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Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
Date of preparation : 18/8
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to improve reading skill for specific details,
for gist or general information
B. Knowledge: Ss are more confident to get more knowledge about family life and its
Ss will have a better ideas of the Vietnamese family in tradititonal and modern
C. Skill: - Reading : scanning, skimming, speaking
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, tape, cassette player, pictures, etc.
B. Students: Read the text in advance and check meanings of new words.
III. Procedure
A. Warm – up: Compete the sentence : -Tell ss to think of it.
- build the house make it home
- Call on some ss to answer by answering the question : How do you understand
this ? Lead to the new lesson :
B. New lesson

Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities
Unit 1 Home life – Reading 1
1. Brain storming
- Ask ss to give answers to these questions
+ What is the general word for the things peo
ple do in the pictures?
+ Who often does the hosework in the family?
+ Do your parents ask you to help with the

- Tell ss to check the household chores that are
part of their daily routine
- Call on some to give answers
- Give feedback and comments
2. Teaching vocabulary
- Teach some words through explanation and
+look closely as if unable to see well :
+ feeling dislike for sth :
+ angry or fierce look :
+ serious disagreement or argument :
+ battle =
+ shocked, discouraged :
+ confused, puzzled :
+ scold or criticise continuously :
+ very destructive; causing severe shock :
- Ss answer :
Expected : Men build the house
and woman make it home
- Ss’ answers may vary …
Ss’ answers :
+ peer (at sb/sth)
+ disgusted (adj), (n,v)
+ glare (n)
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
+ share sth out :
- Draw ss’ attention on pronunciation of these

- Get ss listen and repeat 3 times, check ss’
- Ask ss to give examples using these words
3. Reading text
- Ask ss to read the text silently, try to guess the
unknown words left and get the main ideas of
these paragraphs
- Get them to read the questions on page16 and
write the answers to them
- Remind ss to remember and underline the
phrases, sentences related to the questions
- Ask some to write their answers on the board
- Invite others’ opinions, give evidences,
- Go over the ss’ anwers
- Give final feedback
* Consolidation:
- Revise vocabulary
- Learn new words by heart at home
- Prep for next period
+ conflict (with) (n,v)
+ struggle (with/ against sb,sth)
+ dismayed (adj)
+ bewildered (adj)
+ nag (v)
+ devastating (adj)
+ divvy sth up (v)
- Students read the reading text
silently, guess unknown words,
and then get the main ideas of

the paragraphs
- Students underline the phrases
and sentences related to the
- Students answer may vary…
Date of preparation : 20/8
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to improve reading skill for specific details,
for gist or general information
B. Knowledge: Ss are more confident to get more knowledge about family life and its
Ss will have a better ideas of the Vietnamese family in tradititonal and modern
C. Skill: - Reading : scanning, skimming, speaking
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, tape, cassette player, pictures, etc.
B. Students: Read the text in advance and check meanings of new words.
III. Procedure
A. Warm – up:
B.New lesson
Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
* Answer the following questions (continued)
Task a/ p16
- Ask ss to read through the sentences and

read the text
- Find the answers to the questions
* More exercise : True or False statements
( handouts)
- Give out handouts and ask ss to read the text
and the statements then say if they are T of F
-Ask ss to work with a partner and compare
-Call on some to read out their answers
- Elicite explanations for their choices
- Invite class’ opinions and give feedback
(!) These are the statements:
1. Virginia’s daughter was doing her
homework when her mother shouted to her
2. Virginia used to do a lot of housework
when she was young
3. Most of the parents surveyed admitted
that they constantly nag their children about
cleaning their room
4. According to Lee Blair, 90% of
American kids contribure 12% of all
household labor
5. Blair has studied family dynamics for
10 years

* Discussion
- Arrange ss to work in small groups, tell them
to discuss and share ideas on the questions :
How has family life changed over the last few
decades ?

- Tell ss they can use these prompts:
+ the effect of busy modern life
+ the advantages of labor-saving devices
( washing machine, fridges, …)
- Call on ss to report their opinions of their
groups to the class
-Invite the class to argue and give comments
* Vocabulary review
- Ask ss to read the text again and learn the
new words by heart
- Prep for the next period
- Ss write the answers on the board
- Feedback :

1. Children often neglect their duty on
the household chores such as cleaning
room, clearing the table after meals, or
hanging up wet towels. However, some
of them are often irritated when they
are reminded of their mess or
2. She complained that she used
to do twice as much domestic chores as
her daughter did
3. Most American children
contribute to the household chores at
some level, particularly, 6-8 –year old
chidren contribute 12 % of household
- Ss work in pairs deciding on T or F

* Feedback :
Expected answers:
1: T 2: T
3: F ( only 25% of them, not most )
4: F ( 90% of kids contribute at some
level )
5: T
- Students works in groups for 5
minutes then report to the class.
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
Date of preparation : 21/8
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to listen for specific information and
putting things in order.
B. Knowledge: - Ss are more confident to talk about what household chore they often do
- Ss will have a better awareness of their responsibilities in doing household chores
Ss will have a better ideas of the Vietnamese family in tradititonal and modern
C. Skill: Listening: scanning, ordering
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, tape, cassette player, pictures, etc.
B. Students: Read the tasks in advance and check meanings of new words.
III. Procedure
A. Warm – up: Brainstorming
- Put ss into 2 big groups : ask them to respectively write some housework in the

- The group with more words will win the game
- Declare the winner
- Lead to the lesson :UNIT 1: HOME LIFE LISTENING
B.New lesson
Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities
1. Matching the pictures with desciptions
- To tell ss to look at the pictures and match
them with the phrases of desciptions
- Ask them to compare answers
- Check with the whole class
* Feedback:
2:f 3:b 4:a 5:d 6:c
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
2. Teaching vocabulary
- Elicite meanings of some words through
elitcitation , explanation and miming
+ to clean sth with a machine =
+ to send out in tiny drops =
+ to remove dust with a broom =
+ to clean sth by rubbing its surface with a
cloth = + to clean with a mop =
3. Listen and odering (task b/17)
- Tell ss they are going to listen to a woman’s
suggestions of domestic chores for kids
- Ask ss to put the ideas in order as they listen to
the recording

- Play the cassette and have them do the task
- -Call on ss to read the phrases in order and
check with class

* Post-L :- Put ss in small groups of 4, tell the
to talk about what domestic chores they often
do, what they enjoy doing, and what they hate
- Call on some to report about their groups
- Give feedback and comments
*Consolidation: - Summarize main points
- Write a passage about what
household ss often do
- Prep for next period

- Ss try to guess the words needed
+ vacuum cleaner
+ to spray
+ sweep
+ to wipe
+ to mop
- Ss listen carefully and put a tick
into each correct answer
+ 2: cleaning floors and carpets
3: sweeping and mopping
4: vaccuuming
5: cleaning spots and carpets
6: watering lawn and plants
7: cleaning windows and

sliding glass doors
8: spraying window cleaner
9: Wipping windows
+ Ss answers may vary
• Comment and
modification :

Date of preparation : 22/8
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to make apologies and express regrets
themselves in English.
B. Knowledge:
C. Skill: - Speaking : Expressing apologies and regrets
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, etc.
B. Students: Read the tasks in advance and check meanings of new words.
III. Procedure
A. Warm – up: Draw a picture with a situation in which ss need to express regrets and
make apologies on the board – Ask ss what they need to say in this situation ?
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
- Transition : Yes, when we did something wrong, or hurt so’s feeling we must say
Today, we will talk more about how to make apologies and regrets. Write on the board :
Unit 1 Home life- Speaking
B.New lesson

Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities
1. Matching complaints with apologies
( task a/p18)
-Ask ss to read the complaints from 1-6
and match them with suitable apologies a-f
- Tell them compare answers with a
partner by acting out the exchanges
- Call on some pairs to act out the
exchanges and check with class
2. Elitciting and introducing useful
- Elitcite useful expressions by asking ss
what they would say to apologise and
express regrets
- Note down ss’ ideas and add more if
3. Dialogues from situations ( task b/ p19)
- Put ss into pairs
- - Tell ss to read the situations, choose one
and then , with a partner, make a short
dialogue for it
- Ask ss to practice
- Call on some pairs to act out their
- Invite class’ opinion and give feedback
4. Personalization
- Arrange ss to work in small groups
- Ask ss to tell their partners about a
situation in which they had to apologise to

- Encourage ss to give comments and share
ideas on their friends’ experience
- Call on ss to report about their
- Give comments and feedback
* Writing: Ask ss to write a few sentences
about what have happened to their friends
to say why they had to make an apology
* Consolidation: Summarize useful
- Ss answer :
Expected : Oh, sorry ; Sorry about
that ; Excuse me etc
- Ss’ answers
+ Feedback :
2:f 3: b 4: a 5:d
- Expected answers : -Oh, sorry ;
Sorry about ; Sorry about that ;
I’m very/ terribly sorry ;
Sorry, I didn’t mean ;
I must apolodize for ;
Please pardon me for,
- Ss answers may vary …
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
- Students talk to each other and then
express their point of view in class.

Date of preparation : 24/8
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a passage telling sb about their
home rules, expressing themselves in written English.
B. Knowledge: Through this lesson, students’ awareness of the family rules will be
C. Skill: - Writing : showing their family regulations
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, etc.
B. Students: Read the tasks in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
III. Procedure
A. Warm – up: Brainstorming
- Ask ss to list 5 things family often do together. - Ask ss to list 5 verbs expressing feeling. -
Ask ss to list 5 qualities parents want their children to have. - Ask ss to list 5 words showing
family relation.
+ Transition : Parents always want the best things for their children and to achieve this,
children are asked to followed family rules. What are your family rules? Today, you’ll have
chance to write to tell your friends in a piece of writing. T writes on the board:
B. New lesson
Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities
1. Completing the text ( task a/ p19,20)
- Tell ss to read the text and fill in each blank with
a suitable word in the box
- Ask ss to compare the answers
- Go over the answers with class
2. Guessing the meaning of words from context
- Tell ss to read the text again if necessary to find

the words that mean the following :
3. Guildlines of the writing
Who makes/create the rules ?
Who has to follow? Details of what should
od shouldn’t do ?
How helpful the rules are?
4. Discussion
- Ss answers may vary …
- Expected :
+ E.g : Watching TV, having
meals, gardening, playing, going on
+ E.g: harworking, obedient,
honest, kind-hearted, clever
+ E.g: love, like, hate, obey,
+ E.g: father, mother, son,
daughter, aunt, uncle, niece
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
-Ask ss to work in small groups
- Tell ss to share opinions on the list of rules
mentioned in the text, and add more rules
- Call on some to give their opinions
- Give feedback and comments
5. Write it up
- Get ss to write a short passage telling a friend

about their home rules
- Remind them to refer to the guildlines and the
text as a sample
- Tell ss they can begin the text with this sentence :
Every home should has its own home
- Move around to give help with vocab and
structure if necessary
6. Peer correction
- Call on 2 ss to write on the board
- Tell class to read together and give correction if
- Others exchange papers to correct, then collect
them to mark
* Consolidation:
- Write the passage again and hand in next period
- Summarise the guildlines to write
- Prep for L.F1

- Ss express their ideas in class
+ regard, politeness, consideration
+ make sth become
clear or easier to understand
+ make/show an image
+ crying/ shouting
loudly and sharply
+ make simple; make
sth easy to do/understand
( Expected: respect/ clarity/

represent/ yelling/ simplify)
- Ss work in small groups
sharing opinions
- Ss write their essay
- Two ss write on the board

Date of preparation : 25/8
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use some combinations with house and
home, use the present simple to express routines, report statements and questions
B. Knowledge: .
C. Skill: - Writing : showing their family regulations
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, etc.
B. Students: Read the tasks in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
III. Procedure
A. Warm – up: T may ask ss this question to save time : What is the difference between
‘house’ and ‘home’?
- Have ss to discuss in pairs and call on some to answer
- Go over the ss’ answers
Transition : Today, we will learn more words derived from these two words, write on
the board : I. Word study
B. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Gap filling ( task a/ p20)
- Arrange ss to read the phrases in the box
Check with the meanings of these words and
- Ask ss to complete each of the sentence with
the correct form of a phrases in the box
-Call on some to read their sentences and
check with class
2. More excercises : Home or House ? – Find
the right place
- Arrange ss to work in two groups A and B
- Put 2 chairs in the front, one for Home and
one for House
- Ask for 5 representatives from each group to
stand in 2 lines in the front of the class
- Tell ss to listen to your words or phrases and
run, as quickly as possible, to the right chair
where the word or phrases matches to make a
right expression
- The first student to sit on the right chair
earns their group point. The group with more
points wins the game
- Keeping a running total of points for each
group on the board
- Declare the winner
II. Grammar
1. Present Simple expressing Routines
- Ask ss about the use of this tense
- Ss answers may vary ….

+ Feedback :
1: hometown
2: household appliances
3: homecoming
4: make yourself at home
5: home economics
6: guesthouse
7: housewarming
8: housekeeper
+ This is the list of words and phrases
1. keeping
2: coming
3: economics
4: warming
5: make yourself at
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
E.g: Our school starts at 7 a.m
Jame work at a shoe store
2. Talking abour Ninas routines ( task a/p21)
- Put ss into pairs, tell them to make questions
and answers about Nina’s routines and chores
using the information given
- Call on pairs to act out their exchanges
3. Reported Speech
- In reported speech , we give the meaning of
what was said rather than the exact words.

The verbs often use in reporting are : tell, say,
warn, promise, suggest, explain, reply,
* Direct
+ Simple present  Simple past
+ Present continous  Past continous
+ Simple past, present perfect  Past
+ Past continuous, Present perf. Continuous
 Past perfect continuous
+Will –inf  Would-inf
+ Is/are going to  was/ were going
+ Must /have to-inf  Had to -inf
3. Consolidation
- Summarize word study, simple present,
tenses in reported speech
- Prep for L.F 2
6: chores
7: is the best
8: guest
9: work
10: hold
Expected answers :
Home: coming, economics,
make yourself at home, home is the
best, work
House : keeping, warming,
chores, guest, work, hold

+ Ss’ answers may vary …
- We use the present simple for
thoughts, feelings, statea, facts
that are true for a long time. We
also use it for repearted action or
a routine that we see as
- Students answer and give more

Date of preparation : 27/8
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use some combinations with house and
home, use the present simple to express routines, report statements and questions
B. Knowledge: .
C. Skill: Speaking : talking abour routines
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book,workbook, pictures, handouts, etc.
B. Students: Read the tasks in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
III. Procedure
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
A. Warm – up:
Transition : Today, we will revise indirect speech, write on the board :
II. Grammar

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
* Continued : Adverbs ( place and time
+ Now + Today
+ Yesterday
+ Tomorrow
+ Next month
+ Last year
+ An hour ago
+ Here
+ This
+ these
- If report is about sth which is true, it is
unecessary to change tenses
E.g: ‘He said,” The world is round”

- There is no change for: Must, might,
should, could,would. Must can also be
changed to had to. May is often changed to
4. Reporting Statements:
-Statements are reported with a past tense
verb followed by a noun clause with an
optional that
E.g: “I’m very tired” she said .
5. Reporting questions : Questions can be
reported with verbs like : ask, wonder, want
to know. The word order in a reported
question is like that of a normal statement
E.g: “Where are you going ?”

6. WH-questions : We use verbs like: ask,
wonder, want to know followed by the
question words and the clause
7. Yes/No questions : We use If or Whether
E.g: “ Have you seen this film?’
- Tell ss to read the interview with Mrs
Green and then report what the interviewer
asked Mrs Green and the answers ahe gave
in the interview
- Tell ss to follow the examplesand continue
• Ss’ answers
On that day
The day before/ the previous day
The next day/ the following day
The previous year
An hour before
- He said the world is round
- She said (that ) she was tired
- He asked me where I was going
- He asked me if I had seen that film
Ss’ answer :
*Answerkey: First the
interviewer wanted to know how
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool

Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
with the task
- Remind ss of the structures of reported
statements and questions
- Tell ss to compare answers in pairs
- Call on ss to write their sentences on the
board and check with the class

* Report what Virginia talked about her
daughter ( task b/22)
- Ask ss to read what Virginia talked about
her 15-year old daughter and report it
- Prep for the new lesson
many children Mrs green had. She
said that she had two, a daughter and
a son. Then the interviewer asked
about the conflicts between her and
her children. She said it was a long
history. Her children were always
neglecting their domestic
responsibilities and arguing when
being reminded. Next, the interviewer
wanted the examples. She let him
know that she often battled with her
daughter against the latter’s messy
room or her irresponsibility for
collecting and disposing of the
garbage can
Finally, the interviewer wanted

to know about the conflict wuth her son.
She complained thather son was worse
than his sister. He never helped her with
the household chores. He was always
taking out things and never returning
them to their places

Date of preparation :1/9
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read for specific information, for gist
and general ideas
B. Knowledge: Ss are aware of the cultural differences in different countries
C. Skill: Reading : scanning, skimming, speaking
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, cassette, tape, etc.
B. Students: Read the tasks in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
III. Procedure
A. Warm – up:As we know, cultures vary from place to place. It’s not easy to forget our
habits or cultures, but we should be aware of others’ cultures. Unit 2 focuses on cultural
diversity in the world. Write on the board : Unit 2 Cultural Diversity
Reading comprehension 1
B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Teaching vocabulary
- Teach the following words through
elicitation and explanation
+ use a particular name or title in speaking
to s.o : + to keep to sth/ not to change :

- Ss listen to the teacher
+ Ss answers :
- to address
- to stick
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
+ formal/unfriendly manner or behavior :
+ to join together/ connect :
+ to make sth longer :
+ to shut and open eyes quickly :
+ great surprise :
- Give some practic on pronunciation, check
ss’ pronunciation
2. Check vocab understanding : ( handouts)
Gap- fill
1/. Old people tend to to the tradittional
2/. I can’t stare that long my eyes
3/. In my village, children adults as aunt
or uncle 4/. He ttare at her in when she
said she had given up the job
5/. Her left an unfavorable impression on
the guests
6/. You shouldn’t your visit; the man
needs to rest
7. We often Tom quick-minded responses
3. Guessing meanings from context ( task a. /

- Ask ss to read the text and match thewords
and phrases in column A with their
meanings in column B by guessing the
meanings from the context
- Go over the answers with the whole class
and check the Vietnamese eequivalents
* Consolidation:
- Summarize the words presented
- Read the text at home and do the tasks left
- Learn by heart the vocab
- stiffness
- to associate
- to prolong
- blink
- astonishment; astonished (adj)
- Students read through the
sentences and fill in the blanks
with the words they have learnt
- Students answer to the teacher’s
- Feedback :
1: e 2: d 3: a 4: g
5: b 6: c. 7: h 8: f

Date of preparation :5/9
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read for specific information, for gist
and general ideas

B. Knowledge: Ss are aware of the cultural differences in different countries
C. Skill: Reading : scanning, skimming, speaking
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, cassette, tape, etc.
B. Students: Read the tasks in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
III. Procedure
A. Warm – up: Ask Students to recall words and expressions in reading 1 before moving
to reading 2 - Lesson 2 focuses on cultural diversity in the world.
Write on the board : Unit 2 Cultural Diversity
Reading comprehension 2
B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
4. Read and decide T of F statements ( task b/
- Tell ss to read the text and the statements then
say if they are true or false
- Ask ss to work with a partner and compare
- Call on some to read the statements and give
answers and explanations for their choice
- Go over the ss’ answers with the whole class
5. Gapped-text ( task c/p25 )
- Put ss into pairs
- Tell ss to read the paragraph and fill in each
space with a suitable word in the box
- Go over the answers with the whole class

6. Discussion
- Put ss in groups of 4
- Tell ss to discuss and share ideas the following
1/. Eye Contact- the similarities and
differences between Vietnamese and Western
2/. Politeness and the ways of addressing in
Vietnamese culture
- Call on ss from different groups to report
about their groups’ opinions
- Invite others’ comments
- Give feedback and comments
* Consolidation :
- Summarize main ideas in the reading text
- Prep for the next period

* Feedback: 2.F ( A European
may consider it unfriendly )
3. T
4. T
5. F ( In the United
States, it is considered rude to stare at
someone regardless of who is looking
at whom )
6. F ( He politely
expresses his anger by widening his
eyes )
* Feedback :
1. contact 2.

3. an inattentative 4. respect
5. disrespect 6. politeness
7. attention
* Ss’ answers may vary …
Date of preparation : 6/9
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: Ss are aware of the cultural differences in giving gifts in different countries
B. Knowledge: Ss are aware of the cultural differences in different countries
C. Skill: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to listen and pick out the missing words
and phrases - Listen and understand the general message
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
- Listening : scanning, skimming, speaking
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, cassette, tape, etc.
B. Students: Read the tasks in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
III. Procedure
B. Warm – up: Ask several questions : e.g. What gift will you give if you are invited to a
wedding? party? …
As you know, different places have different ways of giving gifts. To understand more, let
us move to new lesson.
Write on the board : Unit 2 Cultural Diversity
Listening comprehension
B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activites

1. Eliciting Vocabulary:
- Tell students that they are going to
listen to a conversation about the
customs of gift giving in different parts
of the world.
- Ask ss to jot down the words that they
think will appear in the listening ( E.g.:
gift, flowers…)
2. Teaching vocabularies : ( task b.26)
- Play the CD and ask ss to listen and
repeat the words
- Then ask ss to complete the sentences
using these words
- Call on ss to read their completed
- Go over the sentences with the class and
check the meanings of the words.
3. Gapped sentences ( task c.26)
- Ask students to read the incomplete
sentences and think of the words that may
be used in the gaps.
- Play the CD and ask students to listen
and pick out the words for the gaps.
- Have students listen again and check the
- Call on Ss to read their completed
sentences and check with the whole class.
- Listen the last time and give feedback
4. Discussion
- Ask Students to wrks in pairs, talking

about the occasions on which they often
give gifts, and what they often buy as gifts
in each case.
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
+ occasions + gifts
.> a friend on their birthday
> a bride / groom on wedding
> the host of a party
> ….
- Call on students to report what they have
- Invite the class opinions and comments
- Give feedback and comments
* Homework : Writing
- Tell students to write a short paragraph
about what Vietnamese people often give as
gifts on certain occasions.

Date of preparation : 8/9
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to express compliments and respond to
B. Knowledge: Ss are aware of the cultural differences in different countries
C. Skill: Speaking making and responding to compliments
II. Preparation

A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, etc.
B. Students: Read the tasks in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
III. Procedure
A.Warm – up: T sets some situations. E.g : I have a new shirt, what do you say ?; Your
friends come to your party at last, what do you often say? Or: your friend has just passed an
Expected answers : Congratulation !, How beautiful !, You’ve done a good ) . There are
different ways of giving compliments in different cultures, tday we’ll practice making and
responding to a compliment
Write on the board : Unit 2 Cultural Diversity- Speaking
B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Introducing useful language
- Elicite from ss the language that may be
used to give compliments and those used to
respond to compliments.
- Introduce some common structures used to
express compliments and some common
exoressions used to respond to compliments
by eliciting
2. Life-like situations ( task b.p28)
- Arrange ss to work in pairs
Useful expressions
~ How + adj (S +be )
~ What + noun(S_be )
~ Your parents must be proud of
your !
~ Amazing! You ‘ve made an
excellent !
~ Congratulation! You did so well!

Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
- Ask ss to read the situation provided
- Tell them to play and act out the
conversations, giving and responding to
- Call on pairs to act out their exchanges
- Invite class to give opinions and comments
- Give feedback and comments
- Tell ss to look aroud the classroom, and
make copliments on their classmates, what
they have and have done.
- Tell ss to respond to their classmates’
- Write down the prompts on the board and
tell ss they can give compliments on these
~ clothes : shirt, trousers,
coat, scarf ~ hair style, hair pins,
~ scores, test results,
- Give a model: T: How nice your shoes
are !
S: Thank you.
- Call for volunteers to act out their

- Invite ss to comment on their friends’ work
- Give feedback and comments :
compliments or encouragement on what ss
have done
* Consolidation:
Language review : Ask ss to revise the
language used to express and respond to
~ You’ve done a good job !
Respond to compliments
~Thank you.
~ I’m glad you like it
~ It’s nice of you to say so
~ Your compliment is
• Ss’ answers may vary …
* Ss’ answers may vary …

Date of preparation :10/9

I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to write a paragraph, develop
and organize ideas of a product of culture
B. Knowledge: Ss are aware of the cultural customs in relationship among people in our
C. Skill: Writing : Developing a paragraph
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool

Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, OHP, transparency, etc.
B. Students: Read the tasks in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
III. Procedure
A.Warm – up: To save time, T may lead students to the new lesson right away.
Write on the board : Unit 2 Cultural Diversity- Writing

B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Eliciting and introducing an outline
- Ask ss to give ideas on what a paragraph is
- Ask ss to give ideas on what the outline of a
paragraph is
- Tell ss a paragraph has three major parts and
provide them with the outlines of a paragraph
(1) A topic sentence

(2) Supporting sentence

( 3) A concluding sentence
-Tell ss that a good paragraph also has the
elements of unity and coherence
+ unity : A paragraph discusses only one idea
+ coherence : the supporting sentences are in
some kinds of logical order – the ideas are

connected by the use of transition signals
+ Elicite from ss some transition signals/ linking
words that can be used to connect ideas or show
the relationship between ideas
Transition signals or linking words:

* Expected : A paragraph is a unit of
organization. It consists of a group
od related sentences developing one
* Ss answers
- states the main of the paragraph
- contains a topic and a controlling
- is neither too general nor too
- is usually the first sentence in the

- develop / explain the topic sentence
by adding reasons, examples, facts,
and quotations, illustrations,
statistics, to the central theme of

- signals the end of the paragraph
- summarizes the important points
* Ss’ answers
~First ,firstly, first of all, to start

~ Second,secondly,the second
~ third, thirdly, the third
~ In addittion, Whats more,
~ next, then
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
For examplifying:

For rephrasing :

For concluding:
2. Identifying parts of a paragraph (p.28-29)
-Tell ss to read the paragraph on page 28 and
complete the outline with the missing information
in each part
- Tell ss to compare answers with a partner
- Go over the answers with the class
3. Identifying the linking words (p.29)
-Tell ss to read through the paragraph again and
pick out the linking words used in the text.
- Call on ss to list the linking words found in the
- Check with the whole class
4. Free writing

-Ask ss to work in their groups again
- Give each group a transparency so that they can
write on it
- Tell ss to choose some main points, organize the
ideas and use the linking words to connect the
ideas and write a paragraph to develop the topic
- Move around to monitor and give help if
- Remind ss to include a concluding sentence
5. Peer correction
- When ss have finished, collect the trsparencies
- Show their writing on the OHP, one at a time,
ask ss to read the paragraph together as a class
- Have ss answer the questions:
1/. Are the supporting details relevant ?
2/. How well do the examples support the
ideas ?
3/. Does the paragraph include a concluding
sentence ?
~ finally, lastly, last of all

~ for example, for example, e.g
~to take one example
~ a clear example of is/ might be

~ in othe words/ tobe precise
~ that is to say
~ that is to say

~ in summary, in conclusion, in
short, in brief
~ to sum up, to conclude, to

• Ss do the task
-* Ss listen and give comments
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
-Invite ss to give correction and comments
- Give feedback and comments on each piece of
writing and on ss’ writing in general
- -Tell ss to choose the best writing in terms of
organization, language use, and ideas
* Writing ( developing) a paragraph
- Ask ss to choose one topic and develop the topic
* Consolidation:
- Summarize outline of a para
- Revise linking words
- Prep for the next period

Date of preparation : 12/9
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use negative prefixes with adjectives, use

the present simple, and progreesive present to espress future, distinguish between past
simple and past progreesive; present perfect and present perfect progressive.
B. Knowledge: Ss can master tenses, prefixes with adjectives,
C. Skill: Language use : speaking about plans, schedules, experiences
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, OHP,handouts, chalk and board, handouts,
transparency, etc.
B. Students: Read the tasks in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
III. Procedure
A.Warm – up: T writes the word : TRUE on the board and asks : What is its antonym?
Expected : UNTRUE
- What do you call UN in this word?  PREFIX
Write on the board : Unit 2 Cultural Diversity – Language focus 1
B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
*. Negating the adjectives ( task a.p29)
- Ask ss to add a suitable prefixes to each - Ss’ answers
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
adjective to have theopposite
- Tell ss to compare with a partner
-Go over the answers with the whole class
1. Review 1- Present simple and present
progressive expressing future
- Ask ss to recall the use and give examples
* Checking questions (task a.p30 )
- Tell ss to read the sentences a, b, c and answer
the questions

- Call on ss to give answers and check with the
* Gap-filling ( task b.p30 )

2. Review 2: Past simple and Past Progressive
-Ask ss to recall the use and form learnt in
previous grades

3. Review 3 –Present perfect and Present Perfect
- Ask ss to work in pairs to review the use; forms;
of the two tenses
- Write ss’ responses on the board
- Ask some to explain more
- Get them to do the excercise on page 32 bt
reading the set of words given and make
meaningful sentences from these words using
present perfect or present perfect progressive
,then compare with a partner
-Ask some to read out their answers
- invite others’ opinion and comments
- Go over the answers with the whole class

* Consolidation:
- Summarize the prefixes and the tenses
- More excercises in the workbook
* Feedback :
b. informal c. dishonest
d. immature e.
disrespectful f. insecure

g. insentitive h. unsuitable
* Ss’ answers :
- We use the present simple for the
future when we talk about a
timetable or schedule, usually a
public one
+ The train leaves at 5.30
tomorrow morning
- We use present progressive for
what someone has arranged to do in
the future.
+ We are having a party this week
Feedback : 1. a and b 2.
Feedback : 1. am coming 2. are;
leaving 3. start 4. are; taking;
am not taking 5. departs; arrives
Feedback : 1. was attending 2.
learned 3. came 4. didn’t mind
5. were lecturing 6.
asked 7. found 8. were working
_ Ss’ answers
* Feedback :
1/. How long have you known
these people ?
2/. These traditional customs have
been established for ages
3/. I’ve been working hard for
years, but I haven’t accumulated
any wealth

4/. I’m sorry I haven’t called you.
you’ve been feeling well recently
5/. I’ve been reading a book about
ancient Greece. i’ve read it for the
third time
6/. The number of women working
in the UK has been rising steadily
for several decades
7/. The number of women working
in China has increased from 49% in
1980 to nearly 65% today
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
* Comments on the lesson
* Test-taking strategies : Prep for 45’ test

Date of preparation : 13/9
I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use negative prefixes with adjectives, use
the present simple, and progreesive present to espress future, distinguish between past
simple and past progreesive; present perfect and present perfect progressive.
B. Knowledge: Ss can master tenses, prefixes with adjectives,
C. Skill: Language use : speaking about plans, schedules, experiences
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, OHP,handouts, chalk and board, handouts,
transparency, etc.

B. Students: Read the tasks in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
III. Procedure
A.Warm – up:
Write on the board : Unit 2 Cultural Diversity – Language focus 2
B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Present simple and present progressive
expressing future
- Ask ss to recall the use and give examples
* Checking questions (task a.p30 )
- Tell ss to read the sentences a, b, c and
answer the questions
- Call on ss to give answers and check with the

* Gap-filling ( task b.p30 )

2. Past simple and Past Progressive
-Ask ss to recall the use and form learnt in
previous grades

3. Present perfect and Present Perfect
- Ask ss to work in pairs to review the use;
- We use the present simple for the
future when we talk about a timetable
or schedule, usually a public one
+ The train leaves at 5.30 tomorrow
- We use present progressive for what

someone has arranged to do in the
+ We are having a party this week
Feedback : 1. a and b 2. c
Feedback : 1. am coming 2. are;
leaving 3. start 4. are; taking;
am not taking 5. departs; arrives
Feedback : 1. was attending 2.
3. came 4. didn’t mind
5. were lecturing 6. asked
7. found 8. were
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
forms; of the two tenses
- Write ss’ responses on the board
- Ask some to explain more
- Get them to do the excercise on page 32 bt
reading the set of words given and make
meaningful sentences from these words using
present perfect or present perfect progressive,
then compare with a partner
-Ask some to read out their answers
- invite others’ opinion and comments
- Go over the answers with the whole class

* Consolidation:

- Summarize the prefixes and the tenses
- More excercises in the workbook
* Comments on the lesson
* Test-taking strategies : Prep for 45’ test
* Feedback :
1/. How long have you known these
people ?
2/. These traditional customs have
been established for ages
3/. I’ve been working hard for years,
but I haven’t accumulated any wealth
4/. I’m sorry I haven’t called you.
you’ve been feeling well recently
5/. I’ve been reading a book about
ancient Greece. i’ve read it for the third
6/. The number of women working in
the UK has been rising steadily for
several decades
7/. The number of women working in
China has increased from 49% in 1980
to nearly 65% today

Date of preparation : 15/9
TIME : 45’

Date of preparation : 17/9

I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will have a better ideas of the courses in Vietnamese
B. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read for specific information,
have better ideas of the education systems in Vietnam and in the world
- Ss are more confident to expree themselves in English
C. Skill: Reading : scanning, reading for details, speaking
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, OHP, cassette, tape, handouts, chalk and board, etc.
B. Students: Read the text in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
III. Procedure
A.Warm – up: T writes this sentence on the board: Hoa goes to 6 days a week
- Ask ss to fill in the blank.
- How many kinds of school do you know? - Expected : SCHOOL
- Expected: 2 kinds: Public and Private.
Transition: In today reading, we’ll get to know more about schooling
Write on the board : Unit 3 Education system - Reading 1
B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Elicite vocabulary and ideas
- Have ss give vocab and ideas connected with the
topic of ‘education’ and ‘schooling’
- Note down ss’ ideas in the net on the board
- Give feedback and comments

* Guilding question
- Ask ss to look through the passage and find the
answer to the question:
‘ What is the text about ?
- Call on some to give answer and check with
2. Guessing unknown words in context ( task a/
- Pair off ss and have them read the text and
match the words in column A with their
meanings in column B by guessing the meanings
from context
- Go over the answers with the class and check
their Vietnamese equivalents
- Get ss listen and repeat these words:
+ fast-paced (adj) + mobile
+ assuredly (adv) + maturing
+ emotion (n) + average
+ misbehavior (n) + uncertainty
3. True or False statements ( task b/35)
- Ask ss to read the statements then read the text
again and say if the statements are or F
according to the text
- Ask ss to work with a partner and compare
- Call on ss to read out the statements and say

their choice
- Tell ss to give explanations and correct the false
Expected: Displine problems at
a). 1,3,6
b). Ss’answers may vary
Suggested answers:
- In my opinion, ss should learn
about sex, particularly in a coed
- Well, I think number ,and are
commonly debated topics now in
* Feedback :
1. F 2. T 3. F
4. T 5. T 6.F
7. T 8.T
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
Teacher: Nguyen Cung Cap
* Consolidation : - Summarize main points in R1
- Learn new words by heart
- Prep for the R2

Date of preparation : 20/9

I. Objectives:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will have a better ideas of the courses in Vietnamese
B. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read for specific information,
have better ideas of the education systems in Vietnam and in the world
- Ss are more confident to expree themselves in English
C. Skill: Reading : scanning, reading for details, speaking
II. Preparation
A. Teacher: Student’s book, pictures, OHP, cassette, tape, handouts, chalk and board, etc.
B. Students: Read the text in advance, check meanings of new words and structures.
III. Procedure
A.Warm – up: Check the new words that students learnt in the previous lesson.
- Revise main points learned in the last period
- Ask some students to recall , then go over with the whole class
Write on the board : Unit 3 Education system - Reading 2
B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
4. Questions and answers ( task c/p35 )
- Pair off ss
- Ask them to read the text andfind the
answers to the questions
- Tell ss to work in pairs, make questions
and answers
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer
- Go over the answers with the whole class

* Discussion
- Arrange ss to work in small groups
- Tell ss to discuss and share ideas on the

following questions:
1/. Have you ever been displined at school ?
2/. What punishment was it ?
* Feedback:
1/. it is living in a fast-paced and moble
2/. Simply because life is quite
different from one generation to another
3/. Yes, they did. but the children have
experiences earlier through their fast-
paced and moble society
4/. No, they don’t.
5/. Teachers should be aware that
rewards or punishments might not work
because displine problems originate in
the family, not in the classroom
Ba Dinh upper
secondary Shool
