Shu - Te University
College of Management
Graduate School of Finance
The Influence of Ground Service Quality and In-flight
Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A case study of
Vietnam Airlines
Student: Kim Thi Thu Huyen
Advisor: Dr. Pi-Yen Chen
Co-Advisor: Dr. Ho Thuy Ngoc
June, 2014
Shu-Te University
Graduate School of Finance
The Influence of Ground Service Quality and In-
flight Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction:
A case study of Vietnam Airlines
Kim Thi Thu Huyen June 2014
The Influence of Ground Service Quality and In-flight Service
Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A case study of Vietnam
Student: Kim Thi Thu Huyen
Advisor: Dr. Pi-Yun Chen
Co-Advisor: Dr. Ho Thuy Ngoc
A Thesis
Submitted to
Graduate School of Finance
College of Management
Shu-Te University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Master of Business Administration
Majoring in Finance
June 2014
Shu-Te University
Graduate School of Finance
The Influence of Ground Service Quality and In-flight Service
Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A case study of Vietnam
Kim Thi Thu Huyen Advisors
Dr. Pi-Yun Chen
Co-Advisor: Dr. Ho Thuy Ngoc
The airlines service chain includes the following services:
- Ticket purchase
- Check-in service
- Airports service
- Boarding service
- In-flight service
- Arrival
- Post-arrival service
However, this research only analyze the influence of Ground service quality
Check-in service, Airports service, Boarding service)
and In-flight service quality
which are services directly related to flights on Vietnam Airlines’ customer satisfaction.
There are many kind of model which can be applied to study the relationship
between Service quality and customer satisfaction such as SERVQUAL Model
developed by Parasuraman (1985), SCSB model developed by Fornell (1992), the
ACSI model developed by Fornell (1996), ECSI model developed by Eklof (2000). The
researcher selected the American Customer Satisfaction Index – ACSI model for this
research to analyze the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction
and the level in model. The research method is quantitative with multivariate statistical
analysis steps such as: testing by Cronbach Alpha coefficient, regression analysis.
The online questionnaire was used for this research to collect the Vietnam
Airlines’ customer opinion about the Vietnam Airlines’ services. From the analyzing of
134 respondents, result of the research shown that service quality had different level of
impact on customer satisfaction at each step of service in which service quality has
extremely strong impact on customer satisfaction in term of Check-in service, Boarding
service and In-flight service. Service quality has weak impact on customer satisfaction
in Airport service due to this service not only offer by Vietnam Airlines but also offer
by the other company. Base on the result of the analysis, it can be concluded that the
service quality has important role for service provider such as Vietnam Airlines to
improve their competitiveness.
In addition, the research results also show some suggestion for improving the
Vietnam Airlines services as well as indicate the limitations of the research.
Keywords: Service quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer complaint, Airline
service, ACSI model
During the performance of this thesis, I have received much assistance from the
people who help me to complete the thesis. I could not finish this thesis without helping
form them, so I wanted to express my deep gratitude to those people.
First, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to the teachers of the
University SHU-TE and the Foreign Trade University Hanoi, Vietnam who taught me
and helped me throughout the course.
Next, I would like to express my special thanks to Dr. Pi Yun Chen from
University of SHU-TE and Dr. Ho Thuy Ngoc from Foreign Trade University Hanoi,
Vietnam who are my advisors and gave me guidance and useful feedback to complete
the thesis.
I would like to thank my MBAF4 classmates who shared document and help me
during the implementation of this research. I also thanks for my colleagues who work in
Vietnam Airlines especially the people working in Marketing Department and Planning
& Development Department. They help me to get the Vietnam Airlines service
information and delivering the questionnaire to the Vietnam Airlines’ Frequent Flyer
Program’ members.
I would like to thank my friend in Vietnam Airlines Informatics Department who
help me to collect and analyze the data of this thesis.
Finally, I really thank my family who gave me mobilization and encouraged me
during the learning process and the implementation of this thesis.
Thank you very much!
Kim Thi Thu Huyen (MBAF4 – SHU-TE University)
Table of Contents
Abstract i
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures x
1.1. Research background 1
1.1.1. Introduction to the context of the Aviation Industry in the world 1
1.1.2. The context of the Aviation Industry in Viet Nam and Vietnam Airlines 2
Table 1. Vietnam Airlines Fleet to 2018 3
1.1.3. The necessity of researching the influence of service quality on Vietnam
Airrlines’ customer satisfaction 3
1.2. Research motive 4
1.3. Research purposes 5
1.4. Research questions 6
1.5. Research procedure 6
2.1. Services in Airline Industry 8
2.1.1. Services Chain in airlines industry 9
2.1.2. Airlines Service attributes 11
2.2. Service quality, Customer satisfaction 15
2.2.1. Service quality 15
2.2.2. Customer Satisfaction 23
2.2.3. Relationship between Airline Service quality and Customer satisfaction 26
2.3. The evolution of satisfaction index model 27
3.1. Research model 32
3.1.1. Selected model 32
3.1.2. Reason to select the ACSI 34
3.2. Research hypotheses 34
3.3. Measurement of variables 37
3.4. Data collection and analysis 38
3.4.1. Research method 38
3.4.2. Questionnaire design 39
3.4.3. Sampling method and sample size 42
3.4.4. Data collection 43
4.1. Sample description 44
4.1.1. Highlights of Vietnam Airlines’ customers 44
4.1.2. Demographic information 45
4.2. Reliability, hypothesis test and discussion 47
4.2.1. Check-in service (CI) 47
Table 6. Data of regression PVCI from ECI, SQCI 48
Table 7. Data of regression SCI from PVCI 49
Table 8. Data of regression CCI from SCI 50
Figure 15. Result of ACSI in case of Vietnam Airlines Check-in Service 52
4.2.2. Airports Service (AS) 52
Table 10. Data of regression PVAS from EAS, SQAS 53
Model Summary 53
Coefficientsa 53
Table 11. Data of regression SAS from PVAS 54
Table 12. Data of regression CAS from SAS 54
4.2.3. Boarding Service (BS) 56
Table 14. Data of regression PVBS from EBS, SQBS 57
Model Summary 57
Coefficientsa 57
Table 15. Data of regression SBS from PVBS 58
Table 16. Data of regression CBS from SBS 59
4.2.4. In-flight Service (IS) 61
Table 47. Result of Reliability Test for Inflight service 61
Table 18. Data of regression PVIS from EIS, SQIS 62
Model Summary 62
Coefficientsa 62
Table 19. Data of regression SIS from PVIS 63
Model Summary 63
Coefficientsa 63
Table 20. Data of regression CIS from SIS 63
4.2.5. Overall service 65
5.1. Findings and contribution 71
5.1.1. Findings for Vietnam Airlines Services 71
5.1.2. Contribution 73
5.2. Implication 74
5.2.1. Check-in service 75
5.2.2. Airport service 75
5.2.3. Boarding service 76
5.2.4. In- flight service 77
5.2.5. For Vietnam Airlines employees 77
5.3. The limitations of the research 80
[1] Angelova, B., Measuring Customer Satisfaction with Service Quality Using
American Customer Satisfaction Model (ACSI Model), Full Professor at Ss Cyril and
Methodius University, Economic Institute, Prolet nr 1, Skopje- Macedonia 82
[13]Lee, H.S. (2013) “Major Moderators Influencing the Relationships of Service
Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty” Asian Social Science; Vol.
9, No. 2; 2013 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025 Published by Canadian Center of
Science and Education 83
List of Tables
Abstract i
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures x
Table 1. Vietnam Airlines Fleet to 2018 3
Table 6. Data of regression PVCI from ECI, SQCI 48
Table 7. Data of regression SCI from PVCI 49
Table 8. Data of regression CCI from SCI 50
Figure 15. Result of ACSI in case of Vietnam Airlines Check-in Service 52
Table 10. Data of regression PVAS from EAS, SQAS 53
Model Summary 53
Coefficientsa 53
Table 11. Data of regression SAS from PVAS 54
Table 12. Data of regression CAS from SAS 54
Table 14. Data of regression PVBS from EBS, SQBS 57
Model Summary 57
Coefficientsa 57
Table 15. Data of regression SBS from PVBS 58
Table 16. Data of regression CBS from SBS 59
Table 47. Result of Reliability Test for Inflight service 61
Table 18. Data of regression PVIS from EIS, SQIS 62
Model Summary 62
Coefficientsa 62
Table 19. Data of regression SIS from PVIS 63
Model Summary 63
Coefficientsa 63
Table 20. Data of regression CIS from SIS 63
[13]Lee, H.S. (2013) “Major Moderators Influencing the Relationships of Service
Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty” Asian Social Science; Vol.
9, No. 2; 2013 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025 Published by Canadian Center of
Science and Education 83
List of Figures
Abstract i
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures x
Table 1. Vietnam Airlines Fleet to 2018 3
Table 6. Data of regression PVCI from ECI, SQCI 48
Table 7. Data of regression SCI from PVCI 49
Table 8. Data of regression CCI from SCI 50
Figure 15. Result of ACSI in case of Vietnam Airlines Check-in Service 52
Table 10. Data of regression PVAS from EAS, SQAS 53
Model Summary 53
Coefficientsa 53
Table 11. Data of regression SAS from PVAS 54
Table 12. Data of regression CAS from SAS 54
Table 14. Data of regression PVBS from EBS, SQBS 57
Model Summary 57
Coefficientsa 57
Table 15. Data of regression SBS from PVBS 58
Table 16. Data of regression CBS from SBS 59
Table 47. Result of Reliability Test for Inflight service 61
Table 18. Data of regression PVIS from EIS, SQIS 62
Model Summary 62
Coefficientsa 62
Table 19. Data of regression SIS from PVIS 63
Model Summary 63
Coefficientsa 63
Table 20. Data of regression CIS from SIS 63
[13]Lee, H.S. (2013) “Major Moderators Influencing the Relationships of Service
Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty” Asian Social Science; Vol.
9, No. 2; 2013 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025 Published by Canadian Center of
Science and Education 83
This chapter will give the background of the research in which introduce the
Airline Industry, history of Vietnam Airlines, present the research motive, the research
purpose and research producer.
1.1. Research background
1.1.1. Introduction to the context of the Aviation Industry in the world
Airline industry is necessary for the world as without air transportation, such
industries as leisure and tourism would be affected and international business activities
would become much more difficult to conduct (Tiernan et al., 2008). It is one of the
biggest industries in the world, reaching turnover of 18$ billion in profits as of 2010
(IATA, 2011) and 501.2$ billion (Datamonitor, 2011) and hence providing
remarkable amount of work places as well as taxation revenues to governments.
There are two major issues affect the airlines profit (Kostama & Toivonen, 2012):
firstly, financial crisis and terrorism threat impact to the industry growth: 11.9%
industry growth in 2010 and 7.8% in 2011 (Datamonitor, 2011). While the expected
recovery is slow, Airlines Industry growth estimate to reach only 7.4% in 2015
(Datamonitor, 2011). Second, deregulation of airline industry in 1990s. It is allowed
low- cost carriers (LLCs) to join the Airline market with new business model. It atract
the customers away from traditional airlines. Deregulation introduces the new services
and more competition within the Airline industry, as well as provide customers more
chance to select their flight. In 2009, LLCs accounted for 32% of total market share in
Europe. In addition to existence of LLCs, airline industry has some thing change during
the last few years, such as provide e-tickets, introduction of self-service check-in
machine, etc. (IATA, 2011). In addition, according to Tiernan et al. (2008/1), the airline
industry has challenge to face with a competition from other modes of transportation,
such as high-speed trains.
Thus, the airlines attempted to cope with the challenges. They have searched for
the new generation aircraft, fuel savings equipment and modern furniture to provide
quality services, to attract customers market revenue distribution. Numerous older
generation aircraft such as B747, B767, ATR72-200, B737-500, etc. gradually being
replaced by modern aircraft, new generation A380, B777, A321, B737-
600/700/800/900, ATR72-500/600, etc. To meet the trend of the market, the
manufacturer of the aircraft and are continuing to research the new generation aircraft
such as B787, A350, C series. In addition, the worldwide airlines should find the way to
improve their service quality.
1.1.2. The context of the Aviation Industry in Viet Nam and Vietnam Airlines
Vietnam is developing country in the South East of the Asia continent. The
population is approximately 89 million (2010) and the mainland territory is about 331
thousand square kilometre. With a huge number of inhabitants, Vietnam is a prospective
market with both consumer and business opportunities. Since Viet Nam joined World
Trade Organization (WTO) in 2007, many foreign investor coming to Viet Nam to set
up their business in many different fields. Thus, Airline industry in Viet Nam has many
opportunities to grow. Evidence show that there are about 16 airlines choosing Viet
Nam as one of their destination in their routes (E-Guide, 2006).
Currently in Vietnam, there are 06 air transport business Jetstar Pacific Airlines,
VASCO, SFC (helicopter operator), VietJet Air, Air Mekong and Vietnam Airlines in
which Vietnam Airlines has the largest market share. The competition on domestic
market and international market is a challenge for Vietnam Airlines. To gain the high
market share, Vietnam Airlines is no way other than to continuously improve service
quality. Studying the services quality to find out the factors that need to be improved is
a survival matter to win the global competition (Vietnam Airlines Source). However,
improving the service quality is an extremely difficult task and expensive, and it
requires a deep understanding of the elements of services and solution to improve the
quality of each element to meet customer satisfaction lead to build up customer loyalty
for Vietnam Airlines.
History of Vietnam Airlines started from January 1956 as Civil Aviation
Administration of Vietnam was established by the Government, it marked the coming
out into society of the civil Aviation sector of Vietnam. At that time, the flight team was
very small, with only 5 paddle planes IL 14, AN 2, Aero 45, etc. The first domestic
flight was started in 9/1956.
On 27/05/1995, Vietnam Airlines Company Limited was established based on
associating 20 enterprises operating the business of aviation service, taking Vietnam
Airlines as the core. In 2006, Vietnam Airlines officially became the member of
International Air Transport Association and affirmed the quality of service bearing its
international standard. On 10/6/2010, Vietnam Airlines officially became the 10th
member of SkyTeam, one of 03 global aviation alliances (Star Alliance, SkyTeam and
OneWorld). Currently, Vietnam Airlines has 22 subsidiaries and affiliates. Vietnam
Airlines has code share agreements with Skyteam member to connect flight to 1000
destinations over the world. To create the premise for the sustainable development in
the future, Vietnam Airlines implemented the development strategy of flight crew under
the direction of giving priority to selecting the plane types using advanced technology in
the civil aviation sector of the world such as Airbus A350XWB, Boeing 787-9.
Table 1. Vietnam Airlines Fleet to 2018
(Vietnam Airlines Website at:
/>1.1.3. The necessity of researching the influence of service quality on Vietnam
Airrlines’ customer satisfaction
Vietnam Airlines Company Limited (VNA) is one of the companies supplying
very important service in the economy of Vietnam. VNA is accounting for a main
position in supplying domestic transport service and it is urgently expanding its
operation to international airlines. Therefore, the competition on domestic and
international is a challenge for VNA. In order to win in this competition, VNA has to
Item Aircraft type Aircraft quantity
1 F70 02
2 ATR72-500 16
3 A321 58
4 A330-200 10
5 B777-300 10
6 A350XWB-900 14 (Received in 2015-2018)
7 B787-9 19 (Received in 2015-2018)
improve the service quality. The research of service quality to find out the factors of
quality can be improved better; it is a vital issue to win in the global competition.
However, the improvement of service quality is a very difficult and costly work, and to
implement this work, it requires having deep knowledge about the factors constituting
the service and measures on improving the quality of each of such factors in order to
meet the customer satisfaction, lead to the creation of customer loyalty for VNA.
Therefore, researching the influence of aviation service quality (ground and in-flight
services) on customer loyalty for VNA is very necessary, thereby; it is possible to
propose the solutions on improving the feeling of customers on service quality of each
factor as well as general quality to create regular customers for VNA.
1.2. Research motive
The world leading organization on evaluating the aviation firms - SKYTRAX
carries out the evaluation on service quality of aviation firms every year based on
satisfaction level of the customers. The evaluation is implemented for service fields
such as Airport Service, Onboard Service, Cabin Staff, for the customers of aviation
firms over 100 different countries through the questionnaire for exploring the ideas of
customers and it is implemented through the means such as direct interview to
customers, online survey, and delivery of questionnaire sheet to customers or through
travel agencies.
The most recently, it was in 2012, SKYTRAX evaluated that the service quality of
Vietnam Airlines had much improvement in comparison to 2011. However, in 2012 and
2013, Vietnam Airlines will still maintain at the level of 03 stars and cannot reach to the
level of 04 stars because many service aspects must be further improved (SKYSTRAX
According to the development plan of VNA from now to 2020, VNA is expected
to reach the level of 04 stars in 2015 and 05 stars in 2020. With the evaluation of
SKYTRAX, in order to reach the objective of increasing the level for its service, VNA
will need much improvement in term of service quality and in many service aspects
(Vietnam Airlines Sources).
In addition to basing on the annual evaluation of SKYTRAX to compare the
quality of VNA with other aviation firms in the region and in the world, VNA regularly
has surveys for exploring the ideas of customers about service quality of VNA, from
that point; it will evaluate the satisfaction level of customers to service quality of VNA.
According to the evaluation of passengers on the flights of VNA in fourth quarters in
2012, service quality of VNA was at good level. The customers complained much about
service quality of Vietnam Airlines such as meal on the plane, entertainment system,
seat, service attitude of staff, especially regular happening of delay or cancellation of
flight (Vietnam airlines quarterly survey report 2012).
On the other hand, on international airlines, VNA must regularly compete with
long-term and famous aviation firms: in the region, there are Singapore Airlines, Thai
Airways, and All Nipon Airways; in the world, there are British Airway, Lufthansa, Air
France… In Vietnamese market, at present, VNA must compete with many domestic
aviation firms such as Mekong Air, Jetstar Pacific, Vietjet Air. Hence, Vietnam Airlines
must improve the service quality to satisfy at the maximum level the demand of
customers and consolidating and improving the competitive capacity of VNA (Vietnam
Airlines Sources). If not improving the service quality, it also means that VNA will lose
gradually the market in not only international market but also in Vietnamese market.
From the past up to now, there were many researches in the field of aviation. For
example, the research on quality of aviation service such as Solution on expanding the
market of VNA by Tran Thi Phuong Hien, 2003; Improving the quality of passenger
service at Noibai Airport Services Joint-Stock Company by Le Duc Long, 2000;
Evaluation target and research on product quality of VNA by Nguyen Manh Quan,
2004. However, there is no research on influence of service quality on customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty. As a staff of VNA, in front of the competition of
VNA and with the aspiration of contributing a part into the development of VNA, I
would like to research this subject in order to find out essential solutions for promoting
the development of VNA in particular and aviation sector of Vietnam in general.
1.3. Research purposes
For VNA, a company specializing in service business, the issue of improving the
service quality to satisfy at the maximum the demand of customers is vital one.
As being stated above: (i) Service quality of VNA according to SKYTRAX is
only at the level of 03 stars, there is no clear improvement (ii) passengers complain very
much about service quality of VNA (iii) the competition in the international and
domestic markets is increasingly violent; therefore, it is necessary to increase the
satisfaction of customer to service quality in order to improve the competitive capacity;
that is driving force for implementation of this research. Besides, the implementation of
this research subject helps us:
1. Understand clearly the nature of aviation service quality, influence of aviation
service quality on customer satisfaction. Understand clearly what the customers need
and how to make the customers be willing to further use the service of VNA or
introduce to friends and relatives for using the service of VNA.
2. Understand clearly the feature of each service type in the aviation service series
and require the quality corresponding to each service type; have thorough grasp of
actual situation of aviation service quality, from that point, determine which service
aspect needs maintaining the quality and which service aspect needs improving.
3. As understanding clearly the nature of factors at sections 1, 2, it is necessary to
find suitable solution to not only overcome the weaknesses, unsuitability of each service
factor but also improve the service quality, increase the customer satisfaction, from that
point, increase the customer loyalty to VNA.
4. From that point, withdrawing the suitable competition strategy for VNA in each
period to increase the market share of VNA in Vietnam, in the the region and in the
1.4. Research questions
This research to be done to find out the factors impacting on the customer
satisfaction for Vietnam airlines in field of Ground Service and In-flight service. The
affected level of each factor impact on customer satisfaction. Especially, the research
focuses on defining the influence of Ground service quality and In-flight service quality
on Vietnam Airlines customer satisfaction. Thus, the research questions are:
1. Which factor affect Vietnam Airlines customer satisfaction?
2. How is affecting level of each factor on customer satisfaction?
3. How does the service quality affect customer satisfaction?
1.5. Research procedure
To implement this research, it is necessary to implement 07 steps:
Step 1: This is the first and very important step. In this step, it is necessary to put
forth the following questions and answer such questions:
- What issue do we intend to research?
- The necessity of researching such issue.
- Why such issue must be researched and what is the purpose of researching that
Step 2: After determining the research object, we will have to collect the report,
document, previous research subjects relating to the issues which we intend to research,
previous research models which were applied for the fields similar to this subject. There
are evaluations on suitability or unsuitability or previous researches if they are applied
to this research subject.
Step 3: Step 2 is the premise for step 3. From the evaluations of step 2, the
researcher will have to select the most suitable model to his research subject, state the
reason why the researcher selects this model. It is necessary to give out the hypothesis
about relationship among the variables, build the questionnaire to carry out the survey
on the basis of measurement scale of each variable.
Step 4: Carry out information collection. The information collection can be
implemented through website, email or giving directly the questionnaire to subjects to
be surveyed, explored the information. The questionnaire must be clear, the questions
must be concentrated, not too long. For the surveys having foreign factor, the
questionnaire must have both Vietnamese and English. After finishing the survey, carry
out the data collection for implementing the analysis.
Step 5: After having the data, we must carry out the data update accurately to the
computer and use software programs for data analysis. The data must be analyzed
according to each measurement scale corresponding to each variable in order to see the
influence level to each other among the variables.
Step 6: We will have evaluations on influence to each other among the variables
on the basis of the result of data analysis at step 5 in order to see whether the hypothesis
at step 3 are true or false.
Step 7: From the issues discovered at step 6, we will give out the conclusions,
contribution recommendations to the research subject and state the limitations of the
process of implementing the subject research.
Plenty of researches carry out for services, service quality and customer
satisfaction. This chapter aims to provide an overview of the literature in this field.
Firstly, service in airlines industry is discussed to introduce the airlines service
attribute and details relevant to airline business are added. Next, the service quality,
customer satisfaction in airline industry is reviewed. Discussion on customer
satisfaction and expectations adds to understanding of importance of customer
satisfaction and explains service elements. Finally, customer satisfaction model is
introduced. Especially, it will describe the details of ACSI model.
2.1. Services in Airline Industry
2.1.1. Services Chain in airlines industry
Gliatis and Minis (2007) define that a service is a series of processes; and each
of those processes creates
different value for a service. Each value of service
depends on service
(characteristics). Similarly, Chen and Chang
that airline service as a chain of services; each service is made of a sequence of
processes. A service process is divided into ground and in- flight services (sub-
processes). Chen and
(2005) also suppose that both have to be evaluated
individually, a customer is not
likely to create the difference between them.
Thus, t his re s ea r c h describe the service
from a customer’s perspective, a
process that coverts inputs to outputs through service process when customer use
air transportation. Service process include of sub-processes, each of sub-processes
creating towards a service in
Thus, conclusion can be made as Figure 1.
Figure 1. Service process model
Gronroos (1982) and Parasumaran et al. (
1985) suggest that
the customer enter
into a service process with certain expectations, made by word of mouth
marketing campaigns or experiences etc.
expected service has an impact on the
service process itself as well as the output of the
i.e. perceived service.
Perceived service quality is
between expected and perceived
Parasumaran’s (1985) gap model
Kelley (2012) suggests the service process is based on the airline passenger
lifecycle, which
of five steps as Figure 2 below.
Figure 2. Airline passenger lifecycle
(Kelley, 2012)
The airline passenger lifecycle evaluate the opportunities for value creation.
The author
that an airline has an opportunity to create value for the
customer between each stage of lifecycle. Nevertheless, Carlzon (1989) assumes that
the cycle seems rather generalized and misses such value creation aspects like
with airline staff.
The service process includes process and attributes which define what important
service delivery of the step is
Similarly to Kelley’s (2012) lifecycle model, the
process model is evaluating what are the customer expectations of the service
process, and where the value is generated. Johnson et al. (1995) suppose that
approach is helpful for realizing areas of
service should be
The service process (Figure 3) was redesigned based on the performance of
booking process and Finnair
AY0715 / AY0718 (Helsinki-Prague-
Helsinki) in April 2012 and make discussions with target group members
and their perception. Decision relating to the trip even it is part of the entire
perception. However, it has nothing to do with actual services that
it is not taking
Figure 3. Service process
Chang and Yeh (2002) state that way to measure service quality is to define a
number of
attributes. Hence, service process is divided into 07 steps,
each step represents a point where
customer may experience different types of
services. Each step shall be appointed as service quality attributes (Chang & Yeh,
2002; Gilbert & Wong,
Park et al., 2004; Chen & Chang, 2005)
. Service
process can be found from Figure 3.
2.1.2. Airlines Service
(1) Ticket p
Nowadays m ost of tickets purchasing are through travel agencies or online.
Nevertheless, call centers
exist, and it is available for customer to ask for
information and purchase the ticket there. It can be assumed that the ticket purchasing
might happen at the
check-in counter
without direct contact with the airline before
Carlzon (1987) states the key aspect
service experience, called ‘moment of truth’
was the customer firstly contact with the company’s
line employees (or, more
precisely, first 15 seconds of it) – in case of ticket purchase, it was a booking on the
phone. The online booking process became much easier: the information
24/7 and the customer freely select between various offers, flight schedule
and different
etc. Hence, now it becomes more difficult for an airline to
compete with the others due to it is so easy
with various
Ticket purchase include several steps: searching for information, ticket selection
and booking process. Currently a number of intermediaries are available to provide a
source of information for travelers, such
, www. e
bo o
k er s
. f i, etc. S
of websites not only provide the
information but also provide the direct ticket purchasing while the others only
provide information and ticket purchasing happens on other websites ore
airline own home pages. The following attributes are for ticket purchasing process
* Easily available information on ticket prices, flight schedule
* Ease, accuracy and speed of booking
(2) Check-in
Check-in services have started as over the counter through face-to-face
interaction in last decade. Nowadays, the developing of technology allow passenger
to make some thing online. Regular check-in is still available in smaller airports,
leisure destinations. In addition, there are other options such as check-in online, via
check-in machines at the airport or
text message. For example, Finnair has phased
out regular
completely on economy seat and leisure flights (, February
2012). According to Chang & Yang (
, such changes in infrastructure affect
service quality perceptions as well
change expectations of service performance
Some Airlines applied simple ways to make the check-in for their
customers. Austrian Airlines provides its customer and Star Alliances’ customers
with the chance to check-in at city center. Passengers can check-in, drop their luggage
and take a speed train to the
airport at
Vienna City Terminal, it take only in 16
minutes (,
The check-in attributes are as follow
* Ease, accuracy and speed of
* More than one check-in
counter are available
* The Airline staffs are courteous and helpful in case of using regular check-
in or have
check-in machine.
(3) Airport
Airport infrastructure affects customer perception of service quality (Rendeiro