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TEST ON TENSE (1) potx

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Exercise 1. Chia động từ trong ngoặc.
Ever since the day I (1–decide) ______ to move to London, I (2–worry) _____ whether the
decision I (3–take) _____ was the right one. As I (4–already sell) _____ my house and (5–arrange)
___ a new job, it’s too late to change my mind. However, since then I ( 6 – hear ) ______ a lot of
negative things about living in the capital, and lately some of them ( 7-begin ) _____ to bother me. I
(8 – grow up ) ___ in a fairly small town and I (8 – spend ) ______ all of my life there. I (10 – always
want ) ___ to live in a big city, so when my company (11- offer) _____ me a job in their London
office, I (12-grap) _____ at the chance. But according to a programme I (13- just hear ) _____ on the
radio, more and more people (14 – stop) ____ working in London recently, and a lot of large
companies (15 – choose) _____ to move away from the centre. Of course I ( 16 –tell ) ______ my
parents that I’m moving and they ( 17-accept ) ____ my decision. But when I (18 – tell ) _____ my
friends, they (19 – seem) ______ rather shocked. Since then, I (20 – hope) _______ secretly that the
company would tell me that the move was off.
Exercise 2. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi.
1. It’s a long time since I last went to a football match.
I haven’t __________________________________
2. This is my second visit to Italy.
This is ____________________________________
3. We haven’t been swimming for ages.
It’s ages ___________________________________
4. Mary started learning French five years ago.
Mary has __________________________________
5. I’m on the tenth page of the letter I’m writing.
So far _____________________________________
6. After I arrived here, I started to feel better.
Since arriving here, __________________________
7. It’s over twenty years since we got married.
We have ___________________________________
8. The last time I saw Dick was in 1985.
I haven’t ___________________________________

9. There is a definite improvement in your work.
Lately your work ____________________________
10. Mrs Quyen began teaching English ten years ago.
Mrs Quyen has ______________________________
Exercise 3. Chọn đáp án đúng.
1. I work in this office all this year / all the time.
2. Are you studying English for long / at the moment ?
3. I’m not making much money these days / so far this year.
4. The food tastes worse now / usually. You’ve put too much salt in it.
5. We normally / forever get in touch with customers by post.
6. Peter was ill but he’s getting over his illness currently / now.
7. I’n feeling rather run down lately / at present, doctor.
8. I always stay on duty since / until six o’clock.
9. People continually / traditionally prepare coloured eggs at Easter.
10. Fortunately the baby now / recently sleeps all night.
Exercise 4. Chia động từ trong ngoặc.
1. Stop ! You ( 1 – not see ) __________ the notice ?
- I see it but I can’t read it because I ( 2 – not wear ) _____ my glasses. What it ( 3 – say ) ___?
- It ( 4 – say ) _______: “ These premises are patrolled by guard dogs”!
2. She always ( 5 – borrow ) ____ from me and she ( 6 – never remember ) _____ to pay me back.
3. You ( 7 – need ) ______ another blanket or you ( 8 – feel ) ________ warm enough ?
4. It ( 9 – save ) ______ time if you ( 10 – take ) _______ a path through the wood!
- No, it ( 11 – not matter ) ________ which path you take.
5. I ( 12 – save ) _______ up because I ( 13 – go ) ________ abroad in July.
6. I ( 14 – think ) ______ it’s a pity you don’t take more exercise. You ( 15 – get ) ______ fat.
7. The plane that you ( 16 – look at ) _______ now just ( 17 – take off ) ________ for Paris.
8. Tom ( 18 – never do ) ______ any work in the garden: he always ( 19 – work ) _____ on his car.
- What he ( 20 – do ) ________ to his car now ?
- I ( 21- think ) _______ he ( 22 – polish ) ________ it.
9. That film ( 23 – come ) ______ to the local cinema next week. You ( 24 – want )____ to see it?

Exercise 5. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi.
1. What’s your opinion of Ted’s new book ?
What do ___________________________________
2. John keeps interrupting me.
John is ____________________________________
3. What’s the meaning of this word ?
What does _________________________________
4. The number of people who own bicycles is increasing.
More and more _____________________________
5. What about going to that new film at Rex Theatre tonight ?
How do ___________________________________
6. What is the weight of that piece of meat ?
How much ________________________________
7. Never mind about the price, just buy it !
The price doesn’t ___________________________
8. There’s a smell of onions in this room.
This room _________________________________
9. What is inside the box ?
What does _________________________________
10. Paul has flu.
Paul is ____________________________________
Exercise 6. Chia các động từ dưới đây ở dạng HTđơn hoặc HH tiếp diễn.
1. Have.
a. I ________ lunch with my mother tomorrow.
b. He ________ four cars, all of them Rolls – Royces.
2. Think.
a. What _______ you _______ of Stephen Spielberg’s latest film ?
b. You’re day – dreaming. What ______ you _______ about ?
3. Expect.
a. I ________ an important phone call from America. Could you tell me when it come ?

b. I ______ you’re hungry after so much hard work. Shall I get you something ?
4. Appear.
a. He __ to understand what you say to him, but when you ask him a question, he isn’t sure
b. Roy Pond __________ at her Majesty Theatre in the role of King Lear.
5. Smell.
a. Something ______ good in the kitchen. Who’s cooking ?
b. Why ______ you ______ the meat? Do you think it’s gone off ?
6. Weigh.
a. I need to know how much the meat _______ to know how long to cook it for.
b. Why ______ you yourself ? Do you think you’ve put on weight ?
7. See.
a. I ________ what you mean, but I don’t agree.
b. She _________ a solicitor about her aunt’s will.
8. Have.
a. I usually pick up languages quickly, but I ________ difficulties learning Chinese.
b. He _______ more clothes than a department store.
9. Look.
a. It ________ as if it’s going to rain.
b. What are you doing on your hands and knees? _______ you ______ for something ?
10. Guess.
a. That isn’t the answer ! Think before you speak!
b. I ________ you’re wondering what I am doing here.
11. Think.
a. What ____ you ___ about ? b. How much ____ you ____ it’ll cost to fly to Laos?
12. Hold. . a. This barrel _______ 25 litres. b. The girl ________ her father’s hand.

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