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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10: Unit7: Saving energy Lesson 4 : Reading docx

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Unit7: Saving energy
Lesson 4 : Reading + Language Focus 1
A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the text for
details and get more ideas about how to save(energy) electricity.
* Teaching aids:

Tape , extraboards, electricity bill
B. Content:
I. Pre

1.Warmer : (Chatting)
What is this? -> It’s an electricity bill.
How much is your family’s electricity bill?
Are your parents worried about it ?
Do you want to reduce the amount of water your family uses?
What should you do ?
Do you want to know how the people in other countries save energy?
2. Pre


Luxury (n) : hàng/sự xa xỉ (translation)

Consumer (n) : người tiêu dùng (explanation)
A person who buys goods to use

Efficiency (n) : hiệu quả/năng suất cao (translation)

Conserve (v) : bảo tồn/giữ gìn (synonym = preserve)

Innovation (n) : sự đổi mới, sáng chế mới (translation)

Bulb : bóng đèn tròn (realia)

Labeling Scheme (n) : kếhoạch dán nhãn mác (translation)

Ultimately (adv) : (xét đến hiệu quả cuối cùng) cuối cùng, sau cùng
(syn) =finally
* Checking: ROR
3.T/F statement prediction:

In Western countries, electricity, gas and water are necessities.

Consumers want products that will not only work effectively but also look

For most North American households, lighting accounts for 7 percent of the
electricity bill.

The electricity bill can be reduced by using energy-saving bulbs.

The labeling scheme helps the consumers know how energy efficiency the
appliances are.
- Ss work in pairs and decide which statement is true and which is false.
- Call on some Ss to give their ideas.
- Write on the board.
II. While reading:
1. T/F statement correction:
a. T
b. F (look beautiful

save energy)
c. F (7

from 10 to 15)
d. T
e. T
2.Which of the following is the best summary of the passage: (5a, P. 61)
- Have Ss read the text again and choose the best summary of the passage.
- Call on someSs to answer
- Give feedback and correct

Energy–saving bulbs should be used to save electricity?

In Western countries electricity, gas and water are necessities


North American an European countries are interested in saving money and
natural Resources

Labling sthemes help save energy
*Key: c
3. Comprehension questions:
- Have Ss work in pairs to find out the answers of the questions (5b, p.61)
- Let Ss answer throught the game Lucky lots!

3 e. 1

2 f, LL

LL g. LL

5 h. 4

They are interested in products that will not only work effectively
but also save money.

We can use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watts bulbs
to spend less on lighting.

She will pay US$2 (Because these bulbs use a quarter of the
electricity of standard bulbs)

It helps the comsumers know how energy efficiency the appliances

Because when we save energy, we’ll save money and conserve the
Earth’s resources.
III. Post

1.Speaking and writing:
One table–one group has their own secretary to write down the group’s ideas about
“Ways to save electricity”
*Possible answers:

Using energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 1-00 watts light bulbs

Using household appliances properly (follow the instructions)

Turning off the electricity appliances after using them (when unnecessary)

Keeping refrigerator door closed

Keeping the doors and windows closed when using airconditioners

2.Brainstorm :
- Let Ss write down as many connectives they’ve known as possible.
*Key : and, so, therefore, because, however, moreover, or, but…
- Check Vietnamese meaning
- Have Ss work in pairs to complete the sentences by choosing the correct
connectives giving in the brackets.
- Give feedback and correct.
*Key : a, and e, or
b, but f, so
c, because g, and
d, Therefore h, However
1. Write the answers to the questions about the text (P.61)
2.Write down ideas on how to save energy (electricity)
3. Find out new vocabulary in “Write” (P.61+62) and study the format
V.Teacher’s self-evaluation:
