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THỪA THIÊN - HUẾ Lớp 10 – năm học 2009-2010
TRƯỜNG THPT HAI BÀ TRƯNG Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Mã đề: 826

Họ và tên: …………………………………
Lớp: …………… Số báo danh: ………… Chú ý: Học sinh làm bài kiểm tra trên
giấy làm bài (Answer sheet)
I. Choose the word (a, b, c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces:
A hobby can be almost (1) ……………. a person likes to do in his spare time.
People take up hobbies because these (2) ………. offer enjoyment, friendships,
knowledge, and relaxation .Hobbies help people relax after periods of hard work.
Hobbies also offer interesting activities for persons (3) …………… have retired.
Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can follow a (4) ……………
hobby, regardless of his age, position or income. Doctors have found that hobbies
are valuable in helping patients recover from (5) …………… or mental
illness. Hobbies give bedridden or wheelchair patients something (6) ………… ,
and provide interests that keep them from thinking about themselves.
1. a. everything b. something c. anything d. many things
2. a. activities b. actions c. works d. deeds
3. a. whose b. who c. which d. whom
4. a. satisfying b. satisfied c. satisfy d. satisfaction
5. a. physical b. body c. danger d. sick
6. a. do b. doing c. for doing d. to do

II .Read the passage then choose the best option to complete the statements:
More than two hundred years ago ,the term “environmental pollution” was quite
strange to people.They lived healthily ,drank pure water,and breathed fresh air.In
those days,industry was not well-developed.Nowadays,the situation is quite
different.The world today is faced with many major threats.The most dangerous

threat is war ,and after the threat of war is pollution.People all over the world are
worried about things that are happening to the environment.Actually it is man that
is destroying the surroundings with many kinds of wastes from the devices that
make human lives more comfortable and convenient.Everybody knows that cars
emit dangerous gases that cause poisonous air and cancer,but no one wants to
travel on foot or bicycles.Manufacturers know that wastes from factories make
water and soil polluted ,but they don’t want to spend a lot of their money on
treating the wastes safely.Scattering rubbish is bad for our health ,but no one wants
to spend time burying it.
7.Two hundred years ago ,
a. people knew nothing about environmental pollution
b. people did not enjoy the environment
c. environment was polluted
d. people were aware of environmental pollution
8.In former days ,
a. people lived healthily
b. people were short of water
c. people were worried because industry was not well-developed
d. people destroyed the air
9.The most dangerous threat that the world is faced with is
a. pollution b. war c. wastes d. diseases
10.According to the passage,
a. manufacturers don't know anything about pollution
b. burying rubbish is bad for our health
c. manufacturers treat the wastes well
d. people think about their convenience more than the environment
III.Choose the best option:
11/ Thank you ! That 's I've ever received.
a the nicer present b the nicest present c a nice present d the most
nice present

12/ I 'm sure that you cannot have done the work by yourself.
a Whom helped you b Who did help you c Who did you help
d Who helped you
13/ Can you imagine what would happen without ?
a electricity b electrical c electrify d electric
14/ In most countries, a child school at six and for about five years
in primary school.
a is starting / is staying b starts / stays c has started / has
stayed d will go / will go
15/ Some of the guests didn't come.
a whom I invited them b I invited them c which I
invited d whom I invited
16/ My brother used 20 cigarettes a day , but now he gives
a to smoke / smoking b to smoke / smoke c smoking / smoking d to smoke /
17/ Only 489 athletes took part in the the 1st Asian Games
a added to b gave up c got rid of d
participated in
18/ It was an extremely experience in my life.
a frightened b frightening c frightful d frighten
19/ Water most of the Earth 's surface.
a covered b cover c covers d have
20/ Would you like ………. out with me?
a going b go c went d to go
21/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that
of the others
a crowd b row c know d flow

22/ Those athletes compete with all their best to get
a friendship b culture c advance d medals
23/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the others
a crazy b imaginary c multiply d hobby
24/ They formed a close at school.
a unfriendly b friend c friendly d friendship
25/ If people bikes instead of cars, there so much pollution.
a use / were not b used / not be c uses / won't be d used
/wouldn't be
26/ My mother was last night , so we went out for dinner.
a tired enough to cook b very tired to cook c too tired
to cook d tired for cooking
27/ His jokes made us ……………. a lot last night.
a laugh b laughing c to laugh d laughed
28/ "We have not used this computer for a long time." In the passive voice this
sentence should be read:
a For a long time has not been used this computer. b This computer has
not used for a long time.
c This computer has been not used for a long time. d .This computer has
not been used for a long time
29/ The orator stopped …………. He felt thirsty so he stopped …………….
some water.
a. to talk/ having b. talking/ to have c. talking/ having
d. to talk/ to have
30/ I won't wake up unless I the alarm.
a didn't hear b heard c don't hear d hear
31/ I about him when suddenly he in.
a was talking / was coming b am talking / comes c was talking / came
d talked / was coming

32/ He went on working he felt unwell.
a despite b because c in spite of d although
33/ I must get up early.I promised late again
a not being b not to be c to not be d I won't be
34/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the others
a other b healthy c earth d mouth
35/ She asked me, "Where are you going on your vacation this year?".In reported
speech,this should be read :
a She asked me where was I going on my vacation that year.
b She asked me where I am going on my vacation that year.
c She asked me where I was going on my vacation that year.
d She asked me where I was going on her vacation that year.
36/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the others
a course b marvelous c source d resource
37/ Don't use time and money
a carelessly b care c careful d careless
38/ It's two years since I last Joe.
a see b saw c have seen d seeing
39/ Some Vietnamese people often go to pagoda to for their health
and fortune.
a ask b say c appeal d pray
40/ I am bad at speaking English.I wish I English fluently.
a speak b am speaking c spoke d can speak
