Date of preparing: 03/01/10 Date of teaching: 04/1/10
Class: 8ABC
Period : 55 Unit 9 : Afirst-aid course
getting started + listen and read
1. Aim
a. Knowledge
- After finishing this lesson ps can understand the content of the
conversation and what they'd do in the situations which require first-aid.
b. Skill: Help ps to improve their listening, reading and speaking skills.
c. Attitude
-Provide ps with understanding about first-aid so as to they can apply into
real situations they meet.
2 Teaching aids
a.T : Lesson plan, teacher’s book, student's book, tape, picture
b.SS : Learning the old lesson, preparing for the new, notebook
3 . Procedure
* Warm up:
a KiÓm tra bµi cò:
1. Questions:
?/ Rewrite the sentence using "ask"
- Lan told her brother to help her with
her homework.
2. Answer.
Lan asked her brother to help her with
her homework
b. Bµi míi:
* Introduction:
In our life, we are usually in the
situations that require first-aid.Now
answer my questions:
- What can you do when you see a boy
has a bad cut on his leg?
Today we're going to learn something
about first- aid.
1. Getting started.
- Ask ps to look at the picture and
- answer in vietnamese
- look at the picture and listen to
explain the usage of these things such as
bandage ice pack, alcohol
- Have ps read four situations in the
book on page 80 after giving ps some
new words
+ ointment, bandage, handkerchief,
cotton balls, tiger baim, ice bag
- Have ps explain their idea to these
situations "what they'd do in these
situations which require first - aid.
- A girl has a burn on her arm
(In this situation, I will put the burn
under cold water and wash it or put a
cold handkerchief on it. Then I apply
some ointment and cover it with a sterile
bandage )
- A boy has a bad cut on his leg.
( Firstly, I will wash the cut with
alcohol to sterilze it and then I cover it
with a bandage. If the cut is really bad I
will take him to the nearest clinic.)
- A girl has a nose bleed.
(I will try to stop her nose bleeding by
letting her stand straight and raise
herhead behind. The I cover the bleeding
nose with the cotton ball.)
- A boy has a bee sting.
(Firstly, I will wash the sting. Then I
put some meat tenderize on a
handkerchief and then put the
handkerchief on a bite for a half an hour
to ease the pain)
2. New words.
- Have ps listen to the tape
- Have ps find the new words.
- T explains:
+ emergency
+ ambulance
+ fall off
+ hit
+ concious > < unconcious.
- read the situations
- explain before the class
- P's idea
- listen to the tape.
- find the new words.
+ bleed
+ wound
+ put pressure on st.
- Have ps read new words after T tuice
- Have them read aloud before the class
- Let ps listen to the tape for the whole
-Have ps read after the tape in chorus
-Have ps practise in pairs reading the
-Have ps practise in pairs (open pairs )
speaking aloud before the class
- Have ps select the topics covered in the
dialogue (page 81)
- Have ps work in groups
-Ask ps to give the answers
-Have the whole class check and correct.
c. Production
a. Describing the condition of the
injured person
b. Asking for address
c. Asking about the condition of injured
d. Giving first aid construction.
e. Arranging for an ambulance
- Have ps read again the conversation
-Let them listen to the tape once again
d/ Homework
-Learn the new words by heart
-Do execrises 1,2 on page Unit 9 in
work book
prepage ' listen +speak 'for the next
-read after twice
-read aloud
-listen to the tape
-read after the tape
-practice in pairs
-practice in pairs before the class
-select the topics cover in the
-work in groups
-give the answer
-check and correct
- read again
-listen to the tape again
-Do at home
Date of preparing: Date of teaching :
Class: 8 ABC
Period : 56 Unit 9 :
Lesson 2 Speak
1. Aim
a. Knowledge
- After finishing this lesson ps can make and respond to the offers,
requests and promises
b. Skill: Help ps to improve their listening, speaking skills and listening
c. Attitude
-Provide ps with understanding about first-aid so as to they can apply into
real situations they meet.
2 Teaching aids
a.T : Lesson plan, teacher’s book, student's book, tape, picture
b.SS : Learning the old lesson, preparing for the new, notebook
* Warm up:
a KiÓm tra bµi cò:
1. Questions:
? read the conversation page 80
- read fluently and clearly
-notice the stress sylabus ,
b. Bµi míi:
* Introduction:
-Have ps answer these sentence.
-Would you like me to go out with
you ?
-Can you open the door ?
I promise I'll keep it secret .
? What kinds of sentence I've made ?
-Have ps look atthe book page 81 and
read then take turn to make and
respond to offers ,requests , promises.
-Have ps practice before the class in
pairs (3pairs)
-Have ps look at their books and make
three sentence about using offers,
-read aloud
-that would be nice
-T hope so
-offer ,request ,promise
-read and take turn to make and
respond to offers
-practice in pairs (3 pairs) before
the class
-Make sentence
-Work in groups
requests and promises that pictures
-Have ps work in groups of four .
-Have ps practice speaking before the
* suggested answer:
b. A. Would you give me an aspirin,
B. All right.
c. A. Can you help me ?
B. What can I do for you ?
A. Will you take me to the hospital,
please ?
d. A. Would you like some mill ?
B. That would be nice.
e. A. I promise I won't do it again.
B. I hope so.
-Ask one pair to practice part a before
the class and take turn with the left
-Have 4 pairs practice making the same
dialogues before the class
-Have ps practice some dialogue when
they meet these situations:
+A girl's bike is broken down /has
a flat tire
+A boy has his nose bleed
c/ Bµi tËp vÒ nhµ.
-learning the old lesson : vocabulary
-preparing for the next lesson :
-Practice before the class
Practise in turn
-Practice the same dialogue about
picture b,c,d and e
-Practice before the class
-Do at home.
Date of preparing Date of teaching:
Period : 57 Unit 9 : Listen.
1 Mục tiêu yêu cầu:
a. Yêu cầu về kiến thức kỹ năng:
- Help ps to improve and practise their listening skill.And ps can grasp
some new words' meanings after finishing the lesson:
- wheelchair, stretcher , eye chart , crutches , scale
b. Yêu cầu về giáo dục tình cảm
- Help ps to distinguish the medical facilities, and the first aid they need
when they meet these situations.
2. Chuẩn bị :
1.Thầy : Lesson plan, teachers book, student's book, tape, picture
2.Trò : Learning the old lesson, preparing for the new, notebook
3. Phần thể hiện trên lớp :
a. Kiểm tra bài cũ :
1. Câu hỏi:
?/ read the conversation on page 80
2. Đáp án:
- read fluently, clearly.
- notice the stress sylabus,
b. Bài mới
* Introduction :
Today,You are going to listen to a talk
describing the picture. You listen and
match the letters A, B, C, D, E or F to
the correct words in the box then put
them in the correct order as you hear.
Pre - listening:
- Have ps look at the picture page 82
and read the words in the box.
- Have ps call the name of objects in the
- Have ps match the picture with the
words in the box.
- Check and correct the answers.
A. Ambulance.
B. wheelchair
C. Crutches
- Read aloud
-Oobserve the picture.
- Read the words in the box.
- Call the names of objects.
- Match the (picture) objects with
their names.
- Check and correct.
D. eye chart
E. Scale
F. Stretcher
- Asks ps to take notes, to write the
meanings of the new words
While - listening
- Have ps listen to the tape twice
- Have ps put these objects in correct
- Have ps listen to the tape and cluck the
order in groups.
- Have ps write them on the B.B.
- Ask ps to give the correct order after
lis tening to the tape.
1.F 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.E 6.C
This is the emergency room in a large
hospital. A parademic is wheeling a
patien on a strecher into the emergency
room where a doctor is waiting to treat
the patient. The patient doesn't look well
. His head is bandaged and his eyes are
A nurse is pushing an empty
wheelchair towards the exit. She is
probably taking it to the ambulance.
The eye chart on the wall is used to
check people's eyesight. The chart
consists of about 28 letters ranging in
side from about 5 centimeters in height
at the top of the chart to about 1
centimeters at the bottom.
A doctor is trying to weigh a crying
baby on the scale. The baby's mother is
standing nearby. She is trying to stop
her child from crying.
The crutches, which are for S.O with a
broken leg , are leaning against the wall.
New words:
+ Emergency room: Phßng cÊp cøu
+ Paramedic:Phô t¸
+Check one's eyesight: KiÓm tra thÞ lîc
- Write the new words' meanings.
- Listen to the tape twice.
- Put them in correct order.
- Listen and check in groups.
- Write on the B.B.
- Give correct order opten
listening to the tape.
Lean against :Dựa vào
Post - listening.
- Have ps listen to the tape and ask ps to
repeat after the tape some new words
c. Bài tập về nhà:
- Learning the old lesson : vocabulary
- Preparing for the next lesson : "reading"
- Repeat after the tape some new
- Do at home.
Date of preparing: Date of teaching:
Class; 8 ABC
Period : 58 Unit 9 : read.
1. Mục tiêu yêu cầu:
a. Yêu cầu về kiến thức kỹ năng:
- After finishing this lesson, ps can understand the text about case and first
aid sothat ps can ansuwer the questions from a to e.
- Im prove and help ps practice reading skill.
+ vocabulary:
flat revive overheat.
force sb to do st. sterile elevete.
b. Yêu cầu về giáo dục tình cảm
- Educate ps the first aid they need to me in cases and make ps love
learning this subject.
2. Chuẩn bị :
1.Thầy : Lesson plan, teachers book, student's book, tape + cassette
2.Trò : Learning the old lesson, preparing for the new, notebook
3. Phần thể hiện trên lớp :
* warm up
a. Kiểm tra bài cũ
1.Câu hỏi:
-? Viết từ mới sau bằng tiếng anh.
- ghế đẩy, nạng gỗ, xe đẩy, bảng
khám thị.
2.Đáp án
- wheelchair, crutches , stretcher, eye
b. Bài mới
* Introduction :
?/ what can you do when you meet
someone needs first aid for exanple
fainting ? now today we're going to
learn part reading page 83.
Pre - reading.
- Ask ps to give the emrgencies they
- Have ps discuss the cases need first
aid for example fainting, shock, burn.
- Have ps look at the book page 83
and listen to teacher's explaination.
- Have ps listen to the tape one
While - reading
- Have ps look at the book and read
the text in silence and guess the new
words' meaning.
+ elevate
+ revive
+ minimize
+ sterile dressing.
- Have ps read the new worde after T
- Have ps read the questions from a
to e page 84.
- Ask ps to read the text again to find
the answers.
- Have ps work in groups of eight to
find the answers.
- Have ps write their answers in extra
- Ask ps to hang the bourds on the
- Ask ps to give the information in
the text.
- T corrects:
- listen to T.
- give the emrgencies.
- discuss with a partner.
- look at the book and listento T.
- lis ten to the tape once.
- read the text in slilence and guess
the new words' meaning.
- read the new words after
- read questions from a to e
- read the text again to find the
- work in groups.
- give the answers in extra bourd
- hang the boards on the B.B
- give the infor mation.
a/ A b/ B c/ A d/ C e/ A
post - reading
- Have ps read the text again aloud
before the class.
- Ask ps to give first aid instructions
about the heart at tack case.
c. Bài tập về nhà :
- Learn by heart the new words
- Read the text again
- Prepare part " write" on page 84 for
the next lesson.
- read again aboud before the class.
- discuss and give first aid in
- do at home.
Date of preparing: Date of teaching:
Period : 59 Unit 9: write.
1. Mục tiêu yêu cầu:
a. Yêu cầu về kiến thức kỹ năng:
- After finishing this lesson, ps can write 2 letters the same as the model
page 84.
+ vocabulary: - cheer sb up.
- contact.
- In order to help ps to practice their writing skill, especially about letter/
thank you note.
b. Yêu cầu về giáo dục tình cảm
- Educate ps the first aid they have the habit to write letters to friends.
2. Chuẩn bị :
1.Thầy : Lesson plan, teachers book, student's book.
2.Trò : Learning the old lesson, preparing for the new, notebook
3. Phần thể hiện trên lớp :
a. Kiểm tra bài cũ
1. Câu hỏi:
-? what would you do when you meet
aperson who is fainting ?
2. Đáp án:
- Leave the patient lying flat
- Don't force him to sit or stand
- answer before the class.
- Lower his head below the level of
the heart.
- Give him a cup of tea
b. Bµi míi
* Introduction :
- Have ps play a game to find the
word thank - you note.
?/ what does it mean ?
pre - writing:
- Have ps look at the part on page 84
and read the requirement.
- Have ps read the letter and use the
correct tense forms of the verbs.
Ask ps to answer the questions:
?/ who writes the letter ?
?/ who is the receiver ?
?/ Is Nga bored ?
?/ How does Nga contact her friend ?
?/ How did Nga feel when she
received the present ?
- Ask ps to work in pairs / groups to
correet the verbs.
- Have ps to give the answers on the
1. was 4. came
2. were 5. am
3. helped 6. will phone
while - writing
- Have ps read the letter again.
- Ask ps to write a thank - you note
to a friend. Invite friend to go on a
picnic with you. Arrange to contact
friend. Use the following questions to
guide (on the page 84).
?/ What did your friend give you?
?/ On what occasion ?
?/ What was it/ were they like?
- Ask ps to read the questions aloud
- Play the game.
- Answer
- Look at part on page 84 and read
the requirement.
- Use the correct tense of the verbs.
- Answer some questions.
- Work in groups.
- Give the answers on the B.B.
- Read the letter again.
- Do as the requirement.
-Read aloud.
- Have ps answer the - questions and
write down as the main informations
of the letter.
- Have ps write in groups , groups 1
writes 2 sentences basing on the
letter page 84.
- Ask one representative from each
gorup to write on the B.B.
- T correct and help ps to write a
complete letter.
Post - writing
-Have ps use the same format to
write another letter to another friend
for another occasions
- Ask ps to work individually
-Have ps listen to the model letter of
T Dear Lan,
Thank you very much for the book
you sent me while I was staying with
my grandparents in the countryside .
the book is really interesting and it
helped to cheer me up when I had no
thing to do .I returned /came back
home on Sunday the 5th .Now I'd
love to see you .Will you come over
my house on the Monday evening ?.
your friend ,
-T may ask ps to write a dictation if .
c. Bµi tËp vÒ nhµ :
-Have ps write a thank-you note to a
-Ask ps to prepare language focus for
the text lesson.
-Answer the question and write a
letter (thank you note)
-Work in groups
- Write on the B.B
-Correct and write a model letter
- Use the same format to write
another letter to another friend for
another occasions
-Individual work
- Listen to the teacher
-Write a dictaion
-Do at home
Date of preparing: Date of teaching:
Period : 60 Unit 9: LANGUAGE FOCUS
1. Mục tiêu yêu cầu:
a. Yêu cầu về kiến thức kỹ năng:
- In order to help ps to revise and improve their knowledge, especially the
skill of doing exercises after repeating the old main grammar:
+ Future simple tense
+ Modal "will" to make requests, offers and promise
+ In order to, so as to
b. Yêu cầu về giáo dục tình cảm
- Help ps to learn better so they love this subject and help them to act
quickly when they meet the same situations in life.
2. Chuẩn bị :
1.Thầy : Lesson plan, teachers book, student's book.
2.Trò : Learning the old lesson, preparing for the new, notebook
3. Phần thể hiện trên lớp :
a Kiểm tra bài cũ:
1. Câu hỏi:
-Make sentence with ' in order to''
2.Đáp án:
Mai got up early this morning in order
to do her duty .
b. Bài mới
* Introduction :
-let ps play a game called jumb words.
-tuesqre; ferofs ; mispores domal;
I.Grammar revision :
-Have ps repeat the usage of future
-Have ps make sentence
-Have them give the formation
S +Will/shall +Vm +O/A
-let ps use will to make requests, offers
promises sentence.
-Ask ps to give the meaning of ''
inorder to''
and ''so as to '' and the examples.
II Execrise.
- Write on the B.B
-requests ,offers , promises
-Repeat the usage of F.s
-Make sentence s
-thì T L Đơn dùng 1 hành động
diễn ra ở trong tơng lai
-Make sentence
Eg -Will you open the door ?
-Give the meaning and example
+nhằm để để
-People use the firts aid so as to
ease the victim's pain and anxiety
- Match the two parts into a
1.Execrise 1
-Ask ps t macth one past of a sentence
from the column A with an other past
in column B.then write sentence by
using in order to or so as to .
-Have ps read their answer before the
-Have an other ps give remarks .
1.Mary wrote a notice on the board in
order to in from her class mates about
the change in sehedule .
2.My elder brother studies hard this
year so as to pars the entrance exam to
the university.
3.You should cool the burns
immediately so as to minimire tissue
4.Mr Green got up early this morning
in order to get to the meeting in time.
2.Execrise 2
-Have ps read the requrement and give
the meaning of it .
-Have ps work in pairs to complete the
-Have some pairs practise before the
1.will 4.will
2.will 5.will
3.won't 6.I'll
3.Execrise 3.
-Have ps understand the requirement of
the execrise ans use the words under
each picture and will
-Have ps work in groups of four.
-Have are presentative from each group
give the answer.
-Correct and ask ps to copy into book
a, Will you give it to me ,please ?
b, Will you answer the tlephone
,please ?
meaningful sentence
Read the answer before the class
-Give the remaks
-Take notes.
-Read aloud and translate it into
-Work in pairs to complete the
Practice before the class
-Complete sentence using the
words under the picture and will
after observing these picture.
-Work ingroups og four.
-Give the answer.
-Correct and copy into notebook.
-Work with a partner to make
c, Will you turn on the TV, nga ?
d, Will you pour a glass og water for
me ?
e, Will you get the cushion , please ?
4.Execrise 4.
-Have ps work with a partner to make
requests , offers ,promises.
-Have them work before the class
-T correct and give the possible
a, Will you empty the garbage can
,please ?
b,Will you paint the door ,please ?
c.Will you study harder ?
I promises I'll learn harder .
d, Shall I help you ? Shall I carry the
bag for you ?
e, Will you hang the clothes ?
f, Will you cut the vegetable,please ?
-Revise all the grammar notes
-Prepare unit 10 ( geting started listen
and read ) for the next lesson.
requets, offers and promises
-Practice speaking before the class.
-Do at home
Date of preparing: Date of teaching:
Period : 61 Unit 10: REcycling
getting started + listen and read
1. Môc tiªu yªu cÇu:
a. Yªu cÇu vÒ kiÕn thøc kü n¨ng:
- After finishing this lesson ps can understand the content of the text and
understand how to reuse, reduce and recycle to save the natural resources.
-Improve and develop ps' listening and reading skills( their pronunciation
and tune)
Vocab: Representative, protect
Structure: It is + adj + to infinitive.
b. Yªu cÇu vÒ gi¸o dôc t×nh c¶m
- Help ps be aware of / have the sense of responsibility to the natural
resources (environment).
2. ChuÈn bÞ :
a.ThÇy : Lesson plan, teacher’s book, student's book, tape, picture.
b.Trß : Learning the old lesson, preparing for the new, notebook
3. PhÇn thÓ hiÖn trªn líp :
* Warm up:
a KiÓm tra bµi cò:4'
1. C©u hái:
?/ Use modal will to make a request
2.§¸p ¸n:
Will you+ infinitive ?
b. Bµi míi
* Introduction :5'
-Let's ps play game called hang man to
find the word recyling
1.Getting started:10'
-T guides ps to theme of the lesson .
-Have ps work with a partner to discuss
about the ways to reduce the amount of
Eg: We should use tree leaves to wrap
-we should use cloth bags instead of
-You are right .We should also reuse
plastis bags.
-We also use garbage to make fertilizer.
-Have ps practice speaking before the
-Ask ps to read the first text / paragraph
and give the new words.
-friends of the earth .
2.Listen and read: 24'.
-Write the answer on the board
-Pay game
-Lsten to the teacher.
-Discuss the ways to reduce the
amount of garbage.
-Pactice before the class
-Read the first paragraph and
give the meaning of words
-Find the new words.
-Take notes and make sentence.
-Listen to the tape
-Take notes.
-Ask ps to read the dialogue to find the
new words.
-T explain the words and ask ps to make
-Let ps listen to the tape (the whole
-T explains the words.
2.1 New words
+reuse :t¸i sö dông
+reduce: gi¶m
+recycle :t¸i chÕ
-Have ps listen to the tape and observe the
picture on page 89
-Have ps give remarks to the sentences
and draw a structure .
Eg :It is difficult to remenber all the new
words in a day .
-Have ps read after the tape
-Have ps work in groups of four to read
the dialogue.
-Have ps work before the class
-Ask ps to read the questions on page 90
and read the dialogue again to find the
2.2.Answer the questions.
-Ask ps to work in groups to find the
answer (four groups )
-Have ps give the answer before the class
(representative in each group)
-Have others in other groups give the
-T correct.
a, Reduce means not buying products
which are over packaged.
b, We can reuse things like envelops,glass
,plactic bottles and old plastic bags
c, Recycle means not just throwing things
away. Try and find another use for them
d,We can look for information on
recycling things by having a contact with
an organization like friends of the Earth ,
-Listen to the tape and observe
the book page 89
-Give remarks
-Give structure
=>S + be + adj + to inf
-Read after the tape
-Work in groups of of four to
read the dialogue.
-Read aloud before the class
-Read the question page 90
-Find the answer
-Work in groups
-Give the answer
-Check and correct
(we put the used things into
special progress We may
wash the plastic bags,
bottles and reuse them)
-Work in groups of four to read
the dialogue
going to the local library or asking our
family and friends.
e,We shouldn't use plastic bags because
we throw them away they could stay very
long and could not be self destroyed /self
- demolished).
-Have ps read the dialogue again and
explain the information relating to the
c. Bài tập về nhà:2'
-Learning the new structure and words .
-Read the dialogue as many as possible
-Prepare speaking part for the next
-Do at home.
Date of preparing: Date of teaching: A /B/ :
Period : 62 Unit 10: sPeak
1 Mục tiêu yêu cầu:
a Yêu cầu về kiến thức kỹ năng:
- After finishing this lesson ps can classifify the garbage and give the
their idea about recycling and reusing the garbage.Ps can grasp the main
information to make compost to check the correct answers.
improve p's speaking skills.
+ shovel; pick ; grain product ; compost heap ; shade ; fabric leather ;
keep +ving.
b Yêu cầu về t duy tình cảm
- Help ps to love English and be excited to learn this subjed.
2 Chuẩn bị :
1.Thầy : Lesson plan, teachers book, student's book.
2.Trò : Learning the old lesson, notebook, student's book.
3 Phần thể hiện khi lên lớp
* Warm up:
aKiểm tra bài cũ:5'
1. C©u hái:
?/ Read the dialogue ( on page 89)
aloud and give the answer for the
+ How can we reduce the garbage ?
2. .§¸p ¸n:
- Read aloud, fluently, exactly
-> we can reduce the amount of gar
bage by not buying things which are
b Bµi míi
* Introduction :5'
?/ How can we classify the garbage
and what can we reuse / recycle ?
Pre - speaking: 5'
- Ask ps to look at the book on page
91 and observe the picture.
- Have them read the words in box
and classify the garbage in 7 groups.
- Paper : evelopes , card board boxes
, paper, old / used newspapers, book.
- glass : bottles, glasses, Jars.
- plastic: plastic bags, plastic
bottles , plastic wares.
- Metal : food cans , drinking cans,
- Vege: fruit peels, vegetables.
- Fabric : clothes, piece of materials.
- Leather : shoes , sandals , school
While - speaking.18'
- Have ps practice speaking some
dialogues like the ones on page 91.
A. Which group do clothes belong
B. Put them in " Fabric".
A. What can we do with those
clothes ?
B.We can recycle them and make
them into paper or shopping bags.
- Read aloud
- Answer
- Look at the picture on page 91.
- Read the words and classify the
- Practice speaking the same
dialodgues like the ones page 91.
- Practice in pairs
- Practice before the class.
- Ask ps to practice speaking in
- Have ps practice speaking before
the class.
A.Which group do fruit peels
belong to?
B. Put them in "vegetable matter"
A. What can we do with them ?
B. We can recycle them and make
them into compost and fertilizer our
Post - speaking: 10'
- Have ps speak about the recycled
-Ask ps to discuss about the
question "What could we do in our
school/house to minimize the
garbage we produce ?"
C.Bài tập về nhà:2'
-Ask ps to write about their ideas
about recycling garbage into their
-Prepare for the next listening
- Speak about them to make sure
that everyone understands the
importance of reducing , recycling
and reusing garbage and moreover it
is environment problem.
-Do at home
Date of preparing: Date of teaching: A /B /C
Period : 63 Unit 10: listen
1 Mục tiêu yêu cầu:
a Yêu cầu về kiến thức kỹ năng:
- After finishing this lesson ps can classify the garbage and give their
idea about recycling and reusing the garbage.Ps can grasp the main
information to make compost to check the correct answers.
b. Skill
- Improve p's listening skills.
+ shovel; pick ; grain product ; compost heap ; shade ; keep +ving.
c. yªu cÇu vÒ t duy t×nh c¶m
- Help ps to love English and be excited to learn this subjed.
2 ChuÈn bÞ :
a.ThÇy : Lesson plan, teacher’s book, student's book, tape + cassette.
b.Trß : Learning the old lesson, notebook, student's book.
3. PhÇn thÓ hiÖn khi lªn líp
* Warm up:
a. KiÓm tra bµi cò:
1. C©u hái:
?/ Which group do "shoes" belong to ?
2. §¸p ¸n
-They belong to "leather"/Put them in "
leather "
II. Bµi míi
Pre - listening.
- Ask ps to read the requirement of this
part and the four questions on page 91.
- Have ps guess the answer (work in
While - listening
- Have ps listen to the tape and grasp the
main in formations.
- Have ps listen to the recording and
check the answers.
-Ask ps to work in groups of eight
- Let ps tp give their answer after
listening to the recording for the third
time.(representative from each group
gives the answer before the class)
- Ask ps to write the answer on the
- Have ps read the answer and T check
by asking other ps to raise hands to
- T gives the correct answers.
a/ A b/ B c/ B d/ B.
-Answer before the class
- read the title and 4 questions
- work in groups to guess.
- listen to the tape and grosp the
main infor mations.
- lis ten to the tape and check.
- give the answer.
- write on the paper.
- check their answers.
- Listen to the tape.
Post - listening
- Let ps listen to the tape for the last
- Have ps write the new words in the
listening lesson:
- keep + V-ing:Tiếp tục làm
- add to st:Thêm vào
- shovel:
- pick:nhặt
III. Bài tập về nhà:
-write down the way of making compost.
-Prepare reading part for the next lesson
- Listen to the tape for the last
-Write the new words in the
listening lesson
-Do at home
Date of preparing:25/1/07 Date of teaching: A /B :
C: /1/
Period : 64 Unit 10 : Read
A. Phần chuẩn bị
I. Mục tiêu yêu cầu:
a. Yêu cầu về kiến thức
- After finishing this lesson ps understand the text and answer the
questions on page 93 and complete the sentences to make a list of
recycled things.
b . Yêu cầu về kỹ năng
- Help ps to grasp some new words and how to use the passive voice
+ pipe ; refill ; melt ; break up ; make into ; dung ; law ; deposit.
+ passive voice : s + be + p
c. Yêu cầu về t duy, tình cảm
- Help and educate ps the sense of repsponsibility to the nature
2. Chuẩn bị :
a.Thầy : Lesson plan, teachers book, student's book, real objects.
b.Trò : Learning the old lesson, notebook, preparing for the new.
3. Phần thể hiện khi lên lớp
* Warm up:
a Kiểm tra bài cũ:5'
1. Câu hỏi:
?/ do exercise 2 on page 59 in
work book
2. Đáp án:
a/ protect
b/ reduce
c/ fertilizer
d/ recycling
e/ empty
b.Bài mới.
* Introduction.5'
- Let ps play agame to find the word :
the Green Gazette.
- Gazette: means: mục trên báo
- Explain the words and introduce ps
to the content of the text.
Pre - reading.8'
- Have ps look at the black bourd and
listen to Teacher's requirement.
- Have ps listen to T onece.
- T give the real objects such as glass
pipe, plastic pipe ; word pipe and
ask ps to guess the meaning pipes.
- Explain the new words by letting
them guess the meanings.
- pipe (n): ống
- melt (v):tan
- break up (v): nghiền , làm vỡ
- law (n): luật
- dung (n): Phân xanh,
- prevent sb from doing st: ngăn cản
- write the answers on the B
- Play a game
- Listen to T.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Observe and guess the meaning.
- Read ques tions first and read the
While - reading.20'
- Have ps read the questions on page
93 first and read the text.
- Have ps work in groups of eight.
- Have ps read the text aloud and
each group reads one paragraph.
- Have ps give the answer before the
- Have other groups give remarks and
their answer and the informaions in
the text.
- T check and give correct answers.
a/ people cleaned and refilled emply
milk bottles.
b/ the glass is broken up, melted and
made into new glass wares.
c/ the Oregon government made
anew law that these must be a
d/ Compost is made from house hold
and garden waste.
e/ If we have a recyding story to
share we can call or fax the magazine
at 5265456.
- Ask ps to read the whole text again
and have ps work in pairs to comple
the sentenees in exercise 2 on page
- Ask ps to write the complete
sentences on the B.B.
- Have other ps give remarks and T
1 Car tires are recycled and refilled
with milk.
2. Milk bottles are cleaned and
refilled with milk.
3. Glass is broken up, melted and
made into new glass ware.
4. Drink cans are bronght back
forrecy /
- Work in groups.
- Read aboud.
- Give the answers.
- Give remarks.
- Correct the answers.
- Read the text again and complete
the sentences with informations in
the text.
- Write on the B.B.
- Cheek and correct the answes.
- Under line the parts be + P
- Give remarks.
- Take notes.
5. House hold and waste is made
into compost.
Post - reading.5'
- Ask ps to under lined the parts be +
- Have ps give the remarks.
- T explains the passive voice's usage
and formation.
- Ask ps to give the exaruples.
S + Be + P
Eg: She is picked up at school.
He is asked to do the exercises.
- Have ps read the text once again.
4. Bài tập về nhà 2'
- Learn by heart the new words and
new grammar.
- Do exercises page 60,61,62,63 in
work book.
- Prepare part " write" for the next
- Give the examoles.
- Read aloud again.
- Do at home.
Date of preparing: Date of teaching: 8 A /B/C
Period : 65 Unit 10: write
1. Mục tiêu yêu cầu:ăng
a. Yêu cầu về kiến thức
- After finishing this lesson ps can understand and know about recyeling
some things such as paper, used tealeaves
b. Yêu cầu về kỹ năng
- Help ps to revise the way of writing giving instructions , specially is
instruction on how to recycle somethings like paper, used tea leaves by
using some ordinal words: first , second , finally
2. Yêu cầu về t duy, tình cảm