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For user-defined classes, str and repr can be defined/redefined using the
special operators str and repr . These are briefly described later on;
for more, refer to the official Python documentation [38]. repr always has a
default value.
Another important characteristic of a Python string is that, like a list, it is
an iterable object.
1 >>> for i in 'hello':
2 print i
3 h
4 e
5 l
6 l
7 o
The main methods of a Python list are append, insert, and delete:
1 >>> a = [1, 2, 3]
2 >>> print type(a)
3 <type 'list'>
4 >>> a.append(8)
5 >>> a.insert(2, 7)
6 >>> del a[0]
7 >>> print a
8 [2, 7, 3, 8]
9 >>> print len(a)
10 4
Lists can be sliced:
1 >>> print a[:3]
2 [2, 7, 3]
3 >>> print a[1:]
4 [7, 3, 8]

5 >>> print a[-2:]
6 [3, 8]
and concatenated:
1 >>> a = [2, 3]
2 >>> b = [5, 6]
3 >>> print a + b
4 [2, 3, 5, 6]
A list is iterable; you can loop over it:
1 >>> a = [1, 2, 3]
2 >>> for i in a:
3 print i
4 1
5 2
6 3
The elements of a list do not have to be of the same type; they can be any
type of Python object.
A tuple is like a list, but its size and elements are immutable, while in a list
they are mutable. If a tuple element is an object, the object attributes are
mutable. A tuple is delimited by round brackets.
1 >>> a = (1, 2, 3)
So while this works for a list:
1 >>> a = [1, 2, 3]
2 >>> a[1] = 5
3 >>> print a
4 [1, 5, 3]
the element assignment does not work for a tuple:
1 >>> a = (1, 2, 3)
2 >>> print a[1]

3 2
4 >>> a[1] = 5
5 Traceback (most recent call last):
6 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
7 TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
The tuple, like the list, is an iterable object. Notice that a tuple consisting
of a single element must include a trailing comma, as shown below:
1 >>> a = (1)
2 >>> print type(a)
3 <type 'int'>
4 >>> a = (1,)
5 >>> print type(a)
6 <type 'tuple'>
Tuples are very useful for efficient packing of objects because of their
immutability, and the brackets are often optional:
1 >>> a = 2, 3, 'hello'
2 >>> x, y, z = a
3 >>> print x
4 2
5 >>> print z
6 hello
A Python dictionary is a hash table that maps a key object to a value object.
For example:
1 >>> a = {'k':'v', 'k2':3}
2 >>> a['k']
3 v
4 >>> a['k2']
5 3

6 >>> a.has_key('k')
7 True
8 >>> a.has_key('v')
9 False
Keys can be of any hashable type (int, string, or any object whose class
implements the
hash method). Values can be of any type. Different keys
and values in the same dictionary do not have to be of the same type. If the
keys are alphanumeric characters, a dictionary can also be declared with the
alternative syntax:
1 >>> a = dict(k='v', h2=3)
2 >>> a['k']
3 v
4 >>> print a
5 {'k':'v', 'h2':3}
Useful methods are has key, keys, values and items:
1 >>> a = dict(k='v', k2='3)
2 >>> print a.keys()
3 ['k', 'k2']
4 >>> print a.values()
5 ['v', 3]
6 >>> print a.items()
7 [('k', 'v'), ('k2', 3)]
The items method produces a list of tuples, each containing a key and its
associated value.
Dictionary elements and list elements can be deleted with the command
1 >>> a = [1, 2, 3]
2 >>> del a[1]
3 >>> print a

4 [1, 3]
5 >>> a = dict(k='v', h2=3)
6 >>> del a['h2']
7 >>> print a
8 {'k':'v'}
Internally, Python uses the hash operator to convert objects into integers,
and uses that integer to determine where to store the value.
1 >>> hash("hello world")
2 -1500746465
2.5 About Indentation
Python uses indentation to delimit blocks of code. A block starts with a
line ending in colon, and continues for all lines that have a similar or higher
indentation as the next line. For example:
1 >>> i = 0
2 >>> while i < 3:
3 >>> print i
4 >>> i = i + 1
5 >>>
6 0
7 1
8 2
It is common to use 4 spaces for each level of indentation. It is a good
policy not to mix tabs with spaces, or you may run into trouble.
2.6 for in
In Python, you can loop over iterable objects:
1 >>> a = [0, 1, 'hello', 'python']
2 >>> for i in a:
3 print i
4 0

5 1
6 hello
7 python
One common shortcut is xrange, which generates an iterable range without
storing the entire list of elements.
1 >>> for i in xrange(0, 4):
2 print i
3 0
4 1
5 2
6 4
This is equivalent to the C/C++/C#/Java syntax:
1 for(int i=0; i<4; i=i+1) { print(i); }
Another useful command is enumerate, which counts while looping:
1 >>> a = [0, 1, 'hello', 'python']
2 >>> for i, j in enumerate(a):
3 print i, j
4 0 0
5 1 1
6 2 hello
7 3 python
There isalsoakeywordrange(a, b, c) thatreturnsalistofintegersstarting
with the value a, incrementing by c, and ending with the last value smaller
than b, a defaults to 0 and c defaults to 1. xrange is similar but does not
actually generate the list, only an iterator over the list; thus it is better for
You can jump out of a loop using break
1 >>> for i in [1, 2, 3]:
2 print i

3 break
4 1
You can jump to the next loop iteration without executing the entire code
block with continue
1 >>> for i in [1, 2, 3]:
2 print i
3 continue
4 print 'test'
5 1
6 2
7 3
2.7 while
The while loop in Python works much as it does in many other programming
languages, by looping an indefinite number of times and testing a condition
before each iteration. If the condition is False, the loop ends.
1 >>> i = 0
2 >>> while i < 10:
3 i = i + 1
4 >>> print i
5 10
There is no loop until construct in Python.
2.8 def return
Here is a typical Python function:
1 >>> def f(a, b=2):
2 return a + b
3 >>> print f(4)
4 6
There is no need (or way) to specify types of the arguments or the return

Function argumentscanhavedefaultvaluesandcanreturnmultipleobjects:
1 >>> def f(a, b=2):
2 return a + b, a - b
3 >>> x, y = f(5)
4 >>> print x
5 7
6 >>> print y
7 3
Function arguments can be passed explicitly by name:
1 >>> def f(a, b=2):
2 return a + b, a - b
3 >>> x, y = f(b=5, a=2)
4 >>> print x
5 7
6 >>> print y
7 -3
Functions can take a variable number of arguments:
1 >>> def f(
2 return a, b
3 >>> x, y = f(3, 'hello', c=4, test='world')
4 >>> print x
5 (3, 'hello')
6 >>> print y
7 {'c':4, 'test':'world'}
Here arguments not passed by name (3, ’hello’) are stored in list a, and
arguments passed by name (c and test) are stored in the dictionary b.

In the opposite case, a list or tuple can be passed to a function that requires
individual positional arguments by unpacking them:
1 >>> def f(a, b):
2 return a + b
3 >>> c = (1, 2)
4 >>> print f(
5 3
and a dictionary can be unpacked to deliver keyword arguments:
1 >>> def f(a, b):
2 return a + b
3 >>> c = {'a':1, 'b':2}
4 >>> print f(
5 3
2.9 if elif else
The use of conditionals in Python is intuitive:
1 >>> for i in range(3):
2 >>> if i == 0:
3 >>> print 'zero'
4 >>> elif i == 1:
5 >>> print 'one'
6 >>> else:
7 >>> print 'other'
8 zero
9 one
10 other

"elif" means "else if". Both elif and else clauses are optional. There can
be more than one elif but only one else statement. Complex conditions can
be created using the not, and and or operators.
1 >>> for i in range(3):
2 >>> if i == 0 or (i == 1 and i + 1 == 2):
3 >>> print '0 or 1'
2.10 try except else finally
Python can throw - pardon, raise - Exceptions:
1 >>> try:
2 >>> a = 1 / 0
3 >>> except Exception, e
4 >>> print 'error', e, 'occurred'
5 >>> else:
6 >>> print 'no problem here'
7 >>> finally:
8 >>> print 'done'
9 error 3 occurred
10 done
If the exception is raised, it is caught by the except clause, which is executed,
while the else clause is not. If no exception is raised, the except clause is not
executed, but the else one is. The finally clause is always executed.
There can be multiple except clauses for different possible exceptions:
1 >>> try:
2 >>> raise SyntaxError
3 >>> except ValueError:
4 >>> print 'value error'
5 >>> except SyntaxError:
6 >>> print 'syntax error'
7 syntax error

The else and finally clauses are optional.
Here is a list of built-in Python exceptions + HTTP (defined by web2py)
1 BaseException
2 + HTTP (defined by web2py)
3 + SystemExit
4 + KeyboardInterrupt
5 + Exception
6 + GeneratorExit
7 + StopIteration
8 + StandardError
9 | + ArithmeticError
10 | | + FloatingPointError
11 | | + OverflowError
12 | | + ZeroDivisionError
13 | + AssertionError
14 | + AttributeError
15 | + EnvironmentError
16 | | + IOError
17 | | + OSError
18 | | + WindowsError (Windows)
19 | | + VMSError (VMS)
20 | + EOFError
21 | + ImportError
22 | + LookupError
23 | | + IndexError
24 | | + KeyError
25 | + MemoryError
26 | + NameError
27 | | + UnboundLocalError
28 | + ReferenceError

29 | + RuntimeError
30 | | + NotImplementedError
31 | + SyntaxError
32 | | + IndentationError
33 | | + TabError
34 | + SystemError
35 | + TypeError
36 | + ValueError
37 | | + UnicodeError
38 | | + UnicodeDecodeError
39 | | + UnicodeEncodeError
40 | | + UnicodeTranslateError
41 + Warning
42 + DeprecationWarning
43 + PendingDeprecationWarning
44 + RuntimeWarning
45 + SyntaxWarning
46 + UserWarning
47 + FutureWarning
48 + ImportWarning
49 + UnicodeWarning
For a detailed description of each of them, refer to the official Python
web2py exposes only one new exception, called HTTP. When raised, it
causes the program to return an HTTP error page (for more on this refer to
Chapter 4).
Any object can be raised as an exception, but it is good practice to raise
objects that extend one of the built-in exceptions.
2.11 class

Because Python is dynamically typed, Python classes and objects may seem
odd. In fact, you do not need to define the member variables (attributes)
when declaring a class, and different instances of the same class can have
different attributes. Attributes are generally associated with the instance, not
the class (except when declared as "class attributes", which is the same as
"static member variables" in C++/Java).
Here is an example:
1 >>> class MyClass(object): pass
2 >>> myinstance = MyClass()
3 >>> myinstance.myvariable = 3
4 >>> print myinstance.myvariable
5 3
Notice that pass is a do-nothing command. In this case it is used to define
a class MyClass that contains nothing. MyClass() calls the constructor of the
class (in this case the default constructor) and returns an object, an instance of
the class. The (object) in the class definition indicates that our class extends
the built-in object class. This is not required, but it is good practice.
Here is a more complex class:
1 >>> class MyClass(object):
2 >>> z = 2
3 >>> def __init__(self, a, b):
4 >>> self.x = a, self.y = b
5 >>> def add(self):
6 >>> return self.x + self.y + self.z
7 >>> myinstance = MyClass(3, 4)
8 >>> print myinstance.add()
9 9
Functions declared inside the class are methods. Some methods have special
reserved names. For example,
init is the constructor. All variables are

local variables of the method except variables declared outside methods. For
example, z is a class variable, equivalent to a C++ static member variable
that holds the same value for all instances of the class.
Notice that init takes 3 arguments and add takes one, and yet we call
them with 2 and 0 arguments respectively. The first argument represents,
by convention, the local name used inside the method to refer to the current
object. Here we use self to refer to the current object, but we could have
used any other name. self plays the same role as
this in C++ or this in
Java, but self is not a reserved keyword.
This syntax is necessary to avoid ambiguity when declaring nested classes,
such as a class that is local to a method inside another class.
2.12 Special Attributes, Methods and Operators
Class attributes, methods, and operators starting with a double underscore
are usually intended to be private, although this is a convention that is not
enforced by the interpreter.
Some of them are reserved keywords and have a special meaning.
Here, as an example, are three of them:

• getitem
• setitem
They can be used, for example, to create a container object that acts like a
1 >>> class MyList(object)
2 >>> def __init__(self,
a): self.a = a

3 >>> def __len__(self): return len(self.a)
4 >>> def __getitem__(self, i): return self.a[i]
5 >>> def __setitem__(self, i, j): self.a[i] = j
6 >>> b = MyList(3, 4, 5)
7 >>> print b[1]
8 4
9 >>> a[1] = 7
10 >>> print b.a
11 [3, 7, 5]
Other special operators include getattr and setattr , which define
the get and set attributes for the class, and
sum and sub , which overload
arithmetic operators. For the use of these operators we refer the reader to
more advanced books on this topic. We have already mentioned the special
str and repr .
2.13 File Input/Output
In Python you can open and write in a file with:
