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OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGNWith application 2nd phần 10 pdf

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Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 479
Flegal, Ted Kaehler, Diana Merry, and Steve Putz. Among other important roles that they
played, Adele Goldberg and David Robson served as chroniclers of the Smalltalk project.

Table A-1

There are five identifiable releases of Smalltalk, indicated by their year of release: Smalltalk-
72, -74, -76, -78, and the most current incarnation, SmalItalk80. SmalItalk-72 and -74 did not
provide support for inheritance, but they did lay much of the conceptual foundation of the
language, including the ideas of message passing and polymorphism. Later releases of the
language turned classes into first-class citizens, thus completing the view that everything in
the environment could be treated as an object. Smalltalk-80 has been ported to a variety of
machine architectures.

There is also an important dialect of SmalItalk provided by Digitalk, Smalltalk/V, that is very
similar to SmalItalk-80 and is available on the IBM PC (Windows and OS/2) and Macintosh.
Except for the user interface classes, the class libraries are quite similar to each other. Also like
SmalItalk-80, there is a development environment and development tools that are similar in
capability, but different in structure and function [4].


Ingalls states that "the purpose of the Smalltalk project is to support children of all ages in the
world of information. The challenge is to identify and harness metaphors of sufficient
simplicity and power to allow a single person to, have access to, and creative control over,
information which ranges from number and text through sounds and images" [5]. To this end,
Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 480
SmalItalk is built around two simple concepts: everything is treated as an object, and objects

communicate by passing messages.

Table A-1 summarizes Smalltalk's features, relative to, the seven elements of the object model.
Although the table does not indicate it, multiple inheritance is possible by the redefinition of
certain primitive methods [6].


Consider the problem in which we have a heterogeneous list of shapes, in which each
particular shape object might be a circle, a rectangle, or a solid rectangle (this is similar to the
problem we introduced in Chapter 3). Smalltalk has an extensive class library that already
contains classes for circles and rectangles, and so our solution in this language would be
almost trivial; this demonstrates the importance of reuse. However, for the sake of
comparison, lets assume that we only have primitive classes for drawing lines and arcs.
Therefore, we might define the class AShape as follows:

Object subclass: *AShape
instanceVariableNames: 'theCenter'
classVariableNames: ‘’
poolDictionaries: ‘’
category: 'Appendix'

"Initialize the shape"

theCenter := Point new

setCenter: aPoint
"Set the center of the shape"

theCenter := aPoint

“Retun the center of the shape"


«Draw the shape"

self subclassResponsibility

We may next define the subclass
ACircle as follows:

AShape subclass: #ACircle
instanceVariableNames: 'theRadius'
classVariableNames: ‘’
poolDictionaries: ‘’
category: 'Appendix'
Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 481

setRadius: anInteger
"Set the radius of the circle"

theRadius := anInteger

“Return the radius of the circle"


“Draw the circle”

|anArc index |
anArc Arc new.
index := 1.
[index <= 41]
center: theCenter
radius: theRadius
quadrant: index.
anArc display.
index := index+ 1]

Continuing, the subclass ARectangle may be defined as follows:

AShape subclass: #ARectangle
instanceVariableNames: 'theNeight theWidth'
classVariableNames: ‘’
poolDictionaries: ‘’
category: 'Appendix

“Draw the rectangle"
|aLine upperLeftCorner |
aLine := Line new.

upperLeftComer := theCenter x - (theWidth / 2) 0 (theCenter y -
(theHeight 12).
aLine beginPoint: upperLeftCorner.
aLine endPoint: upperLeftCorner x + theWidth 0 upperLeftComer y.
aLine display.
aLine beginPoint: aLine endPoint.
aLine endPoint: upperLeftCorner x + theWidth 0 (upperLeftCorner y +
aLine display.
aLine beginPoint: aLine endPoint.
aLine endPoint: upperLeftCorner x 0 (upperLeftCorner y + theHeight).
aLine display.
aLine beginPoint: aLine endPoint.
aLine endPoint: upperLeftCorner.
Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 482
aLine display

setHeight: anInteger
"Set the height of the rectangle”

theHeight := anInteger

setWidth: anInteger
"Set the width of the rectangle"

theWidth := anInteger

"Return the height of the rectanglel"


"Return the width of the rectangle"


Lastly, the subclass ASolidRectangle may be defined as:

ARectangle subclass: #ASolidRectangle
instanceVariableNames: ‘’
classVariableNames: ‘’
poolDictionaries: ‘’
category: 'Appendix'

“Draw the solid rectangle”

| upperLeftCorner lowerRightCorner |
super draw.
upperLeftCorner := theCenter x - (theWidth quo: 2) + 1 @
(theCenter y - (theHeight quo: 2) + l).
lowerRightCorner :=(:pperLeftCorner x + theWidth - 1 @
(upperLeftCorner y + theHeight - l).

fill: (upperLeftCorner corner: lowerRightCorner)
mask: Form gray


The primary references for Smalltalk are Smalltalk-80. The Language, by Goldberg and Robson
[7]; Smalltalk-80. The Interactive Programming Environment, by Goldberg [8]; and Smalltalk-80.
Bits of History, Words of Advice, by Krasner [9]. LaLonde and Pugh [10] explore Smalltalk-80 in
great depth, including both the class libraries and application development.
Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 483

A.3 Object Pascal


Object Pascal was created by developers from Apple Computer (some of whom were
involved in the development of Smalltalk), in conjunction with Nalaus Wirth, the designer of
Pascal. Object PascaPs immediate ancestor is Clascal, an object-oriented version of Pascal for
the Lisa. Object Pascal was made publicly available in 1986 and is the first object-oriented
programming language supported by the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (MPW), the
development environment for Apple's family of Macintosh computers. The class library for
MPW, called MacApp, provides the frameworks for constructing applications that conform to
the Macintosh user interface guidelines.

Table A-2
Object Pascal


As Schmucker states, "Object Pascal is a 'bare bones' object-oriented language. It makes no
provision for class methods, class variables, multiple inheritance, or metaclasses. These
concepts were specifically excluded in an attempt to streamline the learning curve
encountered by most novice object-oriented programmers" [11].

Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 484
We summarize the features of Object Pascal in Table A-2, relative to the seven elements of the
object model.


The primary reference for Object Pascal is the MPW Object Pascal Reference from Apple [12]

A.4 C++


C++ was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Bell Laboratories. The immediate ancestor
of C++ is a language called C with Classes, also developed by Stroustrup in 1980. In turn, C
with Classes was heavily influenced by the languages C and Simula. C++ is largely a superset
of C. However, in one sense, C++ is simply a better C, in that it provides type checking,
overloaded functions, and many other improvements. Most importantly, however, C++ adds
object-oriented programming features to C.

Table A-3

There have been several major releases of the C++ language. Version 1.0 and its minor
releases added basic object-oriented programming features to C, such as single inheritance
Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 485
and polymorphism, plus type checking and overloading. Version 2.0, released in 1989,
improved upon the previous versions in a variety of ways (such as the introduction of
multiple inheritance), based upon extensive experience with the language by a relatively
large user community. Version 3.0, released in 1990, introduced templates (parameterized
classes) and exception handling. The ANSI X3jl6 C++ committee has recently adopted
proposals for namespace control (consistent with our notion of class categories) and run-time
type identification.

Early translator technology for C++ involved the use of a preprocessor for C, called cfront.
Because this translator emitted C code as an intermediate representation, it was possible to
port C++ to virtually every UNIX architecture quite quickly. Now, C++ translators and native
compilers are available commercially for almost every kind of instruction-set architecture.


Stroustrup states that "C++ was primarily designed so that the author and his friends would
not have to program in assembler, C, or various modern high-order languages. Its main
purpose is to make writing good programs easier and more pleasant for the individual
programmer. There never was a C++ paper design; design, documentation, and
implementation went on simultaneously" [13]. C++ corrects many of the deficiencies of C,
and adds to the language support for classes, type checking, overloading, free store
management, constant types, references, inline functions, derived classes, and virtual
functions [14].

We summarize the features of C++ in Table A-3 on page 481, relative to the seven elements of

the object model.


Again we reimplement the shape problem. The common style in C++ is to place the outside
view of each class in header files. Thus, we may write:

struct Point {
int x;
int y;

class Shape {
void setCenter(Point p);
virtual void draw() = 0;
Point center() const;
Point theCenter;
Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 486

class Circle : public Shape {
void setRadius(int r);
virtual void draw();
int radius() const;

int theRadius;

class Rectangle : public Shape {
void setHeight(int h);
void setWidth(int w);
virtual void Draw();
int height() const;
int width() const;
int theHeight;
int theWidth;

class SolidRectangle : public Rectangle {
virtual void draw();

The definition of C++ does not include a class library. For our purposes, we assume the
existence of a programmatic interface to X Windows, and the global objects Display, Window,
and GraphicsContext (which are needed by Xlib). Thus, we may complete the methods above in
a separate file, as follows:

theCenter.x = 0;

theCenter.y = 0;

void Shape::setCenter(Point p)
theCenter = p;

Point Shape::centero const
return theCenter;

Circle::Circleo : theRadius(0) {}

Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 487
void Circle::setRadius(int r)
theRadius = r;

void Circle::draw()
int X = (centero.x - theRadius);
int Y = (centero.y - theRadius);
XDrawArc(Display, Window, GraphicsContext, X, Y,
(theRadius * 2), (theRadius * 2), 0, (360 * 64));

int Circle::radius () const

return theRadius;

Rectangle::Rectangle() : theMeight(0), theWidth(0) {}

void Rectangle::setHeight (int h)
theHeight = h;

void Rectangle::setWidth (int w)
theWidth = w;

void Rectangle::draw()
int X = (center().x - (theWidth 2));
int Y = (center().y - (theHeight 2));
XDrawRectangle(Display, Window, GraphicsContext, X, Y,
theWidth, theHeight);

int Rectangle::height() const
return theHeight;

int Rectangle::width() const

return theWidth;

void SolidRectangle::draw()
int X = (center().x - (width() / 2));
int Y = (center() y - (height() / 2));
gc oldGraphicsContext = GraphicsContext;
Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 488
XSetForeground(Display, GraphicsContext, Gray);
XDrawFilled(Display, Window, GraphicsContext, X, Y, width(),
GraphicsContext = oldGraphicsContext;


The primary reference for C++ is the Annotated C++ Reference Manual by Ellis and, Stroustrup
[15]. Stroustrup [16] provides in-depth coverage of the language and its use in the context of
object-oriented design.

A.5 Commn Lisp Object System


There are literally dozens of dialects of Lisp, including MacLisp, Standard Lisp, SpiceLisp, S-1
Lisp, Nil, ZetaLisp, InterLisp, and Scheme. Starting in the early 1980's, a plethora of new
dialects of Lisp emerged that supported object-oriented programming, many of which were

invented to support ongoing research in knowledge representation. Spurred by the success in
standardizing Common Lisp, a similar effort was undertaken in 1986 to standardize these
object-oriented dialects.

The idea of standardization was put forth at the summer 1986 ACM Lisp and Functional
Programming Conference, resulting in the formation of a special, subcommittee as part of the
X3jl3 ANSI committee (for the standardization of Common Lisp). Because this new dialect
was conceived to be a proper superset of Common Lisp, it was called the Common Lisp
Object System, or CLOS for short. Daniel Bobrow chaired the committee, whose members
included Sonya Keene, Linda DeMichiel, Patrick Dussud, Richard Gabriel, james Kempf,
Gregor Kicazles, and David Moon.

The design of CLOS was heavily influenced by the languages New Flavors and
CommonLoops. After about two years of work, the complete specification of CLOS was
published in late 1988.

Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 489

Table A-4


Keene reports that there were three design goals for CLOS:

• CLOS should be a standard language extension that includes the most useful aspects of the
existing object-oriented paradigms.

• The CLOS programmer interface should be powerful and flexible enough for developing
most application programs.

• CLOS itself should be designed as an extensible protocol, to allow for customization of its
behavior and to encourage further research in object-oriented programming [17].

We summarize the features of CLOS in Table A-4, relative to the seven elements of the object
model. Although CLOS does not support persistent objects directly, there are straightforward
extensions using the metaobject protocol to add persistency [18].


The primary reference for CLOS is the Common Lisp Object System Specification [19].

Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 490
A.6 Ada


The United States Department of Defense (DoD) is perhaps the largest user of computers in
the world. By the mid-1970s, software development for its systems had reached crisis
proportions: projects were often late, over budget, and they often failed to meet their stated
requirements. it was evident that the problems would only worsen as software development
costs continued to rise and the demand for software increased at an exponential rate. To help
resolve these problems, which were further compounded by the proliferation of hundreds of
different languages, the DoD) sponsored the development of a single, common, high-order
programming language. In a sense, Ada represents one of the first engineered production-
quality languages. A set of requirements was developed starting in 1975 and culminated in
the Steelman document, which was released in 1978. An international request for proposal
(RFP) was then issued, inviting companies to design a language based upon these

requirements. The RFP drew seventeen responses. This number was reduced to four, then
two, and then one by an extensive design and evaluation period involving hundreds of
computer scientists throughout the world.

The winning design was originally called the Green language (so called because of its color
code during the competition), and was then renamed Ada, in honor of Ada Augusta,
Countess of Lovelace, who was noted for her early observations on the potential power of the
computer. The primary author of this language was jean Ichbiah of France. Other members of
the design team included Bernd Krieg-Brueckner, Brian Wichmann, Hemy Ledgard, jean-
Claude Heliard, jean-Loup Gailly, jean-Raymond Abrial, john Barnes, Mike Woodger, Olivier
Roubine, S. A. Schuman, and S. C. Vestal.

The immediate ancestors of Ada are Pascal and its derivatives, including Euclid, Lis, Mesa,
Modula, and Sue. A number of concepts from ALGOL 68, Simula, CLU, and Alphard were
also incorporated. The ANSI standard for Ada was finally released in 1983. Translators for
Ada were slow in coming, but today there are translators for almost every major family of
instruction-set architectures. Although Ada was originally sponsored by the DoD, it has
found an important worldwide role in government and commercial software projects, and is
usually the language of choice for large-scale software projects, such as the United States and
Canadian air traffic control systems. Since ANSI standards must be reviewed every five years,
a project called Ada 9x has been established to update this standard. Through Adaqx, the
original language definition has changed in a number of small ways, involving clarifications,
the filling of gaps, and the correction of errors. In its current definition, Ada is object-based,
not object-oriented. However, Ada9x adds object-oriented programming extensions to the
original language definition.

Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 491

Table A-5



According to its designers, Ada was designed with three concerns in mind:

• Program reliability and maintenance

• Programming as a human activity

• Efficiency [20]

We summarize the features of Ada in Table A-5, relative to the seven elements of the object


The primary reference for Ada's syntax and semantics is the Reference Manual for tbe Ada
Programming Language [21].

Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 492

A.7 Eiffel


Eiffel was created by Bertrand Meyer not only as an object-oriented programming language,

but also as a software engineering tool. While Eiffel is influenced by Simula, it was designed
from the beginning to be an independent object-oriented language and development

Table A-6

The language supports dynamic binding and static typing, providing for flexibility in the
design of a class interface, but taking advantage of the type safety that static typing provides.
There are several significant features that give support for more rigorous software
engineering, including parameterized classes, assertions, and exceptions. Meyer contends
that generic classes complement the inheritance relationship by allowing for horizontal
genericity: new classes at the same level of abstraction in an inheritance hierarchy may be
created based on type parameters, rather than duplicating behaviors in sibling subclasses.

Preconditions and postconditions, both integral parts of the language, implement assertions
upon entering and leaving a method, respectively. If a precondition fails upon entering a
Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 493
method, or if a post condition fails when leaving, an exception is raised. A mechanism exists
in the language to handle the exception through the use of the rescue clause and retry


Eiffel stresses the concepts of good software engineering: good class specification, strong
typing, and facilities of taking advantage of reuse through both inheritance and generic
classes. The formal treatment of exceptions allows rigorous specification of class interfaces in
the implementation.

Eiffel also provides a full development environment including a syntax-directed editor,
documentation generation, class libraries, and a browser. In addition, code management and
build management facilities are supported.

Eiffel's features relative to our object model are summarized in Table A-6.

C with Classes
Classic Ada

Cluster 86
Common Loops
Common Objects
Common ORBIT
Concurrent Prolog
Concurrent Smalltalk
Distributed Smalitalk
Extended Smalltalk
Felix Pascal

Littie Smalitalk

New Flavors
Object Assembier
Object Cobol
Object Lisp
Object Logo
Object Oberon
Object Pascal

Plasma 11
Quick Pascal
Smalitalk AT
Smalitalk V
Turbo Pascal 5.x

Object-Oriented Programming Languajes 494
Figure A-2
Object-Based and Object-Oriented Programming Languages


The best treatment of the Eiffel language is found in Meyer,s book, Object Oriented Software
Construction [22].

A.8 Other Object-Oriented Programming Languages

Figure A~2 provides the names of many other important or influential object-based and object-
oriented programming languages; the Classified Bibliography offers references to sources of
information for most of them.

Saunders [23] provides a survey of over 80 different object-based and object-oriented
programming languages. He suggests that object-oriented programming languages may be
grouped into seven categories [24]:

• Actor
Languages supporting delegation
• Concurrent
Object-oriented languages emphasizing
• Distributed
Object-oriented languages emphasizing

distributed objects
• Frame-based
Languages supporting frame theory
• Hybrid
Object-oriented extensions to traditional
• Smalltalk-based
Smalltalk and its dialects
• Ideological
Application of object-oriented features
to other domains
• Miscellaneous
Object-oriented languages that do not fit
any other category

References 495


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The First Section: Concepts

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