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108 Chapter 8: Cutting and Storing Text
Thus, if we had a four element list that was supposed to be three elements
long, we could set the cdr of the next to last element to nil, and thereby
shorten the list.
You can see this by evaluating the following three expressions in turn.
First set the value of trees to (maple oak pine birch), then set the cdr
of its second cdr to nil and then find the value of trees:
(setq trees ’(maple oak pine birch))

(maple oak pine birch)
(setcdr (nthcdr 2 trees) nil)


(maple oak pine)
(The value returned by the setcdr expression is nil since that is what the
cdr is set to.)
To repeat, in kill-new, the nthcdr function takes the cdr a number of
times that is one less than the maximum permitted size of the kill ring and
sets the cdr of that element (which will be the rest of the elements in the
kill ring) to nil. This prevents the kill ring from growing too long.
The next to last expression in the kill-new function is
(setq kill-ring-yank-pointer kill-ring)
The kill-ring-yank-pointer is a global variable that is set to be the
Even though the kill-ring-yank-pointer is called a ‘pointer’, it is
a variable just like the kill ring. However, the name has been chosen to
help humans understand how the variable is used. The variable is used in
functions such as yank and yank-pop (see Chapter 10, “Yanking Text Back”,
page 117).

Now, to return to the first two lines in the body of the function:
(and (fboundp ’menu-bar-update-yank-menu)
(menu-bar-update-yank-menu string (and replace (car kill-ring))))
This is an expression whose first element is the function and.
The and special form evaluates each of its arguments until one of the
arguments returns a value of nil, in which case the and expression returns
nil; however, if none of the arguments returns a value of nil, the value
resulting from evaluating the last argument is returned. (Since such a value
is not nil, it is considered true in Emacs Lisp.) In other words, an and
expression returns a true value only if all its arguments are true.
In this case, the expression tests first to see whether menu-bar-update-
yank-menu exists as a function, and if so, calls it. The fboundp function
returns true if the symbol it is testing has a function definition that ‘is not
void’. If the symbol’s function definition were void, we would receive an error
Review 109
message, as we did when we created errors intentionally (see Section 1.3,
“Generate an Error Message”, page 4).
Essentially, the and is an if expression that reads like this:
if the-menu-bar-function-exists
then execute-it
menu-bar-update-yank-menu is one of the functions that make it possi-
ble to use the ‘Select and Paste’ menu in the Edit item of a menu bar; using
a mouse, you can look at the various pieces of text you have saved and select
one piece to paste.
Finally, the last expression in the kill-new function adds the newly
copied string to whatever facility exists for copying and pasting among dif-
ferent programs running in a windowing system. In the X Windowing sys-
tem, for example, the x-select-text function takes the string and stores
it in memory operated by X. You can paste the string in another program,
such as an Xterm.

The expression looks like this:
(if interprogram-cut-function
(funcall interprogram-cut-function string (not replace))))
If an interprogram-cut-function exists, then Emacs executes funcall,
which in turn calls its first argument as a function and passes the remaining
arguments to it. (Incidentally, as far as I can see, this if expression could
be replaced by an and expression similar to the one in the first part of the
We are not going to discuss windowing systems and other programs fur-
ther, but merely note that this is a mechanism that enables GNU Emacs to
work easily and well with other programs.
This code for placing text in the kill ring, either concatenated with an
existing element or as a new element, leads us to the code for bringing back
text that has been cut out of the buffer—the yank commands. However,
before discussing the yank commands, it is better to learn how lists are
implemented in a computer. This will make clear such mysteries as the use
of the term ‘pointer’.
8.6 Review
Here is a brief summary of some recently introduced functions.
cdr car returns the first element of a list; cdr returns the second
and subsequent elements of a list.
110 Chapter 8: Cutting and Storing Text
For example:
(car ’(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))

(cdr ’(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))

(2 3 4 5 6 7)

cons cons constructs a list by prepending its first argument to its
second argument.
For example:
(cons 1 ’(2 3 4))

(1 2 3 4)
nthcdr Return the result of taking cdr ‘n’ times on a list. The n
The ‘rest of the rest’, as it were.
For example:
(nthcdr 3 ’(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))

(4 5 6 7)
setcdr setcar changes the first element of a list; setcdr changes the
second and subsequent elements of a list.
For example:
(setq triple ’(1 2 3))
(setcar triple ’37)

(37 2 3)
(setcdr triple ’("foo" "bar"))

(37 "foo" "bar")
progn Evaluate each argument in sequence and then return the value
of the last.
For example:

(progn 1 2 3 4)

Record whatever narrowing is in effect in the current buffer, if
any, and restore that narrowing after evaluating the arguments.
Search for a string, and if the string is found, move point.
Searching Exercises 111
Takes four arguments:
1. The string to search for.
2. Optionally, the limit of the search.
3. Optionally, what to do if the search fails, return nil or an
error message.
4. Optionally, how many times to repeat the search; if nega-
tive, the search goes backwards.
kill-region cuts the text between point and mark from the
buffer and stores that text in the kill ring, so you can get it back
by yanking.
delete-and-extract-region removes the text between point
and mark from the buffer and throws it away. You cannot get
it back.
copy-region-as-kill copies the text between point and mark
into the kill ring, from which you can get it by yanking. The
function does not cut or remove the text from the buffer.
8.7 Searching Exercises
• Write an interactive function that searches for a string. If the search

finds the string, leave point after it and display a message that says
“Found!”. (Do not use search-forward for the name of this function;
if you do, you will overwrite the existing version of search-forward
that comes with Emacs. Use a name such as test-search instead.)
• Write a function that prints the third element of the kill ring in the echo
area, if any; if the kill ring does not contain a third element, print an
appropriate message.
112 Chapter 8: Cutting and Storing Text
How Lists are Implemented 113
9 How Lists are Implemented
In Lisp, atoms are recorded in a straightforward fashion; if the implemen-
tation is not straightforward in practice, it is, nonetheless, straightforward
in theory. The atom ‘rose’, for example, is recorded as the four contiguous
letters ‘r’, ‘o’, ‘s’, ‘e’. A list, on the other hand, is kept differently. The
mechanism is equally simple, but it takes a moment to get used to the idea.
A list is kept using a series of pairs of pointers. In the series, the first pointer
in each pair p oints to an atom or to another list, and the second pointer in
each pair points to the next pair, or to the symbol nil, which marks the end
of the list.
A pointer itself is quite simply the electronic address of what is pointed
to. Hence, a list is kept as a series of electronic addresses.
For example, the list (rose violet buttercup) has three elements,
‘rose’, ‘violet’, and ‘buttercup’. In the computer, the electronic address
of ‘rose’ is recorded in a segment of computer memory along with the ad-
dress that gives the electronic address of where the atom ‘violet’ is located;
and that address (the one that tells where ‘violet’ is located) is kept along
with an address that tells where the address for the atom ‘buttercup’ is
This sounds more complicated than it is and is easier seen in a diagram:
rose violet

In the diagram, each box represents a word of computer memory that holds
a Lisp object, usually in the form of a memory address. The boxes, i.e.
the addresses, are in pairs. Each arrow points to what the address is the
address of, either an atom or another pair of addresses. The first b ox is the
electronic address of ‘rose’ and the arrow points to ‘rose’; the second box
is the address of the next pair of boxes, the first part of which is the address
of ‘violet’ and the second part of which is the address of the next pair. The
very last box points to the symbol nil, which marks the end of the list.
When a variable is set to a list with a function such as setq, it stores the
address of the first box in the variable. Thus, evaluation of the expression
(setq bouquet ’(rose violet buttercup))
114 Chapter 9: How Lists are Implemented
creates a situation like this:
rose violet
In this example, the symbol bouquet holds the address of the first pair of
This same list can be illustrated in a different sort of box notation like

(Symbols consist of more than pairs of addresses, but the structure of
a symbol is made up of addresses. Indeed, the symbol bouquet consists of
a group of address-boxes, one of which is the address of the printed word
‘bouquet’, a second of which is the address of a function definition attached
to the symbol, if any, a third of which is the address of the first pair of
address-boxes for the list (rose violet buttercup), and so on. Here we
are showing that the symbol’s third address-box points to the first pair of
address-boxes for the list.)
If a symbol is set to the cdr of a list, the list itself is not changed; the
symbol simply has an address further down the list. (In the jargon, car and
cdr are ‘non-destructive’.) Thus, evaluation of the following expression
(setq flowers (cdr bouquet))
produces this:
rose violet
Symbols as a Chest of Drawers 115
The value of flowers is (violet buttercup), which is to say, the symbol
flowers holds the address of the pair of address-boxes, the first of which
holds the address of violet, and the second of which holds the address of
A pair of address-boxes is called a cons cell or dotted pair. See section
“List Type ” in The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual , and section “Dot-

ted Pair Notation” in The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, for more
information about cons cells and dotted pairs.
The function cons adds a new pair of addresses to the front of a series of
addresses like that shown above. For example, evaluating the expression
(setq bouquet (cons ’lily bouquet))
However, this does not change the value of the symbol flowers, as you can
see by evaluating the following,
(eq (cdr (cdr bouquet)) flowers)
which returns t for true.
Until it is reset, flowers still has the value (violet buttercup); that
is, it has the address of the cons cell whose first address is of violet. Also,
this does not alter any of the pre-existing cons cells; they are all still there.
Thus, in Lisp, to get the cdr of a list, you just get the address of the
next cons cell in the series; to get the car of a list, you get the address of
the first element of the list; to cons a new element on a list, you add a new
cons cell to the front of the list. That is all there is to it! The underlying
structure of Lisp is brilliantly simple!
And what does the last address in a series of cons cells refer to? It is the
address of the empty list, of nil.
In summary, when a Lisp variable is set to a value, it is provided with
the address of the list to which the variable refers.
9.1 Symbols as a Chest of Drawers

In an earlier section, I suggested that you might imagine a symbol as
being a chest of drawers. The function definition is put in one drawer, the
116 Chapter 9: How Lists are Implemented
value in another, and so on. What is put in the drawer holding the value can
be changed without affecting the contents of the drawer holding the function
definition, and vice-versa.
Actually, what is put in each drawer is the address of the value or function
definition. It is as if you found an old chest in the attic, and in one of its
drawers you found a map giving you directions to where the buried treasure
(In addition to its name, symbol definition, and variable value, a symbol
has a ‘drawer’ for a property list which can be used to record other infor-
mation. Property lists are not discussed here; see section “Property Lists”
in The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.)
Here is a fanciful representation:
symbol name
Chest of Drawers Contents of Drawers
(rose violet buttercup)
[not described here]
directions to
map to
map to
symbol definition
directions to
variable name
directions to
property list
directions to

9.2 Exercise
Set flowers to violet and buttercup. Cons two more flowers on to this
list and set this new list to more-flowers. Set the car of flowers to a fish.
What does the more-flowers list now contain?
The kill-ring-yank-pointer Variable 117
10 Yanking Text Back
Whenever you cut text out of a buffer with a ‘kill’ command in GNU
Emacs, you can bring it back with a ‘yank’ command. The text that is cut
out of the buffer is put in the kill ring and the yank commands insert the
appropriate contents of the kill ring back into a buffer (not necessarily the
original buffer).
A simple C-y (yank) command inserts the first item from the kill ring into
the current buffer. If the C-y command is followed immediately by M-y, the
first element is replaced by the second element. Successive M-y commands
replace the second element with the third, fourth, or fifth element, and so
on. When the last element in the kill ring is reached, it is replaced by the
first element and the cycle is repeated. (Thus the kill ring is called a ‘ring’
rather than just a ‘list’. However, the actual data structure that holds the
text is a list. See Appendix B, “Handling the Kill Ring”, page 243, for the
details of how the list is handled as a ring.)
10.1 Kill Ring Overview
The kill ring is a list of textual strings. This is what it looks like:
("some text" "a different piece of text" "yet more text")
If this were the contents of my kill ring and I pressed C-y, the string
of characters saying ‘some text’ would be inserted in this buffer where my
cursor is located.
The yank command is also used for duplicating text by copying it. The
copied text is not cut from the buffer, but a copy of it is put on the kill ring
and is inserted by yanking it back.
Three functions are used for bringing text back from the kill ring: yank,

which is usually bound to C-y; yank-pop, which is usually bound to M-y;
and rotate-yank-pointer, which is used by the two other functions.
These functions refer to the kill ring through a variable called the kill-
ring-yank-pointer. Indeed, the insertion code for both the yank and yank-
pop functions is:
(insert (car kill-ring-yank-pointer))
To begin to understand how yank and yank-pop work, it is first necessary
to look at the kill-ring-yank-pointer variable and the rotate-yank-
pointer function.
10.2 The kill-ring-yank-pointer Variable
kill-ring-yank-pointer is a variable, just as kill-ring is a variable.
It points to something by being bound to the value of what it points to, like
any other Lisp variable.
118 Chapter 10: Yanking Text Back
Thus, if the value of the kill ring is:
("some text" "a different piece of text" "yet more text")
and the kill-ring-yank-pointer points to the second clause, the value of
kill-ring-yank-pointer is:
("a different piece of text" "yet more text")
As explained in the previous chapter (see Chapter 9, “List Implementa-
tion”, page 113), the computer do es not keep two different copies of the text
being pointed to by both the kill-ring and the kill-ring-yank-pointer.
The words “a different piece of text” and “yet more text” are not duplicated.
Instead, the two Lisp variables point to the same pieces of text. Here is a
a different piece of text
yet more text
some text

Both the variable kill-ring and the variable kill-ring-yank-pointer
are pointers. But the kill ring itself is usually described as if it were actually
what it is composed of. The kill-ring is spoken of as if it were the list
rather than that it points to the list. Conversely, the kill-ring-yank-
pointer is spoken of as pointing to a list.
These two ways of talking about the same thing sound confusing at first
but make sense on reflection. The kill ring is generally thought of as the
complete structure of data that holds the information of what has recently
been cut out of the Emacs buffers. The kill-ring-yank-pointer on the
other hand, serves to indicate—that is, to ‘point to’—that part of the kill
ring of which the first element (the car) will be inserted.
The rotate-yank-pointer function changes the element in the kill ring
to which the kill-ring-yank-pointer points; when the pointer is set to
point to the next element beyond the end of the kill ring, it automatically
sets it to point to the first element of the kill ring. This is how the list
is transformed into a ring. The rotate-yank-pointer function itself is not
difficult, but contains many details. It and the much simpler yank and yank-
pop functions are described in an appendix. See Appendix B, “Handling the
Kill Ring”, page 243.
Exercises with yank and nthcdr 119
10.3 Exercises with yank and nthcdr
• Using C-h v (describe-variable), look at the value of your kill ring.
Add several items to your kill ring; look at its value again. Using M-y
(yank-pop), move all the way around the kill ring. How many items
were in your kill ring? Find the value of kill-ring-max. Was your kill
ring full, or could you have kept more blocks of text within it?
• Using nthcdr and car, construct a series of expressions to return the
first, second, third, and fourth elements of a list.
120 Chapter 10: Yanking Text Back

while 121
11 Loops and Recursion
Emacs Lisp has two primary ways to cause an expression, or a series
of expressions, to be evaluated repeatedly: one uses a while loop, and the
other uses recursion.
Repetition can be very valuable. For example, to move forward four
sentences, you need only write a program that will move forward one sentence
and then repeat the process four times. Since a computer does not get bored
or tired, such repetitive action does not have the deleterious effects that
excessive or the wrong kinds of repetition can have on humans.
People mostly write Emacs Lisp functions using while loops and their
kin; but you can use recursion, which provides a very powerful way to think
about and then to solve problems
11.1 while
The while special form tests whether the value returned by evaluating
its first argument is true or false. This is similar to what the Lisp interpreter
does with an if; what the interpreter does next, however, is different.
In a while expression, if the value returned by evaluating the first argu-
ment is false, the Lisp interpreter skips the rest of the expression (the body
of the expression) and does not evaluate it. However, if the value is true, the
Lisp interpreter evaluates the body of the expression and then again tests
whether the first argument to while is true or false. If the value returned
by evaluating the first argument is again true, the Lisp interpreter again
evaluates the body of the expression.
The template for a while expression looks like this:
(while true-or-false-test
b ody )
So long as the true-or-false-test of the while expression returns a true

value when it is evaluated, the body is repeatedly evaluated. This process
is called a loop since the Lisp interpreter repeats the same thing again and
again, like an airplane doing a loop. When the result of evaluating the true-
or-false-test is false, the Lisp interpreter does not evaluate the rest of the
while expression and ‘exits the loop’.
Clearly, if the value returned by evaluating the first argument to while
is always true, the body following will be evaluated again and again . . .
and again . . . forever. Conversely, if the value returned is never true, the
You can write recursive functions to be frugal or wasteful of mental or computer
resources; as it happens, metho ds that people find easy—that are frugal of ‘mental
resources’—sometimes use considerable computer resources. Emacs was designed to
run on machines that we now consider limited and its default settings are conservative.
You may want to increase the values of max-specpdl-size and max-lisp-eval-depth.
In my ‘.emacs’ file, I set them to 15 and 30 times their default value.
122 Chapter 11: Loops and Recursion
expressions in the body will never be evaluated. The craft of writing a while
loop consists of choosing a mechanism such that the true-or-false-test returns
true just the number of times that you want the subsequent expressions to
be evaluated, and then have the test return false.
The value returned by evaluating a while is the value of the true-or-false-
test. An interesting consequence of this is that a while loop that evaluates
without error will return nil or false regardless of whether it has looped 1 or
100 times or none at all. A while expression that evaluates successfully never
returns a true value! What this means is that while is always evaluated for
its side effects, which is to say, the consequences of evaluating the expressions
within the body of the while loop. This makes sense. It is not the mere act
of looping that is desired, but the consequences of what happens when the
expressions in the loop are repeatedly evaluated.
11.1.1 A while Loop and a List

A common way to control a while loop is to test whether a list has any
elements. If it does, the loop is repeated; but if it does not, the repetition is
ended. Since this is an important technique, we will create a short example
to illustrate it.
A simple way to test whether a list has elements is to evaluate the list:
if it has no elements, it is an empty list and will return the empty list, (),
which is a synonym for nil or false. On the other hand, a list with elements
will return those elements when it is evaluated. Since Emacs Lisp considers
as true any value that is not nil, a list that returns elements will test true
in a while loop.
For example, you can set the variable empty-list to nil by evaluating
the following setq expression:
(setq empty-list ())
After evaluating the setq expression, you can evaluate the variable empty-
list in the usual way, by placing the cursor after the symbol and typing
C-x C-e; nil will appear in your echo area:
On the other hand, if you set a variable to be a list with elements, the
list will appear when you evaluate the variable, as you can see by evaluating
the following two expressions:
(setq animals ’(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
Thus, to create a while loop that tests whether there are any items in
the list animals, the first part of the loop will be written like this:
(while animals

An Example: print-elements-of-list 123
When the while tests its first argument, the variable animals is evaluated.
It returns a list. So long as the list has elements, the while considers the
results of the test to be true; but when the list is empty, it considers the

results of the test to be false.
To prevent the while loop from running forever, some mechanism needs
to be provided to empty the list eventually. An oft-used technique is to have
one of the subsequent forms in the while expression set the value of the list
to be the cdr of the list. Each time the cdr function is evaluated, the list
will be made shorter, until eventually only the empty list will be left. At
this point, the test of the while loop will return false, and the arguments to
the while will no longer be evaluated.
For example, the list of animals bound to the variable animals can be
set to be the cdr of the original list with the following expression:
(setq animals (cdr animals))
If you have evaluated the previous expressions and then evaluate this ex-
pression, you will see (giraffe lion tiger) appear in the echo area. If you
evaluate the expression again, (lion tiger) will appear in the echo area. If
you evaluate it again and yet again, (tiger) appears and then the empty
list, shown by nil.
A template for a while loop that uses the cdr function repeatedly to
cause the true-or-false-test eventually to test false looks like this:
(while test-whether-list-is-empty
b ody
This test and use of cdr can be put together in a function that goes
through a list and prints each element of the list on a line of its own.
11.1.2 An Example: print-elements-of-list
The print-elements-of-list function illustrates a while loop with a
The function requires several lines for its output. If you are reading this
in Emacs 21 or a later version, you can evaluate the following expression
inside of Info, as usual.
If you are using an earlier version of Emacs, you need to copy the neces-

sary expressions to your ‘*scratch*’ buffer and evaluate them there. This
is because the echo area had only one line in the earlier versions.
You can copy the expressions by marking the beginning of the region with


(set-mark-command), moving the cursor to the end of the region
and then copying the region using M-w (copy-region-as-kill). In the
‘*scratch*’ buffer, you can yank the expressions back by typing C-y (yank).
After you have copied the expressions to the ‘*scratch*’ buffer, evaluate
each expression in turn. Be sure to evaluate the last expression, (print-
elements-of-list animals), by typing C-u C-x C-e, that is, by giving an
124 Chapter 11: Loops and Recursion
argument to eval-last-sexp. This will cause the result of the evalua-
tion to be printed in the ‘*scratch*’ buffer instead of being printed in
the echo area. (Otherwise you will see something like this in your echo
area: ^Jgiraffe^J^Jgazelle^J^Jlion^J^Jtiger^Jnil, in which each ‘^J’
stands for a ‘newline’.)
If you are using Emacs 21 or later, you can evaluate these expressions
directly in the Info buffer, and the echo area will grow to show the results.
(setq animals ’(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
(defun print-elements-of-list (list)
"Print each element of LIST on a line of its own."
(while list
(print (car list))
(setq list (cdr list))))
(print-elements-of-list animals)
When you evaluate the three expressions in sequence, you will see this:

Each element of the list is printed on a line of its own (that is what the
function print does) and then the value returned by the function is printed.
Since the last expression in the function is the while loop, and since while
loops always return nil, a nil is printed after the last element of the list.
11.1.3 A Loop with an Incrementing Counter
A loop is not useful unless it stops when it ought. Besides controlling
a loop with a list, a common way of stopping a loop is to write the first
argument as a test that returns false when the correct number of repetitions
are complete. This means that the loop must have a counter—an expression
that counts how many times the loop repeats itself.
The test can be an expression such as (< count desired-number) which
returns t for true if the value of count is less than the desired-number of
repetitions and nil for false if the value of count is equal to or is greater
than the desired-number. The expression that increments the count can
be a simple setq such as (setq count (1+ count)), where 1+ is a built-
in function in Emacs Lisp that adds 1 to its argument. (The expression
Example with incrementing counter 125
(1+ count) has the same result as (+ count 1), but is easier for a human
to read.)
The template for a while loop controlled by an incrementing counter
looks like this:
(while (< count desired-number) ; true-or-false-test
b ody
(setq count (1+ count))) ; incrementer
Note that you need to set the initial value of count; usually it is set to 1.

Example with incrementing counter
Suppose you are playing on the beach and decide to make a triangle of
pebbles, putting one pebble in the first row, two in the second row, three in
the third row and so on, like this:

• •
• • •
• • • •
(About 2500 years ago, Pythagoras and others developed the beginnings of
number theory by considering questions such as this.)
Suppose you want to know how many pebbles you will need to make a
triangle with 7 rows?
Clearly, what you need to do is add up the numbers from 1 to 7. There
are two ways to do this; start with the smallest number, one, and add up
the list in sequence, 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on; or start with the largest number
and add the list going down: 7, 6, 5, 4 and so on. Because both mechanisms
illustrate common ways of writing while loops, we will create two examples,
one counting up and the other counting down. In this first example, we will
start with 1 and add 2, 3, 4 and so on.
If you are just adding up a short list of numbers, the easiest way to do it
is to add up all the numbers at once. However, if you do not know ahead of
time how many numbers your list will have, or if you want to be prepared
for a very long list, then you need to design your addition so that what you
do is repeat a simple process many times instead of doing a more complex
process once.
For example, instead of adding up all the pebbles all at once, what you
can do is add the number of pebbles in the first row, 1, to the number in the
second row, 2, and then add the total of those two rows to the third row, 3.
Then you can add the number in the fourth row, 4, to the total of the first
three rows; and so on.

126 Chapter 11: Loops and Recursion
The critical characteristic of the process is that each repetitive action is
simple. In this case, at each step we add only two numbers, the number of
pebbles in the row and the total already found. This process of adding two
numbers is repeated again and again until the last row has been added to
the total of all the preceding rows. In a more complex loop the repetitive
action might not be so simple, but it will be simpler than doing everything
all at once.
The parts of the function definition
The preceding analysis gives us the bones of our function definition: first,
we will need a variable that we can call total that will be the total number
of pebbles. This will be the value returned by the function.
Second, we know that the function will require an argument: this ar-
gument will be the total number of rows in the triangle. It can be called
Finally, we need a variable to use as a counter. We could call this vari-
able counter, but a better name is row-number. That is because what
the counter does is count rows, and a program should be written to be as
understandable as possible.
When the Lisp interpreter first starts evaluating the expressions in the
function, the value of total should be set to zero, since we have not added
anything to it. Then the function should add the number of pebbles in the
first row to the total, and then add the number of pebbles in the second to
the total, and then add the number of pebbles in the third row to the total,
and so on, until there are no more rows left to add.
Both total and row-number are used only inside the function, so they
can be declared as local variables with let and given initial values. Clearly,
the initial value for total should be 0. The initial value of row-number
should be 1, since we start with the first row. This means that the let
statement will look like this:

(let ((total 0)
(row-number 1))
b ody )
After the internal variables are declared and bound to their initial values,
we can begin the while loop. The expression that serves as the test should
return a value of t for true so long as the row-number is less than or equal
to the number-of-rows. (If the expression tests true only so long as the
row number is less than the number of rows in the triangle, the last row will
never be added to the total; hence the row number has to be either less than
or equal to the number of rows.)
Putting the function definition together 127
Lisp provides the <= function that returns true if the value of its first
argument is less than or equal to the value of its second argument and false
otherwise. So the expression that the while will evaluate as its test should
look like this:
(<= row-number number-of-rows)
The total number of pebbles can be found by repeatedly adding the num-
ber of pebbles in a row to the total already found. Since the number of
pebbles in the row is equal to the row number, the total can be found by
adding the row number to the total. (Clearly, in a more complex situation,
the number of pebbles in the row might be related to the row number in
a more complicated way; if this were the case, the row number would be
replaced by the appropriate expression.)
(setq total (+ total row-number))
What this does is set the new value of total to be equal to the sum of
adding the number of pebbles in the row to the previous total.
After setting the value of total, the conditions need to be established for
the next repetition of the loop, if there is one. This is done by incrementing
the value of the row-number variable, which serves as a counter. After
the row-number variable has been incremented, the true-or-false-test at the

beginning of the while loop tests whether its value is still less than or equal
to the value of the number-of-rows and if it is, adds the new value of the
row-number variable to the total of the previous repetition of the loop.
The built-in Emacs Lisp function 1+ adds 1 to a number, so the row-
number variable can be incremented with this expression:
(setq row-number (1+ row-number))
Putting the function definition together
We have created the parts for the function definition; now we need to put
them together.
First, the contents of the while expression:
(while (<= row-number number-of-rows) ; true-or-false-test
(setq total (+ total row-number))
(setq row-number (1+ row-number))) ; incrementer
Along with the let expression varlist, this very nearly completes the body
of the function definition. However, it requires one final element, the need
for which is somewhat subtle.
The final touch is to place the variable total on a line by itself after the
while expression. Otherwise, the value returned by the whole function is
the value of the last expression that is evaluated in the body of the let, and
this is the value returned by the while, which is always nil.
This may not be evident at first sight. It almost looks as if the incre-
menting expression is the last expression of the whole function. But that
128 Chapter 11: Loops and Recursion
expression is part of the body of the while; it is the last element of the list
that starts with the symbol while. Moreover, the whole of the while loop
is a list within the body of the let.
In outline, the function will look like this:
(defun name-of-function (argument-list)
"do cumentation "
(let (varlist)

(while (true-or-false-test)
b ody-of-while )
) ; Need final expression here.
The result of evaluating the let is what is going to be returned by the
defun since the let is not embedded within any containing list, except for
the defun as a whole. However, if the while is the last element of the let
expression, the function will always return nil. This is not what we want!
Instead, what we want is the value of the variable total. This is returned
by simply placing the symbol as the last element of the list starting with
let. It gets evaluated after the preceding elements of the list are evaluated,
which means it gets evaluated after it has been assigned the correct value
for the total.
It may be easier to see this by printing the list starting with let all on one
line. This format makes it evident that the varlist and while expressions are
the second and third elements of the list starting with let, and the total
is the last element:
(let (varlist) (while (true-or-false-test) body-of-while ) total)
Putting everything together, the triangle function definition looks like
(defun triangle (number-of-rows) ; Version with
; incrementing counter.
"Add up the number of pebbles in a triangle.
The first row has one pebble, the second row two pebbles,
the third row three pebbles, and so on.
The argument is NUMBER-OF-ROWS."
(let ((total 0)
(row-number 1))
(while (<= row-number number-of-rows)
(setq total (+ total row-number))
(setq row-number (1+ row-number)))

Example with decrementing counter 129
After you have installed triangle by evaluating the function, you can
try it out. Here are two examples:
(triangle 4)
(triangle 7)
The sum of the first four numbers is 10 and the sum of the first seven numbers
is 28.
11.1.4 Loop with a Decrementing Counter
Another common way to write a while loop is to write the test so that
it determines whether a counter is greater than zero. So long as the counter
is greater than zero, the loop is repeated. But when the counter is equal to
or less than zero, the loop is stopped. For this to work, the counter has to
start out greater than zero and then be made smaller and smaller by a form
that is evaluated repeatedly.
The test will be an expression such as (> counter 0) which returns t
for true if the value of counter is greater than zero, and nil for false if the
value of counter is equal to or less than zero. The expression that makes the
number smaller and smaller can be a simple setq such as (setq counter
(1- counter)), where 1- is a built-in function in Emacs Lisp that subtracts
1 from its argument.
The template for a decrementing while loop looks like this:
(while (> counter 0) ; true-or-false-test
b ody
(setq counter (1- counter))) ; decrementer
Example with decrementing counter
To illustrate a loop with a decrementing counter, we will rewrite the
triangle function so the counter decreases to zero.
This is the reverse of the earlier version of the function. In this case, to
find out how many pebbles are needed to make a triangle with 3 rows, add

the number of pebbles in the third row, 3, to the number in the preceding
row, 2, and then add the total of those two rows to the row that precedes
them, which is 1.
Likewise, to find the number of pebbles in a triangle with 7 rows, add the
number of pebbles in the seventh row, 7, to the number in the preceding row,
which is 6, and then add the total of those two rows to the row that precedes
them, which is 5, and so on. As in the previous example, each addition only
involves adding two numbers, the total of the rows already added up and the
number of pebbles in the row that is being added to the total. This process
of adding two numbers is repeated again and again until there are no more
pebbles to add.
130 Chapter 11: Loops and Recursion
We know how many pebbles to start with: the number of pebbles in the
last row is equal to the number of rows. If the triangle has seven rows, the
number of pebbles in the last row is 7. Likewise, we know how many pebbles
are in the preceding row: it is one less than the number in the row.
The parts of the function definition
We start with three variables: the total number of rows in the triangle;
the number of pebbles in a row; and the total number of pebbles, which is
what we want to calculate. These variables can be named number-of-rows,
number-of-pebbles-in-row, and total, respectively.
Both total and number-of-pebbles-in-row are used only inside the
function and are declared with let. The initial value of total should, of
course, be zero. However, the initial value of number-of-pebbles-in-row
should be equal to the number of rows in the triangle, since the addition will
start with the longest row.
This means that the beginning of the let expression will look like this:
(let ((total 0)
(number-of-pebbles-in-row number-of-rows))
b ody )

The total number of pebbles can be found by repeatedly adding the num-
ber of pebbles in a row to the total already found, that is, by repeatedly
evaluating the following expression:
(setq total (+ total number-of-pebbles-in-row))
After the number-of-pebbles-in-row is added to the total, the number-
of-pebbles-in-row should be decremented by one, since the next time the
loop repeats, the preceding row will be added to the total.
The number of pebbles in a preceding row is one less than the number
of pebbles in a row, so the built-in Emacs Lisp function 1- can be used to
compute the number of pebbles in the preceding row. This can be done with
the following expression:
(setq number-of-pebbles-in-row
(1- number-of-pebbles-in-row))
Finally, we know that the while loop should stop making repeated addi-
tions when there are no pebbles in a row. So the test for the while loop is
(while (> number-of-pebbles-in-row 0)
Putting the function definition together
We can put these expressions together to create a function definition that
works. However, on examination, we find that one of the local variables is
Save your time: dolist and dotimes 131
The function definition looks like this:
;;; First subtractive version.
(defun triangle (number-of-rows)
"Add up the number of pebbles in a triangle."
(let ((total 0)
(number-of-pebbles-in-row number-of-rows))
(while (> number-of-pebbles-in-row 0)
(setq total (+ total number-of-pebbles-in-row))

(setq number-of-pebbles-in-row
(1- number-of-pebbles-in-row)))
As written, this function works.
However, we do not need number-of-pebbles-in-row.
When the triangle function is evaluated, the symbol number-of-rows
will be bound to a number, giving it an initial value. That number can be
changed in the body of the function as if it were a local variable, without
any fear that such a change will effect the value of the variable outside of
the function. This is a very useful characteristic of Lisp; it means that
the variable number-of-rows can be used anywhere in the function where
number-of-pebbles-in-row is used.
Here is a second version of the function written a bit more cleanly:
(defun triangle (number) ; Second version.
"Return sum of numbers 1 through NUMBER inclusive."
(let ((total 0))
(while (> number 0)
(setq total (+ total number))
(setq number (1- number)))
In brief, a properly written while loop will consist of three parts:
1. A test that will return false after the loop has repeated itself the correct
number of times.
2. An expression the evaluation of which will return the value desired after
being repeatedly evaluated.
3. An expression to change the value passed to the true-or-false-test so
that the test returns false after the loop has repeated itself the right
number of times.
11.2 Save your time: dolist and dotimes
In addition to while, both dolist and dotimes provide for looping.

Sometimes these are quicker to write than the equivalent while loop. Both
are Lisp macros. (See section “Macros” in The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference
Manual. )
132 Chapter 11: Loops and Recursion
dolist works like a while loop that ‘cdrs down a list’: dolist auto-
matically shortens the list each time it loops—takes the cdr of the list—and
binds the car of each shorter version of the list to the first of its arguments.
dotimes loops a specific number of time: you specify the number.
The dolist Macro
Suppose, for example, you want to reverse a list, so that “first” “second”
“third” becomes “third” “second” “first”.
In practice, you would use the reverse function, like this:
(setq animals ’(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
(reverse animals)
Here is how you could reverse the list using a while loop:
(setq animals ’(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
(defun reverse-list-with-while (list)
"Using while, reverse the order of LIST."
(let (value) ; make sure list starts empty
(while list
(setq value (cons (car list) value))
(setq list (cdr list)))
(reverse-list-with-while animals)
And here is how you could use the dolist macro:
(setq animals ’(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
(defun reverse-list-with-dolist (list)
"Using dolist, reverse the order of LIST."
(let (value) ; make sure list starts empty
(dolist (element list value)

(setq value (cons element value)))))
(reverse-list-with-dolist animals)
In Info, you can place your cursor after the closing parenthesis of each ex-
pression and type C-x C-e; in each case, you should see
(tiger lion giraffe gazelle)
in the echo area.
For this example, the existing reverse function is obviously best. The
while loop is just like our first example (see Section 11.1.1, “A while Loop
and a List”, page 122). The while first checks whether the list has elements;
if so, it constructs a new list by adding the first element of the list to the
