Refrigeration, 168-169
Refrigerators, 148
Regenerative furnaces, 1083
Reich, Ferdinand, 605
Reichenstein, Franz Joseph
Müller von, 1209
Reindeer, 43, 49
Religion and the environment, 383
Remote sensing, 462, 500-501,
680-684, 1007-1010, 1133
Renewable energy, 108, 149, 216,
287, 358-359, 392, 1346
Renewable resources, 42, 220,
240, 374, 802, 828, 1010-1012,
1023, 1308
Reserve Mining controversy, 1012-
Reserves, 240; petroleum, 858;
wilderness, 1338; wildlife, 247
Reservoirs; petroleum, 869-872;
traps, 871; water, 270, 666,
1165, 1320
Residual mineral deposits, 1013-
1015, 1326
Residuum, 928, 930
Resource accounting, 1015-1016
Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (1976), 388, 397,
561, 598, 1005, 1017-1019
Resource curse, 1019-1020, 1359
Resource depletion rate, 244
Resource management, 414-417.
See also Category Index under
“Environment, conservation,
and resource management”
Resource Recovery Act (1970),
Resources; international conflict,
1023-1027; limited, 171;
substitutability, 171; valuation
of, 1020-1022
Resources for the Future, 1027-
Respiration, 175
Return beam vidicom, 681
Reverse osmosis, 294
Rhenium, 1028-1029
Rhodes, Cecil, 1029-1030, 1124
Rhodite, 528
Rhodium, 951-954
Rhodochrosite, 180
Rhyolite, 595, 1301
RIA. See Radioimmunoassay
Ricardo, David, 171
Rice, 15, 542-544, 941, 1030-1031;
Brazil, 140; India, 603; Italy,
644; Taiwan, 1199; Thailand,
1218; world exports, 1031
Richter, Hieronymous Theodor,
Right whales, 1331
Riley, Henry, 1037
Rio Declaration on Environment
and Development, 322
Rio Earth Summit. See Earth
Summit, Rio
Riparian law; water rights, 1316
Rippl, Wenzel, 271
Riprap, 9, 12
Risks; assessment, 1031-1033; of
resource exploitation, 1031-
1033; strategic resources, 1158
Rivers, 1026, 1161-1166; China,
199; deltas, 282-283; floods,
442; Taiwan, 1200
Rivers and Harbors Act (1899),
Road construction, 75
Roadless Area Review Evaluation
(RARE II), 980
Roasting, 729
Robertson, Edward V., 1209
Rock. See Aggregates; Dimension
stone; Minerals and mineral
deposits; Stone; specific types
Rock mechanics, 1257
Rock permeability, 870
Rock porosity, 870
Rock salt, 1050; United Kingdom,
Rockefeller, John D., 875, 1034-
Rockefeller Foundation, 542
Rocky Mountains, 779
Rodenticides, 923
Rolling process, 1149, 1151
Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 637
Roof rock, 870
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 206, 242,
296, 429, 825, 830, 1035, 1275
Roosevelt, Theodore, 56, 246, 459,
692, 787, 979, 1001, 1036, 1142
Rorqual whales, 1331
Roscoe, Henry E., 1290
Rosen, Walter G., 104
Ross Dam, 582
Rostow, Walt Whitman, 975
Rotterdam Convention on Prior
Informed Consent, 1274
Rowland, F. Sherwood, 901
Royalties (mineral), 750
Rubber; natural, 1036-1040;
synthetic, 1037, 1039, 1041-
1042; Thailand, 1215; world
producers, 1037; World War II,
Rubber trees, 1215
Rubidium, 1042-1043
Rubies, 261, 483, 485
Ruminants, 895
Runoff, 81, 280, 443, 768, 818,
1107, 1162, 1304, 1311
Rural Electrification Act (1936),
Russia, 1043-1048; air pollution,
25; economic statistics, 1044;
farmland, 411
Ruthenium, 728, 951-954
Rutherford, Daniel, 820
Rutherford, Ernest, 637
Rutile, 898, 1236
Rye, 961
Saccharides, 1171
Safe Drinking Water Act (1974),
55, 158, 204, 387
Safety glass, 521
Saffron, 627
Sagebrush Rebellion, 981-982,
1049, 1209, 1350
Sahara Desert, 300
Sahel (Africa), 296, 316
Sailboats, 1239
Sainte-Claire DeVille, Henri-
Étienne, 33
Sainte-Claire DeVille process, 33
Salar deposits, 64, 194
Salazar, Ken, 356
Salicylic acid, 946
Saline lakes, 664
1496 • Subject Index Global Resources
Salinization, 543
Salmon, 436
Salmon war, 436
Salt, 406, 755, 811, 1049-1053;
Canada, 167; Denmark, 287;
end-use statistics, 1052;
Germany, 515; India, 600;
iodized, 621; Netherlands, 811;
Poland, 962; seawater
extraction, 722; Switzerland,
1194; United Kingdom, 1261;
world production, 1051
Salt domes, 840, 1050, 1053-1054
Salt lakes; bromine, 142
Salt water, 585; desalination, 294-
Saltwater wetlands, 1328
Samarium, 999
Samsung Electronics, 1130
San Diego Gas & Elec. Co. v. City of
San Diego (1981), 1203
Sand, 9-10, 1054-1057, 1200;
dredging of, 723; end-use
statistics, 1056; hydroponic use,
589; Japan, 653; mining, 1169;
Netherlands, 812; placer
deposits, 939; Taiwan, 1200. See
also Gravel
Sand County Almanac, A
(Leopold), 667, 693
Sandstone, 2, 313, 752, 1057-1058,
Sanitation. See Waste management
Santa Barbara, California, oil spill,
Santa Fe Springs oil field, 871
Sapphires, 261, 483, 485
Sapropelic coals, 220
Saraha Desert, 296
Sarin, 957
Satellite imaging, 5-7, 1007-1010
Satellites, 680-684, 1132; Global
Positioning System, 498;
Vanguard 1, 935
Satin spar, 553
Sattahip oil field (Thailand), 1219
Saudi Arabia, 890, 1058-1063;
economic statistics, 1059; oil,
357, 858, 892; U.S. relations,
Savery, Thomas, 611
Scandium, 999, 1063-1065
Scarcity of resources, 976
Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, 534, 774,
820, 899, 1244
Scheelite, 736, 761, 1244
Schenck, Carl, 461
Schiirer, Christoph, 230
Schist, 1163
Schlesinger, James, 289
Schottky defect, 267
Schröder, Johannes, 67
Schultz, Jürgen, 339
Scientific disciplines. See Category
Scofield Mine, Utah, 765
Scotch whiskey, 223, 916
Scotland. See United Kingdom
Scrap steel, 1152
Scratch, 771
Sea level, 282; rising, 442, 445,
Sea Shepherd Conservation
Society, 1065
Seafloor spreading, 324, 853, 948,
1066-1067; ophiolites, 888
Seals, 1065
Searles Lake, 131, 133
Seas. See Oceans
Seasat satellites, 680, 684
Seawater, 585, 849-855; evaporites,
407; mining, 722
Second Assessment Report
(IPCC), 616
Secondary enrichment, 1067
Secondary metabolites, 124, 374,
493, 992
Sediment transport, 1068
Sedimentary minerals, 175, 1068-
1072; evaporites, 406-407;
petroleum, 864; phosphates,
932; sand and gravel, 1056;
shale, 1082-1083
Sedimentation, 1068-1072;
streams, 1165; weathering,
Seed banks, 107
Seed Savers Exchange, 1072-1073
Sefström, Nils Gabriel, 1289
Seismic studies, 865
Seismic surveys, 1074
Seismic technology, 743
Seismic waves, 1073
Seismographic resource
exploitation, 1073-1075
Selenate, 1076
Seleniferous soils, 1076
Selenite, 555, 1076
Selenium, 934, 1076-1079; end-
use statistics, 1079; world
production, 1077
Seligmann, Peter A., 248
Semiconductors, 510, 1079-1081;
gallium in, 476; silicon, 1085;
South Korea, 1130
Semiprecious stones. See
Senegal; desertification, 296
Separate condenser, 1321
September 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks, 366
Septic systems, 1306
Serpentine, 119, 734
Serpentine minerals, 69
Sesban, 909
Seven Sisters oil companies, 363,
516, 873-874, 876, 1060
Sewage; disposal, 380, 1304-1307;
recycling, 1004; treatment, 374
Shale, 1070, 1082-1083, 1163; end-
use statistics, 207; world
production, 208
Shale oil. See Oil shales; Tar sands
Shear loading, 1109
Sheep; Australia, 90;
domestication, 44
Shelford, Victor E., 119
Shell gasoline, 812
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890),
Shield volcanoes, 595
Shockley, William, 511
Shrinkage stoping, 1256
Shrubland, 116
Siderite, 179-180, 629
Siemens, Carl Friedrich von, 1148
Siemens, Charles William, 1151
Siemens, Frederick, 1083
Siemens, William, 1083-1084
Siemens Brothers, 1083-1084
Global Resources Subject Index • 1497
Sierra Club, 390, 784, 1084
Sierra Nevada, 783
Silent Spring (Carson), 182, 242,
385, 390, 790
Silesia, 960
Silica, 520
Silica dioxide, 1057
Silica sand, 2; Japan, 653
Silicates, 706, 761, 1084-1085
Siliceous abrasives, 2
Silicon, 422, 728, 935, 988, 1085-
1088, 1118; circuits, 150;
computer chips, 1080;
semiconductors, 1080; solar
cells, 934; world production,
Silicon bronzes, 255
Silicon carbide, 3, 772
Silicosis, 1257
Silk; India, 603; Thailand, 1219
Silkworms, 45
Sillimanite, 660-662, 894
Sills, 595
Siltation, 271
Siltstone, 1070
Silver, 741, 755, 801, 1088-1092;
Argentina, 62; Comstock Lode,
269; Mexico, 741; Peru, 920;
Rome, 690; world production,
Silver bromide, 144
Silviculture, 456, 462, 1188
Simon, Julian, 963
Single European Act (1985),
Sisal, 909, 945
Skarns, 736, 1351
Skin cancer, 901
Skylab, 1133
Slag, 1096
Slaking, 693
Slash-and-burn agriculture, 16,
241, 279, 304, 461, 994, 1006,
Slate, 737, 1094-1095
Slater, Samuel, 612
Slavery, 183, 358, 362, 486, 641,
706, 771, 975, 1172
Smart appliances, 151
Smeaton, John, 34, 184
Smelting, 1095-1096; aluminum,
32; arsenic release, 68; iron, 688
Smith-Lever Act (1914), 36
Smithsonite, 180
Smog. See Air pollution
SNA. See System of national
Snail darter, 389
Snelling, Walter O., 977
Kniadecki, J
drzej, 953
Snow. See Precipitation
Snow Survey and Water Supply
Forecasting Program, 805
Soapstone, 1205
Sobrero, Ascanio, 320
Social, economic, and political
issues. See Category Index
Soda ash, 613, 1052, 1096-1098;
end-use statistics, 1098
Soda-lime glass, 521
Soddy, Frederick, 637
Söderberg method, 558
Sodium, 33, 832
Sodium carbonates, 180
Sodium chloride, 1050
Soft abrasives, 3
Softwoods, 464, 1356
Soil, 18, 1098-1103; acidity, 1109;
China, 197; classification, 1100;
composting, 233-235; copper
in, 252; degradation, 378, 1103-
1106; deserts, 300; erosion,
398, 1322; farmland, 410-413;
fertilizers, 423-425; floodplains,
443; formation, 331, 1326;
France, 469; grasslands, 536;
horizons, 1098; India, 602;
management, 21-22, 1106-1107;
nutrients, 1102; orders, 1101;
organic content, 1100; peat
amendments, 915; seleniferous,
1076; testing, 1107-1109;
topsoil, 16, 18, 295, 317;
Ukraine, 1251
Soil Conservation Service, U.S.,
Soil science, 21
Solar cells, 346, 934-937, 1080. See
also Photovoltaic cells
Solar chimneys, 1109-1112
Solar distillation, 294
Solar energy, 289, 1011, 1112-
1119; energy economics, 359;
hydrologic cycle, 586; space-
based, 1134; storage, 370
Solar furnaces, 1114
Solar heating, 1109, 1113
Solar panels, 150
Solar radiation, 80, 120, 214
Solar Radiation and Climate
Experiment, 683
Solar satellite power stations, 1134
Solar Two, 370
Solder, 1235
Solid Waste Disposal Act (1965),
Solid waste management, 1119-
Solvay, Ernest, 1097
Solvay process, 1052, 1097
Solvent extraction, 295
Sonar, 849
Sorosilicates, 762
Sorting of recyclables, 1003
South Africa, 1029-1030, 1121-
1126; economic statistics, 1122
South America; Argentina, 59-65;
Brazil, 136-141; Chile, 192-197;
monsoons, 779; Peru, 918-923;
Venezuela, 1292-1296
South Korea, 1127-1132;
economic statistics, 1128
Southern Oscillation, 342-343
Southwest Windpower, 1348
Soviet Union. See Russia
Soybean oil, 375
Soybeans; Brazil, 139
Space conditioning, 146
Space heating, 506
Space resources, 1132-1136
Space telescopes, 1134
Space transportation, 1242
Spain, 1136-1141; economic
statistics, 1137
Species loss, 1141-1143
Specific gravity, 759, 1108
Spent fuel, 835
Sperm whales, 1331
Spermaceti, 1333
Sperrylite, 951
1498 • Subject Index Global Resources
Sphagnum, 588, 914
Sphalerite, 157, 1371
Sphene, 894
Spiegeleisen, 103
Spindletop oil field, 911
Spinel, 897
Spinning jenny, 263
Spirituality, environmental, 383
Spirulina, 437
Spitzer Space Telescope, 1134
Spodumene, 917
SPOT satellites, 683
Spotting fires, 426
Spratling, William, 741
Sprinkler irrigation, 636
Spy satellites, 1133
Sri Lanka; gems, 485
Stagnation, 406
Stainless steel, 29, 421-422
Standard Oil Company, 1034
Stannic chloride, 1232
Stannic oxide, 1232
Stannous chloride, 1232
Stannous fluoride, 1232
Stannous oxide, 1232
Star of Africa diamond, 309
Star of India sapphire, 485
State government, 415; land
management, 672
Station Fire (2009), 428
Staurolite, 735, 894
Steam energy, 504, 580, 1143-1146
Steam engines, 611, 717, 1083,
1113, 1145-1146, 1239, 1321;
James Watt, 1321
Steam locomotives, 1154
Steam turbines, 504
Steamboat, 612, 1239
Steatite, 735, 1205
Steel, 28-29, 628, 1147-1150;
consumption, 1152; end-use
statistics, 633; ferroalloys, 421-
423; iron in, 633; manufacture,
719; molybdenum, 775;
niobium, 817; production,
1152; recycling, 1002; Russia,
1047; Spain, 1138; tungsten,
1245; vanadium, 1290; world
producers, 1153; world
production, 629
Steel industry, 103-104, 770-771,
Steel scrap, 1152
Stellite, 205
Steno, Nicolaus, 268
Stephenson, George, 1154-1155,
Sterling silver, 29, 1091
Stetten Salt Mine, 515
Stevenson, Chris, 327
Stibnite, 55
Stockholm Conference (1972),
243, 321, 404, 1155-1156, 1268,
1272, 1277
Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants,
Stockpiling, 1159-1160
Stocks, 594
Stoddard report (1968), 1013
Stone; crushed, 8-13; dimension,
313-315; Japan, 653
Stone tools, 752
Stope, 1256
Storm surges, 442
Storms, 777-780, 1321-1324
Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly
Migratory Fish Stocks
Agreement (1995), 1156-1157
Strassmann, Fritz, 1284
Strategic and Critical Materials
Stockpiling Act (1946), 1160
Strategic and Critical Minerals Act
(1990), 1183
Strategic management, 415
Strategic materials, 64
Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 1024
Strategic resources, 1158-1161,
1286; U.S. imports, 1160
Stratiform chromite, 203
Stratosphere, 24, 80
Stratovolcanoes, 595
Streak of minerals, 758
Stream capacity, 1165
Streams, 587, 1161-1166;
ecosystems, 1164
Strip cropping, 400
Strip mining, 222, 375, 886, 1167-
1169, 1280
Strombolian volcanoes, 595
Stromeyer, Friedrich, 157
Strontianite, 180, 1170
Strontium, 1170-1171; end-use
statistics, 1170
Sturgeon, William, 613, 712
Styrene, 927, 1040, 1042
Styrene-butadiene rubber, 1042
Subanthracite coal, 221
Subbituminous coal, 217
Subduction zones, 324, 595, 949
Subirrigation, 636
Submarines, 1239
Subsistence economies, 1021
Substitutability law, 171
Subtropics, 214, 339
Subways, 1240
Sucrose, 1171
Sudan; desertification, 296
Suess, Eduard, 119
Sugar, 993, 1171-1173; Belgium,
99; forms, 1171; Ukraine, 1254
Sugar beets, 1172, 1254
Sugarcane, 1171; Brazil, 139;
ethanol, 402
Sulfates, 761, 1177
Sulfide minerals, 707
Sulfides, 157, 728, 760; massive,
Sulfosalts, 761
Sulfur, 801, 1173-1176; end-use
statistics, 1176; Poland, 960;
world production, 1174
Sulfur cycle, 1177
Sulfur dioxide, 5, 1177
Sulfur oxides, 22
Sulfuric acid, 3, 613, 1173, 1175
Sumner, James Batcheller, 813
Sun Yat-sen, 1223
Sunflower products, 1254
Superalloys, 29, 230, 1028
Superconductors, 817
Superfund; sites, 1178
Superfund legislation, 388, 391,
397, 561, 1018, 1177-1182,
Superovulation, 126
Surface backfires, 426
Surface headfires, 426
Surface mining, 375, 884-887,
Global Resources Subject Index • 1499
Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act (1977), 377,
769, 1168, 1182-1183
Surface water, 587, 1319
Sustainable agriculture, 668-670;
livestock, 701
Sustainable development, 171,
239-246, 619, 1183-1185, 1361;
Agenda 21, 7-8; agriculture,
127; developing nations, 304;
resource accounting, 1016
Sustainable Development
Summits, 1272
Sustainable Energy Act, U.K.
(2003), 216
Sustainable forestry, 461
Sustainable resources, 576
Sustained yield, 785; timber, 1230
Suttner, Bertha von, 824
Svalbard Global Seed Vault, 1073,
Swan, Joseph W., 341
Sweden, 1186-1191; economic
statistics, 1187
Sweet Home Chapter for a Greater
Oregon v. Babbitt (1992), 354
Sweet potatoes, 183
Swidden agriculture, 1092
Swine, 44, 701, 962
Switzerland, 1191-1195; economic
statistics, 1192
Sylvite, 971
Synthesis gas, 225, 740
Synthetic abrasives, 3
Synthetic Fuels Corporation,
System of national accounts, 1015
Système Probatoire d’Observation
de la Terre, 683
Systems ecology, 328
Tacke, Ida, 1028
Taconite, 629, 1012
Tactites, 736
Taiga, 115
Taiwan, 1197-1201; economic
statistics, 1198
Takings law, 354, 1201-1205
Talc, 119, 735, 1085, 1205-1206;
end-use statistics, 1206
Tansley, Arthur G., 448
Tantalum, 1207-1208; Brazil, 137;
Democratic Republic of the
Congo, 239; end-use statistics,
1207; Thailand, 1217
Tar sands, 864, 879-881, 1011,
Tasman Pulp and Paper
Company, 507
Taste of minerals, 759
Taxol, 492, 947
Taylor, Edward, 1208
Taylor Grazing Act (1934), 379,
981-982, 1208-1209
Tea, 15, 1199
Teapot Dome scandal, 292
Teart disease, 772
Technically specified rubber, 1039
Tectosilicates, 762
Telecommuting, 1242
Telescopes, 1134
Tellico Dam, 389
Tellurium, 528, 1209-1210
Temperate forests, 115, 464
Temperate grasslands, 116, 536
Temperate midlatitudes zone, 339
Temperate rain forests. See Rain
Tenacity of minerals, 759
Tennant, Smithson, 953
Tennessee Valley Authority, 242,
582, 825, 1035, 1210-1211
Tennessee Valley Authority v. Hill
(1978), 354, 389
Tenorite, 898
Terbium, 999
Terra satellite, 683
Terra system, 1009
Terrace farming, 399, 1107
Terratecture, 147
Terrestrial biomes, 114, 119
Terrorism, 957
Tesla, Nikola, 343
Textile industry, 612, 1211-1214;
Belgium, 100; cotton, 262-263;
flax, 438-440; hemp, 570-572;
India, 603; nineteenth century,
Thailand, 1215-1220; economic
statistics, 1216
Thallium, 1220-1221
Thallium oxide, 1220
Thallium sulfide, 1220
Thatcher, Margaret, 891
Thematic mapping, 1009
Thénard, Louis-Jacques, 133
Theophrastus, 555
Thermal energy, 1143; storage,
Thermal pollution, 272, 1221-
Thermal solar units, 1113
Thermite reactions, 35
Thermocouples, 1029
Thermodynamics, 32
Thermoluminescence, 759
Thermosphere, 80
Thermosyphons, 1109
Thienemann, August, 448
Thingbæk mine, 286
Third Assessment Report (IPCC),
Third World. See Developing
Thomas, Sidney, 1148
Thomson, Joseph John, 639
Thorium, 833, 1222-1223; India,
Thortveitite, 1063
Threatened species, 104-108, 247,
354; statistics, 349. See also
Biodiversity; Endangered
Three Gorges Dam, 443, 1166,
1223-1224, 1295
Three Mile Island nuclear
accident, 191, 345, 359, 364,
391, 834, 838, 1224-1225
Thulium, 999
Tibetan Plateau, 778
Tidal energy, 1012, 1225-1229
Tides, 851
Tigers, 1362
Tikal National Park, 800
Tillage, 400, 1106-1107
Timber; Austria, 93; conflicts over,
1026; forest fires, 455;
Indonesia, 608; Mexico, 744;
U.S. lumber consumption,
1500 • Subject Index Global Resources
Timber industry, 588, 1229-1232,
1355-1359; deforestation, 277-
282; harvesting, 1231; Japan,
652; Norway, 828; Poland, 962;
public lands, 979; reforestation,
1006; Sweden, 1188;
Switzerland, 1193; Taiwan,
1201; United States, 1330-1331;
U.S. statistics, 1230
Timber rights, 751
Tin, 254, 1232-1236; bronze, 145;
end-use statistics, 1235;
Indonesia, 609; Peru, 918;
plate, 1235; Portugal, 967;
Thailand, 1217; world
production, 1233
Tires, 1037
TIROS 1 satellite, 1008
Tissue culture, 125
Titanium; metal, 422, 1236-1238;
ores, 596; placer deposits, 938;
strategic value, 1158
Titanium dioxide, 1236-1238; end-
use statistics, 1237
Tobacco, 411, 602, 1368-1369
Tokamak reactors, 834
Toluene, 927
Tomatoes, 644, 968
Topaz, 894
Topography, 1100
Topsoil, 16, 18, 295, 317, 378,
1098; degradation, 1103-1106;
erosion, 412; fertilizers, 423-
425; floodplains, 443
Torrey Canyon oil spill, 853
Tournachon, Gaspard-Nadar
Félix, 6
Toxic Substances Control Act
(1976), 387
Tragedy of the commons, 434
Trains, 1240. See also Railroads
Trans-Arabian Pipeline, 1061
Transboundary pollution, 392
Transeau, Edgar Nelson, 448
Transform boundaries, 948
Transgenic organisms, 50, 124-
125, 947
Transistors, 606, 1080; silicon,
Transnational corporations, 304
Transpiration, 120
Transportation; economics, 359;
energy use, 1238-1243; fuel
cells, 473; Industrial
Revolution, 612
Transportation (sedimentation
process), 1164
Transuranic waste, 838
Trash-to-energy processes, 598
Travers, Morris William, 478
Travertine, 180, 696
Trawl nets, 433
Treaty of Amsterdam (1997), 404
Tree farming, 1006
Trees, 464-466; planting, 704-705;
reforestation, 1005-1007. See
also Forests; Rain forests;
Timber industry; Wood
Trevithick, Richard, 613
Trichloroethylene, 373
Trickle irrigation, 636
Trinidad, 73
Tripoli, 2, 1014
Trolleys, 1240
Trona, 180, 1096-1098
Tropical grasslands, 116, 536
Tropical rain forests. See Rain
Tropics, 340
Tropopause, 1323
Tropopause folding, 1323
Troposphere, 80
Tropsch, Hans, 225
Trucks, 1241
Truman, Harry S., 83-84, 153, 685
Truman Proclamation, 408, 685
Tsunamis, 502, 604
Tube worms, 725
Tufa, 180, 696
Tulips, 809
Tundra, 115; fires, 427
Tungstates, 761
Tungsten, 761, 1127, 1243-1245;
Austria, 95; end-use statistics,
1245; Portugal, 967; South
Korea, 1127; steel, 29;
Thailand, 1215
Tunnel mining, 723, 852
Turbidity currents, 852
Turbines, 581, 1143-1145; tidal
power, 1225; wind, 1345
Turkey, 1246-1250; economic
statistics, 1247
Turkeys, 45
Turquoise, 761
Tutankhamen’s tomb, 528
Type metal, 55
Udall, Stewart L., 786
Udvardy, Miklos D. F., 339
Ugrandite, 476
Ukraine, 1251-1255; economic
statistics, 1252; farmland, 411;
manganese, 715
Ultramafic rocks, 596, 955
Ultraviolet radiation, 901
UNCED. See Earth Summit
Unconfined aquifers, 57
Underground mining, 884, 1255-
UNEP. See United Nations
Environment Program
UNESCO. See United Nations
Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization
UNFCC. See United Nations
Framework Convention on
Climate Change
Union Carbide, 391
United Arab Emirates, 890
United Kingdom, 1258-1262;
economic statistics, 1259
United Nations climate change
conferences, 1262-1266
United Nations Conference on
Environment and
Development. See Earth
United Nations Conference on
the Human Environment. See
Stockholm Conference
United Nations conventions. See
United Nations Development
Programme, 1185; Quality of
Life Index, 1184
United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural
Organization, 121, 798
Global Resources Subject Index • 1501
United Nations Environment
Programme, 243, 321, 1023,
1156, 1263, 1266, 1272-1274
United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization. See
Food and Agriculture
Organization, U.N.
United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate
Change, 322, 393, 1263, 1275-
United States; economic history,
975; economic statistics, 1279;
energy policy, 363; farmland,
410; resources and resource
use, 1278-1283
Uraninite, 990
Uranium, 627, 830, 838, 878,
1283-1285; Australia, 88;
Canada, 164; deposits, 1190;
fission, 420; France, 469; India,
604; industry, 358; isotopes,
717, 957; Kazakhstan, 658;
nuclear energy, 620; Portugal,
967; radium, 990; Russia, 1046;
South Africa, 1126; Sweden,
1190; United States, 1282
Urban transit, 1240
Urease, 813
Urethanes, 927
U.S. Geological Survey, 500, 680,
972, 1163, 1286-1288
U.S. Steel Corporation, 181
USGS. See U.S. Geological Survey
Using resources. See Category
Index under “Obtaining and
using resources”
Vacuum deposition, 719
Vacuum pan, 1052
Valentinus, Basilius, 55
Van der Waals forces, 1107
Vanadinite, 1289
Vanadium, 422, 991, 1289-1291;
end-use statistics, 1289; South
Africa, 1126; steel, 29
Vanadium pentoxide, 1290
Vanguard 1, 935
Vauquelin, Louis-Nicolas, 102, 204
Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 107, 488
Vector data model, 499
Vegetable crops, 15; Netherlands,
812; Spain, 1141
Veins, 591
Vela satellites, 1134
Venezuela, 73, 890, 1292-1296;
economic statistics, 1293
Verdigris, 146
Vermiculite, 589, 746, 1296-1300;
end-use statistics, 1299; South
Africa, 1126; world production,
Vernadsky, Vladimir, 119
Verne, Jules, 109
Verneuil, Auguste, 486
Vienna Convention for the
Protection of the Ozone Layer,
Vienna formula, 1156
Vietnam War, 573-574
Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co.
(1926), 1202
Vinblastine, 947
Vincristine, 947
Vindeby wind farm, 287
Vinyl chloride, 926
Volcanism; extrusive deposits, 594-
595; lake formation, 665;
olivine, 883; perlite, 917;
pumice, 984-985; sulfur, 1173;
zeolites, 1365
Volcanoes, 502, 504, 595, 949,
1300-1303; atmospheric
impact, 79; Krakatau, 984;
Vesuvius, 985
Volcans Biosphere Reserve, 123
Volta, Alessandro, 109, 343, 613
Vugs, 1351
Vulcanization, 1039, 1041
Wales. See United Kingdom
Walker, Sir Gilbert, 342
Wallace, Henry A., 260
Wallboard, 555
Walruses, 645-646
Wars over resources, 1023-1027
Waste; U.S. statistics, 1306
Waste disposal. See Category Index
under “Pollution and waste
Waste heat, 346
Waste Isolation Pilot Project, 840
Waste management, 380, 1017-
1019, 1032; composting, 233-
235; hazardous wastes, 558-563,
1177-1182; incineration, 597-
600; landfills, 677-680; mining
wastes, 767-770, 1012-1013;
nuclear, 836, 838-842;
recycling, 1001-1005; sewage
disposal, 1304-1307; soil
degradation, 1104; solid, 1119-
Waste streams, 1002
Wastes; recovered, 1002;
Superfund sites, 1178
Wastewater, 1304-1307
Water, 1307-1312; agriculture, 18,
410; American West, 972, 1001;
aquifers, 57-59; Argentina, 63;
Arizona, 187-188; Austria, 94;
biosphere, 120; California, 702-
703; China, 199; conflicts over,
1025; conservation, 244;
consumption, 1020;
desalination, 294-295, 723;
distribution networks, 1320;
drinking, 1313; as energy
source, 579-583; erosion, 398;
farmland, 412; fresh, 333;
geothermal, 503-510;
groundwater, 548-550;
hydrology, 585-588; India, 603;
irrigation, 634-636; monsoons,
777-780; oceans, 850; oxygen
in, 898; Poland, 962;
properties, 1307; quality, 1311;
role in sedimentation, 1068; in
soils, 1102; Spain, 1139;
stagnation, 406; streams and
rivers, 1161-1166; surface, 587;
Taiwan, 1200; U.S. supplies,
Water Framework Directive (EU),
Water pollution, 538, 1311-1315;
abatement, 374; floods, 444;
groundwater, 550; landfills,
678; mining, 376; oil spills, 408-
409; thermal, 1221-1222
1502 • Subject Index Global Resources
Water Pollution Control Act of
1948, 1315
Water Pollution Control Act of
1972, 1315
Water power, 717
Water quality, 1320
Water Quality Act (1970), 1315
Water resources, 620, 889
Water Resources Development
Act (1986), 65
Water rights, 672, 751, 1309, 1315-
Water supply systems, 1318-1321
Water table, 57, 549, 587; landfills
and, 678
Water transport, 1239
Water usage; U.S. statistics, 1309
Waterproofing, 75
Watersheds, 1162-1163; floods,
Waterways, 983-984
Waterwheels, 579
Watson, Paul, 1065
Watt, James (inventor), 611, 717,
1145, 1239, 1321
Watt, James G. (interior
secretary), 392, 396, 981, 1049
Wave energy, 846-848
Weather, 1321-1324; health
impacts, 82; monsoons, 777. See
also Climate; Global warming;
Hydrologic cycle; Precipitation
Weather satellites, 684, 1132
Weathering, 214-215, 938, 1068,
1324-1327; biological, 1100; soil
formation, 1099
Weaving, 1213
Webb, Thomas, 1298
Weeks Act (1911), 456
Werner, Abraham Gottlob, 534
Western Wood Products
Association, 1327
Wetlands, 429, 431, 798, 806,
1107, 1327-1330;
denitrification, 823; peat bogs,
913-916; Ramsar Convention,
798, 996-997
Weyerhäuser, Friedrich, 1330-1331
Whales and whaling, 392, 433,
Wharton, Joseph, 815
Wheat, 542-544, 941, 1334-1336;
India, 602; Iran, 628; Italy, 644;
Spain, 1141; Ukraine, 1253;
world production, 1335
Whiskey, 223, 916
White, Gilbert, 448
White wheat, 1335
Whitewares, 188
Whitman, Christine Todd, 396
Whitney, Eli, 17, 263, 612
Whittle, Frank, 617
Wild rice, 1031
Wilderness, 797, 1336-1341;
preservation, 1338
Wilderness Act (1964), 76, 460,
672, 981, 1337-1338, 1341
Wilderness Society, 1341-1342
Wildfires, 426-428, 454-456;
grasslands, 536
Wildlife, 1342-1344, 1362-1363;
habitat degradation, 377; U.S.
regulations, 672; Zimbabwe,
Wildlife biology, 1344-1345
Wildlife reserves, 247
Wilson, Edward O., 104
Wilson’s disease, 252
Wind, 1346; erosion, 399; role in
sedimentation, 1069
Wind energy, 150, 286, 346, 1011,
1324, 1345-1349; Denmark,
286; Germany, 515; Taiwan,
Windmills, 1345
Wine; France, 470; Italy, 644;
Portugal, 968; Spain, 1140
Wise use movement, 1350
Witherite, 180
Wöhler, Friedrich, 33, 102
Wolfram. See Tungsten
Wolframite, 761, 1244
Wollaston, William Hyde, 953,
Wollastonite, 735, 1350-1353
Wolves, 355
Wood alcohol, 739-741
Wood products, 332, 974, 1229-
1232; Brazil, 141; building
material, 1355-1359;
Democratic Republic of the
Congo, 239; fibers, 1213; fuel
source, 1353-1355; historic use
of, 461; Japan, 652; Mexico,
744; Norway, 828; paper pulp,
905, 909; professional
organizations, 37; world
consumption, 302
Wood smoke, 1355
Wool, 15, 1250
Works Progress Administration,
World Bank, 302-303, 682, 803,
1023, 1184, 1263, 1359-1360
World Charter for Nature, U.N.,
World Commission on
Environment and
Development, 1183, 1360-1361
World Conservation Strategy
(IUCN), 243
World Food Programme, 1275
World Forestry Congress, 463
World Health Organization, 1263
World Heritage Sites, 798
World Meteorological
Organization, 901, 1263
World Network of Biosphere
Reserves, 121
World Resources Institute, 1361-
World Resources report (WRI), 1362
World Wide Fund for Nature, 391,
799, 1362-1363. See also World
Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund, 391, 524,
1362-1363. See also World Wide
Fund for Nature
Wrought iron, 104, 628, 630, 633,
Wurtzite, 157, 1372
X rays, 637
Xenon, 478-479
Xenotime, 999
Xylene, 927
Yaks, 45
Yangtze River, 1163, 1223-1224;
floods, 443
Global Resources Subject Index • 1503
Yanomami farmers, 1093
Yard waste, 234
Yarn, 1213
Yasuní National Park, 799
Yellow River, 1165; floods, 443
Yellowstone Act (1872), 793
Yellowstone National Park, 518,
595, 793, 798
Yom Kippur War. See Arab-Israeli
Yosemite National Park, 793
Yosemite Valley, 783
Youth Conservation Corps, 243
Ytterbium, 999
Yttrium, 999
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, 839
Zahniser, Howard, 1341
Zaire, 1159. See also Congo,
Democratic Republic of the
Zea mays, 258-261
Zebra mussel, 113
Zeolites, 1364-1366
Zhejiang Province tidal power
station, 1226
Ziegler, Karl, 926
Zimbabwe, 1366-1370; economic
statistics, 1367
Zinc, 730, 1371-1374; Argentina,
64; Australia, 90; in brass, 136;
cadmium and, 157; Canada,
166; end-use statistics, 1373;
indium as by-product, 605;
Kazakhstan, 660; Mexico, 744;
Poland, 961; United States,
1282; world production, 1372
Zircon, 894, 1374
Zirconium, 1374-1375; cubic, 486;
world production, 1375
Zoning, 675
Zooplankton, 116, 432, 853, 934
Zubrin, Robert, 1135
1504 • Subject Index Global Resources