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Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ơn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
2009 – 2010
1. Present Simple tense.( Thì hiện tại đơn)
- Use : Để diễn tả các sự việc một cách tổng quát , không nhất thiết chỉ nghó đến hiện tại . Ta dùng thì này
để nói đến moat sự việc nào đó xảy ra liên tục ,lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần , hay môt điều gì đó luôn luôn
đúng ,dù cho sự việc đó có xảy ra ngay tại lúc nói hay không là điều không quan trọng .
- Form: + S + V/V
s / es
+ ……………………. Ex -The earth goes around the sun.
- S + don’t/doesn’t + V+ ……………… -We don’t have classes on Sunday.
? Do/Does + S + V + ………………….? - Does Lan speak French?
2. (not ) adjective + enough + infinitive ( không ) đủ ……………… để
Ex: The water is hot enough for me to drink.
She isn’t old enough to be in my class
3. Near Future: Be going to ( thì tương lai gần )
- Form : S + is / am/ are + going to + Vinf
- Use : Dùng khi nói về một việc mà ai đó quyết đònh sẽ làm hay dự đònh sẽ làm trong tương lai.
Ex : There is a good film on TV tonight. I’m going to stay home to watch TV .
- Note : Be going to còn dùng để dự đoán một tình huống có thể xảy ra
Ex: I feel tired . I think I’m going to be sick.
4. Adverb of place ( Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn ): out side, inside, there, here, upstairs, downstairs ,next to ,under ,
Ex: The money was finally found under the boards.
5. Reflexive pronouns.( Đại từ phản thân) : myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves,
themselves .
- Diễn tả hành động trở lại với chính người thực hiện .
+ Nó có thể làm túc từ (Object ) Ex: Be careful You’ll cut yourself.
+ Nó đứng ngay sau từ mà nó làm mạnh nghóa. Ex : An sent this letter itself.

- Đại từ phản thân làm mạnh nghóa cho chủ từ. Nó đứng ngay sau chủ từ, hoặc đứng ở cuối mệnh đề /câu.
Ex: Mary herself cleaned the floor.
6. Modal verbs
- Form : + S + modal verb + V + ………. Ex : I can sing very well.
- S + modal verb + not + V + ……… Ex : Hoa may not come to the party tomorrow.
? Modal verb + S + V + ………….? Ex : May I come in ?
- Modal verb : must, ought to, have to,should
* MUST : là khiếm trợ động từ ( a modal ) diễn tả sự bắt buộc hay sự cần thiết có tính chủ quan- do cảm
nghó của người nói. (Ex: He must do this exercise again.), hay diễn tả tính qui tắc hay lề luật . (Ex: We must
drive on the right.)
* HAVE TO : diễn tả sự bắt buộc hay sự cần thiết có tính khách quan – do yếu tố bên ngoài.
Ex: Your eyes are weak. You have to wear glasses.
* OUGHT TO + V(base form) (nên): diễn tả lời khuyên. Ex: We ought to obey our parents.
* SHOULD: diễn tả lời khuyên Ex: You should help the needed children.
* MAY / CAN / COULD : được dùng để diễn tả lời yêu cầu hay đề nghò
- Yêu cầu sự giúp đỡ: Can / Could + you + V + O / A,please ?(Ex: Can you help me ,please.)
- Đề nghò giúp ai: May + I + V + O/A ?; Let + me + V + O/A. ; Do you need any help? Shall + I +
V + O / A ? Ex: May I help you?
* WILL: dùng để diễn tả lời yêu cầu , đề nghò hoặc lời hứa
- Will + you + V + O + A / M , please? Diễn tả lời yêu cầu.
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ơn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
Ex: Will you turn of the fan, please ? I’m cold.
- I + will + V + O + A / M ? diễn tả lời đề nghò làm điều gì cho ai .
Ex: The phone is ringing . I’ll answer for you.
- S + will + V + O + A / M ? diễn tả lời hứa . Ex: I’m sory. This won’t happen again.
* Would / Do you + mind + . . . + ? diễn tả lời yêu cầu lòch sự .
- Would you mind + V-ing ( gerund) ? Ex:Would you mind telling me the result of the exam.
- Would / Do you mind if + I + V . . .? diễn tả yêu cầu được làm điều gì
Ex: Would you mind if I opened the window? Do you mind if I open the window?

7. Questions with “WHY” : Dùng để hỏi về nguyên nhân hay lý do
Why + do / aux. V + S + Vm + O . . . ?
Ex: Why do they cover the electric sockets?
Để trả lời cho câu hỏi với WHY ta có thể dùng :
- Mệnh đề với “because”. Ex: Why do you get up early? – Because I want to do exercise.
- Cụm động từ nguyên mẫu . Ex: Why do you do exercise? – To keep healthy.
8. Past Simple Tense (Thì quá khứ đơn)
- Use : Diễn tả hành động xảy ra và kết thúc tại một thời điểm xác đònh ở quá khứ
- Form: + S + V
/ V
2 ( column irregular)
+ ………… Ex : - He arrived here yesterday.
- S + didn’t + V + …………………. - She didn’t go to school yesterday.
? Did + S + V + …………………… ? - Did you clean this table?
- Note: Thì quá khứ đơn thường được dùng với các cum từ chỉ thời gian xác đònh ở quá khứ : last week /
month / year . . ., a week / 3 days / 5 months . . . , yesterday, yesterday morning / evening, In+ năm, from
2000 to2005
- Cách đọc các đông từ ở quá khứ đơn với “ ED”:
+ “ ED”: được đọc là /t/ khi những động từ nguyên mẫu có t ừ tận cùng là gh, k, p, ss, ch, sh.
Ex : laughed , asked , helped , watch , pushed , dressed , ……………
+ “ ED”: đươcï đọc là /id/ khi những động từ nguyên mẫu có âm tận cùng là /d/ và /t/
Ex : needed , wanted , waited , ……
+ “ ED”: đươcï đọc là /d/ khi những động từ nguyên mẫu có âm tận cùng là các âm còn lại
Ex : enjoyed , saved , filled ,……….
9. Preposition of time ( Giới từ chỉ thời gian ) : at, in ,on, from . . . to, for, by
- AT : + một điểm thời gian cụ thể Ex : We have class at one o’clock.
+ night Ex : I sleep at night.
- IN : + tháng/năm cụ thể Ex : I was born 1994
+ the morning/afternoon / evening Ex : We have class in the morning.

- ON: + ngày trong tuần Ex : We have class on Monday.
+ ngày tháng năm Ex: I was born on April 6, 2006
- FROM + một điểm thời gian + TO + một điểm thời gian
Ex: We have class from 7.00 to 10.15
- FOR: + một khoảng thời gian : để nói rằng một cái gì đó diễn ra bao lâu rồi
Ex : We walked for 2 hours to reach the waterfall.
10. Used to + V(bare form) : diễn tả một thói quen trong quá khứ nay không còn
Ex: He used to play tennis.
* Note : Sự tương phản: USED TO + V(bare form) (Đã từng )
Ex: Ba was born in a famer family. He’s used to working in the sun.
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ơn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
11. Adverb of Manner( Trạng từ chỉ thể cách ): thường theo sau tân ngữ nếu có Đa số trạng từ chỉ thể cách
được cấu tạo từ tính từ thêm hậu tố LY : adjective + ly = adverb
Ex: This man drives carefully.
12. Commands, requests and advice in reported speech
* Commands in reported speech: Câu mệnh lệnh ở lời nói gián tiếp
( Don’t ) + V + O / A
S + told / ordered . . . + O + ( not ) + infinitive + O / A
Ex: “Turn off the light before going top bed,” my mother said to me.
→ My mother told me to turn of the light before going top bed.
Ex: “Don’t play with matches,” the mother said.
→ The mother warned her child not to play with matches.
* Requests in reported speech: Câu yêu cầu ở lời nói gián tiếp
Please + (don’t ) + V + O / A hoặc ( Don’t ) + V + O / A , please
S + asked / begged . . . + O + ( not ) + infinitive + O / A
Ex: Please turn on the light.→ He asked me to turn on the light.
Ex: Please don’t make a noise here. → They asked us not to make a noise there.
* Advice in reported speech: Lời khuyên ơ lời nói gián tiếp . Lời khuyên có cấu trúc:

- S + should / ought to / had better + V + O / A.
- Why don’t + you + V + O / A ?
- If I were + O , I’d (not ) + V + O / A .
→ S + advised + O + ( not ) infinitive + O/A.
Ex: “ You’d better work hard for exam,” Tom said to his brother.
→ Tom advised his brother to study hard for the exam.
“If I were you,I’d not do such a thing,”Mai said to Lan. → Mai advised Lan not to do such a thing.
13. Gerund (danh động từ ) : là dạng động từ tận cùng bằng “ – ING” và có chức năng của một danh từ. Nó
có thể làm :
- Chủ ngữ: Ex: Smoking is harmful to health.
- Tân ngữ Ex : We’re thinking about raising our class’s fund.
Ex: We practise speaking English in class.
- Làm bổ từ cho chủ từ Ex: My interest is collecting stamps.
- Từ đồng vò Ex: He has one desire , taking care of his old parents.
- Theo sau một số động từ : Ex: I’d like reading books.
14. Present perfect tense( Thì hiện tại hoàn thành )
- Use :- Dùng để miêu tả một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng kết quả còn lưu đến hiện tại
- Dùng để miêu tả một hành động vừa mới xảy ra ( ta dùng với JUST)
- Dùng để miêu tả một hành động được hoàn tất sớm hơn sự mong đợi (ta dùng với ALREADY) Ex: I
have already finished this work.
- Dùng để miêu tả một hành động từ trước đến giờ chưa hề hoặc không hề xảy ra ( ta dùng với EVER
–NEVER) . Ex: Have you ever been to Hue? I have never gone.
- Dùng để miêu tả một hành động đã xảy ratrong quá khứ tính đến nay đã xảy ra được bao lâu
(FOR) hoặc đã xảy ra từ lúc nào (Since)
* For : Chỉ thời gian kéo dài bao lâu. Ex: You have studied English for 4 years.
* Since: thời gian bắt đầu từ lúc nào Ex: She has studied English since 2003.
15. Comparison of adjectives and adverbs
1. So sánh bằng
- Dạng khẳng đònh: S + V + as + adj / adv + as + Noun Ex: Mai is as tall as Lan .

Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ơn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
- Dạng phủ đònh: S + V + not + as / so + adj / adv + as + Noun Ex: Mai isn’t as/so tall as Lan
2. Similarity ( Sự tương đồng) : Để diễn tả sự tương đồng ,ta có thể dùng :
- LIKE ( giống, như ) Ex: He ‘s like his father.
- THE SAME AS ( giống như ) Ex: Your shirt is the same as Ba’s.
- DIFFERENT FROM ( khác với ) Ex: He’s different from his mother.
* Note : “THE SAME + noun + AS”cũng được dùng để diễn tả sự tương đồng hay bằng nhau.
Ex : He is the same age as my brother.→ He’s as old as my brother.
16- Present progressive Tense ( Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn )
- Use : Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra vào đúng thời điểm nói.
-Form : + S + is / am/ are + V
+ …………… Ex : I’m learning English now.
- S + is / am/ are + not + V
+ …… He isn’t learning English now.
? Is / Am / Are + S + V
+ ………? Is he reading books now?
- Note: Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn thường dùng kèm với các trạng từ : now, right now,at present , at the moment
để nhấn mạnh tính chất đang diễn tiến của hành động ở ngay lúc nói .
17- Comparative and superlative adjectives ( So sánh hơn và hơn nhất )
2. So sánh hơn
- Tính từ có một âm tiết : Adjective –er + than Ex: I’m stronger than you.
- Tính từ có hai âm tiết trở lên: More + adj +than Ex: My sister is more beautiful than me.
3 So sánh hơn nhất
-Tính từ có một âm tiết : The + Adj –est Ex: This tower is the tallest.
- Tính từ có hai âm tiết trở lên: The + most + adj Ex:Hoa is the most beautiful in my class
Note : Một số tính từ bất qui tắc
Good - better - the best fas - farther - the farthest

Bad - worse - the worst further - the furthest
18. Adjectives followed by an infinitive or a clause.
(Tính từ được theo sau bởi một động từ nguyên mẫu hay một mệnh đề.)
1.Tính từ chỉ cảm giác thường được theo sau bởi một cụm động từ nguyên mẫu (infinitive phrase).
S + be + adjective + (not) infinitive phrase. Ex .: I’m glad to meet you again.
He was surprised to get me letter.
Một số tính từ khác như : sure, certain, right, careful, lucky, wrong, … được theo sau bởi một cụm động từ
nguyên mẫu. Ex . : He’s certain to win the game. Be careful not to dirty the picture.
2.Một số tính từ có thể được theo sau bởi một mệnh đề danh từ (a noun clause).
Ex: I’m glad ( that ) you can make it.
19. In order to – so as to + V( base form) : được dùng để diễn tả mục đích
Ex: He’s saving money in order to / so as to go on holiday next summer.
20. Future simple Tense ( Thì tương lai đơn)
- Use : Diễn tả một hành động sẽ xảy ra tại một thời điểm nào đó trong tương lai.
- Form : + S + will / shall + V + …………… Ex: He will finish his homework tomorrow .
- S+ won’t / shan’t + V + ……………… Lan won’t go to the zoo next week.
? Will / Shall + S + V + …………………. ? Will you do this exercise ?
21 . The passive form (voice)
Form: BE + V
/V-ed (past participle)
Cấu trúc của câu bò động
Subject + be = past participle + by + object
This tree was planted by my grand father
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ơn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
S be pp O
Cách đổi câu chủ động sang câu bò động:
Muốn đổi một câu chủ động sang câu bò động, ta thực hiện những bước sau:
Active : S V O

Passive : S V(3) by + O
(be + pp)
Ex: They sell jeans all over the world. => Jeans are sold all over the world.
- Khi chủ ngữ câu chủ động là: THEY, PEOPLE, SOMEONE, NO ONE, ANYONE thì khi đổi sang câu bò
động không có By agent . Nhưng khi danh từ làm chủ ngữ bắt buộc phải có agent
- Với động từ đặc biệt (modal verbs): CAN, MUST, MAY, MIGHT, SHOULD, WILL,. . . ta phải thêm BE
trước khi chuyển động từ chính sang dạng PAST PARTICIPLE.
S + modal verb + be + V-ed / V
(past participle)
Ex : You must do this exercise carefully. => This exercise must be done carefully.
22. -ed and -ing participle( Quá khứ và hiện tại phân từ )
- Hiên tại phân từ “- ING” còn gọi là phân từ tác động. Ex: His job is boring.
- Quá khứ phân từ “ – ED” còn gọi là phân từ bò tác động. Ex: This clock is broken.
* Quá khứ và hiện tại phân từ : Đứng trước danh từ, hoặc sau động từ liên kết
Ex: A tired worker is sleeping on the chair. The story is interesting
* Quá khứ và hiện tại phân từ: được dùng để rút gọn mệnh đề tính từ
Ex: The boy is in my class . He’s reading a book. → The boy reading a book is in my class.
There are many books. They are written in English. → There are many books written in English.
23. Past progressive ( Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn )
- Form : WAS / WERE + Present pasticiple ( V-ing )
- Use: - diễn tả sự kiện xảy ra ở một thời điểm cụ thể ( giờ ) trong quá khứ
Ex: What were you doing at 2 p.m. yesterday?
- diễn tả một sự kiện đang diễn tiến bất chợt một sự kiện khác xảy đến ở quá khứ.
Ex: Last night when I was doing homework, the electricity went out.
- diễn tả hai hay nhiều sự kiện xảy ra cùng một lúc song song ở quá khứ
Ex: Last Friday as I was swimming at the pool, my father was visiting the City Museum.
* Note: Thì ù khứ tiếp diễn thường dùng với WHEN,WHILE hay AS để chỉ sự kiện đang diễn tiến.
* ALWAYS with the past progressive: always dùng với thì tiếp diễn để diễn tả sự kiện thường xuyên xảy

ra với sự không hài lòng hay than phiền (Ex: He was always coming to work late.)
24.Compound nouns ( danh từ kép)
- Noun + Gerund : danh từ làm túc từ cho danh động từ. Ex: fire – making , rice – cooking, …
- Gerund + Noun : danh động từ phân loại danh từ , chỉ loại và mục đích cho danh từ.
Ex: Washing-machine; working- condition; waiting – room ; . . .
25. Reported speech ( lời nói trần thuật) là câu thuật lại một cách gián tiếp lời nói
của người khác. Để chuyển từ trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp chúng ta phải:
* Một số thay đổi về thì (Tense change) :- Nếu động từ thường thuật (reporting verb) của câu ở thì quá khứ
thì phải lùi động từ chính về quá khứ một bậc khi chuyển từ lời nói trực tiếp (direct speech) sang lời nói gián
tiếp (indirect / reported speech) theo quy tắc sau :
Speaker’s words Reported statement Speaker’s words Reported statement
will / shall → would / should present simple → past simple
am / is / are going to → was / were going to present continuous → past continuous
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ơn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
past continuous → past perfect continuous must → had to
present perfect → past perfect past simple → past perfect
can → could
Ex: Direct speech: “I’ll talk to Hoa.”said he. → Reported speech: He said he would talk to Hoa
main verb reporting verb
- Nếu động từ tường thuật ở thì hiện tại thì thì của động từ chính được giữ nguyên khi chuyển lời nói trực tiếp
sang gián tiếp.Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn,thời gian và đại từ chỉ đònh được giữ nguyên.
Ex: Direct speech : “I’m arriving at about 6.00.”says Brenda.
Reported speech : Brenda says she’s arriving at about 6.00.
Note: - Có thể dùng hoặc không dùng “that” sau động từ tường thuật.
Ví dụ : He said (that) he wasn’t going.
- says / say to + O → tells / tell = O said to + O → told + O
Exï : He told (said to) Helen (that) he didn’t like coffee.
- Một số động từ không thay đổi khi chuyển sang lời nói gián tiếp.
Would → would, could → could, might → might, should → should, ought to → ought to

* Một số chuyển đổi khác (Some other changes) : Khi chuyển từ lời nói trực tiếp sang gián tiếp mà động từ
tường thuật ở thì quá khứ thì các trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn và đại từ chỉ đònh được chuyển đổi theo
quy tắc sau :
Speaker’s words statement Reported
today / tonight that day / that night
tomorrow the next day / the following day
yesterday the day before /the previous day
ago / now before / then
next/ on Monday the next/ following Monday
last Monday the previous Monday / the Monday before
the day after tomorrow in two days’ time / two days later
this / these that / those
here there
Ex: Direct speech : “ I’m leaving here tomorrow,” said Mary
Reported speech : Mary said (that) she was leaving there the next day.
26.Reported questions (câu hỏi trần thuật)không có cùng trật tự từ (trợ động từ trước chủ ngữ)như câu hỏi
trực tiếp.Trợ động từ “do,does,did”và dấu hỏi không xuất hiện trong câu.
- Yes – No questions : thường được mở đầu bằng các động từ như “ ask, inquire, wonder,….” Và ta dùng “if”
hay “whether” trong lời nói trần thuật và theo sau các động từ mở đầu .
Ex: “ Do you see new friend?” he said → He asked if you saw new friends.
- Wh –questions : Thường được bắt đầu bằng các động từ “ask, wonder,want to know . . .”và theo sau là các
nghi vấn từ : who,which,whom,what,. . .
Ex: “ Who is going for a walk?” he asked them. → He asked them who was going for a walk.
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ôn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
A. Grammar and Vocabulary
1. Tom ___ his hand when he was cooking dinner. (burnt / was burning / has burnt / burn)
2. Cool the burns immediately so as to ______ tissue damage. (ease / relieve / minimize / maximize)
3. Would you ______ helping me with washing? (mind / like / show / please)

4. My mother showed me how ______ clothes. (to make / making / make / made)
5. The Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt is one of the seven ______ of the world. (landmarks / historical places /
ancient structures / wonders)
6. Thanks ______inviting me to the festival. (in / at / to / for)
7. Our city’s dwellers are offered many ______. (scenery / air / facilities / money)
8. We had to call an ambulance because of an ______ person. (injured / injure / injuring / injury)
9. ______ I was having dinner, my sister was listening to music. (How / Until / Soon / While)
10. Can you tell me where ______? (she does / does she / she is / is she)
11. A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called ______. (water-fetch contest /
fetching- water contest / water- fetching contest / fetch-water contest)
12. I can’t decide ______ to apply this program or not. (where / whether / what / how)
13. I love traveling in Viet Nam; the ______ is so beautiful there. (country / countryside / environment / nature)
14. She asked me ______ a driving license. (if I have / whether I have / if I had / whether I have had)
15. The teacher ______ to the principal is in charge of my class. (to talk / talk / talking / is talking)
16. They usually send ______ to their friends and relatives at Christmas. (Christmas cards / Christmas carols /
Christmas trees / Christmas Eve)
17. Ian ______ in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in London. (lived / has lived / was living / has been
18. I don’t know how ______ the game. (playing / to play / played / play)
19. Paul ______ the most intelligent student in the class. (was / to be / being / be)
1. Calm ………… and tell me what happened? (in/ on/ down/ up)
2. ……………is a long thin piece of cloth or paper used for tying round and protecting the wound. (water
pack /bandage/ blanket/ wheelchair)
3. Tea leaves …………… to wrap food. (should use / should to be using/ should be used/ use)
4. Would you mind if I ……………the door? (closing/ to close/ closed/ close)
5. At nine o’clock yesterday, I ……………TV (was watching/ were watching/ watched/ was watched)
6. Will you come ……………for dinner one night? (on/ out/ in /over)
7. She likes reading books ……………….by Jack London. (writes/ wrote/ writing/ written)
8. Vietnam is a ………………….country. (rice- exports/ rice –exporting/ exports –rice/ exporting-rice)
9. Ben writes very quickly. He’s …………… his essay. (finish / finishing / to finish / finished).

10. It ‘s a large garden which grown flowers. It’s a……………………garden. (flowers –growing / flower –
growing / growing –flowers / growing -flower)
11. Do you mind if I………………… on the music (turn /turning /to turn)
12. The man………………by the window by my uncle. (stand /standing/ stands /stood)
13. It’s difficult…………… that he has failed the exam. (believing /believe /to believe /believed)
14. Farmers collect household and garden wastes to make……………………….(pipes / floor covering /
glassware / compose)
15. The Pyramids of Cheops is one of seven……………………… of the world. (temples/ wonders/
landmarks/ pyramids)
16. We……………………dinner when the phone rang. (had /are having /have had /were having)
17. The heads …………… four American presidents are carved into the rock. (for /on/ about / of)
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ôn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
18. You are always…………………… in class. (talking/ talks/ talked/ talk)
Unit 15
1. I can't decide…………………… to apply this program or not.
A. where B. whether C. what D. how
2. Sue had her brother……………. her bike.
A. fix B. fixing C. to fix D. fixed
3. Ian ……………… in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in London.
A. has been living B. lives C. was living D. has lived
4. ……………….a computer when you was living in the country?
A. Do you have B. Did you have
C. Have you had D. Were you having
5. Ben writes very quickly. He's …………… finished his essay.
A. for B. been C. already D. yet
6. That printer is………………………guarantee so the company will repair it.
A. under B. in C. of D. on
7. Do you know where …………………? -"No, he didn't say."
A. Tom went B. has Tom gone C. Did Tom go D. Tom has gone

8. "I don't believe in ghost." -"……………………"
A. Neither do I. B. I do, too. C. So do I. D. I do either
9. Let's to our teacher's office.
A. going B. go C. does D. went
10. We didn't know what next.
A. doing B. do C. to do D. done
11. If you do not go, neither……………. I.
A. shall B. do C. shan't D. won't
12. My house in 1998.
A.build B. built C. were build D. was built
13. This is the boy Tim.
A. called B. calls C. calling D. call
14. This cake tastes………………
A. terribly B. terrible C. well D. badly
15. The question sounds very ………………
A. ease B. easily C. easy D. at ease
Unit 16
1.I…………… a film that interested me so much as the one I ……… last night.
A. have never watched/ watched B. never watched/ watched
C. watched/ have watched D. never have watched/ watched
2. The first papermaking machine …………………in the late 1700s by a Frenchman.
A. has been invented B. was inventing C. invented D. was invented
3.Mr Roberts supervises and directs other workers in the factory. He's a………….
A. foreman B. engineer C. mechanic D. manager
4. I'd like to borrow this book. Has Anna read it……………… ?
A. for B. done C. already D. yet
5. Would you……………… helping me with the washing?
A. like B. mind C. show D. please
6. Our solar system is in the galaxy ……………… the Milky Way.
A. call B. calling C. to call D. called

7. He wants to return to the village ……………… he was bor n.
A. when B. where C. what D. which
8. Tim said he ……………… a chocolate factory then.
A. visited B. are visiting C. has visited D. was visiting
9. There's nothing wrong her computer.
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ôn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
A. with B. in C. at D. from
10. Mr. Pike is going holiday at the moment.
A. on B. in C. at D. off
11. Are you in detective films?
A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interests
12. What songs do you often sing Christmas?
A. on B. in C. of D. at
13. This house built by my grandfather in 1990.
A. is B. were C. is D. was
14. In Australia, families and friends spend Easter afternoon
A. together B. each C. along D. with
B. Supply the correct verbs form or tenses
1. He (work)___________ for that company for 5 years.
2. What you (do)___________ when we phoned you last night?
3. The man (stand) _______________near the door is my brother.
4. It’s difficult (do)________________ this project.
5. The teacher ordered Tom (go) _____________to the board.
6. When we met George and Linda yesterday, we (walk)_____________ through the park.
7. It started (rain)_____________ when they left home.
8. The accident (cause) _______________by the fast truck driver last Sunday.
9. It was late, so we decided (take) _______________a taxi home.
10. This house is quite old. It (build) _______________over 100 years ago.
11. The phone rang while An (have) ______________dinner.

12. Her son (not visit) ________________her for a long time.
Simple past & present perfect;
1. I (have) ________ these shoes since my 18
2. I (tidy) ________my desk, but now it’s in a mess again.
3. The last time I (go) _________ to Brighton was in August.
4. I’d like to meet a ghost, but I (never/ see) ___________one.
5. And the race is over! And Micky Thimson (win) _________in a record time.
6. I (work) _____________for a company for a year that was after college.
7. What time you (get) _____________to work this morning?
8. Martin (be) __________to Greece five times. He loves that place.
9.The President (come) ____________out of the building and is going to make a speech.
10. You won’t believe this, but I’ve got some tickets for the concert. – Oh, well done! How you ( get)
11. Of course I can ride a bike. But I (not/ ride) __________one for a year.
12. You ever ( bake) ______________your own bread?
13. Tom ( left) ____________-a message for you. He (ring) ___________last night.
14. You (see) _____________the news today? – no, not yet.
15. We ( move ) ___________here in 1993. We ( be) ____________here for a long time.
Simple past & past progressive:
1. The door bell (ring) ____________while Tom (watch) ______________-TV.
2. How fast you (drive) ____________when the accident (happen)__________________?
3. Ann and Susan (make) ___________dinner when Martin __________________(arrive).
4. The light (go) ________out while we (have) __________dinner.But it (come) _________on again after ten
5. What you (do) _________at this time yesterday? - I (work) ___________on the computer.
6. It suddenly (begin) ___________-to rain while Laura (sit) _____________in the garden.
7. Sam (take)______________a photo of me while I (not/ look)________________
8. When I (see) ___________them, they (try) ___________to find a new house near their work.

Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ôn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
9. I (walk) __________along street when I suddenly (feel) _________somethings hit me in the back.I (not/know)
_____________what it was.
10. last night I (drop) ___________a plate when I (do) ____________the washing up. Fortunately I (not/
Simple present the simple future:
1. We ( go) ___________out when the rain (stop)__________________.
2. She ( not/come) ___________until you (be) _______________ready.
3. I (come) ____________ and see them before I ( leave) ______________here.
4. We ( phone) ___________you as soon as we ( arrive ) _____________in Hanoi.
5. When I (see) __________Mr. Pike tomorrow, I ( give) ___________him your message.
6. He promises he ( come) ___________before the sun (rise)_____________
7. You ( be) ___________late if you (not/ hurry)_________________.
Reported speech
1. I said to Mrs. Hoa, "What sports do you often play?"
 I asked Mrs. Hoa
2. "Is there a TV in the bedroom?", I asked the landlady.
 I asked the landlady
3. "Let's go to the cinema. ", Lien said.
 Lien suggested
4."I am going to Hanoi tomorrow", he said.
 He said that
5. My father said; “ Don’t stay up lale.”
 My father told
6. Lan said;” Decorate the classroom with colorful lights.”
 Lan advised
7. He said: “I shall expect her”.
 He said………………………………………
8. He said: “I can’t find my hat”

 He said……………………………………….
9. He said: “I am going to the cinema tomorrow”.
 He said………………………………
10. He says to me: “I will do it if I can”.
 He told ………………………………
11. He said to me: “You are looking much better”.
 He told…………………………………
12. I said to him: “Your car has been stolen”.
 I told….………………………
13. He says: “The river is rising early this year”.
 He said …………
14. The boy said to his father: “I am going to finish this job”
 The boy told………………………………….
15. She says to me: “I’ll come as soon as I can”.
 She told………………………………………
16. He said: “I am living in Paris now”.
 He said …………………………………….
17. The officer said to the soldiers: “Capture that hill in front of you!”.
 The officer told the soldiers …………………
18. He says to me: “I will see you tomorrow”.
 He told me………………………………
19. He said to his friend: “Did you see the accident yesterday?”
 He told …………………………
20. Nam said to his father: “Please let me go to Paris”.
 Nam told his father………………………………
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ôn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
21. She said to me: “Whose is this book?”
 She told me………………………………
22. He said to me: “Come and see me tomorrow!”

 He told me……………………………
23. He said to me: “How did you come here?”
 He told me………………………………
24. She said to her boyfriend: “Why haven’t you written to me?”
 She asked her boy friend………………………
25. He said: “Have you finished your task, Nam?”
 He asked………………………………
26. He said: “Don’t sit on my hat!”
 He said to me………………………………
28. I said to my servant: “Go and buy some meat! Do not be long!”
 I told my servant……………………
29. “What is the matter?” said Nam to me. “Are you ill?”
 Nam asked me………………………………
30. They say: “We are tired this morning. We need some rest”
 They said . …………………………
31. He said to me: “Why do you want to wait? You must stay here for a long time”
 He asked me.………………………………
32. I said: “Can you pay for it? It is very expensive”.
 I asked him………………………………
33. “Stop!” Cried the passenger to the driver. “I want to get out.”
 The passenger told the driver.………………………………
34. He said: “Yesterday evening I met Nam. He has bought a new car”.
 He said………………………………
35. He said to her: “Please, lend me this pencil. I have lost mine. Have you had another for yourself?”
 He begged her……………………………………….
Passive voice
Rewrite the sentences using passive voice:
1. They make these artificial flowers of silk.
2. We don’t use this kind of computers to do that job nowadays.

3. How do people learn languages?
4. Did they feed Lulu last night?
5. They ate all the food before they got to the party.
6. The thief didn’t broke the windows.
7. Nick will bring the pizzas to our house.
8. Where will your company send you next year?
9. Hoa won’t buy that dress.
10. They will have to change the date of the meeting again.
11. The mechanic is repairing Judy’s car.
12. Are they digging the hole on the wrong side of the road?
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ôn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
13. He is not doing homework at the moment.
14. They were cleaning the floor when I arrived.
15. My sister wasn’t watching that cartoon at 8.00 last night.
16. Were you playing chess at that time?

17. They are going to steal your money if you are not careful.
18. Ba isn’t going to decorate the living room.
19. Are they going to build a new road here?
20. He has spelt this word wrongly.
21. Somebody has taken some of my books away.
22. They have provided the victims with food and clothing.
23. Have they changed the windows of the library?
24. Has Tom finished the work?
25. How long have they waited for the doctor?
26. We haven’t painted the gate yet.
27. She hasn’t heard about the show.
28. Mai hasn’t sent the letters to her pen pal.
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ôn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
III. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentences printed
before it.
1. Is it all right if I take some photograph?

 Would you mind _______________________________________________?
2. We like this place,” the tourist said.
 The tourist said ___________________________________________
3. She invited me to the party.
 I ____________________________________________________________
4. I started playing the piano two years ago.
 I have ________________________________
5. John said, “Is Phong Nha Cave in Southern Viet Nam, Nhi?”
 John asked ___________________________________________________
6. This question is difficult to understand
 It’s _________________________________________________________
7. Many people speak English in the world
 English _____________________________________________________
8. Shall I carry your luggage?
 Would ______________________________________________________?
9. The film was so boring.
 We were ____________________________________________________________
10. Where is the station?
 He asked me __________________________________________________________
11. The last time I played tennis was in 1990.
 I haven’t ___________________________________________________________
12. Clement Clark Moore wrote the poem in 1832.
 The poem _________________________________________________________
C. Reading comprehension
I. Read and answer the questions .
Recycling is the collection, processing, and reuse of materials that would otherwise be thrown away.
Materials ranging from precious metals to broken glass, from old newspapers to plastic spoons, can be recycled.
The recycling process reclaims the original material and uses it in new products.
In general, using recycled materials to make new products cost less and requires less energy than using

new materials. Recycling can also reduce pollution, either by reducing the demand for high-pollution alternatives
or minimizing the amount of pollution produced during the manufacturing process. Recycling decreases the
amount of land needed for trash dumps by reducing the volume of discarded waste.
a. What does recycling mean?
b. What can be recycled?
c. Does using the recycled materials to make new products cost much?
d. Which requires more energy, using recycled materials or using new materials?
The zipper is a wonderful invention. How did people ever live without zippers? Zippers are very common, so we
forget that they are wonderful. They are very strong, but they open and close very easily. They come in many
colors and sizes.
Whitcomb L. Judson invented the zipper in 1893. He was an engineer in Chicago. He called the zipper a slide
fastener. However, it didn’t stay closed very well. This was embarrassing, and people didn’t buy many of them.
Then Dr. Gideon Sundback from Sweden solved this problem. Dr. Sundback put the hooks on the strips of cloth.
The cloth holds all the hooks in place. They don’t come apart very easily. This solved the problem of the first
a. Why do we forget that zippers are wonderful?
b. Was the zipper invented by Dr. Gideon Sundback in 1893?
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ôn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
c. What did Whitcomb L. Judson call the zipper?
d. Who made the zippers better?
3/ Vietnam’s New Year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar. It is officially known as Tet Nguyen
Dan, or Tet. It begins between January twenty-first and February nineteen. The exact date changes from year to
year. Vietnamese people usually make preparations for the holiday several weeks beforehand. They tidy their
houses, cook special food, clean and made offerings on the family altars. On the New Year’s Eve, people sit up
to midnight to see the New Year in, then they put on new clothes and give one another the greetings of the
season. Tet lasts ten days. The first three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that how

people act during those days will influence the whole year. As a result, they make every effort to avoid
arguments and smile as much as possible.
a. What is Vietnam’s New Year known as?
b. What do Vietnamese people usually do to prepare for Tet?
c. Does Tet last three days?
d. Why are the first three days the most important?
II. Read the following passage and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
1/ Seven Wonders of the world, works of art and architecture regarded by ancient Greek and Roman
observers as the most extraordinary structures of antiquity.
The Pyramids of Egypt, built at Giza during the 4
Dynasty, are the oldest of the seven wonders. The
Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built by King Nebuchadnezzar II about 600 BC. The 12-meter (40-feet)
Statue of Zeus was the central feature of the temple of Zeus at Olympia, Greece. The temple of Artemis at
Ephesus in Greece (356 BC) was combined great size with elaborate ornamentation. The Mausoleum of
Harlicarnassus was a monumental marble tomb. The Colossus of Rhodes was a 30 meters (100 feet) bronze
statue of the Greek sun god Helios. The Pharos of Alexandria (280 BC) was a famous ancient lighthouse
standing more than 134 meters (440 feet) tall.
a. ____ The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are older than The Pyramids of Egypt.
b. ____ The Colossus of Rhodes is still existing.
c. ____ The Colossus of Rhodes was made of bronze.
d. ____ The Pharos of Alexandria was 134 feet.
2/ Scientists define a robot as a machine body which is operated by a computer, working independently on
human and capable of doing different jobs. Robots are invented to make our work easier, by moving materials,
tools and other objects through programmed actions.
Most robots look like giant arms, having the movement of the human arm and hand. The robots are linked to a
computer that controls them. A scientist can make the robots useful for a variety of tasks. Robots are designed to
move in different ways. They can turn, pick up objects and put them down. To do all these, the robots can move
from side to side, up and down, forward and back.

a.______ Robots cannot work when there is nobody to look after.
b.______ Robots help people to work.
c.______ Robots are controlled by computers.
d.______ Robots can be made to be useful for a number of different tasks by a designer.
3/ The Statue of Liberty, once one of the sights to welcome immigrants to the United States arriving New
York by ship, continues to be a symbol of freedom and a favorite tourist attraction. Liberty stands more than 93
m tall on Liberty Island in New York harbor. The statue, designed by the French sculptor Frederic Bartholdi, was
presented to the United States by France in 1876, the first centennial of US independence from Britain.
a. ______ The Statue of Liberty was once one of the first sights to welcome immigrants to the USA.
b. ______ It is a symbol of friendship and a favorite tourist attraction.
c. ______ It is 93 meters tall.
d. ______ It was the present from France in 1876.
preparations - holiday - bought - on -
Gv: Bùi Thụy Thanh Phương Đề cương ôn tập anh 8 NH: 09-10
Christmas is the biggest (1) holiday of the year in most of Britain. Celebrations start (2) 24
December. The Christmas Eve, although there have been several weeks of (3) beforehand. The
Christmas trees, presents, food, drinks and decorations have been sent Christmas cards have been (5)
to friends.
Read this text and tick True or False and answer the questions:
London is Britain’s biggest city. It is very old city and dates back to the Romans. It is city of historic
buildings and churches, and it has many beautiful parks. It also has some of the best museums in the world.
London is very crowed in summer. It is popular city with foreign tourists, and has more than eight million
visitors a year. The city is famous for its shopping and department stores. London has excellent underground
railway system, so it is easy for tourist to get around. In London, there are plenty of good restaurant where you
can get excellent British food. The city is also has lots of good Indian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, and
Greek restaurants.
1. Choose T/F

a. … None of the cities in Britain is bigger than London.
b… You can’t get Chinese food in London
c London has historic building and churches.
d. Most of the best museum in the world are situated in London.
2. Answer the questions:
a. What is London famous for?

b. Is London busy in the summer?

c. How can tourists get around the city?


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