I. Underline and correct the followin<> lầiistakc in cach scntcnciẾ l>elow (2(>p)
1. Jh«re was a sleađy gmw in GDI’ irom 1988 to 1989.
' 2,1 have a good fof you.
3. \Vhenjs. her last lesson?
3 - -
4. My department is responsible wiUi.»aifc«í*ệho
5. 12.5% is one tcnth.
5.Ế . - ;
Câu I:
6. What is the average deep of the Paciíĩc Ocean?
Câu II:
7. This graph is shovvn our results for the last quarter ofthc year.
Cảu III:
8. Would you like ^oint’ out in the evening? 8 - -
Cảu IV:
9. If you want to buy a liouse you can lcnd money from the banks.
Câu V:
10. The Piano Restaurant is located in the ground floor.
Càu VI:
11. So, in Monday Fm ílying to Paris.
Cảu VII:
12. The company employs 30 persons.
13. How long is it from Hanoi to Hochiminh city?
14. Why does she ihink traveling by car is more sữessed?
15. ^lichard Branson employs people he likes personal.
16. Neither of us was very good at maths when we are at school.
17. What is the longer bridge in the world?
18. It is dangerous to drive on a motorvvay than to take a plane.
19. I object with being kept waiting. Why can’t you be on time?
20. Sales people vvorks in the sales and marketing department.
III. ỈYĨakc gcntcnces f ro III the fọl)Qvv|»n» \vords »nd J)hras« s. 'S'**!! tíẩH ma kẹ
clumiit s |f nccessHrv (2(>|))
1. llmnk/ for/ invỉtatỉon/ and/ wc/ glad/ comc/ your party/ ncxi Sunday.
2. ’!\im off/ radio/. / Childrcn/ leam.
3. I/ intcrcstcd/ work/ on/ ncw projeci/ you.
4. 1/look forward/hear/from/you. ,
• 5. Now/ vve/ look for/ dynamic salcsman/ join/ our team.
6. 65, 000 cars/ manufacture/ this factory/ each ycar.
7. Can/1/ ask/ who/ call/ please?
8. Doing/ moming exercise/ good/ our health.
9. Ii think/ XZJ2Ị cheaf)er/ oiher models/ on/ markelễ
10. Petrol prices/ go up/ sharply/ Iast year.
ỈV. Situations (ỊQp)
A. Howễ do you reply to thcse sentcnces?
1 ẵ ĩm afraid she is out. Would you like to leave a message?
2. What were the presentations llke?
3. How’s your business?
4. I íailed my Macroeconomics test.
5. What time wòuld suit you?
B. Reorder the conversation
a. The marketing department. I have an appoừitmenl at two oclock.
b. And can I have your name, please?
c. Please take a seat. rii tell Ms. Compton you're hereỂ
d. ĩd like lo see Ms. Celia Compton, please.
e. What deparlment is she in?
f. It's Marko Dravic from PTC International.
g. Good moming. Can I help YOU?
Your order is: g
Về Reading comprehension (15p)
À. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or
false (F). Correct the íalse ones.
E-commerce stands for electronic commerce, which means buying and selling
things over the Internet. Today, more and more companies are using the internet to
eet new customers.
E-commerce has big advantages for both buyers and sellers. For cxample. if vour
ỉocal bookshop does no! have the books you want> no problem! Just log on to a site
such as u'w^ .ama7on.com. Inserl the titles of the books and order them Online. They
will anive bv post at your home in just a few davs. .
VIỂ Filỉ in the gap with ONE suitable word (ỊQp)
A 21st century icon?
The Sony Walkman vvas one of the (1)
famous Products of the last
century. The small box was cheap and it was the easiest way to hear your
(2) _ songs. By the end of the century it was normal (3)
listen to the
nevvest music on the train, in the car, or on your bicycle. But as technology
moved íaster at the end of the 20th Century and into the 21st century. there
was a (4) modem way to listen to music - the iPod.
Like the Walkman, the iPod is popular because it’s simple to use. You can
dovvnload over 10,000 songs (5)
the Internet and it’s also smaller (6 )_ a
Walkman. So is the iPod the next icon of the 21st (7)__? Perhaps, but (8)
this century, Apple may have stronger competition than the Sony
Wa!kman did in the last century. Other companies are now (9)__similar
prođucts and đo you know who one o f those companies is? Sony, (10)
4 5