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Planning date: 25/9/2009
Teaching date: 6A: 29/9 6B,6C: 28/9
Total: 6A: /37 6B: /33 6C: /30
Unit 4 : Big OR small ?
Week : 7 Period : 21 A 3,4,5*,6 − WHERE IS YOUR
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice asking and answering
about one’s quantify of the school things.Describe the schools.
Teacher : E.6 textbook, Pictures, flashcards.
Students: Learn the old lesson.
The teacher’s activities Contents
1.Warm up: Chatting.
- T – Wc.
2. Pre- reading.
- T introduces about Thu’s school
and Phong’s school.
- T gives the way to do exercise:
True or False?
-Sts work in groups.
2. While- reading.
- T reads part A3(p.45) first.
- T gets Sts to read the text siliently
and then read aloud .
- T listens and corrects if Sts read
- Sts must pays attention to the
pronunciation and the stress.
- Sts check their predictions ,and

then correct the wrong sentences.
Where is your school?
- It’s in the city.
Is your school small?
- No,it isn’t.
Is it big?
- Yes, it is.
A3. Read.Then answer the
1.There are twenty classrooms in
Phong’s school.
2. Phong’s school is in the country.
3. There are nine hundred students in
Thu’s school.
4.Thu’s school is small.
5. There are four hundred Sts in
Phong’s school.
1- 2- 3- 4- 5-
- Sts practice asking and answering
the questions in pairs.(pairs work)
4. Post-reading.
- T gets Sts to read the whole
questions on page 46 and show the
new structure .
T lets Sts read the patterns.

- T asks Sts to practice asking and
answering in pairs.
- T gives instruction:
- T asks Sts to rewrite the text
according to their own school.
- T gets Sts to write individually .
- Some Sts to read out
- T reads firstly.
- Sts listen to the teacher and try to
make the stress in each sentence.
- Sts practice more at home.
- T asks Sts to repeat the main
contents in part A6.
V. Homework: - T asks Sts to:
- Do EX3(p.36): Write the
- Do EX4(p.37):Complete the
1- F 2- T 3- T 4- F 5- T
1.twenty=> eight 4. small=> big
a. There are eight classrooms.
b. There are four hundred students in
the school.
c. There are twenty classrooms.
d. There are nine hundred students in
the school.
A4. Answer.
*/ New patterns.
- or quetions:

Eg1. Is your school in the country or
in the city?
It is in the city.
Eg2. Is your school small or big?
It’s big.
a. It’s in the city.
b. There are thirteen classrooms.
c. There are four hundred and thirty-
five Sts.
* Transformation writing:
Eg.This is my school. It’s in the
city.It’s big. There are thirteen
classrooms and there are four hundred
and thirty-five students.
A5*. Play with words.
( English book-P.46)
A6. Remember.
Where is (Where’s) ?
Is it ? => Yes, it is./ No,it isn’t .
How many are there ?
It is big/ small.
Phong’s school is small.
Eg: a. Phong’s school is in the
- Do Ex5(p.38): Write the questions
and the answers with “Where”
- Sts prepare the new lesson:
B 1,2,3.5.6(P.47-48)
Eg: a.Is the bag small? Is it small?
Yes,it is.

Eg. Where is Phong’s school?
It’s in the country.
Planning date: 26/9/2009
Teaching date: 6A: 30/9 6B: 29/9 6C: 1/10
Total: 6A: /37 6B: /33 6C: /30
Unit 4 : Big OR small ?
Week : 8 Period : 22 B1,2,3,5,6 − MY CLASS
I. Objectives.
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice listening, cardinal
numbers,Ordinal numbers and “Which” questions to talk about school
II . Preparations.
-Teacher : Pictures, flashcards.
- Students: learn the old lesson.
III. Procedures.
The teacher’s activities Contents
1. Warm up: Chatting
Ask and answer about the school
2 . Pre-reading.
*/Pre-teach vacab: Elicit from Sts.
- T helps Sts practice vocabulary.
* Check vocab: R.O.R.
* Predict dialogue
- T gives instruction.
B1.Listen and repeat.Then practice
the dilogue with a part ner.
*/ Newwords
- floor (n) : sàn, tầng
- grade (n) : lớp ( nói về t. độ)
- class (n) : lớp học

- Which : nào
- have / has : có
Thu: Hello, Which grade are you in?
Phong: I’m in grade…(a)…
Thu: And which class are you in?
- Listen to the teacher.
- T hangs the poster with the open
- T gets sts to predict the missing
words then pair compare.
- Sts predict individually then pair
* Collect Sts’ ideas.
3. While – reading.
- T. gives instruction.
- T reads the dialogue (2 times)
- T gets sts to listen to the teacher
and check their prediction, (correct
the false predition)
- T checks with the w.c.
- Sts practice reading in pairs.
- T gives the new patterns.
- Sts read the patterns.
* Grid: B2 (P.48)
- T gives instruction.
- T gets sts to practise asking and
answering then fill in the grid.
* Check with the Wc.
Phong: …(b)…What about you?
Thu: I’m in grade…(c),class…(d)

How many floors does your
school have?
Phong: …(e)…It’s a small school.
Thu: My schol has…(f)floors and my
classroom is on the…(g)…floor.
Where’s your classroom.
Phong: It’s on the…(h)…floor.
a. 6 e. two
b. 6A f. four
c. 7 g. second
d. 7 C h. first
*/ New patterns:

How many floors does your school
have ?
It has four floors.
Where is your classroom ?
It’s on the first floor.
Which grade are you in?
I’m in grade 6.
Which class are you in?
I’m in class 6A.
B2. Complete this table.
Grade Class Classroom’s
Thu 7 7C 2
Phong 6 6A 1

*/ Make dialogues
S1: Which grade/class is Thu/Phong
S2: She/He is in grade 6/ class 6A.
S1: Where’s /her/his classroom?
- T asks sts to write some
sentences about you.
- T gets some sts to speak about
their school / grade / class.
4 . Post –reading.
- T gets sts to complete the
dialogue between Thu and Phong.
(B5.P.48) ( work in groups).
- T gets Sts’ results.
- T asks Sts to read the dialogue
- T asks some student to repeat the
main contents in part remember.
5 . Homework: T asks Sts to:
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Do EX B1,2(38,39) : complete the
- Do EX B4( 39): Write the
question with How many
does have?/ How many are
there in ?
- Prepare the new lesson: C1,2,3.
S2: It’s on the/ first/second floor.

Hello . I’m ………
I’m a student at …………… My
school has to two floors . My
classroom is on the sencond floor . I’m
in class ……………
B5. Complete this dialogue.
*/ Key :
1. small 2. does 3. has
4. are 5. am 6. is 7.
B6. Remember.
How many ?
Which grade ?
Eg: a. This school is big.
It’s a big school.
Eg: b. How many floors does your
school have?
It has four floors.
Planning date: 26/9/2009
Teaching date: 6A: 1/10 6B,6C: 3/10
Total: 6A: /37 6B: /33 6C: /30
Unit 4 : Big OR small ?
Week : 8 Period : 23 C1,2,3 − GETTING READY FOR
I.Objectives .
-At the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about their routine
day(in the morning)
II.Preparation .
- Teacher: Pictures of activities.
- Students: Collect the pictures about activities.

III- Procedures.
The teacher’s activities Contents
1-Warm up : - To make the new
lesson excited.
-T lets sts play a game of words.
- Can you tell me some activities
you do in the morning? (May be in
2-Presentation: - To present the
new words about activities in the
-T uses pictures to present some new
- Sts practice the vocabulary,pay
attention to the pronunciation.
-Check vocab: R.O.R

- T gives new patterns.
- Who can give the difference between
two sentences?
-T gives the notes.
- Sts listen and repeat.
-One by one speak out.
*Net word
“ What do you do in the morning?”

Ngñ dËy röa mÆt …
C1.Listen and repeat:
*New words:

-get up (v) (picture)
-get dressed (picture)
-wash…face (picture)
-brush…teeth (picture)
-go to school (picture)
* New patterns.
-What do you do every morning?

I my teeth
-What does Ba do in the morning?
He his teeth
-I,we,you,they → get,have,brush,go…
-He,she,it,Ba → gets,has,brushes,goes…
*/ The usage: Dùng thị hiện tại đơn
để diễn đạt một hành động lặp đi lặp
lại hằng ngày,một thói quen ở hiện
get up
gets up
-T read the model sentences (twice)
- T calls some pairs to practice.

- Sts work in pairs.
-T gets sts to say about their routine
Ex:-I get up.Then I…
- Others listen and retell about
his/her routine day.
*/ Change game.
-What does Ba do everymorning?
-Sts write invidually.(2 Sts go to the
-Sts share and compare with a
- T checks their writings with the
whole class.
-T calls on sts to speak aloud.
-T listens and corrects them.
5-Homework: Ask sts to :
-Write and learn new words.
-Retell about their routine day.
-Do Ex C1(p.41):Matching the word
in column A with the word(s) in
column B.
- Do Ex C2(p.41) : Put the verbs in
the correct form.
tại,một sự thật hiển nhiên hoặc một
chân lý.
C2-Practice with a partner:

P1:What do you do everymorning?

P2:I get up.Then I …
*/Retell their friend’s activities.
“-He/she gets up.Then …”
*/ change game.
S1: Every morning ,I get up.
S2: Every morning,I get up .I get
S3: Every morning,I get up .I get
dressed.I brush my teeth.
C3-Write five sentences about Ba.
“Every morning, Ba gets up.He gets
dressed.He brushes his teeth. He
washes his face. He has breakfast. He
goes to school. ”
Eg: brush my teeth.
Eg: a.get → gets b. wash →

Planning date: 2/10/2009
Teaching : 6A: 6/10 6B,C : 5/10
Total: 6A: /37 6B: /33 6C: /30
Unit 4 : Big OR small ?
Week : 9 Period : 24 C4,5,6,7,8 − GETTING READY FOR
I. Objectives.
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice telling the time clearly
exactly with : What time is it? - It’s six o’clock.
What time do/does [get up]?

II . Preparations.
Teacher: Pictures , flashcards
Students: Pictures about the clocks.
III. Procedures
The teacher’s activities The contents
1. Warm up
2 . Presentation : To present how
to ask and answer about time.
- T gives the Pictures (C4 –
*/ Pre teach vocab: Elicit from
- T guides the way to practice
- Sts listen and repeat then copy
them into your notebooks.

brush teeth get up
wash face
C4. Listen and repeat.Then practice
the dialogue with a partner.
*/ Pre-teach vocabulary.
What time : (explain)
the time : (explain)
- [ten] o’clock ( picture)
(to) be late for ….
We’re late for school

- half past [ten] = 10:30’
*/ New pattenrs.
in the morning
+ Check vocab: R.O.R
- T gives the way to ask and
answer about the time.
3. Practice. To ask and answer
about the time.
- T reads firstly.
- Sts listen to the teacher.
- Sts read the sentences about
Ba,pay attention to
- T gives some questions about
Ba’s actions on the board and asks
sts to answer, based on part
- T gives the structure to ask and
answer about the time of
someone’s work.
- Ss copy down.
- T asks Sts to work in pairs to ask
and answer the question a,b,c
- T asks sts to write a passage to
tell about the time of works they
- What time is it?
- It’s eight o’clock.
- It’s ten fifteen .

- It’s half past ten. (half = 30 minutes)
What time is it?
It’s + o’clock.(giờ chẵn).
It’s + số giờ + số phút .
It’s + half + số giờ
C5. Listen and repeat. What time is

6:00 2:10 1:00 5:15

9: 8:2
1:30 10: 45 5:20 7:30
Ex: - What time is it?
- It’s [six o’clock]
C6. Read.
Ba gets up at six o’clock.
He has breakfast at six thirty.
He goes to school at seven fifteen.
*/ Questions:
+ What time does Ba get up?
+ What time does he have breakfast?
+ What time does he go to school?
S1: Ba gets up at 6 o’clock.
S2: He has breakfast at six thirty.
S3: He goes to school at seven fifteen.
* Structure:
What time do/does + S +V +
S + V/ Vs,es + O
C7. Answer. Then write the answers.

S1: What time do you get up?
S2: I get up at 6 o’clock.

*/ Every morning, I get up at six
o’clock. I brush my teeth and wash my
face. Then I have breakfast and I go to
*/ Mai’s timetable (as for class 6B,C)
do every day.
- Sts write
- T gets Sts read their writings and
correct mistakes.
4. Production.: to help Sts hold
certain the new patterns they’ve
- T gives Mai’s timetable on the
board and asks sts to ask and
answer about Mai’s works.
- Sts work in pairs.
- T listens and corrects if they do
- Ask Sts to report the survey
Eg : Nam gets up at 6 o’clock
5. Homework: T saks Sts to :
- Learn the new words by heart.
- Do Ex C3 (p.41): write the time:
- Do Ex C4 (p.42) : ask and
answer the time about some one’s

- Do Ex C5 (p.43): write about
Tien’s activities in the morning.
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit
5(A1,2) speak about the activities
they do everyday and ask and
answer about the formal activities
Time 6.0
6.05 6.15 6.30 7.00
work Ngủ
Eg: S1: What time does Mai get up?
S2: She gets up at six o’clock.
*/ Survey (as for class 6A)
What time do you
Mai Nga

get up ?
have breakfast ?
go to school ?
Eg: a.It’s six twenty.
Eg: c. What time do you have
I have breakfast at 6:45.

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