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Viral Hepatitis - part 7 pot

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Chapter 33532
to be closely monitored by an individual who has the
time to interact and support them throughout treatment.
Physicians are rarely able to achieve this, and this role
is best performed by a specially trained nurse. Under
their tutelage, the patient can learn to control the fevers
associated with IFN by taking prophylactic acetami-
nophen. The irritating cough and dry skin associated
with ribavirin therapy can be considerably reduced by
encouraging the patient to maintain a high fl uid intake.
The troublesome depression that particularly affects in-
dividuals whose pretreatment history indicates past de-
pressive illness, can be greatly helped by prophylactic
use of antidepressant medications.
Appropriate dose reduction of IFN and/or ribavirin
Dose reduction is most often required because of ad-
verse laboratory events, particularly a fall in haemo-
globin and/or absolute neutrophil count. Sometimes
symptoms, particularly overwhelming fatigue and
shortness of breath, may occur when the haemoglobin is
not very low but the haemolysis caused by ribavirin has
been particularly rapid. Under these circumstances, it
may be necessary to reduce ribavirin dosage for a short
period of time.
Addiction medicine counselling
A recent study of antiviral therapy given to patients
with hepatitis C who fell into various psychiatric risk
groups indicated that adherence rates could be easily
maintained in individuals with well controlled psychi-
atric illnesses or in those with prior addiction habits that
were controlled on methadone. But in those who were

former injecting drug users (IDUs), but not on metha-
done, the drop-out rate was higher and hence SVR rates
were much lower.
Unfortunately, methadone is only
useful in injecting drug users who are addicted to opio-
ids, and at present there is no medication which helps
curb addiction to other compounds such as cocaine. In
some centres, antiviral treatment given to current IDUs
is said to be successful,
although few current IDUs are
motivated to seek and maintain medical help.
Predicting response to antiviral therapy
for hepatitis C
Retrospective analysis of outcomes following treatment
with standard IFN and ribavirin suggested that it was
possible early on in treatment to predict who may not
attain an SVR by examining the fall in viral load from
baseline to 4 weeks.
It was shown that 50–60% of sub-
sequent non-responders could have been predicted ear-
ly into treatment.
Prospective analysis of PEG-IFNα-2a
plus ribavirin has shown that the likelihood of achieving
an SVR can also be reliably predicted at 12 weeks into

Clinical implications of improved
predictability of antiviral treatment in
hepatitis C
Our ability to reliably predict outcome at 12 weeks into
treatment means that the burden of therapy to patients
can be limited to those who are most likely to respond. In
those who do attain an EVR, this information may help
to sustain them through the ongoing unpleasant side-ef-
fects of treatment required for a further 36 weeks, i.e. it
acts as an incentive for patient counselling and educa-
tion. An improvement in cost-benefi t ratio will also be
achieved if therapy is stopped at 12 weeks in those who
do not achieve an EVR. However, as all those infected
with genotype 2 or 3 achieve an EVR, testing at 12 weeks
into treatment is not recommended, rather 6 months of
treatment is given to all.
Barriers to antiviral therapy for
hepatitis C
The major pool of infected individuals worldwide live
in situations which are either hard to access, e.g. home-
less individuals, impoverished individuals in the devel-
oping world, those living in isolated areas such as on
reservations, and individuals not isolated, but in a social
situation where the need for therapy is often ignored,
i.e. individuals incarcerated in prisons. An equally dis-
turbing situation is the inability of an individual to af-
ford the cost of antiviral therapy in any part of the world
because their insurance system fails to cover their costs.
The complex requirements of both repeated injections

and serial blood monitoring, with the need to access pa-
tients immediately if the drug dose needs to be reduced
or stopped, really precludes employing the current ther-
apies in many individuals. But unless this large source
of potential transmission for virus is controlled, there is
no hope that we will signifi cantly impact the burden of
hepatitis C. Thus, clean needle exchange programmes
have been initiated in many countries. Many govern-
ments have recognized the inadvisability of withhold-
ing antiviral therapy from the prison population. In
such a controlled environment, there is no reason why
antiviral therapy should not be successful.
Contraindications to current therapies
There remain many infected individuals who either
have co-morbidities that preclude current antiviral
therapies, e.g. severe seizure disorder which cannot be
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Treatment of chronic hepatitis C 533
adequately controlled, or who are unable to tolerate the
treatment-associated side-effects. It is hoped that such
individuals will be able to be successfully treated with
the second generation of antiviral therapy for hepatitis
C, namely enzyme inhibitors. There are others who can-
not tolerate current therapies because their liver disease
is too advanced, in which case if there are no other con-
traindications, liver transplantation may be the optimal
Need for adjunctive therapy
With appropriate adjunctive and supportive therapy,

the number of patients in whom treatment is recom-
mended, but in whom co-morbid conditions have in the
past precluded therapy, may be signifi cantly reduced
with the use of agents to control depression and support
blood components.
Special populations of patients with
hepatitis C requiring antiviral therapy
Patients with cirrhosis
Potentially, individuals with cirrhosis due to hepati-
tis C have the most to gain in the short and possibly
the long term, were they to be successfully treated for
their hepatitis C. Whereas therapy with standard IFN
monotherapy was very disappointing, particularly
in cirrhotic patients, the chance of achieving an SVR
with PEG-IFN-α and ribavirin is markedly better, i.e.
40–50%. Those most likely to die from their hepatitis
C are those with cirrhosis. Both early
and long-term

follow-up liver biopsy data indicate that regression of
hepatic fi brosis may be observed following antiviral
therapy most often when an SVR is achieved. If liver
transplantation is still required, recurrence of hepatitis
C post-transplant is much less in those who have unde-
tectable HCV RNA.
Analysis of very large numbers of patients with hep-
atitis C treated with all forms of antiviral therapy do

suggest that the rate of subsequent hepatocellular car-
cinoma (HCC) is signifi cantly less in those who at the
time of therapy had a hepatic fi brosis score of 3 out of
However, the benefi t seems to be mainly in Japanese
patients, in whom the risk of HCC in chronic hepatitis
C is so much higher. A signifi cant benefi t in terms of
reduction in HCC in Caucasians is disputed.
are reports that following successful antiviral therapy
the rate of hepatic decompensation is reduced in both
Japanese and Caucasians – but all these data are from
observational studies, where the less severe patients
tend to be those treated.
It is logical to assume that if
the inciting agent is removed, there will be a long-term
benefi t – just as there is when appropriate reduction
in copper or iron overload is achieved in individuals
with Wilson’s disease or haemochromatosis.
HIV/HCV co-infection
Liver-related mortality in individuals with HIV/HCV
co-infection has become more overt since the introduc-
tion of effective therapy for HIV infection. Although the
mortality from liver disease remains highest in co-in-
fected individuals not treated for their HIV infection, liv-
er disease remains a signifi cant problem in those whose
HIV infection is well controlled.

There is an urgent
need to introduce effective antiviral therapy for hepa-
titis C in the co-infected individual, because the rate of
liver disease progression in co-infected individuals is al-
most double that seen with HCV infection alone.
However, there are many problems encountered dur-
ing treatment for hepatitis C in those who also are in-
fected with HIV. Because of the background immune
suppression, HCV RNA titres tend to be high. There are
reports of untoward drug interactions between ribavirin
and various components of HAART therapy, particu-
larly with the ‘d’ drugs, which are probably related to
competition for intracellular metabolism.
Such drug
interactions may cause severe mitochondrial injury, he-
patic steatosis and even liver failure, but less overt drug
interactions may just destabilize the HAART. As many
co-infected individuals either have been or currently re-
main IDUs, the issue of adherence to both HIV and HCV
antiviral therapy is problematic.
Co-infected individuals generally have as their pri-
mary physician an individual who is not trained in the
management of liver disease or skilled in the practice
of liver biopsy. Without a liver biopsy, patients with
cirrhosis will be missed, as compensated cirrhosis can-
not be reliably assessed with non-invasive techniques.
Antiviral therapy in HCV/HIV co-infection in an indi-
vidual with cirrhosis who has even only mild evidence

of hepatic impairment in terms of minimal elevation of
serum bilirubin and/or low serum albumin, may lead
to rapid hepatic decompensation and death.
Thus, it is
advised that co-infected patients be managed in a multi-
disciplinary clinic which includes experts in HIV and
liver disease as well as addiction medicine.
Timing of treatment for hepatitis C in individuals
co-infected with HIV
Management guidelines suggest that in individuals
co-infected with HCV and HIV, it is generally best to
consider the need for treatment of the HIV fi rst and if
anti-retroviral therapy is not required, then this is the
ideal time for introducing treatment for hepatitis C. If
anti-retroviral treatment is required, then this should be
started before any antiviral therapy for hepatitis C is
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Chapter 33534
given, and the HIV infection should be stabilized be-
fore introducing treatment with IFN and ribavirin (this
is discussed in more detail in Chapter 50).
Those with normal ALT with or without other
non-hepatic, hepatitis C-related co-morbidities
At least 25% of individuals infected with hepatitis C
have consistently or intermittently normal ALT levels,
over a period of several years. Some may have signifi -
cant hepatic fi brosis on liver biopsy, indicating that they
are at risk for further disease progression and thus may

warrant therapy.
Effi cacy of PEG IFN-α-2a 180 µg/
week plus ribavirin (800 mg/day) for 48 weeks indicates
that SVR rates are not dissimilar to those observed in
individuals with elevated ALT.
There are other individuals who have signifi cant co-
morbidity caused by hepatitis C which may improve
were the virus to be eradicated. Serum ALT values may
well be normal, and liver biopsy may show only mild
liver disease, but nevertheless treatment is warranted,
particularly if the patient suffers from symptomatic vas-
culitus caused by cryoglobulinaemia with or without a
complicating non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). A re-
cent meta-analysis suggests that the association between
hepatitis C and NHL appears real.
Symptoms of cryoglobulinaemia caused by a vasculi-
tus affecting most often the skin, kidneys or peripheral
nerves are well controlled in 70% of those undergoing
antiviral therapy, even when viraemia persists.
lapse after cessation of therapy occurs if viral clearance
has not been achieved, but symptoms may remain con-
trolled even in the presence of persistent viraemia in
without the need for immunosuppressive ther-

apy and/or plasmapheresis. This particular co-mor-
bidity may be one of the few indications for prolonged
antiviral therapy in the face of persistent viraemia.
Complete resolution of splenic lymphoma associated
with a chronic hepatitis C infection may be observed fol-
lowing a sustained viral response, not so if SVR is not
The seroprevalence of hepatitis C in patients with
end-stage renal disease is high.
As IFN is generally
not recommended in patients with a kidney transplant
because this drug may promote rejection of this small
antiviral therapy needs to be given as early
into the course of an individual’s chronic renal disease
as possible, as antiviral therapy is poorly tolerated in
end-stage renal disease. However, the pharmacokinet-
ics of the PEG-IFN-α-2a is such that these drugs may
be better tolerated than standard IFN-α (Fig. 33.3)
Liver transplant patients
End-stage liver disease caused by chronic hepatitis C is
now the major indication for liver transplantation in Eu-
rope and North America. With no active intervention,
graft reinfection is inevitable and, in the setting of the
anti-rejection therapy, rapidly progressive disease can
occur – threatening graft and patient survival.

Ideally, the physician should aim for a sustained viral
clearance before transplant, but this is rarely feasible
as the patients frequently have decompensated disease
and, in patients with HCC, the urgent need for trans-
plant limits the use of effective antiviral therapy prior to
the procedure.
With careful supervision and dose modifi cation some
patients can benefi t from pre-transplant treatment.
Despite the immunostimulatory effects of IFN-α and
the theoretical risks of graft rejection, IFN is success-
fully used in many recipients of liver transplants. Most
of the published studies have featured trials of standard
IFN and ribavirin, and there is increasing use of PEG-
IFN with ribavirin. Overall, the success rates are lower
in the post-transplant patients and discontinuation rates
are much higher than those seen in the non-transplant
In one French study,
52 liver transplant recipients
were randomized to receive standard IFN in combina-
tion with ribavarin or placebo. The SVR was 21% in those
who received the combination and 0% in those who re-
ceived placebo. Signifi cant side-effects, particularly se-
vere anaemia, led to treatment discontinuation in 43%.
Another study compared treatment with IFN and
ribavirin for 6 months versus 12 months.

patients (68% genotype 1b) were treated, and the SVR
was 22% in those who received therapy for 6 months
and 17% in those who received therapy for 1 year, sug-
gesting that a subgroup of patients may benefi t from
a relatively short course of treatment. This study also
demonstrated that in the virological non-responders
with a biochemical response there was also histological
improvement, and there may be a role for ‘maintenance
therapy’ in this group of patients.
In view of the poor tolerance of antiviral regimens and
the low antiviral response in this group, other approach-
es have been tried such as ribavirin monotherapy. Short-
term use of ribavirin monotherapy
has been shown to
lead to a biochemical response and a decrease in the in-
fl ammatory score on liver histology, but longer-term fol-
low-up will be required to ascertain whether this is also
associated with a reduction in fi brosis development.
Most studies now feature PEG-IFN and ribavirin. One
pilot study
described high levels of discontinuation
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Treatment of chronic hepatitis C 535
because of side-effects (43.6%) but an SVR of 66.7% in
those who completed therapy.
For those patients unable to tolerate IFN and ribavi-
rin, there are prospects of future therapy with protease

and helicase inhibitors or alternative approaches with
anti-fi brotic rather than antiviral agents.
Ongoing drug use
The patient who continues to inject drugs can vary
from the stable patient on a supervised (oral or injected)
methadone or heroin programme to the erratic patient
who injects from time to time and who continues to
share needles and syringes with others. Delivery of care
to the more chaotic patient is a considerable challenge
and requires substantial resources. In the more erratic
patient, there are risks of missing doses and monitoring
visits and also the risk of reinfection at any time dur-
ing the treatment course. A multidisciplinary approach
is vital. Most would advise that the priority with such
a patient is to work closely with the drug treatment
centres and to encourage the patient to follow their pre-
scribed drug stabilization programme before embarking
on a treatment course for hepatitis C. Alcohol consump-
tion, polydrug use, nutritional problems, anxiety and
depression are common in this group and psychiatric
input is therefore valuable. Many of the studies report-
ing benefi cial effects of IFN and ribavirin in drug users
exclude those with active drug or alcohol use.
In a Nor-
wegian study
27 ex-intravenous drug users who had
been successfully treated for hepatitis C were followed
up. Although 33% of the group had returned to injecting

drugs, only one had evidence of reinfection, suggesting
that at least some behaviour modifi cation had occurred.
It is also argued that treating drug users may have some
benefi ts beyond the individual patient, and that reduc-
ing the viral load in a drug user reduces the chance of
infection spreading to others.
Early treatment guidelines counselled against treat-
ing active drug users, and the wisdom and ethics of
this have been questioned by Edlin and others.
emphasize that adherence to treatment regimens is re-
duced in many chronic illnesses and that the risk versus
benefi t of side-effects, risk of reinfection and timing of
treatment must be assessed for each individual.
Supervised drug treatment programmes may involve
daily visits and can be combined with directly observed
hepatitis C treatment programmes. This approach could
also be adapted to the prison environment. The longer
half-lives of PEG-IFNs lend themselves to the concept of
once-weekly supervised therapy.
African-American patients
African-American patients are more likely to have geno-
type 1 infection, lower ALT values and less rapid disease
African-Americans also have lower neu-
trophil counts, which may lead to exclusion from ther-
apy or to inappropriate dose reductions.

They are also
less likely to have an elevated alpha-fetoprotein with
HCC development.
The chance of responding to anti-
viral therapy is reduced and this is not fully understood,
although the prevalence of ‘hard-to-treat genotypes’
tends to be high. Two clinical trials
were pooled to ana-
lyze this further. There were 53 black patients among the
total of 1744 patients, and 96% of them had genotype
1 infection compared with 65% of the white patients.
The overall response rate was 27% in the white patients
and only 11% in the black patients. The SVR rates in the
black patients were 20% with 24 weeks of standard IFN
and ribavirin, 23% with 48 weeks of this therapy, and
no patients responded to IFN monotherapy. For geno-
type 1 infection, the sustained response rates of 23% in
the black patients and 22% in the white patients suggest
that in this study the genotype was a major factor in
the overall responses. Increased iron stores have been
reported in African-Americans,
which may infl uence
immune response.
One study compared the virological kinetics in 19 Af-
rican-American and 16 white patients with genotype 1
infection and reported a decreased viral load reduction
in the African-American group.

Similarly, intensifi ca-
tion of the IFN dosing with daily administration also
demonstrated a decreased response in this group.
Earlier experiences with higher doses of IFN in children
with chronic hepatitis B have shown that children tol-
erate such therapy surprisingly well. There are limited
clinical trial data for children, and many of the children
treated have underlying conditions such as haemophil-
ia, thalassaemia or malignancy, which may impair their
response and reduce their chance of tolerating antiviral
therapy. In one study of 41 children, an SVR of 61% was
reported following 1 year of standard IFN and ribavi-
As yet, there are limited data on the use of PEG-
IFN regimens in this group.
Thalassaemia and iron overload
Thalassaemia patients with hepatitis C are challenging
to treat as they may be unable to tolerate the haemolysis
associated with ribavirin and may have advanced liver
disease and a substantial iron overload at baseline – fac-
tors which generally reduce the chance of responding to
In one IFN monotherapy study,
six of thirteen chil-
dren responded and a favourable response was more

likely in those with less severe liver disease and lower
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Chapter 33536
baseline ferritin levels. An Australian study,
found that the baseline hepatic iron concentration did
not affect the chance of a sustained response.
In a pilot study,
11 patients with thalassaemia were
treated with a combination of standard IFN and riba-
virin. Five patients had a sustained response although,
probably as a result of the ribavirin, transfusion and
iron chelation requirements were increased during the
treatment period. In another study,
18 patients (14
with genotype 1b) received 12 months of combination of
standard IFN and ribavirin and the SVR was 72.2% with
a 30% increase in supportive blood transfusion.
Studies are underway with PEG-IFN and ribavirin,
and PEG-IFN monotherapy may be an option for those
who are unable to tolerate ribavirin.
Non-responders and relapsers to standard IFN
monotherapy or combination regimens with
Several studies have shown that for those who have
previously failed to respond to IFN monotherapy there
is a reasonable chance of responding to combination

The benefi t is particularly seen in those who initially
responded and then relapsed. In one study
of 345 pa-
tients who had relapsed following IFN monotherapy, the
sustained response rate was 49% in those who received
IFN and ribavirin combination therapy and only 5% in
those who were retreated with IFN monotherapy.
Response rates in previous non-responders are much
lower at 15–20%.
Other studies have tried other ap-
proaches such as an induction period with high dose
Another approach has been the addition of aman-
tadine to the regimen. In a large study of 225 non-re-
IFN and ribavirin was compared with IFN,
ribavirin and amantadine. There was a trend towards a
higher response rate in the group who received triple
therapy (25% versus 18%).
The use of other types of IFNs has also been tried in
this group of patients. A pilot study of treatment with
consensus IFN and ribavirin
in patients who had failed
to respond to standard IFN and ribavirin reported SVRs
of 33% in the previous non-responders and 42% in the

previous relapsers.
There are limited data on PEG-IFN ribavirin regimens
as retreatment, but preliminary results suggest signifi -
cant benefi ts for those who have received IFN mono-
therapy and more modest gains for those who have
already received IFN and ribavirin. The early virologi-
cal response will hopefully also prove useful in deter-
mining the chance of an SVR in these patients, but more
data are required to ascertain whether the predictors in
previously treated patients undergoing retreatment re-
main valid.
Overall, the factors associated with a higher chance of
responding to retreatment are previous relapse (rather
than non-response), genotypes 2 and 3, lower levels of
HCV RNA and an early virological response to treat-
ment. Negative factors include being African-American
and/or cirrhotic.
Those with only mild liver damage can afford to wait
for the development of new antiviral agents, but for
those with more severe disease a more realistic priority
may be to inhibit fi brosis and maintain liver function.
Long-term maintenance regimens may need to be con-
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hepatitis C infection, the ideal therapy would be highly
effective, orally bioavailable, without major side-effects
and affordable. While such a drug is unlikely to be de-
veloped in the near future, a number of novel and prom-
ising compounds may signifi cantly improve current

options for therapy. Many were designed on the basis
of insights into the mechanics of HCV replication, entry
into cells and host cellular immune responses. Others
may slow the progression of liver disease. In this chap-
ter, we highlight and summarize many of these ongoing
developments and research.
Chapter 34
New drugs for the management of
hepatitis C
John G McHutchison, Jennifer M King, Amany Zekry
Approximately 170 million people worldwide are in-
fected with hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Current therapies
for chronic HCV infection (Table 34.1) are only effective
in approximately 50% of patients. In addition, therapies
are costly, prolonged, associated with signifi cant side-ef-
fects, and not suitable for all patients.
Fortunately, many new treatments for HCV infection
are currently being designed and evaluated in preclini-
cal, animal and human studies. For patients with chronic
Table 34.1 Hepatitis C drugs in various phases of development
Drug type Compound
Phase of
development Comments
Small molecules and viral enzyme inhibitors
NS3 helicase inhibitors Preclinical and
phase 1
Numerous agents in preclinical stages. Development of

one compound halted in early dose-ranging studies
NS5B polymerase inhibitors JTK-003 Phase 1 and 2 Inhibits HCV RNA replication in cell culture
JTK-109 Preclinical Inhibits HCV RNA replication in cell culture
NM-283 Phase 1 and 2 Inhibits HCV RNA replication in cell culture. Up to 1
log reduction preliminarily reported in early short-term
clinical trials
p7 inhibitors Long-alkyl-chain
iminosugar derivatives
Phase 2 Have antiviral activity against bovine viral diarrhoea
virus. Clinical data pending in HCV-infected patients
Ribozymes Directed at IRES Phase 1 and 2 Further development halted because of animal
toxicology fi ndings
Antisense oligonucleotides ISIS-14803 Phase 2 >1 log reductions observed in some HCV non-responder
patients, associated with transient asymptomatic ALT
siRNA and eiRNA Preclinical Uses double-stranded RNA to downregulate post-
translational gene expression
NS3 serine protease inhibitors Preclinical and
phase 1
A multitude of agents from different classes are in
preclinical development. One agent, BILN-2061, has
entered a phase 1 trial and is associated with profound
viral inhibition, but further development has been
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New drugs for the management of hepatitis C 541
Drug type Compound
Phase of
development Comments

Non-specifi c immune activators
Interferons IFN-α-2a Approved Roferon-A (Roche), 3 MU three times/week, SC
IFN-α-2b Approved Intron A (Schering-Plough), 3 MU three times/week, SC
IFN-alfacon-I Approved Infergen (InterMune), 9 µg three times/week, SC
PEG-IFN-α-2a Approved Pegasys (Roche), 180 µg once/week, SC
PEG-IFN-α-2b Approved Peg-Intron (Schering Plough), 1.0–1.5 µg/kg once/week,
Albuferon Phase 2 Fusion of interferon with albumin to increase half-life.
Preliminary data suggest prolonged half-life and similar
antiviral effi cacy
Omega-interferon (IFN-ω) Phase 2 Alternate type 1 IFN. Early studies suggest similar
antiviral effects to type 1 IFNs and similar side-effect
profi le
Gamma-interferon (IFN-γ) Phase 2 Combination studies with type 1 IFNs for non-responder
patients in progress
Oral IFNs Phase 1 Absorption of IFN via oral route
Oral interferon inducers Imiquimod Preclinical Approved for use as a topical agent in dermatology
Resiquimod Phase 2 Studies show no antiviral effects or cytokine induction,
but doses may have been inadequate
ANA 245 Phase 1 Low molecular weight nucleoside analogue
ANA 971 Phase 1 Delivers ANA 245 to plasma of various animals
Nucleoside analogues Ribavirin* Approved Copegus (Roche), 0.8–1.4 g/day, orally†
Rebetol (Schering-Plough), 0.8–1.4 g/day, orally†
Levovirin Development is halted because of absorption and
delivery issues
Viramidine Phase 3 Ribavirin ‘prodrug’ with preferential liver uptake. Large-
scale international multicentre trials in combination
with PEG-IFNs in progress
ANA 246 Preclinical Oral compound that enhances the type 1 cytokine

IMPDH inhibitors VX-497 Phase 2 Specifi c IMPDH inhibitor, no haemolysis, further trials
with IFNs and ribavirin in progress
Mycophenylate mofetil Phase 2 Evaluation of effi cacy combined with IFN-α in non-
responders in progress
Broad-spectrum antivirals Amantadine Phase 2 Numerous clinical trials evaluating effi cacy with
IFN or IFN and ribavirin in naïve and non-responder
Rimantadine Phase 2 Similar trials to those for amantadine
Other immunomodulators Histamine
Phase 2 NK cell activator. Combined with PEG-IFN and ribavirin
in clinical trials in non-responder patients
Thymosin α-1 Phase 2 and 3 Two large-scale trials comparing PEG-IFN alone or with
thymosin α-1 in non-responders
IL-10 Phase 2 and 3 Anti-infl ammatory cytokine. Randomized controlled
trial failed to show benefi t in terms of fi brosis; IL-10
was associated with decreased ALT values and hepatic
infl ammation, but increased viral concentrations
IL-12 Phase 2 and 3 Proinfl ammatory cytokine. Phase 2 trial indicated lack of
effi cacy and signifi cant toxicity
Passive immunization
HCIg Phase 1 and 2 Inactivated pooled high-titre HCV RNA-negative
immunoglobulin. Initial trial to evaluate recurrence of
HCV post-liver transplantation
Therapeutic vaccination

therapeutic vaccine Phase 2 Administration of E1

vaccine in HCV patients after 28

weeks produced detectable levels of E1

antibody and
specifi c T-cell responses
Table 34.1 (Continued)
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Chapter 34542
NS5B, or the HCV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
(RdRp), is a 68-kDa protein with a hydrophobic tail that
anchors to internal cellular membranes and catalyzes
RNA synthesis during replication. The three-dimension-
al structure of the active RdRp
has revealed several
inhibitory targets. The RdRp has the classical ‘fi nger/
palm/thumb’ motif of many other single-chain nucleic
acid polymerases. However, it has a unique, fully encir-
cled, preformed active site where nucleotides can bind
in the absence of the template. The active site is a target
for nucleoside/nucleotide analogue inhibitors.
In addi-
tion, on the surface of the enzyme there is a specifi c gua-
nosine triphosphate (GTP) binding site that is more than
30 Å away from the active site.
Non-nucleoside inhibi-
tors of HCV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp)

can bind very close to the surface GTP site, suggesting
that these drugs may inhibit a conformational change
needed for RNA elongation.
Inhibitors of viral polymerases can be classifi ed into
three categories: nucleoside (substrate) analogues, non-
nucleoside inhibitors and pyrophosphate (product) an-
alogues. In the cytoplasm of infected cells, nucleoside
analogues (cyclic or acyclic) become triphosphorylated
nucleotides. Nucleotides are then incorporated by the
viral polymerase during processive nucleic acid syn-
thesis, causing premature termination of replication.
Nucleoside inhibitors of viral polymerases are used
therapeutically for HIV (human immunodefi ciency vi-
rus), hepatitis B (HBV) and herpes viruses. The only
non-nucleoside inhibitors of clinical interest act against
HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. These compounds bind to
an allosteric site on the enzyme surface away from the
active site, possibly distorting the precise geometry of
the active site. Phosphonoformic acid (Foscarnet) is the
only pyrophosphate analogue approved for treatment of
herpes viruses. Pyrophosphate analogues are believed
The HCV life-cycle and potential
HCV is an enveloped positive-sense RNA virus (Fig.
34.1). The genome (Fig. 34.2) has a single open reading
frame (ORF) of approximately 9.6 kb fl anked by 5’ and
3’ untranslated regions (UTRs) that are required for rep-
lication and protein synthesis. The 5’ UTR of the HCV
genome contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES)

for the initiation of translation.
Translation of the HCV
ORF leads to synthesis of a polyprotein that varies in
length between 3010 and 3033 amino acids depending
on the strain. The polyprotein is processed into 10 ma-
ture structural (core, E1, E2 and p7) and non-structural
(NS2, NS3, NS4, NS5A and NS5B) proteins.
A number of macromolecules involved in viral rep-
lication, protein translation and post-translational
modifi cation are potential inhibitory targets for drug de-
velopment. Exogenous macromolecules may in theory
also be effective inhibitors of such functions.
RNA replication
NS3 helicase
The primary function of the HCV NS3 helicase is to
unwind viral genomic RNA during replication. Recent
insights into the mechanics of polynucleotide unwind-
ing have led to new strategies for drug discovery.
addition, three-dimensional helicase structure determi-
nations have helped to pinpoint the functionally impor-
tant regions of NS3 helicase and domain motions that
accompany the progressive unwinding of nucleic acid
A few small molecules inhibit NS3 helicase
in vitro. Also in this setting, recombinant antibody frag-
ments at nanomolar concentrations can inhibit NS3 he-

licase enymatic activity.
Their specifi city and potential
effi cacy in the clinical setting remain unclear.
Table 34.1 (Continued)
Drug type Compound
Phase of
development Comments
E1/E2 therapeutic vaccine Preclinical and
phase 1
Recombinant E1/E2 vaccine has been effective in
preventing infection or chronic illness in chimpanzees
fusion protein
Phase 1 Combined with an adjuvant, primed broad CD4+ and
CD8+ T-cell responses in chimpanzees
Antifi brotics
IFN-γ-1b Phase 2
Large-scale antifi brotic trial did not reach its end-points
in terms of antifi brotic effects
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; HCIg, hyperimmune anti-HCV immunoglobulins; HCV, hepatitis C virus; IMPDH, inosine monophosphate
dehydrogenase; IRES, internal ribosome entry site; MU, million units; NK, natural killer; PEG-IFN, pegylated interferon; SC, subcutaneously.
*Ribavirin is not approved as a monotherapy, but as part of a combination therapy with IFN-α.
†According to HCV genotype and body weight.
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New drugs for the management of hepatitis C 543
NS3 helicase
NS2/3 protease NS3/4A serine protease

5‘ UTR 3‘ UTR
RNA polymerase
Core E1 E2
Figure 34.2 Schematic representation of the hepatitis C
genome. Unshaded region indicates the major structural
proteins: core, envelope (E1

and E2) and p7. The shaded
region indicates the non-structural proteins NS2, NS3,
NS4A/NS4B, NS5A/NS5B. At the 5’ untranslated region
(UTR) resides the internal ribosome entry site (IRES), which
is a potential target of translation inhibitors such as antisense
oligonucleotides and ribozymes. NS3 encodes a specifi c
helicase, and the NS5A region encodes RNA-dependent
RNA polymerase, both important in viral replication. Other
potential enzyme targets include the HCV-specifi c proteases
(NS2/3 and NS3/4), which are involved in processing the
viral polyprotein at specifi c sites (closed arrows).
Entry and
(coding strand)

Replicative template
(non-coding strand)
5' 3'
5' 3'
Figure 34.1 Life-cycle of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The
virus selectively fuses with liver cell plasma membranes.
This interaction probably involves the HCV envelope
glycoproteins E1 and E2, making them potential targets of
inhibitory drugs. Once fusion of the viral lipid coat and host
plasma membrane is complete, the viral core enters the host
cell. The HCV genome is a sense strand of RNA, which can
be directly read by the host’s ribosomes. During translation,
the ribosomes produce a polyprotein that is processed into 10
proteins (four structural and six non-structural – NS). Potential
specifi c inhibitors of HCV translation include antisense
oligonucleotides and RNA interference. The enzymes NS3
serine protease and NS2/NS3 protease cleave the polyprotein
and are thus targets for inhibitors. When adequate RNA
transcriptase is produced, an antisense version of HCV RNA
is made to serve as a template for RNA replication. The
enzyme NS3 helicase unwinds the RNA during replication,
and NS5B, or the HCV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase,
catalyzes RNA synthesis. Both are also targets for inhibitors.
The newly produced RNA and processed proteins assemble
to form viruses that travel to the inside portion of the plasma

membrane and then exit the host cell.
1405130059_4_034.indd 5431405130059_4_034.indd 543 30/03/2005 12:40:2530/03/2005 12:40:25
Chapter 34544
to interact directly with the pyrophosphate-binding site
of the viral polymerases.
Use of high throughput screening and rational drug
design has led to the identifi cation of HCV RdRp in-
hibitors that belong to each of the above classes.
eral compounds inhibit HCV RNA replication in cell
culture. Moreover, a few orally bioavailable inhibitors
of HCV RdRp, such as JTK-003, JTK-109 and NM-283,
are being studied in early clinical trials. However, their
mechanism(s) of action remain unclear, and preliminary
in vitro results suggest that resistance to RdRp inhibitors
might occur in the clinical setting.
Although its function is partly unknown, p7 has ion
channel activity,
and there is preliminary evidence
that p7 localizes to plasma and endoplasmic reticulum
and is necessary for HCV replication.

Long-alkyl-chain iminosugar derivatives, which have
antiviral activity against bovine viral diarrhoea virus,


can inhibit HCV p7 ion channels.
Therefore, such imi-
nosugar derivatives that have low toxicity profi les in
animals might in theory be used in treating chronic hep-
atitis C. One such compound is currently being tested in
a phase 2 trial.
Ribozymes, catalytic RNA molecules that cleave specifi c
RNA sequences, represent another potential mecha-
nism to interrupt HCV genomic replication. Ribozymes
contain a catalytic core region fl anked by binding arms
with nucleotide sequences complementary to the tar-
get RNA. An HCV-specifi c ribozyme was developed to
treat chronic hepatitis C: Heptazyme™, a synthetic, sta-
bilized 33-mer that is chemically modifi ed for resistance
to enzymatic and chemical degradation. In cell culture,
Heptazyme selectively cleaves hepatitis C RNA within
the IRES, signifi cantly inhibiting viral replication.
a phase 2 clinical trial, Heptazyme given alone led to
reduced serum HCV RNA concentrations in 10% of pa-
Unfortunately, further development has been
halted because of an observation in toxicology studies
in animals. Instead, a product with an improved thera-

peutic index for stability and targeting to specifi c tissues
is being developed.
Protein translation
Antisense oligonucleotides
Viral genomes contain numerous unique nucleic acid se-
quences that are drug targets because they are not present
in the human genome. Because of the high affi nity and
selectivity of nucleic acid hybridization, antisense oligo-
nucleotides can be used to develop highly specifi c drugs.
Several antisense oligonucleotides inhibit the transla-
tion of HCV RNA in cell-free systems and cell culture
Among them is ISIS 14803, a 20-nucleotide
antisense oligodeoxynucleotide that is complementary
to the IRES surrounding the translation initiation codon.
ISIS 14803, which is in clinical development, decreases
HCV RNA and protein levels in various in vitro and in
vivo models through RNase H cleavage of HCV in het-
eroduplexed regions of oligonucleotide and genomic
RNA. In two clinical studies of ISIS 14803 monotherapy,
plasma HCV RNA concentrations were reduced in three
of ten patients treated at 2 mg/kg (–1.3 to –2.2 log
) and
in six of twenty patients dosed twice weekly at 6 mg/kg
(–1.0 to –3.8 log

However, patients with and with-
out plasma HCV RNA reductions had transient asymp-
tomatic alanine aminotransferase (ALT) fl ares 1–30 times
the upper limit of normal range. The mechanism(s) by
which HCV RNA reductions and the ALT elevations oc-
curred is unclear, and further studies are required.
RNA interference
Another potential therapy involves using RNA interfer-
ence (RNAi). RNAi is a process in which cells down-
regulate gene expression through destruction of a
specifi cally targeted mRNA.
The RNAi process is me-
diated inside the cell by a naturally occurring protein
complex that uses double-stranded RNA as a molecular
guide to downregulate expression post-translationally.
In human cells, small interfering RNA (siRNA) are bio-
logically active short fragments of 20–23 residues. Sta-
bilized siRNA and eiRNA (expressed interfering RNA)
compounds are currently being evaluated in the pre-
clinical setting for their potential inhibitory activity of
HCV genes. In a human hepatoma (HepG2) cell line, iR-
NAs targeted against specifi c sites in the HCV genome
dramatically reduced virus-specifi c protein expression
and RNA synthesis.
Similarly, recent data indicate
that viral vectors can be used successfully for transduc-
ing HCV-specifi c siRNA. The latter approach effectively
inhibits HCV replication in Huh-7 cells.

Small molecules
The increased understanding of the atomic structures
of the 5’ and 3’ non-coding RNA segments
aid rational design of small molecules that bind specif-
ically to structures within these regions and that could
serve as inhibitors of translation or of translation ini-
tiation and/or HCV RdRp recognition. In both cases,
the target would be a relatively large RNA structure
that most probably has multiple contacts with macro-
molecular protein assemblies, such as the 40S ribosome
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New drugs for the management of hepatitis C 545
subunit or the replication complex.
For example,
small RNA molecules corresponding to the different
stem-loop domains of the HCV IRES effi ciently in-
hibit HCV IRES-mediated translation.
Whether small
molecules could effectively disrupt the resulting high
affi nity RNA–protein interaction remains under inves-
Post-translational modifi cation
NS3 serine protease
The non-structural (NS) viral protein 3 encodes a mul-
tifunctional protein that contains a serine protease (NS3

protease) in the N-terminus. The NS3 protease requires
the relatively small NS4A sequence as a co-factor for
proteolytic activity and mediates essential polyprotein
processing through cleavage of junctions NS3 –NS4A,
cleaves an initially synthesized viral polyprotein into
functional proteins. The NS3 protease structure has been
recently determined by X-ray crystallography.
A number of peptide-based or peptidomimetic in-
hibitors of NS3 serine protease have been developed
and tested in vitro. Most fall into one of three classes:
(1) substrate analogues, (2) serine-trap inhibitors
(or transition-state analogues), or (3) product ana-
Efforts to discover non-peptide inhibitors have also
been made.
BILN 2061 is a small, selective and potent
inhibitor of the NS3 serine protease.
Inhibitor constant
values of 0.30 nM and 0.66 nM with a non-covalent, com-
petitive mode of inhibition were obtained for genotypes
1a and 1b, respectively. BILN 2061 retains its inhibitory
effi cacy in human cells and showed low nanomolar in-
hibition of HCV RNA replication through blockade of
the NS3 protease-dependent polyprotein processing. In
early clinical development studies, BILN 2061 was ad-
ministered for 48 hours to HCV-infected patients. Ad-

ministration resulted in a rapid, dose-dependent HCV
RNA decrease up to 4 log
that happened within 2 days
for the highest doses. Within a week after treatment
withdrawal, HCV RNA concentrations progressively re-
turned to baseline.
NS2/NS3 protease
The NS2/NS3 protease is a zinc-dependent metallopro-
tease that cleaves the non-structural proteins between
the NS2 and NS3 polypeptides. This region overlaps
with the NS3 serine protease. The search for inhibitors
of the NS2/NS3 cleavage reaction has been hampered
by the hydrophobic nature of the protein and by the au-
tocatalytic nature of the cleavage.
Virus attachment and entry into cells
The mechanism by which HCV enters target cells is cur-
rently unknown. The envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2
probably determine selective interaction of HCV with
specifi c cell-surface receptors. E1 and E2 are released
from the viral polyprotein by signal peptidase cleav-
ages and expressed as non-covalent heterodimers at the
surface of viral particles. E2 is thought to initiate virus
attachment, and E1 has been hypothesized to be respon-
sible for viral and cellular membrane fusion.
An early
interaction of envelope glycoproteins with glycosami-
noglycans has been suggested to play a role in cell rec-

ognition and tropism.
Truncated soluble versions of E2 can bind specifi cally
to human cells. The truncated versions have been used
to identify interactions with tetraspanin CD81,
scavenger receptor class B type I,
and with dendritic
cell-specifi c intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing
non-integrin (DC-SIGN) and liver/lymph node-specifi c
intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing integrin (L-
The low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor is
also an entry point for HCV in vitro.
Whether these li-
gands are receptors for HCV infection in vivo and could
be targets for future therapies is currently unknown. A
recently described in vitro interaction between cholester-
ol metabolism and HCV replication that was inhibited
by 3-hydroxy-3-methyglutaryl (HMG) CoA reductase
inhibitors highlights the potential importance of these
interactions and the potential of future metabolic
pathways to help in designing drugs effective against
Testing inhibitors of cell entry has been limited by
a lack of conventional cell culture systems for HCV. A

recent effective approach is to generate infectious HCV
pseudoparticles expressing HCV glycoproteins on the
surface of another virus.
This system should help
dissect the early events of HCV infection, identify novel
HCV receptors or co-receptors, and test alternative ther-
apeutic approaches based on inhibiting viral entry. The
system could also be used to assess neutralizing respons-
es in vitro and to test therapies based on viral neutraliza-
tion, such as specifi c anti-HCV immunoglobulins.
Host immune responses and immune
The cellular immune response plays a major role in HCV
infection. Vigorous and multi-specifi c CD4+ and CD8+
T-cell responses during acute hepatitis C are associated
with viral clearance and recovery.
Memory T-cell re-
sponses specifi c to HCV are detectable in the peripheral
blood for decades
and can mediate rapid viral clear-
ance upon re-exposure.
In contrast, insuffi cient T-cell
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Chapter 34546
response, particularly in combination with viral muta-
tions, is associated with persistent infection and chronic

Once infection is persistent, typically the
number of HCV-specifi c T cells is low and their prolif-
erative, cytokine and cytotoxic effector functions appear
to be impaired.
Whether antiviral therapy can lead to
reconstitution of cellular immune responses is unclear.

Nonetheless, the cellular immune response remains an
attractive target for therapeutic intervention.
Non-specifi c immune responses
Human interferons (IFNs) are classifi ed based on the
cell surface receptor that they bind. Type 1 IFNs bind to
the IFN-α heterodimeric receptor IFNAR1/IFNAR2 and
include the 21 non-allelic subtypes of IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-
ω and IFN-τ.
IFN-γ, a type 2 IFN, binds a unique cell
surface receptor and has antiviral, antifi brotic and im-
munomodulating activity that stimulates the T-helper
(Th) 1 response.
Three novel cytokines share sequence
identity with type 1 IFNs and bind to a novel cell surface
receptor. These putative type 3 IFN molecules, called
interleukin (IL)-28A, IL-28B and IL-29, are induced by

viral infections and have marked antiviral activity in vi-
α-IFNs have been used for more than a decade to
treat patients with hepatitis C. Yet IFNs can have poor
pharmacokinetic profi les, limited biological activity
and suboptimal therapeutic indices. And knowledge is
limited as to the effi cacy of non-α, non-β IFNs. Several
groups have modifi ed naturally occurring IFNs to im-
prove their performance. Modifi cations include altering
the primary amino acid sequences, adding polyethylene
glycol (PEG; i.e. pegylated IFNs), altering glycosylation
patterns and making fusion proteins. Consensus IFN-α
(IFN-alfacon1) is an engineered second-generation cyto-
kine that contains the most frequently occurring amino
acids of the non-allelic IFN-α subtypes. IFN-alfacon1
is more effective than naturally occurring type 1 IFNs
in cell culture models and equally effective in clinical
Other novel α-IFNs have been produced by
shuffl ing the family of 20 human IFN-α DNA encoding
Gene shuffl ing has led to the production of
a novel non-naturally occurring type 1 IFN with a 285
000-fold increase in antiviral activity compared with
IFN-α-2b. Whether this highly active IFN can be used to
treat chronic hepatitis C is unknown.
Adding PEG to therapeutic IFN-α proteins can dra-

matically increase plasma exposure following dosing
and lead to increased response rates.
An IFN-β mol-
ecule conjugated to a linear 20-kDa PEG molecule
entering clinical trials for treating chronic hepatitis C. A
pegylated IFN-alfacon1 will also be clinically evaluated.
A fusion protein of IFN-α-2 and human serum albumin,
Albuferon, has entered clinical trials.
Albuferon has
similar in vitro antiviral and antiproliferative activity
to unmodifi ed IFN-α-2, but with markedly improved
pharmacokinetics. Several new techniques for selecting
second-generation IFNs have produced molecules that
are even more potent. Clinical trials of these molecules
are either underway or planned. Lastly, additional natu-
rally occurring IFN species, such as IFN-γ and IFN-ω,
are being studied in clinical trials.
Oral IFN inducers
Oral IFN inducers have the potential to generate an ef-
fective immune response by inducing or modulating
cytokine responses at the site of infection, or by supple-
menting or replacing parenteral administration of IFN.
Many have attempted to identify inducers of both IFN
and other innate immune responses, but the central chal-
lenge in using such agents as oral therapy against chron-
ic HCV infection has been delivery of effective doses to

the liver. Agents known to induce IFN-α and other cy-
tokines include (among many) relatively high molecular
weight agents such as double-stranded RNA (poly I:C)
and CpG oligonucleotide derivatives. Low molecular
weight molecules may have useful immunomodulat-
ing properties but with a reasonable probability of oral
absorption. Of the multiple candidate compounds, few
have progressed to clinical trials for chronic viral hepati-
tis. Two chemical classes that are more advanced include
the imidazoquinolones imiquimod and resiquimod

and the nucleoside analogues ANA245 and ANA971.
Imiquimod is approved for use as a topical agent in
dermatology. Toxicity, probably resulting from cytokine
induction, was reported in humans.
Resiquimod is
currently in phase 2 studies for chronic viral hepatitis.
ANA245 is a low molecular weight nucleoside analogue.
There is preliminary evidence that ANA245 induces
multiple cytokines, including IFN-α, and has immuno-
logically mediated antiviral activity in a range of viral in-
fection models. However, ANA245’s oral bioavailability
is limited at high doses. Preliminary evidence also indi-
cates that ANA971, a novel molecule, effi ciently delivers
ANA245 to the plasma of various animals at concentra-
tions associated with antiviral effects. As a component
of the development programme for ANA971, studies
in humans are underway to characterize the safety and

pharmacokinetics of ANA245 after intravenous admin-
istration. If effi cient, these drugs could be used in com-
bination with other antiviral drugs to maximize durable
Ribavirin-like molecules
Ribavirin is a synthetic nucleoside resembling guano-
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New drugs for the management of hepatitis C 547
sine. As a monotherapy, ribavirin is ineffective in in-
ducing sustained viral clearance, but it signifi cantly
enhances the sustained viral clearance rate after IFN
therapy. The mechanism by which ribavirin enhances
IFN effi cacy is unknown, but four mechanisms have
been proposed: immune-mediated activity on the host
Th1/Th2 balance, inhibition of the inosine monophos-
phate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) activity, weak inhibition
of the viral RdRp and induction of RNA mutagenesis.

Haemolytic anaemia is a frequent side-effect that limits
ribavirin dosing and underscores the need for alterna-
tive molecules with similar mechanisms and effi cacy
but reduced toxicity.
Levovirin is the L-sugar analogue of ribavirin and has
similar Th1/Th2 immunomodulatory activity. However,
as an L-isomer, it does not inhibit IMPDH or accumulate
in erythrocytes, the mechanism responsible for haemo-
lytic anaemia.
In preclinical studies, levovirin was well

tolerated by animals and did not have mutagenic effects
in conventional short-term in vitro and in vivo assays. In
humans, the drug is orally absorbed and well tolerated.
Further development of this drug has been curtailed be-
cause of issues related to absorption and delivery of suf-
fi cient intracellular drug to hepatocytes.
Viramidine, a liver-targeted prodrug of ribavirin, is
the amidine version of ribavirin, which is converted by
adenosine deaminase (ADA) to ribavirin.
Oral dos-
ing leads to preferential viramidine delivery to the liver
because the liver is rich in deaminases. Viramidine is
thus converted to ribavirin and its phosphorylated me-
tabolites and preferentially retained in the liver rather
than other tissues, including erythrocytes.
Rodent and
chimpanzee experiments confi rmed that viramidine
targets the liver, and early studies suggest acceptable
safety, pharmacology and toxicology profi les. In phase
1 studies, viramidine’s profi le of adverse events was
similar to ribavirin’s.
However, the extent of haemo-
globin decline with the highest dose was lower than
the haemoglobin drop with conventional combination
therapy. A phase 2 proof-of-concept study of viramidine
in combination with pegylated IFN-α (PEG-IFN-α) is
underway. Preliminary results from this study in 180

patients indicate similar antiviral effi cacy at week 24 of
therapy compared with the PEG-IFN/ribavirin combi-
nation, and signifi cantly less anaemia. Final results of
this trial are now awaited, and a phase 3 programme is
underway to evaluate this strategy.
IMPDH inhibitors (one of the putative mechanisms
of action of ribavirin), such as mycophenolic acid (Cell-
cept) and VX-497,
are also currently being studied in
patients with chronic hepatitis C. As with ribavirin, pre-
liminary results with these agents have shown no direct
antiviral effi cacy in short-term studies. Recent results
from a small European study suggest a higher on-treat-
ment response rate with a triple therapy strategy includ-
ing VX497, which was not associated with an enhanced
sustained response rate.
Further combination therapy
studies with PEG-IFN and ribavirin in combination with
VX 497 therapy in non-responder populations are now
Other immunomodulatory drugs
Several parenterally administered immunomodulatory
drugs are currently being used in combination with IFN
or PEG-IFN in clinical trials. They include (1) histamine
which inhibits phagocyte-derived
oxidative stress and infl ammation and is currently being

studied in phase 2 trials in combination with PEG-IFN
and ribavirin and (2) thymosin α-1, which promotes T-
cell maturation and natural killer (NK) cells and differ-
entiation of pluripotent stem cells. Preliminary results
with thymosin α-1 and IFN-α were inconclusive. Thy-
mosin α-1 is currently being evaluated in large phase 2
and 3 trials in combination with PEG-IFN-α.
In a randomized controlled trial, IL-10, an anti-infl am-
matory cytokine, did show an improvement in histolog-
ic infl ammation and ALT levels that was associated with
a proviral effect, despite a positive antifi brotic effect in
an initial pilot study.
In a phase 2 study of IL-12, a dif-
ferent and proinfl ammatory drug, the results suggested
that IL-12 was associated with additional toxicity and
lacked effi cacy.
Hyperimmune anti-HCV immunoglobulins
It has been hypothesized that multiple infusions of hy-
perimmune anti-HCV immunoglobulins (HCIg) may
modify viral replication and the clinical course of HCV
infection. Experiments with chimpanzees have pro-
vided compelling evidence that infection of susceptible
animals can be prevented by neutralizing the epitopes lo-
cated in the hypervariable region 1 of the HCV envelope
Therapeutic HCIg could also be particularly

valuable in preventing recurrent hepatitis C in HCV-
infected liver transplant recipients. A polyclonal HCIg
has been prepared from virus-inactivated, HCV RNA-
negative, 5% IgG from 460 anti–HCV-positive plasma
donors (Civacir
). In three experimentally and chroni-
cally infected chimpanzees, passive transfer of the HCIg
decreased ALT concentrations. In two of the three it de-
creased HCV RNA concentrations once the level of pas-
sively transferred anti-HCV E2 reached a plateau. When
HCIg infusions were stopped, both markers returned to
In three other HCV-inoculated chimpanzees,
multiple infusions of HCIg prevented acute hepatitis
and signifi cantly shortened the length of HCV viraemia
compared with animals treated with immunoglobulin
preparations without anti-HCV. In two animals in the
HCIg group, HCV RNA disappeared from serum after
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Chapter 34548
a signifi cantly shortened period of viraemia, but it re-
curred in one of the two when the level of anti-HCV E2
declined. Enzymatic and histopathological evidence of
either acute or chronic hepatitis followed recurrent HCV
The mechanisms by which HCIg may po-
tentially affect the rate of HCV replication remain un-

Therapeutic vaccines
A therapeutic vaccine capable of stimulating functional
CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses in chronic carriers may
also be benefi cial. CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses are
quantitatively weaker in the chronic phase of infection.
Recent qualitative data also suggest that HCV-specifi c
CD8+ T cells lack effector function (secretion of antiviral
cytokines and killing activity).
Various HCV recombi-
nant polypeptide and plasmid DNA vaccines that have
been tested in non-human primates can prime broad,
functional CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses.
In a signifi cant number of chimpanzees, a recombi-
nant E1/E2 vaccine primed viral neutralizing antibod-
ies and CD4+ T-cell responses and was more effective
than a control in preventing infection or chronic illness.

Another vaccine, based on a yeast-derived fusion poly-
protein comprising HCV genotype 1 NS3–NS4–NS5–
core sequences combined with an immunostimulating
complexes (ISCOMs) adjuvant, primed broad CD4+ and
CD8+ T-cell responses in chimpanzees. This vaccine
is now being tested for optimal formulations in early
phase trials in chronic hepatitis C patients.
The cellular immune responses to the E1 envelope
protein are frequently suppressed or absent in patients

with chronic hepatitis C, but long-term responders to
IFN-α therapy have on average higher levels of E1 an-
A clinical grade HCV E1 protein produced
and purifi ed from mammalian cells has been evaluated
in initial trials. In a phase 2a study, the vast majority of
patients converted from a negative to a strong E1-spe-
cifi c T-helper response.
After the second course of E1
injections, levels of anti-E1 antibodies increased three-
to fourfold, and the proportion of patients with a sig-
nifi cant T-cell response to E1 increased from 9% to 91%.
E1-treated patients also exhibited a decline in ALT rela-
tive to baseline, and in 38% of the patients liver fi brosis
improved by one point or more. These changes were ob-
served without any observed reduction in serum HCV
RNA. Further clinical studies are now required to evalu-
ate the long-term effi cacy of this strategy.
Progression of liver disease
If HCV cannot be eradicated, an alternative approach is
to slow the progression of liver disease. Hepatic fi brosis
is the major histological complication of chronic HCV
infection, leading to cirrhosis within 10–50 years. Dur-
ing fi brosis progression, resident hepatic stellate cells
are transformed from a quiescent to an activated state.
This process is characterized by increased production of
extracellular matrix, fi brogenesis and de novo expression
of smooth muscle α-actin consistent with cellular trans-

formation to myofi broblasts.
Fibrogenesis after injury to the liver is characterized
by signifi cant increases in collagen (type I>III>IV) and
other extracellular matrix constituents such as lam-
inin, fi bronectin and proteoglycans (dermatan sulfate,
chondroitin sulfate, heparan sulfate).
This ‘wound-
ing’ process involves matrix synthesis, deposition and
degradation. Cross-talk between stellate cells and the
extracellular matrix appears to play a critical role in fi -
brogenesis, as do a number of cytokines and small pep-
tides, including transforming growth factor (TGF)-β,
platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), endothelin and
angiotensin II.
Thus far, no drugs have been proven effective as
hepatic antifi brotic agents in humans. The liver does,
however, offer a unique advantage as a target for orally
administered agents: those with effi cient hepatic fi rst-
pass extraction will have inherent liver targeting, mini-
mizing systemic distribution and non-liver adverse
effects. It is uncertain whether antifi brotic therapies will
require intermittent or continuous administration.
New antifi brotic therapies may be derived from at
least three sources: (1) drugs indicated for other diseas-
es; (2) drugs under development to treat other diseases;
and (3) agents specifi cally developed for use in liver fi -
brosis. Unlike antiviral drugs, the effi cacy of antifi brotics
cannot be simply assessed. A clinical benefi t may only

appear after a prolonged treatment period. In addition,
there are no established serum fi brosis markers that can
substitute for percutaneous liver biopsies.
Nonetheless, several antifi brotic approaches are theo-
retically possible.
Reduce infl ammation or the host response to avoid
stellate cell activation. Ursodeoxycholic acid and an-
tagonists to TNF-α may have some use in treating in-
fl ammatory liver disease.
Directly downregulate stellate cell activation. The most
practical approach is to reduce oxidative stress. Possible
targets include anti-oxidants such as α-tocopherol (vi-
tamin E);
the cytokines IFN-α and hepatocyte growth
factor (HGF);
peroxisome proliferator activated
nuclear receptors (PPAR), including PPARγ, through
ligands (thiazolidinediones) that downregulate stellate
cell activation.
Neutralize proliferative, fi brogenic, contractile and/or
proinfl ammatory responses of stellate cells. Many in-
hibitors of proliferative cytokines, including PDGF, FGF
and TGF-α signalling through tyrosine kinase receptors,
are undergoing clinical trials in other diseases. TGF-β
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New drugs for the management of hepatitis C 549

antagonists could have the dual effect of inhibiting ma-
trix production and accelerating its degradation. Endo-
thelin-1 antagonists have been tested as both antifi brotic
and portal hypotensive agents.
Finally, halofuginone,
an anticoccidial compound, has antifi brotic activity.
Stimulate apoptosis of stellate cells. A recent study us-
ing gliotoxin reduced fi brosis in rats with liver injury
due to CCl
Additional targets may include TRAIL (tu-
mour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand)
Increase scar matrix degredation, either by stimulating
cells that produce matrix proteases, downregulating
their inhibitors, or directly administering matrix prote-
ases. In addition to preventing new scarring, antifi brotic
therapy will need to provoke resorption of existing ma-
trix. Direct administration of metalloproteinase mRNA
via gene therapy in animal models of hepatic fi brosis has
confi rmed that, in principle, matrix can be resorbed.
The World Health Organization has estimated that 3 to 4
million people worldwide are newly infected with HCV
each year.

High quality, patient-centred research is nec-
essary to develop improved therapeutics to treat the
majority of hepatitis C patients effectively and economi-
cally, and to eventually develop preventative vaccines.
To that end, many recent advances and insights into the
molecular biology of HCV and the host immunopatho-
genesis of this disease will continue to help us under-
stand the process of infection and to identify potential
new targets for drug development. Such knowledge
provides many opportunities to provide patients who
have chronic HCV infection with newer, more effective
and more individually targeted therapies.
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Chapter 35
Sergio Abrignani, Grazia Galli, Michael Houghton
Although the transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV)
has declined substantially,

there is still a pressing need
to develop an effi cacious HCV vaccine. In fact, given
that about 200 million persons worldwide harbour infec-
and that certain modes of HCV transmission, such
as injection drug use, will continue for the foreseeable
future, the pool of asymptomatic chronic HCV carriers,
who represent an infectious reservoir, will remain sub-
stantial. Furthermore, because of the high rate of chronic
infection following acute HCV infection and the limited
effi cacy of the therapies currently available, prevention
of new infections would be a cost-effective strategy for
control of the disease.
An effi cacious HCV vaccine would be of potential
benefi t to all persons at risk of coming in contact with
contaminated blood. This includes health-care workers,
haemodialysis patients, those with diseases requiring
frequent blood products and intravenous drug users
(IDUs). Considering intravenous drug use, an HCV vac-
cine might be broadly given to adolescents considered
at risk for later drug use. Although the risk of sexual
transmission of HCV is low, it may be reasonable to rec-
ommend vaccination to the sexual partners of infected
individuals. Eventually, a safe and effi cacious HCV vac-
cine could be recommended for widespread general
What should an HCV vaccine protect
An HCV vaccine should be capable of either prevent-

ing infection altogether or preventing the development
of chronic infection following acute infection. Although
preventing initial infection by providing ‘sterilizing im-
munity’ would be ideal, this may be diffi cult to achieve.
As the great majority of acute infections are asympto-
matic and without clinical consequences, and the clini-
cally relevant disease is due to the ensuing chronic
HCV infection, a vaccine that allowed only a ‘transient
infection’ (either subclinical or of limited acuity) while
preventing the development of chronic HCV infection
could be as benefi cial as one that provided sterilizing
immunity. Theoretically, a vaccine that did not accom-
plish either effect could still be benefi cial if it prevented
or delayed the development of progressive liver disease,
such as cirrhosis.
An essential requirement for an HCV vaccine is that
it must protect against the major circulating genotypes.
An HCV vaccine that demonstrated narrow geno-
type-specifi c effi cacy might require geography-specifi c
limitations in its use and would be diffi cult to use in
practice. Eventually, an effi cacious HCV vaccine might
exhibit a gradation of effi cacy such that it might prevent
infection by heterologous subtypes at a lower but still
clinically signifi cant level compared with more closely
related subtypes.
How diffi cult will it be to develop an
HCV vaccine?
To frame and estimate problems in developing an HCV
vaccine, it is interesting to compare the similarities and
differences faced in developing an HIV (human immu-

nodefi ciency virus) vaccine. Both HCV and HIV infec-
tions exhibit a propensity towards chronic infection.
However, while spontaneous resolution of HIV infec-
tion has not been found to occur, about 25% of HCV
infections spontaneously resolve,
presumably due in
part to activation of host immune defence mechanisms
capable of clearing infection. Thus, it may be easier to
protect against HCV if the types of immune responses
occurring in natural infection that lead to clearance can
be stimulated. Both viruses exhibit marked genetic and
phenotypic heterogeneity with regions that are rela-
tively conserved or hypervariable. Our current limited
understanding of the critical correlates of protection for
both HCV and HIV infection is a major challenge in vac-
cine development for both diseases. However, an HCV
vaccine does not have to overcome additional problems
faced in developing an HIV vaccine. Mucosal transmis-
sion via sexual activity predominates in HIV infection
but is uncommon in HCV infection. HCV does not exist
1405130059_4_035.indd 5531405130059_4_035.indd 553 30/03/2005 12:40:5630/03/2005 12:40:56
Chapter 35554
in a latent integrated proviral state as is the case with
The problems that arise in designing an HCV vaccine
because of the peculiarity of HCV are as follows. Firstly,
HCV is a relatively low viraemic virus in vivo, and is
only readily detected as RNA by polymerase chain reac-
tion (PCR). Secondly, the only species that can be infect-

ed by HCV are humans and chimpanzees. Finally, the
virus does not replicate effi ciently in vitro and, therefore,
little is known about the appearance of HCV.
Virology of the hepatitis C virus
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is classifi ed as a member of the
Hepacivirus genus within the Flaviviridae family
is a positive-stranded RNA virus with a genome of ap-
proximately 10 000 nucleotides.
The genome encodes
a polyprotein precursor of about 3000 amino acids (aa)
that is cleaved co-translationally and post-translation-
ally to yield a variety of structural and non-structural
(NS) proteins (Fig. 35.1).
Translation is mediated through an internal ribosome
entry site (IRES) situated within the 5’ untranslated re-
gion (UTR) of the RNA genome.
Recently, a –2/+1 ri-
bosomal frame shift has been observed to occur around
aa 11 of the C protein, resulting in the synthesis of the F
protein. The sequence of the F protein is partially con-
served within the genus but its function is unknown.

However, the basic charged character of the F protein
may also imply a nucleocapsid-like function.

As large-scale purifi cation of the virus is not feasible,
the information on the structure of the virion is largely
derived from expression studies with cloned cDNAs.
Such studies have revealed co-translational processing
of the polyprotein precursor via host signalase to yield
the presumptive structural proteins (the nucleocapsid
(C) and envelope glycoproteins gpE1 and gpE2).
The two structural proteins gpE1 and gpE2 have been
shown to translocate into the lumen of the endoplasmic
reticulum (ER), where they remain tightly anchored in
the form of a non-covalently bound heterodimer.

Deletion of the C-terminal transmembrane anchor re-
gions (TMR) of either gpE1 or gpE2 results in secretion
of the respective ectodomain from cDNA-transfected
cells via the Golgi apparatus, although this is an inef-
fi cient process in the case of gpE1.
11, 16
The nucleocap-
sid is also cleaved by host signal peptide peptidase to
yield a smaller species (p19 or p21), which appears to be
the form found within virions circulating in the blood-
The C protein has the ability to self-associate
into core particles
and is phosphorylated.

A large variety of NS proteins are thought to be pro-
cessed downstream of the structural protein region (Fig.
p7 is processed through the action of host signala-
and in the related pestiviruses it has been shown to
be required for virion assembly and/or secretion.
ther downstream proteins are processed from the pre-
cursor polyprotein through the action of viral-encoded
proteases encoded by NS genes 2, 3 and 4a.
The NS
proteins associate together on the ER, to form a viral rep-
lication complex, and various individual functions have
been assigned (Fig. 35.1). The 3’ UTR region comprises a
3’ terminal 98 nt region that is highly conserved, which
is located immediately downstream from a short pyri-
midine-rich tract. This pyrimidine-rich tract is preceded
by a more variable region, immediately downstream of
the polyprotein precursor terminator codon.
As RNA viruses encode error-prone RNA replicases
that lack the proofreading abilities of host DNA polymer-
ase, the HCV genomes and encoded proteins are highly

(341 nt)
(~200 nt)
Open reading frame (~9050nt)
HCV NS3/NS4a Ser
? Virion
+ secretion
Ser protease/

? a/b
C E1 E2 p7 NS2 NS3 NS4a NS5aNS4b NS5b
Ser protease
F Frame shift
Figure 35.1 Organization of the HCV
genome and encoded proteins.
1405130059_4_035.indd 5541405130059_4_035.indd 554 30/03/2005 12:40:5930/03/2005 12:40:59
Prevention 555
variable. The 5’ and 3’ UTRs are highly conserved, as is
the C gene and encoded nucleocapsid protein, but the
rest of the viral genes/proteins exhibit considerable het-
In addition, the N-terminal 30 aa of gpE2
(E2HVR1) is hypervariable and, using the chimpanzee
infection model, it has been shown to contain epitopes
binding viral-neutralizing antibodies that are under
considerable selective pressure.
At least six different basic HCV genotypes have been
distinguished phylogenetically along with numerous
subtypes (Fig. 35.2),
with type 1 being the most com-

mon genotype in the United States, China, Japan and
Europe (Fig. 35.3).
Unfortunately, due to the lack of an
in vitro virus-neutralizing antibody assay, the number of
serotypes is unknown. Recent progress in developing
mouse infection models may facilitate further studies in
this important area.
Immune correlates of protection
Recent studies in the chimpanzee challenge model and
of multiply exposed humans have demonstrated that
there is signifi cant natural immunity against HCV. In one
chimpanzee study,
an animal was infected by intrahe-
patic administration of an infectious RNA derived from
HCV strain HCV-1 (of the 1a subtype). This subtype is
the most common clade in the United States (Fig. 35.3).
Following resolution of the ensuing acute infection and
disappearance of viraemia, the animal was shown to be
resistant to an intravenous rechallenge with homologous
virus. No viraemia was observed following rechallenge,
indicating that sterilizing immunity was generated by
the original infection. When rechallenged subsequently
with a heterologous 1a strain, the animal experienced
very transient, minimal viraemia, while control naïve
animals showed substantial viraemia. Resolution of the
infection in the rechallenged animal was confi rmed by
showing the absence of viral RNA from the blood and

liver. Furthermore, when rechallenged again with a het-
erologous 1b strain, the most common clade worldwide
(Fig. 35.3), only a transient viraemia was observed prior
to disappearance of the virus from plasma and the liver.

Very similar results were obtained in separate chimpan-
zee studies in which animals were challenged and then
rechallenged intravenously with different infectious vi-
ral inocula. Only transient viraemia occurred when ani-
mals that recovered from a fi rst 1a strain infection were
rechallenged with either a heterologous 1a strain or a
heterologous 1b strain.
Additional chimpanzee stud-
ies indicate the existence of cross-protective immunity
between HCV types 1 and 3 (A.J. Weiner, unpublished


Figure 35.2 Phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences
from part of the HCV NS5b region amplifi ed from HCV-
infected blood donors and patients from several countries
(from Simmonds
No data

Figure 35.3 Approximate HCV
prevalence and genotype distribution
(from Ebeling
1405130059_4_035.indd 5551405130059_4_035.indd 555 30/03/2005 12:40:5930/03/2005 12:40:59
Chapter 35556
observations, 2001). The latter HCV type is commonly
found in IDUs.
Similar fi ndings have also been reported in a prospec-
tive study of IDUs from the United States. Strikingly,
the incidence of persistent viraemia in IDUs who had
recovered from a previous infection was 12 times lower
than that in IDUs who had not experienced a previous
As seen in the chimpanzee studies, peak viral
loads were substantially higher (by almost 2 logs) in the
fi rst-time infections as compared with the reinfections.

Also, HIV co-infection produced persistent HCV infec-

tion in all cases, indicating the role of the immune re-
sponse in HCV recovery.
Intriguingly, it has now been
shown that HIV patients co-infected with HCV have
lowered peripheral immune responses to HCV as com-
pared with patients with HCV mono-infections, even in
the absence of severe CD4+ T-cell depletion.
Collectively, these chimpanzee and human data pro-
vide evidence for the existence of signifi cant immunity
to HCV and, importantly, for the existence of cross-pro-
tective immunity within and between commonly oc-
curring HCV clades. It is important to note, however,
that not all reinfections in chimpanzees were resolved
without progressing to chronicity (three of nine became
chronically infected),
indicating that natural immunity
to HCV is not complete and not as effective as for the
hepatitis A and B viruses. It should also be mentioned
that earlier studies in the chimpanzee model have con-
cluded a lack of protective immunity to HCV.
This ap-
parent contradiction may be due to the earlier studies
measuring immunity more in terms of sterilizing immu-
nity, rather than the ability to prevent the development
of chronic infection, as in the more recent studies.
Role of cell-mediated responses

It was fi rst noted that early and broad major histocom-
patibility complex (MHC) class II-restricted CD4+ T-
helper responses to HCV are associated with recovery
from acute, symptomatic infections of man.
quently, using the valuable chimpanzee model again, it
was shown that recovery could occur in the absence of
any antibody to the HCV envelope glycoproteins, but
in the presence of an early and broad MHC I-restricted
CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response to the vi-
This association of HCV-specifi c CD4+ T-helper
and CD8+ CTL responses with resolution of acute in-
fection has been confi rmed in many human studies,

although the relative importance of each type of cellular
immune response is unknown at present.
A recent study sheds further light on the potential
mechanism of recovery from clinically asymptomatic,
acute infections in man. Shortly after infection, activated
HCV-specifi c CD8+ T cells appeared in the peripheral
blood that were associated with an increase in serum
alanine aminotransferease (ALT) levels (signifying liver
damage), and with a small decrease in viral RNA levels.
These activated CD8+ cells did not secrete gamma-in-
terferon (IFN)-γ. Shortly afterwards, a 5 log reduction in
viral load occurred commensurate with the appearance

of HCV-specifi c, IFN-γ-secreting CD8+ cells with a non-
activated phenotype (CD38-negative). This large reduc-
tion in viral load was not accompanied by an increase in
serum ALT levels, suggesting that a non-cytolytic viral
clearance mechanism mediated by IFN-γ might be oper-
ative (Fig. 35.4).
This conclusion is consistent with the
demonstrated anti-HCV activity of IFN-γ in cell cultures
containing HCV replicons.
In contrast, individuals who develop chronic, persist-
ent infection show weaker cellular immune responses to
the viruses that are not maintained over time
that have dysfunctional CD8+ T-cell effector functions.
The association of HCV-specifi c cellular immune re-
sponses with recovery is further reinforced by data from
several studies showing that memory T-cell responses to
the virus can be detected in long-term convalescent indi-
in non-viraemic and HCV antibody-negative,
healthy family members of HCV patients,
and in other
individuals who lack HCV antibody and RNA but who

may have been exposed to the virus earlier.
The kinetics of induction of HCV-specifi c T-cell re-
sponses to multiple epitopes may be crucial in determin-
ing the outcome of infection, because the ability of the
virus to mutate and thus evade CD8+ T-cell responses
has been demonstrated convincingly in the chimpanzee
The latter study suggests that if a multi-specifi c
T-cell response is made early in infection, then it is hard-
er for the virus to mutate several epitopes simultane-
ously and, therefore, more likely to result in resolution
of infection. Host and viral factors have been found to
be involved in determining the breadth, strength, kinet-
ics and decline
of HCV-specifi c cellular immune re-
sponses. In this regard, certain MHC class I and II alleles
are associated with recovery in humans.
Role of the antibody response
The role of anti-envelope antibody in resolution of HCV
infection is unclear at present. Initially, it was found that
nearly all chronically infected humans have signifi cant
antibodies to gpE1 and gpE2, as measured in ELISA as-
says, and that there was not a clear relationship between
the induction of these antibodies and resolution of acute

These fi ndings were extended in other studies
showing that in man and chimpanzees, fi nding of anti-
envelope antibody (as measured in ELISA assays) was
more likely in chronically infected individuals than in
those resolving the acute infection.
This lack of corre-
lation between anti-envelope antibodies and immunity
apparently contrasts with the situation found for many
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