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market leader-elementary

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Unit 1: Communicating in English
Week 1
I. Aims and objectives
- Improve St’s listening comprehension skills: Listening for details ,
Listening for main idea
- Clarify types of listening test
- Be able to listen to conversations about greeting and describing people
then rearrange the conversations, match the pictures….
II. Materials:
- Textbook: Let’s talk 1, Listen in 1
- Hand-out: sample of conversations, word games about describing
III. Procedure:
1. Organization:
2. New lesson: Unit 1: Communicating in English
Teacher’ activities Sts’ activities &Work
 Warm up: (3 mins)
+ rises some QS to help Sts concentrate on their lesson
- Do you all know each other?
- How many people do you know well in
the class?
- How can you get information when you
meet a stranger?
- What information do you want to know at
the first meet?
+ Tells Sts what they are going to study
 Pre-listening: ( 10 mins)
1. Brainstorm
-Provide Sts useful words/ phrases related to the topic
- ask Sts to work in groups of four or five, make a

brainstorm map and list as many Qs as they can if want
to get to know others
- check their work and correct
Stranger: name, age, interest, family, school, favourite
subject, hometown, job…
2. Word game
-ask Sts to change the group
-deliver them handouts, ask them to group all the words
into theme and give more word in each theme
Whole class
Work in groups
Point out all the theme/ Qs that
relate to the topic
Take note
Change the group
Do the word game
- check their work and provide suggestion
 While-listening: (22 mins)
Task 1: ask Sts to listen to the conversations and
rearrange its order
-check their work:
Conversation1: 3-1-4-5-2
Conversation 2: 3-5-2-4-1
Task 2: ask sts to listen to a radio interview, tick the Qs
that the DJ asks the fashion designer.
-ask Sts listen for the first time and check the Qs only
-correct their work:
1-b, 2-a, 3-a, 4-b, 5-a, 6-b.
-ask Sts to listen the second time and answer the Qs

- correct their answer:
1. Toronto 2. In Europe
3.2 brothers &3 sisters 4. French
5. mainly in France 6. All kinds of music
Task 3: ask Sts listen to two conversations and fill in the
-check their answer:
City’s name: New Rochelle
Zip code: 10801
Man’s first name: Edwin
Man’s last name: Horowitg
Cat’s name: Tiny
 Post-listening: (9mins)
-ask Sts to make an interview to find out personal
 Homework (1 min)
- ask Sts to finish HW: Listen in 1 - Unit 1 - Tasks 5, 6,
- prepare for the next lesson
Play the game
Take note
Take note
Take not
Pair work
Take note

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