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Jan072009 Thuy''''s Lesson plan pot

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* Theme Focus
*Skills focus
+ Identifying specific information
+ Recognising sequences of events
1. Class description: 25 first-year fast-track students, 1 boy and 24 girls, English
Department, HULIS – VNU.
2. Time: 45 minutes.
3. Objectives: After the lesson, students (Ss) will be able to:
+ identify specific information in the recordings they hear
+ recognise sequences of events described by other people
+ develop their discussion skills and their teamwork ability through
cooperating in group work and pair work.
4. Anticipated problems: In case there is a shortage of time, the teacher may ask
students to do the post-listening part of task 2 at home.
5. Assumed knowledge: Students (Ss) are supposed to have…
+ had some knowledge about jobs
+ been able to describe a daily routine
+ been able to express their likes and dislikes
6. Teaching aids: Blackboard, handouts, picture cards, computer and projector.
7. Procedures:
Teacher Students
TASK 1(20 minutes): People work
1. Before listening (10m)
* Type of activity: Mingling whole class activity
- Elicit from Ss some questions they will ask to
know what the job of somebody is.
Possible answers:
+ Do you often work outdoors?

- Whole class: Brainstorm and answer
T’s question
+ Do you work with the public?
+ Do you need to be good with numbers in order
to do your job?
+ etc.
- Explain to Ss that they are going to be given a
job but they will not know what it is. The name of
the job will be written on a card sticked to their
back. Their task will be to find it out.
- Do an example with the whole class.
- Tell Ss to stand in four lines (6 Ss/ line). Give
each S a card with a job name written on it. Tell
them to stick the card on the back of the friend
standing in front of them.
- When they finish, tell them to mingle around
and ask questions to other Ss to find out about the
- Monitor the class to ensure that every S takes
part in the activity and provide help in case they
- After 7 minutes, ask Ss to return to their seat.
Settle down the class.
2. While listening (8m)
- Give each S a copy of worksheet 2. Ask them to
look at the 10 pictures in the worksheet and name
the jobs of people in the pictures. Advise them to
pay attention to spelling when they write down
their answers on the box provided under each

- When they finish, explain that they are going to
listen to a song which mentions eight out of ten
jobs in their worksheet. Ask them to recognise
those jobs. Play the recording.
- Monitor the class and elicit answers from Ss.
Answer key:
Tailor, doctor, farmer, babysitter, language
- Listen carefully to T’s instruction.
- Do the example with the teacher.
- Quickly group themselves in four
lines. Help T with sticking the card on
their peer’s back.
- Mingle freely and ask clever
questions to find out about their job.
Enthusiastically answer peers’
- Return to their seats. Settle down as
quickly as possible.
- Individual work: Look at worksheet 2
and write the name of the jobs. Pay
attention to spelling.
- Individual work: Listen carefully to
the song and tick the jobs mentioned.
- Whole class: call out their answers.
teacher, plumber, dentist, fireman.
- Give Ss worksheet 3. Explain that they are going
to listen to the song again and match the name of
each person with the job he/she does. Play the

- When they are ready play the recording (with
subtitle) again to check their answers.
3. Post listening (2m)
- Ask Ss to work with the person sitting next to
them. Give each pair a puzzle and tell them to
complete the puzzle with the correct jobs. The
quickest pair with all correct answers will be the
- Check the key to the quizz to the whole class.
TASK 2 (25 minutes): I hate my job
1. Before listening (5m)
- Ask Ss to remain in their pairs. Tell them to talk
with each other about the jobs they like and dislike to
do in the future. Encourage them to give reason why
they like and dislike.
2. While listening (14m)
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation
between a man named Barry and his friend about
Barry’s new job. Explain that for this time of
listening, they will just listen and remember as many
details as possible.
- Ask Ss whether Barry likes or dislikes his job.
Encourage them to pool out words/ phrases/
expressions that lead them to their answer.
- Write the possibly new vocabulary items on the
board. Provide further explanation and examples if
* New words:
+ Disservice: an action which harms something or

- Individual work: Look at worksheet
3. Listen to the recording and match
the name of each person with the job
he/she does.
- Whole class: Watch the movie of the
song with subtitle and check their
- Pair work: Complete the puzzle as
quickly as possible. Raise their hands
whenever they complete it.
- Whole class: check the key to the
- Pair-work: talk about the jobs they
like and dislike to do in the future.
Give reason why they like and dislike.
- Individual work: listen and remember
as many details as possible.
- Decide whether Barry likes or
dislikes his job. Pool out words/
phrases/ expressions that lead them to
their answer.
+ Fiver : five pounds, or a note worth five pounds
(cf. tenner)
+ Get someone down: If something gets you down, it
makes you feel unhappy and dissatisfied
+ Moan: to make a complaint in an unhappy voice,
usually about something which does not seem important to
other people

- Put Ss in pairs and give each pair a set of picture
cards. Give them 30 seconds to study the pictures,
then tell them to put the pictures in the order Barry
talks about each activity as they remember.
- When they finish, play the recording again to check
the answer with the whole class.
Answer key:
The order is d, c, f, b, a
- Tell Ss that they must listen again and note down the
reasons why the man dislikes each activity. Tell one S
to make notes for pictures a, c, and e, and the other S
to make notes for picture b, d, and f. When Ss are
ready, play the recording.
- Tell Ss to exchange their notes. Explain that they
must listen final time and check their partner’s
answers. Play the recording again, stop from time to
time to check Ss’ answer.
Answer key
d. He used to get up at
c. The weather is bad
(cold and rainy)
f. It makes him feel like
a servant.
e. It makes him
b. Lunch costs him
more money than he
earns in an hour.
a. He is too tired to

- Pair-work: study the set of picture
cards. Put the picture cards in the order
Barry talks about each activity as they
- Listen to the recording and rearrange
the cards.
- Listen to the recording and take
- Exchange notes with peers and listen
again to check peers’ answers.
F: Hi Barry. How’s thing?
B: Oh, not so good.
F: How come? What’s the matter?
B: I hate my new job. It really gets me down.
F: Too bad.
B: Yeah. Every morning I have to get up at 6 o’clock. Six
o’clock! That’s a real bad start to the day. I used to get up at
ten… or later.
F: Humm.
B: And there’s no bus at that time so I have to cycle five
miles to get to work. It’s cold and rainy everyday.
F: Yes, the weather is pretty bad at the moment.
B: And when I get to work I have to make the boss a cup of
coffee. I mean, cant he get his own coffee? I feel like a
F: Humm.

B: And when I start work, it’s the same thing all the time.
Just answering the phone to hear people complain and
F: Oh right. You are in Customer Services, arent you?
B: Yeah. Customer disservices, more like. The things those
sales people tell them! Really. Listening to all these
customers moaning over the phone… I tell you, it makes me
F: So I see. Well, at least you get a free lunch.
B: You mean used to. Now we have to pay. That’s another
problem. It costs me around a fiver just to eat… and that’s
more than I get paid for an hour’s work! I’m losing money!
F: Well, at least you finish work early.
B: Yeah, but when I get home around four, I’m too tired to
do anything. My social life is zero right now.
F: Why don’t you quit then?
B: Quit? Are you mad? It’s the best job I’ve ever had!
3. Post listening (5m)
- Tell Ss that they are going to talk about a job they
want to do in the future and the criteria that it should
For example:
+ Working environment
- Individual work: Prepare for the topic
that the T gives.
+ Working time
+ Salary
+ Required skills
+ Other conditions (e.g. free lunch, holiday, bonuses,

- After 2 minutes, call some Ss at random to talk in
front of class.
- Remind Ss of their weekly listening portfolio. Tell
them to listen to tasks in Practise your listening
skills, Unit 6 – Jobs, and complete the listening diary
- Present in class (if assigned)
- Do the weekly assignment and bring
their listening diary to class next

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