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Supervisor: Nguyễn Thị Thơm Thơm
Student: Phạm Thị Lụa
Course: QH2010.F1.E13
HÀ NỘI – 2014
Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Nguyễn Thị Thơm Thơm
Sinh viên: Phạm Thị Lụa
Khóa: QH2010.F1.E13
HÀ NỘI – 2014
I hereby state that I: Pham Thi Lua, QH2010.F1.E13, being a candidate for the degree of
Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use
of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library.
In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library
should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal
conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper.


In order to complete this thesis, I owe indebtedness to many people for their help and
Firstly, I would like to be grateful to my supervisor: Ms. Nguyen Thi Thom Thom for her
exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement during the course of this thesis.
Secondly, I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to all authors listed in
the references as their ideas are great help for me to conduct the thesis.
Thirdly, my completion of this thesis could not have been accomplished without the
support of my classmates of 10E13 who always give advices whenever I need.
Last but not least, I show my great gratitude to my parents, sisters and friends who are
always encouraging me during the process.
Wuthering Heights is the only novel of Emily Bronte, published in 1847. The novel
remarks one of the great contributions to the English literature from female author so it calls the
public’s attention to various aspects from detail to general. With its popularity and values in
terms of literature, the novel became a significance subject for researchers and scholars to study.
The researcher took a decision to investigate “the effect of living circumstance on
characters (Heathcliff, Catherine and young Catherine) in Wuthering Heights”. It is considered a
new and practical thesis for study because its aim is to discover and analyze the contribution of
living circumstance on characters. First, the background for the study will be provided with some
terms related to living circumstance, novel as well as information of the author Emily Bronte and
Wuthering Heights particularly. Secondly, the next part will be a development of the contribution
of living circumstance on some protagonists of Wuthering Heights based on the terms mentioned
before. Finally, the researcher will summarize the outcomes and give out some limitations of the
study together with suggestions for further studies.

The researcher hopes that the thesis will be meaningful for those who are interested in the
book and that it will provide the foundation for future related studies.
This first part of the study includes rationale of the study, the aims, objectives, significance,
scope and methodology of the study. In addition, organization of the study will also be stated in
order to help readers follow the thesis easier.
1. Rationale of the study
“Wuthering Heights” is the only novel written by Emily Bronte in the late of Romanticism.
It is considered to be one of the masterpieces after Emily’s death in 1848. According to Fred
Langman, “Wuthering Heights is a novel of genius” (approaches to the novel, 1966). It reveals
one aspect of Emily’s life. Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar note in The Madwoman in the Attic,
“a woman writer must examine, assimilate, and transcend the extreme images of “angle” and
monster” which male authors have generated for her” (p. 596). Moreover, they believe that:
‘For all literary artists, of course, self-definition necessarily precedes self-assertion: the creative
“I AM’ cannot be uttered if the “I” know not what it is. But for the female artist the essential
process of self-definition is complicated by all those patriarchal definitions that intervene
between herself and herself’ (p. 569).
Therefore, up to now, there have been many discoveries from time to time. Although it
was written in the Romantic style, it still reflected England’s society during Victoria era.
All over the world, there are so many aspects of Wuthering Heights for investigation. According
to Anne Williams in Natural Supernaturalism in Wuthering Heights, “Wuthering Heights –
popular, powerful, but enigmatic- has always been controversial. Readers agree about its secure
position as a “classic,” but not about its meaning, nor its merit. ” (1985, p.104) Besides
analyzing characters, some writers also concentrate on other rare issues such as sexual problem,
the incest theme or the repression and sublimation of nature, the framing or even psychological
items, children abuse. There are some famous works studying Wuthering Heights including
“The novel as Dramatic Poem” written by Klingopulos, “The incest theme in Wuthering

Heights” written by Solomon, “Wuthering Heights: the land East of Eden” written by Adams,
Ruth. Klingopulos tries to demonstrate that Wuthering Heights is “the novel as dramatic poem.”
He emphasizes that “it is important to remember that the novel is the first in English which
invites the same kind of attention that we claim as poetry” (1947, p. 269). He supposes “the
quality of achievement from chapter to chapter is so consistent that it established as much unity
and interconnection as the common readers require” (ibid, p. 269). Moreover, “we are reminded
repeatedly of that fine control of feeling which distinguishes Emily Bronte best known poem”
(ibid, p.269). In another aspect, Fred Langman pays interest on “criticism of this novel”.
According to him, “too much of the published criticism is badly written, critically evasive, and
(sometimes) just inaccurate.” On the other hand, Thompson gives birth to the essay called
“Infanticide and Sadism in Wuthering Heights” in 1963. He wants to analyze one problem which
is mainly the abuse children in Wuthering Heights. On the contrary, Magaret Homans tries to
take investigation into the repression and sublimation of nature in Wuthering Heights in 1978.
He focuses on two protagonists in this novel. They are Cathy and Heathcliff “whose relations to
nature would seem to be the strongest and the most important to the novel”(1978, p. 9) Beside,
Adam realizes that Wuthering Heights is much like the land east of Eden, nineteenth century
fiction in 1958. Solomon concerns about the incest in Wuthering Heights (1959).
Nevertheless, the researcher took a decision to investigate the effect of living circumstance
on some protagonists in Wuthering Heights. She is going to carry out the analysis of aspects
relating to circumstance including living condition, places to provide deeper insights into the
interactive change between thinking and behaviors of characters. In terms of living circumstance,
the research focuses on two core living conditions including the condition of being aristocracy
and condition of being lower circumstance. Aristocracy belongs to the rich and powerful class.
However, people who originate from lower circumstance seem to be poor and wild. Both living
conditions are very different from each other because they indicate two different types of class.
One side is very rich but the other side is very poor. In this novel, Heathcliff, Catherine and
young Catherine all belong to both living conditions. Their living circumstances are changing
from time to time. As a result, their spirit, personalities and behaviors also change, which is to be

analyzed to set up the helpful thesis.
2. Aims and objectives of the study
Wuthering Heights written by Emily Bronte is one of the most well-known novels of the
English literature in the eighteen century. Because of being a famous novel, there must be
misunderstanding of Wuthering Heights. I take a decision to investigate on the contribution of
living circumstance on characters to gain deep understanding of its characters.
Moreover, the researcher conducts this research with the aim of developing understanding
English literature in the eighteen century and fulfilling my passion of literature.
3. Background and significance of the study
3.1. Background of the study
Wuthering Heights is a priceless masterpiece of English literature. This work is one of the
most priceless masterpieces of English literature. There are so many works analyzing it.
Heathcliff, Catherine and young Catherine are the strong characters to build up this novel. These
characters are affected strongly by Romanticism and society. This study is analyzing the
changing of three characters beside the effect of living circumstance on them.
3.2. Significance of the study
The thesis is going to discover and analyze the contribution of living circumstance to
some protagonists. It is going to unveil the reasons why the protagonists’ personalities change a
lot from time to time and the difference between their behaviors and thoughts. For example,
when living in the Wuthering Heights, Catherine seems to be a wild girl, whereas when she
comes back from Thrushcross, “her manners much improved” (p. 44). In addition, “The mistress
visited her often in the interval, and commenced her plan of reform by trying to raise her self-
respect with fine clothes and flattery, which she took readily; so that, instead of a wild, hatless
little savage jumping into the house, and rushing to squeeze [them] all breathless, there ‘lighted
from a handsome black pony a very dignified person, with brown ringlets falling from the cover
of a feathered beaver, and a long cloth habit, which she was obliged to hold up with both hands
that she might sail in”(p. 44). Her behaviors change a lot because of her personality is affected by
Thrushcross where people who she meets living are very gentle and behave aristocratically. The
first time Catherine sets foot on the other land teaches her a lesson of passion of becoming

aristocrat. Debra Goodle believes in “Love and Addiction in Wuthering Heights”, “lacking any
inner Catherine attempts to capture Heathcliff’s psyche to fulfill the emptiness in her own soul”
(p.316). Therefore, the research would be very helpful to provide readers with a quick
apprehension of that psychological issue. Psychological issue is a difficult term that a lot of
novels remain. It can explain why the characters behave extremely different from their thought.
Living circumstance is one of the factors which make contribution to this difference a lot. In
“Wuthering Heights”, there are three characters I focus on analyzing the effect of living
circumstance on them including Heathcliff, Catherine Earnshaw, and young Catherine. My
research is going to include investigating the denial in some characters especially denial in
Catherine who is considered one of the strong affected characters in this novel. In her mind, she
considers Heathcliff is her life. When living in Wuthering Height, she behaves as if she and
Heathcliff are born for each other. She claims, “[her] love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal
rocks beneath” (p. 91).Therefore, in her mind, Heathcliff is her life as well as her soul, she thinks
“[she] [is] Heathcliff (p. 92)”. However, this “eternal rocks” can be destroyed by her behavior to
Heathcliff from the time she lives in Thrucross as well as meet Edgar. The thesis also
investigates the denial in this character deeply in order to unveil the effects of living
circumstance on personalities as well as behaviors.
In addition, the investigation can be a helpful supporter for many people when studying
Wuthering Heights especially for some who choose Wuthering Heights to take investigation into
other related issues.
Moreover, English literature is one of the official subjects in some language faculties of
University of Language and International Studies. Whenever concerning about English literature,
readers cannot pass Wuthering Heights which makes contribution to English literature history.
In addition, the thesis will support third year students to have more information for their
4. The scope of the study
It can be seen that Wuthering Heights mentions about changing of characters in many
aspects. Therefore the researcher determines to focus on three protagonists including Heathcliff,
Catherine and young Catherine who are considered to be the strongest characters in the novel.

This study will concentrate on the changing of living circumstance on them to discover the
reasons of changing in thought and behaviors.
5. Research methodology
To conduct the survey, the researcher must read various works not only related to
“Wuthering Heights” but also works related to other issues including classes in England during
that period of time. Besides that, her thesis includes some issues mentioning psychology,
behavior and living circumstances. Therefore, she must read some researches about these items
to make comprehension of them. Having adequate knowledge and information helps her to carry
out this research more easily.
In order to achieve the aim, the sources used must be reliable and informative. The
researcher must refer to documents in the University library and also Internet sources as well as
the documents provided by supervisor.
6. Organization of the paper
The thesis paper consists of three parts:
Part 1: Introduction. This provides an overview of the thesis including the rationale, aims,
significance, scope, methodology and organization of the paper.
Part 2: Development. It consists of three chapters:
Chapter 1: Literature review. This chapter provides all substantive findings as well as theoretical
and methodological contributions to the thesis.
Chapter 2: An Overview of the author and the novel. Brief introduction of the author and the
novel are included in this chapter.
Chapter 3: Discussion on living circumstance in Wuthering Heights and its effect on characters.
This is the main focus of the thesis. This chapter is designed to investigate the changes of living
circumstances which belong to Heathcliff, Catherine and young Catherine. Some further ideas
and explorations are going to be found in this chapter
Part 3: Conclusion. This briefly summarizes main points of the thesis and indicates the
limitations as well as suggestions for further studies.

This is the second part of the study, which is also the main focus of the thesis. Part 2
consists of three chapters. The first chapter, Literature review presents some terms and theories
related to the studies. The second chapter, An Overview about the Author and the Novel provides
information about life, career and typical contribution to English literature and also information
about summary and circumstance of the novel Wuthering Heights.
In this chapter, the researcher is going to analyze several terms related to the title including
living circumstance and characters. Living circumstance is divided into three categories. They
are living as aristocracy class, middle class and working class. Each of them is going to be
exploited to discover changing of characters’ personalities as well as behaviors. Besides, there
are some data analyzed about the setting of Wuthering Heights in particularly Wuthering
Heights and Thrush Cross. The researcher makes a decision to choose Wuthering Heights and
Thrush Cross because they are two main places which various events taking place and each of
them symbolizes a different class. In terms of characters, they consist of two types including flat
character and round character. In another way, characters are also divided into static
characters and dynamic characters.
1.1. Setting in the novel
Abrams considers, “the overall setting of a narrative or dramatic work is the general locale,
historical time, and social circumstances in which its action occurs; the setting of a single
episode or scene within such a work is the particular physical location in which it takes place”
(1999, p. 284). As he mentions, setting means where the story takes place including its place,
time or even social circumstance. Setting helps the author to compose the novel based on it
easily. Most of novels are created to define their setting or in other words, to reflect their society.
One aspect of Wuthering Heights reveals the society contains it. It is realized as a disordered and
complex society.
1.2. Picture of class in eighteen and nineteenth century in Wuthering Heights
Penelope J. Corfield views “class” as “a powerful organizing concept” (1970, p.103). In
my viewpoint, “class” is defined to classify different living conditions among people. It is

created as well as used by people to distinguish between the rich and the poor. In Wuthering
Heights, “class” is taken advantage of to classify the differences between characters by Emily
1.2.1. Living as aristocracy class in eighteen and nineteenth century society
Aristocracy class is considered to be the highest social class in the society. People in
aristocracy class usually possess hereditary titles. They have much power. Moreover, they have a
lot of land as well as waiters and money. Their life is like a dream which seems to be very easy.
Edgar family is one sample of aristocracy class. As Penelope J. Corfield mentioned in Class in
eighteen-century Britain (1970, p.103), “a well- ordered sequence of ranks and degrees in human
society [is] deemed part of a divinely ordained hierarchy that embraced the whole of creation.”
As a result, their behaviors are very different from Catherine and particularly from Heathcliff.
1.2.2. Living as middle and working classes in the eighteenth and nineteenth century society
In this part, the middle class and the working class are going to be analyzed. The middle
class including people who have a few land, waiters and power as well. They have an easy life
but not better than aristocracy class. They have power. The Earnshaw is one sample of middle
class. They owe Wuthering Heights. They have enough money to make ends meet in their life.
Catherine and Hindley are children originated from middle class. They are a little wild and a
little naughty.
In terms of working classes, it is considered to be “a descriptive term” (Thompson, 1963,
p.9). Thompson also assumes that, “there were tailors here and weavers there, and together they
make up the working classes” (p.8). The working class belongs to people who work for the
middle class and also aristocracy class. They owe nothing. Most of them are waiters likes Dean
in Earnshaw family. Some of them are wandering in the street and have no place to go like
Heathcliff. They may become beggars if they are not lucky like Heathcliff who is brought up by
Mr Earnshaw.
Margaret M.Watts (2013,p.2) comments, “despite the availability of greater supplies of
food, additional housing, and more generous welfare, poverty was more prevalent than ever
before- especially in the cities”. Moreover, this century is the century of a lot of tragedies. In
addition, “The eighteen century saw continuous and accelerating population growth. Women

married at an earlier age, and the number of illegitimate births increased. As fertility rates
improved- death rates fell” (2013, p.2), women marry at the young age. There are a lot of
diseases in this century. As the result, the number of people in upper class is rising. People seem
to have harsh life than ever. Heathcliff at his earliest life and Dean belong to the working class.
They have to suffer from various prejudices from other classes.
It can be seen that three main protagonists stem from dissimilar classes. While Catherine
is from middle class, Heathcliff is from working class. Catherine lives in the loves of her family.
She has an easy childhood; moreover, she becomes one member of aristocracy class as Mr.
Edgar’s wife. At that time, women cannot own anything for themselves so that Catherine and
young Catherine cannot possess land as well as property for themselves. That is the reason why
Heathcliff makes a decision to force young Catherine to marry Linton, his son. Young Catherine
cannot own Thrushcross when her father, Edgar dies. In that way, Thrushcross would belong to
Heathcliff. Three main characters belong to three distinct classes in society. Then, they change
their social status. Catherine becomes aristocracy class as Edgar’s wife while Heathcliff also
becomes aristocracy member possessing both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross. Nevertheless,
Cathy, Catherine’s daughter turns into lower class as a maid for Heathcliff.
1. 3. Characters in the novel
1.3.1. Personal trait: flat and round characters, static and dynamic characters
Both Andrew Bennett and Prof Nicholas Royle (2004, p 60) agree that characters are
considered to be “the life of literature” because “they are the objects of our curiosity and
fascination, affection and dislike, admiration and condemnation.” Characters play an important
role in novels since “through the power of identification, through sympathy and antipathy, they
can become part of how we conceive ourselves, a part of who we are.” Moreover, “our memory
of a particular novel or play often depends as much on our sense of a particular character as on
the ingenuities of the plot.”
Flat characters are extremely different from round characters. Flat characters possess
simple characteristics and round characters possess complex characteristics. Kelley Griffith
thought, “Flat characters have only one or two personality traits and are easily recognizable as

stereotypes” (2010, p.54). Nevertheless, “round characters have multiple personality traits and
therefore resemble real people (ibid).” In addition, “[round characters] are much harder to
understand and describe than flat characters (ibid).”
Like flat and round characters, static and dynamic characters are very different. Static
characters “remain the same thought (ibid)” while dynamic characters change their thought. It
can be seen that flat characters are usually static characters and round characters tend to be
dynamic characters.
In Wuthering Heights, Dean, Edgar, Isabella, Hindley are flat characters whereas
Catherine, Heathcliff and young Catherine are round characters.
1.3.2. Reaction toward the living circumstances (the effect of living circumstance on people)
Facing different living circumstances, people are likely to handle them in dissimilar
ways. Based on this theory, various authors try to create characters with a lot of personalities and
behaviors. There are a lot of factors affecting characteristics and reactions. One of the core
factors is living circumstance. Living circumstances can change characters from thinking to
behaviors. For example, Heathcliff, one of the protagonists in the novel, he is initially a poor
little boy with no family. Then, he becomes one member in the Earnshaw family. He thinks he
belongs to middle class like Mr Earnshaw. As a consequence, his behaviors are extremely
different from before. He turns into arrogant person. Everything changes again after the death of
Mr Earnshaw, Heathcliff comes back to working class and gets treated as a servant. His thought
and behaviors change again.
1.3.3. Belief of the characters through novel
Jonathan Culler states, “Literary works encourage identification with characters by
showing things from their point of view” (1997, p.112). The belief readers put on characters may
not be shown up by the author. In order to do that, the author must be one of the readers with
such a feeling that the work is the real life. In this case, Wuthering Heights was written in a long
time ago but it still reflects one of us which makes it become successful. The belief of characters
is similar to the belief of readers. As Culler considers, “poems and novels address us in ways that
demand in identification, and identification works to create identity: we become who we are by
identifying with figures we read about” (1997, p.113).

1.4. Atmosphere of the literature work
Abrams (1999, p.14) supposes atmosphere is like “the emotional tone pervading a section
or the whole of a literary work, which fosters in the reader expectations as to the course of
events, whether happy or (more commonly) terrifying or disastrous”. There are two main
atmospheres in Wuthering Heights; the happy and peaceful atmosphere in the childhood of
Catherine, Heathcliff and young Catherine and the terrifying atmosphere when all three of them
grow up.
In short, some terms and theories related to the study include the definition of literature as
well as some classification and its elements are provided in this chapter. The next chapter will
focus on background and information about the author Emily Bronte and the novel Wuthering
In this chapter, the researcher is going to introduce the general information on the novel
“Wuthering Heights” and its author, Emily Bronte. Regarding Wuthering Heights, I would like to
summary the content, the circumstance when it was written as well as the significance in English
literature. Secondly, it is necessary to present some information of the author, Emily Bronte
especially her life, works and also her typical contribution to the English literature.
2.1. The author Emily Bronte
2.1.1. Summary of Emily Bronte’s life and career
As it is written in English literature textbook by ULIS, “Emily Bronte was born on July
30, 1818 in Yorkshire (p.2).” She “was the fifth of six children born into this literary family”. As
mentioned in classic poetry series in 2012, “Emily joined school for a brief time (p. 2)”.
However, “in 1824, the family moved to Haworth, where Emily’s father was perpetual curate,
and it was in these surroundings that their literary gift flourished (p.2). The major factors in her
life are the silence surrounding her life as mentioned in Wuthering Heights, a novel by Emily
Bronte. Her mother died when she was thirteen. In addition, “in June 1826, Mr. Bronte returned
from travelling with a set of twelve wooden soldiers for Emily’s brother, Branwell. Led by

Charlotte and Branwell, the Bronte children created imaginative stories, poems, plays, and games
about a magical world they created for “The Twelves,” as they called the soldiers”(p. 2)” It is
also stated in English literature textbook by ULIS, she “was the most reserved and least social of
the Bronte children”. Furthermore, “Emily never tired of creating stories about the land of
Gondal and its inhabitants.” Emily “preferred to be at home, and she helped around the house,
caring for father, and doing the finances and housework.” In many works, she had no interest on
studying at school. In other word, she preferred study at home.
“Emily became a teacher at Law Hill School in Halifax beginning in September 1838, when she
was twenty (Classic poetry series p.3).” Nevertheless, “her health broke under the stress of the
17-hour work day and she returned home in April 1839 (p.3)”
As mentioned in poetry classic, “she became sick during her brother’s funeral in
September 1848. Though her condition worsened steadily, she rejected medical help and all
proffered remedies, saying that she would have “no poisoning doctor” near her. She eventually
died of tuberculosis, on 19 December 1848 at about two in the afternoon (p. 3).”
In conclusion, there are various events both happening and affecting Emily Bronte, a
famous female author’s life. Bomarito Jessica (2006, p.1) iterates, “Although Bronte’s life [is]
outwardly uneventful; the unusual circumstances of her upbringing have prompted considerable
scrutiny”. Specifically, “although she led a brief and circumscribed life, spent in relative
isolation in a parsonage on the Yorkshire moors, she left behind a literary legacy that includes
some of the most passionate and inspired writing in Victorian literature (2006, p.1)”. Agnes
Robinson (1883, p.69) concludes in “Emily Bronte” that “an old, blind, disillusioned father, once
prone to an extraordinary violence of temper, but now grown quiet with age, showing his
disappointment with life by a melancholy cynicism that was quite sincere; two sisters, both
beloved, one, fired with genius and quick to sentiment, hiding her enthusiasm under the cold
demeanor of the ex- governess, unsuccessful, and unrecognized; the other gentler, dearer, fairer,
slowly dying, inch by inch, of the blighting neighborhood of vice”.
2.1.2. Emily Bronte’ works
Bomarito Jessica (2006) discovered that the author of Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte,
left a lot of works to the English literature including:

- Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell in 1864
- Wuthering Heights in 1847
- Life and works of the sisters Bronte with Charlotte and Anne from 1899 to 1903
- The Shakespeare Head Bronte between 1931 and 1938
- Gondal Poems in 1938
2.1.3. Review of Emily Bronte’s typical contribution
Bronte is cited as “one of the most important yet elusive figures in nineteenth century
English literature” (Bomarito Jessica, 2006, p. 1). Although Emily Bronte “was born of parents
without any peculiar talent for literature” (Agnes Robinson, 1846), Emily Bronte makes a huge
contribution to the English literature.
In her period of time, Victorian Age, it is said, “people could not imagine that female
could write so vividly about passion, power conflicts and sexual desire” (Parminde Kaur, 2013).
However, she gave birth of a lot of famous works especially Wuthering Heights to prove that
female can write as well as male. “Bronte showed the Victorian society that every woman has a
unique character and personality that cannot be budged by the onslaught of male’s chauvinism”
(Parminder Kaur, 2013).
2.2. Wuthering Heights
2.2.1. Summary and brief review of the novel
Wuthering Heights is the love story between Catherine and Heathcliff in the moorland
named after Wuthering Heights in nineteenth century in England. However, they cannot live
together because of social status at that time. It is a series of revenge from Heathcliff because of
the love tragedy between him and Catherine. As mentioned in Classic Poetry Series (2012, p. 2),
“Emily Bronte was an English novelist and poet, best remembered for her only novel, Wuthering
Heights, now considered a classic of English literature.”
Wuthering Height is a moorland where the Earnshaw family, Mr. and Mrs. Earnshaw and
two children, Hindley and Catherine live. Dean, the house keeper, witnesses all things happening
in this family. When coming back from Liverpool, Mr. Earnshaw brings with Heathcliff who is
homeless. He really takes care of this poor boy beside the jealousy of Hindley. After Mr.
Earnshaw’s death, Heathcliff is treated very badly by Hindley which makes Heathcliff comes

back to his lower status. Catherine and Heathcliff fall in love each other. One time, they go to
Thrushcross to play, Catherine is hurt by the dog and cured by Edgar’s family who belong to
upper class. However, to become a noble lady, Catherine decides to marry to Edgar Linton who
is of noble birth. Heathcliff runs away in the midnight. Time flees away; Catherine marries to
Edgar and has a happy family with his sister, Isabella. Heathcliff comes back with richness and
success. To take revenge on Hindley and Edgar, he betrays Hindley to owe Wuthering Heights
and marries to Isabella. Owing Thrushcross and Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff becomes richer
and richer. Catherine dies after giving a birth to a daughter called young Catherine. Isabella also
gives a birth to Linton Heathcliff. Because of being badly treated by Heathcliff, Isabella runs
away. Heathcliff takes revenge on Hareton, Hindley’s son, and Linton in Wuthering Heights.
Linton is very sick. Young Catherine, who is taught by her father, Edgar Earnshaw, grows up.
She is forbidden from going out Thrushcross because Edgar wants her to keep away from
Wuthering Heights. However, one time, young Catherine dares to go out. She discovers
Wuthering Heights and meets Heathcliff as well as Linton. From that time, she always goes out
and visits Linton in Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff forces her to marry to Linton. Edgar dies;
Catherine has to marry to Linton. Then, Linton dies of sickness. Catherine and Hareton live in
Thrushcross to witness the revenge of Heathcliff. Finally, Heathcliff dies because of the ghost of
Catherine. Catherine and Hareton fall in love with each other. Young Catherine marries Hareton
and they intend to come back to Wuthering Heights to settle down. The story is narrated by
Dean, the house keeper of the Earnshaw family and listened by Mr. Loockwood, who is so
stressed by his current life and chooses Wuthering Heights to take a rest. However, when he
hears about Wuthering Heights’s story, he decides to leave.
Wuthering Heights was written from 1845 to 1846 when English literature was moving
from Romanticism to Victorian Age. Although Wuthering Heights was born Victorian Age, it still
affected deeply by Romanticism belief because it was written by the author living in this English
literature stage. From M.A.R Habib’s viewpoint, “in England, the ground for Romanticism was
prepared in the latter half of the eighteen century through economic, political, and cultural
transformations (2008, p.428)”. Moreover, in this period of time, “the system of absolute

government crumbled even earlier in Britain than elsewhere” and “the century saw an increasing
growth of periodical literature which catered to the middle classes” (2008, p. 428).
Romanticism existed in the period between 1785 and 1830. It is one of the most
important stages building the English literature. In 1844 William Turner wrote in “Ran Steam
and Speed the Great Western Railway, in this time there are artistic, intellectual, aesthetic
movement with radical change, protest, and revolt in philosophy, politics, religion, painting,
music, criticism and also literature. Tery Eagleton supposes, “In eighteen century England, the
concept of literature was not confined as it sometimes is today to ‘creative’ or ‘imaginative’
writing” (1983, p.15). Romanticism is a reaction to the age of reason. According to Alexander
Pope in An Essay on man, “Reason is the card but passion is the gale”. The differences between
Romanticism and Enlightenment which is the period before it can reveal the changing of this
period. In Enlightenment, artists tend to think about reason, moderation and control while in
Romanticism, the authors believed in passion, irrational and emotional. In enlightenment, people
think a lot about society but in Romanticism, people care about individual. This is the reason we
can see “I am” clearly in Wuthering Heights through characters. In addition, “individual” is
considered to be very important in every work of this period. Rousseau states in his confessions
in 1781, “I am not made like anyone I have seen; I dare believe that I am not made like anyone in
existence. If I am not superior at least I am different.” In Enlightenment, authors write in clarity
and order; however, in Romanticism, authors write in imagination and the transcendental. This
reason explains why in Wuthering Heights, the time is disordered and we can see the imagination
which is the Catherine ghost in this novel.
