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test 11 bai 4 (2)

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Test English 11 (Term 2- No2)
Fullname:…………………………………………… Class:…………
I) Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A) sorry B) treasure C) sister D) yes
2. A) possess B) miss C) kiss D) process
3. A) musician B) suspicious C) insurance D) appreciation
4. A) preferred B) annoyed C) stopped D) played
5. A) promised B) advised C) asked D) worked
6. A) relaxed B) loved C) asked D) divorced
7. A) thinks B) things C) animals D) comes
8. A) matched B) walked C) booked D) intended
9. A) households B) friends C) meets D) reads
10. A) husbands B) tanks C) seasons D) volunteers
II) Identify the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct.
1. The scientists are searching the causes of cancer are making progress.
2. Mt. Everest is known as the world’s highest junkyard attracting many climbers.
3. The type of clothing in which people wear tells others a lot about who they are.
4. His new motorbike, to which he paid $2,000, has already had to be repaired.
5. It was on Christmas Day that children brought fine gifts by Santa Claus.
6. These two plays are rather boring. I’m afraid I don’t like neither of them.
7. Either I or my sister is in charge on the children when our parents are away on holiday.
8. Beside movies and music, it’s sports that are enjoyed by most Americans.
9. It was two well-known journalists who uncovered the scandal happened two weeks ago.

10. Any students who wants to attend the course must complete his registration before Friday.
III) Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) which is closest in meaning to the one given above.
1) Tom doesn’t speak Friench. Paul doesn’t, either.
A) Either Paul or Tom speaks French.
B) Both Tom and Paul speak French.
C) Neither Tom nor Paul speaks French.
D) Paul speaks French but Tom doesn’t.
2) It’s on Christmas Day that Santa Claus brings children fine gifts.
A) It’s on Christmas Day that children are brought fine gifts by Santa Claus.
B) It’s Santa Claus that brings children fine gifts on Christmas Day.
C) It’s on Christmas Day that fine gifts are brought for children by Santa Claus.
D) A, B and C.
3) France won the World Cup in 1998.
A) 1998 was when France won the World Cup.
B) It was in 1998 that France won the World Cup.
C) 1998 was the year when France won the World cup.
D) A, B and C.
4) I remembered leaving my dictionary at home after I had arrived at school.
A) It was after I had arrived at school that I remembered leaving my dictionary at home.
B) It was after I had arrived at school so I remembered leaving my dictionary at home.
C) Having arrived at school that I remembered leaving my dictionary at home.
D) A and C.
5) The children were attracted by the show which was performed by the animals.
A) The children attracted by the show which was performed by the animals.
B) The children were attracted by the show which to have been performed by the animals.
C) The show performing by the animals attracted the children.
D) The children were attracted by the show performed by the animals.
IV) Choose the correct answer.

1) I believe there is somebody …… at the door.
A) to knock B) knock C) knocked D) knocking
2) I can’t write anything because I have got neither a pen nor a pecil………
A) for writing B) to write C) to write with D) for me to write
3) Taj Mahal, ……….by Shah Jahan for his wife, is thought to be one of the great architectural wonders of thr world.
A) being built B) was built C) built D) been built
4) Lake Superior,…… , borders on the United States and Canada.
A) in the world is the largest lake B) is the largest lake in the world
C) it is the largest lake in the world D) the largest lake in the world
5) Higher prices will discourage the customers……
A) from buying B) to buy C) for buying D) about buying
6) Galileo made a telescope …… he could observe the sky.
A) on which B) with which C) at which D) through which
7) We don’t know the name of the person……….the police are questioning.
A) whom B) that C) ∅ D) A, B or C
8) Oxford,……….attracts many tourists, is often crowded in summer.
A) where B) which C) that D) ∅
9) The reason …… Peter came was ………he wanted to see Mary.
A) why-which B) that-that C) why-that D) why-∅
10) None of the people …….could give me any useful information.
A) whom I talked B) that I talked C) I talked to D) to whom that I talked
11) It’s the manager………we want to see.
A) which B) whose C) whom D) that
12) It is gravity …… objects toward the Earth.
A) pulling B) that pulls C) to pull D) what pulls
13) It is Peter ……., not Paul…….lent us money.
A) himself-that B) ∅-who C) ∅-that D) A, B or C
14) It is in this room … we usually hold our meetings.
A) that B) which C) where D) when
15) ……the fifth largest among the nine planets that make up our solar system.

A) The Earth is B) It is the Earth C) That the Earth is D) Being the Earth
16) Mrs Smith …… her parents is going to pay a visit to Manchester.
A) or B) and C) either D) as well as
17) A deaf-mute is someone……
A) who can’t hear or speak B) that can neither hear nor speak
C) who can’t either hear or speak D) A, B and C
18) My brother has…….toothache…… headache.
A) both-and B) not only-but also C) either-or D) A or B
19) Bob couldn’t fly a plane and……
A) Paul couldn’t either B) neither Paul could
C) Paul could either D) Neither couldn’t Paul
20) There are a lot of shops on… side of the street.
A) all B) both C) either D) neither
21) Neither Canada nor Mexico… that citizens of the United States have passports.
A) require B) requiring C) to require D) requires
22) Not only my daughter but also I……tired ……walking so far.
A) am-of B) are-from C) am-from D) are-with
23) It was your advice ……I need, your money.
A) that-neither B) ∅-not C) that-never D) that-∅
24) My grandfather told me a complicated story…….
A) which details I’ve forgotten B) the details of that I’ve forgotten
C) whose details I’ve forgotten D) details I’ve forgotten
25) New Zealand was the first country…
A) giving women the right to vote B) to be given the women the right to vote
C) where gave the women the right to vote D) to give the women the right to vote

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