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Contribution to sustainable environment management at Da Hoi trade village, Bac Ninh province. = Góp phần quản lý môi trường theo hướng bền vững làng nghề Đa Hội, tỉnh Bắc Ninh

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HANOI - 2013




Major: Vietnamese Studies
Code: 60 22 01 13



HANOI - 2013


1. Rationale of the study 8
2. Study objectives 10
3. Study subjects, scopes 10
4. Study methodology and methods 11
5. The thesis significance 13
6. Thesis structure 13
1.1. Review of the sustainable development 14
1.1.1. Global sustainable development 14
1.1.2. Sustainable development in Vietnam 17
1.2. Review on sustainable development in Vietnamese trade villages 20
1.2.1. General issues of trade villages in Vietnam 20
1.2.2. Some characteristics of the current trade villages in Vietnam 23
1.2.3. Problems of environment pollution and sustainable development
of trade villages in Vietnam 26

1.2.4. Review on sustainable development of Da Hoi trade village 29
2.1. Overview of trade villages in Bac Ninh province 33
2.1.1. Characteristics of trade villages in Bac Ninh province 33
2.1.2. Features of Da Hoi trade village 36
2.1.3. The trade villages development orientation to 2015 44
2.2. Production in Da Hoi trade village 45
2.2.1. The organization of production 45
2.2.2. Materials provided for the village 47
2.2.3. Production technology 48

2.2.4. Products 48
2.2.5. Markets 50
2.2.6. Labor force 50
2.3. The environment situation and environmental management in Da Hoi village 52
2.3.1. Environment situation 52
2.3.2. Factors affecting the sustainable development of trade villages 55
2.3.3. Some regulatory factors 57
3.1. Impacts on social issues 59
3.1.1. Impacts on people’s health 59
3.1.2. The gender issues in production and environmental management 65
3.2. Impacts on the economic development 66
3.2.1. The losses in economic development 66
3.2.2. Increasing health care costs 66
3.3. Environmental conflicts 67

4.1. Policy solutions 69
4.2. Solutions on environmental pollution reduction 71
4.2.1. Enhancing the people’s knowledge on environmental protection
through propaganda activities 71
4.2.2. Building the village regulation on environmental protection 72
4.2.3. Implementing the principle of polluter fee 72
4.2.4. Technological solutions 73
4.3. Solutions on trade villages’ environment planning 73
4.4. Financial invesment solutions 74


Allowed standards
Allowed regulations
Biology diversity
Biochemical oxygen demand
Chemical oxygen demand

Environmental protection
Food processing
Gross Domestic Production
Industry-craft industry
Industrialization- Modernization
Industrial park
Industrial zone
Japan international cooperation agency
Law of environmental protection
Natural resources
Occupational health standards
Planning and investment
People's committee

Participatory rural appraisal
Secondary school
Technological science and environment
United nation
United nation's children fund
Vietnamese Communist party
Vietnamese standards


No. Table name Page

Table 0.1: Time, place, content of the research 11
Table 1.1: Technological level in Vietnamese trade villages nowadays. 25
Table 2.1: The land use situation in Bac Ninh province (2005-2009) 38
Table 2.2 : The agricultural area and rice productivity in Chau Khe ward 39
Table 2.3: Total steel productivity of Chau Khe ward over the years 40
Table 2.4: Production plan in Tu Son’s IDZs 42
Table 2.5: The unemployment rate in Da Hoi village by gender 43

Table 2.6: The figures of production in Da Hoi trade village 46
Table 2.7: Comparison of demand for the fuel of Da Hoi and Chau Khe 47
Table 2.8: Per capita income in some trade villages in northern region 50
Table 2.9: Per capita income of households participating in production
in Da Hoi trade village 51
Table 2.10: Per capita income of households not participating in production
in Da Hoi trade village . 51
Table 2.11: Types of emission from metals recycling operations 52
Table 3.1: The health of people in Da Hoi trade village 59
Table 3.2: The health of Chau Khe people after a health examination 60
Table 3.3: Percentage of periodic health exam of residents 61
Table 3.4: Injuries and accidents at Chau Khe trade village by age group 63
Table 3.5: Injuries and accidents at Chau Khe trade village by
occupation group 63
Table 3.6: Injuries and accidents at Chau Khe trade village by causes 64
Table 3.7: Causes of death at Chau Khe trade village from 2006 to 2010 64


No. Figure’s name Page

Figure 1.1: Sustainable development model 15
Figure 1.2: Classification of Vietnam villages in manufacturing industries 22
Figure 1.3: The geographic distribution of Vietnamese trade villages 24
Figure 1.4: Diagram of sustainable village development 28
Figure 2.1: The map of Tu Son town 36
Figure 2.2: The procedure of production in the village 49

Figure 2.3: Quantity of solid waste in some recycling villages 54


First, I wish to express my gratitude and deepest respect to Prof. D. Sc.
Truong Quang Hoc, who is a very enthusiastic supervisor for contributing valuable
ideas to help me to complete this thesis.
I sincerely thank the Directory Board, the teachers and staffs in the Institute
of Vietnamese Studies and Development Science, Vietnam National University,
Hanoi for creating best conditions for me to implement and complete this master
thesis successfully.
I would like to thank Chau Khe Ward People's Committee, Statistics
Division, Environment and Natural Resources Department in Tu Son town for
enthusiastically providing information, data and answering my interview questions.
I thank the Environment Sub-Department of Natural Resources and Environment
of Bac Ninh province for providing me necessary materials for this thesis.
I sincerely thank Mr. Nguyen Trong Tuyen- the former head of Da Hoi
village for enthusiastically supporting me during the fact-finding trip. I also would
like to express my sincere thanks to the people of Da Hoi village.
Finally, I would like to thank my family, my friends - who cares for me and
encourage me all the time.

Ha Noi, May 2013

Nguyen Thi Thu Trang


I hereby declare that the research results of this thesis are completely honest.
The data and results are published in the thesis are my own research. If it has any
mistakes, I will take full responsibility for it.

Ha Noi, May 2013

Nguyen Thi Thu Trang

1. Rationale of the study
We are living in the 20
century, which exits many issues of population,
pollution, natural disasters, diseases, poverty, and terrorism, religious and ethnic
conflicts. Those things set the development of humanity face with a lot of
difficulties and challenges. Therefore, the World Summit on Environment and
Development in Rio de Janero, Brazil (1992) warned that, "The human race is
facing a decisive moment in history. The world must cope with the worsening
situation of poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, and the relentless degradation of
ecosystems. The wealth gap is increasing" [37, p.9].
A developed economy will help people to have a better life. However, in
the development process, people have an impact on the nature, environment.
Sustainable development is now considered the optimal solution for all the
problems in which the problems environment. Currently, sustainable development
is becoming the development strategy most of the countries all over the world.
Vietnam is no longer one of the poorest countries in the world. The
Vietnamese economy is developing in the direction of "fast" but "sustainable";
environmental pollution is becoming increasingly urgent, especially in urban and
industrial areas. In particular, the potential impact of climate change is becoming a
hot issue, threatening the sustainable development of the country. Therefore, the
question for us now is how not only to keep high economic growth, but also to
protect the environment for sustainable development as Congress documents first
nationwide Party XI pointed out.
Vietnam participated in the Earth Summit on Environment and
Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, the World Summit on Sustainable

Development in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002, signed the Rio Declaration
on Environment and development, Agenda 21 and committed sustainable
Sustainable development has achieved significant results in socio-economic
and environment, especially after the strategic orientation for sustainable

development (Agenda 21 of Vietnam). However, the implementation of
sustainable development in Vietnam still has many limitations and challenges [18,
p.11]. In April 2012, the Government has approved and issued Vietnam Strategy
for Sustainable Development 2011-2020. The strategy concludes the views,
objectives, orientation, solution and implementation. In which, the priority
directions of economic sustainable development showed that agriculture needs to
be restructured towards industrialization, and development of production to meet
the demands of the domestic and international market to improve the lives of
people in the village; economy should be developed along with social security and
environment protection.
Vietnam is an agricultural country, so agriculture has always been a top
priority. The traditional trade has also contributed greatly to the rural economy.
Policy of the Party and State is recovery and development of villages to facilitate
economic development, create jobs and contribute to preserving traditional crafts.
Many trade villages take advantage of labor force at the time when they do not
have to do farming. The trade villages both have preserved the traditional trade and
have created more jobs for local people as well as those from other places.
Along them, the village has steadily grown up; the product of many villages
is well known both in domestic and abroad. However, the trade village is facing
big challenges, such as environmental pollution, instable development. Therefore,
sustainable development is becoming a strategy of Vietnamese trade villages.
Bac Ninh, a province in the Red River Delta, has preserved many
traditional villages such as Dong Ho painting village, Phu Lang pottery village,

Dai Bai bronze casting village, Dong Ky wood village
Da Hoi trade village (Chau Khe ward, Tu Son Town, Bac Ninh province)
has a history of more than 300 years along with the ups and downs of the
country. Da Hoi had almost lost its business sometimes in the past. Due to the
innovative policy of the Government in recent years, the village has restored and
developed. The business has helped to increase people's income, contributed
significantly to the economic growth of Bac Ninh and motivated some other
business development

Nevertheless, apart from the economic benefits, environmental sustainability
is a big problem not only in Da Hoi but also in all the trade villages in Vietnam.
This requires the attention of the authorities, organizations and communities.
Thus, it needs the right direction as well as the management and protection of the
environment in an efficient manner. Environmental sustainability means people's
lives assured. If we only focus on economic development without ensuring the
environment, our development is not sustainable.
In that situation, I have chosen the thesis: "Contributing to sustainable
environmental management in Da Hoi trade village, Bac Ninh province" with the
desire to protect the environment in the trade village today.
2. Study objectives
- Studying the impact of socio-economic on sustainable development and
environment of Da Hoi in particular and Vietnamese trade villages in general.
- Assessing the impact of environmental pollution on the sustainable
development of the village
- Proposing solutions to enhance the management of the local environment in
a sustainable manner, based on community participation.
3. Study subjects, scopes
3.1. Study scope
- Space scope: The research was conducted in Da Hoi trade village, focused

on two one and two groups of the village.
- Time scope: The research was conducted from November 2011 to
December 2012 and divided into periods as follows:

Table 0.1: Time, place, content of the research
Study contents
Phase 1: From
Da Hoi, Da Van, Song Thap village in
Chau Khe ward, Tu Son People’s
Overview of Research
Phase 2: From
Da Hoi trade village, Da Hoi IDZ, Chau
Khe People’s Commitee, Tu Son PC,
Department of Natural Resources and
environment, Tu Son town.
Households participating in production
and households not participating in
production in group 1 and group 2 in
Da hoi.
Collect related
secondary documents.
Interview, PRA.
Phase 3: From

Da Hoi trade village, Chau Khe PC,
Bac Ninh Department of Natural
Resources and environment
Collect more
3.2. Study subjects
Subjects are communities, production, management and environmental
protection activities.
4. Study methodology and methods
4.1. Methodology/ approach
System and interdisciplinary are the approach of the sudy. Horizontally, the
issues of environment, economics and society considered closely and
harmoniously. Vertically, there is the interaction among local, national and
international levels
- Interdisciplinary approach: sustainable development requires a tight,
rational and harmonious combination of three aspects: economic development,
social justice and environmental protection. It both meets the current requirements
and not to harms the future generations. The interbranch approach ensures
harmony between the four objectives: 1) rapid economic growth at a steady level,
2) protection of natural resources and the environment in the context of climate

change, and 3) ensuring the social equity in development; 4) ensuring consistency
and adaptation of socio- economic management. Sustainable development requires
the participation and cooperation of the ministries and departments, from the
central to local levels in all the activities of implementing, monitoring and
evaluating to address the problem in a most effective way in short and long-term.
Therefore, interbranch approach is very important.
- Community-based approach: In order to strengthen the coordination
between the parties involved, especially to enhance the role of the community in

environmental protection and sustainable development, the role of community is
very important. This is the key forces in Environmental Protection under the motto:
People know, people discuss, people do and people check.
4.2. Methods
4.2.1. Secondary information and data collection method
This method is quite popular and highly effective in the research process. In
this study, all data was published; the statistical data related to the content of the
thesis is collected and processed, including:
- The reports and statistical data in Sustainable Development Office under
the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environment, Chau Khe Ward People's Committee, Department of Natural
Resources and Environment of Bac Ninh and departments related to sustainable
development as well as the trade village environment.
- The Statistical Yearbook: Statistical Yearbook of Bac Ninh in 2009, 2010,
2011, 2012.
- The text of the law at all levels.
- The report of the management level.
- Report of the relevant projects, researches
- The survey results, published research.
4.2.2. Sociological survey methods
+ Method of semi-structured interviews:
Collecting the information directly from individuals by putting extending
questions to improve results discussed which include the determination of the

objectives and information needs to be asked and set; agreeing on the interview
subjects; Using the questions before the interview to ensure effectiveness.
Analyzing the information obtained from the interviews.
+ Method of participatory rural appraisal with people’s participation (PRA)
PRA method is to collect primary information about the lives of residents in

polluted areas, the problems encountered in life such as illness, health, accidents
and people's awareness of the problem relating to the village environment. This is a
trade village, so gathering all the people is very difficult. Thus, we have just made
the small discussions. The result of this discussion is for reference and verified
through the information gathered.
+ Methods of quantitative sociological survey using questionaires:
In order to collect information on a method based on the specific questions to
analyze and the statistically process with SPSS 16.0 software.
5. The thesis significance
+ Scientific significance
Applying interdisciplinary and community based approaches, the results of the
study has built a scientific basis for implementation of a sustainable development
plan, focusing on environmental protection in Da Hoi trade village.
+ Practical significance
The results of the thesis provide the local government and communities with
viable solutions for environmental protection and sustainable development of the
trade village.
6. Thesis structure
In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion, Thesis consists of four chapters:
Chapter 1: Research overview
Chapter 2: Socio-economic activity and its impact on the sustainable
development of Da hoi village
Chapter 3: The impact of environmental pollution in Da Hoi on sustainable
Chapter 4: Solution to improve the environment in Da Hoi village sustainably

1.1. Review of the sustainable development
1.1.1. Global sustainable development

The threshold of the twenty-first century, modern science- technology
revolution (MOST) (especially, 4 revolutions GRIN: Genomics, Robotics,
Informatics and Nano Science and Technology) is continuing to develop on a
fast rhythm, creating breakthrough achievements, changing rapidly the
development of economics, society and human. MOST has become direct
productive forces; therefore, the time of research application is increasingly
narrow, technology cycle is increasingly shortened. The world economy is
moving toward globalization of knowledge.
Besides the brilliant achievements of science and technology, human beings
are facing the great challenges of politics, culture, society and especially
In the last few decades, due to pressures of population and economic
growth, the Earth's resources and the environment have been degraded, destroyed
in some areas. A variety of environmental problems such as climate change,
depletion of the ozone layer, biodiversity degradation, declining land and
freshwater resources are challenges for the survival of humanity and the Earth. All
international organizations have to raise their voice: “Let's save the Earth" (IUCN,
UNDP, WWF, 1991, Truong Quang Hoc, 2012)
In response to this call, the international community has shifted
development strategy (emphasizing economic growth) to sustainable strategies
(emphasizing three factors: economic growth, social justice and environmental
protection, not only for the present generation but also for future generations). In
other words, sustainable development aims to improve the quality of human life in
the framework of the ecosystem.


Figure 1.1: Sustainable development model

(Source: www.downtowncary.org/an-Agenda)
After the Earth Summit on Environment and Development held in Rio de
Janeiro (Brazil) in 1992 and especially the Earth Summit in Johannesburg in 2002,
now there are approximately 120 countries around the world implementing
Agenda 21 on sustainable development at the national level and Agenda 21, 6,416
at the local level, at the same time these countries have established independent
agencies to implement this program. The countries in the region such as China,
Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia are developed and implemented Agenda 21 on
sustainable development.
At present, the world is facing the biggest crisis of economics, society and
environment, which is hot, flat, narrow and tilt (Friedman, 2005, 2009). The most
serious problem is the climate crisis - climate change.
In this context, the strategy of sustainable development of the world is built
in three directions: (i) low carbon society, (ii) social renewable resources, and (iii)
social harmony with nature (Sumi et al., 2011).
a. Low-carbon society (or energy - climate era)
Low carbon society consists of three basic contents: (i) maintain effective
economic activity while minimize the use of energy and resources, (ii) minimize
pressure on the environment with the use of each source of energy and resources,
and (iii) invest in the environment, a tool for economic development.

In this way, in many areas of social life now consist of “green” word: Green
growth / green economy, green energy, green lifestyle, green offices, green
Generally, it can be understood that the green economy is an economy
based on green energy, renewable energy and efficient energy. Green economy is
to create job, ensure sustainable economic growth and prevent environmental
pollution, global warming, resource depletion and environmental degradation. In
RIO 20 Conference, there is no legal commitment, but it has laid the first brick for

the Green Economy. Countries like the U.S., EU, China and Korea in particular is
very committed to the development of this strategy.
b. Society of renewable resources
Using renewable resources to save and use resources most effectively.
c. Society of nature harmony
This content has been confirmed in the Conference of the 10th Biodiversity
(COP10) Convention in Nagoya, Japan in 2010. Accordingly, the United Nations
launched the "International Year of the Forest" (2011) and "Biodiversity Decade"
(2011-2020) to raise awareness of biodiversity, promotes biodiversity conservation
and nature harmony on a global scale.
Most recently, the World Summit of the United Nations on Sustainable
Development (RIO +20) has been held in June 2012 with the slogan “The future
we desire “ and the two main topics “A green economy in the context of
sustainable development and poverty eradication and the institutional framework
for sustainable development “, to mark 20 years of the implementation of
sustainable development since the RIO-92 Conference, and give direction for the
next period.
The conference was not as successful as expected. After three days of
discussion, a document is not legally binding, entitled “The future that we desire” was
seen as the statement of the Conference, including a number of key points as follows:
- Laying the foundation for a green economy to improve human welfare,
social justice, reduce the environmental risks.

- Proposing to launch the intergovernmental negotiations to unify the goals
of sustainable development alternative to the Millennium development goals of
the UN in 2015.
- Reaffirming the commitment of the countries of phasing out fossil energy
subsidies, inefficient or wasteful consumption. Committing to reduce the impact
of pollution on the marine ecosystem; suggesting that countries should take

measures to significantly reduce marine litter to 2025.
With the evolution over 20 years, in the context of the impact of factors
such as climate change, food, energy and finance crisis, SD has not obtained the
desired achievements. Therefore, countries must change strategy of economic
development and transfer it to Green and environmentally friendly economy. The
reality shows that promoting green growth helps poverty reduction, creates the
potential for sustainable development.
1.1.2. Sustainable development in Vietnam
After the reunification in 1975, Vietnam has made tremendous effort to
overcome the consequences of environmental complexity by 30 years of war.
Since the 1990s, due to the implementation of innovation policy, Vietnam
economy grew with the average annual GDP growth of 7% / year. Rapid economic
growth accompanied by population with relatively high speeds and rapid
urbanization have created increasing pressure on resources and the environment.
Deforestation, reduced coverage, exploited mineral and marine resources and
ecosystems, coastal degradation, solid waste in urban and industrial zones (IZ),
declined biological diversity (biodiversity) are all alarming issues.
Recognizing the seriousness of environmental degradation and its long-
term impact on the development of the country, the Government of Vietnam has
considered sustainable management of the environment is a top priority strategy
in long-term development plans. Accordingly, the objectives of sustainable
development have been incorporated into the strategic planning, program
planning of development of the country's industries; and they have been
implemented in practice.

In 8/2000, the Government assigned the Ministry of Planning and
Investment (MPI) to be in collaboration with the Ministry of Science, Technology
and Environment and the ministries concerned to build "Agenda 21 for sustainable
development in Vietnam". On 17/8/2004, the Government issued Decision No.

153/2004/TTg "Orientation for sustainable development in Vietnam" (Agenda 21
of Vietnam, 2004). Then the Government guided ministries and locals to build
orientation for sustainable development on the basis of the orientation of the
country (Ministry of Planning and Investment, 2011, The Government of the
socialist republic of Vietnam, 2004, 2012a, b).
Council for sustainable development and its assistants - the Office of
sustainable development was established at the national level is the advisory body to
help the Prime Minister make strategic orientation for sustainable development in the
country. Implementation organizations of sustainable development are well
established in a number of ministries, sectors and localities. Since then, the
sustainable development activities are implemented systematically, comprehensively
and effectively in national scope.
Achievements and challenges:
During recent years since the orientation of sustainable development
strategy issued, Vietnam has made many achievements in economy, society and
environment which have been summarized in sustainable development
conferences (the first (12/2004), the second (5/2006) and third (1/2011))
i) Economy: The economic achievements that Vietnam has achieved
significant contributed to economic reform and poverty reduction. GDP growth
reached an annual average of 7.85% from 2000 to 2008. Economies scale and
production capacity increase. GDP at constant prices in 2010 is 2 times as many as
that in 2000. GDP at current prices in USD estimated at 101.6 billion U.S. dollars,
3.2 times as many as that in 2000. GDP per capita is 1200 USD in 2011, which is
three times as many as it in 2000. Vietnam has moved from group of poor
countries to the group of middle-income countries.

ii) Society: Poverty, population, public health, education and job creation
have gained initial achievements. Social security is focused on ensuring stability
of the people, especially in the situation of high inflation, many disasters. Vietnam

has been completed ahead of schedule the multiple development objectives and
the millennium development goals can be achieved in 2015. Vietnam achieved
universalization to primary education in 2000; the quality of education is
gradually improved. The poverty rate decreased from 28.9% in 2002 to 9.45% in
2010, the national average annual reduction of 2% of poor households. The
average income of poor households increased 2.0 times during the same period,
the lives of the poor, the rural areas, mountainous are improved. The life
conditions are improved significantly. Vietnam continues to support for the poor
with materials or cash to rebuild their houses.
iii) Environment: The institution and policy on environment have been built
completely and comprehensively. Management system is stability from the central
to local levels. Funding for protection environment has been added. Measures to
prevent pollution, biodiversity conservation have many positive results. The
integration of environmental issues from the strategic planning phase and
preparation phase of the project investment has contributed to limiting and
reducing environmental pollution.
However, it should be emphasized that the above-mentioned achievements
are not commensurate with the country's potential. Economic development is not
sustainable. Institutional market economy, qualities of human resources,
infrastructure bottlenecks are still hindering development. The foundation for
Vietnam to become a modern industry has not fully formed.
The protection of the environment is still weak; natural resources are still
being exploited; pollution of water, air, biodiversity decline, indiscriminate mining
make the people upset. Policies and laws on environmental protection are not
uniform and do not keep pace with socio- economic development. Environmental
laws are not strong enough to penalize and deter violations. Workforce management
and environmental resources are insufficient and poor quality; awareness of

environmental protection and sustainable development at all levels are incomplete.

Breaking the environmental protection law is still relatively popular.
Based on 20 years of experience in sustainable development, recently, the
government has issued a new development strategy in the context of the current
global change, and the most important one is , "National strategy for green growth
period 2011-2020 and vision to 2050" and “Vietnam sustainable development
strategy for 2011-2020".
1.2. Review on sustainable development in Vietnamese trade villages
1.2.1. General issues of trade villages in Vietnam
a. The concept of the trade village
Since the ancient time, Vietnamese farmers used their spare time to produce
handmade products such as agricultural tools , paper, silk, fabric, processed foods
The craft has been extended through many generations, then many farmers can
produce the same product. Besides the professional occupations, most people work
part time for the traditional trade. However, due to the need of exchanging goods,
improving technique and expanding market, gradually the villages completely
switch to trade villages. Thus, the village appeared.
The trade village is "Vietnamese rural village with handicraft industries in which
the labor will get more income from the trade than that from the agriculture" [20, p.1].
The criteria for a trade village include
- At least 30% of the total households in the area participate in the activities
of rural industries.
- Business activity is stable at least 2 years before being recognized.
- The village follows the Government’s policy and law. [The ministry of
environment and natural resources, national report in 2008].
b. The role of the traditional trade villages
Currently, 2,100 villages employ over 11 million workers (about 30% of
rural workers) [14, p.11]. The traditional village has played an important role for the
economic development of Vietnam society, especially the rural sector:


- Production of handicraft takes advantage of abundant cheap raw materials.
The available material in the country, which is typical of the natural resources of
tropical area, concludes: bamboo, wood, silk, products of tropical agriculture (rice,
fruits, maize, potato, cassava ), and all kinds of building materials
- Vietnamese trade villages’ products not only meet the demand of domestic
market but also the international markets. In particular, handicraft items are the
most typical items (the export turnover reaches nearly $ 1 billion / year).
- The trade villages contribute to the national economy from 40-50 trillion
VND/year. It helps to accelerate the process of industrialization - modernization in
the countryside.
- The development of traditional crafts creates jobs for more than 11 million
people and thousands of farmers in rural areas, increase local people’s income.
- It helps to develop travel services. This is a new direction in line with
modern times. This brings high economic efficiency, reduce environmental
pollution, improve material and spiritual life and serve sustainable development.
c. Classification of Vietnamese trade villages
The trade village has both positive and negative effects on the economy,
society and environment. The rural industry of Vietnam is various with hundreds
of jobs. There are many ways to classify trade villages. The most popular way is
to classify according to types of production. In this way, it can be classified into
six groups:
+ Reeling, weaving and sewing leather.
+ Processing Food and pharmaceuticals.
+ Recycling (paper, plastic, metal ).
+ Crafts.
+ Building materials, mining and processing stone.
+ Other profession (household furniture, engineering, shipbuilding, paper
fans, knitting socks ) [20, p.38].

Recycling metal
Processing Food
Reeling, weaving
and sewing leather
Other profession
Building materials,
mining and
processing stone

Figure 1.2: Classification of Vietnam villages in manufacturing industries
(Source: Report of environment status in 2009, Vietnamese trade villages,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)
It also can be classified according to the scale of production (large, small,
and medium), according to waste and pollution levels, according to the history, the
extent of use of raw materials, according to market or the potentials of existence and
d. Developmental history of the Vietnamese trade villages
It can be said that Vietnamese rural villages play an important role in the
national history of construction and defense. Especially, the Vietnamese villages
prefer to self-product, self consume so that it has produced products to store and

preserve food and clothes for daily life. Most of the villages have a long lasted
history. For example, there are the traditional villages in Ha Tay (Hanoi ). From 18

century Le Quy Don (1726-1783) Y La, Thuy Trang, silk Dai Phung, La Khe, Van
Phuc, Van Noi has been very famous traditional villages. The villages in Bac Ninh
appeared in the Ly, there are up to 14 traditional villages in Bac Ninh in the total of
64 Vietnamese trade villages [19, p.12].
The development of Vietnamese trade village closely linked with the rise and
fall periods of history, especially in the last 50 years it can be divided into historical
periods as follows:

Period 1954-1978: Our country experienced destructive war along with
developed the industry, especially heavy industry and cooperative model. The
craftsmen were encouraged to participate in this model. Some villages followed
cooperative handicraft goods model and their handicraft goods are exported to
socialist countries such as the Soviet Union, Germany, and Poland
Period 1978-1985: The country was in peace and began to restore the
economy devastated by war. However, Vietnam's economy faced significant
barriers such as the U.S. embargo, the subsidy system, the pressure of population
growth. At that time, people’s lives were miserable; they must strive to live
themselves. More jobs were restored in the village to meet the needs of the people.
Period 1986-1992: This was a milestone marking the transition from subsidy
to market mechanisms with the macro management of the state. The policy of
innovation in agricultural management and the policy of development of economic
sectors have a strong impact on agriculture, rural areas and villages. However, the
collapse of the socialist countries had affected Vietnam and its trade villages. Their
main markets had been Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union; so many villages
stopped their production.

The period from 1993 to the present:
Vietnam has implemented the plan of industrialization and modernization.
Many localities have restored the traditional villages and actively searched new
markets such as countries in Asia and South East Asia.
Currently, trade villages exist and contribute significantly to the country's GDP.
1.2.2. Some characteristics of the current trade villages in Vietnam
Vietnamese trade village has some basic characteristics:
- Distribution of trade villages in the country is uneven.
Distribution and development of trade villages in the country are uneven.
The trade villages more develop in the north, central and the south, accounting for
67.3% of the villages in the country. The central has about 20.5 %, the south has
more than 12.2 % [19, p.4] (Detail in figure 1.3). Red River Delta has much more
