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Giáo án Anh văn lớp 11 - Unit 12 - Period : 96 pot

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Lesson Plan 25(grade 11 – advanced)
Period : 96 Preparation date : 28/2/2008
Unit 12 : Lesson : Hobbies
I. Aims :
- By the end of the lesson, the students are able to skim and scan for information
- By the end of the lesson, the students are able to express their ideas about hobbies.
II. Lexical items :
- collect - take cup - expertise - result
- prosperity - original - duplicate
III. Structures :
- Whatever the activity level, all types can require high levels of expertise
- As a pastime, it provides hours of pleasure……
- It is only when a collection is properly labeled that it has real value.
IV. Teaching aids:
- textbook - picture / drawings
- chalk - handouts
V. Techniques :
- Skill – based ( reading, speaking)
VI. Procedures :
State/time Teacher’s and students’ activities Blackboard Materials

1. Warm-
up & lead-
Game: Hot seat
- Divide the class into two groups, A and
- put a chair in front to the class.
- set a time limit of 6 minutes
- each time one member from each group

comes and sits at the chair facing the
board. One member from the other group
describes / defines/ explains one thing that
people collect as a hobby. The student at
the chair has to guess what it is, if this
student fails, another one from the same
group will take his/ her place.
- play continues until time is up.
- the group with more correct guesses
- Tell SS that these are things people often
collect as a hobby and collecting things is
one of the popular hobbies
Transition: In today’s reading section,
we’ll learn about hobbies, specially about
collecting things as a hobby.
- write down on the board:

Period 96 : Unit 12 :

Chalk and

2. Pre-

Teaching Vocabulary
- write new words on the bb.
- elicit meanings from Sts or give
explanations yourself
- leave some minutes for Sts to copy.
- give some practice on pronunciation ( T
reads – Sts repeat in chorally, then asks
Sts to read individually.)

New words:
- collect (v): suu tap
Collection (n): bo suu tap
Collector (n): nguoi suu tap
- take sth up: bat dau thu
tieu khien nao do
- expertise (n): kien thuc
hoac ky nang chuyen mon
- to result from : co tu, do
cai gi gay ra
- prosperity (n): su phon

- original (n): ban goc,
nguyen ban
# duplicate : ban sao

Chalk and

3. while -

Activity 1: checking vocabulary :
listening and sequencing

- draw the table on the board
- Have SS listen and number the correct
word in the order of meanings they hear
- read aloud the following explanations.
1. learn or start to do sth, especially for
2. one of two of more thing that are the
same in every detail
3. expert knowledge or skill in a particular
subject, activity, or job.
4. happen because of sth else that
happened first.
5. the state of being successful, especially
6. a person who collects things, either as a
hobby, or as a job.
- have SS listen and number the correct
words in the order they hear
- put an example of the task on the board
- call on two SS to write up the answers
on the board
- go over the answers with the whole

Expected answers:
1. take up 2. duplicate
3. expertise 4. result
5. prosperity 6. collector

7.origin 8. collect

RESULT (from


Chalk +
book +

Activity 2: Wh-questions
- arrange SS into pairs.
- Get SS to read through the questions to
know what is being asked.
- Ask SS to read the text and answer the
- call on SS to speak out the answers
- invite class opinions and give feedback.

* questions:
1. who enjoyed hobbies
before the twentieth
2. when do people enjoy
3. why is a good coin
collection an investment?
4. Post-


Activity 1: discussion (task c, p.153)
- ask SS to work in groups of 4 discussing
the two questions in textbook
- go around giving help if necessary
- call on some SS to give the answers
- invite class opinions and give feedback.



- Ask Sts to learn new words by heart and
review the today’s lesson.
- Prepare the rest of lesson.

Book and
