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April 2005 Vol 9 No 2
Impact of a nurses' protocol-directed weaning procedure on
outcomes in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation for
longer than 48 hours: a prospective cohort study with a matched
historical control group
Jean-Marie Tonnelier, Gwenaël Prat, Grégoire Le Gal, Christophe Gut-Gobert, Anne Renault, Jean-
Michel Boles and Erwan L'Her
Réanimation Médicale, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de la Cavale Blanche, Brest, France
Corresponding author: Jean-Marie Tonnelier,
Introduction The aim of the study was to determine whether the use of a nurses' protocol-directed
weaning procedure, based on the French intensive care society (SRLF) consensus recommendations,
was associated with reductions in the duration of mechanical ventilation and intensive care unit (ICU)
length of stay in patients requiring more than 48 hours of mechanical ventilation.
Methods This prospective study was conducted in a university hospital ICU from January 2002 through
to February 2003. A total of 104 patients who had been ventilated for more than 48 hours and were
weaned from mechanical ventilation using a nurses' protocol-directed procedure (cases) were
compared with a 1:1 matched historical control group who underwent conventional physician-directed
weaning (between 1999 and 2001). Duration of ventilation and length of ICU stay, rate of unsuccessful
extubation and rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia were compared between cases and controls.
Results The duration of mechanical ventilation (16.6 ± 13 days versus 22.5 ± 21 days; P = 0.02) and
ICU length of stay (21.6 ± 14.3 days versus 27.6 ± 21.7 days; P = 0.02) were lower among patients
who underwent the nurses' protocol-directed weaning than among control individuals. Ventilator-
associated pneumonia, ventilator discontinuation failure rates and ICU mortality were similar between
the two groups.
Discussion Application of the nurses' protocol-directed weaning procedure described here is safe and
promotes significant outcome benefits in patients who require more than 48 hours of mechanical
Keywords: intensive care unit, mechanical ventilation, protocol-directed weaning
The duration of weaning from mechanical ventilation (MV) rep-
resents a large proportion of the overall ventilation period [1].
The time from initiation of weaning to successful endotracheal
extubation may account for as much as 40% of the overall ven-
tilatory time [1]. A great number of studies have demonstrated
that prompt recognition of reversal of respiratory failure using
standardized procedures and daily screening may shorten the
overall duration of MV [2-5]. However, those studies were
mainly conducted by respiratory therapists in North American
intensive care units (ICUs), whereas in Europe the respiratory
therapist's roles are mainly assumed by nurses and physicians.
Despite the accumulating evidence to support their routine
Received: 20 November 2003
Revisions requested: 23 April 2004
Revisions received: 18 November 2004
Accepted: 25 November 2004
Published: 17 January 2005
Critical Care 2005, 9:R83-R89 (DOI 10.1186/cc3030)
This article is online at: />© 2005 Tonnelier et al., licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License ( />licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is cited.
ICU = intensive care unit; LOS = length of stay; MV = mechanical ventilation; SAPS = Simplified Acute Physiology Score; SBT = spontaneous breath-
ing trial.
Critical Care April 2005 Vol 9 No 2 Tonnelier et al.
use, the value of standardized weaning procedures continues
to be of clinical and academic interest [6].
In October 2001, the French intensive care society (Société
de Réanimation de Langue Francaise) organized a consensus
conference to develop recommendations for MV weaning in
the ICU [7]. The aim of the present prospective cohort study,
which included a matched historical control group, was to
determine whether a routine nurses' protocol-directed wean-
ing procedure based on these recommendations and daily
screening were efficient in terms of MV duration and ICU
length of stay (LOS) in patients who required more than 48
hours of MV.
Study design
This prospective study was conducted in the 12-bed ICU of an
800-bed teaching hospital from January 2002 to February
2003. We employed a matched control group (1:1 matching)
of patients identified from a historical database.
Selection of patients and controls
Screened patients were those who required more than 48
hours of MV and who satisfied eligibility criteria (see below) for
a spontaneous breathing trial (SBT). Exclusion criteria were
tracheostomy before ICU admission or within the first 48 hours
of ICU management, and age under 18 years.
A computer-generated list of potential control individuals was
obtained from a historical database of patients attending the
same ICU (977 patients from 1999 to 2001). Controls were
selected based on matching in terms of the following criteria:
age (±5 years), sex, Simplified Acute Physiology Score
(SAPS) II (±5 points; calculated within the first 24 hours of
ICU admission), and admission diagnosis. The list of potential
controls was reviewed for the best possible match, giving a
ranking priority to SAPS II, followed by age, sex and then
Study protocol
The study protocol was written according to the final recom-
mendations of the Société de Réanimation de Langue Fran-
caise's consensus conference on weaning. Patient eligibility
for the weaning procedure was identified by daily screening by
nurses. Screening was deemed to start immediately after ICU
admission. The eligibility criteria for a SBT were the following:
fractional inspired oxygen <50%; positive end-expiratory pres-
sure <5 cmH
O; no vasopressor infusion; no sedative agent
infusion; and response to simple orders. Physician approval for
initiation of SBT was not required. A planned SBT duration of
90 min was employed, and SBTs were always performed
using a T-piece. The SBT was terminated before 90 min had
elapsed and considered a failure if any of the following criteria
were satisfied: pulse oximetry <90%, a respiratory rate >35
breaths/min, a heart rate or a systolic arterial pressure variation
>20%, or occurrence of patient agitation. All of these criteria
for failure were specifically recorded. A SBT was considered
to be successful when the patient could breathe spontane-
ously for 90 min. Physicians were asked to approve discontin-
uation of MV following a successful SBT. Extubation was
therefore performed if cough was subjectively considered effi-
cient, and if a leak test was considered positive (inspiratory
and/or expiratory air leaks after cuff deflation). If the SBT was
not well tolerated, then the failure criteria were specifically
recorded and the patient returned to their prior ventilator set-
tings and mode. Such patients were then subjected to screen-
ing the following day (Fig. 1).
Pre-protocol weaning management (historical
Before establishment of the nurse's protocol-directed wean-
ing procedure, routine weaning from MV was 'physician
directed', as in most European ICUs. Physician's individual
preferences determined the mode of weaning (volume
assisted controlled, pressure support ventilation, or T-piece).
Weaning criteria were not monitored daily. The decision to
extubate after a successful weaning procedure was also phy-
sician directed.
All definitions were selected a priori before study analysis.
Admission diagnosis was divided into four main groups: med-
icine, surgery, neurosurgery and acute exacerbations in
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ventilator-associated
pneumonia was defined as the initiation of antibiotics and at
least two of the following criteria: positive protected bronchos-
copy cultures; fever or rising leucocyte count; and character-
istic chest radiograph findings. The duration of ventilation was
calculated as follows: (day of extubation + 1) - (day of intuba-
tion). Successful discontinuation of MV was defined as contin-
uous independence from ventilator support for a period of at
least 48 hours. Unsuccessful MV discontinuation was defined
as need for noninvasive ventilation and/or reintubation within a
48 hour period. Criteria to initiate noninvasive ventilation fol-
lowing extubation were occurrence of clinical signs of acute
respiratory failure, with or without hypercapnia.
The overall duration of MV and the ICU LOS were considered
primary outcomes. Secondary outcomes were the overall inci-
dence of ventilator-associated pneumonia, unsuccessful extu-
bation rates and ICU mortality.
Statistical analysis
Categorical variables were expressed as percentage and con-
tinuous variables as mean ± standard deviation. P < 0.05 was
considered statistically significant. Percentages were com-
pared using χ
tests, and means using Student's t-test. Kap-
lan–Meier curves were used to determine the probability of
remaining ventilated during the overall ICU LOS; curves were
Available online />R85
compared using the log-rank test. When patients died before
discontinuation of MV, matched data were censored within the
Physiological variables
During the prospective study period 392 patients were admit-
ted to our ICU, of whom 384 patients required ventilatory sup-
port. A total of 297 patients were mechanically ventilated
through an endotracheal tube, of whom 204 required MV for
longer than 48 hours. Among these 204 eligible patients, 100
were excluded from analysis because they died prior to initia-
tion of any weaning procedure (85 patients) or because they
were tracheostomized before admission or within the first 48-
hour period (15 patients; Fig. 2). After 1:1 matching, 208
patients were finally included in the analysis: 104 patients in
the prospective routine nurse's protocol-directed weaning
procedure (cases) and 104 patients in the standard physician-
directed weaning procedure (controls). Matching was suc-
cessful for all parameters, and patient demographic variables
were similar within groups (age 56 ± 18 years, sex ratio [male/
female] 3/2; SAPS II = 49 ± 18). Admission diagnoses were
similarly distributed within groups (Table 1).
Duration of mechanical ventilation and intensive care
unit length of stay
All patients were under volume-assisted controlled or pressure
support ventilation before entering the weaning procedure.
The overall MV duration was 16.6 ± 13 days within cases, and
22.5 ± 21 days within controls (P = 0.02); this difference
between groups is illustrated by Kaplan–Meier analysis in Fig.
3. The ICU LOS was 21.6 ± 14.3 days within cases and 27.6
Figure 1
Mechanical ventilation weaning protocolMechanical ventilation weaning protocol. Daily nurse screening identified patients eligible for weaning. A spontaneous breathing trial was considered
to be successful when the patient could breathe spontaneously for 90 min without clinical intolerance. For such patients, physicians were then
asked to approve discontinuation of mechanical ventilation. If the spontaneous breathing trial was not tolerated, then the patient was returned to their
prior ventilator settings and screened the day after. FiO
, fractional inspired oxygen; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; SpO
, pulse oximetry.
Daily nurse screening
1. FiO
2. PEEP< 5 cmH
3. No vasopressor agents infusion
4. No sedative agents infusion
5. Answer to simple orders.
Spontaneous breathing trial
Clinical Intolerance
1. SpO
2. Respiratory rate >35 breaths/min
3. Variation of heart rate or systolic arterial pressure >20%
4. Agitation.
Physician approval
Critical Care April 2005 Vol 9 No 2 Tonnelier et al.
± 21.7 days within controls (P = 0.02). In subgroup analysis,
the duration of MV and ICU LOS were shorter for medical
patients (Table 2).
No significant differences in unsuccessful MV discontinuation
rates were observed between groups (31% for cases versus
35% for controls; P = 0.81). Mortality was similar between the
two groups (7% for cases versus 5% for controls; P = 0.92).
A positive trend toward a decrease in ventilator-associated
pneumonia rate was observed for the cases (20.2% versus
31%; P = 0.12; Table 3).
Table 1
Baseline characteristics in the study patients
Physiological parameters Protocol-directed weaning group (cases) Physician-directed weaning group (controls)
Patients (n) 104 104
Male sex (n [%]) 62 (60) 62 (60)
Age (years; mean ± SD) 57 ± 18 56 ± 18
SAPS II (mean ± SD) 49 ± 18 49 ± 18
Admission diagnosis (n [%])
Medicine 54 (52) 63 (61)
Surgery 25 (24) 20 (19)
Neurosurgery 19 (18) 16 (15)
COPD 6 (6) 5 (5)
Matching was successful for all parameters, and patients' physiological parameters were similar between groups. Admission diagnoses were
similarly distributed between groups. COPD, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease; SAPS, Simplified Acute Physiology Score; SD, standard
Figure 2
Case selectionCase selection. ICU, intensive care unit; NIV, noninvasive ventilation.
87 patients treated
with NIV
392 patients admitted to the
384 patients required ventilatory
297 patients treated with
204 patients
ventilated for more
than 48 hours
104 case
Death before having entry
criteria (n = 85),
tracheostomised on
admission (n = 15)
Figure 3
Kaplan–Meier curves of the risk for remaining mechanically ventilated in protocol-directed (cases) versus physician-directed weaning groups (controls)Kaplan–Meier curves of the risk for remaining mechanically ventilated in
protocol-directed (cases) versus physician-directed weaning groups
(controls). The protocol-directed weaning procedure allowed reduction
in the overall duration of mechanical ventilation, whatever the patient's
diagnosis. The overall mechanical ventilation duration was 16.6 ± 13
days in cases and 22.5 ± 21 days in controls (P = 0.02).
Probability of remaining on ventilator
Protocol-directed weaning
Physician-directed weaning
Log-rank test = 0.02
Available online />R87
The present study was designed to determine the clinical ben-
efit of a nurse's protocol-directed weaning procedure in a
broad range of ICU patients (including both medical and sur-
gical patients) who had not been disconnected from the
ventilator after 48 hours of MV. Our findings demonstrate the
effectiveness of such a procedure performed on a routine
basis. The nurse's protocol-directed weaning procedure
reduced the duration of MV and the overall ICU LOS in
patients who remained dependent on MV after a 48-hour
period, without any increase in adverse events or in rate of
unsuccessful extubation. Easily implemented, this protocol-
directed weaning procedure synthesizes an approach that
incorporates the following: daily screening by nursing staff and
a single daily 90 min SBT with T-piece trial in selected
patients. The criteria used in this procedure to screen patients
for readiness for the weaning trial were very simple clinical
Some authors have demonstrated a key role for daily screen-
ing using predetermined criteria during the weaning process
[2,4]. In both of those studies, patients who satisfied the crite-
ria were subjected to a 2 hour trial of CPAP while they
remained attached to the mechanical ventilator circuit. How
exactly a SBT should be performed remains subject to debate,
and its optimal duration is not known, although there are data
suggesting that it may be shortened [8-11]. For the routine
procedure, we arbitrarily chose a 90 min duration and to per-
form the trial while the patient was disconnected from the ven-
tilator, without adding any positive end-expiratory pressure.
The mean MV duration and ICU LOS found in this study differ
significantly from those of previous studies [2,3,12]. In the
Table 2
Outcome comparison between the study groups, according to admission diagnosis
Outcomes Protocol-directed weaning group
Physician-directed weaning group
Mechanical ventilation duration (days)
Medicine 15.3 ± 13 23 ± 22.6 0.02
Surgery 19.1 ± 15.2 17.4 ± 13.7 0.72
Neurosurgery 18.9 ± 12.8 26.3 ± 23.1 0.29
COPD 14.1 ± 14.6 24.9 ± 24 0.33
Combined 16.6 ± 13 22.5 ± 21 0.02
ICU length of stay (days)
Medicine 20.1 ± 13.7 27.7 ± 23 0.02
Surgery 25 ± 17 23.3 ± 15.4 0.72
Neurosurgery 23 ± 13 34 ± 24 0.09
COPD 20.4 ± 14.6 28.5 ± 25 0.47
Combined 21.6 ± 14.3 27.6 ± 21.7 0.02
Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation. COPD, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease; ICU, intensive care unit.
Table 3
Comparison of complications between study groups
Complications Protocol-directed weaning group Physician-directed weaning group P
Unsuccessful MV discontinuation 33 (31) 37 (35) 0.81
Reintubation within 48 hours 22 (21) 19 (18) 0.33
NIV for postextubation respiratory distress 22 (21) 26 (25) 0.15
Ventilator-associated pneumonia 21 (20) 33 (31) 0.12
ICU mortality 7 (7) 5 (5) 0.92
Values are expressed as number (%). No significant differences between groups were observed. ICU, intensive care unit; MV, mechanical
ventilation; NIV, noninvasive ventilation.
Critical Care April 2005 Vol 9 No 2 Tonnelier et al.
study by Ely and coworkers [2] patients received MV for a
median of 4.5 days, and in the study by Esteban and cowork-
ers [10] patients were ventilated for a median of 5 days. More-
over, in the study by Ely and colleagues the ICU LOS was
similar between groups. The main reasons for such a
difference between our study and the previous ones are the
higher mean SAPS II in our patients (49 ± 18 in both groups)
and the selection of patients who survived and were not
weaned from MV after a 48 hour period (i.e. patients whose
conditions probably remained unstable for a long period and/
or those who may be considered 'difficult to wean'). Therefore,
we believe that we selected patients who may derive particular
benefit from a decrease in the duration of MV.
The unsuccessful extubation rate also appears rather high in
our patients as compared with previous studies (31% within
cases versus 35% within controls) [10,13-15]. However, this
finding must be interpreted with caution because we consid-
ered unsuccessful extubation to be the need for any form of
ventilatory assistance within a 48 hour period (either delivered
noninvasively via face mask or invasively via an endotracheal
tube), whereas in the vast majority of other studies unsuccess-
ful extubation was considered just as need for endotracheal
intubation. If we consider the reintubation rate alone, the inci-
dence of extubation failure decreases to 21% in cases and
18% in controls. However, one may observe that, apart from
earlier extubation, the failure rates were similar between the
two groups (i.e. patients were not withdrawn too early, as com-
pared with the 'standard' procedure).
Apart from the rather high mean SAPS II levels, the overall
mortality rate in our study appears rather low in both groups
(5%). However, in accordance with the analysis protocol we
excluded patients who died before the predetermined wean-
ing criteria were satisfied, and so this finding cannot be con-
sidered to be an adequate reflection of overall ICU mortality
Case series with historical controls have advantages over ran-
domized trials when the effects of routine daily procedures are
studied. Indeed, it is easier for a broad range of nursing staff
to institute a protocol throughout an entire ICU population than
it is to limit it to specific monitored patients. Moreover, there is
no risk for crossover effect, by which the staff may modify their
behaviour toward control patients and thus blur the distinction
between groups.
On the other hand the nonrandomized design of our study is a
major limitation. First, only randomization can ensure compara-
bility between cases and controls. Even if cases and controls
were matched for age, sex, SAPS II and diagnosis on admis-
sion, selection bias cannot be fully excluded and might
account for part of our results. Second, evolution of medical
care during the study period might have influenced our results
[16]. However, the use of sedatives and paralytics, and routine
patient positioning and ventilatory settings did not
fundamentally change over the period of interest (1999–
2003). For example, patients with acute respiratory distress
syndrome have been ventilated using a small tidal volume and
an 'open lung approach' since publication of the study by
Amato and coworkers [17].
This study demonstrates that a routine and simply applied
nurse's protocol-directed weaning procedure was safe and
promoted major clinical and outcome benefits for patients
requiring MV over a 48 hour period. These benefits were
obtained without increasing the average number of complica-
tions or the rate of unsuccessful extubation.
Competing interests
The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors' contributions
JMT drafted the manuscript and participated in the design of
the study. GP conceived the study and helped to draft the
manuscript. GLG performed the statistical analysis. CGG col-
lected data. AR colected data. JMB participated in the design
of the study. EL participated in its design and coordination,
and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
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Key messages
• A simply applied nurse's protocol-directed weaning pro-
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• Protocol-directed weaning procedure should be used in
all ICUs.
Available online />R89
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