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anh 3 bai 11-B co hình ảnh

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English lesson plan  School year: 2009 - 2010
Pr.date: / 2009
T. date: 3A / /…2010
3B / / 2010
Unit 11: Our pets
Period 56 - Section B 1, 2, 3
I/ Objectives:
- Ss will be able to ask for and giving numbers then practise with patners. Listen
and number.
II/ Contents:
* Structure : How many cats are there?
I have two cats.
* Vocabulary:
III/ Teaching aids :
Text book, pictures, tape, word cues…
IV/ Teaching method:
Communicative method.
V/ Procedure :
1. Organization: Date of teaching.
2. Warm up:
Game: “Matching“

Feedbacks, remarks
3. New lesson:
s activities Students
1. Listen and repeat

- Ask them to look at the picture - guess the
( Mai – Li Li ®ang nãi vÒ chuyÖn g×?)
- Asks them listen to the tape (2 times )
- Ask Ss repeat.
- Asks them find out new structure and explains

How many cats are there?
I have tow cats.
- Asks them read the short dialogue in front of
the class.
- Feedbacks, corrects.
2. Let
s talk
- Guides them look at picture ask for and giving
- Guides them work in pairs
- Look at picture - guess the content
- Listen
- Read in chorus.
- Read the short dialogue in front of
the class.
- Comment
- Listen
- Work in groups.
Teacher name: Nong Tuan Anh Binh Nhan Primary School
a dog
a cat
a bird

a fish
English lesson plan  School year: 2009 - 2010
- Model : How many ?
I have .
- Calls some pairs practise before the class.
- Use read objects ask Ss to practise.
Eg: pens, rulers, hats…
- Feedbacks, corrects
3. Listen and number
- Guides them look at pictures - tell about the
- Gives the sugguestion about the pictures.
- Asks them listen to the tape 2 times and
- Asks them listen again and check.
- Gives the keys:
1.c 2.b 3. a
- Asks them listen and repeat
4 Consolidation
- Points at the Ss asks:
How many ?
I have .
5. Home work
- Guides them do the exercise 6, 7, 8
- Prepare the next lesson
- Comment
- Look at picture - tell the content
- Look at the objects and practise
- Listen and tell about the content
- Listen and number.

- Give their keys - comment
- Listen and check
- Take note
- Listen

Do exercies at home
Prepare the new lesson.
The end
Pr.date: / 10
T. date: 3A / / 2010
3B / / 2010
Unit 11: Our pets
Period 57 - Section B 4, 5, 6, 7
I/ Objectives:
- The Ss will be able to read and match with suitable pictures. Practise writing.
II/ Contents:
III/ Teaching aids :
pictures, sub-board, word cards…
IV/ Teaching method:
Communicative method.
V/ Procedure :
1. Organization : Greeting, date of teaching.
2. Warm up :
Game: “Slap the board”
T. use the picture and Ss to play game.
Teacher name: Nong Tuan Anh Binh Nhan Primary School
English lesson plan  School year: 2009 - 2010

T. Give the pictures about the weather, ask Ss to match with sentences.

Ss. Play game.
3. New lesson
s activities Students
4. Read and match
Gives pictures and ask them to coment the
Reads the sentences.
Guides Ss to read the sentences and match.
Let Ss share and compare.
Calls 2 Ss to do on the board.
Gives remarks
Gives keys:
1-b 2-a
5. Let
s write
- Retells all words of the pets.
- Guides them make a short paragraph individual
about their pets.
- Calls 2 ps write their sentences on the board.
- Feedbacks, corrects
6. Let
s play
- Guides them roleplay
- Devides the class in to 2 groups.

- Guides them complete the crossword on the sub-
- Corrects. Asks them read all the words in
7. Summary
- Encourages them look at the board and
- Look - comment
- Read independently.
- Comment
- Matching
- Give their keys - comment

- Take note
- Work individual to make a short
paragraph about their pets.
- Write on the board
- Comment
- Listen
- Disscuss in groups
- Complete the crosswword
- Take note - read in chorus
- Look at the board say the function
Teacher name: Nong Tuan Anh Binh Nhan Primary School
English lesson plan  School year: 2009 - 2010
4. Home work
- Guides them do all the exercises in work book.
- Prepare the next lesson.
of these structures.
Ss to play game.

- Review
- Listen
- Do the exercise at home
- Prepare the next lesson.
The end
Teacher name: Nong Tuan Anh Binh Nhan Primary School

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