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Choose the best option to complete these following sentences or the best inversion
sentence for the root one.
1. No sooner had we arrived at the station ______ the announcement started.
A. than B. when C. then D. last
2. ______ he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came.
A. Hardly had B. No sooner had C. No longer has D. Not until had
3. No sooner ______ than the class starts.
A. do Max arrive B. does Max arrive C. Max arrives D. Max does arrive
4. Scarcely had Jake ______ the book report when Alan came in.
A. finish B. finishing C. finished D. to finished
5. No sooner ______ the feast will start tomorrow.
A. will the bell ring than B. the bell will ring than
C. the bell will ring when D. will the bell ring when
6. As soon as I entered the room, I noticed her.
A. No sooner had I entered the room than I noticed her.
B. Hardly had I entered the room when I noticed her.
C. No sooner I had entered the room than I noticed her.
D. Both A and B are right
7. As soon as he approached the house, the policeman stopped him.
A. No sooner had he approached the house than the policeman stopped him.
B. Hardly had he approached the house than the policeman stopped him.
C. No sooner had he approached the house when the policeman stopped him.
D. Hardly he had approached the house when the policeman stopped him.
8. I have seldom heard such a talented singer.
A. Seldom have I heard such a talented singer.
B. Seldom I have heard such a talented singer.
C. Seldom has I heard such a talented singer.
D. All are correct.
9. _______ circumstances should you call the police.

A. In B. Under C. Under no D. In no
10. Only after you abtain a driving licence, _______ a car.
A. you are able to drive B. can you drive
C. you will be able to drive D. did you drive
11. Hardly ever _______ far from home.
A. she traveled B. she has traveled C. did she travel D. she did travel
12. Hardly _______ the phone down when the boss rang back.
A. did I put B. have I put C. had I put D. I had put
13. No sooner _______ the soldiers leaped into the water.
A. had the ship touched the shore than B. had the ship touched the shore when
C. the ship had touched the shore then D. the ship touched the shore than
14. Had they arrived at the fair earlier, they _______ what they wanted.
A. had found B. have found C. found D. would have found
15. Only by working hard _______ your final exam.
A. will you pass B. you will pass C. did you pass D. you passed
16. Only when I have free time _______ television.
A. I watch B. will I watch C. do I watch D. I watched
17. _______ that I knew all about her.
A. She little thought B. She thought little
C. Little did she think D. Little she thought
18. Not only is she intelligent _______.
A. but also she is kind B. but is she also kind
C. but also is she kind D. but she is also kind
19. _______ that she couldn’t go on working.
A. So was his pain B. Such was his pain
C. He has so pain D. His pain was such
20. Never ______ to school late.
A. I go B. do I go C. I do go D. go I
21. Many books ______ yesterday.
A. did he read B. I read C. I did read D. read I

22. Beautiful ______ in their autumn colors.
A. the trees are B. are the trees C. do the trees are D. the trees do are
23. ________ there.
A. Never will I go B. I never will go C. never I will go D. All are right
24. ______ a doctor, I could help you.
A. was I B. I was C. Were I D. I were
25. Had I not met her, I ______ unhappy.
A. have been B. was C. had been D. would have been
26. _______ about it.
A. He did little said B. Little did he said
C. Little did he say D. He did little say
27. Nowhere _______ delicious dishes like here.
A. can you enjoy B. you can enjoy C. you enjoy D. you do enjoy
28. No longer ______ here.
A. he will live B. will he work C. will he works D. he works
29. In vain ______ for the missing people.
A. did they look B. did they looked C. they looked D. they did look
30. Not until I came home ______ that I had lost everything.
A. I realized B. I did realize C. did I realize D. I did realized
31. Not until _______ that she had been very important for me.
A. did she leave I knew B. she left did I know
C. she left I knew D. did she leave did I know
32. ________ him for the mistake he had made.
A. Never in my life will I forgive B. Never in my life I will forgive
C. I will never forgive in my life D. Never will I forgive in my life
33. I have never seen this film before.
A. Never before have I seen this film B. Never before I have seen this film
C. Before have never I seen this film D. Have I never before seen this film
34. She rarely makes a mistake.
A. Rarely she makes a mistake. B. Rarely she does make a mistake.

C. Rarely does she make a mistake. D. Does she rarely make a mistake.
35. ______ I the judge, I would sentence him to death.
A. Were B. Was C. Be D. Am
36. ______ I rich, I would help you.
A. Was B. Be C. Am D. Were
37. ________ his advice, I would have succeeded in the final exam.
A. Had I taken B. I had taken C. Had I take D. If I take
38. Had you not helped me, I _________ how to solve it.
A. won’t know B. wouldn’t know C. couldn’t know D. wouldn’t have known
39. Had I not stayed up late last night, I ________ tired now.
A. wouldn’t be B. wouldn’t have been
C. won’t be D. can’t be
40. Only by working three jobs ________ able to support his large family.
A. he was B. he is C. he's being D. was he
41. It was not until Andrew stopped smoking ______ healthy again.
A. did he feel B. that he started to feel
C. then he felt D. that he did feel
42. The boss didn’t know what to do, ________ the rest of us.
A. so did B. either C. neither D. nor did
43. _______ you see Frank at the conference, give him my regards.
A. Should B. Would C. Might D. Could
44. Strange ________ , he chose not to undergo surgery.
A. may it seem B. as may it seem C. was it that D. as it may sound
45. Try _________ he could not save the drowning woman.
A. did he hard B. as he might C. as hard as D. though he did
46. So ________ that she licked the plate clean.
A. being hungry B. great her hunger C. hungry was she D. had she hunger
47. Effie disliked the film, ________.
A. so did Frank B. and also disliked it Frank
C. neither did Frank D. so Frank did

48. ________ the medicine than she began to feel better.
A. Not until she swallowed B. Hardly did she swallow
C. No sooner had she swallowed D. Having swallowed
49. Only by speaking more _______ improve your fluency in English.
A. you are able to B. is it possible to C. does D. will it
50. Only after he arrived at the airport _______for his passport.
A. he did look B. did he look C. he looked D. he did looked
51. Only by studying hard ______ this exam.
A. can you pass B. you can pass C. you pass D. All are right
52. Only when you grow up, ______ it.
A. you understand B. you do understand
C. you can understand D. can you understand
53. Only if you tell me the truth, ______ you.
A. can I forgive B. I can forgive you C. I forgive you I do forgive
54. He not only studies well, but also he sings well.
A. Not only does he study well, but also he sings well.
B. Not only he studies well, but also does he sing well.
C. Not only he does study well, but also does he sing well.
D. Not only he studies well, but also he sings well.
55. You can refuse to answer my question in no way.
A. In no way you can refuse to answer my question
B. In no way can you refuse to answer my question
C. In no way do you refuse to answer my question
D. In no way you refuse to answer my question
56. I have come there at no time.
A. At no time I have come there B. At any time I have come there
C. At any time have I come there D. At no time have I come there.
57. ______ she can buy everything she likes.
A. So rich is she that B So rich she is that
C. Such rich is she that D. All are right

58. She spoke so fast that nobody understood her.
A. So fast did she speak that nobody understood her.
B. Such fast she spoke that nobody understood her.
C. So fast she spoke that nobody understood her.
D. Such fast did she speak that nobody understood her.
59. It is such a important problem that everybody is concerned of it.
A. Such is the important problem that everybody is concerned of it.
B. So is the important problem that everybody is concerned of it.
C. So is an important problem that everybody is concerned of it.
D. Such is an important problem that everybody is concerned of it.
60. ______ had he entered the office than he realized that he had left his wallet at home.
A. Hardly B. Scarcely C. No sooner D. Not only
61. _________ before has she behaved like that.
A. Only by B. Not until C. Never D. Only when
62. _______ in Rome than he _______.
A. No sooner he had arrived / was being kidnapped
B. No sooner had he arrived / was kidnapped
C. Had he no sooner arrived / kidnapped
D. No sooner was he arriving / had been kidnapped
63. Had you done as I told you, you ___________.
A. would succeed B. would have succeeded
C. will succeed D. could succeed
