What are we worried about?
What are we worried about?
Some users see ‘broken’ sites.
What are we worried about?
Some users see ‘broken’ sites.
Don’t build broken sites: basic support can be
offered as long as it doesn’t look broken. If it’s a real
problem for older browsers, use universalie6.css, a
warning message, or something similar
What are we worried about?
Some users see ‘broken’ sites.
Don’t build broken sites: basic support can be
offered as long as it doesn’t look broken. If it’s a real
problem for older browsers, use universalie6.css, a
warning message, or something similar
But this visual treatment is integral to the brand!
What are we worried about?
Some users see ‘broken’ sites.
Don’t build broken sites: basic support can be
offered as long as it doesn’t look broken. If it’s a real
problem for older browsers, use universalie6.css, a
warning message, or something similar
But this visual treatment is integral to the brand!
Then include it (if not, don’t worry)
What are we worried about?
Some users see ‘broken’ sites.
Don’t build broken sites: basic support can be
offered as long as it doesn’t look broken. If it’s a real
problem for older browsers, use universalie6.css, a
warning message, or something similar
But this visual treatment is integral to the brand!
Then include it (if not, don’t worry)
Missing rounded corners don’t matter!
Take Your Design To The Next Level With CSS3 j.mp/smashingcss3
Fearful forabeautifulweb.com/s/598
Great article, thanks but I think to wait that
the most of browsers support CSS3 totally to
develop websites for my clients.
Comments from Smashing Magazine readers on j.mp/smashingcss3
I hope CSS3 will be a standard in the near
future, right now you cant really use anything
of it ’cause not every browser supports it.
Comments from Smashing Magazine readers on j.mp/smashingcss3
CSS 3 rocks. Unfortunately we need to stay at
least 5 more years with CSS 2.1 if we want to
offer the same design to each user (what in
most ‘commercial’ projects is necessary).
Comments from Smashing Magazine readers on j.mp/smashingcss3
I can’t wait to use CSS3 in a real project.
Unfortunately I’m going to be stuck with
things as they are for the time being as I wait
for my clients to catch up. I expect this will be
the case for most designers for the time being.
Comments from Smashing Magazine readers on j.mp/smashingcss3
CSS3 looks really good however because of IE
it will be long time before I start using it.
Comments from Smashing Magazine readers on j.mp/smashingcss3
These arguments are
complete and utter bullshit
If 98% of the users can’t see a
text-shadow, it doesn’t matter,
but it’ll be a nice enrichment
for the 2% of users who can
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Progressive means progressive
Progressive means progressive
Fall-back solutions (JS on and off?)
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Progressive means progressive
Fall-back solutions (JS on and off?)
Enhancements only become features when the
majority of users are experiencing them
Progressive means progressive
Fall-back solutions (JS on and off?)
Enhancements only become features when the
majority of users are experiencing them
Use progressive enrichment in your dull, corporate sites
— the sexy stuff is an add-on, so it’s fine!