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Module 1 Module 6
The verb to be, question words, the indefinite 13 Adjectives - adverbs, comparatives - superlatives,
article a/an, the definite article the, plurals, As ... as Tao - Enough
This/These - That/Those, pronouns, Przymiotniki i przystowki, stopien wyzszy
possessive ‘s/s’, There is/There are - Some/Any, i najwyzszy przymiotnika i przystowka, wyrazenia
prepositions of place, time, movement, 64
the verb have got as... aS- too - enough
Exploring Grammar (Unit 13) 74
Czasownik to be, zaimki i wyrazenia rozpoczynajace Revision (Units 1-13) 75
pytania, przedimek nieokreslony a/an, przedimek
okreslony the, liczba mnoga, zaimki wskazujace Module 7
this/these - that/those, zaimki, dopetniacz ‘s/s’, 14 Present perfect
konstrukcja there is/there are i okreslenia some/any, Czas present perfect 76
przyimki miejsca, czasu i kierunku, ¢zasownik 15 Present perfect vs past simple
have got 81
Czas present perfect i czas past simple
Present simple Exploring Grammar (Units 14- _ 84
Cras presen simple: s.eiisesesdsdlteaolltauaueee 24 Revision (Units 1-15)
Adverbs of frequency 85

Przystowki czestotliwosci 27 Module 8
Exploring Grammar (Units 1-3) 28 16 __ Countable/Uncounrable nouns - A/An - Some/
Revision (Units 1-3) 29

Any - Every, Some/Any/No/Every + body (one)/thing
Present continuous Module 2 /where
Rzeczowniki policzalne ¡ niepoliczalne, przedimki

30 a/an, wyrazenia some/any - every, zlozenia z some,
Czas bresent continuous.......................................--- any, no, every este 86
17 _ Alot of- Much/Many - A few/Few -A little/Little
Present simple vs present continuous 33 Okreslenia a lot of- much/many - a few/few -

Czas present simple i czas present continuous ......... 36 a little/little

Exploring Grammar (Units 4-5) 90
Revision (Units 1-5) 37 Exploring Grammar (Units 16- 17). 6 92

Module 3 RWisiơii'(Lfits 1427) suiausasx6iaidtingbqpadbise 93

Past simple (regular and irregular verbs) Module 9
Czas past simple (czasowniki regularne 18 Can/Can’t- Could - Must/Mustn't - Have to/
Bn[EFS8UBEfi€T..ssosessseoscsreesttekod.l 3 38 Don't have ta - Should/Shouldn’t
Used to Czasowniki Can/Can’t - Could - Must/Mustn’t
Wyrazenie used to 42 ~ Ha to/Don't have to - Should/Shouldn't................ 94
Exploring Grammar (Units 6-7) 19 Relative pronouns - Relative clauses
Revision (Units 1-7) 45 Zaimki i zdania wzgledne 98
Exploring Grammar (Units 18-19) .
Module 4 Revision (Units 1-19) 102
Past continuous
Czas past continuous . 46 Module 10
Past continuous vs past simple 20 The passive (present simple, past simple)
Czas past continuous i czas past simple................... 49 Strona bierna (present simple, past simple) 104

Exploring Grammar (Units 8-9) 52
Revision (Units 1-9) 53 21 Will- be going to - present continuous
Czasownik will, konstrukcja be going to,
CZAS PrESEME COMMUOUS Lesh cesta stesecestiesaveanons
22 The infinitive and -ing form
Future simple Bezokolicznik i czasownik z koncówka -ing 111
Czasownik future simple 54 23 Reflexive pronouns - One/Onés
Conditionals - Types 0, | & 2 Zaimki zwrotne ¡ zaimek orie/ones......................- 115
Zdania warunkowe typu 0, 1. ¡ 2.............. 57 Exploring Grammar (Units 20-23) 116
Revision (Units 1-23)
Question tags 60 117

Question tags Grammar Revision.............. 118
Exploring Grammar (Units 10-12) 62
Revision (Units 1-12) Irregular Verbs.................... 128

lam we are I'm we're
you are you are you're you're
he is Ì they are they're
she is f he's
itis she's }
|_ Formapelna :Forma skrócona ¬-...
_ lam not I'm not Am you... ? Yes, | am. No, I’m not.
you are not you aren't Are Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
he is not he isn’t :, Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
she is not she isn’t Is \ Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

itis not itisn't Yes, itis. No, it isn’t.
we are not we aren't it. Yes, we are. No, we aren't.
you are not you aren't Are we...? Yes, youare. No,you arentt.
they are not they aren't J you... ? Yes, theyare. No, theyaren't.
L thể

e Wjezyku pisanym uzywamy na ® W krétkich odpowiedziach nie powtarzamy catego
pytania. Mowimy tylko Yes lub No, podajemy
ogó† pelnej formy czasownika
to be (am, is, are). odpowiedni zaimek osobowy i odpowiednia forme
Chen is from China and he is cezasownika (am/m not, is/isn’t, are/aren’t).
fifteen years old. Are you Spanish? Yes, | am.

© W jezyku mowionym uzywamy © W krotkich odpowiedziach twierdzacych uzywamy

na ogớt skróconej formy petnej formy czasownika.
czasownika to be (‘m, ‘s, ‘re). Is she a teacher? Yes, she is.
‘What's the capital city of
® W krótkich odpowiedziach przeczacych uzywamy
France?’ ‘It’s Paris.’
skróconej formy czasownika.
Are you British? No, I’m not.

1 Fill in the correct form of the verb to be. Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verb to be.

Long Form Short Form

1 |» am Robert. | ® 'm Robert. Hi, My name 1) is George. |
2 She » is not a teacher.

l! (HỆ ty a doctor. She ® isn’t a teacher. 2). . a football player. This
4 We....... from Spain.
B đu a telephone. HO sasaaes a doctor. 3). Harry. Harry and |
6 You....... not Mark.
7 They ...sc8s sisters WER from Spain. 4). . team mates. We 8)...........
§( 1g not tall.
l@zx% a telephone. also good friends. | 6)........... twenty-

three years old and Harry 7)............ twenty-

two. We 8)............ from Cambridge, England!

3 Look at the pictures and fill in is/isn't, ĐI De ti 0ã0u12 the children happy?
Bi, NO they. visasiecene 0\11]6Ÿ/1415153258017 sad.
are/aren't and he, she, it or they.
1 Brian > is a pilot. Nám can 6t your car new?
is he old? BEMNGP it Z2sseszzs¿ SE veuswue old.
No, ® he isn’t. He is young.
5 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the
ditch are a secretary. verb to be.
++. at home now?
Marie: Hi, 1) are you
... a musical instrument. Carlos: Carlos?
a guitar?
Yes, | 20x so :
Whatf°29SIA. 05565

/ basketball players. Marie: | 4)......... Marie Brazil.

... Short? and this 5)......... Pierre.

Carlos: Nice to meet you.
Marie: Nice to meet you, too.
Pleitie?0)sexsazse you from Spain, Carlos?
Carlos NO, | T)isssesasas. «| Byieiwssiasss, from

Where 9) ......... you from?

Pierre: We 10)......... from France.

6 Look at the table. Then, answer the questions.

Country Age Job

Jane USA 21 university student
- Pedre = Spain
Germany 38 nurse
Hannah Romania
a weightlifter. Paul 40 firefighter
40 nurse

strong. 1 Is Jane twenty-two years old?

® No, she isn’t. She’s twenty-one years old.
2 Is Pedro Spanish?

4 Fill in the gaps with am/’m/’m not, is/’s/isn’t,

1 A: m Is she an athlete?

l:RC- « 4 SHG) :.. ceeaganss a skater.

DivA: she your sister?

BONO HISNE cccicvevessd si6he: 2E ::su¿ my cousin.

el ...... you a photographer?

B: No, | eres ... @ reporter.

4 A... you from Greece?

BI Ves, NẾ ca ssccn= DI NNG / uuyệi Su. su from


How many children are there in the picture?
Where are they?

They’re at the beach.
What is the weather like?

It’s hot and sunny.

Pytania szczegdtowe zaczynajq sie od zaimkéw pytajacych who, what, where, when itp. oraz innych wyrazeni.

who/ whose - pytanie o osobe how much — pytanie o ilos¢

How much money have you got? €10.
Who is Jason? He’s my brother. how many - pytanie o liczbe
Whose pen is this? It’s Mary’s. (wlasnos¢) How many people are at the meeting? Twenty.
what / which — pytanie o rzecz how - pytanie o sposób
How are you? I’m fine.
What is that? It’s a camera. why - pytanie o przyczyne
Why are you happy? It’s my birthday today.
Which hat is yours? The blue one. how old — pytanie o wiek
where — pytanie o miejsce How old are you? I’m sixteen.
Where is Pete? At school. how far - pytanie o odlegtosé
How far is it from your house to the airport?
when / what time / how often / how long About an hour’s drive.

— pytanie o czas 1 | |
When is your birthday? 3rd November.
How long is the film? About 2 hours.
How often do you go jogging? Almost every day. |

What time is it? It’s 7 o'clock.

how long / how tall — pytanie o wielkosé
How long is a giraffe’s neck? About 1.8 metres.

How tall are you? [’m 1.85 m.

Dr Or DOPr OS WwChoose the correct word. : How long/How often is the concert?D Y
: Three hours.
A: (What)Which is it? D e
: It’s a pen. : How old/How much is Jason?

: He’s thirteen.P F
: Who/Whose is the black car?
: John’s. : Who/Whose is Mr Smith?o r
: Our History teacher.
: Where/What is Sparky? n r
: He’s under the bed. : How far/How long is it to the cinema?
: About two miles.
: How old/How tall is William?
: He’s 1.70 m. 10 : Which/What book is yours?
: The red one.
: How much/How many biscuits are in the box?
: Four.

Question words

C2 FERRE OnNoaw unb = |Fill in the gaps with whose, how many, how far, 4 Fill in the gaps with the
how old, how much, how tall, where or who. correct question words.

Then match the questions (1-8) to the answers Amy: Hello?

(a-h). Emily: Hi, Amy. It’s Emily.

» Whose is this magazine? Amy: Emily! 1) ® How are you?

.. is it to the post office? Emily: |’m fine thanks.
. brothers have you got?
WIV CL) -kxxsas: is Madrid?
. Sugar is there?
. is that woman? Emily: Wonderful!

. are my glasses? AMYS” 3)llseez=s. is the weather
. is your father?
.. is your little sister?
Emily: It’s hot and sunny.

Amy: 4). .+.. are you now?

It’s my mother’s. Emily: \’m in our hotel room.
They’re in your bag. Amy: 5) ........... is there with you?
About ten minutes’ walk.
One kilo. Emily: My patente
Mrs Smith.
He’s 1.85 metres. Amy: 6)........... is Shelly? Is she there, too?
She’s four.
Emily: No, she’s at the beach. Hey, have you got

Charlie’s address?

An: "Yess.7) assests z

Emily: Because | want to send him a postcard.

Amy: Sure, let me get it for you.

Complete the questions to which the words in 5 Use the information in the box and the
bold are the answers, as in the example. prompts to write questions and answers,

This is Jimmy Zane. He is from as in the example.

Cit Georges Horel |

Manchester, England. He is 22 years old : in central London
¡87 rooms
and his birthday is on 20th July. He's a singer Price: £96. 00 per night
Distance from city centre:
in a group. His group’s name is Blue Rocks. 15 minutes’ walk

There are three other members in the group,

Johnny, Dave and Ringo. Jimmy’s favourite

music is pop and his favourite singer is

Robbie Williams. 3 1 Where / be / Saint George’s Hotel?

1 > Who is this? » Where is Saint George's Hotel?

2 is he from? In central London.
2 How many / rooms / be / there?

3 is he?

4. is his birthday? 3 How much / be / it / per night?

5 is his job?

6 .. is his group’s name?

a .. other members are there in the group? 4 How far / be / it / from the city centre?

8 is his favourite music?

9 is his favourite singer?

The indefinite article a/an

© Przedimka nieokreslonego a/an uzywamy przed rzeczownikami It’s a shark. It’s an elephant. |
policzalnymi w liczbie pojedynczej, gdy wspominamy o kims/
czyms po raz pierwszy, lub po czasowniku to be, gdy nazywamy Poréwnaj: an umbrella
kogos/cos lub okreslamy czyj zawód. a uniform (samogtoska)
There’s a man at the door. He’s a police officer.
(spdtgtoska) an hour
© Przedimka nieokreslonego a uzywamy przed rzeczownikami a helmet (,h” nie wymawiamy)
rozpoczynajacymi sie w wymowie od spétgtoski (b, c,d, fg
itd.). a pencil (spólgloska)

© Przedimka nieokreslonego an uzywamy przed rzeczownikami
rozpoczynajacymi sie w wymowie od samogtoski (a, e, i, 0, U
itd.). an orange

© Przedimka nieokreslonego a/an nie uzywamy przed
przymiotnikiem, jezeli nie stoi po nim rzeczownik.
It’s a hat. It’s green. It’s a green hat.

1 Fill in a or an. Write the words in the correct column.

| * helmet ¢ orange © scarf © apple © hour

ruler  bike â eraser $ â schoolbag đ onion
> helmet

1 » a blackboard BP J2z»st accordion

@tae guitar PRP Ø> Œb E>b E>P DOr Ob DDFill in a or an where necessary.

: Look! What’s this?
: It’s b an aeroplane.

: What has Lucy got in her lunch box?
: She’s got ..... sandwich and ..... banana.

: Is Malta ..... island?
:: Yes, i15; HS 2. small.

: What’s in the box?
l1 Já¿ computer.

: Have you got..... white envelope?
: Yes, here you are.

: What is Hamleys?
TetSey say famous toyshop in London.

: ls your mother ..... teacher?
: Yes, she is. She’s .... beautiful.

: Who’s that man over there?
: He’s my uncle. He’s ..... artist.

Przedimka okreslonego the uzywamy przed: Przedimka okreslonego the NIE uzywamy przed:
® rzeczownikami policzalnymi lub niepoliczalnymi, ® rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi oraz policzalnymi

które sa znane np. z kontekstu albo byty wspomniane w liczbie mnogiej, gdy omawiamy zagadnienia ogólne.
There’s a car outside our house. Lions are wild animals.
The car is a BMW. (Jakie lwy? W ogóle
(Jaki samochéd? Ten, ktéry stoi przed domem.) wszystkie lwy.)

® rzeczownikami, które sa e e nazwami wiasnymi. This is Bob.
jedyne w swoim rodzaju.
the Colosseum nazwami krajow (Spain), miast (Madrid), szczytów
gorskich (Everest), wysp (Malta), jezior (Lake
nazwami rzek (the Amazon), mérz (the Baltic),
oceanow (the Pacific), pustyn (the Gobi), Michigan) i kontynentéw (Europe).
†ẳcuchów górskich (the Rocky Mountains), ® nazwami posików (lunch) oraz sportéw i gier
archipelagow (the Bahamas).
muzeow. the British Museum (tennis).
® nazwami instrumentow muzycznych. the piano
stowami morning, afternoon, evening. stowem television. What's on television?
in the morning zaimkami wskazujacymi this/these/that/those.
stowami cinema, theatre, radio.
He usually goes to the cinema at the weekend. this book
® nazwami narodowosci (the English) i rodéw (the © przymiotnikami dzierzawezymi i forma dopetniacza
‘s/s’. This is my car. This is Kate’s dress.

Wymowa okreglony the wymawiamy /de/, jezeli
po nim stowo zaczyna sie od spdtgloski.

nastepujgce okreslony the wymawiamy /ồi/, jezeli
po nim stowo zaczyna sie od samogtoski.
the book


the apple

Fill in the where necessary.

= Tom likes playing

TH captain of ........ school team. skiing in........ Alps.
I’m going to ........ Barcelona in ........ Spain on
N holiday this year. 8 He wants to tour

VẤN cruise takes us across ......... Spee capital cities.

Mediterranean Sea to visit some of ........ Greek 9 Yvonne loves
THỊ s2 book which he borrowed from London every year.

een Jane. 10 Kate is going to Sicily on holiday to visit

What time do you get up in ........ morning? | tac S0 Mount Etna.
didn’t see you at ........ breakfast.
1Ị 1EtSg01Ô::....-: cinema tonight.
Jack plays ........ Piano very well. He practises

u w every day in ........ evening. 12 Do you like listening to........ radio?

13 What time is........ lunch?

14 There’s a good documentary on ........ television



Pafis..18 .2} ..:..... 4 Underline the correct form.NOUbWN =

city of 3) France. It 1s ˆ Smiths/The Smiths live in a villa.
France is in Europe/the Europe.
situated on 4) ..ụ Seine River He surfs the Net in evenings/the evenings.
Do you know how to play piano/the piano?
and it is a popular tourist We usually have lunch/the lunch at 1 o’clock.
This is my friend Pat/the Pat.
destination. About 12 million Parthenon/The Parthenon is in Athens/the
people live in or around 5)......... city and over 30 Sahara/The Sahara is in Africa/the Africa.
We are on a cruise in Mediterranean/the
million people visit it every year. 6) ......... city has a Mediterranean Sea.
10 Let’s play basketball/the basketball.
number of important monuments such as 7)......... Arc Oo 09
5 Fill in the where necessary.
de Triomphe and 8)......... Eiffel Tower, museums like
Do you know that ...
9)... Louvre and 10 Musee D’Orsay and V itses Australia is the smallest continent?
2 ¥.242 Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the

famous streets such as 11) ......... Champs Elysees.
We Geneva is Gobi Desert is a cold desert?

2)........ second biggest ‘ elephants use their tusks to dig for water?
By is Amazon River is 6,400 kilometres long?
city in Sheth: 6 wyx¿6 Mozart was able to play ...... piano at the

Switzerland. It is located age of 2?
Mix co Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in ......
next to 4)...... Lake
Alps belongs to ...... France?
Geneva and near 5)......... Rhone River. 6) ......... De England is only 35 km from ...... France?

Alps and 7)......... Jura mountain ranges are on Writing

either side of it. In 8)......... winter it is very cold In pairs, prepare a quiz like the one in Ex. 5.
Use the where necessary.
and temperatures may reach -10°C with lots of
frost and ice in 9)......... mornings but in 10) .........

summer it is hot and humid.

3 Fill in a/an or the where necessary.

1 They play ...... tennis in ...... afternoon.

DY wazeus Gobi Desert is in...... Mongolia.

3 John ate ...... apple and ...... banana in ......

morning for ...... breakfast.

4 Last night | had ...... dream about ...... lion we

saw last week at ...... ZOO.

5 Did you feed ...... cat?

6 I'll book ...... taxi to take us to ...... airport for

our flight to ...... Milan.

7 Please, turn off...... radio.

8 John has ...... violin lesson at 6 pm every ......


9 | need to buy ...... new pair of shoes, these have

«+. hole in sole.

oxend Earth goes around ...... Sun

Wiekszosé rzeczownikéw przybiera w liczbie mnogiej

kốcówke -s. eS

hat — hats book + books a bird two birds

Do rzeczowników zakczonych na ~s, -ss, =sh, =ch, =x

lub -o w liczbie mnogiej dodajemy koncéwke -es. Rzeczowniki nieregularne

bus — buses, dress — dresses, toothbrush > toothbrushes, = emai

watch — watches, box -* boxes, potato — potatoes Lp. children |
child deer
® Do rzeczowników zakczonych samogtoska + y w liczbie deer fish
mnogiej dodajemy kcówke ~s. ee feet
key —+ keys, toy — toys Fiat men
® W rzeczownikach zakoriczonych spétgtoska + y w liczbie Hồtkei people
person sheep
mnogiej opuszczamy -y ¡ dodajemy kốcówke -ies. teeth
sheep women
strawberry —+ strawberries, lady — ladies tooth

® W rzeczownikach zakofczonych na -f lub -fe w liczbie woman

mnogiej opuszczamy -f lub ~fe i dodajemy konicéwke ~ves.

leaf + leaves, knife — knives

1 Write the plural. 3 Rewrite in the plural.

1 duck— ® ducks 7 glass—. ) » They are boxes.

PD) WON co 6: fOX== ... 1S,
3 knife— 9 cherry—.
4 country—. 10 basket—
5 person — .. 11 key—

6 foot — 12 leaf—...

R O Complete the table.

® clock © mouse ® scarf © strawberry ® bus 2 She isa woman.

đ bicycle â brush @ lady đ tooth ® baby @ fox

® child  flower â dress â wife â city â fish
đ loaf đ desk â potato â shelf đ peach đ toy

oS > clocks, ...

Saaesdesecevcenssseeeseccoescacsansceaserrooss 5 | am a boy.

4 Itis a sheep.

° Zaimków this úp) oraz these (Im.) NET, ÖsÀ This is a flower.

wskazujac ludzi, zwierzeta i rzeczy znajdujace sie

| w poblizu.

Se These are flowers.

e = Zaimkéw that (Ip.) oraz those (Im.) uzywamy, Ss ® That is a balloon.
wskazujac ludzi, zwierzeta i rzeczy znajdujace si¢
w pewnej odlegtosci. ST Those ‘are balloons; |

® Kiedyodpowiadamy na pytania zawierajace zaimki
this/these oraz that/those, uzywamy zaimkow it lub they.
What’s this / that? It’s a camera.
What are these/those? They are cameras.

1 Fill in the blanks with this, these, that or those. 2 Write the sentences in the plural.
1 » This is a stopwatch and » that is a briefcase.
1. This is a chair. » These are chairs.
2. That is a lamp.
3 This is a toy.
4 That is a knife.

5 This is a cherry.

3 Ask and answer, as in the example, Use the
words in the list:

đ umbrella â stapler © skateboard ¢ Keys
® crayons ® books "

đZỡ1 | SS

L is a rabbit and ... is

a crocodile.

pte se ere are toothbrushes and ............... 1 A: bm What's this?
are towels. B: » /t’s a stapler.

| Zaimki osobowe w funkcji podmiotu
| i ˆ we Lp Lm Zaimki osobowe zastepuja rzeczo- Robert is
wniki. W funkeji podmiotu w zda- a porter.
He is from 4LÍ
| heyou you niach twierdzacych wystepuja England. {|
przed czasownikiem.
|| she they Look at him!
He is a magician.
||| Zaimki osobowe w funkcji dopetnienia

| || tp ; LM Zaimki osobowe w funkcji dopel-

| you me us nienia wystepuja po czasowniku
you lub przyimku.


her ` them

Przymiotniki dzierzawcze

Lp Lm ® Przymiotniki dzier2awcze wyra2aja
my Four przynalezno$é lub pokrewienstwo.
your He isour grandfather, : This is his
hi your schoolbag.
: their © Przymiotniki dzierzawcze wystepuja
her |

przed rzeczownikami.
its J
This is my car.

Zaimki dzierzawcze

Lp | Lm Zaimki dzierzawcze wyrazajq przynaleznos¢ i wystepuja po czasownikach.
mine ours
Poréwnaj: T( hat is ‘tohcetir dbeikee. )
przymiotnik dzier2awczy)

là yas That bike is theirs.
his ¬ theirs (zaimek dzierzawczy)
hers >
X 7 UWAGA: Stéwko it nie posiada
odpowiadajacego mu zaimka dzierzawczego.


Look at the pictures and fill in the appropriate 4 Fill in the correct possessive adjectives/
object or subject pronouns, as in the example. Pronouns, as in the example.

D P+ & Her (she) hair is blonde.
: Yes, and it’s so beautiful.

O Fni Peter 1S this sccsssccck (you) pen?

1 Look at » him. 2. LBORIRE l2 s2sv s21 : w wor: Is this notebook ........... (she)?
He isa painter. !.................. is a pony. ¿ No, 1S...

th“ gtGSưdgcsas6g o r: Hey! This ball is ws (we).

1 Pm soffy Đbut........... (you) is over there,

1 i fNiS 16 ấ:2(5:.x. (we) ball.

+i' k Complete the text. Use subject/object
pronouns, possessive adjectives/pronouns.
' '
'' ˆ
3 LOOKat «+...si NH6 LOOK BL c2 2-cizf ; Hi, 1) my name is Sheila. 2) am twelve years old.

Serre is an artist. seeeeees are Musicians. This is a picture of 3) . and my family. We are from

England. 4) house is in London. My mum's name is

Kathy and my dad’s name is Keith. I’ve got a sister.

5 Laokat.................. name is Linda and 6) is fourteen. 7) ...........
TH is a school bus.»
is a big music fan and 8) ........... favourite band is

Green Day. I’ve got twin brothers. 9)

names are Paul and Mark and

... are sixteen. My brothers are

2 Fill in the correct subject/object pronouns. football fans. 11) favourite

team is Arsenal. We've also got a

1 Help » me! | can’t open the window. dog. He's small and 12). i

2_ This is Emma............... is thirteen. name is Spot. Look at 13) .... Ị
Isn't he cute? I'm so happy he's
lễ" LỆ SỆ 1g ÄE'oiksvxey . She can help you.

4 This is Wendy and Alison. ............ are my sisters.

i LOOK at... .steaccaqer . They are very tall.

6 Thỉs is my hat. ............. is blue. 6 Circle the correct item.

7 Give this to... «It’s his.

8 This is Tom. ... .. is my brother. 1 This is Mr Jones. He is ......... teacher.

had Write the possessive adjectives and pronouns. A us our Cours

( adjective pronoun >) 2 I’ve got a new car. It’s ..

C1 Emily > her > hers A my B me C mine

2 Thomas xã 3 This is Felix and Tiger. ......... are my cats.

A They B Their Cc Them

3 Daniel and Lucy 4 This is Ben and I’m Harvey. Look at ......... :

4 Jake and| A we B our Cc us

5 the dog 5 Mary and Helen are my cousins. ......... parents

có Tom and you are my aunt and uncle.
A Them B Theirs C Their

Aby okresli¢, do kogo cos nalezy: This is Jane’s hat.
a) do rzeczownikéw w Ip. oraz rzeczownikow w Im. niezakoniczonych na -s

dodajemy ’s. This is Nancy's bike. (It’s her bike.)
b) do rzeczownikéw w Im. (oraz niektérych rzeczownikow w Ip.) zakonczonych

na -s dodajemy sam apostrof (’). This is the boys’ house. (It’s their house.)
_ ¢) dodajemy ’s tylko do ostatniego rzeczownika, jesli jakas rzecz nalezy

do dwéch lub wiecej oséb, This is Robert and Anna’s car, (It’s their car.)

UWAGA: Do rzeczowników majacych nieregularne formy liczby mnogiej dodajemy ’s. the men’s hats

1 Look at the objects and say what belongs to 2 Underline the correct word.
each person using the possessive case.
My friend’s/friends’ name is John.
Ễ Helens’/Helen’s eyes are blue.
Our dogs’/dog’s names are Rover and Rex.
5 These are Steve’s/Steves’ shoes.
= This is the lady’s/ladies’ skirt.
Mary’s/Marys’ computer is new.
eS ee That is John’s and Mary/John and Mary’s television.

Her sister’s/sisters’ names are Ellen and Tina.
My fathers’/father’s car is new.
His cats’/cat’s name is Fluffy.

3 Circle the correct item.

1 They are the......... rulers.
A girls B girl © girls’

2 This is the ......... football.

A boy’s B boy C boys

3 Is this the......... mobile phone?

A woman B women C woman’s

AIS IS ncn ses car.

A Fiona’s B Fiona C_ Fionas

5 TH TS -::-.--.› CảÌ: B Jim and Ann’s

A Jim’s and Ann
C Jims and Anns

Ì-NE PP VYT, hair is black.

A Pauls B Paul’s C Pauls’

TD ensacsac name is Emily.

A mother’s B mothers’ C mothers

8 Derek and Lucy are......... children.

A Richard’s B Richards’ C Richards

There is/There are đi Liczba mnoga

ef ies poled Neen There are some sofas in the living room.

There is/There’s a sofa in the living room. There aren’t any sofas in the living room.
There isn’ta sofa in the living room.
Is there a sofa in the living room? Are there any sofas in the living room?

Konstrukcji there is uzywamy, wymieniajac rzeczowniki w liczbie pojedynczej.
There’s a magazine, a vase and a book on the coffee table.

Konstrukcji there are uzywamy, wymieniajac rzeczowniki w liczbie mnogiej.

Konstrukcja ta nie wystepuje w formie skrdconej.
There are three children in the garden.

Is there ...? Yes, there is. ® W krétkich odpowiedziach nie powtarzamy
Xetlefeft> No, there isn’t. catego pytania. Méowimy tylko Yes, there is/are.

Yes, there are. lub No, there isn’t/aren’t.
No, there aren’t. Is there a painting on the wall? Yes, there is.


® Some wystepuje w zdaniach twierdzacych z rzeczownikami policzalnymi
w liczbie mnogiej lub z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi.
There are some grapes in the picture. There is some tea.
Any wystepuje w zdaniach przeczacych i pytajacych z rzeczownikami
policzalnymi w liczbie mnogiej lub z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi.
Are there any bananas in the bowl? No, there aren’t.
There isn't any coffee on the table.

Look at the picture and fill in there is/there isn’t
and there are/there aren’t.

» There is a bed in the room but ® there isn’t
a sofa.
iain capanlasrsi Sepia ie some pictures on the wall but

any posters.
. some pillows on the bed but

any books.
~ @ lamp Dut jase zs.
a chair.

any mirrors,

2 Look at the pictures and the nouns in the list. Spot the differences, as in the example.
đ CD player â CDs đ schoolbag @ football đ tennis racquet â tennis balls â bookcase ® cat

®» There is a CD player in picture A, but there isn’t a CD player in picture B..............................-.-.-.«.<«.+.+-<>

3 Use the ideas to ask and answer questions, as in= _ Rewrite the sentences changing them from
the example. Use there is/are and some or any. singular to plural or vice versa.
cushions / on the sofa? — No
A: & Are there any cushions on the sofa? There is a plant in the garden.
B: » No, there aren’t. There aren’t any cushions » There are some plants in the gardens.
on the sofa. There aren’t any pencils in my schoolbag.
» There isn’t a pencil in my schoolbag.
2. pillows / on the bed? — Yes Is there a book on the desk?
lÂU Tra 1ss x17 lelisederss TT ẲG.....csềễễ
6 Complete the dialogue with there is/are, there
3 isn’t/aren’t or is/are there.

4 Excuse me, I’m not from London. 1) ® Are there
any Chinese restaurants in this neighbourhood?
Underline the correct word, as in the example.
Ovnun p Nwn = a very nice Italian restaurant just around the
There aren”t any/some biscuits in the cupboard.
There is some/any milk in the fridge. corner. The food is very good.
ls there any/some coffee left?
There is some/any bread on the table. Thank you. One last question: 4) .....................
Are there any/some plants in the living room?
There isn’t some/any soup. a supermarket nearby?
Is there some/any pizza?
No, I’m afraid 5)... OS)
18 There are any/some pens on the desk.
fi savecanae two small food shops down this street.

Thank you very much for your help.

You’re welcome.

® Przyimki miejsca okre$laja, gdzie znajduje siẹ dana next to oo opposite

@ Moéwiac o tym, ze ktos lub cos znajduje sie w danym BES between
miescie lub kraju, uzywamy przyimka in.
in Madrid, in Spain in front of

Complete the sentences with: in, under, 2 Look at the picture, read the text and underline
opposite, on, behind or between. the correct prepositions.

1 The goldfish is ® in

The man and woman There is a table with four chairs 1) in/on the
kitchen. There is a vase 2) under/on the table and
there are some flowers 3) in/behind the vase.
There is a dog 4) in front of/under the table.
There is a rug 5) on/in the floor 6) in front of/
behind the cooker. The sink is 7) between/ under
the cooker and the fridge: There is a window
8) behind/next to the two cupboards. There is a
telephone 9) on/under the wall 10) next to/between
the door. There is a mouse 11) behind/under the


Przyimki czasu pojawiaja sie w wyrazeniach They play basketball
okreslajacych czas. on Mondays.

Przyimek at:

godziny: | at 5 o"clock j

| |atChristmas,atEoster, |
dni wolnes at the weekend |

wwyra‡eniach: | at the moment, at present, |
at dawn, at noon, at night, |

at midnight, at lunchtime, |

at the same time | dni tygodnia, konkretne on Friday,
- dni w kalendarzu: | on New Year's Eve
|Przyimek in: lin (the) winter/spring
| daty dzienne: | on 7th May 2005 - =
panyiroKis | summer/autumn
| pora okreslonego dnia: | 09 Monday evening
datyroczne: | in 1991, inthe 1980s |
| przymiotnik + day ‘ona hot day
in the 21st century | UWAGA: Chcạc okreflié czas trwania czegoá,
w wyrraatzseniach: in the morning/ afternoon! | Stowko during
| evening, in an hour, | uzywamy wyrazenia from to.
| in a minute, in a week/ few | poprzedza rzeczownik.

| days/month/year, | He works from 9 to 5.

J| in the past, in the future He doesn’t work during the

Fill in: at, on, in,from, during, to. 2 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition,
then answer the questions.
22> Ob OD: What time is the party? oak
What are you doing » at the moment?
: It starts ... ... 8 o'clock. » | am having an English lesson.
2 What time do you go to school ...
: When is your dentist’s appointment? morning?
Fest 2 ee Friday morning. 3 What time do you go to sleep ........ night?
4 What do you usually do ........ the summer
: What hours do you work? holidays?
5 What do you do ........ the weekends?
: Iwork the morning shift .............. 8 to 4 but 6 What sports do you do ........ winter?
7 What do you do ........ a cold day?
| don’t work ... .... the weekend. 8 Where were you ........ 5 o’clock yesterday?
9 What do you do........ New Year’s Day each year?
A: What time do you want me to pick you up? 10 How old were you .....,.. 2001?

B: Can you be here 7 o'clock

he the morning?

A: My parents got married

August, 1988.
B: Happy anniversary to them!

: Is your birthday .............. June?a>

20 EHIES. 7/5252 02555s2xcvs 3rd June.

Prepositions of movement

Przyimków kierunku u2ywamy, aby wyrazié kierunek, w którym ktoé lub coé sig He is getting out of a toxi.
porusza. Najczesciej stosowane przyimki kierunku to along, across, up, down,
into, out of, over, through.

UWAGA: Mowimy by + car/bus/train/taxi/plane/boat ALE on foot

Stowka by nie uzywamy, jezeli stowo okreslajace Srodek transportu poprzedzone
jest przedimkiem (a/an, the), przymiotnikiem dzierzawczym (my, your itp.) lub
wyrazeniem w dopetniaczu.


2 Fill in the correct preposition of movement.=œ >

: Why are you sweating?œ
: Because | just ran ............. the stairs.
1 She is getting ......... 2 He is coming ..........
a taxi. the steps. 2À: Are you afraid of the dark?
B: Yes. | even get scared on a train when it goes
3 The car isdriving... 4 He is coming .......... đb2c3872/014E a tunnel.
... the tunnel. the subway station.
3A: What ïs that helicopter doing?
2 it’s: flying ˆ...::2s:.-. the motorway to see
how much traffic there is.

4 A: Where is the nearest bank?
Bồ AWEKTBE soxs-szsse this street and take the first

turning on the left.

B MARUGSR PR howls cosas the car and I’ll give you a lift
to the station.

B: Thanks.

6 A: Wait for the lollipop lady to take you
pateuteas teen the road.

: | always do, Mum.

LG N) sex 2svss2x5 from that tree right now!
: OK. Sorry.

: | saw Jane coming ............. the post office
this morning.

B: Oh really? Did you talk to her?
A: No, she got............. her car and drove


5 They are walking ..... 6 She is travelling ......

Tà the street. ........ the esCalatOr. 21

Czasownika have got uzywamy: c) okreslajac pokrewienstwo.
They have got one
a) informujac, ze cos do kogos grandchild.

Paul has got a motorbike.

b) opisujac ludzi, zwierzeta lub przedmioty.
Karen has got long blonde hair and
blue eyes.

Forma skrócona ˆ Forma peina PORES Ete

Yêu have got you ve got you have not got |! you -. haven’t got |

he he he he Ả |

she has got she 'sgot she - hasnotgot she hasn't got |
it it
it it 3

we we we we ` |

you have got you 'vegot you — have not got you \ haven't got .

they they they they J

Have |/you/we/they got? Yes, I/you/we/ they have. UWAGA: W krotkich odpowiedziach
Has he/she/it got? No, |/you/we/they haven't. Yes, he/she/it has. — ||| nie uzywamy got.
No, he/she/it hasn’t. ||
He’s a singer. (= He is)
He’s got a brother. (= He has)

a) Fill in: ’s, hasn’t, ’ve, haven't.

Michael ® 's got a guitar.

PREY tanbstcne-aslceetnte got a dog.

Anna «++. got a skateboard.

They +++. got a computer.

Anna . got a piano.

Michael . got a camera.

b) Tell your partner what each person has got.

c) Which of these h ave you got?
Write sentences.


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