Men’s enemy in the world of
Somebody has observed that man is born free but
everywhere he is in chains. Though this was said in some
other circumstances, ma is not so free. From birth to
death, he has to contest with his enemies. Where the
enemy is known, man has always found ways and means
of combating it. If it is disease, he has medicines for it. He
would set up snares and catch certain types of enemies.
He would kill them with slings, bows and arrows, spears
and guns and so on. But the story of man, when he cannot
fight his enemy, is helplessness as in the case of a big
Among the animate enemies, the bacteria and virus are
the worst for one does not know when they may strike for
they are lurking everywhere only to enter the human
system and play havoc. Long, long ago man believed that
diseases were caused by evil sports and hence he tried to
appease them by sacrifices and by worshipping them.
Now thanks to the advance of science and invention of
scientific instruments especially the microscope and the X-
ray machines, man knows diseases are caused by
bacteria and virus. He knows also how to prevent falling
prey to those diseases. He has in repertoire sulpha drugs
and antibiotics, vaccines and serums. Almost all epidemic
diseases have become things of the past. For instance,
small pox, the scourge which was taking away a toll of
men has been eradicated practically from the face of the
earth. Only cancer is defying all treatment.
Man has to be wary about insects that bite because he
cannot hope to eradicate them. From experience he has
come to know of medicines for such things, for example
snake bites can be treated with serum.
Man has enemies among animals such as tigers, wolves
and foxes. They do not attack man unless he interferes
with them. These animals have their part to play in the
ecological balance. Even the dog, man’s best friend can
prove as an enemy especially when it becomes mad. The
bite of a mad dog causes rabies; thanks to the pioneering
effort of Louis Pasteur and anti-rabies vaccine has been
prepared and has proved a blessing in healing dog bites.
These are also other types of enemies which destroy
man’s food. For example, rats and other rodents destroy
sizable quantities of grains and fruits. But man with
experience and scientific skills has overcome these
enemies. He builds rat proof warehouses where grains are
dusted with chemicals so that they do not rot. He keeps
food items in cold storage and thus preserves them.
There are then the enemies from the very elements
themselves. The life giving atmosphere may prove
fearsome when it turns into a storm or tornado. With
scientific instruments man is able to forecast a coming
storm. Similarly the rain, snow, ice and frost may prove to
be enemies when they occur. Rain destroys life and
property and leaves destruction when it recedes. Fog has
caused many disasters on land and in water such as ships
colliding, air crashes and land accidents. Ice was known to
have broken ships. But the dangers from them are being
minimized because of sophisticated apparatus man has at
his command. Mother earth herself very often makes up
her mind to heave and shake. These earthquakes do
cause a heavy loss almost every year.
The worst enemy of man is death. One does not know
what death is except that all the organs fail to function.
Man may argue as to how death is caused, but
nevertheless it does occur at every age and in all places at
all times. There is none who is not afraid of death. People
carry mascots and talismans to avoid death. The mystery
of death is so deep that a lot of theories have sprung up
about it. It may be a friend in certain cases and it may
appear cruel in other cases. Whether death is an enemy
or a friend depends on how one views it.
So one can conclude that man is always surrounded by
enemies and if at all he survives, it is indeed a miracle.