need any more money, please let me know.
- We can use some and any without any nouns when those nouns are identified.
Tim wanted some milk, but he couldn't find any.
(Or) If you have no stamps, I will give you some.
- Pronouns like something, anything, someone, anyone, somebody, anybody, somewhere,
anywhere... can be used in a similar way with some and any.
I don't see anything on the table.

(Or) Is there anybody in your house now?
(Or) I want to do something to help you.
2. A cup of tea, a loaf of bread
- Tea and bread are uncountable nouns, so we cannot use article ‘a’ or numbers before them, but
we can say a cup of tea và a loaf of bread.

- Some other examples of expression of uncountable nouns: a carton of apple juice, a tin of
paint, a bottle of milk, a box of cereal, a tube of toothpaste, a glass of coffee, a piece of wood, a
slice of bread, a sheet of paper, half a pound of butter, two littres of petrol, a bar of chocolate...

- This way of expression can also be used for plural nouns after of: a box of matches, two kilos
of tomatoes, a collection of stamps
3. Modal verbs in Conditional Sentences Type 1

If - clause Main clause
If + S + V (present simple) S + will/ can/ may/ might/ should/ must + V (bare

I will buy a big house if I have enough money.

I will be late for school if you don't drive faster.

If he wants to pass the exam, he must study harder.

If you finish your homework, you can watch TV. (permission)

He can learn to become a good cook if he tries hard. (ability)

If she likes eating spicy food, he may/ might add chilli. (possibility)

If you feel unhealthy, you shouldn't eat fast food. (advice)

If you don't want to get weight, you must follow these safety instructions, (necessity)


I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1. Food in Northern Vietnam is not as _________as that in Central and Southern Vietnam, as
black pepper is often used rather than chilies.

A. strong B. flavour C. spicy D. exciting

2. Despite the differences in cuisine of each region, there are similarities, such as the _________
for main meals - rice, ways of adding fish sauce, herbs and other flavours.

A. basic B. staple C. foundation D. necessity

3. A meal of Hue people has a natural combination between flavours and colours of dishes, which
creates the unique _________ in the regional cuisine.

A. feature B. part C. description D. list

4. _________ of famous dishes in Southern Vietnam are Hu Tieu Nam Vang, Bun Mam, fried
rice, flour cake, and many kinds of puddings.

A. Any B. A C. One D. Some

5. If I feel hungry in the afternoon, I _________ snacks like fresh carrots, a bottle of milk or a

slice of bread.

A. would have B. had C. might have D. had had

6. My father _________ hot pot, in which there is a combination of seasoned broth, vegetables
and meats if my mother goes home late this evening.

A. will cook B. would cook C. cooks D. cooked

7. If people work so much, they _________ depressed and eat more food containing a lot of fat
and sugar rather than minerals and vitamins.

A. may feel B. could feel C. felt D. may have felt

8. Beet greens are the most _________part of the vegetable and can be cooked like any other
dark leafy green.

A. careful B. nutritious C. traditional D. colourful

9. You _________ chicken. It means that you cook it in an oven or over a fire without liquid.

A. roast B. steam C. fry D. boil

10. Such ingredients as sugar, sugarcane, and coconut water are mostly used in Southern
Vietnamese food than in _________places in Northern and Central Vietnam.

A. an B. any C. some D. a

II. Complete the following sentences with a, an, some or any.

1. I here arean’t _________ good restaurants in this town.

2. Don’t worry about lunch. I've bought _________ pizzas.

3. We’d like to stay longer, but we don't have _________ time.

4. Could you give me _________ information please?

5. I’m really hungry now. Can you give me _________ apple?

III. Give the correct term of the word in brackets to complete the following text.

Good cooking is always a strange (1. MIX) _________ of science and art. Certainly, you also
have to be fairly creative if you want to come up with your own recipes. All cooking also
demands a fair amount of (2. PREPARE) _________, and tlais is doubly true when you're
producing orginal dishes. You also have to be thick - skinned. You'll be (3. SURPRISE)

_________ by how honest people can be when it comes to food. I've had people tell me my latest
dish is (4. DISGUST) _________ and thoroughly incredible! Sometimes, they were right! But
don't get upset. Just smile sweetly and thank them for their valuable opinion. And never forget
that when you're waiting (5. ANXIOUS) _________to hear whether or not your 'masterpiece' is a
success and they suddenly show their appreciation you'll realize it was all worth it.

IV. Read the text below and write one word in each blank to complete it.

In a modem dairy, tire milking of cows is carried out by machines. Cows are usually milked
twice a (1) _________ by a milking machine. The warm milk from cow is collected in a large vat
where it is cooled. The milk is then (2) _________ to another part of the dairy for processing.

Fresh milk is converted to pasteurized milk and cream in the processing section of the dairy.

A number of machines are used to process the milk. Three of the most (3) _________ machines
used to process milk are the separator, the pasteurizer and the homogenizer.

The separator removes the cream from the milk. Milk without cream is known as skimmed
milk. Skimmed milk is drunk by people who want to (4) _________ the fat content in their diet.
The pasteurizer serves to heat the milk to a certain temperature so as to destroy any bacteria that
it may contain. It is not safe to drink milk that has not been pasteurized. Cream and milk are
blended in the homogenized to produce full-cream milk. The milk is then cooked and (5)
_________ . The bottles are stored in a cool place before they are delivered to shops and homes.

V. Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

A cacao tree is about seven meters high and is covered with large leaves. Up to 6,000 small
pink or white flowers appear on a tree every year. Only a few of these flowers produce a pod.
Each pod is about 15 to 20 centimetres long and contains from 20 to 50 beans. A tree produces
only about 20 to 40 pods a year.

People gather these pods, break them open with large knives, take out the beans, and dry
them. After a few days, the beans are cleaned, roasted, and ground into tiny pieces. The natural
fat in the beans becomes a liquid. Chocolate is made from this liquid.

Today the largest suppliers of chocolate are Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Brazil.
Ghana got its first cacao tree from Fernando Po, a Spanish colony off the coast of Africa. A
Ghanaian who was working on Fernando Po in 1879 took a cacao pod home and planted it. It
grew into a tree. Other people slowly started growing cacao trees. Before this, there were wars in
the region for decades. When people started growing cacao trees, they stopped fighting. In this
way, chocolate brought peace to the Africans there.

A tropical tree with an Indian name brought peace to West Africa. Chocolate brings
pleasure to all of us when we eat and drink this delicious food.

1. _________ A cacao tree is about seven meters high and covered with large pink and white
2. _________ Each year, a cacao tree has 6,000 flowers which produce a pod of about 15 to 20
centimetres long and contains from 20 to 50 beans.
3. _________ Chocolate is made from the liquid which are the natural fat in the beans taken out
from the cacao's flower pods.
4. _________ People in Ghana started planting cacao in 1879 and cacao trees helped them stop
5. _________ We can feel happy and comfortable when we eat and drink chocolate.
VI. Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Isn't it amazing how much time we spend talking about food? “Have you ever eaten ...?”
“What did you have for lunch?” and so on. And when you travel from one country to another,
you find that people have quite different feelings about food. People often feel that what they eat
is normal, and that what other people eat is strange or silly.

In most parts of Asia, for example, no meal is complete without rice. In England, people eat
potatoes every day. In the Middle East, bread is the main part of every meal. Eating, like so many
things we do, becomes a habit which is difficult to change. Americans like to drink a lot of
orange juice and coffee. The English drink tea four or five times every day. Australians drink
large amount of beer and the French drink wine every day.

The sort of meat people like to eat also differs from one country to another. Horse meat is
thought to be delicious in France. In Hong Kong, some people enjoy eating snakes. New
Zealanders eat sheep, but they never eat goat meat. The Japanese don't like to eat sheep meat
because of its smell, but they enjoy raw fish.

So it seems that although eating is a topic that we can talk about for hours, there is very little
common sense in what we say about it. People everywhere enjoy eating what they have always
been eating, and there is very little we can do to change our eating habits.

1. What does the writer think of people's opinions about food?
2. What do people in many Asian countries almost always have in their meals?

3. Where do people prefer tea to other drinks?
4. Why don't people in Japan like to eat sheep meat?
5. What is the text mainly about?

VII. Use the given words to write the complete sentences.
1. There/ nothing more appetizing/ smell of meat sizzling over an open fire.
2. Some people/ eat barbecue/ because/ it/ let/ together with friends or family/ make/ feel more
3. People often/ barbecue/ national holidays/ special occasions/ birthday/ family gathering.
4. In the United States, it/ tradition/ have a barbecue/ hamburgers and hot dogs/ Independence
Day, July 4th.
5. If you/ chance to visit/ different places/ world, you/ try/ local specialities.
6. There/ any good restaurants/ that town/ we/ decide/ take/ sandwiches for the trip.
7. We'd like/ stay longer/ try local dishes, but we/ not have/ time.
8. He/ learn to become/ good cook/ big restaurants and hotels/ if/ he/ try/ hard.

9. We/ have/ fish? This restaurant/ most famous for it/ this town.
10. If she/ like/ eat spicy food/ she/ add chilli.

VIII. Finish each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same.
1. Follow these safety instructions or you may get burnt.
 If you ________________________________________________________________
2. I suggest having some spaghetti and pizza tonight.
 Why don't _____________________________________________________________
3. My aunt has never tasted sushi before.
 This is ________________________________________________________________
4. Eating healthy food is very important.
 It is ___________________________________________________________________
5. Do more exercise or you can't lose any weight.
 If _____________________________________________________________________



I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
in each group.

1. A. garnish B. drain C. tender D. sprinkle

2. A. grin B. dip C. slice D. grill

3. A. spread B. cream C. bread D. head

4. A. sugar B. stew C. sauce D. steam

5. A. grate B. shallot C. marinate D. staple

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the
others in each group.

6. A. individual B. supermarket C. avocado D. information

7. A. versatile B. marinate C. tomato D. chocolate

8. A. balance B. combine C. include D. reduce

9. A. understand B. geography C. engineer D. disappearance

10. A. promote B. diverse C. language D. combine


I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

11. If you _________ a choice, which country will you visit?

A. have B. had C. have had D. will have

12. Trees won't grow _________ there is enough water.

A. if B. when C. unless D. as

13. An interesting feature in northern cuisine is in winter all family members gather around a big
hotpot _________ there is a combination of seasoned broth, vegetables and meats.

A. in which B. which C. what D. x

14. The patient could not recover unless he _________ an operation.

[undergo: pass through]

A. had undergone B. would undergo

C. underwent D. was undergoing

15. One special feature of cuisine in Southern Vietnam is short cooking time which aims to
_________ the freshness of food.

A. stay B. continue C. exist D. remain

16. Pumpkin soup is a good source of _________ , minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin A.

A. solids B. fibres C. sugars D. fats

17. If you _________ to be chosen as a chef in that restaurant, you'll have to be experienced in
the field.

A. had wanted B. wanted C. want D. wants

18. You usually _________ into many small pieces.

A. chop B. whisk C. grate D. sprinkle

19. If I had enough money, I _________ abroad to improve my English and try the local

A. will go B. would go C. should go D. should have to go

20. Don't worry about lunch. I've bought _________ sandwiches.

A. a lot B. some C. any D. much

21. Could you bring me _________ glass of lemonade, please?

A. a B. some C. any D. many

22. They ground beans from the cacao or cocoa tree and mixed them _________ water and
vanilla to make a drink.

A. in B. to C. with D. into

23. When Africans started _________ cacao trees, they stopped fighting, so chocolate brought
peace there.

A. grow B. grows C. grew D. growing

24. . If it rains tomorrow, we _________ postpone going on a picnic.

A. could B. may C. would D. had to

25. The tradition of taking different meats, and sometimes vegetables as well, and spearing them
with a sharp stick called a skewer _________ cultural lines today.

A. crossed B. has crossed C. crosses D. is crossing

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses of the conditionals

26. If she (need) _________ the recipe, she can ask me.

27. If you (not go) _________ away, I’ll send for the police.

28. She will be absolutely furious if she (hear) _________ about this.

29. If we leave the car here, it (not be) _________ in anybody's way.

30. He'll be late for the train if he (not start) _________ at one.

31. If he (go) _________ on telling lies, nobody will believe a word he says.

32. Unless they (sell) _________ more, they won't get much commission.

33. Well have to move upstairs if the river (rise) _________ any higher.

34. If we (work) _________ hard today, can we have a day off tomorrow?

35. If the house burns down, we (claim) _________compensation.

III. Write one word in each gap to complete the following sentences.

36. Most people seem to be _________ of the harmful effects of their diet.

37. Everyone complemented her _________ the wonderful buffet she'd laid on.

38. The problem with drinks like that is they're full _________ sugar.

39. I can't choose _________ Death by Chocolate or fruit salad.

40. I'm _________ to tell you what your supper is; then you’ll just have to wait and see.

41. She's generally regarded _________ being the best cookery book writer of her generation.

42. Most people associate English food _________ fish and chips and shepherd's pie.

43. Karen's very careful about how _________ salt she has every meal.
44. There's _________ lack of good restaurants round here.
45. The meat was well cooked _________ the sauce was totally lacking in flavour.


I. Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each numbered blank.

Packet sugar from the supermarket is extracted from (46) _________ sugar cane or sugar
beet. These (47) _________ are mixed with hot water, which dissolves their natural sugar. Sugar
is also found in fruits, some of which, such as dates and grapes, (48) _________ very high
amounts of sugar. To be a little more (49) _________, sugar should be called sucrose. Sucrose is
made up of two substances, glucose, which (50) _________ for instant energy, and fructose,
which lasts longer as a source of energy. The sugar in fruit is mainly fructose. So, when we eat
fruit, we (51)________ quite large amounts of natural sugar. Some scientists believe that too
much sugar (52) _________ in sweets, cakes, and biscuits. It is said to be generally bad for the
health, although nothing (53)________ so far. However, it (54) _________ that sugar causes
tooth decay. As one expert said that “If other foods damaged our body as much as sugar (55)
_________ would be our teeth, they banned immediately.”

46. A. both B. some C. either D. mainly

47. A. productions B. products C. producers D. producing

48. A. contain B. are containing C. are contained D. contains

49. A. scientists B. scientific C. science D. non-science

50. A. used B. are using C. use D. is used

51. A. are also eaten B. have been eaten C. also eat D. will be eaten

52. A. is eaten B. eats C. has eaten D. will eat

53. A. is proving B. has proved C. were proved D. has been proved

54. A. knows B. has known C. is knowing D. is known

55. A. damages B. did C. decayed D. effect

II. Read the text below and write one word in each blank to complete it.

In some cultures, when you are invited to have a meal at someone's house, you might be
considered rude if you don t say how (56) _________ the food is. In Britain, for example, it's

normal for someone to complement the cook on the tastiness of the meal. You can say something
like, “That delicious. Do, please, write the recipe down (57) _________ me!”

In other cultures, however, people tend not to be so full of enthusiasm for the meal. You

might (58)_________ regarded as being rude, as the cook might associate your praise with
surprise. He or she might think. “So, they're shocked I can cook well, are they?”

If you are not sure how to react, the best advice is to wait and (59) _________ how the other
people at the table react. If that doesn't help, be very careful with what you say! I would suggest
(60)_________one solution could be to say. “That was delicious, but then I know it would be!”
III. Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Indians in North and South America ate popcorn thousands of years ago. Scientists found
some ears of popcorn in New Mexico, a state in the United States. They were 5,600 years old.
Farmers probably learned to raise popcorn first before they planted other kinds of com. Farmers
now raise popcorn in the United States, Australia, Argentina, South Africa, and southern Europe.

Corn was an important food for the Indians. It was also important for their religion. When
Columbus and other Europeans visited the New World, they saw this. When the Indians and
Europeans had their first Thanksgiving, they ate popcorn. Today Thanksgiving is an important
holiday in the United States but people don't usually eat popcorn for this holiday now.

Many Europeans and Indians fought wars with each other. When a war finished, the Indians
brought popcorn as a sign of peace.

In the 1920s, people started selling popcorn at movies. Now most movie theatres in the
United States sell popcorn. Popcorn and movies go together very well. During the Second World
War, American soldiers in the army taught Europeans to eat popcorn.

Is popcorn good for you? Yes, it is. However, some people put a lot of salt and butter or
vegetable oil on it. It tastes good that way, but it is not very good for you.
61. Is New Mexico a city of Mexico?
62. Where do farmers raise popcorn now?

63. What did the Indians and Europeans have for their first Thanksgiving?
64. When did movie theatres start selling popcorn?

65. Why is some popcorn not good for us?

I. Rearrange the given words or phrases to make meaningful sentences.
66. We/ as/ body/ need / should eat/ only/ much food as/ our.
67. Moderation/ key to any healthy diet/ and/ it/ also/ mean/ the balance/ our diet/ is/ also means.
68. Cutting down/ your intake of sugar/ or salt/ and/ helps you/ prevent/ several problems/
diseases/ in.
69. You/ eat/ only when/ should/ you/ active/ during daytime/ / at night/ and/ avoid/ eating / are.
70. If/ and/ you/ work/ feel hungry/ can/ you/ as/ healthier snacks/ such/ fruits or vegetables.
II. Use the given words to write the complete sentences.
71. I/ am allergic/ peanuts/ so I/ be careful/ what/I eat.

72. In each meal/ everyone/ own bowl/ and/ dishes/ put/ middle.
73. Therefore/ each one/ eat/ whatever they want/ and/ they/ not need/ eat what/ they dislike.
74. The food/ meat/ sliced/ small pieces/ so that/ everyone/ take them easily.

75. I tend not/ cook very often/ the week/I/ not have time.
III. Finish each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same.
76. Although Jimmy was stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him.
 Despite his ______________________________________________________________
77. I don't intend to change my eating habits.
 I have __________________________________________________________________
78. If I follow the doctor's advice of eating diet, I can improve my health problems soon.
 The sooner _____________________________________________________________
79. You need to peel the onion and slice it.
 The onion _______________________________________________________________
80. The manager usually threatens not to select Brian for the team unless he trains harder.
 If ______________________________________________________________________



I. Vocabulary

Words Transcription Meaning Examples
affordable (a)
/əˈfɔːdəbl/ Có thể chi trả, They try to make their plans more

(giá cả) phảiaffordable for all consumers.

air (v) /eə(r)/ Phát sóng The ad was submitted to CBS which
accepted and aired it.

breathtaking (a) /ˈbreθi/teɪkɪŋ/ ấn tượng The scene was breathtaking in its

check-in (n) /'tʃek ɪn/ beauty.
Quầy đăng kí lên The airline apologizes for long delays at

máy bay check-in today.

checkout (n) /ˈtʃekaʊt/ Việc trả phòng You can't just go through the checkout
rời khách sạn without paying!

confusion (n) /kənˈfjuːʒn/ Bối rối His expression was one of pure
erode away (v) /ɪ'rəʊd a'weɪ/ Mòn đi
The rocks have eroded away over time.

exotic (a) / ɪɡˈzɒtɪk / Kỳ lạ The fruits look exotic. Do they taste

explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔː(r)/ Thám hiểm Canadian companies are exploring for
oil in the region.

hyphen (n) /ˈhaɪfn/ Gạch nối There is a hyphen between the two
imperial (a) /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/

(thuộc) hoàng đế, The imperial guards stormed the palace.

như hồng đế

inaccessible (a) /ˌɪnỉkˈsesəbl/ khơng thể The hall is inaccessible to wheelchair
tiếp cận users.
lush (a) /lʌʃ/ Tươi tốt
The lush peaks and valleys of Rwanda
magnificence /mæɡˈnɪfɪsns/ nguy nga, unfold in the distance.
tráng lệ I love the magnificence of snow-
(n) không tốn covered mountains.
nhiều tiền We can just get a sandwich if you want
not break the bank / nɒt breɪk hoa lan —that won't break the bank.
I had no idea there -were orchids
(idiom) ðə bæŋk / growing wild in Florida.

orchid (n) / ˈɔːkɪd /

package tour /ˈpækɪdʒ tʊə(r)/ du lịch trọn gói The package tour industry declined
(n) / paɪl -ʌp/ during the 1970s.
pile-up (n) /prəˈməʊt/
tai nạn liên hoàn Three people died in a multiple pile-up
promote (v)
in freezing fog.

quảng bá Basketball stars have helped promote

the sport overseas.

safari (n) /səˈfɑːri/ cuộc đi săn I just got back from a month-long

stalagmite (n) /ˈstæləɡmaɪt/ măng đá safari.
The most common stalagmites are
stimulating (a) /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/ thú vị speleothems, which usually form in
hạ cánh limestone caves.
touchdown (n) /ˈtʌtʃdaʊn/ đa dạng
varied (a) /ˈveərid/ Thank you for a most stimulating
The plane swerved on touchdown.

The country has a rich and varied

II. Worf formation

Word Related words Transcription Meaning
afford (v) affordable (a) /əˈfɔːdəbl/ (giá cả) phải chăng
affordably (adv) /əˈfɔːdəbli/ Phải chăng
affordability (a) /əˌfɔːrdəˈbɪləti/ Tính vừa phải (về giá cả)

confuse (v) unaffordable (a) /ˌʌnəˈfɔːdəbl/ Quá đắt, không thể chi trả

erode (v) unaffordability (n) /ʌnəˌfo: dəbɪləti/ Sự không thể chi trả
exotic (a) confusion (n) /kənˈfjuːʒn/ Lộn xộn, sự bối rối
confused (a) /kənˈfjuːzd/ Làm bối rối
explore (v) confusing (a) /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/ Lộn xộn
imperial (a) erosion (n) /ɪˈrəʊʒn/ Xói mịn
exotica (n) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪkə / Vật lạ, vật ngoại lai
access (v) exotically (adv) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪkli/ Ngoại lai, kì lạ
exoticness (n) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪknəs/ Tính ngoại lai
exploration (n) /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn/ Sự thăm dò, thám hiểm

explorer (n) /ɪkˈsplɔːrə(r)/ Nhà thám hiểm
imperialism (n) / ɪmˈpɪəriəlɪzəm / Chủ nghĩa đế quốc
imperialist (a.n) /ɪmˈpɪəriəlɪst/ Đế quốc
imperialise (v) /ɪmˈpɪəriəˌlaɪz/ Đế quốc hóa
accessible (a) /əkˈsesəbl/ Có thể tiếp cận

magnify (v) accessibility (n) /əkˌsesəˈbɪləti / Tính dễ tiếp cận
promote (v) inaccessible (a) /ˌɪnækˈsesəbl/ Không thể tiếp cận
stimulate (v) inaccessibility (n) /ˌɪnỉkˌsesəˈbɪləti/ Tính khơng thể tiếp cận
vary (v) magnification (n) /ˌmæɡnɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ Sự phóng đại
magnificent (a) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ nguy nga, tráng lệ
magnificence (n) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsns / Sự nguy nga, tráng lệ
magnifier (n) /ˈmỉɡnɪfaɪə(r)/ Kính lúp

promoter (n) /prəˈməʊtə(r)/ người tài trợ, người ủng hộ

promotion (n) /prəˈməʊʃn / Sự khuyến khích, thăng chức,
hoạt động quảng cáo
promotional (a) /prəˈməʊʃənl /
stimulation (n) /ˌstɪmjuˈleɪʃn / (thuộc về) quảng cáo

stimulating (a) /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/ sự kích thích, khuyến khích
stimulator (n) /ˈsɪmjuleɪtə(r)/
stimulant (n) /ˈstɪmjələnt/ kích thích, thú vị
varied (a) /ˈveərid/ người khuyến khích
variable (a) /veəriəbl/ chất kích thích
variety (n) /vəˈraɪəti/ đa dạng
variation (n) /ˌveəriˈeɪʃn/ hay thay đổi
sự đa dạng
sự biến đổi

III. Grammar
1. Compound nouns
1.1. What are compound nouns?
- Compound nouns are words for people, animals, places, things, or ideas, made up of two or
more words.
e.g. water + bottle  water bottle; dining + room  dining room.
1.2. Forming compound nouns
- Noun + noun: backpack, bathroom, bedroom, bus stop, fish tank, football, wallpaper, website
- Adjective + noun: blackberry, blackbird, blackboard, mobile phone, hardware, highway,

- Noun + verb: haircut, rainfall, sunrise, sunset
- Noun + preposition (+ noun): hanger-on, passerby, brother-in-law, mother – in – law
- Verb + noun: breakfast, runway, pickpocket
- Prepsoition + noun: bystander, influx, onlooker, underpants, upstairs
- Verb + preposition: check-in, checkout/check-out, drawback, lookout, makeup
- Adjective + verb: dry cleaning, public speaking
- preposition + verb: input, output, overthrow, upturn
- Gerund + noun: living-room, driving licence, dancing-shoes, smoking - room.
- Noun + gerund: weight-lifting, coal-mining, fruit-picking
- Particle + verb: outbreak
- Verb+ particle: breakdown
- Exceptions: forget-me-not, merry-go-round
1.3. Spelling
- Many compoundnouns are written as one word: rainfall, drawback, toothpaste
- Some are written with hyphens: check-in, hanger-on, mother-in-law
- Some are written with spaces: washing machine, swimming pool, water bottle
1.4. Plural of compound nouns
- Usually, we form the plural of most compounds by adding a plural ending to the last part of the


Bedroom Singular Plural


Football Footballs
water bottle water bottles

full moon full moons

check-in check-ins

checkout / check-out checkouts / check-outs

Upturn Upturns

- Exception: In some cases, the compounds form their plurals on the first noun:

Singular Plural
secretary general secretaries general
