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Trang 1/5 - Mã đề thi 238

Mã đề thi: 238
Môn thi: Tiếng Anh – Khối D
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút;
(80 câu trắc nghiệm)

Exercise 1. Choose the best answer from the four options (A, B, C or D)
Câu 1: Migratory patterns in birds________terms of seasonal changes.
A. in usually can be explained B. can usually be explained in
C. can be explainesd usually in D. can be explained in usually
Câu 2: My anger___________ him has died________since he apologised to me.
A. at/ out B. at/for C. at/down D. to/down
Câu 3: There wasn’t a ____ of dust anywhere in the hotel.
A. speck B. drop C. fleck D. pinch
Câu 4: How long does it usually take to________for a domestic flight?
A. check over B. check out C. check in D. check on
Câu 5: I could tell she was pleased________the expression on her face.
A. by B. for C. at D. in
Câu 6: It was not _______ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their beds.
A. until B. while C. when D. during
Câu 7: Water is________to all plants and animals.
A. Indispensible B. dispense C. dispensible D. indispensable
Câu 8: When driving near a school, look_______for children crossing the road.
A. after B. out C. up D. for.
Câu 9: A large number of tourists were waitng in front of the ________ ground to see the soldiers.

A. parade B. procession C. rally D. demonstration
Câu 10: The organisers________how many people would be attending the course and there were not enough
A. estimated B. underestimated C. overated D. overestimated
Câu 11: I________my best suit- everyone else was very casually dressed.
A. mustn’t wear B. mustn’t have worn. C. needn’t wear D. needn’t have worn
Câu 12: Your progress will be________in a month’s time.
A. admired B. evaluated C. counted D. valued
Câu 13: I hadn’t been riding before and could barely________the horse at first.
A. get into B. get out of C. get on D. get off
Câu 14: _________ the problems are nummerous, we must still try to solve them.
A. Since B. in spite of C. although D. in order that
Câu 15: I like his essay because it is________
A. imaginary B. imaginative C. imaginable D. imagination.
Câu 16: They have not seen their uncle ____ 1975.
A. until B. in C. since D. from
Câu 17: Seldom________art critic consider movies to be a form of fine art.
A. do B. are C. that D. the
Câu 18: My uncle is thinking of________next year and spending the rest of his life travelling round the world.
A. retiring B. being sacked C. being resigned D. being made redundant
Câu 19: If John ___________ the train instead of driving, he wouldn’t have been late for work.
A. would catch B. had caught C. caught D. should catch
Câu 20: He hung up in the middle of our conversation, ________absolutely infuriated me.
A. that B. Ө C. it D. which

Exercise 2. Read the passage then choose the best answer to fill each numnered blank
The disvovery of DNA.
The fact that genetic information in animals and plants is carried out by something (21)_____DNA is now
regared as (22)_____knowledge. Before the 1950s, however, (23)_____was known about DNA or how it worked.

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One of the (24)_____moments is science occurred in 1953, when Francis Crick and James Watson at Cambridge
University discovered the structure of DNA. They said that DNA was (25)_____to two spiral staircases going up
and down at the same time. Scientists all over the world (26)_____this “ double helix” model immediately. The
discovery was, of course, the (27)_____of years of hard work, and Crick and Watson were not the only scientists
who had been (28)_____out research in an attempt to find out what DNA (29)_____like. Maurine Wilkins and
Rosaline Franklin at King’s college, London, had also been (30)_____on the problem. They used x-ray analysis of
DNA, (31)_____, Crick and Watson preferred to build models. One day, without (32)_____a word to her, wilkins
showed Franklin’s results to Watson, and it was those results which (33)_____him to discover the real structure of
DNA. In 1962, Watson, Crick and Wilkins were (34)_____the Nobel prize for their work, Rosalin Franklin, who
had died four years earlier, was not even (35)_____at the ceremony.

Câu 21: A. called B. known C. referred D. described.
Câu 22: A. normal B. usual C. ordinary. D. general
Câu 23: A. tiny B. few. C. hardly D. litlle
Câu 24: A. broadest B. largest C. tallest D. greatest.
Câu 25: A. same B. resembled C. similar D. alike
Câu 26: A. admitted B. allowed C. accepted D. agreed
Câu 27: A. effect B. reason C. finish. D. result
Câu 28: A. holding B. carrying. C. making D. doing
Câu 29: A. appreared B. existed C. compared. D. looked
Câu 30: A. thinking B. working. C. trying D. seeking
Câu 31: A. however B. unlike C. whereas D. despite.
Câu 32: A. telling B. dropping C. giving D. saying
Câu 33: A. helped B. aided C. assisted D. provided.
Câu 34: A. awared B. celebrated C. presented D. donated
Câu 35: A. admitted. B. mentioned C. responded D. suggested

Exercise 3. Choose the most suitable answer to fill each numnered blank
For all the talk of what humankind has done to cause (36)_______to the planet, we should not forget that nature

itself is a (37)_______force, capable of doing damage on a huge scale. The greenhouse effect and the
(38)_______in the ozone layer are indeed made worse by the (39)_______we live in. However, we must
remember that there are certain species of plants and animal which, quite naturally, (40)_______off gases that are
very harmful to the atmosphere. And only fifty years ago in London, hundred of people died from the smog which
hung over the river Thames. What interesting here is that, yes, smoke and gases from industry, vehicles and fossil
fules were ingredients in this deadly mixture. The other vital ingredient, though, was the completely natural fog,
and who would have thought that could be (41)_______?
In the early days of the industrial revolution, poets, painters and philosophers described how the polluted
(42)_______skies made them think of the end of the world. Well, toward the end of the nineteenth century the
volcanic eruption of Krakatoa nearly made it happen. Thousands of tons of dust and ash were thrown into the air
and, for years afterwards, there were red sunsets caused by the light filtering through this natural pollution.
Remembering scientist’s pet theory about the dinosaurs (43)_______out because of a huge volcanic eruption, we
were lucky that humankind (44)_______this time.
So next time you look out from your garden or balcony and see a beatiful red sunset, think of the possibilities. It
could be the result of our activities poisoning the air we breathe, or it might just be (45)_______turning on the
radio to check there have beeen any major eruptions lately!

Câu 36: A. demolition B. negativity C. destruction D. badness
Câu 37: A. natural B. muscular C. heavy D. powerful
Câu 38: A. weakness B. blank C. hole D. division
Câu 39: A. commercialised B. atmospheric C. natural D. industialized
Câu 40: A. take B. throw C. give D. run
Câu 41: A. poisoned B. environmental C. chemical D. harmful
Câu 42: A. urban B. rural C. global D. busy

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Câu 43: A. fading B. dying C. killing D. going
Câu 44: A. survived B. saved C. managed D. protected
Câu 45: A. valuable B. worth C. while D. good

Exercise 4. Read the passage then choose the best answer to fill each numbered blank
Reseachers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best ways to make an important decision, such as
choosing a university to attend or a business to invest in, involves the utilization of a decision worksheet.
Psychologists who study optimization compare the actual decisions made by people to theoretical ideal decisions
to see how similar they are. Proponents of the worksheet procedure believe that it will yield optimal, that is, the
best decisions. Although there are several variations on the exact format that worksheets can take, they are all
similar in their essential aspects.
Worksheets require defining the problem in a clear and concise way and then listing all possible solutions to the
problem. Next, the pertinent considerations that will be affectesd by each decision are listed, and the relative
importance of each consideration or consequence is determined.Each consideration is assigned a numerical value
to reflect its relative importance. A decision is mathematically calculated by adding these values together. The
alternative with the highest number of points emerges as the best decision.
Since most important problems are multifaceted, there are serveral alternatives to choose from, each with
unique advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits of a pencil and paper decision-making procedure is that
it permits people to deal with more variables than their minds can gerenerally comprehend and remember. On the
average, people can keep about seven ideas in minds at once. A worksheet can be especially useful when the
decision involves a large number of variables with complex relationships. A realitic example for many college
students is the question” What will Ido after graduation?” A graduate might seek a position that offer specialized
training, pursue an advance degree, or travel abroad for a year.
A decision making worksheet brgins with a succinct statement of the problem that will also help to narrow it. It
is important to be clear about the disctinction between long- range and immediate goals because long -range goals
often involve a different decision from a short- range ones . Forcusing on long-range goals, a graduating student
might revise the question above to “ What will I do after graduation that will lead to a successful career?”
Câu 46: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. tool to assist in making co0mplex decision
B. comparison of sctual decisions and ideal decisions
C. Differences between long-range and short-range decision making.
D. Research on how people make decisions
Câu 47: The word “essential” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. beneficial B. changeable C. Introductory D. fundamental

Câu 48: Of the following steps, which occurs before the others in making a decision worksheet?
A. Writing down all possible solutions
B. Deciding which consequences are most important
C. Listing the consequence of each solution
D. Calculating anumerical summery of each solution
Câu 49: According to decision-worksheet theory, an optimal decision is defined as one that
A. is agreed to by the greatest number of people. B. has the fewest variables to consider.
C. has the most points assigned to it D. uses the most decision worksheets
Câu 50: The author organizes paragraph 2 by…
A. classifying types of worksheets B. decribing a process
C. providing historical background D. explaining a theory
Câu 51: The author state that “on average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once”
(paragraph 3) to explain that
A. people can learn to keep more than seven ideas in their minds with practice.
B. human mental capacity has limitations
C. some people have difficulty making minor as well as major decisions
D. most decision involve seven steps
Câu 52: The word “succinct” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to….
A. Creative B. personal C. concise. D. satisfactory
Câu 53: Which of the following terms is defined in the passage?
A. proponents (para 1) B. optimal (pra 1)
C. Variables (para 3) D. long-range goals (para 4)

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Câu 54: The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to….
A. problem B. disctinction C. predict. D. worksheet
Câu 55: The word “revise” in paragraph 4 mis closest in meaning to….
A. predict B. change C. explain D. ask

Exercise 5. Which word is stressed diffirently from the others?

Câu 56: A. herbivore B. visible C. magazine. D. appearance
Câu 57: A. referee B. voluntary C. paradise D. parachute.
Câu 58: A. potentially B. Inability C. territorial D. personality
Câu 59: A. influential B. engineering C. Adaptation D. philosophy
Câu 60: A. Priority B. identify C. compulsory D. terrifying

Exercise 6. Find out the incorrect part in the sentence
Câu 61: The town we visited (A) was a (B) four-days journey from our hotel, so we(C) took the train instead (D)
of the bus.
Câu 62: The harder he(A) tried, the(B)worst he (C(danced before the (D)large audience.
Câu 63: Although a number of police officers(A)was guarding the priceless(B) treasures in museum, the director
worried that someone (C)would try to(D) steal them.
Câu 64: (A)Many of the population in the (B) rural areas is (C)composed of manual (D)laborers
Câu 65: The influence of the (A)nation’s literature, art, and(B) science(C)have captured (D)widespread attention.

Exercise 7. Find out the answer chosen from A, B, C or D which has the same meaning with the original
Câu 66: She was irresponsible at times, so she lost her job.
A. She lost her job because she was iressponsible sometimes.
B. She got her job though she was irresponsible.
C. She was not always responsible. Therefore, she was dismissed.
D. The reason why she lost her job was that she was not always responsible
Câu 67: Animals can’t speak our language. they can’t tell us when they are unhappy or annoyed.
A. If animals could speak, they would be able to tell us when they are unhappy or annoyed.
B. One day we could speak animals’ language and know when they are happy or annoyed.
C. We don’t know when animals are unhappy or annoyed because we don’t know their language.
D. We don’t understand animals because we can’t speak their language.
Câu 68: During the walk the two smallest chidren ceased to keep up with the main group.
A. During the walk the two smallest chidren could keep up with the main group.
B. During the walk the two smallest children were left behind.

C. During the walk the two smallest children were ahead of the main group
D. During the walk the two smallest chidren refused to keep up with the main group.
Câu 69: Her parents often find fault with everything she does
A. Her parents find everything she does useful.
B. No matter what she does her parents tell her off for it.
C. Whatever she does, her parents find fault with it
D. Whatever she does, her parents find it faulty
Câu 70: The moment he realized his mistakes, he apologised.
A. When he made his mistakes, he apologized.
B. He apologized as soon as he realized his mistakes
C. While realizing his mistakes , he apologied
D. After he realized his mistakes he apologized.

Exercise 8. Read the passage then choose the best answer to fill each numbered blank
Until recently, hunting for treasure from shipwrecks was mostly fantansy; with recent technological advances,
however, the search for sunken treasures has become more popular as a legitimate endeavor. This has caused a
debate between those wanting to salvage the wrecks and those wanting to preserve them.
Treasure hunters are spurred on by the thought of finding caches of gold coins or other valuable objects on
a sunken ship. One team of salvagers, for instance, searched the wreck of the RMS republic, which sank outside

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the Boston habor in 1909. The search party, using side - scan sonar, a device that projects sound waves acrosss the
ocean bottom and produces a profile of the sea floor, located the wreck in just two and a half days. Before the use
of this new technology, such searchers could take months or years. The team of 45 divers searched the wreck for
two months, finding silver tea services, crystal dinnerware, and thousands of bottles of wine, but they did not find
the five and a half tons of American Gold Eagle coins they were searching for.
Preservasionists forcus on the historic value of a ship. They say that even if a shipwreck’s treasure does not
have a high monetary value, it can be an invaluable source of historic artifacts that are preserved in nearly mint
condition.But once a salvage team has scoured a site,much of the archeological value is lost.Maritimes
archeologists who are preservationists worry that the success of salvagers will attract more treasure hunting

expeditions and that threaten remaining undiscovered wrecks. preservationists are lobbying their state lawmakers
to legally restrict underwater searches and unregulated salvagers. To counter their efforts, treasure hunters argue
that without the lure of gold and million dollas treasures, the wrecks and their historical artifacts would never be
recovered at all.
Câu 71: What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Searching for wrecks is much easier with new technologies like side-scan sonar.
B. Marintime archeologists are concerned about the unregulated searching of wrecks.
C. The search of the RMS republic failed to produce the hoped for coins.
D. The popularity of treasure seeking has spurred a debate between preservationists and salvagers.
Câu 72: The word “ sunken” in line 2 is closest in m,eaning to which of the following words?
A. hollow B. broken C. underwater D. ancient
Câu 73: What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?
A. how side-scan sonar works to find a shipwreck.
B. A specific salvage operation that used new technology to locate a shipwreck.
C. How the Boston salvage team located the ship’s gold.
D. specific salvage operation that took place in 1909.
Câu 74: Which of the following statements is best supported by the author?
A. The value of a shipwreck depends on the quaintity of its artifacts
B. The use of sound waves is crucial to locating shipwrecks.
C. Side-scan sonar has helped to legitimize salvaging.
D. preservasionists are fighting the use of technological advances such as side-scan sonar.
Câu 75: The author use the word services in line 9 to refer to which of the following?
A. sets B. containers C. decorations D. cups
Câu 76: The author use the phrase “ mint condition” in line 14 to describe:
A. something significant B. something tolerant
C. something magical D. something pertfect
Câu 77: All of the following were found on the RMS republic EXCEPT
A. silver tea services B. American Gold Eagle coins
C. crystal dinnerware. D. Wine bottles
Câu 78: From the passage, you can infer that a preservationist would be most likely to

A. be a diver B. Do archeological research.
C. Shun treasure-seeking salvagers D. Put treasures in a museum
Câu 79: The word “scoured” in line 14 is most similar to which of the following?
A. scrambled around B. scratched over C. searched through. D. scarped away
Câu 80: The second and third paragraph are an example of
A. definition. B. specific to general C. explanation D. chrological order

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