/** Create a ChargeCodeBean with the specified parameters. This Æ
is never called directly. */
public ChargeCodePK ejbCreate(long id, String name, String description,
ProjectLocal project) throws CreateException
return null;
/** Actions performed after creation. This is never called directly. */
public void ejbPostCreate(long id, String name, String description,
ProjectLocal project)
10 ChargeCodeEntityBean
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ClientInt.java is the local Business interface for the Client entity bean. It defines all of
the locally accessible methods for the Client entity bean.
package com.wiley.compBooks.EJwithUML.TimeCardDomain;
import java.util.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
* The ClientInt is the interface that ties the Bean with the Remote
* interface to provide compile time type checking.
public interface ClientInt
/** Answers the name of this Client. */
public String getName();
/** Answers the description of this Client. */
public String getDescription();
/** Answers all the projects of this Client. */
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public Collection getProjects();
ClientLocal.java is the local EJB interface for the Client entity bean that inherits from
package com.wiley.compBooks.EJwithUML.TimeCardDomain;
import java.util.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
* The Client bean holds descriptive information about a client.
* ClientLocal is the local interface through which local clients access
* the underlying entity bean.
public interface ClientLocal extends EJBLocalObject, ClientInt
ClientLocalHome.java is the Home interface for the Client entity bean. It defines the
methods for finding and creating Client entity beans.
package com.wiley.compBooks.EJwithUML.TimeCardDomain;
import java.util.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
* The Client bean holds descriptive information about a client.
* ClientLocalHome is the local interface through which local clients
* find and create the underlying entity beans.
public interface ClientLocalHome extends EJBLocalHome
/** Answers a Collection that holds references to all of the Client Æ
beans. */
public Collection findAll() throws FinderException;
* Answers a Collection that holds references to all of the Client
* beans that match the name parameter.
public Collection findByName(String name) throws FinderException;
/** Answers a local reference to the Client bean, if it exists. */
12 ClientEntityBean
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public ClientLocal findByPrimaryKey(ClientPK key) throws FinderException;
/** Answers a local reference to the newly created Client bean. */
public ClientLocal create(long id, String name, String description) Æ
throws CreateException;
ClientBean.java is the implementation class for the Client entity bean. It contains the
data and logic for the bean.
package com.wiley.compBooks.EJwithUML.TimeCardDomain;
import com.wiley.compBooks.EJwithUML.Base.EjbUtil.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
import javax.naming.*;
* The Client bean holds descriptive information about a client.
* ClientBean is the actual entity bean implementation.
public abstract class ClientBean extends BasicEntityBean implements Æ
/** CMP fields */
public abstract long getId();
public abstract void setId(long id);
public abstract String getName();
public abstract void setName(String name);
public abstract String getDescription();
public abstract void setDescription(String desc);
/** CMR fields */
public abstract Collection getProjects();
public abstract void setProjects(Collection projects);
public ClientBean()
/** Create a ClientBean with the specified parameters. This is Æ
never called directly. */
public ClientPK ejbCreate(long id, String name, String description) Æ
throws CreateException
ClientEntityBean 13
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return null;
/** Actions performed after creation. This is never called directly. */
public void ejbPostCreate(long id, String name, String description)
14 ClientEntityBean
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ProjectInt.java is the local Business interface for the Project entity bean. It defines the
locally accessible methods for the Project entity bean.
package com.wiley.compBooks.EJwithUML.TimeCardDomain;
import java.util.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
* The ProjectInt is the interface that ties the Bean with the Remote
* interface to provide compile time type checking.
public interface ProjectInt
/** Answers the name of this Project. */
public String getName();
/** Answers the description of this Project. */
public String getDescription();
/** Answers the parent Client of this Project. */
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public ClientLocal getClient();
/** Answers all the charge codes for this Project. */
public Collection getChargeCodes();
ProjectLocal.java is the local EJB interface for the Project entity bean that inherits from
package com.wiley.compBooks.EJwithUML.TimeCardDomain;
import java.util.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
* The Project bean holds descriptive information about a project.
* ProjectLocal is the local interface through which local clients
* access the underlying entity bean.
public interface ProjectLocal extends EJBLocalObject, ProjectInt
ProjectLocalHome.java is the Home interface for the Project entity bean. It defines the
methods for finding and creating Project entity beans.
package com.wiley.compBooks.EJwithUML.TimeCardDomain;
import java.util.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
* The Project bean holds descriptive information about a project.
* ProjectLocalHome is the local interface through which local clients
* find and create the underlying entity beans.
public interface ProjectLocalHome extends EJBLocalHome
/** Answers a Collection that contains references to all Projects
associated with the specified client. */
public Collection findByClientId(long clientId) throws FinderException;
/** Answers a Collection that contains references to all Project beans
16 ProjectEntityBean
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that have the specified name. Should be unique. */
public Collection findProject(long clientId, String name) throws Æ
/** Answer a local reference to the Project if it exists. */
public ProjectLocal findByPrimaryKey(ProjectPK key) throws
/** Answer a local reference to the newly created Project. */
public ProjectLocal create(long id, String name, String description,
ClientLocal client) throws CreateException;
ProjectBean.java is the implementation class for the Project entity bean. It holds the
data and logic for the bean.
package com.wiley.compBooks.EJwithUML.TimeCardDomain;
import com.wiley.compBooks.EJwithUML.Base.EjbUtil.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
import javax.naming.*;
* The Project bean holds descriptive information about a project.
* ProjectBean is the actual entity bean implementation.
public abstract class ProjectBean extends BasicEntityBean implements Æ
/** CMP fields */
public abstract long getId();
public abstract void setId(long id);
public abstract String getName();
public abstract void setName(String name);
public abstract String getDescription();
public abstract void setDescription(String desc);
/** CMR fields*/
public abstract ClientLocal getClient();
public abstract void setClient(ClientLocal client);
public abstract Collection getChargeCodes();
public abstract void setChargeCodes(Collection chargeCodes);
public ProjectBean()
ProjectEntityBean 17
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/** Create a ProjectBean with the specified parameters. This is Æ
never called directly. */
public ProjectPK ejbCreate(long id, String name, String description,
ClientLocal client) throws CreateException
return null;
/** Actions performed after creation. This is never called directly. */
public void ejbPostCreate(long id, String name, String description,
ClientLocal client) throws CreateException
18 ProjectEntityBean
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The RecordTimeServlet uses the RecordTimeWorkflow to retrieve and update time-
cards. If no entry or new charge code is specified, the RecordTimeServlet retrieves the
current timecard and builds an entry form. If an entry is submitted, the RecordTime-
Servlet first updates the timecard through the RecordTimeWorkflow and then builds
an entry form. If a new charge code is specified, then the RecordTimeServlet creates
new zero hour entries for the charge code, updates the timecard, and then builds an
entry form.
package com.wiley.compBooks.EJwithUML.TimecardUI;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.naming.*;
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