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Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
Period 1,2,3 & 4 UNIT 13
* Exercise 1: Circle the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.
I like to be near water sea, lake or river. That I probably because I was born in a village by the sea,
and I have lived most of my life close to water. When I am in some place which is far from lake, river and
sea, I am restless and I always feel that there is something missing, even though it is sometimes hard for me
to decide what it is.
Of course, the sports I like are the ones which need water sailing, rowing and swimming. It is
possible to swim in small swimming pools, but rowing and sailing are impossible without a lot of water.
Rowing is best in a river and sailing on the sea or a big lake, but one can do some sailing on a river and one
can certainly row on a lake or the sea when the weather is good.
Of the three sports swimming, rowing and sailing I like rowing best because it is the easiest to
continue during the winter, when the water is too cold for comfortable swimming and the sea is often too
rough for sailing. Even on the coldest days one rows, only ice on the water or thick fog can stop one.
Sometimes it is so cold when I go out rowing that drops of water freeze wherever they fall. In such weather,
it is not very pleasant to swim as one cannot stay in the water very long. However, when rowing, one gets
warmer the longer one goes on.
1. Where was the writer born?
A. In a village by the river B. In a village near a lake
C. In a village by the sea D. In a sea town
2. How does the writer feel when he is in some place which is not near the water?
A. Comfortable B. Convenient C. Losing something D. Missing
3. What type of sport does he like?
A. Water sports B. Sports without water
C. Sports played only on the sea D. Sports played near lakes and river
4. Where can people row and sail?
A. In a swimming pool B. In the river C. On the sea D. Both B and C
5. Why does he like rowing best?
A. Because it makes him warmer B. Because he can still play it on cold days

C. Because it makes him stronger D. Because it is easier to play
6. Why are swimming and sailing not easy sports to continue in winter?
A. Because the sea is too rough B. Because the sea is coo cold
C. Because the water is too cold D. Both A and C
7. What can stop people from rowing? A. Ice on the water or thick fog
B. Cold weather C. Hot weather D. Cold water
8. What sometimes happens when he goes out rowing in very cold weather?
A. Water drops B. Water is too cold
C. Drops of water freeze in the places they fall D. Drops of water fall
9. Why is it unpleasant to swim in cold weather?
A. One can only stay in the water for a short time B. The water becomes icy
C. One stays in the weather for a long time D. The water gets warmer
10.What does the word which in paragraph 1 refer to?
A. Lake B. River C. Sea D. Some place
Hoa Da High School
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
* Exercise 2: Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Stamp collecting is the collecting of postage stamps and related objects, such as envelopes or packages
with stamps on them. It is one of the worlds most popular hobbies, with estimates of the number of
collectors ranging up to 20 million in the United States alone.
Many collectors enjoy accumulating stamps without worrying about the tiny details, but the creation of
a large or comprehensive collection generally requires some philatelic knowledge. This is especially
important for those who intend to spend large amounts for stamps.
Stamp collectors are an important source of revenue for some small countries that create limited runs
of elaborate stamps designed mainly to be bought by stamp collectors. The stamps produced by these
countries far exceed the postal needs of the countries.
Some collectors, observing the generally rising prices of rare stamps, have taken to Philatelic
Investment. Rare stamp are among the most portable investments and are easy to store. They offer an
attractive to art, other collectible investments, and precious metals.
1) Stamp collecting ____.

A. does not consist of collecting envelopes B. is not rather popular
C. is popular in the USA D. is a rare hobby
2) The word accumulating has a close meaning to ____.
A. estimating B. purchasing C. counting D. collecting
3) According to the passage, ____.
A. there are some people who spend a lot of money on stamp collecting
B. all stamp collectors are interested in tiny details of a stamp
C. about 20 million people in the USA re not interested in stamp collecting
D. stamp collecting needs no knowledge
4) Which sentence is true?
A. All stamps are created for the postal needs.
B. There are stamps created to be bought by stamp collectors.
C. Stamps cannot bring revenue.
D. Elaborate stamps re designed for postal needs.
5) Stamps ____.
A. cannot be invested B. are easy to store
C. are not easy to store D. are importable investments
Answer keys:
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B
Hoa Da High School
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
Exercise 1: Use the words given to make up meaningful sentences
1. My/ hobby / reading.

2. I/ read /story books,/ magazines,/ newspapers /any kind / material / I/ find/ interesting.

3. I /start/ reading/ when/ I / a little girl.

4. I / used / ask / my father / read /fairy tales.

5. Then /I/ learn / read.

6. At first/ I / read / simple books,/ then stories.

7. Now /I / read /everything. / I /love/ read / novels.

8. Especially / I / interested /in / read / funny stories.

Exercise 2: Use the words given to make up meaningful sentences
1. My/ hobby / collect/ stamps

2. I/ have/ collect/ both/ local/ stamps/ and foregn stamps/ more than 5 years/ so/ i/ have / great/

3. My hobby/ start/ when/ I / little girl.

4. I/ have / always/ want / beautiful/ pictures/ the tampts/ so/ I / think/ way/ keep/ them.

5. At first/ I / only/ collect/ local stamps/ which/ i/ get/ from/letters/ my friends / relatives.
6. Then / my relatives /go/ aboard/ so / many collection / foregin stamps / start/ increase.
7. Now/ I / have / two albums. I / classify/ stamps/ into/ categories/ before/ put / them / my stamp album.

8. I/ be/ very/ proud/ of/ my collection

9. It/ help/ broaden/ my knowledge/ about/ world.
10. It/ be/ also/ effective way/ improve/ my / geography.

Answer keys:
Exercise 1:
1. My hobby is reading
2. I read story books, magazines, newspaper and any kind of materials that I find interesting.
3. I started reading when I was a little girl.
4. I used to ask my mother to read fairy tales.
5. Then I leanred to read.
6. At first, I read with sinple books, thenstories.
7. Now, I read everything. I love reading novels.
8. Especially, I am interested in reading funny stories.
Hoa Da High School
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
Exercise 2:
My hobby is collecting stamps. I have been collecting both local stamps and foreign stamps for more than 5 years so
I have a great collection now.
My hobby got started when I was a little girl. I had always wanted the beautiful pictures on the stamps so I thought
a way to keep them. At first I only collected local stamps which I got from the letters of my friends and relatives.
Then my relatives went abroad so many collection of foreign stamps started to increase.
I am very proud of my collection. It helps to broaden my knowledge about the world around me and it is also an
effective way to improve my geography.
*Exercise 1: Read the explanation carefully and try to guess what the words are.
1. things you do regularly for pleasure in your free time: h _ _ _ _
2. a person who collects things: c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. to look at somebody / something with pleasure: a _ _ _ _ _
4. to play music for a singer or another instrument: a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. busy: o _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. skilled : a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Exercise 2: Complete each sentence with a suitable word in the box
1. Jane is fully .with her two young children.
2. I my uncle very much because of his talent in music.
3. What do you like doing in your time?
4. Tom used to coins, but now he switches to gems.
5. We have our projects and are ready to take on something new.
6. My brother spends a lot time computer games.
7. Jim was lucky as he was .at the piano by his sister.
8. My friend has a wonderful stamp .
*Exercise 3:Circle the best answer for each sentence.
1. My father is an ____ guitarist.
A. accomplishing B. accomplished C. accomplish D. accomplishment
2. She is a very accomplished pianist. The word accomplished is closest in meaning to ____.
A. skilled B. beautiful C. interesting D. admired
3. My uncle is interested in ____ stamps.
A. collect B. collecting C. collected D. to collect
4. He is very good at ____ people singing with his guitar.
A. making B. getting C. accompanying D. having
5. A ____ is a series of musical notes that is pleasant and easy to remember.
A. musical instrument B. guitar C. practice D. tune
6. I dont have much money, so I bought the camera ____.
A. newly B. second-hand C. immediately D. profitably
7. They live in a fairy modest house, considering their wealth.
A. expensive B. fairy small C. very cheap D. very big
8. My ____ for my mother is infinite.
A. admire B. admirer C. admiration D. admirable
Hoa Da High School
Accomplished playing collection occupied accompanied

Admire collect spare discard mention
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
9. I am quite keen on my fathers valuable stamp ____.
A. collect B. collecting C. collection D. collector
10. I really admire him for his ____.
A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully
11. ____ I bought the golden fish.
A. It was from this shop that B. I was from this shop where
C. It was this shop which D. It was this shop that
12. ____ I first met my girlfriend.
A. It was in London that B. It was in London where
C. It was London that D. It was London which
13. ____ the police had rescued from the fire.
A. The baby B. The baby that C. It was the baby whom D. The baby whom
14. ____ my parents gave me the fish tank.
A. It was on my birthday when B. It was my birthday on that
C. It was my birthday that D. It was on my birthday that
15. ____ on the phone.
A. It is his mother whom is B. It was his mother whom is
C. It was his mother who is D. It is his mother who is
16. It was Tom ____ to help us.
A. comes B. that comes C. to come D. who came
17. ____ a high level of blood cholesterol.
A. It is eggs that contain B. Those are eggs it contains
C. It is eggs that contains D. It is eggs contain
18.____ England won the World Cup.
A. It was in 1966 that B. It was on 1966 that C. It was in 1966 when D. It was 1966 in that
19. ____ took my car.
A. It was you B. It were you C. It was you that D. It was you whom
20. It is the library ____.

A. that I often borrow books B. that I often borrow books from
C. where I often borrow books from D. from that I often borrow books
*Exercise 4:Rewrite the sentences , using the cleft sentences structures with it to emphasized the subject,
objects, or adverbial.
1. He bought it at the market, not the supermarket.

It was
2. My mother helps me with my homework.
It is.
3. Young children learn forgein languages very fast, not adults.
It is.
4. Mr. Alan teaches French, not English

It is
5. They prepare their lessons in the library, not at home.

It is.
6. The students are talking in English, not Vietnamese.

It is.
7. I want to talk to your parents, not you.

It is.
8. My mother helps me with my homework.
It is.
Hoa Da High School
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
Exercise 1:
1. hobby 2. collector 3.admire 4.accompany 5. occupied 6. accomplished

Exercise 2:
1. occupied 2. admire 3.spare4. collect 5. accomplished
6. playing 7. accompanied 8. collection
Exercise 3:
1.B 2.A 3. B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B
11.A 12.B 13. C 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.B
Exercsie 4:
1. It was at the market that he bought it, not the supermarket.
2. It is my mother who helps me with my homework.
3.It is young children who learn foreign languages very fast, not adults.
4. It is French that Mr.Alan teaches, not English.
5. It is in the library where / that they prepare their lessons, not at home.
6. It is in English that the students are talking, not Vietnamese
7. It is your parents that I want to talk to, not you.
8. It is my mother who helps me with my homework
Hoa Da High School
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B
Exercise 1:
1. My hobby is reading
2. I read story books, magazines, newspaper and any kind of materials that I find interesting.
3. I started reading when I was a little girl.
4. I used to ask my mother to read fairy tales.
5. Then I leanred to read.

6. At first, I read with sinple books, thenstories.
7. Now, I read everything. I love reading novels.
8. Especially, I am interested in reading funny stories.
Exercise 2:
My hobby is collecting stamps. I have been collecting both local stamps and foreign stamps for more than 5 years so
I have a great collection now.
My hobby got started when I was a little girl. I had always wanted the beautiful pictures on the stamps so I thought
a way to keep them. At first I only collected local stamps which I got from the letters of my friends and relatives.
Then my relatives went abroad so many collection of foreign stamps started to increase.
I am very proud of my collection. It helps to broaden my knowledge about the world around me and it is also an
effective way to improve my geography.
Exercise 1:
1. hobby 2. collector 3.admire 4.accompany 5. occupied 6. accomplished
Exercise 2:
1. occupied 2. admire 3.spare4. collect 5. accomplished
6. playing 7. accompanied 8. collection
Exercise 3:
1.B 2.A 3. B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B
11.A 12.B 13. C 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.B
Exercsie 4:
1. It was at the market that he bought it, not the supermarket.
2. It is my mother who helps me with my homework.
3.It is young children who learn foreign languages very fast, not adults.
4. It is French that Mr.Alan teaches, not English.
5. It is in the library where / that they prepare their lessons, not at home.
6. It is in English that the students are talking, not Vietnamese
7. It is your parents that I want to talk to, not you.
8. It is my mother who helps me with my homework
Hoa Da High School

Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
* Exercise 3: Read the text and then do the task that follow
My Hobby
I started learning the guitar when I was ten years old. I am seventten now, so I have been playing for seven
years. My first guitar was a present from my uncle. It was very old and needed repairing , but I loved it used
to play it until my fingers hurt. On my twelth birthday, my fatther bought me a brand- new one, and I started
going to private guitar lessons. My teacher teachs classical guitar, which I like, but I really want to play rock
music. Sometimes I play an elctric guitar. It is very loud and my mother hates it. Unfortunately it is not
mine, it I my friends. My ambition is to play I a rcok band and make records; I would like tp travel around
the world , playing in different countries. My friend is a good singer, so we are going to form a band
together. All we need to do is find a drummer and a bass player. I will write some songs and we will practise
in my bedroom. I am sure my mother wont mind.
1. The writer has done all of the following EXCEPT
A. learning to play the guitar with a private teacher.
B. learning to play classical music
C. writing some songs
D. playing an electric guitar.
2. What can be inferred about the electric guitar?
A. It belongs to the writers friend, not him
B. It is nit very loud
C. The writers mother doesnt dislike it.
D. It is an unfortunate instrument.
3. Which of the following is true?
A. His uncle gave him a guitar when he was twelve
B. His father gave him a guitar as a birthday present.
C. The guitar his father bought him was old and needed repairing
D. Hid fingers hurt when he played because the guitar was old.
Hoa Da High School
Giao án phụ đạo 11CB Học kỳ II
4. Which of the following is not true about what the writer’s ambition?

A. To play in a rock band
B. To break world records in music.
C. To visit different parts of the world
D. To play music in many different countries.
Period 19 & 20
(Mệnh đề quan hệ xác đònh và không xác đònh)
1. Defining relative clause (Mệnh đề quan hệ xác đònh): Who, Whom, Which, That, Whose/of
Dùng để bổ nghóa cho danh từ đứng trước. Nếu bỏ đi mệnh đề chính sẽ không rõ nghóa.
Danh từ đứng
Chủ từ Túc từ Sở hữu
Who/That Who/Whom Whose
Vật/Động vật
Which/That Which/That Whose/of which
Ex: I don’t like people who/that talk a lot.
2. Non-defining relative clause (Mệnh đề không xác đònh): Who, Whom, Which
Dùng để bổ nghóa cho danh từ đứng trước, là phần giải thích thêm. Nếu bỏ đi mệnh đề chính vẫn
rõ nghóa. Mệnh đề này thường được tách khỏi mệnh đề chính bằng dấu phẩy.
Ta dùng mệnh đề quan hệ không hạn đònh khi:
- Trước danh từ quan hệ có: this/that/these/those/my/her/his…
- Từ quan hệ là tên riêng hoặc danh từ riêng.
Danh từ đứng trước Chủ từ Túc từ Sở hữu
Who Who/Whom Whose
Vật/Động vật
Which Which Whose/of which
Ex: My father, who is fifty years old, is a goldsmith.

[trong câu này, nếu bỏ đi mệnh đề who is fifty years old, thì câu vẫn rõ nghóa, không ảnh hưởng đến
nghóa của câu vì My father đã rõ nghóa rồi]
LƯU Ý: KHÔNG dùng THAT trong mệnh đề này.
3. Exercises:
* Circle the best answer for each sentence.
1) I cannot tell you all ____ I heard
A. which B. that C. as D. because
2) I can answer the question ____ you say is very difficult.
A. which B. whom C. who D. whose
Hoa Da High School
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
3) This is Mr Jones, ____ invention has helped hundreds of deaf people.
A. which B. that C. whose D. whom
4) This school is only for children ____ first language is not English.
A. who B. whose C. which D. that
5) Tom, ____ sits next to me, is from Canada.
A. that B. whom C. who D. whose
6) The reason I left is ____ I was bored.
A. why B. that C. day D. what
7) The building whose walls are made of glass is the place ____ I work.
A. which B. where C. that D. what
8) With our senses, we perceive everything ____.
A. is around us B. that is around us
C. whom is around us D. whose is around us
9) The volunteers, ____ enthusiasm was obvious, finished the work quickly.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. that
10) Many scientists have claimed that ____ like music are often good at mathematics.
A. children B. children who C. children whom D. whose children
11) Do you remember the time ____ we first visited London.
A. which B. when C. that D. on that

12) My friend, ____ I visited lask week, is taking a holiday soon.
A. that B. whom C. which D. whose
13) The doctor re examining a patient ____ was taken to hospital last night.
A. which B. who C. whom D. whose
* Put in a relative pronoun who, which, where, whose , or that
14) The house _______ I lived as a child has been pulled down now.
15) Stop him. Hes the man _______ stole my wallet.
16) There are many people _______ lives have been spoiled by that factory.
17) Is that the button _______ you pressed?
18) Could everybody _______ luggage has got please stay here?
19) The man _______ I saw last week said something totally different.
20) They have invented television set ______ is a small as a watch.
21) My grandmother, _______ was an extraordinary woman, I lived to the age of a hundred and fifteen.
* Join the sentences , using relative clause. Use commas if necessasy.
1) Last week I ran into an old friend. I hadnt seen her for years.

1) My bike has disappared.I left my bike at the gate.

2) A bomb went off this morning. It caused a lot of damage.

3) A footballer has been banned from playing. He took durgs.

4) Pauls sister is a doctor. She is my close friend.

6) I read the newspaper. The newspaper war lying on the table.
Hoa Da High School
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II

7) Mr Ba is over seventy. He is still very strong.

8) Annes brother refused to go to the cinema with her. He hates horror films.

9) She pul on the clother. She had bought them the day before.

Period 30,31& 32 PASSIVE VOICE
Exercise 1: Turn these sentences into the passive voice
1. They open the shop at six o clock

2. We didnt remember her name

3. They cant make tea with cold water.

4. Somebody has taken away some of my books.
5. They will hold the meeting before May Day.

1. He gave her back the money last Sunday

2. My father bought me a bike in my birthday.

3. The police found him in the forest.

9. He is asking me a lot of questions.

10. They have to repair the engine of that car.

11. The boys broke a lot of money on advertising every year.

12. The teacher gave each of us two exercise books.

13. Someone will tell him that news.

14. They have sent money to these poor boys.
Hoa Da High School
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
15. Nobody swept this street last night.

16. Her father was planting the different kinds of flowers in the garden.
17. Nobody has used this room for ages.

18. My parents encouraged me to apply for this job.

19.They dont allow me to take these books home.

20. The movie has disappointed us very much.

Exercise 2: Turn these sentences into the active voice
1. The rice fields will have been ploughed by the end of the month.

2. For a long time the earth was believed to be flat.

3. My salary is going to be increased.
4. These engines used to be started by hand.
5. The money was given back her last Sunday.

Exercise 3:Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that has the closest meaning to the printed one

1. They cancelled all flights because of fog.
A. All flights because of fog were cancelled
B. All flights were cancelled because of fog
C. All flights were because of fog cancelled.
D. All flights were cancelled by them because of fog
2. How do people learn languages?
A. How are languages learned?
B. How are languages learned by people?
C. How languages are learned?
D. Languages are learned how?
3. Brian told me that somebody had attacked him in the street.
A. I was told by Brian that somebody had attacked him at the street.
B. I was told by Brian that he had been attacked in the street.
C. Brian told me to have been attacked in the street.
D. Brian told me that he had been attacked in the street
4. They shouldnt have played the football match in such bad weather.
A. The football match shouldnt have been played in such bad weather
B. The football match shouldnt have been played by them in such bad weather.
C. The football match shouldnt be played in such bad weather.
D. The football match shouldnt have played in such bad weather.
5. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.
A. He was given a present when he retired.
B. A present was given by his colleagues when he retired.
C. He was given a present by his colleagues when he retired
Hoa Da High School
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
D. A present was given him when he retired.
6. They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview.
A. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview
B. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview by them.

C. A lot of questions will be asked you at the interview.
D. A lot of questions will be asked at the interview.
Exercise 4: Write th e following sentences into the passive voicce, using the cues wordsor phrases cue s
1. Some trees/ have/ planted / the garden
2. You/ will/ give/ some advice/ by / doctor .
3. Hotel / will/ decorate/ a famous designer
4. Someone/ have /broken/ crystal vase
5. The product/ will/ advertise/ on television.
6. Mrs.Jones/ have/given/ some letters/ secretary.
7. He/ chose/ as/ best actor/ of/year
8. A cake / make/ my mother /when/ i/ came /home.
9. This festival/ not / organize/ some years ago
10.Grapes/ use/ make /wine
Exercise 5: Change the following sentences into the passive voice
1. They have investigated the robbery for two years.
2. Have you tidied the kitchen?
3. People didnt organized this festival some years
4. They didnt use match to make fire.
5. My school held an English- speaking contest last month
6. Im translating an article from English into Vietnamese.
7. We will grow flowers in the front garden
8. They ask me some difficult questions at the interview
9. How much will pay you?
10.You must clean the wall before you paint it
11. No one told me that he was ill
12. When did you buy this computer?
13. People believe that 13 is an unlucky number
14. They will build a bridge across this river
15. They have provided the victims with food and clothing

Hoa Da High School
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
Answer Keys:
Exercise 1
1. The shop is opened at six oclock.
2. Her name wasnt remembered by us.
3. Tea cant be made with cold water.
4. Some of my books have been taken away.
5. The meeting will be held before May Day.
6. The money was given back her last Sunday.
7. I was bought a bike in my birthday by my father.
8. He was found in the forest by the police.
9. I am being asked a lot of questions.
10. The engine of that car has to be repaired.
11. A lot of money is spent on advertising every year.
12. Each of us was given two exercise books by the teacher.
13. He will be told that news (by someone)
14. Money has been sent to these poor boys.
15. This street wasnt swept last Sunday.
16. The different kinds of flowers were being planted in the garden by her father.
17. This room hasnt used for ages.
18. I was encouraged to apply for this job by parents.
19. I am not allowed to take these books home.
20. We have been disappointed very much by the movie.
Exercise 2:
1. They will have ploughed the rice fields by the end of the months.
2. For a long time people believed the Earthwas flat.
3. He is going to increase my salary.
4. They used to start these engines by hand.
5. He gave her the money last Sunday.

Exercise 3:
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Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
Exercise 4:
1. Some trees have been planted by the gardener.
2. You will be given some advice by Doctor Brown.
3. The hotel will be decorated by a famous designer.
4. The srystal vase has been broken.
5. The product will be advertised on television.
6. Mrs.Jones has been given some letters by the secretary.
7. He was chosen as the best cator of the year.
8. A cake was being made by my mother when I came home.
9. This festival wasnt organized some years ago.
10. Grapes are used to make wine.
Exercise 5:
1. The robbery has been investigated for two years.
2. Has the kitchen been tidied?
3. This festival wasnt organized some years ago.
4. Match wasnt used to make fire.
5. An English speaking contest was hold
6. An article is being translated from English into Vietnamese.
7. Flowers will be grown in the front garden.
8. I was asked some difficult questions at the interview.
9. How much will you be paid?

10. The wall must be cleaned before you paint it.
11. I was not told that John was ill.
12. When did you buy this computer?
13. People believed that 13 is an unlucky number.
14. A bridge will be built across this river.
15. The victims have been provided with food.
Hoa Da High School
Giao aựn phuù ủaùo 11CB Hoùc kyứ II
Hoa Da High School
