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anh 12 - đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh khánh hòa năm học 2009-2010

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Môn thi : TIẾNG ANH – THPT (Bảng B)
Ngày thi : 06/04/2010
(Thời gian : 180 phút – không kể thời gian phát đề)
(30 phút Nghe + 150 phút Đọc & Viết)
Họ và tên thí sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SBD. . . . . . . . . . . ./P. . . . .
Ngày tháng năm sinh:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nơi sinh:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Số PHÁCH
Học sinh trường:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chữ ký giám thị 1 Chữ ký giám thị 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chú ý : Giám thị không được giải thích và hướng dẫn gì thêm. Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất kỳ
tài liệu nào. Thí sinh làm bài ngay vào tập đề thi này.
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GIÁM KHẢO 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TỔNG ĐIỂM BẰNG SỐ:
GIÁM KHẢO 2:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tổng điểm (viết bằng chữ):


LISTENING COMPREHENSION (2 marks for each, 30 marks)

1. The Browns have invited the Greens for tea today. What do they say when their guests arrive?
They say:
a. Welcome. b. Glad you could come. c. We're looking forward to seeing you.
2. They sit down to talk. Mr Brown doesn’t hear what Mrs Green is saying. What does he say to
her? He says:
a. Excuse me. b. How are you? c. I beg your pardon.
3. Then they have tea. Mrs Green takes sugar with her tea. But the sugar is beside Mr Brown
and she can’t reach it. What does she say to get the sugar? She says:
a. More sugar? b. Hand me the sugar! c. Pass me the sugar, please.
4. Of course Mr Brown helps her at once. What does he say when he gives her the sugar. He
says: a. Please. b. Here you are. c. Excuse me.
5. Mr Green has no tea in his cup. He has finished it all. What does Mrs Brown ask him? She
asks him:
a. Would you like some more tea? b. Will you finish the tea? c. Tea, please.
6. A woman and her guests, some other women, are having coffee. The hostess is handing round
the cakes to her guests so what does she say? She says:
a. There you are. b. Please. c. Help yourselves, please.
7. You meet somebody for the first time. He says ‘How do you do’ to you. How should you answer?
You should answer:
a. How do you do? b. I'm fine, thank you. c. Thank you, the same to you.
8. Somebody has happened to stand on your foot or bump against you lightly in the street. he
says” Oh, I’m sorry” How can you answer? You can answer:
a. It was a great pleasure. b. Excuse me. c. That’s' all right.
9. Bill has a lot of work to do. Peter wants him to come with him to a dance. Bill can’t come so
what does he answer? He answers:
a. I'm busy. b. I'm in a hurry. c. It's no use.

10. Mary is going by train. She’s a bit late and very nervous because she thinks she’ll miss her
train. What can you say when you tell her to take it easy? You say:
a. Don't worry! b. Be quiet! c. Be careful.
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11. You don’t know what time it is. What do you say to somebody, if you want to ask him the
time? You say:
a. How much is the clock? b. What time is it? c. When will you get a watch?
12. Bob and Tom often meet in the evening, as they are good friends. What does Bob say, when
he leaves Tom after having talked for a while? They are going to meet again soon. He says:
a. Bye-bye! b. Good evening! c. Nice to meet you.
13. You have helped somebody who is now very grateful and shows it by saying ‘Thank you very
much!’ How could you answer? You could answer:
a. It's all the same to me. b. Never mind.c. Not at all.
14. It’s Christmas and a friend of yours wishes you ‘ merry Christmas!’ What could you say as an
answer? You could say:
a. Thank you - the same to you! b. Many happy returns of the day! c. Congratulations!
15. You are going through the customs. What does the customs officer say to you when you are
standing in front of him with all your luggage? He says:
a. Can I help you? b. Have you anything to declare? c. Any more fares, please?
I. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the previous one. (15 marks)
1 “How long have you been learning English?” the teacher asked me.
The teacher asked me how
2 My sister goes to bed later than my brother.
My brother
3 Judy started working with us eight years ago.
Judy has
4 The film wasn’t very interesting, but I’d like to see it again.
5 It must be difficult to learn Chinese.

It can’t
6 They’ll take the tourists on a sightseeing tour.
The tourists
7 Pollution is killing many animals.
Many animals
8 “I’m going to call the police,” Tom said to me.
Tom told
9 I think you should take more exercise.
If I
10 I’d like to travel round the world but I don’t have enough money.
If I
11 He went back home in order to get his jacket.
He went back home so
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12 It won’t be necessary for people to learn to write.
People won’t
13 I plan to finish the book before the end of the week.
By the end
14 Somebody does Holly’s homework for her.
Holly has
15 I didn’t write to you because I didn’t have your address.
If I
II. Complete the sentences with the correct answer. (15 marks)
1. She hasn’t got a car, ?
A does she B has she C hasn’t she
2. I offered her, but she wanted to try on her own.
A to help B help C helping
3 She’s been waiting five o’clock.
A since B for C from
4. Did you enjoy at the party?

A you B yourself C by yourself
5. The wreck a week ago.
A was discovered B was discovering C has been discovered
6. She had beautiful voice!
A such B so C such a
7. I can hear someone .
A to scream B screams C screaming
8. He in Canada when he was a child.
A used to live B has been living C was living
9. She me where she was going.
A told B told to C said
10. They didn’t allow us out in the evening.
A going B to go C go
11. You so much junk food.
A shouldn’t eat B can’t be eating C had better eat
12. The fourth time I tried I break the record.
A could B am able to C managed to
13. If you me I wouldn’t have gone there.
A have warned B had warned C would have warned
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14. She me, because she was there too and she was wearing her glasses.
A can’t have seen B couldn’t have seen C must have seen
15. You her that question — it was rude!
A shouldn’t have asked B mustn’t have asked C couldn’t have asked
III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. (10 marks)
1. I knew he (cry) when I saw him because his eyes were red.
2. What plans have you made for the summer? Where (you /spend) the holiday?
3. I’m on a diet and by the end of the month I (lose) six kilos.
4. They (live) in the same house since they were born.
5. The film (already/start) when we arrived at the cinema, so we missed the beginning.

6. Come on! We (be) late for school.
7. This time tomorrow I (watch) my favourite programme on TV.
8. He usually (spend) most of the day talking on the phone.
9. In thirty years’ time people (live) underwater.
10. If you (give) me your number, I would have called you.
I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word. (10 marks)
1. , we didn’t have time to go sightseeing. FORTUNE
2. She’s still ; she’s been looking for a job for ages. EMPLOY
3. When he saw the wreck he knew he had made an incredible . DISCOVER
4. Musical was provided in the evening. ENTERTAIN
5. The mystery is still ; nobody knows exactly what happened. EXPLAIN
6. He might come, but it is highly that he will bring his girlfriend. LIKELY
7. Don’t touch that mushroom! I think it is …………………. POISON
8. We go away at weekends, but we’re usually at home. OCCASION
9. There has been a lot of recently about pollution of the sea. DISCUSS
10. He is very of the young journalist. SUSPICION
II. Complete the sentences with one word. (15 marks)
1. Turtles don’t have babies; they l eggs.
2. The scuba divers are e a shipwreck near those rocks.
3. She never loses her t ; she keeps calm whatever happens.
4. Stop m about and come over here to help me.
5. I can’t c on my work when you play that music so loud.
6. This problem is too c — I can’t solve it.
7. I love your new earrings. When did you have your ears p ?
8. Ricky Martin isn’t just a good singer, but also a t actor.
9. This chair is very u ; it’s given me a bad back.
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10. They’re t an exam at school tomorrow.
11. Don’t believe him! He’s only p to be in trouble.

12. Someone has s fire to the computer lab! Call the fire brigade!
13. Unicorns never existed; they’re just m creatures.
14. Don’t tell anyone else about this; it’s a s between you and me.
15. I need to take some t off work to relax a little.
Do they rhyme or not? If they rhyme write R in front of the number blank. If not, write N on the space
provided. (10 marks) e.g. _R_ night – light . _N_light – late.
___ 1 date – late
___ 2 flood – should
___ 3 feed – read
___ 4 dare – repair
___ 5 slim – seem
___ 6 carry – scary
___ 7 rich – reach
___ 8 drown – brown
___ 9 wave – five
___ 10 keep – tip
___ 11 card – hard
___ 12 sail – fail
___13 pass – splash
___ 14 dirt – skirt
___15 lay – bay
___16 tide – hide
___17 shoot – put
___18 tip – keep
___19 pool – pull
___20 steer – clear
E. READING (20 ms)
Read this magazine article and do the exercises that follow.

1 It is becoming more and more difficult to imagine what our life would be like
without computers. They have become essential everywhere: air travel depends on
them, the publication of books and magazines depends on them, most communication
systems cannot function without them. Computer chips even control your fridge,
___________________ (A).
2 Computers can already recognise people’s voices, fingerprints and even eyes. They
can make calculations a million times faster than the human brain. They can store
vast amounts of information and “remember” it within seconds. They can read out
texts for people with eyesight problems. _____________________ (B) They can produce
films, music and artwork. They can play chess and defeat human chess champions.
3 Still, computers are not able to think creatively and cannot feel. They depend on
human programmers and, although they can evaluate information according to logical
rules, these rules have to be programmed into them. No computer is capable of having
an original thought, ______________________________ (C).
4 However, the processing power of computers is doubling every 12 months. In thirty
years’ time, an average home computer will be as powerful as 1,000 human brains.
This will give people the opportunity to use computers to do more and more of the jobs
that only humans can do at present and might mean an easier life for all of us. On the
other hand, it is highly likely that by then, ___________________________ (D). The
machines of the future will be able to think and feel just as humans do: they will be
able to feel happy or sad and to express their thoughts and feelings whenever they
want to.
5 People will be able to scan their brains into computers so that the machines of the
future ______________________ (E) but not human bodies. And it is possible that they
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will feel the need for a body and, as a result, become sad and depressed. There is no
knowing what they might choose to do then, but we can only hope it will be for the
I. Match these headings with the paragraphs of the article: (10 marks)
a Computers in the future

b Worries about the future
c What computers can already do
d Computers are everywhere
e What computers cannot do yet
II. Now put each of these phrases in the right place in the article. (10 marks)
1 but most human beings make millions of such thoughts in their lifetime.
2 They can talk.
3 will actually have human brains,
4 computers will have become fully conscious.
5 television, microwave oven, lift and air conditioner.
F WRITING (65 marks)
1. Write a short article for a magazine about the future of Earth. Use these notes to help you:
1 the situation now – pollution; animals in danger; global warming
2 what life on Earth will be like in 100 years’ time if we go on like this
3 what we should do
Write about 100 words. (25 ms)
2. Where were you five years ago?
Where do you think you will be in five years? Write about 300 words (40 ms)

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