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Giáo án Anh văn lớp 11 - Unit 15 - Lesson : writing doc

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Lesson Plan (grade 11 – advanced)
Period 125: Preparation date : 20/4/2008
Unit 15: Lesson : writing
I. Aims :
- By the end of the lesson, the students are able to organize accounts in chronological order.
- By the end of the lesson, the students are able to write a biography
II. Lexical items :
- biography
- chronological order
III. Structures :
- he was born in Dijon, France, in 1832, to a family known for fine craft work of wood
- he graduated from L’Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris, in 1855.
IV. Teaching aids:
- textbook - handouts - Sheets of paper
- chalk and board - pictures
V. Techniques :
- writing-based
- Procedures :
State/time Teacher’s and students’ activities Blackboard Materials

1. warm-
Games: famous people
- arrange the class into two groups, A and
- get the group representatives to draw
straws for who goes first.
- show SS pictures of or related to
famous people , one by one and let the
groups decide whom the picture refers to.

- award one point for each correct
answer, and stick that picture up on the
board. If the group in question fails to
give the answer, the turn then passes to
the other group. Play continues until all
the pictures are shown.
- keep a total running of points for each
- the group with more points wins
- refer back to the pictures just stuck on
the board and ask SS whose life they
know much about
Transition: do you know how to write a
biography? That’s the focus of our lesson

Unit 15: p125:Writing a


- write down on the board:

2. Pre-

Activity 1: presenting an outline
- elicit what to be included in a
biography from SS:
Name, date, and place of birth, his or her
family, social, cultural. Educational
- tell SS that a biography is normally
organized in chronological, i.e. in the
order of time that the events take place.
Activity2:introducing useful language

- expressions of time:
. In his later years….
. at the age of 20….
. On March 1
, 1890 …
. During the winter, he ….
- clause of time:
. she moved to China when
she was nine
. as soon as she finished
her degree, she worked as a
. after his father died, his
mother went to work

Chalk and

Chalk and
3. while-

Activity 1: Re-arranging (task b,
textbook, p.206-207)
- divide Ss into small groups. Each group
is given a poster with phrases on and a
set of faces: neutral (yellow), smiling
(pink) and sad (blue)
- Ask Ss to stick a neutral face next to a
refusal one.
- Tell Ss to stick the poster on the board
when they have finished. The first group
to finish with all correct answers will win

the game.
- demonstrate using the phrases on the
boar and then have Ss start.
- go over the answers and show a poster
with the phrases in 3 categories
Activity 2: identifying main ideas
- give each student a copy of the text
below ( appendix 2)
- put SS into groups of four.
- ask SS to divide the text into five
paragraphs according to these headings
- call on group representatives to give the

Expected answers:
1. g 2. c 3. i 4. e 5. a
6. h 7. b. 8. d. 9. f

- introduction - early
- private life - later


answers. - life now

4. Post-

Peer correction
- Ask Sts to work in group of 5, deliver
each group 5 pieces of writings and tell

them to read and correct their friends’
- Tell each group to choose the best piece
of writing, and the most special story.
- Go around to control and give help if
- Call a St. from each group to read their
group’s best writing, and ask Sts to give

Card 1- Jack and card 2 –
Sinh are delivered out Sts.

+ sheets
of paper


- Ask Sts to write a biography as guided
at home for preparing next time.
