Sokhem Pech and Kengo Sunada
Population Growth and Natural-Resources
Pressures in the Mekong River Basin
The Mekong River Basin possesses the region’s largest
potential water source and related resources, which
support ongoing economic development and basin com-
munity livelihoods. It is currently witnessing a major
demographic transition that is creating both opportunities
and challenges. An analysis of the complex relationship
between demographic changes and impacts on the
natural-resource base confirms that resource exploitation
is occurring not only to meet growing domestic needs but
also for other vested interests. Population, together with
other major drivers, such as institutions, markets, and
technology, will have a very strong bearing on the way in
which the rich resources of the Mekong River Basin are
developed and distributed in the present and future. The
Mekong River Basin’s rich resources, and the benefits
derived from them, are unevenly distributed both in time
and geographically. Moreover, since the causes and
impacts do not respect political boundaries, the Mekong
countries need to jointly develop alternative management
strategies to meet projected demands within the sustain-
able capacity of the Mekong River Basin natural-resource
The Mekong countries have a complex, but interesting, mosaic
of demographic attributes and trends. The population of the
Mekong region—whole of Yunnan Province of China, Myan-
mar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam—is nearly 300
million, and over 70 million people live in the Mekong River
Basin (1). The Mekong Basin possesses the region’s largest
potential water source and related resources. These resources
are fundamental to ongoing economic development in terms of
irrigation and agricultural production, fisheries and aquacul-
ture, energy and forest products, navigation and other modes of
transport, domestic and industrial water supply, and tourism
(2). Levels of dependency on the river’s water and related
resources are very high, particularly among the rural poor, who
rely on subsistence livelihoods and moral economy (3).
Rec ent socioeconomic development has begun to slow
population growth rates in China, Thailand, and Myanmar,
while Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam are expected to experience
further positive growth well beyond 2050 (4). It is also true that
the population growth rates vary considerably across th e
Mekong River Basin, within and between the basin countries
(2). For example, Yunnan population density has doubled since
the 1950s, reaching the current level of 103 people km
, but in
the Lancang/Mekong part, the population density is only 62
people km
due to the rugged and inhospitable landform (5).
On the other hand, Yunnan population growth rate has
declined slower than other parts of China (present level of
1.3% y
compared to less than 0.7% annually for all of China)
Accordingly, the overall Mekong populations are projected
to increase well beyond 2050. The population growth and
expected demographic changes in these countries create both
opportunities and challenges.
Population size and its composition have significant impli-
cations for pressures on natural resources. Growing populations
require more or different food, which typically requires land
and water or other forms of production (6). This paper
examines population growth and its likely impacts on food
demand and land and water resources in the Mekong River
Basin in a systematic and integrated manner. As a first step, we
present a clear overview of demographic trends in the Mekong
River Basin. Next, we conduct a comprehensive analysis to
explore the complex relationship between demographic change
and impacts on the natural-resource base in the Mekong River
Purpose and Methodology
The main purpose of this paper is to stimulate policy debate
over the current national focus on food self-sufficiency and a
broader national and regional development agenda in the
Mekong River Basin. We provide the context, empirical
evidence, and an analysis of the demand (real or perceived)
associated with population growth. We also present a compar-
ison of demand forecasts with the sustainable potential of the
natural-resources base of the Mekong River Basin in order to
contribute to a better understanding of this immense and
complex Mekong River Basin environment.
Population growth, food and water demands, and their
impacts on water resources in both the Mekong River Basin and
other river basins around the world have been discussed in a
number of studies (e.g., 6–10). While the approaches used and
information provided by these studies give a good indication of
annual food and water demands, they generally do not provide
information about water and other related resources necessary
for meeting food demand at finer timescales, such as during
critical dry-season months, or at more specific geographical
This paper reviews conditions and trends in the Mekong
River Basin through both quantitative and qualitative analysis.
It examines both underlying opportunities for and threats to
sustainable water-resources management in the Mekong River
Basin at critical time periods and at key locations along the
Mekong main stem as shown in Figure 1. To this end, the study
makes use of a systematic assessment framework that allows for
identification of both key issues and appropriate management
responses to balance environmental and socioeconomic devel-
opment objectives. The study tests the hypothesis of a complex
multidimensional relationship among key demographic attri-
butes and other intervening factors, such as institutions, policy,
technology, culture, and the natural environment.
Overcoming Different Population Growth Rates
The Mekong River Basin population is over 70 million and is
expected to increase rapidly (1). Projections of population
growth in the Mekong River Basin differ widely as a result of
both different methods of enumeration and poor reporting (1, 8,
10). To address this problem, this study derives the Mekong
Ambio Vol. 37, No. 3, May 2008 219Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2008
River Basin population growth rate from the national
population growth rates of each country represented in the
Mekong River Basin adjusted to the specific conditions of the
Mekong River Basin. United Nations (UN) data (4) on key
population statistics for China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand,
Cambodia, and Vietnam were analyzed. The rate of natural
increase was estimated for each country from 1970 to 2050 as
the birth rate less the death rate, assuming that the rate of net
migration is zero. Population growth in the basin over a 50 y
period is projected based on two scenarios: scenario A—where
the natural population increase rate changes over time as
estimated above; and scenario B—where the rate of natural
increase is kept constant at year 2000 levels as estimated by the
Mekong River Commission (MRC) (1).
Discussion of Population Growth Outlook
The projections estimated by the present study show that the
Mekong River Basin population grew from 63 million in 1995
to over 72 million in 2005. This is in good agreement with the
observed/estimated data (1). Under scenario A, by 2050, the
Mekong River Basin population is expected to grow by another
60%, while under scenario B—constant growth—it will double
its 2005 values. Empirical evidence suggests that future
population growth in the Mekong Basin is likely to follow the
trends projected under scenario A (4).
While these figures are only indicative, they do point to the
complexity associated with policy debate around population
growth as metajustification for natural-resources exploitation in
Mekong River Basin. Most, if not all, Mekong countries have
argued that to fulfill the resource requirements (perceived or
real) of a growing population, some form of water and/or land-
use change will be required to support increasing human
numbers (1, 11, 12, 13).
Selecting a Method for Projecting Food Demand
Total food demand projections usually depend on three crucial
factors: i) population size; ii) increase in per capita consump-
tion and life style; and iii) changes in the composition of diet
(10). Data on the Mekong River Basin population size is
available (as shown previously), and changes in per capita
consumption can be estimated from Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) food balance sheets (14). An analysis of
the data on the composition of average daily diet (1990, 1995,
and 2000) of all six Mekong countries shows that more than
65% of the daily calorie supply is provided by cereals (rice and
wheat), both directly as cereal products and indirectly through
animal products (14). It is therefore assumed in this study that
such a change in lifestyle would be minimal over the next 40 y,
and that cereal products and rice will remain the major staple
foods in the Mekong River Basin in the coming decades.
Some early Mekong River Basin studies applied a method
for calculating food demand that built on an assumption of per
capita demand of 300 kg y
of paddy or equivalent across all
Mekong countries (see, e.g., 9). An analysis of the FAO food
balance sheets (14) (1990, 1995, and 2000) shows that method
was overgeneralized because food composition and availability
differ from country to country. The food balance sheets also
provide information about average per capita food supplies,
which can be used to measure long-term trends in national food
demand and diet composition. In this study, domestic food
demand is considered as the sum of a country’s demand for
food and other uses from available supplies, such as seed use,
livestock feed, food manufacturing, and farm and market waste
(postharvesting, transport, and retail losses).
Discussing Food Demand Estimates
Year 2000 cereal (rice, maize, and wheat) demand in the
Mekong River Basin was estimated to be around 20.65 million
t. Based on the constant population growth in scenario B, total
cereal demand in the basin will more than double to around
44.1 million t by 2050. Under scenario A, cereal demand is
projected to increase by nearly 60% (roughly 11 million t more
than 2000 values), as shown in Figure 2.
Comparing this demand with the 2000 paddy rice production
of 30.64 million t in the Lower Mekong Basin (15), and
assuming no changes in paddy production levels or farming
practices, the Mekong River Basin is likely to produce enough
rice to feed its basin community until 2030 or 2040 (see Fig. 3).
Northeast Thailand and the Vietnamese Delta—major rice
producers and exporters—are likely to produce rice surplus
even after 2050. However, malnutrition remains in many of the
least-developed parts of t he basin—Myanmar, Laos, and
Cambodia (2). This is mainly due to problems of distribution
Figure 1. Mekong River key monitoring stations (27).
220 Ambio Vol. 37, No. 3, May 2008Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2008
and nonaffordability by some low-income groups, rather than
of an absolute lack of food (1). As far as the expansion of food
production in the future is concerned, the Mekong countries
have different potentials and constraints. These are discussed in
the next section.
An analysis of long-term population (4) and cropping-area
changes in all countries in the Mekong region during the past
four decades (1960–2004) (16) does not produce a uniform
relationship between population growth and land-use change.
All Mekong countries except for Myanmar experienced
cropping land area increases in proportion to the increase of
population until 1995, whereafter agricultural land expansion
has been much slower than population growth. This result
suggests that although population s ize is an important
determinant of agricultural land-use change, its form and the
intensity of change in the Mekong River Basin in a particular
locale are influenced by other factors, including land-tenure
policies, international markets for forest and agricultural
products, land resource availability and the level of competition
for it, technological factors, and development impacts (16).
Food Demand Growth and Impacts on Land Use
Numerous studies have highlighted the major influence of land
and water productivity on overall food production (e.g. 16, 17).
This study applies a Crop Area Production Model to evaluate
crop-area demands by taking into account not only food
demand and population change, but also land and water
productivity levels (16). For this study, the year 2000 yield was
assumed to grow at the rate observed between 1987 and 1997.
Figure 3 shows the increase in the crop-area demand in the
whole Mekong River Basin projected by this study as compared
against the 2000 observed paddy area data in the Mekong parts
of Yunnan, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam (16, 17).
In a moderate scenario (A), the harvested area demand is likely
to increase to 9 million ha (i.e., an increase of 2 million ha from
2000 values). Similar trends are found at each individual
Mekong River Basin country level. If w e compare crop
production area demand with the 2000 paddy areas (roughly
7 424 000 ha or 11 597 000 ha, if double- and triple-cropping
areas are counted), the projected paddy crop-area demand
would exceed existing paddy crop areas by 2020 or 2045,
respectively (16, 17). Given these findings, crop-area expansion
appears to be inevitable in the Mekong River Basin. This leads
to the question about whether there is any more room for this
expansion. This is discussed next.
Any More Room for Agricultural Land Expansion in the
Mekong River Basin?
At first glance, the future crop-area demand seems to be less
than the land area available. However, out of the Mekong River
Basin total catchment area of over 795 000 km
(795 million
ha), only about 227.5 million ha is classified as Class A—land
areas suitable for upland or irrigation agriculture (18).
Furthermore, much less than half of this is available due to
Figure 2. Mekong Basin cereal demand projections comparing with
2000 cereal production (option A: population growth rate declining;
option B: population growth constant).
Is a human being an aquatic or terrestrial species? This question
occasionally comes to the mind in the Mekong context. Floating
settlements on the shores of the Bassac River in Phnom Penh,
Cambodia (Photo: O. Varis).
Figure 3. Mekong River Basin growth in crop-area demand vs. 2000
harvested crop area (option A: population growth rate declining;
option B: population growth constant) (land-use data source: 16).
Ambio Vol. 37, No. 3, May 2008 221Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2008
high levels of degradation, remoteness, poor soil quality, land-
tenure issues, lack of access to water, and competition with
forestry, human settlements, industrial uses, and infrastructure
development, as shown in Table 1 (16, 19).
Vietnam and Thailand use their arable land in the Mekong
River Basin almost to its full extent for producing paddy rice
and other crops for both domestic consumption and export (16,
17). To meet growing needs beyond 2015, Cambodia and Laos
will have to increase the paddy production or develop an
alternative food-security strategy with clear actions and
appropriate mechanisms for implementing it. While these
countries still have potential for paddy area expansion, they
need substantial investment in irrigation systems, transport
infrastructure, and market access (15).
Long-Term Per Capita Water Availability Trends in the
Mekong River Basin
According to the World Resource Institute, a basin reaches
‘‘water stress’’ when per capita water supply is less than 1700 m
(20). Compared to other river basins across the world in
term of actual renewable water resources per capita, the
Mekong Basin is not yet considered to be water-stressed. An
average M ekong river flow of 474 932 MCM each year
theoretically can service the irrigation requirements of all
Mekong Basin countries many times (17). However, the region
still faces a series of water issues, including floods and drought
in many parts of the basin at different times of the year,
degradation of many key fish species and other important
habitats, and intensification of sectoral competition within and
among the Mekong countries (2). These water issues are closely
related to the unequal geographical and temporal distribution
of flow. Furthermore, these issues are likely to intensify further
as a result of future population increases, changes in flow
regimes due to built structures and irrigation diversions, and
climate-induced change.
Assessing Hydrological Impacts Due to Irrigation
It is understood that a series of large-scale economic activities in
the Mekong subregion are at various stages of planning and
development (3, 13, 21). The main source of major future
impacts, both positive and negative, on the communities and
natural resources of the Mekong River Basin is the development
and operation of major hydropower schemes, other large
infrastructure projects, and increased irrigation water diversion
in different parts of the basin (22).
Water abstraction from the Mekong is limited during the wet
season when flow levels are high and rainwater is available.
However, there are many constraints on water utilization during
the dry season, especially in drought years (23, 24). The dry
seasons pose the most water challenges. Therefore, we studied
the changes to the minimum daily flows due to the expansion of
irrigated paddy areas to the maximum potential of arable land
in the Lower Mekong Basin parts of Laos, Thailand,
Cambodia, and Vietnam (15).
In examining the hydrological impacts of irrigation, for the
purposes of this study, crop types were assumed to remain the
same, and therefore existing proportions between different crop
types within an irrigation area were retained. The scenario
limited the analysis to those crops associated with an increase in
total water demand as a result of additional dry-sea son
irrigation areas. The paddy area of 2000 (in thousands of ha)
and percentage assumed increase, crop irrigation lifetime and
cropping calendar, the crop water unit requirement of irrigation
water per hectare, and the return flow fraction are presented in
Tables 2 and 3.
We estimated the flow changes at Pakse and the Cambodia-
Vietnam border (see Fig. 1 for locations) and compared the
Table 1. Summary of Agricultural Potential and Constraints of the Mekong River Basin.
Basin area
Areas for
upland agriculture
used (%)
Area suitable
for irrigation (ha)
used (%)
ratio Constraints
Cambodia 2 941 300 5 11 242 700 31 7%–10% Management and low inputs;
poor access to market and high loss;
landmine and small landholding; and
low irrigation efficiency.
Laos 3 051 400 25 2 317 100 35 7%–10% Poor access to market; high operation
cost and low return; and low
irrigation efficiency.
Vietnam Highlands 1 131 300 51 360 900 36 12%
Vietnam Delta 10 100 68 3 256 200 88* 60% Water shortage, salinity, acid sulfate soil;
low irrigation efficiency; and high
postharvest losses.
Thai NE 3 600 500 75 12 156 600 95 12% High labor cost; low-quality soil; salinity;
and low irrigation efficiency.
Yunnan 233 333
n.a. 566 366
n.a. n.a. Flat and gentle slope area is about 6%,
and irrigation potential is marginal;
41.8 is high slope greater than 258;
and high erosion.
* Around 300 000 ha grow three crops of rice each year; 1 080 000 ha are double cropped (source: 16). Pasture land. z Farmland: 93% for single-rice cropping and 3% for double-rice cropping.
Table 2. Paddy area of 2000 and percentage of assumed increase (in thousands of ha), crop irrigation lifetime, and cropping calendar.
Basin country
Dry season, 3.5 mo, Feb–May Recession, 4 mo, Jan–Apr Spring/summer, 4 mo, Apr–Jul Winter/spring, 4 mo, Dec–Mar
2000 2040 2000 2040 2000 2040 2000 2040
Cambodia 55 þ 150% 137.5 200 þ 150% 500
Vietnam Delta 1500 1879 1237 1581
Thailand 155.9 * 10% 171.5 0 0 0 0 0 0
Laos 131.8 * 250% 461.3 0 0 0 0 0 0
(Data source: 16)
222 Ambio Vol. 37, No. 3, May 2008Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2008
impacts of irrigation expansion on the Mekong Delta at low
flow to 1996–2000 average monthly flow volumes at Pakse and
Cambodia-Vietnam border, as estimated by the World Bank
Above Kratie, the total dry-season irrigation withdrawal is
projected to remain lower (in term of percentage) than the areas
below Kratie and in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta. The 2000
estimated irrigation water demand in the Mekong River Basin
parts of Thailand and Laos was only 30% of the total average
flow volume at Pakse. However, with an increase in irrigated
areas to 250% and 10% in Laos and Thailand, respectively, the
total irrigation demand would be close to 80% of total average
flow volume during the critical months of February and March.
The dry-season flow change would be even more remarkable
with the projected increase of the dry-season irrigation in the
area further downstream of Kratie (Fig. 1). It will further
exacerbate an issue of competing demands from other uses,
including in-stream environmental uses and critical habitat
maintenance for endangered species, which are known to
require water of a certain depth.
The comparison of the irrigation volumes of 2000 with
average flow volumes in April and May shows that the
irrigation demand constituted 76%–81% of the flow availability.
The results of irrigation volume estimates for downstream of
Kratie and in the Mekong Delta during the dry-season period
from December to July show an increase of 47% from the 2000
value of 32 096 MCM. The average value and the actual flow
volumes may be higher or lower, since the baseline standard
deviation of wet and dry years is estimated to be around 23% on
average (24). This incident of dry-season shortage is confirmed
by the report of severe incidence of seawater intrusion in the
Mekong Delta area of Vietnam in very dry years. With a
projected growth in irrigation water use, the critical dry-season
months—April and May—will face more serious water short-
ages and more competition among water users, as irrigation
demand alone will surpass flow availability (21).
Population, together with other major dr ivers, such as
institutions and organizations, markets, and technology, will
have a very strong bearing on the way in which the rich
resources of the Mekong River Basin are developed and
distributed, both at present and in the future. Levels of
dependency of people on the river’s water and related resources
are very high, particularly among the rural poor, who depend
heavily on subsistence livelihoods. However, the rich resources
and the benefits derived from them are unevenly distributed
both in time and space (3). They are exploited not only for
meeting growing domestic needs but also for export demands,
further demonstrating the high level of dependency on the rich
natural resources of the Mekong River Basin as a source of
economic growth. The Mekong leaders maintain that the
requirements of a growing population ultimately require some
form of land-use change to provide for the expansion of food
production, or to develop the infrastructure necessary to
support increasing human numbers (1, 13, 14).
At first glance, the projected crop-area demands appear to be
lower than the land available in the basin. However, in reality,
much less than half of this land is available due to high levels of
degradation, remoteness, poor soil quality, land-tenure issues,
lack of access to water and markets, and competition with other
land-use activities, e.g., forestry, human settlement, industry,
and infrastructures. Some cash-trapped riparian countries need
to carefully assess land suitability, address irrigation viability
(cost, access, and effectiveness), and market prices and access.
Furthermore, for these countries, securing and allocating
substantial investment in irrigation systems, transport infra-
structure, and market access is often very challenging.
Water abstraction from the Mekong River Basin is limited
during the wet season when flow levels are high and rainwater is
available; however, there are many constraints on water
utilization during the dry season, especially in drier years. It is
true that good water-resource management practices can
increase the availability of water during critical periods, and
that integrated planning that optimizes the benefits derived
from waters can clearly increase the overall productivity of a
river system. Major (joint or several) development, such as the
construction of dams and major abstractions for irrigation,
presents special challenges due to the need to assess options and
trade-offs and to apply environmental and social safeguards
effectively and equitably across inter national borders and
The results of this study suggest that, in order to satisfy the
requirement for further irrigation expansion in the Lower
Mekong Basin and to prevent seawater intrusion into the
Mekong Delta, a dry-season flow needs to be generated during
the critical dry months, either from the points above Kratie or
from Tonle Sap Great Lake (25, 26). Modeling results generated
by the MRC (2004) show that the development of Chinese dams
(two existing dams and two larger planned dams) and six dams
on Laotian tributaries will have the effect of reducing flows
beyond even the standard deviation of wet and dry years
(estimated to be around 23%) at Kratie (which is used as a
control point to monitor flow patterns and flow distribution in
Table 3. Estimated crop irrigated-water requirement and return
flow fraction.
Noncritical period,
life (mo)
Critical period,
Lowland rice 2074 3.5 7258 0.3
Upland crops 1555 4 6221 0.3
Fruit trees 1037 4 4147 0.0
Coffee 1100 4 4400
Recession rice 1037 3 3110 0.3
(Source: adapted from 16)
Figure 4. Total irrigation demand
and average monthly flow volume
at Pakse and Cambodia-Vietnam
Ambio Vol. 37, No. 3, May 2008 223Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2008
Cambodia’s floodplains and in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta) (23).
The generation of a dditional flow with major structural
measures in the Lower Mekong Basin floodplains is technically,
financially, and even ecologically challenging (27).
The issues described here are compounded by many factors,
such as:
– Each Mekong country tends to take an independent course
of action, often ignoring external and indirect effects. This
represents one of the largest challenges to overcome, since
the asymmetry of causal responsibility, power/capacity, and
distributional problems are highly prevalent in the subre-
– An effective and truly Mekong-wide institution for negoti-
ating cooperative development is lacking, and there is no
commonly accepted knowledge base or tools for impact
assessment and monitoring.
– There is a lack of reliable data and knowledge, which leads to
a failure to fully understand and correctly evaluate impacts
and identify the causa l mechan isms at work in large,
dynamic systems, and to consider and integrate multiple
risks and vulnerabilities.
– Inadequate attention is given to the cumulative impact of
activities. As the number of development projects in an area
increases, the incidence and importance of cumulative
impacts also increase. Better approaches, guidelines, and
conventions for carrying out cumulative and cross-sectoral
impact assessment and monitoring are needed.
In summary, growing food demand requires one or more of
i) further expansion of crop and irrigation areas; ii) increasing
crop and land-use intensities, diversity, and productivity levels;
iii) demand-side management, iv) a limit on irrigation
abstractions, significant improvements in irrigation efficiency
(i.e., adoption of a ‘‘more crop per drop’’ approach), or
diversification of crop types toward those requiring less water;
and v) virtual water trade.
Vietnam presents an interesting case. Statistically, it has
lowest ratio of water availability per person, but it has been
successful in increasing food production for domestic consump-
tion through high crop productivity and water- and land-use
References and Notes
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Vientiane, Lao PDR, 126 pp.
24. Halcrow Group Ltd. 2004. Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge
Base (WUP-A). DSF 650 Technical Reference Report Appendix A 1–6. Halcrow Group
Limited, for Mekong River Commission Secretariat, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 260 pp.
25. SMEC. 1998. Water Utilization Programme Preparation Project. Final Report, SMEC/
MRC Secretariat, Bangkok, Thailand, 194 pp.
26. Daming, H. 1997. Sustainable development of Lancang-Mekong River Basin and
integrated multi-objective utilization research of water resources. J. Chin. Geogr. 7, 9–21.
27. Sarkkula, J. and Koponen, J. 2003. Modelling Tonle Sap for Environmental Impact
Assessment and Management Support. Final Report. Finnish Environmental Institute
and EIA Ltd., Helsinki, 110 pp.
Sokhem Pech is a senior international river basin governance
specialist, Hatfield Group, Vancouver, Canada. He has broad
and multidisciplinary experience in water law; water and
natural-resources management; institutional and organization
development with specific focus on the Mekong subregion;
regional policy formulation and hydrodiplomacy; multistake-
holder dialogue and consultation; water-resources strategic
assessment; water dispute management; and development of
intercountry data- and information-sharing mechanisms. His
address: Natural Resources & Policy Researcher, 46DE0, 118
Street, Tuk La Ak I, Toul Kork District, Phnom Penh,
Kengo Sunada is a professor at the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Interdisciplinary Graduate School
of Medicine and Engineering. He is currently a leader of the
Japan Science and Technology Agency’s research project
‘‘Sustainable Water Policy Scenario for River Basins with
Rapidly Increasing Populations’’ and is developing counter-
measure strategies to global hydrological variations in mon-
soon Asia. His address: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department, University of Yamanashi, Takeda 4-3-11, Kofu,
Yamanashi 400-8511, Japan.
224 Ambio Vol. 37, No. 3, May 2008Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2008