1. Explain the following:
(a) Production concept
(b) Product line
(c) Augmented product
(d) Social marketing concept
Some important concepts of marketing are described as following:
Production concept
In economic view: Production is a process of making products and services that
meet the social demand.
In marketing view: Production is activities to create value, benefits for customers
and achieve goal of benefit for company. Thus, in marketing view, activities which do
not bring value and benefits for customers are not production.
Naturally, production is a process of transferring inputs into outputs in form of
products or services.
Production concept imagines that consumers will prefer using available products
that are distributed widely with low price. Therefore, marketing management should
focus on boosting production as well as distribution.
This guideline is usually explained by two following reasons:
First, when demand of a product exceeds supply, buyers will pay much attention
to how they get the product than product quality. For example, in developing
countries, food demand is very high while supply ability of producers is not enough.
When that fact happens, producers only focus on increasing production scale to raise
the supply and benefits. They do not care much about quality.
Second, when the price of products is high and it needs to be reduced, producers
try to raise the quantity to achieve economic effect in scale for expanding the market.
For instance, in 90s, Vietnamese consumers hardly owned a motorbike although it was
made domestically (like Super Dream motorbike); it is because of high price. After
that, thanks to mass production, the price of motorbike is reduced drastically now and
many people can buy it easily.
Product line
Product line is a chain of products which are similar in structure, function,
speciality for people to realize.
This concept means all products are made by one producer. This is a group of
related products or because they have the same function; they are sold to the same
customer group, supplied in the same distribution channels, arranged in the same
price, etc.
For example, sanitary products of Procter & Gamble (P & G) include toothpaste,
mouthwash, toothbrush, shampoo, body was, etc. with variety kinds.
Augmented product
A product is made in three levels: core product, actual product and augmented
product. Among them, augmented product impacts positively to purchasing decision
of customers owing to extra services and advantages. It is the factor to distinguish
with products of other competitors.
Warranty Augmented Service
Installation Repairation
Values of augmented products include:
- Installation: Free support at customer’s house, office…
- Repairation: If the product is broken, the company will repair it for customers.
- Warranty: Supply maintenance in warranty period by repairing or replacing
some details of products
- Customer service: Supply extra services to support customer demand such as
user manual, customer consultant through telephone or website.
- Product supplement: Increase some product utilities to make main products
easy to be used like giving cover with scratch resistant when customers buy Ipad…
- Accessibility : Supply products to customers as soon as they have demand by
available products, fast delivery, home delivery.
Social marketing concept
Social marketing concept concludes that task of a company is not only to bring
customers satisfaction but also to ensure social benefits.
Social marketing concept requires marketers to balance 3 objects when designing
marketing policies: satisfy customers’ demand, contribute to achieve profit goal of the
company, ensure social benefits.
For instance, previously, companies who produce dishwater only focus on
products with high detergent, no harm to users’ skin…but now, they pay attention to
make biological products which do not cause environmental pollution when
dismissing (like biological dishwater of Amway company…). Thus, products will
ensure consumers’ profits and social benefits.
2. Explain various concepts of marketing with suitable examples.
Marketing management is conscious effort to achieve the expected trading result
with target market. During business, each company may apply different marketing
management concepts.
There are five basic concepts:
- Production Concept
- Product Concept
- Selling Concept
- Marketing Concept
- Societal Marketing Concept
For better understanding, we will analyze the viewpoints of these concepts:
Production Concept
Product concept advocates focusing on production because customers will have
benefits due to availability and wide distribution at low price. Therefore, marketing
management should focus on boosting production and distribution. This concept is
often explained by two main reasons:
- First, when demand of a product exceeds supply, customers will pay much
attention to getting the product to consumers rather than focus on the subtle
attributes of product quality. Therefore, the company will focus on increasing
the scale of production with the desire to increase sales volume and profits.
- Second, to reduce product price, the company increase the quantity to achieve
economic effect in scale and thereby expand the market.
The disadvantage of this concept is shown clearly when supply is higher than
demand. At that time, the company will be difficult to sell products; revenue cannot
offset the costs. Then, the price is low, the ease of shopping will not be the motivation
for purchasing decision of customers.
Product Concept
Product concept advocates focusing on products because customers will have the
most benefits from the supply of good quality products, unique designs, innovative
features. Marketing management should focus on effort to get the products improved
Positive aspect of this concept is to boost the market to have many good products,
but there is a risk of increasing alternative products. Therefore, customers will buy
alternative products which have better use and benefits. For example, Elgin watch
company (USA) with product respect concept produced expensive watches with high
strength and excellent accuracy. However, it failed when consumers changed their
mind. According to them, watches were just for seeing the time so they did not have to
be strong and accurate but the form should be fashionable, convenient and affordable.
Therefore, they chose watches of other producers..
Selling Concept
It focuses on sales task because consumers will not buy all the products of the
company if it lacks the promotion for sales.
This concept is applied strongly to detect prospective customers by convincing
about the benefits of products. For example, salesman convinces people to buy
unsought goods that people normally do not think of such as insurance, functional
food, etc. or expensive sought like houses, cars, etc.
The disadvantage of this concept is making many potential customers be
surrounded by too many advertisements, promotions that cause inconvenience and
Marketing Concept
Consumers increasingly have had knowledge, experience, understanding,...and
they have had more choices. Besides, thanks to new technologies applied in
production, products have increasingly become more diverse. Thus, marketing
concept was born. This concept focuses on the satisfaction of consumers to bring
success. Therefore, the company only offers products that customers want.
Marketing concept is based on four main factors which are target markets,
customer trends, coordination marketing and profitability. Marketing concept
imagines that the key to achieve goals of organization is in determining the needs and
wants of target markets and distributing satisfaction effectively than competitors.
This concept quickly becomes the foundation of modern business concept.
However, its disadvantage is not paying attention to society. For example, a company
sells chemical insecticides with fast effect that meets customers’ want, but affects
Social Marketing Concept
Previously, companies built marketing decisions based primarily on profits,
customer satisfaction but also activities which were detrimental to society such as
environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, influence of consumers’
health, etc. This situation required companies to have new viewpoint on marketing.
Therefore, social marketing concept was born not only to bring customer satisfaction
but also to ensure social benefits. This is almost a further step than the marketing
concept because it is believed that only satisfaction of consumers is not enough, they
must focus on protecting the benefits of the whole society also. As a result, marketing
activities will be significantly better with long-term benefits.
In summary, with five marketing concept above, companies can apply to their
business activities. The choice of a concept depends on factors such as their
competitive position, features of products and services, market situation, etc.
However, the most important thing in modern marketing management trend is to bring
the highest satisfaction to customers, profits to companies and social benefits.
3. “PLC as a tool for marketing strategy” justify.
When selling their products on the market, every company hopes they are sold
well and have long-term survival, the sales volumes are always at high level. But that
is just expectation because in real, markets always change. Therefore, the adaptation
of products to market demand also varies. That fact is reflected in the change of
product volume and sales. In order to describe this phenomenon, we use the term
"Product Life Cycle", abbreviated as PLC.
Product life cycle is a key concept of marketing. It vividly describes four stages in
the process of product consumption: Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline.
Product Life Cycle can be illustrated by the following chart:
Introduction Growth 6 Decline Time
Companies should be aware of what stage their products are in. Since then, they
have appropriate marketing plan such as product launches, old product refreshment or
simplification and replacement with a new product line. PLC is said to be a useful tool
to help companies apply much in marketing strategies.
Specifically as follows:
- Introduction Stage :
This is the start, products are being put into the market. Customers do not know or
have much information about the products so the company must spend a lot of money
to introduce and advertise products on the market.
During this stage, if the company builds wrong price strategy, wrong product
position, it will create the risk of reducing the value of products. Due to small market
scale, it cannot have big sales. The company must consider strategies if it is not sure
about the market. Target customers are interested in exploring and experimenting.
They always want to be the first to use products.
For example, in the late 90s, Vietnamese motorbike market almost did not know
about Chinese motorbike brands. When introducing motorbike on Vietnamese market,
Chinese companies used "rapid penetration strategy". This strategy used high level of
propaganda and low initial price with the aim of penetrating fast and taking market
share. This strategy was consistent with the market which did not know about the
products, was sensitive in price, was potential in competition. As a result, Chinese
motorbike was successful and achieved large market share on Vietnamese market.
- Growth Stage :
After the success of introduction stage, products come to growth stage. Many
customers are interested in these products because of the value they bring as well as
the effects of marketing activities. Products are welcome rapidly by the market. When
the products prevail and command the market, they will increase profits significantly.
During this stage, the company can deploy a number of marketing strategies to
prolong the rapid growth of the market.
For instance, after market domination, motorbike production company can
implement strategies to improve product quality, enhance new features, new models,
or implement penetration strategy into new market segments...
- Maturity Stage :
After growth stage, the demand of products gradually become saturated. The
number of customers who already have products is at a high level. Attractiveness of
products is not as big as before.
Sales is off and begins to reduce gradually over time. The appearance of so many
competitors may lead to risk of losing market share or the fact that products no longer
fit consumers.
At this stage, companies need to deploy marketing strategies for refreshing
products or launching alternative product lines.
For example: Iphone 4 is saturated, producer deploy Iphone 5 line to replace
existing products.
Iphone 5
Iphone 4
Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Time
- Decline Stage :
At this time, the products become too familiar and not so attractive. Consumers
are bored. They want new products with more features. Purchasing power drops
dramatically, cost of sales increases and profits decrease. Companies should discount
to attract customers at lower segments and achieve revenue in this stage.
By this stage, companies must decide which marketing strategy they should use:
maintenance, dredging harvest or remove.
In brief, the selection of appropriate marketing strategy for each stage of product
life cycle is to exploit the strength of products and market. When launching a product
to market, companies need to forecast product life cycle to develop appropriate
marketing. Try to keep the product not fall into a recession stage through appropriate
transition by launching alternative products on time with more advantages which
attract target customers the best in order to maximize profits.
4. Explain process of selecting the final price:
Price is the only element in the marketing mix to create revenue. The price
decisions are tied to financial results of a company.
Price is defined differently:
In buyer’s view : Price of a product or service is the amount the buyer must pay to
the seller for the right to own, use that product or service.
In seller’s view : Price of a product or service is the amount of income the seller
receive by consuming that product or service.
It is important to determine the price to make the product or service in the process
of circulation on the market can attract customers as well as bring profits or achieve
For product prices become effective marketing tool in marketing mix, companies
have to analyze the impact of factors affecting product pricing. After that, they take
steps to determine the final price to bring the highest efficiency.
* Valuation:
Companies must establish a price for the first time when developing a new
product, introducing into a new distribution channel or geographical area. This is
usually done as follows:
- Identify target market segments for products or services with expectation to
achieve and how the products or services approach.
- Establish the level of price for consumers in the target market segment.
- Check prices (and costs if possible) of actual or potential competitors.
- Check price ranges from different levels of quality or product delivery method.
- Determine profits can be got at each price level.
- If profits are low, specifications of products need to be changed to reduce the
cost and generate the desired profit.
* The order to set price policies
Step 1: Selecting the price objective
This is the most important step in setting prices. Five major objectives to be the
basis for setting the price include: survival of the company, maximum profits,
maximum market share, maximum market surfing and product quality assurance. The
clearer the purpose is, the easier to set prices. Companies use price as a strategic tool
which will benefit more than companies just let costs or market valuate their products.
For example, Sony is one of the groups have experience in market surfing. They
sell at very high price when launching a high technology product to the market for
consumer groups which have a lot of money (premium segment). When purchasing
power declines in this segment, they will reduce the price to attract buying at lower
market segments.
Step 2: Determining the demand
This step is to identify needs. Each price level will create different need towards
inversely proportional to each other and have different impacts on marketing
objectives. Most customers are sensitive to the price of essential goods. A seller can
charge a higher price than competitors and still be able to sell as long as customers can
own the lowest cost.
The process of estimating demand leads to:
- Estimate the sensitivity
- Estimate and analyse the demand curve
- Determine the elasticity of demand under the price.
Step 3: Estimating Costs
Cost of products include: production cost, distribution cost and sales cost. This
cost depends on each different production levels.
Step 4: Analyzing competitor’s costs, prices and offers
This is an important factor in setting prices. This step depends on market demand and
the cost of products, the cost of competitors and the available reaction of prices. If a
product or service is poor, the companies cannot charge as high as competitors. On the
other hand, they can also change prices to compete with the price of the companies.
Step 5: Selecting a pricing method
There are three valuation methods can be used:
+ Cost of oriented prices: There are two methods commonly used:
- Full cost: Synthesis of the full associated costs; however, this method has
weakness that leads to an increase in prices which is opposed to the affordability of
potential customers.
- Direct expense: Only the cost likely to increase as quantity increases helps
determine the lowest price to increase profits while reducing prices to increase sales
during off-peak hours. For example, the power sector discounts electric price in off-
peak hours (22:00 to 04: 00) to attract customers to use electricity.
+ Price competitors:
- Market valuation: Based largely on price of competitors, a company can
calculate equal to, higher or lower than competitors. In case of calculating higher price
than competitors, a company needs to justify a higher price through delivery schedule
or quality of service.
- Competitive bidding: Buyers will choose the provider with lowest price.
+ Marketing price direction:
Price of a product should be set to match the marketing strategy. For new
products, price depends on location and strategy, while the current products are
affected by strategic objectives.
Step 6: Selecting the final price
Be step to narrow the range for company to choose the final price. The company
should consider additional factors such as psychological price, favorable price and
risk, effect of marketing, company policy and the impact of market price. For
example, the common case is Iphone and Samsung mobile phone. Depending on
customers’ psychology that they are eager to own the new phones, they sell the actual
price higher than initial expectation.
In summary, 6 steps above, depending on the specific conditions, companies
should have priority for some appropriate steps to achieve their goals in best way.
Price is only one element of marketing mix that companies use to achieve their
marketing goals. The process of setting optimum prices will help companies achieve
the initial goal, attract target customers of each stage and achieve optimal profits in
the long term.
5. Explain “direct marketing” and its applicability with examples:
Nowadays, marketing is increasingly focused by companies. A product or service
can be sold mainly due to marketing activities. If products are transported directly
from producers to consumers in the past, now a new trend is focused by companies. It
is a sales technique related to exposuring to potential customers through advertising
media such as direct introduction, catalogs, advertising mail, electronic mail,
messages, online advertising, etc. which we call Direct Marketing.
According to definition of American Marketing Association, Direct Marketing is
interactive marketing system which uses one or more advertising medias to effect a
response and be measured everywhere.
There are two main characteristics to distinguish direct marketing with other types
of marketing:
- First, it attempts to send messages directly to consumers. It uses a form of
commercial communication to send customers or companies.
- The second characteristic is the emphasis on the positive feedback that can be
tracked and measured from customers.
Direct marketers use advertising media to response directly to sell products and
learn customers’ information like names and details entered into customer database in
order to establish regular relationships .For example, airlines, restaurants, hotels,
tourism... establish close relationships with customers through the form of bonuses for
high use frequency. They use a database of customers to offer to each customer
including existing customers and potential customers.
Benefits that direct marketing brings to customers is: easy to adapt to an active
lifestyle, help save time shopping, know many new items to choose, little obstacles in
space, still choose products while moving, etc. For companies, direct marketing will
be convenient for orders, getting more information of a customer as quickly as
possible, aiming for high communication efficiency and low cost. Besides, it can
ensure the privacy of the company.
Direct marketing helps using effectively the resources. It is suitable with the
company has streamlined structure or discrete market segments with specific needs.
The application of direct marketing:
The common forms of marketing:
- Direct letter: Send a letter by post to customers in areas or in the list of business
management. For example, in every year, EVN SPC directly sends letters by post to
customers in the list (approximately 10% of total customers) to provide information
and receive comments of customers.
- Email Marketing: Send email to customers…
- Door to Door Leaflet Marketing: Used much in Fast Food Industries. This way
focuses entirely by region.
- Direct response television marketing : There are two forms of calling: use the
screen or the Website. Long form is to use a long period of time (about 30 minutes) to
describe the product in detail. Short form is to use short period of promotional time
(about 30 seconds or 1 minute) to clarify the customers’ feedback.
- Telemarketing: Call by phone directly to communicate with customers as well as
help them approach marketers in every distance, time, weather.
- Couponing: Use print medias to get feedback from readers by cutting out
coupons in exchange for the discount. For example, restaurants, shops usually attach
coupons to magazines and newpapers to invite customers to join the event or buy
products which are discounted from 5-10%...
- Direct selling: Salesmen will meet customers directly. For example, life
insurance company (Prudential, AIA, etc.) have staffs meet potential customers. They
advise customers the benefits that insurance products bring; then, they persuade
customers to buy products or services. For real estate companies, they invite potential
customers to visit lands, samples (for project in preparation) or flats (for completed
projects) .
- Online business: Companies establish websites to introduce themselves and sell
products online.
- Integrated Campaigns: This is a combination of all the forms mentioned above to
achieve optimum efficiency. A company can apply flexibly many forms in an
integrated marketing campaign to customers.
For example, insurance company implements an integrated marketing campaign
to Vietnamese customers for introducing to interested customers a new insurance
product. They combine many forms of marketing on television, in newspapers, on
websites for staffs to meet customers directly as well as regularly make phone calls,
text messages, send e-mails to customers during the campaign. Thereby, they assess
the level of customer interest for these products to have appropriate solution.
In summary, direct marketing is an effective tool in marketing communication
system (marketing communication mix). To succeed in direct marketing, managers
must make decisions of goals and target customers, offer strategies, questionnaires of
direct marketing elements and measurement of its success. Applying marketing tool
effectively will contribute to help the company succeed.
1. Đinh Tiên Minh (2012), Giáo trình Marketing căn bản , Labor Publishing
House, Việt Nam.
2. Wikipedia library.
3. Web : />4. Web : />5. Web : />6. Web : />