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Practise test 1
I. Find and correct the mistake in A,B,C or D,
1. In generally , the rule is very simple: a singular subject requires a singular verb.
2.How many languages can a person learn in their life?
3.When I was a small I used to go swimming with my father and my brother.
4.Language is not necessarily the private property of those who uses it.
5. The research works of this school has affected our lives cosiderably.
6.I wonder why the English are driving on the left-hand side of the road.
7.The more I live with him , the most I love him.
8. The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is the largest than any other lakes in the world.
9.Never before I have visited this fascinating place.
10.According with Gardner, it is motivation that plays an important role in his
success. A B C D
Question 11-20. Read the followin passage and choose the best option to fit each
place by circling the letter A,B,C or D.
Do you remember I told you I was trying to get a part-time job as a waiter at a
Japanese restaurant? Well, I finally got (11)______ . Of course, I haven’t been
working there long, (12)______ I can really tell It’s a woderful place (13)____ . All
the staff are very friendly and helpful. Besides,(14) _____ pay is good and they let us
eat (15)______ we want after work. I work only as a dinner waiter because I have to
go to class (16)_____ the day. You know my main job is to take orders from the
(17)____,give the orders to the cokks, and take the (18)____- to the customers. I often

Have to descibe (19)______ different Japanese dishes. Sometime Japanese customers
speak to me in Japanese,(20)_____ me to know the language.I love that work
experience very much.
11. A. them B. that part C. one D. then
12. A. however B. in contrast C. but D. on the contrary
13. A. to work B. working C. at work D. to working
14. A. one B. an C. a D. the
15. A. what B. when C. how D. whose
16. A. of B. during C. on D. around
17. A. manager B. waiters C. customers D. cooks
18. A. food B. menu C. bill D.drink
19. A. no B. lots C. many D. both
20. A. expected B. has expected C. to expecting D. expecting
Complete the following senteces with the correct form of the words in the
21. You can’t pass an exam without good ( PREPARE)
22. He got an accident due to his ( CARE)
23. He has great as a writer. ( CAPABLE)
24. I’m completely with the poor results of your work. (SATIFY)
25. I stay with them during my holiday last year and their made me feel like
at home. ( FRIEND)
26. We just bought this car two years ago, but now it shows its ( USE)
27. I was so in the film last night. (INTEREST)
28. That woman always shows her to chilsren. ( KIND )
29. It was your that ruined the meeting.( RESPOSIBLE)
30. Many of different organisations participated in the coference yesterday.
Rewriting the following setences with the same meanig with the given ones.
31.Ann could not find the right job.
Ann was

32.The people who were there did not notice anything unusual.
33. He spends so much money on clothing.
If I
34. Weather conditions influence most peopl’s lives.
Most people’s lives are
35. I had to spend the whole evening to finish the homework.
36.I don’t find it difficult to study late at night.
I am used
37.I will be happy to give you a lift.
I don’t mind
38.There were lots of people in the square.
The square was
39.Mary is pround of the fact that she is never late.
Mary prides
40. We did not realise how serious the situation was.
Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.
41. When he finishes hus homework,he (teach) his young brother English.
42.While Mary (walk) along the street, she saw the accident.
43.Tom is a first year student,by the end of next year,he( learn ) English for
two years.
44.(Write) the letter,she put it in an envelope.
45.Our classmate couldn’t help (laugh) when they heard the teacher’s funny
46.This kitchen needs (repair) as quickly as possible.
47.If they had revised the lessons carefully,they (not fail) the exam.
48.I would rather (watch) TV than go to bed.
49.Do you wish you (study) Fine Arts instead of Music?

50.I’ll have it (send) to you immediately.
Choose the best answer by circling the letter A,B,C or D.
51.Tell me there is anything interesting that you would like to do.
A. that B. which C.if D.so
52. He has been waiting for this letter for days,and at it has come.
A. last B. in the end C. present D. the finish
53.The man who lives opposite us sometimes comes for a cup of tea.
A. on B. over C. off D.too
54.We were so late,we had time to catch the train.
A. nearly B. almost C. hardly D. simply
55. There was a small room into we all crowded.
A. which B. where C. that D. it
56.Remember to go your test paper to check for grammar and spelling
A.on B. over C. off D. into
57.The cat was to wait for the mouse to come out.
A. patiently enough B. so patient C. enough patient D. patient enough
58.We have to start early we will be late for school.
A. or else B. so that C. although D. that
59.Venice, was built on water, is a city in Italy.
A. where B.that C. who D. which
60.Unemployment is a serious problem in the area; there are jobs for the
people there.
A. a little B. a few C. few D. little
Complete the following passages with the correct form of the words below.
Operate message workplace introduce secretary computer fill
Know-how predict technique
Susan studied stenography in a(61)______ school,but few people use stenography in
the office where she works today. Instead,she(62) _______ a word-processing
machine. She sends letters to other companies through a (63) _______ .She can also

have her computer numbers and take (64) ______ . The new generation of small and
inexpensive computers has invaded most (65) ______ and many make some office
work out of date.
In addition, a new generation of robots may soon be (66)______ to the factories in
major cities all over the world.Experts have the(67)________ that,in the near
future,robot will do more than 50 persent of all factory work.As computer-run
machines(68) _______ more jobs, possibilities of unskilled workers will dry
up.However,there will be a greater demand for people with computer(59) ______ to
take care of robots.These people need to have(70) training tobe ablr to maintain the
Circle the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other
71.A. brain B. blame C. campaign D. any
72.A. equivalent B. compete C. yield D. lease
73.A. mechanize B. enterprise C. security D. upset
74. A. slum B. accuse C. unemployment D. tough
75.A. graduate B. judge C. suggest D. chinese
Circle the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three
76.A. Accuse B. compete C. plateau D. income
77. A. equivelent B. unemployment C. industrial D. security
78. A.millennium B. congratulate C. drastically D. promotional
79.A.television B. graduation C. competion D. corporation
80.A. mechanize B. concentrate C. enormous D.centralize
I. 1.A 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.A
II.11.C 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.C 20D
III. 21. Preparation 22.carelessness 23.capability 24.dissatisfied 25.friendliness
26. uselessness 27. interested 28.kindness / kindheartedness
29. irresponsibility 30.representatives
IV. 31. Ann was unable/not able to find the right job

32.No-one ( who was) there/ present noticed anything strange/unusual
33.If I were him,I would not spend so much money on clothing.
34.Most people’s lives are influenced by weather conditions.
35.It took me the whole evening to finish the homework.
36.I am used to studying late at night.
37.I don’t mind giving you a lift.
38.The square was full of people.
39.Mary prides herself on never being late.
40. Little did we realise how serious the situation was.
41.Will teach 42.was walking 43.will have learned 44.having written
45.laughing 46.to be repaired/repairing 47.wouldn’t have failed 48.watch
49.had studied 50. sent
VI. 51.C.if 52.A. last 53. B over 54.C hardly 55.A. which 56.B. over
57.D.patient enough 58.A. or else 59.D.which 60.C.few
VII. 61.secretarial 62.operates 63.computer 64.messages 65.workplaces
66.introduced 67.predicted 68. fill 69.know-how 70.technical
VIII. 71. D 72.A 73.C 74.B 75.D
76.D 77.B 78.C 79.A 80.C

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