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final project report redesign high pressure light

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REDESIGN HIGH PRESSURE LIGHT Course: Lifelong Development for Engineers Name : Le Vu Duc Hung 20195781 Nguyen Dac Long 20195789 Nguyen Do Duy Tung 20195824=================================== Instructor : Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Thi Hong Minh

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1.1. High pressure light introduction ……….……….5

1.2. Characteristics and Applications………..6


2.1. Idea for improvement ………..7

2.2. General structure analysis ..………9


3.1. Environmental impact calculation tool ………..10

3.2. Evaluate the effectiveness of changing material ………...11

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Along with the 4 industrial revolution and growing concerns for the<small>th</small>stability of environment, sustainable products emerges as a vital factor. Forcenturies, human kind have extracted all we could from the nature to aid ourdevelopment. This has led to serious consequences that we gradually see and feeltoday.

As future engineers, we need to be aware of this problem and learn how toresearch, evaluate and develop products that are environmental friendly. For thisproject, we focus on using research methods, evaluating the our redesign incomparison with the existing products throughout theirs life cycle. Through thisproject, we will have a general knowledge about environmental protection and howto redesign products that are better than existing products.

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_ Alternative material selection.

_ Build 3D model of the product._ Write report and slides for respectivesection.

_ Research actual needs for the product.

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CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION1.1. Introduction to High Pressure Light

High pressure light, often referred to as high intensity discharge (HID)lighting, has emerged as a groundbreaking technological advancement that hasrevolutionized the world of illumination. Through the ingenious utilization of anelectric arc enclosed within a sealed bulb containing gas at elevated pressure, highpressure light produces an unparalleled luminosity that has captivated variousindustries. In this comprehensive introduction, we will embark on an illuminatingjourney to uncover the captivating characteristics and explore the vast array ofapplications where high-pressure light has made an indelible impact.

High pressure light possesses a remarkable ability to generate an intense andconcentrated light source, making it a remarkable innovation in the field of lightingtechnology. The core principle revolves around the creation of an electric arc,which, when passed through the pressurized gas within the sealed bulb, transformsthe gas into a state of ionization. This ionization process initiates an awe-inspiringdisplay of radiant energy, resulting in a luminous output that surpassesconventional lighting solutions.

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Fig 1. High Pressure Street Lights1.2. Characteristics and Applications:

The distinguishing characteristic of high pressure light lies in its ability tocreate a luminous arc through the ionization of gas at elevated pressure. Thisunique method results in an incredibly bright and efficient light source. Let'sexplore some of the key applications where high pressure light excels:

Outdoor Lighting: High pressure light is the go-to choose for outdoor illumination,be it streets, highways, parking lots, or expansive public areas. Its remarkable lightoutput, combined with its longevity, makes it an ideal solution for providing clear visibility and safety during nighttime.

Horticulture: High pressure light has revolutionized indoor plant cultivation by enabling tailored lighting solutions. With the ability to customize the spectrum, high pressure light facilitates optimal growth and development of plants. In greenhouse environments, high pressure sodium lamps are often employed to deliver supplemental lighting and enhance crop yield.

Industrial and Commercial Lighting: High pressure light finds extensive use in industrial and commercial settings where powerful lighting is essential. Warehouses, factories, sports arenas, and retail spaces benefit from the high-intensity illumination provided by high pressure light, enabling enhanced productivity and heightened visibility.

Photography and Film Production: Professional photography studios and film production sets rely on high pressure light sources, such as metal halide lamps, for their exceptional color rendering capabilities. These lights offer stable output and superior color accuracy, resulting in stunning and vibrant visuals.

Automotive Lighting: High pressure light, particularly in the form of xenon headlights, has transformed automotive lighting systems. Xenon headlights provide brighter and clearer illumination compared to traditional halogen bulbs, improving driver visibility and safety on the road.

The versatility, efficiency, and exceptional light output of high pressure light havemade it an indispensable lighting technology across diverse sectors. As technologyadvances, high pressure light continues to push boundaries and provide innovativesolutions for various lighting needs.

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Traditional high pressure light systems rely on electrical energy from the grid,which can be costly and have a significant carbon footprint. To address theseconcerns, we have developed a groundbreaking solution that integrates solar panelsdirectly into the high-pressure light system, enabling it to operate using renewableenergy from the sun.

The solar panels are strategically incorporated into the design of the high-pressurelight system to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. These panels consistof photovoltaic cells that generate direct current (DC) power when exposed tosunlight.

Fig 2. Solar-powered high-pressure light

By harnessing solar energy, the improved high pressure light system offers several notable advantages:

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Sustainability: Solar-powered high pressure light significantly reduces reliance on non-renewable energy sources, minimizing carbon emissions andcontributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

Cost-Efficiency: By utilizing solar energy, the operational costs of high pressure light systems are substantially reduced. Once the initial investment in solar panels and energy storage is made, the ongoing cost of electricity is eliminated or significantly minimized..

Independence: Solar-powered high pressure light systems provide independence from the electrical grid, making them suitable for remote or off-grid locations where access to electricity may be limited or unreliable.

Versatility: The improved high pressure light system retains the versatility and adaptability of traditional high pressure light, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including outdoor lighting, horticulture, industrial and commercial lighting, photography, and specialized industrial processes.

The integration of solar energy with high pressure light technology represents a significant advancement in the quest for sustainable and efficient lighting solutions. As solar technology continues to evolve and improve, solar-powered high pressure light systems have the potential to play a crucial role in illuminating our world while minimizing our environmental impact.

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Fig 3. 3D model of improved high-pressure light2.2. General structure analysis of a solar-powered high-pressure light:

1 Solar collectors Material: Copper Weight: 3 kg

The solar collector in a high-pressure light system functions as a vital component responsible for harnessing the power of sunlight and converting itinto usable energy. Through its specialized design, the solar collectorefficiently captures solar radiation and transforms it into electricity, serving as a sustainable and renewable power source for high pressure light applications.

Material: LED

The lamp in a pressure light system plays a crucial role in delivering exceptional brightness and illumination.

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high-3 Battery Material: Li-ionWeight: 10kg

Stores the harvested solarenergy for reliable and uninterrupted lighting

CHAPTER 3. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF PRODUCTS3.1. Environmental impact calculation tool

Ecolizer 2. 0 is an innovative tool that helps users calculate and understand the environmental impact of their daily activities. It provides an in-depth analysis of the user's carbon footprint, water usage and energy consumption. With the help of Ecolizer 2.0, users can identify the areas in which they can make the most impactful environmental changes and make better decisions for a greener future.

Fig 4. Ecolizer 2.0 tool

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The Ecolizer 2.0 is primarily a tool for designers, helping them toassess environmental product impact and to choose the proper material for each individual application. It is a first step towards ecodesign, but not the only one. Defining a life cycle scenario and determining a functional unit of your product/design are particularly important when using the Ecolizer. For some, the Ecolizer will prove too complex and time-consuming, for others it may not be sophisticated enough. Alternatives are available to fulfil the needs of both types of users.

Ecolizer can be used for different material such as: plastics, wood or metal,…and also canculate the engergy, transport, lights, and electronics components.3.2. Evaluate the effectiveness of changing material.

Hypothesis: To make the 2 products fair, we need some assumptions to make the 2 products about the same frame of reference so that we can get the most accurate calculations with ecolizer 2.0. First, there is no ecolizer for Vietnam, but only for Europe, so we will use European standards to calculate.

In this case, we consider the improved high-pressure and high-pressure streetlightsto be manufactured at Hapulico's factory - Hapulico company has always been one of the leading units in the field of design, construction of lighting works and manufacture of lighting equipment. Hapulico is the unit assigned to manage the lighting system in Hanoi city and is also the first unit to produce urban lighting equipment: columns, lights. Currently, the company's factories are located in Van Lam - Hung Yen and Kieu Ki - Gia Lam. Therefore, we consider the transportationdistance and means of transportation from the factory and the place of installation of both products to be the same, so we will skip the transportation phase.In the end, we will assume 2 products are used for 12 years, 1 time a day, 12 hourseach time.

In short, the product is compared with the following assumptions:Use European standards ecolizer to calculate.

Both devices are manufactured in the same factory, so we consider their distance and means of transportation to be the same. Therefore, we will skipthe transportation phase.

2 products are used for 12 years, 1 time a day, 12 hours each time.

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In order to see the advantage and disadvantage, we apply Ecolizer 2.0 in 3 phase: Production, Consumption and Recycling. With the assumption given above that 2 products have been brought to the same frame of reference; we will use the method of simultaneous comparison.

As mentioned in chapter 2, we have the main components of high-pressure streetlights as figure below. We should analyze each component and calculate the sum of them in order to take total results.

Fig 5. 3D model of improved high-pressure street lights.3.2.1 Production phase.

We consider common installation equipment such as lamp poles, brackets... of bothnormal and improved devices to be the same. Therefore, we will exclude the components from the calculation.

We have Ecolizer calculation:

BatterySolar Collector

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Table 1: Production phase of simple high-pressure streetlights.

Table 2: Production phase of improving high-pressure streetlights.

We have Ecolizer calculation:

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Table 3: Consumption phase of simple high-pressure streetlights.We assuming that 1 year has 3/4 of the time there is enough sunshine to power the light bulb and the remaining 1/4 time will use normal electrical energy

We have Ecolizer calculation:

<small>Total = 86724mPt</small>

Since using solar energy for lighting, the improved high-pressure streetlightsare completely environmentally friendly, so the impact on the environment istrivial.


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Meanwhile, for the improved high-pressure street lamps, after a period of use, the solar collector can be completely reused. I think, the battery can alsobe recycled, but in Ecolizer 2.0 there is no mention of this factor, so we will ignore it.

Table 4: Recycle phase of the improved high-pressure streetlight.From the chart below, we have some comments:

One of the other outstanding advantages of the improved solar high-pressurestreetlight is that it also has the ability to recycle expired materials. The sign (-) here represents the reuse of the material.

3.3. Overall.

Here is the final result:

Table 5. Ecolizer calculation for simple high-pressure streetlight

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2 Consumption 86 724 mPt

Total=164 251 mPtTable 6. Ecolizer calculation for improve high-pressure streetlight

Fig 8. Compare Overall chart

In overall, we have the final result: the improve high-pressure streetlight is better than simple high-pressure streetlight ( 164251 < 346 908, reduce 55%)

3.4 Compare and conclusion:

Affect to

enviroment <sup>Harm for enviroment</sup> <sup>Eco-friendly for enviroment</sup>


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Duration 2 - 5 years 3 – 7 years

Table 7: Compare Simple Sponge and Improve SpongeWith many advantage, it is so easy to explain why our improved product is thebest choice when compared to the normal product on the market.<small>in chapter 2.</small>


Environmental awareness is one of the important responsibilities of the Motorer. In particular, the industry has been causing many negative impacts to the human environment and daily destruction of the Earth. Therefore, modern industry needs to change to be more environmentallyfriendly and preserve the purity of the Earth.

This project is an interesting experience for us who will become an enginneer in the future, to be more aware of environmental protection, practice calculation and consideration in product design and manufactureto ensure our products still maintain and develop well their inherent advantages while limiting negative impacts on the living environment.

This subject has been an interesting and useful experience for us. The knowledge here is not too new, but it has been analyzed deeply and gives us amore multi-dimensional view of the Motorering profession. We would like to express our deep gratitude to Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nguyen Thi Hong Minh was dedicated and brought us quality and practical lessons.

Thank you for all.

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1.Ecolizer 2.0 Ecodesign tool.

2. Encyclopædia Britannica, the oldest English dictiontrary online.

