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Chức năng giao tiếp & Câu đáp lại trong Tiếng Anh

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Chc Nng Giao Tip & Cõu ỏp Li Luyn thi TNPT-H
Chủ đề 1: Introducing - self Introducing Greeting
Giới thiệu tự Giới thiệu - chào hỏi
*Khi đợc giới thiệu, ta thờng dùng:
Id like you to meet John
Id like to introduce John
This is John.
Đáp lại ta dùng:
How do you do?
Glad to meet you
Nice to meet you
Pleased to meet you.
*Khi đợc giới thiệu, sau đó ngời thứ hai nói: How do you do? Thì ta cũng đáp lại How do you
*Để tự giới thiệu, ta thờng dùng:
Hello/Hi, Im Mary.
Hello/Hi, My name is Mary.
Đáp lại:
Hello/Hi, Im Nga.
Hello/Hi, my name is Nga.
Cũng có khị ngời ta nói:
I dont think weve met. Im Mary.
Đáp lại:
How do you do. Im Mai.
Nice to meet you. Im Mai. (My name is Lan)
Pleased to meet you. Im Mai. (My name is Lan)
*Khi biết tên nhau rồi, ta chào:
Hello/Hi Lan , đáp lại: Hello/Hi Tom
Good morning , đáp lại: Good morning
Nice/Glad to meet you. Paul. đáp lại: Nice/ Glad to meet you too, Nga.
Bài tập:

1. . Good morning
A. Good morning. How can I help you? C. Good morning.
B. Are you looking for something?. D. Have a nice day.
2. Nice to meet you.
A. This is Peter B. Nice to meet you too. C. Thats great! Congratulations D. Im fine, thanks.
3. Hi. .
A. Congratulations B. My pleasure C. Hi, too D. Hi
4. Hi, Jane. .
A. How are you? B. Hi, too C. Ok, See you soon D. Hi. Im Nga
5. . How do you do. Im Mary.
A. Have they met before? B. How are things? C. Whats your name? D. Hello.
Im Lan
6. Im Bill Thomas.
A. This is Peter B. Nice to meet you too. C. Thats great! Congratulations D. Nice to
meet you
7. My name is Bill Thomas.
A. Im Peter B. Nice to meet you too. C. Im from London D. Nice to
meet you
8. Hi, Daniel.
A. Hello B. Catch you later C. It was nice of you D. Nice to meet you, too
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Chc Nng Giao Tip & Cõu ỏp Li Luyn thi TNPT-H
Chủ đề 2: Hỏi thăm sức khoẻ Hỏi thăm mọi việc thể nào có gì mới
*Hỏi thăm sức khỏe thờng rơi vào một trong các trờng hợp sau đây:
How are you?
Howve you been?
Để đáp lại ta dùng:
Im fine, thank you, and you?
Fine, thanks, and you?

Very well, thank you, and you?
*Hỏi thăm mọi việc thế nào thờng rơi vào một trong các trờng hợp sau đây:
How are things?
Hows everything?
How are you doing?
How is it going?
Để đáp lại ta dùng:
All right
Not too bad
Too bad
*Hỏi thăm có gì mới không thờng rơi vào một trong các trờng hợp sau đây:
Whats happening?
Whats new?
Whats going on?
Để đáp lại ta dùng:
Not much.
Bài tập
1. How are you doing?. .
A. Great. Thanks B. Yes, I am C. Im reading a novel C. Im afraid not
2. How is it going?. .
A. By bike B. Not much C. No, thanks D. Hi
3. .. Nothing
A. What do you do? B. How are you? C. Are you a new comer? D. Whats new?
4. Hi, Tom. Hows everything?
A. Not bad. How are you? Hi, How do you do? C. No, thanks D. Hi

A. Not bad. How are you? Hi, How do you do? C. No, thanks D. Hi
Phm Huyn Diu Trng THPT s 2 Phự Cỏt
Chức Năng Giao Tiếp & Câu Đáp Lại – Luyện thi TNPT-ĐH
Chñ ®Ò 3: saying goodbye - T¹m biÖt
* Khi t¹m biÖt ta thêng nãi vµ ®¸p l¹i nh sau:
A: Well, I’m afraid I have to be going./I really must go now.
B: Thanks for coming.
A: It was fun
A: It was nice to see you.
B: Same here.
A: Great seeing you.
B: Same here.
A: I’ve really got to go.
B: OK. See you/See you again.
A: Bye! Lan
B: Bye! Have a good day.
A: Bye! Mary
B: See you later.
A: See you later.
B: Bye! Tim
A: Bye! Have a nice weekend.
B: Thanks. You too.
A: Take care! Have a nice trip.
B: Thanks. Bye!
A: Well, it’s getting later.
B: Maybe we can talk again.
A: Until next time.
B: Goodbye.
A: See you later.
B: So long. Take care.

A: See you tomorrow.
B: Goodbye.
Bµi tËp
1. “But it’s very late, so .”………
A. take care B. have a good day C. goodbye for now D. it’s great fun, thanks.
2. “Oh no, I’m late for my appointment. .”………
A. Catch you now B. Catch you later C. Nice to see you again D. pleased to see
3. A. “ .” - B. “Thanks, I will write to you when I come to London.”…………………………
A. God bless you! B. Better luck next time! C. Have a nice trip! D. Have a
Phạm Huyền Diệu – Trường THPT số 2 Phù Cát
Chc Nng Giao Tip & Cõu ỏp Li Luyn thi TNPT-H
Chủ đề 4: warning - cảnh báo
*Phủ định
Lời cảnh báo phủ định thì lời đáp lại cũng ở cấu trúc phủ định.
A: Dont push so hard on that toy, or you might break it.
B: No, I wont/Thanks. I wont.
*khẳng định
Lời cảnh báo khẳng định thì lời đáp lại cũng ở cấu trúc khẳng định.
A: Watch out! Be careful!
B: OK. I will.
A: Work hard or you will fail the exam.
B: I will.
Chủ đề 5: complimenting khen ngợi
I think your hair is very nice.
I really love/ like your hair. Itso beautiful.
What beautiful hair you have!
*Đáp lại lời khen bao giờ ta cũng cảm ơn.
Thanks/Thank you/ Thank you. Its nice of you to say so.

Thanks. Yours is even nicer.
Thanks. Yours is nice too
Thanks. I had it cut yesterday.
Bài tập
1. Your hairstyle is terrific, Mary?. .
A. Yes, all right B. Thanks, Cindy, I had it done last night
C. Never mention it C. Thanks, but Im afraid
2. Lora: Your new blouse looks beautiful, Helen!
Helen: ______.
A. Thanks, I bought it at Macys B. Its up to you
C. Id rather not D. You can say that again
3. - Laure: What a lovely house you have!
- Maria: _______.
A. No problem B. Thank you. Hope you will drop in
C. I think so D. Of course not, its not costly
4. - "Wow! What a nice coat you are wearing!"
- "______"
A. Certainly. Do you like it, too? B. I like you to say that.
C. Yes, of course. It's expensive. D. Thanks. My mother bought it for me k!
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Chc Nng Giao Tip & Cõu ỏp Li Luyn thi TNPT-H
Chủ đề 6: Apologizing -xin lỗi

Để xin lỗi ai ta có thể có những cách nói sau:
- Forgive me. Im terribly sorry about
- Pleas accept my apologies for
- Id like to apologize for
- Im sorry I didnt mean to .
- Oh no! Did I do that? Im sorry.
- Oh, sorry!

- Im sorry.
- Sorry about that.
Để chấp nhận lời xin lỗi ai ta có thể có những cách nói sau:
- All right/ Thats quite all right.
- I understand completely
- You really dont have to apologize for
- You dont need to apologize for
- Oh, thats alright. It can happen to anyone.
- Its not your fault.
- Dont worry about it.
- Its OK/ Thats OK.
- No problem.
- Forget it.
Bài tập
1. -Oh, Im really sorry!
A. It was a pleasure. B. Thats all right.
` C. Thanks. D. Yes, why?
2. Oh, Im really sorry! ~ _____________________.
A. It was a pleasure B. Thats all right C. Thanks D. Yes, why?
3. Im sorry about that!. - !
A. Thats right B. Of course C. Youre welcome D. Its Ok
Phm Huyn Diu Trng THPT s 2 Phự Cỏt
Chc Nng Giao Tip & Cõu ỏp Li Luyn thi TNPT-H
Chủ đề 7: thanking -cảm ơn
Cảm ơn ai đó ta nói:
- Thanks a lot/ Thanks/ Thank you.
- I cant thank you enough for your help.
- Its very kind of you to . Thank you.
- That was nice of you. Thank you.

Để đáp lại, ta nói:
- My pleasure
- No problem.
- Youre welcome.
- Not at all.
- I m glad you like it
- Dont mention it.
- Dont worry about it.
- Forget it.
- Thats OK
- Thats alright
- Never mind!
- Thats alright
Bài tập
1. I cant thank you enough for your help. .
A. Id rather not B. My pleasure
C. I dont mind D. My goodness
2. Thank you for your help. .
A. with all my heart B. Its my pleasure C. Never mind me D. All it is for you
3. Thank you for the nice gift. .
A. But do you know how much it costs B. Youre welcomed
C. Youre welcome D. My goodness
4. Anne: Thanks for the nice gift!
John: ______
A. In fact, I myself dont like it. B. Youre welcomed.
C. Im glad you like it. D. But do you know how much it costs?
5. Thank you very much !
A. Nothing B. Indeed C. Of course D. Not at all
6. Hung: Thank you very much for a lovely party.

Hoa: .
A. Cheers B. Thanks C. You are welcome D. Have a
good day
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Chc Nng Giao Tip & Cõu ỏp Li Luyn thi TNPT-H
Chủ đề 8: inviting suggesting mời gợi ý- đề nghị

Mời ai đi đâu/ làm gì, ta có nhiều cách nói:
- Would you like to go to the movies with me tonight?
- Are you free to go to the movies with me tonight?
- Do you feel like going to the movies with me tonight?

Đề nghị/ gợi ý ai đi đâu/ làm gì, ta có nhiều cách nói:
- How about going to the movies tonight?
- Lets go to the movies tonight?
- Why dont we go to the movies tonight? Để đáp lại ta có thể chấp nhận hay từ chối
Chấp nhận
- Yes, Id love/like to.
- Thats sounds great!
- Thats sounds like fun.
- Thats a good idea!
- That would be great/wonderful.
- Ok. Lets do that.
Từ chối
- Id love/like to, but
- Thats sounds great, but
- Thats sounds like fun, but
- Lets not.
- Thats a good idea, but
- That would be great/wonderful, but

- Im afraid I cant
- Sorry, I cant because
Nhng nhớ rằng nếu bạn dùng cấu trúc mời: Would you like to .? Thì khi đáp lại ta dùng Yes, Id
love/like to để chấp nhận, hoặc Id love/like to but để từ chối
Bài tập
1. - Janet: Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?
1 Susan: _______.
A. Youre welcome B. I feel very bored
C. I dont agree, Im afraid D. That would be great
2: - "Would you like to join our volunteer group this summer?"
- "______"
A. Do you think I would? B. I wouldn't. Thank you.
C. Yes, you're a good friend. D. Yes, I'd love to. Thanks.

3. Would you like to have dinner with me? - .
A. Im very happy B. Yes, so do C. Yes, it is D. Yes, Id love to
Why dont we go out for a walk? .
A. Why not B. yes , please C. Ok, lets D. Never mind
5: Alice: "What shall we do this evening?" - Carol: "______"
A. Lets go out for dinner. B. Oh, thats good! C. No problem. D. I went out for
6. "Let's go to the movie now" -"Oh! "
A). I don't B). Why's that? C). I need it D). Good idea
7. Lets go to the movie now! - Oh! __________________.
A. Good idea! B. I dont C. Whys that?D. I need it
Phm Huyn Diu Trng THPT s 2 Phự Cỏt
Chc Nng Giao Tip & Cõu ỏp Li Luyn thi TNPT-H
Chủ đề 9: asking for permission-xin phép
Mẫu câu dùng Would you mind / Do you mind Lu ý với cấu trúc này ta luôn dùng dạng phủ

định để đáp lại:
A: Would you mind if I turn on the T.V?/ Would you mind my turning on the T.V?
B: Not at all/No, of course not/ No, go ahead
A: Would you mind if I smoke here?
B: Not at all/No, of course not/ No, go ahead
Một số cách nói khác:
A: May/Can/Could I smoke here?
B: No, you cant./No, of course not./Yes, you can./Yes, go ahead/Yes, of course/Sure/Sure, go
A: Can/Could I use your phone?
B: No, you cant./No, of course not./Yes, you can./Yes, go ahead/Yes, of course/Yes, here you
Chú ý trong cách từ chối không đợc nói: No, You couldn t , thay vì nói nh thế ta nói No, You can t
Bài tập
1. Do you mind if smoke?. .
A. Yes, I dont mind B. No, I dont think so
C. Yes, go ahead D. No, go ahead
2. Could I borrow your pen?.
A. No, you can use it B. Of course, you can use it all day
C. Not at all you can use it all day D. Yes, You would
3. Could I borrow your calculator?.
A. Yes, You could B. Yes, You can
C. Yes, You do D. Yes, You will
4. May I smoke?
A. What suits you? B. You are free C. Accommodates yourself! D. Go
Phm Huyn Diu Trng THPT s 2 Phự Cỏt
Chức Năng Giao Tiếp & Câu Đáp Lại – Luyện thi TNPT-ĐH
Chñ ®Ò 10: B¸o tin
I. tin xÈy ra råi

1. Tin vui
Ex: A: I passed my exam!
B: That’s great! Congratulations! hoÆc Oh, that’s good! I’m glad to hear that. hoÆc
Good way
2. Tin buån
Ex: A: I failed my exam!
B: I’m sorry to hear that.
II. tin s¾p söa xÈy ra
A: I’m taking an English exam tomorrow!
B: Good luck!
III. tin s¾p söa xÈy ra g©y ng¹c nhiªn
Ex: A: Mary’s getting married next week!
B: Really? That’s interesting!
Ex: A: Jane won the best prize in the competition yesterday.
B: Really? You’re kidding!/I can’t believe it/I don’t believe it/That’s unbelievable!
Bµi tËp
1: – “Mum, I’ve got 600 on the TOEFL test.” – “______”
A. Good way! B. Oh, hard luck C. Yes, go ahead D. No, goahead
2 - "Our team has just won the last football match."
- "______"
A. Good idea. Thanks for the news. B. Yes. I guess it's very good.
C. Well, that's very surprising! D. Yes, it's our pleasure.
- “I’ve passed my driving test.” - “ ”
A. Do you? B. Congratulations!
C. It’s nice of you to say so. D. That’s a good idea.
4 “I’m taking my driving test tomorrow” “ ”…………………………
A. Good luck! B. Best wishes! C. Good luck! D. Congratulation!
5. “ ……………….” “Was she really? I’m sorry to hear that.”
C. Mr. Smith has bought a new house. C. Mr. Smith wanted to have a new house.

D. Mr. Smith was shot dead yesterday. D. Mr. Smith has passed his driving test.
6. “My book has been published”. “ ”……………
A. Oh, thanks B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. That’s great! Congratulations D. Good luck!
7. “John and Mary are getting married next week”. “ .”……………
A. Congratulations B. Really? You’re kidding! C. Are they? I don’t believe it D. B
or C
8. “…………… ”. “Good luck!”
A. I don’t like music B. I’m taking a test this afternoon
C. Have a nice day! D. How do you do
Phạm Huyền Diệu – Trường THPT số 2 Phù Cát
Chc Nng Giao Tip & Cõu ỏp Li Luyn thi TNPT-H
Chủ đề 11: Gọi sự chú ý ngắt lời hỏi đ ờng
I. Gọi sự chú ý
Gọi sự chú ý thờng rơi vào một trong các trờng hợp sau đây:
. Excuse me!/Hey, John/Waiter?/Sir?/ Oh, Miss/Pardon. Câu đáp lại có thể sử dụng một trong các
cách nói sau đây: Yes?/Yes? What can I do for you?/Can I help you?/Yeah?
Bài tập
1. . No, its all right
A. Lovely! B. May I ask you a question C. Excuse me! D. Am I interrupting
2. Oh, Miss?.
A. Thats all right B. Im sorry. C. Yes? D. Yes, I am
3. Excuse me, Jim?.
A. Its OK B. No problem. C. Hey, Tom D. Yeah?
4. Linda: "Excuse me! Wheres the post office?" - Maria: "______."
A. Its over there B. I'm afraid not C. Dont worry D. Yes, I think so
Chủ đề 12: Lời mời Ăn uống
A: Can I give you a soft drink?
B: Yes, please/No, thanks
A: Would you like a soft drink?
B: Yes, please/No, thanks

A: A soft drink?
B: Yes, please/No, thanks.
A: What would you like to drink?
B: coffee, please.
A: Would you like tea or coffee?
B: tea, please/Id prefer tea, please/Ill have tea, please/I dont mind (gì cũng đợc)
Bài tập
1: -More coffee? Anybody?
A. I dont agree, Im afraid B. Id love to C. Yes, please D. Its right I think

Chủ đề 13: congratulation
Đáp lại một lời chúc mừng ta thờng cảm ơn:
A: Congratulations!
A: Thank you.
Ex: Helen: Congratulations! - Jane: ______
A. What a pity! B. Thank you. C. Im sorry. D. You are welcome.
Bài tập
1. -Congratulation on winning the prize! -
A.All right B.You are welcome C.Thank you D.Not at all
Phm Huyn Diu Trng THPT s 2 Phự Cỏt
Chc Nng Giao Tip & Cõu ỏp Li Luyn thi TNPT-H
Chủ đề 14: chúc mừng một dịp / ngày lễ
Chúc mừng: Happy new year. Happy birthday. Merry Christmas. Đáp lại ta nói: The same to
you/me too.
Ex 1: Lan: Merry Christmas!
A. You are the same B. The same to you. C. The same for you. D. Hi
Bài tập
1. David: "Happy Christmas!" - Jason: " "
A. Same for you! B. The same to you!

C. You are the same! D. Happy Christmas with you!
Chủ đề 15: chúc may mắn
16. Good luck in exams! !
A. I hope so B. you mention it C. Never mind D. you too
Chủ đề 16: at a shop
Ngời bán hàng sẽ hỏi:May I help you? / Can I help you?/How Can I help you?/Would you like
some help?/What can I do for you?
Chủ đề 17: tự nhiên nhé
Để nói với bạn mình: Hãy tự nhiên nhé! Ta có thể nói: Feel at home/Make yourself at home. Để
đáp lại ta có thể dùng: Thats very nice. Thank you,
Ex: Lan: Make yourself at home.
A. Not at all. Dont mention it. B. Thanks. Same to you.
C. Thats very nice. Thank you. D. Yes, Can I help you?
Chủ đề 18: chú ý một số câu hay nhầm lẫn
What do you do? # How do you do?
What do you do? Nghề nghiệp. How do you do? Hân hạnh đợc biết bạn (nói khi đợc chào hỏi)
Đáp lại ta có thể dùng: (Yes), Im looking for /No, thanks. Im just looking
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