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Unit 10: CONSERVATION (for teachers) doc

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Unit 10: CONSERVATION (for teachers)
A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. a. species b. benefit c. essential d. generation
2. a. rhinoceros b. diversity c. identify d. extinction
3. a. vulnerable b. industry c. result d. current
4. a. extinction b. extension c. exploitation d. expression
5. a. habitats b. species c. humans d. wetlands
B. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others
1. a. mosquito b. gorrila c. rhinoceros d. leopard
2. a. vulnerable b. extinction c. commercial d. environment
3. a. deforestation b. exploitation c. biodiversity d. urbanization
4. a. habitat b. sociable c. priority d. wildlife
5. a. reserve b. derive c. conserve d. fertile
1. Many plant and animal species around the globe are now threatened … extinction.
a. in b. of c. for d. with
2. The Red List has been introduced to raise people’s awareness ……conservation needs.
a. on b. of c. at d. for
3. Plants and animals are responsible ……a variety of useful medications.
a. for b. to c. at d. on
4. Many species are threatened in the wild due to habitat …….by man.
a. construction b. conservation c. destruction d. preservation
5. Governments have …….laws to protect wildlife from overhunting.
a. enforced b. enacted c. observed d. required
6. The forest provides a(n) ……for hundreds of species of plants and animals.
a. ecosystem b. biodiversity c. environment d. habitat
7. Different …….efforts have been made in order to save endangered species.
a. conserving b. conserved c. conservation d. conservative

8. Biologists have introduced a global list of endangered and vulnerable animal species.
a. rare and precious b. small but invaluable
c. weak and easily hurt d. strong and unusual
9. Global environmental deterioration and industrial pollution have caused mass……… of wildlife.
a. destruction b. extinction c. threat d. danger
10. If one species becomes extinct, the whole chain will be……….seriously.
a. disappeared b. killed c. damaged d. balance
11. We depend on species diversity to provide food, clean air and water, and fertilize soil for agriculture.
a. popularity b. existence c.development d. variety
12. The Government is now trying to protect gorilla to ensure their………
a.life b.existence c.survival d. growth
13. We…………finish the football match before it started snowing too heavily.
a. could b. were able to c.might d. must be
14. I couldn’t wait for you any longer. I…… , and so I went.
a. must go b. must have gone c. had to go d. need go
15. Passengers………smoke until the signs have been switched off.
a. mustn’t b. can’t c. needn’t d. mightn’t
16. There are a lot of tickets left, so you……….pay for the tickets in advance.
a. mustn’t b. won’t c. shouldn’t d. don’t have to
17. We ………go into details now, but we seem to agree on the general principles.
a. shouldn’t b. can’t c. needn’t d. mustn’t
18. John wasn’t at home when I went round. He…… out unexpectedly.
a. must go b. must be going c.must have gone d. must have had to go
19. I…….my best suit-everyone else was very casually dressed.
a.needn’t wear b.mustn’t wear c. needn’t have worn d. mustn’t have worn

20. I can’t find my purse anywhere; I …… it at the office.
a. must leave b. must have left
c. must be leave d. must have been leaving

III. Error identification:
1. They believe in (A) protecting endangered (B) animals and they protect (C) them from (D)
controversial ways.
2. Deforestation is occurring (A) most rapid (B) in tropical regions (C) of the world (D).
3. Endangered species, such as (A) the California condor, are at immediate risk of (B) extinction and
probably cannot be survived (C) without direct human intervention (D).
IV. Word form:
1. Many species of animal are threatened with …………… (extinct) extinction
2. We are all responsible for the ………………….of the forest. (destroy) destruction
3. Our relationship was based on mutual …………………… (depend) dependence
4. Mammals have been in …………………… for many millions of years. (exist) existence
5. The necklace is interesting but not very …………………… (value) valuable
6. If he leaves, it will be a great …………………to the company (lose) loss
7. If cancers are spotted early there’s a high chance of ………………. (survive) survival
8. People aim to raise ………………… of the dangers of passive smoking. (aware) awareness
V. Writing.
A. Choose the best answer.
1. The little boy wasn’t able to reach that picture.
a. The little boy couldn’t reach that picture.
b. The little boy couldn’t have reach that picture.
c. The little boy wouldn’t be able to reach that picture.
d. The little boy didn’t try to reach that picture.
2. I am sure you didn’t lock the door because here’s the key.
a.You couldn’t lock the door because here’s the key.
b. You haven’t been able to lock the door because here’s the key.
c. You can’t have locked the door because here’s the key.
d. You weren’t able to lock the door because here’s the key.
3. The match was cancelled because of the heavy rain.
a.If it didn’t rain, the match wouldn’t be cancelled.
b. The match was cancelled because it rained heavy.

c. Despite the heavy rain, the match was cancelled.
d. If it hadn’t been for the heavy rain, the match wouldn’t have been cancelled.
4. Why didn’t you phone to let me know Anna was in hospital.
a.You must find it essential to let me know Anna was in hospital.
b. You should have phoned to let me know Anna was in hospital.
c. You had to phone to let me know Anna was in hospital.
d. You were supposed to phone let me know Anna was in hospital.
5. Perhaps the others are looking for us now.
a.The others must be looking for us now.
b. The others might be looking for us now.
c. The others should be looking for us now.
d. The others have to be looking for us now.
B. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the previous one.
1. I’m sure it wasn’t Mrs Elton you saw because she was in Bristol.
 It can’t have been Mrs Elton you saw because she was in Bristol.
2. Perhaps you didn’t understand something in this exercise.
 You may not have understood something in this exercise.
3. I can imagine how nervous Anna was when she flew for the first time.
 Anna must have been nervous when she flew for the first time.
4. David didn’t wear a safety-belt despite regulation.
 David should have worn a safety-belt.
