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English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence so that it has the same meaning and contain the
words given:
Eg: – It would be a good idea for you to see a dentist. ( ought )
 You ought to see a doctor.
1. It’s not necessary for us to go to the university. (have )

2. I’m sure that isn’t Nam because he’s in Dalat now.( be)

3.Perhaps the students are in the library.( be )

4. It’s possible that I’ll be late. ( may )

5. It is forbidden to leave your car here.(can’t)

6. Perhaps I’ll see you on Monday evening.( might )

7. I’m sure you dropped your pencil in the room.( must )

8. Maybe Lan missed the plane.( might )

9. Trung was wrong not to tell you the secret. (should)

10. It wasn’t necessary for us to pay to get in.( didn’t )

11. It wasn’t necessary for me to buy any food yesterday.( need)

12. Nam arrived early, but it wasn’t necessary.( needn’t)

13. It was a bad idea for us to be rude to the teacher! ( shouldn’t)

14. I’m sure that Lan didn’t take your books.( can’t)

English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
Exercise 2:
A, Complete the sentence, using could, couldn’t or was/were ( not ) able to.
Eg:- My grandfather was a very clever man. He could speak five languages.
- I looked everywhere for the hook but I couldn’t find it.
- They didn’t want to come with us at first but we were able to persuade them.
1. Laura had hurt her leg and………………………………………walk very well.
2. Sue wasn’t at home when I phoned but I………….………………contact her at her
3. I looked very carefully and I……………………………see a figure in the distance.
4. I wanted to buy some tomatoes. The first shop I went to didn’t have any but
I……………………………… get some in the next shop.
5. My grandmother loved music. She ……………………… play the piano very
6. I had forgotten to bring my camera so I ……………………………take any
B, Complete the answers with was/were able to or can/could/couldn’t.
Eg: - Two Japanese businessmen were able to pay a great amount of money to join a
Russian space trip in 2001.( in a particular situation)
- George has traveled a lot. He can speak four languages.( ability)
- They didn’t want to come with us at first but we were able to persuade them.
( We managed to persuade them)
1. A: Did everybody escape from the fire?
B: Yes, although the fire spread quickly, everybody………………………………
2. A: Did you have difficulty in finding my house ?

B: Not really. You had given me a good direction and we…………………………
3. A: Did you finish your work this afternoon ?
B: yes, nobody disturbed me, so I………………………………………………
4. Your grandfather was very clever man. How many languages…………….he
5. A: Was Tim a fast runner when he was 16?
B: yes, he ………… run 100 meters in 11 seconds.
6. A: You look tired.
B: yes, I ……………….sleep last night.
7. A: You look tired this morning.
B: Well, I ………… ……………….(not sleep) last night. There was a big party in
my neighborhood. You……………… ………… (hear) the music half a mile
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
8. A: What’s the matter?
B: The computer went wrong, but luckily Susan……………………(put) it again.
9. A: Why were you so late ?
B: It was foggy, so the plane…………………………………( not take off)
10.A: Hi, David. I’m sorry. I haven’t……………………………(come) and see you
before. I’ve been really busy lately. How are you?
B: I’m OK, thanks. I…………………………… (walk) around now. The doctor
says I………………………… (go) back to work now. It’ll be
nice……………………………(go) out again. I hate being stuck here like this.
Exercise 3: Modal Perfect: Modal verb + have + Past Participle
Eg: A: You look so pale when you entered the exam room.
B: Yeah. You might have noticed that I was very anxious and nervous then.
Rewrite the following sentence in the past making only necessary changes.
1. It’s a standard rule in our office that we must be seen to be working when the boss

comes in.

2. Our letter is unanswered, so Nam can’t have seen it; he must be away.

3. The company secretary must know that the latest accounts will be found

4. I don’t follow what you are saying; I must be thinking of something else.

5. From what he says I can only conclude that he must be lying.

6. We don’t have much time to get to the airport because we must be checking in
before 8 a.m.

Exercise 4: Complete the questions by adding tag questions:
1. Mai wrote a long letter,

2. Nam has lived in Hanoi for 3 weeks,
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong

3. The students are working in the room,


4. The city was polluted,

5. I am a student,

6. Hoa plays the piano very well,

7. They didn’t do homework,

8. Nobody is working,

9. Lan seldom watches TV,

10.Teacher won’t come late,

11.That’s a lovely picture of Sally. She looks just like Mary,

12.I think you have seen this photo before,

13.This photograph was taken in Scotland,


14.We took this one on holiday,

15.We’ll be going there again next year,

16.You can see the sea in the distance,

English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
17, Those must be Jenny’s mother and father,
Exercise 5: Complete the exchanges with comment tags or question tags.
1. A: Latin is a dominant language in Europe in the Middle Ages.
B: It…………………………………………………………………………………
2. A: Pop music in English has spread all over the world,……………………………?
B: Yes, I think is has.
3. A: You can sing English songs,

B: Yes, I can.
4. A: People say that Chicago is a windy city.
B: That’s

5. A: Let’s listen to some English songs,


B: Yes, let’s.
Exercise 6: Read the texts and put the verbs in parentheses in the correct form.
a) When I (1)(be……………………) a little boy I (2)(use)…………………
to wander in the woods by the river flowing through my village. In the
spring, I (3)(love)………………… watching a variety of bushes and plants
(4)(grow)………… in the sun light and (5)(listen)…………………………
to newly-born birds (6)(chirp)………………………… in their nests high
on the trees.
In summer, I (7)(use)…………………………. to watch different kinds of
kites (8)(fly)……………………………… high in the sky and listen to buffalo
boys (9)(play)……………………………. their bamboo flutes when they (10)
(ride)………………………… on the back of their water buffaloes. In the
winter, I (11)(use)……………………… to sit with my dad by the river bank
and(12)(watch)………………………………him(13)(fish)………………… for
b) I (1)( live)………………………….in a big city now. I(2)(stop, see)
………………………bushes and plants (3)( grow)……………………….in the woods,
and the kites (4)(fly)………………………high in the sky. Everyday I (5)(see)
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
…………………… people (6) (pass)……………………by me in a hurry and different
kinds of vehicles (7)(travel)……………………….lo and fro on the way to my office and
back home. I (8)( stop, listen)……………………to the birds (9)(sing)……………… and
the buffalo boys (10)(play)……………………………their bamboo flutes but the traffic
(11)(sound)……………….…noisily and people (12)(talk )……………… and(13)
(chat)…………………………….I(14)(watch)……………….people (15) (catch)
………………………………fish on TV instead of my dad in the river. Sometimes, I
(16) (feel)…………………………….lost and nostalgic.
Exercise 7:

a) Fill in the blank with correct form of the verbs in the box. There is a verb used
more than once. He first one has been done for you.
hang find see have come leave invite
Mary: Hi! Nam. You managed (0) to find your way then ?
Nam: Yes, in the end. There were a lot of traffic jams and the weather was very wet.
Mary: Well, you’re here now. Let me (1)…………………up your raincoat.
Nam: Thank you.
Mary: I’m glad you decided (2)…………………… to my party. Everyone seems (3)
…………”the more the merrier”
Nam: Has Linda come?
Mary: Well, she said she couldn’t (5)………………………She’d already made an
appointment (6)…………………………… her doctor for a minor surgery.
b)Use DO IT to complete the sentences correctly.
1. He made me……………………………
2. We will able……………………………
3. She can…………………………………
4. I used…………………………………
5. You ought………………………………
6. I want…………………………………
7. May I…………………………………
8. How dare you………………………….
9. Will you help me……………………?
10.They refused………………………….
11.He is excepted…………………………
28.He asked me why……………… ?
29.Try to avoid………………………
31.The man preferred……………….
32.He suggested…………………….
33.He finished……………………….

34.He was fined for………………….
35.I’m looking forward to……………
36.I enjoy…………………………….
37.Would you mind………………….
38.I don’t feel like…………………….
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
12.Please let me…………………………
13.Could you…………………… ,please.
14.Where would you like………………. ?
15.I’d like him……………………………
16.You seemed/ appeared………………
17.It’s easy……………………………….
18.Need I…………………………………?
19.I’m sorry………………………………
20.I advised him………………………….
21.He told me……………………………
22.he tried…………………………………
23.I heard him…………………………….
24.He was made…………………………
25.He told me when……………………….
26.Do you know where…………………?
27.He gave up…………………………….
39.I hate……………………………….
40.I remember…………………………
41.I can’t help…………………………
42.I am beginning……………………
43.I start……………………………….
44.I regret……………………………

45.I am used to………………………
46.I’m busy……………………………
47.I’m too busy……………………….
48.I spent time………………………
49.It took me two days………………
50.I allowed him………………………
51.I was allowed………………………
52.I had difficulty / trouble (in)……….
53.I justified…………………………
Exercise 8: a) Give the correct form of verbs in parentheses:
To + V or V_ing
Linda: Where are we going to have our party?
Minh: Haven’t we all decided (1)(organize) to organize our party at Maxim’s on
the beach?
Linda: Lovely ! I enjoy (watch) watching the sea at sun set. I might manage (3)
(take)…………………….some seascape photos with my newly bought camera.
Mai: I love parties. I can’t resist (4) ( attend)……………………… a party. There might
lie a lot of fun, particularly at the seaside.
Mary: I really dislike (5)(go) ……………………………to the seaside because of the
wind and salty atmosphere there.
Lan: Well, I don’t mind (6)(go)………………… to the beach but I’m a little bit carsick.
John: Lan, you promised (7) ( attend )…………………….the party with me. I’m
planning to borrow my brother’s motorbike.
Lan: Oh, did I ? But I can’t stand (8) ( sit )………………………………behind you all
the way to the beach
Hoa: I’m afraid I can’t justify (9) (take)……………………………all that time off from
my studies.
Infinitive and gerund

English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
Eg: The doctor was forced to operate immediately to save the pattern’s life. ( operate)
1, Most of passengers dislike…………………………… to sit in small, uncomfortable
seats on long flights. ( have )
2. I must drive carefully. I can’t risk……………………………… another speeding
ticket. ( get )
3. Did Dick mean………………….Sue about the party, or did it slip out accidentally ?
(tell )
4. You must keep………………………….on the computer until you understand how to
use all the programs. ( practice )
5. The judge demanded…………………………….the original document, not the
photocopy. ( see )
c) Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
Passive infinitive
Eg: When I told Tim the news, he seemed B.
A, to surprise B, to be surprised
1. Ms.Thompson is always willing to help, but she doesn’t want……………………….at
home unless there is an emergency.
A, to call B, to be called
2. The children agreed…………………………….the candy equal.
A, to divide B, to be divided
3. I expected………………… to the party, but I wasn’t.
A, to invite B, to be invited
4. I expect……………………………at the airport by my uncle.
A, to meet B, to be met
5. Mr. Steinberg offered ………………….us to the train station.
A, to drive B, to be driven
d) Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

Passive infinitive and gerund
Eg: Instead of B about the good news. Tom seemed to be indifferent.
A, exciting B, being exciting C, to excite D, to be excited
1, The new students hope……………in may of the school’s social activities.
A, including B, being included C, to include D, to be included
2. Jack got into trouble when he refused………… his briefcase for the customs officer.
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
A, opening B, being opened C, to open D, to be opened
3. Barbara didn’t mention…………… about her progress report at work, but I’m sure
she is.
A, concerning B, being concerned C, to concern D, to be concerned
4.You’d better save some money for rainy day. You can’t count on…………….by your
parents every time you get into financial difficulty.
A, rescuing B, being rescued C, to rescue D, to be rescued
5.Please forgive me. I didn’t mean………… you.
A, upsetting B, being upset C, to upset D, to be upset
e) Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate gerund os the verbs
from the box.
Wait meet park hear spend start behave bend
1, I have no objection to…………… your story again.
2, Touch your toes without…………………your knees!
3, You can’t prevent him from………………his own money.
4, “You should be ashamed of yourself for…………………so badly.”
5, I am looking forward to……………………you.
6, Would you mind……………………for a moment ?
7, In spite of…………………late, we arrived in time.
e) Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate present participle
of the verbs from the box.

Lie modernize shop pass prepare rise try read burn
Ex: I saw him………………my house.  I saw him passing my house.
1, She smelt something………………….and saw smoke.
2, If she catches you…………………… her diary, she will be furious.
3, They found a tree………………across the road.
4, I’m going……………….this afternoon.
5, He doesn’t spend much time……….…………his lessons.
6, They wasted the whole afternoon…………………… to repair the bike.
7, They spent a lot of money………………….the house.
f) Using the correct form of the verbs given.
Ex: Don’t bother to read that book. It’s ( bore )…boring……
1, The students are ( interest )……………………. in learning more about the subject.
2, Ms Mai doesn’t explain thing well. The students are ( confuse)……………………
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
3, Have you heard the latest news ? It’s really ( excite )………………………………
4, I don’t understand these directions. I’m ( confuse )…………………………………
5, I read an ( interest )………………………… article in the newspaper this morning.
6, I heard some ( surprise ) ……………….news on the radio last night.
7, I’m ( bore )……………Let’s do something. How about going to the movie ?
8, Mr. Nam bored me/ I think he is an ( bore )……………………. person.
9, Nam fascinates me. I think he is a ( fascinate )…………………. person.
10,Most young children are ( fascinate )…………………………… by animals.
11,That was an ( embarrass) ……………………experience, wasn’t it ?
12,Young children think that animals are ( fascinate )……………………………
13, I was very ( embarrass ) yesterday when I spilled my drink on the table.
14. The children went to a circus. For them, the circus was ( excite )…………………The
( excite )………………………… children jumped up and down.
Exercise 9:

a)Put the verb in brackets into the perfect gerund or perfect participle.
Ex:- He was accused of…………….(desert) his ship two months ago.
He was accused of having deserted his ship two months ago.
- ………( fall) twice, he didn’t want to try again.
-  Having falling twice, he didn’t want to try again.
1, I object to him…………… …………….( make) private calls on the office phone.
2, ………………….……(be) his own boss for such a long time, he found it hard to
accept orders from another.
3, They denied ………………….(be) there.
4,…………………… (tie) one end of the rope on his bed, he threw the other end out of
the window.
5,…………………………(read) the instruction, he snatched up the fire extinguisher.
6, The children admitted………………………………….(take) the money.
b)Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets : gerund or perfect gerund.
1, Soccer coach ( to Lam): I really appreciate your ( train)……………………………hard
last month.
2,The runner – up was not so pleased with his ( win )……………………………the silver
3, The athlete denied ( take )………………………… the banned drugs before (be)
………………………… called to the team.
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
4, She shouldn’t have too much regretted ( lose)……………………………the English
speaking contest last week- she was not fluently enough anyway.
5, What is the most difficult thing about (learn)…………………………… to become an
eloquent speaker?- It’s how to master the language.
c)Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets : present participle or perfect participle.
1, (look)……………………… at the audience, the contestant gave her answer with

2, (practice)…………………………intensively, Lam is now quite sure of his success in
the coming competition.
3, One of the journalist told us to start early, (remind)………………………us that the
roads would be crowded.
4, (enter)………………………… the World Trade Organization, Viet Nam can now see
new opportunities and challenges.
5, Never have the enterprises worldwide seen the global competition ( become)……
……………………………… so harsh.
6, (learn)………………………………all the rules of the chess, the contestants start to
play the first game.
d)Match the first part of each sentence in A with the appropriate part in B to make the
meaningful sentence.
1,Competing in the Olympic Games
2.Thank you
3. Running the marathon
4.The 22
SEA Games was believed
5. Have you ever taken part
6. Having scored three successive goals
7. That athlete denied
8. During the soccer game, the police
faced a very difficult task
A, requires great endurance
B, for having given me good advice before
the contest.
C, would be very challenging for student
D, the home team seems to be more relaxed

E, having taken dope before the game.
F, dealing with the excited fans.
G, in an egg - eating contest ?
H, to have very successful.
Exercise 10:
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
a)Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one using the
words given:
Ex: “ Keep quiet,” the teacher said to us.
The teacher told us to keep quiet.
1, “ We’ll come back again.”
They promised…………………………………………………………………………
2, “ You’d better not swim too far from the shore,” the lifeguard said to us.
The lifeguard advised………………………………………………………………………
3, “ Could you close the window?” John said to Peter.
John ask……………………………………………………………………………………
4, “ You should join the football team, Eric.” said the teacher.
The teacher encouraged…………………………………………………………………….
5, “I’ll give it to him tomorrow.” John said.
John promised………………………………………………………………………………
6,”I’d like Lan to become a doctor,” my mum said.
My mum wanted……………………………………………………………………………
7, “Remember to lock the door before going to school,” my sister said.
My sister reminded…………………………………………………………………………
8,” You should go home and rest for a while ,” said the boss.
His boss advised…………………………………………………………………………….
9, “ I hear you passed your exams. Congratulation !” John said to us.

John congratulated……………………on………………………………………………….
10, “ I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier” Mary said.
Mary apologized for…………………………………………………………………
11, “ I’ll drive you to the station, I insist.” Peter said to Linda.
Peter insisted on…………………………………………………………………………….
12.”You didn’t pay attention to what I said” the teacher said to the boy.
The teacher accused …………………of…………………………………………………
13, “ I’ve always wanted to be rich” Bob said.
Bob has always dreamed of………………………………………………………………
14, “ Don’t stay at the hotel near the airport,” I said to Ann.
I warned………………….against………………………………………………………….
15,” Stay here! I can’t let you go out tonight,” her mother said to Jane.
Her mother prevented…………from……………………………………………………….
16, “ It was nice of you to visit me. Thank you.” Miss White said to Jack.
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
Miss White thanked……………for………………………………………………………
17.The teacher said to his students,” Do all the homework before you come to class.”

18.“Go and see the game tomorrow” said Trung to Hoang.

19.Father said,” Don’t waste your time playing games all day, son.”

20.” Go ahead with your presentation,” said the interviewer.
21. Mother said.” I wouldn’t lose hope if I were you.”


22. “ You have to do it for me, David,” said Peter.

23. “ Some more soup, please,” said the little boy to the lady.

b)Write the following sentences in reported speech, using the right form of the words
given in the brackets.
Ex: “Be careful of strangers and don’t go out at night.” ( WARN)
He warn us to be careful of strangers and not to go out at night.
1, “You should not drink too much beer.” ( ADVISE)

2, “Come and see me whenever you want.” ( INVITE)

3,” Please don’t smoke in my car.” ( WANT)
4,”Sue, give me your phone number.” ( TELL )

English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
5,” Don’t forget to give the book back to Joe.” ( REMIND )

6,” I’ll never do it again “ (PROMISE)


7, “ All right, I’ll wait for you.” (AGREE)

8,”Please, lend me some money” (ASK)

9,Nam said: “ Can you do it for me, Mai?” (BEG)
…10, “ You must do it right now,” said the teacher.(ORDER)

11, “Smoking is not allowed, sir.” The flight attendant said.(REMIND)

12, Mother said.” I wouldn’t lose hope if I were you” (ADVISE)

13, “ You have to do it for me, David” said Peter.(REQUEST)

14, “Please turn down your radio,” said Minh.(ASK)

15,” I’ll offer you a position in the company,” said the manager.

c)Rewrite these dialogues in reported speech using gerund:
Ex: Teacher:”Come in. Peter!”

Peter: I’m sorry, I’m late.
Peter apologized for being late.
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
1, Linda: Let me pay for the meal.
Tom: Certainly not. I’ll pay.
Tom insisted on……………………………………………………………………………
2, Mr. Smith: I feel like meeting our children.
Mrs. Smith: I think so.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith look forward to………………………………………………………
3, Woman:” Hey, you’ve broken the window of my house!”
Boy: “ Oh…No, I’ve just arrived here. I don’t know anything about it.”
The boy denied……………………………………………………………………………
4, Policeman:”You mustn’t leave the shop”
Customer: “What’s that ?”
Policeman: “ Stay here, you mustn’t leave the shop!”
The policeman stopped the customer ( form )……………………………………………
5, Detective: “You have stolen Mr. Brown’s car”
The thief: “ Yes……….But………”
The thief admitted…………………………………………………………………………
6, Mary: “ What shall we do on Saturday?”
Ann: “ What about having a party?”
Ann suggested………………………………………………………………………………
7, John’s wife: “ The house is very nice! We’ll certainly buy it.”
John: “I think so.”
John and his wife were thinking of………………………………………………………
Exercise 11: Rewrite the following sentences with the same meaning as the first sentence.
1, If you go right away, you will catch the train.

2, You are not allowed to leave until you have finished your work.
You can……………………………………………………………………………………
3, “ Shall I do the washing - up for you, mummy?” Anna asked.
Anna asked if……………………………………………………………………………….
4, Nobody is really sure what causes color blindness.
The cause…………………………………………………………………………………
5, Stupidly, I got angry with her.
It was………………………………………………………………………………………
6, I know only a few people in this town.
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
I don’t……………………………………………………………………………………….
7, It’s about 100 kilometers from my town to the frontier.
The distance………………………………………………………………………………
8, It would be better if you left now.
You had……………………………………………………………………………………
9, It was my mother who taught me to play the piano.
I …………………………………………………………………………………………….
10, The usherette showed us to our seats.
11, We travelled on a train that had no restaurant car.
The train…………………………………………………………………………………….
12, I don’t think we’ll get there by 10 o’clock.
I expect………………………………………………………………………………
13, “ Will you lend me your car for the weekend?”
I wonder if…………………………………………………………………………………
14, I eat at that table over in the corner as a rule.

15, We only stayed in because it was raining.
If it…………………………………………………………………………………………
16, Everyone went home except Claire.
17, I won’t be able to hear you if you don’t speak up.
If you want………………………………………………………………………………….
18, The problem was too difficult for him to solve.
19, Everyone knows more about football than I do.
I …………………………………………………………………………………………….
20,My eyes water when I peel onions.
Peeling onions………………………………………………………………………………
21, Anna’s teacher gave her a special commendation.
Anna was……………………………………………………………………………………
22, Someone told me that you were ill.
I was………………………………………………………………………………………
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
23, A heavy lorry damaged the back of my car.
The back ……………………………………………………………………………………
24, Someone has stolen my briefcase.
25, I’ve got a hole in my pocket.
My pocket…………………………………………………………………………………
26, Louise has a much better accent than Anna.
27, His behavior amazed me.

28,He worked so hard that they gave him an extra week’s holiday.
He was………………………………………………………………………………………
29, Can you lend me $5 ?
Can I………………………………………………………………………………………
30, I couldn’t understand him even though I listened very carefully.
No matter…………………………………………………………………………………
31, You ought to get down to some serious work!
It’s high time………………………………………………………………………………
32, I didn’t realize how late it was until the clock struck midnight.
It was only…………………………………………………………………………………
33, Anna said to Joe:” Don’t phone me, I’ll phone you”.
Anna told Joe……………………………………………………………………………….
34, “ Everybody, stay where you are!” the soldier shouted.
The soldier ordered…………………………………………………………………………
35, I haven’t had a haircut since Easter.
The last time
36, They don’t visit us as frequently as they used to.
They visit us………………………………………………………………………………
37, The weather was so beautiful that we decided to go for a walk.
It was such
38, It isn’t necessary for you to write out all your correction.
39, Louise said to Anna:” You must be tired out after your journey”.
Louise remarked that
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
40, It’s at least 3 years since I last saw her.
I haven’t

41, I need a blue pen, not a red one.
42, The concert was so beautiful that It made me cry.
It was
43, I don’t approve of the way he shouts at his children.
44, Alan is not as fir as he used to be.
Alan used
45, Joe stayed in because he had nowhere to go.
Joe wouldn’t have
46, Don’t give him money under any circumstances.
Under no circumstances
47, Anna’s mother gave her the 2 oil paintings.
It was
48, Anna decided that she preferred the flowered dress after all.
The flowered dress
49, Alan is the best writer I’ve ever met.
50, Is that the house you used to live in ?
Which house
51, “ Shall I arrive in time ?” she wondered.
She wondered
52, He is very easy to please.
53, Only an unforeseen problem can stop the scheme now.
54,Everybody was captivated by her beauty.
The thing
55,John lives much farther from school than I do.

56,Understanding modern poetry is very difficult for me.
I find
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
57, I can do very little for you.
There isn’t
58, Everyone believes that he is dead.
59, The purse was empty when I found it.
60, I am very surprised that no one came to your party.
61, Nobody expects you to learn everything in one day.
62, Please open the window for me.
I want
63, Bob’s the only winter I know who can keep to a rigid schedule.
The only
64, Both of these books are expensive.
65, His expertise is something I envy.
I envy him
66, He knows a great deal. This is something I admire.
I admire him
67,I want to study archaeology.
I intend to take
68, I’d like to learn about meteorology.
I’m thinking
69,I’d like to know as much as possible about the subject.

I intend to find
70, There are 4 stages, but I only reach stage one.
I never get
71,I continue to buy these books.
I still go
72, I am creating the conditions for failure.
I am setting
Exercise 12: Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the past simple or pass
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
Ex: Do you like this picture? My aunt ( paint)………… it.  painted
We ( have)…………….lunch when we ( hear)…………………the news.
were having heard
1, He ( break)……………….his arm when he ( play)…………………… football.
2, Julia ( write)…………………her first novel when she ( be)……………19 years old.
3, I ( work)……………………on the computer when the fire (break)………………out.
4,When it ( start)…………………to rain, they (walk)…………………… through the
5, I (phone)……………….you last night but you (not answer)…………………………
What you (do)?
6, Mary (not wear)………………… her glass at the time, so she (not notice)………….
what kind of car the man (drive)……………………………………………………………
7,I was not hungry at 1.00 p.m. I (already/eat)……………………………………………
8, I (eat) dinner when Nam came. I could go with him.
9,He said that Lan (fly)……………………………………………… to Hanoi
10,He ( study)………………………French before he flew to Paris.
11, By the time I got there, the movie ( already/begin)…………………………………….
12, I wish he (come)…………………………………… earlier.

13,When I came they ( leave )…………………… , so I couldn’t say goodbye to them.
14, By the time class was over, the rain ( stop)……………………………… , so I didn’t
need my umbrella anymore.
15, By/In 1999 he ( be)………………………… married for ten years.
16, When he (have) ……………………………his supper, he went to bed.
Exercise 13: Give the correct tense of verbs in the brackets:
I wish / If only/ As if / If + V( past subjective)/ Be

It’s (about / high) time / I’d rather + V ( past perfect subjective

had + P2)
1, It’s just struck midnight. It’s high time we ( leave )……………………………………
2, If only we (have)………………… … a phone. I’m tired of queuing outside the
public phone box.
3, He walks as if he (have)…………………a wooden leg.
4, I wish I (know)………………………….what is wrong with my car.
5,It’s time we ( do)……………………… something to stop road accidents.
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
6, He treats us as if we (be)…………………… all idiots.
7,I hate driving. I’d much rather you (drive)……………………………………………
8,It’s high time we (mend)……………………………….this road.
9,If I (be)………………… busy, I would not do it.
10, If I (have) ………………………….money, I would buy it.
11, I wish I (ask)………………………… the fishmonger to clean these fish.
12, If you (tie)…………………………….the boat up, it wouldn’t have drifted away.
13,I wish I (not give) …………………………….him the phone number.

14, If only I(be)…………………… insured!
15, The cheese looks as if rats (nibble)……………………….it.
16,If only he (know)………………………….then that the disease was curable!
17, If I (have)…………………… free time, I would have read that book.
18,I wish he (help)……………………… me do my exercises last night.
Exercise 14: Rewrite the sentences, beginning the sentences with “ I wish.”
1, I’m sorry we accepted the invitation.

2,I’m sorry I didn’t see it.

3, I’m sorry I didn’t book the seat.

4, It’s a pity he didn’t work harder during the term.

5, It’s a pity he didn’t bring a map.

6, I’m sorry I left my last job.

7, I’m sorry I didn’t stay in my last job.

8, I’m sorry I didn’t know you were coming.

9, I’m sorry you told Nam.

10, It’s a pity you didn’t ask him how to get there.
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong

Exercise 15: Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

Eg: “ I came here last night”
He said (that) he had come here the night before.
1,”I went to DaLat last week” ……………………………………………………………
2,”I flew to Hanoi last night”
3,”I watched a good film on TV last night.”
4,”I swam in the river last week”
5,”I sang a new song last night”
6,”I wrote them a letter last night”
7,”I didn’t meet them last night”
8,”I didn’t drink coffee last night”
9,”I didn’t read a book last night”
Exercise 16: Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning as the first sentence.
1.He couldn’t come because of his serious illness.
2.My father retired last month because of his sickness.

3.Tom eats very little so as not put on weight.
Tom eats very little because
4.Because his mother was there, I said nothing about it.
Because of
5.My sister gets high pay because she works well.
My sister………………….because
6.Although it was very noisy, we continued to study our lesson.
7.Mary went to the party though she felt depressed.
In spite of the
8.Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car
before it exploded.
Despite his

9. Despite living in the same street, we hardly ever see each other.
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
10.In spite of Mary’s sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile.
11.These questions are too difficult for us to answer.
These questions are so
12.The tea was too hot for him to drink.
It was such
13.The air is too polluted for us to breathe.
The air is so
14.The garden is too small to play football in.
The garden isn’t
15.This raincoat is too small for him to wear.
The raincoat isn’t
16.Tom is not tall enough to reach that picture.
Tom is too
17.To listen to music all day is wonderful.
18.To finish that work is hard.
I find
19.To understand this lesson is very hard.
She thinks
20.To be there on time is important.
I find
21. To swim across this river is very dangerous.
I find
22.Tom has not had his hair cut for over 3 months.

It is
23. My father hasn’t been in Hanoi for 2 years.
It is
24.Mary hasn’t rung for hours.
It is
25.I’ve never met such a famous singer before.
It’s the first time
26.She hasn’t drunk Coca Cola before.
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
This is the first time
27.My grandfather hasn’t been in hospital before.
This is the first time
28.I haven’t played football since 1970.
The last time
29.We haven’t seen Tom since he moved to Bristol.
We last
30. It hasn’t rained for a fortnight.
The last time
31.Lucy hasn’t worn that dress since Barbara’s wedding.
The last time
32.My father hasn’t been to Vung tau for 2 years.
The last time
33.Tom began playing the piano 4 years ago.
Tom has
34. I started cooking for the party 3 hours ago.
I have
35. My sister began to study English 8 months ago.
My sister has

36. My father is reading a newspaper. He started 30 minutes ago.
My father has
37.The flight to Hanoi last 3 hours.
It took
38.They built a new house in five months.
It took
39.He had breakfast in 10 minutes.
It took
40. She found the bill in several seconds.
It took
41.The doctor examined the patient in 20 minutes.
It took
42.The police is questioning him.
43.I will take care of the baby.
English 11- Exercises Edited by: Quan Thi Huong
The baby
44.Citizens ought to obey the country’s law.
The country’s law
45.My parents made me do it.
46.We have made great progress in our economy in the last few years.
Great progress
47. They think that the owner of the house is aboard.
The owner of the house is
48.People thought that he had died in the battle.
He was
49. People say that he beats his wife.

He is said
50. Have you got a cheaper carpet than this?

51. No one on the group is younger than her.
She is
52.Tom is the best football player in the team.
No one in the team is
53.My sister is taller than any other student in the class.
My sister is the
54.This story is more interesting than any other story that I have ever read.
This is the
55.I don’t play the guitar as well as he does.
He plays
56. No other city on Viet nam is so large as HCM city.
HCM city
57. My father can’t cook as well as my mother does.
My mother cooks
58. George is not nearly as energetic as he used to be.
He used to be
59.It’s not as cheap as it was.
It’s more

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